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MARCH 2025

Unfortunate Events Ghost Syrian Intelligence In Daraa

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Late on December 3, five of officers of Syria’s General Intelligence Directorate (GID) were wounded when unidentified gunmen attacked their checkpoint near the town of Inkhil in the northern Daraa countryside.

The gunmen blew up a vehicle near the “al-Maslakh” checkpoint with an improvised explosive device, then proceeded to targeted the checkpoint’s personnel with light machine guns.

No group has claimed responsibility for the well-planned attack, so far. Nonetheless, ISIS cells are active in the northern countryside of Daraa. The terrorist group or local radicals may be behind the attack on the GID checkpoint.

Unfortunate Events Ghost Syrian Intelligence In Daraa

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

The situation in Daraa is slowly spinning out of control. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 782 attacks have taken place in the southern governorate since June of 2019. The attacks claimed the lives of at least 144 civilians, 268 pro-government fighters and 99 ex-rebels.

Earlier this week, the Damascus government and ex-rebels in Daraa reached a new reconciliation agreement as a part of the wider effort to improve the security situation in the governorate. The new reconciliation agreement, if it is coupled with better coordination between government forces and ex-rebels, may lead to an improvement in this field.


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Many of these attacks have Western special forces al lover them,either on their own or attached to terrorists.i don’t buy the bullshit that Wahabi nutters are responsible on their own.

Jens Holm



No it isn’t thats how they operate.

Jens Holm

You dont know how they operate. They regain themself in btter or worse conditions.



I know far more about how they operate than you.


After the liberation of Cambodia by Vietnamese forces in 1979, the US, who were not best pleased at having had their asses handed to them during the “American War”, as they call it in Vietnam, continued to do everything they could to stymie the Viet Cong. And this included continuing to support Pol Pot’s dementedly murderous Khmer Rouge. This is despite them having killed a third of the innocent population of Cambodia.

Thatcher’s stance was clear – Britain did not recognise the new communist Vietnamese government in Cambodia. So between 1985 and 1989, Britain’s elite Special Air Service (SAS) ran a series of training camps for Khmer Rouge allies in Thailand close to the Cambodian border and created a ‘sabotage battalion’ of 250 experts in explosives and ambushes. Intelligence experts in Singapore also ran training courses

This is how they operate.

Jens Holm

You always expect its “others” as well as You almost deny the reasons fx here in the the Assads, which actually has nothing runne by the regime apart from revenge, fear and bajonets.

Ypu probatly not even fare to write about it.


It was a US military victory in Vietnam. Read Frank Snepp.

Your idea of Western active combat involvement in Syria is interesting and is entirely consistent with the NATO/Forces of Satan attack on that country so hated by Israel. Short of that it’s still certain that supplies flow to the hands of ISIS from Israel and Jordan (US). How else could ISIS stay alive?

I read that US special forces balked at training ISIS/ALQ swine in Jordan so I have my doubts about US operation inside Syria. Israel would be my number one choice. We already know they support the jihadis.

The British are also prime suspects for the simple reason that they’ve spent millions of pounds on propaganda favoring the jihadis and on the White Helmet jihadis. They’re committed enemies of Assad the Mad Dog Ophthalmologist, no doubt for the same reason the US mysteriously involves itself where we have no enemies.

The Khmer Rouge attacked a US freighter and held the crew. They were just vile and I also can’t see us being on the same side with China there. I also am skeptical of the notion the British might have trained any KR in Thailand or Singapore. Their participation in Nam was zero SFAIK.

Now it is a different story as our vaunted GWOT has us supporting the ISIS animals. E.g., al Tanf. What? I still don’t buy US ground operations.

I’ll file your info away though. The US and Britain are so contemptible now that I can entertain the idea that I was naive or ill-informed before.


The British and other Nato Countries have a history of it,and the SAS DID help those terrorists in Cambodia,also remember the Contras? helped by the US military,they did the same in the Balkan wars they worked with Croat Ustashi fascists and Bosnian Islamo Fascists,Bill clinton enabled thousands of Jihadis the enter Bosnia,the CIA flew weapons into Tuzla every day even though there was a arms embargo.


The Cambodian angle is still counterintuitive to me and any trained KRs seem more likely to have been employed against Cambodian or a mere pinprick to the vastly superior Vietnamese. I don’t get the payoff. I think no one had much motivation to continue the war against the Vietnamese with zero payoff.

But . . . if the US can be committed to the sacred GWOT and still transfer weapons from Libya to Syrian terrorists it’s not like I can make a convincing case for principled, let alone moral or even rational, US action. The absurd British Skripal affair and financing of the White Helmets and other propaganda — not to mention the Steele “dossier” — don’t exactly neutralize the old moniker of “perfidious Albion.”

The Balkan adventure on Bill’s part was another oddity and, again, it seemed to me even then that the US was committed to anything and everything that advanced the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood. And were were doing not a damn thing to interfere with the ISIS oil tankers in Syria till the Russians came in turned our faces red with shame. Not sure shame is what US officials are capable of these recent decades.

I just read today, “Whatever side America’s diplomatic and military leaders are fighting for, it’s not America’s.” You can take that to the bank I think so the notion of greasy conduct by Western nations is a near certainty. Gaddafi could affirm that.

If now, then before too.


True.. And since ISIS is irregular army of the NATO countries , USA and Israel – its truth either way..

Jens Holm

…And curly zionist use long curky hair for snipers camouflage too:)


I have no time now for ur paid, retarded, random text generated crap… Go bother someone else..

Jens Holm

The main problems are You have carrots in Your ears and deny to listen to, whats normal in other countries, so violent solutions are not needed.

Assads has dont no such things for decades and insist the Bath corrupt plundering of the citicens living in Syria.

You not even has a reaction to, that 5 mio. citicens are not even in the country. Sy ria is no cpuntry but a private property by Assads caring not a single shiit about it,

Nato is not even in Syria with a single soldier

in its best Your lying comments are ike this https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/789a17fa71daf21002c4c328ac08d9bd7f48b8e399a90ab8d5e98d15f5bfd10c.jpg

Rafik Chauhan

IT is specail opertaio of Mossad and CIA to distrupt south syria. there is no doubt .

Jens Holm

crap again.


Is Jens in a crappy mood today? :)

Jens Holm

The area is well descriebed for the fightings for years. W all know who is there and what they think an do.

AS usual foreigners are blamed for things, which are the local base for the fightings. Anybody else is guilty then the Assads.

What Assads also do here is exact the same as usual as well. The ones, which are negosiated into passive citicens again are slice by slice revenged on even including forced to be the Assad Army.

By that they go back to resistance and irt makes no difference, where they fx get their weapons.

The WHY is not solved. For those people its no peaceconditions but AGAIN

There is no other toold´s for them. There is no parlamentarisme, where they at least could get a voice.

Jens Holm

The area is well descriebed for the fightings for years. W all know who is there and what they think an do.

AS usual foreigners are blamed for things, which are the local base for the fightings. Anybody else is guilty then the Assads.

What Assads also do here is exact the same as usual as well. The ones, which are negosiated into passive citicens again are slice by slice revenged on even including forced to be the Assad Army.

By that they go back to resistance and irt makes no difference, where they fx get their weapons.

The WHY is not solved. For those people its no peaceconditions but AGAIN …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Both Russia and Iran are trying to recruit as many ex FSA fighters as they can into their own armies but the Iranians have an advantage over the Russians, and that’s because many of the ex FSA fighters who join the Russian backed 5th army corps are arrested by pro Iranian members of Syrian Intelligence agency or members of the Air Force Intelligence soon after they join the Russian units. But no ex FSA recruits who join the Iranian backed 4th division or either of the Intelligence agencies is ever arrested after a reconciliation agreement is signed with Iran, only the people who join the Russian backed 5th corps are ever arrested. So why is that the case, are the Russian’s just terrible judges of character and all the recruits they choose are bad, is that why the Iranians arrest them soon after the Russians recruit them, or is there another reason they’re arrested. Come on all you pro Russian supporters what are you all doing, can’t you see what’s happening in Darra, Quneitra, and As Suwayda, now’s the time to speak up and support Russia if you really do, and if you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, it’s time you found out. Just google search for “Russian military recruitment in Darra” and “Iranian military recruitment in Darra”, and when you get the search results just choose whichever sites you trust the most, and then find out what they have to say, but since everyone’s saying the same thing it won’t really matter which site you choose, there’s a consensus between them all.


That’s hard to believe. The Russians would see that those arrests would destroy their reputation. Assad is committed to reconciliation and uses former jihadis even and Russian recruitment is consistent with that policy.

I was unaware of such Russian recruitment so it’s news to me.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It is hard to believe and even harder to comprehend. And those arrests are doing a lot more than just harming Russia’s reputation, they’re jeopardizing the whole reconciliation process in the south. Russian guarantees of amnesty for military service are no longer as appealing as they once were, which means ex opposition fighters who want rock solid guarantees before they commit themselves to the reconciliation process won’t be as eager to join the Russian 5th army corps. Russia’s been recruiting ex opposition fighters into the 4th SAA army corps from as early as 2017, and they’ve been recruiting ex FSA fighters into the 5th SAA army corps from mid 2018, but Iran’s only recently started doing the same for the 4th SAA division and military intelligence, but due to their dirty tactics Iran’s catching up to the Russian very quickly.


I’m still having a hard time believing the Russians would be so stupid. I think of them as very astute these days. Maybe they were fooled into giving the guarantees but then that assumes their and the SAG working at cross purposes which I just don’t see as a possibility. I’ll take your word on these arrests but will be looking for more detail to be sure.

I also find the notion of Iranian “dirty tricks” to be suspect. I’m not dissing you but I believe the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Security (VIPS) group defeats the lie about Iran’s being the chief sponsor of terror in the world and as Western nations have sung that song for a long time I take everything said about Iran with a grain of salt.

The US supported Hussein in his war against Iran involving widespread use of chemical weapons and the death toll attributable to US meddling in Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia, Syria, Libya, and Yemen is well over a million and to me “dirty tricks” of Iran is a direct translation from the Farsi “we have a right to defend ourselves.” “Dirty tricks” seems more like an apt description of what the West has been up to in the ME for some 70 years.

I get it that Ayatollah Khomeini was a vicious bastard but time has move on and I think it’s unfair to say that have not cleaned up their act a good bit. Certainly when we compare their conduct with American, Israeli, Turkish, British, French, Sauid, Qatari, and Danish conduct the ones with the stink on them aren’t the Iranians.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s not a matter of Russian stupidity, I actually think they’re doing exactly what’s needed to advance the peace process [in the south of Syria]. May I also suggest you find out what the majority of the Syrian population think about both Iran and Russia being present in their country, I can find many instances of approval for what Russia’s been doing over the last 2 years, but I can’t find one positive thing the locals are saying about Iran and their proxy forces, that in itself is very revealing and a warning sign things aren’t what they seem to be. Up until 2 years ago I used to believe Iran wasn’t as bad as the US but I have to admit I no longer think that, now I think they’re just as bad as everyone else. The biggest joke on everyone is the US, Russia, Turkey, and Iran are all politically on the same side, they’re all promoting resolution 2254 as the answer for all of Syria’s problems, but Assad himself doesn’t seem to think it’s the answer. Opposition news sites are an excellent source of info, they’ll tell you all things your own side won’t, I started using them 2 years ago and feel I understand the situation in Syria way better than I ever did before, they haven’t made me switch sides but they have opened my eyes, they tell me the things my own side never tells me. The commanders of the Russian backed 5th army corps 8th Brigade are the people who interest me the most lately, and they have nothing at all positive to say about Iran, they even sent their top commander to Jordan recently to discuss anti Iranian security measures with the Jordanian Intelligence agencies, and as I keep pointing out he’s still the commander of the Russian backed 8th Brigade. If the leaders of the Russian backed army in Syria are constantly accusing Iran/Hezbollah of being the biggest impediment to the ONGOING reconciliation process in southern Syria, and Russia hasn’t sacked them after 2 years of doing it, I’d take a guess and say that Russia actually approves of what they’re doing and saying, if they didn’t they would’ve been replaced long ago. Do some research and find out what the leaders of the Russian backed army in Syria have to say about Iran and Hezbollah, I think they’re just saying what the Russians can’t say due to diplomatic concerns.

Here’s an interesting article that helps explain the conflicting interests between Russia and Iran. it also points out the dirty tricks Iran uses to outmaneuver Russia in Darra and Quneitra.



Thank you very much for your detailed response which I think is very interesting. The huge investment by the British in propagandizing the Syrian population and the astonishing foreign obsession with getting Assad out (with zero concern for what might follow) coupled with the dishonest atrocity yarn spinning make it hard to piece together anything that explains it all. It’s a bit like reading about cases, cases, cases, cases in the US but rarely seeing mortality discussed in the context of risk factors, mask/distancing efficacy, relative morbidity, efficacy of HCQ, etc.

I despise the US obsession with regime change here, there and everywhere and have enormous sympathy for the Syrians who’ve seen their country trashed and sanctioned and citizens killed by the hundreds of thousands. I gather the Russians are hugely respected and appreciated and assumed that the Iranians were viewed in the same light though I confess it’s odd that with as much reading as I’ve done about Syria I’ve still not got a clear picture of what exactly their assistance consists of.

Anyway, that’s neither here nor there just now and I will read the material at the link you provided with interest.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re very welcome, and thanks for your honest questioning and willingness to find out more, there’s never too much you can find out. And it is very hard to keep track of a war that’s changed it’s persona several times over it’s course. The Arab League started off wanting Assad out of power more than anyone, and now they’re the one’s who want him to remain in power more than anyone else [even the Russians and Iranians]. So it doesn’t make sense to anyone who looks at it rationally, it’s actually become a very irrational war, so I don’t think any of us have a truly clear picture of what’s really going on, even the main players themselves.

Icarus Tanović

Clearly infiltration over Golan (Jawlan) hights. Wahhabis-Zionists monstrous army. One can just watch Aliens with Sigourney Weaver and see who they really are.

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