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Unfriendly US And EU Policy Against Russia In Light Of Special Operation In Ukraine

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Unfriendly US And EU Policy Against Russia In Light Of Special Operation In Ukraine

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The rhetoric of the conflict in Ukraine is multifaceted. Some support the operation, some condemn it. The rhetoric in Europe and the U.S. has long been evident, but it is acquiring new forms over time, which can be seen in the official statements of EU and U.S. representatives.

On April 17, U.S. Defense Department officials at a briefing announced an increase in artillery and ammunition supplies. According to the U.S. assessment, an escalation may occur in the next few days, they added. The U.S. assessment came after explosions in the Darnitsa district on the outskirts of Kyiv early Saturday morning.

Ukraine’s diplomat and Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States, Oksana Makarova, said, “We hear constantly, no matter what false communication comes out of the Kremlin, no matter what intimidation is heard in notes or direct statements, the United States says very clearly and publicly that they are with Ukraine, supporting us in our fight for our own lives, for democracy and sovereignty.”

Russia had earlier sent an official diplomatic note to the United States warning that U.S. and NATO deliveries of the “most sensitive” weapons systems to Ukraine “add fuel to the fire” of the conflict and could lead to “unpredictable consequences”. Nothing will stop the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden from continuing to support Ukraine, the U.S. State Department said in response.

Volodymir Zelensky is also expecting a visit from Joe Biden, although Biden himself has said that it is likely that someone from his team will visit Ukraine. The previous week, Biden approved an additional $800 million military aid package for Ukraine. This is the first time the U.S. has agreed to provide Kyiv with such powerful military equipment, including 11 Mi-17 helicopters; 18 155mm howitzers, and another 300 Switchblade drones. According to the U.S. side, this aid has already started to arrive to Ukraine.

European positions look more like consolidating with the U.S. Also on April 17, Kiev said that Ukraine had filled out an application for EU membership. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, handed Volodymyr Zelensky an envelope with a questionnaire for starting accession negotiations with the EU during a visit to Kyiv earlier in April. She stressed that the questionnaire was “the basis for discussions in the coming months. Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanyshyna later confirmed that Kyiv had received the questionnaire and hoped to become a candidate country in June.

Ursula von der Leyen also noted that “every week the sanctions are digging deeper into the Russian economy: exports have collapsed by 70 percent. According to our forecasts, the GDP will collapse by 11 percent. Russia’s national bankruptcy is only a matter of time.”

The European Commission has begun discussing a new package of sanctions against Russia, in the future, it will be the sixth package of sanctions. This time, the sanctions will target the Russian banking sector, especially Sberbank, as well as the energy sector. In addition, one can note that Estonia has closed access to its ports to Russian ships.

Comparing the rhetoric of the EU and the U.S. concerning Russia, they share the same vector – condemnation. But the parties approach the issue from different sides, while the U.S. openly accuses the Russian Federation of inhumanity, genocide, and mass executions, European politicians are more restrained and rely on the economic factor, simply stating what the Russian economy will face soon. The Russian side, in turn, refrains from harsh criticism and responses to provocations.


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You mean openly hostile, basically undeclared war.

Richard Hoard


Richard Hoard


Richard Hoard

That’s ne

Ashok Varma

Indeed, the brave and noble Russian people and their allies are fighting and defeating the whole NATO Zionist axis of Satan.


The word “Satan” originates from Sanskrit, hahaha. I further add that “Satan” was not originally in the Bible, nor is there a word for “Satan” anywhere in Aramaic or Hebrew.

The Sanskrit root word “Sat” or “Satya” means Truth. “An” is also a shortening of “Ananta” which means Eternal.

The name “Satan” as a whole can also therefore be translated as “Truth Eternal” or “The Infinite and Never Ending Truth”.

According to your own terminology, you can erroneously label Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) as something “Satanic”; since according to Abrahamic religions, anything which is not Judaic or any of their offshoots is disingenuously deemed something “evil” or “Satanic”.

According to the rotten church long before the Schism of 1054, all religions other than Judaism or Christianity were “Satanic”.

Ashok Varma

Unfortunately, US dumb violent idiots and British evil bastards have outdone even Satan or Shaataan in their blood lust US and Euro trash racists are the worst genocidal criminals in human history.


Now you are engaging ad hominem attacks for being unable to refute me.


“Unfortunately, US dumb violent idiots and British evil bastards have outdone even Satan or Shaataan in their blood lust”

Meaning they outlawed slavery and achieved the most in history. You have a tendency to scapegoat Whites for jewish behaviour, whilst being the Muslim that you are willing typically defend the Islamic genocide of 290 million people and their conquest of India.

“in their blood lust US and Euro trash racists are the worst genocidal criminals in human history.”

You do not know history, all you understand is your desire to exterminate everyone of European descent. You tolerate and ignore Soviet atrocities, or the fact Communism killed 100 million people.


In WWI, the British officers forced British soldiers to run into barbed wire, be trapped and die, without even having any cutters. Those who refused, who saw it as suicide, they were SHOT by the officers and brought disgrace to their families for not following orders. There was no war pension for their families.


So British Officers genocided their own people, their own soldiers. The ideas about population reduction, worries about over breeding and birth control were coming in at that time. The modernising of industry and agriculture meant that the people were becoming less profitable to the greedy.


I will further add you know nothing about us beyond your Marxist drivel. You them all “racists” when they are the most anti-racist, they are subject to constant racism themselves from their own governments and you write it off as if they all deserve it somehow.


Virtually all of your animosity towards Whites is a direct projection of your own vile character to avoid taking accountability for all your own troubles. You are precisely the erroneous nonsense you think about Whites, you are far more racist and enjoy fantasies of exterminating them completely.

Quite frankly you live in a country that still practices a caste system and is plagued with an epidemic of public defecation. You are racist by default and are completely incapable of any self-introspection.

Since you all think and act similarly, I am sure that’s why you believe everything that I say is commonly spoken in all Western countries.

If the majority of Whites were in any way “racist” towards any non-White, they wouldn’t go out of their way to placate you to their own detriment.

Since you come from a country where the IQ is lower than 90, I don’t suppose you have the ability to realize the difference between Jews and non-Jews.

From the onset of the Hebrew Bible, it becomes clear the Hebrews and Israelites were racially supremacist whose god named himself the only true god and chose the Hebrews above all other people to be his holy people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

“Unfortunately, US dumb violent idiots and British evil bastards have outdone even Satan or Shaataan in their blood lust”

Nothing but projection, there is substantial evidence refuting all of your claims from racial crime statistics to everything in between.

Except this is not conducive to your inflated ego, you have nothing to show for your claims other than your implicit bias based entirely on falsehood.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

What evidence do you have to reinforce your retarded claims beyond the Marxist trash you spew? Trash that was invented by jewish Marxists in Western Europe.


I noticed none of you are able to refute me. This only goes to show I’m right. If I were wrong, you would find no difficulty in refuting me. Instead of accurately blaming your own government’s corruption, you see to it that you blame Whitey for everything.


What examples can you provide to conform any of the hogwash you said?

Edgar Zetar

Moron. Satan exist only in your mind you fool. Nature is survivalist. Humans are carnivorous. Religions separated themselves from nature to dream about their dreaming monoteism god and called Satan to all the priest dislikes.


You apparently didn’t understand word I said.


But but but Indian generals say Satan ashooook



S-T-N = enemy, adversary.

You’re just speculating without any base.


satan means the accuser. Eau is water in French, it is Oh in English. Wasser in German and Dwr in Welsh, all mean water.


Yet Vladimir initially supported the “War on Terror” in Iraq & Afghanistan, now Russia’s media and politicians endlessly threaten to nuke the West.

Ashok Varma

Russia was trying to “partner” with racist west and made a total miscalculation. NATO agenda is global domination and control over Russian immense resources as time has proved. Russia should have supported US illegal genocidal wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya.


Meaning Russia wanted to be “evil” and Afghans be damned had they maintained good relations? Tell me how the west is “racist” when they go out of their way to elevate non-Whites in their own countries at the expense of Whites?


“NATO agenda is global domination and control over Russian immense resources”

There are more resources in Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, North and South America combined.

You always neglect the jewish role, or the fact Russia and China maintain good relations with Israel which you mistakenly perceive as an “Anglo-American” outpost in the Middle East. When in fact it only serves jewish interests, you should also ask yourself why they get to be a jewish ethnostate, while jewish groups go out of their way to bar any White country from having ethnostates of their own?


“Russia should have supported US illegal genocidal wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya.”

Oh yeah, I forgot you Indians want to murder Muslims too. If that’s the case, why on earth do you condemn the jewish-dominated America from doing the very same? FYI White nationalists are plagued with pro-Palestinian sentiment that is never reciprocated.

Why do you not condemn the Communist genocide of one-hundred million across four continents? From Europe to Asia, Africa, and South America? Or the fact Russia still condones the Soviet Union and suppresses their many genocides?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

What I like about anti-White bastards such as yourself is that you are living proof that the racially aware are correct about you.

I find it interesting you condemn the Islamic conquest of India that culminated in the Mughal empire, while neglecting to mention that its domination over India was permanent prior to European colonization that was much shorter compared to the Islamic occupation.

The very fact they granted you independence is completely lost upon you.

I will further add that India’s hostility to Chinese and Muslims is a thorn in the side of the jewish Eurasianist agenda promoted by the jewish Communist Yevgeny Primakov’s (born Yevgeny Finkelstein).

This is plan of his is eerily similar to Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi who founded the pan-European Union and advocated Europe’s racial dissolution in the book he wrote ‘Practical Idealism’.

• Dugin via Fronda.pl, Dugin: I am waiting for Ivan the Terrible (Interview), 1998 http://archive.vn/gYCFd “West is geographical Satan, geographical Antichrist. The West should pay for everything. It would be best to settle it with Chinese, Tatars, Muslims, all this Eurasian nomadism. […] The West is dead land. He will revive only when he is settled by Cossacks, Tajiks, and Kazakhs. They will bring life with them.”

Here’s a supplementary quote from Kalergi (who is the “the man of the future will be a Eurasian-negroid” guy that founded the European Union with the Rothschilds and Federal Reserve crew):

• Kalergi, Praktischer-Idealismus, Wien/Leipzig: Pan-Europa-Verlag, 1925, p. 23 “The precursor of the planetary man of the future is the Russian Slavic-Tatar-Finnish mongrel of modern Europe; because he, among all the peoples of Europe, is the race of the typical multi-soul people with a wide ranging, encompassing soul”

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Tell me how the west is “racist” towards other races when it constantly bashes White people? Or why did Abraham Lincoln seek to end slavery? Why was abject slavery was abolished in 1832 in England? You make blanket statements without being able to prove anything.


Last edited 2 years ago by Jack


Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution — https://ia802606.us.archive.org/2/items/pdfy-jzdqXvsS5ZHaHNVy/Antony%20Sutton%20-%20Wall%20Street%20&%20The%20Bolshevik%20Revolution.pdf

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Nah, it is all just hate-mongering. As everybody not fully consumed by eighter western (USA+EU) or eastern (RU, Serbia, China) jewish-communist media propaganda, isn t keen on killing each other. USA people are mostly nice people, German and Ukrainian people too and russians also, but the medias, and the governments with their jewish installed puppets, they are driving us directly into World War 3. We need to finish this ugly jewish muppets show, and take back the power, and bring it to where it belongs. Back to the native people ! Therefore I say power to the people ! And death to all satanist jewish cabalist scum and banker elites !

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

100% true.


I agree, the Jewish remarks make me a little uncomfortable. maybe because it will automatically discredit your message on any other platform. And maybe because it seems like the easy villain to blame. But I agree with you completely that the majority of the common folk around the world are good people, it’s the elites, and ideologies that decide and are responsible for all conflicts. Indeed the smallest government with the least amount of power is best.


Yes a little bit unfriendly. But not so much.. haha

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
hans raus

,, This is the first time the U.S. has agreed to provide Kyiv with such powerful military equipment, including 11 Mi-17 helicopters; 18 155mm howitzers, and another 300 Switchblade drones. According to the U.S. side, this aid has already started to arrive to Ukraine.”

Fantastic news but its just beggining. MQ-9 Reaper drones and long-range missiles will be next step in order to destroy airfields on russian territory. HOOAH

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

The US and NATO and Poland are too cowardly to even openly declare war on any NATION. When did the US or the NATO nations actually last declare war? The war of plunder and utter destruction of Libya was called a NFZ. Then they accuse Russia of invasion and of making war. I am SICK of the DECEPTIONS.

jens holm

Typical rethoric of the worst. We are cowards. How cheep.

You dont understad we are trying to be nice to find some solutions.

You only understand BAM BAM in Your heads and behinds. You are raised as that.

The Russian population not even know whats going on. What they now see are new Oligarcs based on coffins and undertakers.

Zeng F

US does not want solution. It is very clear that the US wants this war, and now tries hard to prolong this war to weaken Russia. For all the wars the US engaged since world War 2 excluding Korean War. None had better excuse than Russia has this time. I hate the US to act like a world police. Get our own affairs in order, get rid of ridiculous woke equity agenda before it destroys our culture completely, leave other nations alone to handle their affairs. Go back to our founding doctrine.


Russia is already weakened by their extermination of the Russian intelligentsia under Bolshevism and the subsequent annihilation of tens of millions of Russians for 30 years after. Their decision to reduce educational funding in the 1980s resulted in a shortage of skilled labour that plagued them ever since.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union made matters worse, meanwhile Putin made minimal attempts to fix Russia after Yeltsin’s presidency, resulting in their need to expand their borders with the intent of making up for their backwardness and skilled labour shortage.

Michigan Man

Absolutely right what you say ! Full support. But sadly, and that is what is so shocking to me, most of the people here really do not know about it. They never heard of it. They think it is “right-wing fantastica or evil Nazi propaganda at worst”. They misinterprete the truth as lies and lies as the truth. What is why I am always very glad to read such eloquent and on point comments like yours.


The “woke” nonsense is a product of Critical Theory, more accurately defined as ‘Cultural Marxism’. Russia and China are on board with international jewry, otherwise they would oppose multiracialism and organizations such as the UN. However they won’t since they remain Communist, no matter the facades they maintain.


Yeah, Russia totally did not attack Ukraine. It is a “peace keeping” operation after all. Never mind the fire bombing of civilians, or the fact they sent mercenaries into the Donbass that resulted in a skirmish that lasted 8 years, resulting in the inevitable deaths of civilians as a result of these clashes.

While the CIA coup in Ukraine is not justified, neither were any of the coups carried out jointly between the USA and USSR after WWII. In the end they are secret partners controlled by the same entity seeking jewish dominion over the earth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Why would Poland or even NATO declare any war? The only wars are started by USA, France and GB in NATO, point any war that was directly started by Poland – there was none.


You have the entire history of the 20th century refuting you. I suppose you blame the wars in Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Dagestan, the Caucasus, Tajikistan and Krgryzstan all on NATO too?

Or any conflict between India and Pakistan, despite the US long providing more weapons to Pakistan than India.

You don’t seem to know any history beyond the shit from RT, that’s what enables you to believe in a simplistic, one-sided narrative.

Billy Bob

Howdy troll. Most American people don’t support our Zio government. Go to US independent P L News and see how Russians defeated the Uki Nazi cowards in Mariapol by hand to hand fighting. Them Ruskies are tough y’all. Please visit independent US news outlets like P L News.

jens holm

He is a normal biased Western.

jens holm

We have freee speech here in west. People therefore dont write news are independent or dependent. We name source.

The soldier prisoners in Maripol so far are MARINES. 19 of 20 brigades and reserves are no nazis.

Zelenski as well as the parlament are well and relative sober elected. That election included Russian lovers as well as Nazis. Russian lovers went into the Palament. The Nazis and their 2,15% did not.

Russians are kept blind with no speech and brain by Putin. Maybee Darwin did it. No ears is funny. A very good contrast to Dumbo.

Zeng F

You must be kidding me that we have free speech in the US because if we do, you will certainly not be here acting as if we were morally superior. Remember the covid origin? Anyone who brought up the theory that it might be leaked from the lab was called conspiracy, despite much more evidences to support the claim? Remember FDA openly twittered that ivermectin was a horse paste, Remember we were told repeatedly that the 2020 election was the most fair and secure election, and vaccine is safe and effective? Are you aware all those claims were stated without evidences? Remember Russia collusion for years? It turned out that the entire data was faked from beginning and CIA knew about it, yet Comey and Muller somehow could not find this obvious fact? And do not forget about January 6 people still in prison, and most of them just walked into the capital hill without doing any thing and there was at least 20 FBI agents there and it was breached by someone else ahead of trump supporters?

We have a democracy? You must be kidding us. We do not have freedom of speech, all dissidents were censored, and we now do not have an objective media. Our rights are taken away from us one bit by one bit. The damn covid lock down without any concern to the cost of economy, human lives, and the future of our children.

We do not have a democracy because our citizens are badly informed, and the country is literally run by unelected deep state officials. You think Joe Biden runs the show, or trump did? He was investigated by his own executive branch for Russia collusion when both CIA and FBI knew the accusation was made up from the get go. The deep state wanted to take down trump because he probably was the only recent president who were not interested in endless foreign conflicts.

Al Doobie

‘We have freee (sic) speech here in west.’ A statement not founded in reality. Tell that to Assange. Tell that to anyone who has been shut down for trying to use ‘free’ speech when it didn’t fit the narrative. It’s pathetic when a year later you can suddenly talk about the accuracy of ‘conspiracy theorists’. If you don’t say the right things you will not be allowed to say anything. If you even realize this you are on shaky ground. So it’s definitely better for you to keep up your freely allowed propaganda and insults. Go for it.

Billy Bob

Howdy troll. Most American people don’t support our Zio government. Go to US independent P L News and see how Russians defeated the Uki Nazi cowards in Mariupol by hand to hand fighting. Them Ruskies are tough y’all. Please visit independent US news outlets like P L News.

Last edited 2 years ago by Billy Bob
jens holm

Even repeated. Has Putin replaced Your memory card. Stalin and followers did those strange Ukranian borders.

People living there was not ever asked all the way to west of Berlin. I was the dada nejt machine.

Ir ven collapsed itself making no improvements for keep.


Exactly ! Large amount of MQ-9 Reaper drones are next step. 300-500 Reaper, plusan additonal amount of turkish Bayraktars and the russians can say bye-bye to their wet dreams of occupying Donbass and steal Ukrainian land. Russia already has more than enough land, and they are to stupid to cultivate and use it properly. So why allow them to take away Ukrainian land ? Just that they also downgrade and make it erode like the rest of Russia already is ? No ! Reapers, Bayraktars, Barret 50cal sniper guns, all kinds of Anti-Ship and Anti-tank missiles, Starstreak AA weapons, and lots of guerilla ammunition like EFP IEDs and s.o. will guarantee that Russia has to stop this war of aggression, this stupid russian invasion of a foreign country. If they not realize it now, then they will sadly have to find it out the hard way. Red Army will become known as the Army red because of drowning in it’s own blood !

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

You don’t know much about modern warfare, do you. Expect a rude awakening.

Edgar Zetar

Agree with you. Modern Big Power warfare only uses drones as a tool, not real advantage using drones again a full anti aereal defenses.

jens holm

Much as the Russian warfare is inspired or runned by Assad and Armenian generals.

Sure. Sörenson is biased. But we in keeping Minsk 2 has been too kind. I will add red army behinds.

You Russian lovers act like obeying sheep. You are spendables. Many is the chance not to be eaten.


Yes, you are right. They act like sheeple. Russian fan-boys here always accusing “the West” to be coward. But who is the coward ?

Putin was not man enough to declare war, he called it a “military operation”. Oh, a true Mr. nice guy, isn t he ? Maybe he felt “military operation” sounds more hyggelig than outright war !? I don t know, ? But what I know is that he is a war-criminal now, same as Bush, Blair, Obama, Merkel, and most of the so-called “our western leaders” of today, are too. I don t want to weight thing up against each other, they are all criminals. But that doesn t spare Putin from now being one of them too.

And yes, the russian propaganda is constructed to fool russian brains. And it cannot penetrate the heads of most of the western people in USA and EU, because Russians are pre-propagandized by over 100 years of communist-bolshewic propaganda, which always called all non-communists as “bad, faschist, Nazi etc.”, whereas westerners are not pre-propagandized in that way. (But often enough in lots of other ways, that’s clear too.) So if today russian propganda claims Ukraine is a “Nazi-state” then that triggers the slow-minded russian souls and makes them hysterically scream against it. It’s that simple. They not even question if the media claiming is true. They just hear the word “NAzi” and everyting is clear for them and they start marching into the deathtraps of “their” government. Which then sends them to the ukrainian meatgrinder to die for wannebe great-conquerer Putin’s silly ambitions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

This will not make any difference: https://www.rt.com/news/553837-pentagon-weapons-list-ukraine/

hans raus

Yes, first expample is kiev and russian failed ,,operation”

More is yet to come ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Clown of Kiev


Meet me in the bunker tonight Hans, make sure you bring some more of that Baltic tea!

Edgar Zetar

USA is creating an enhanced Iron Curtain 2.0 in Europe right now, trying to contain Russia before USA pivot to ASIA. But the USA timing is wrong, guess they should use this tactics in early 2000 and not in 2022. Right now China is evolved as an peer competitor to USA Hegemony worldwide and EU is not a rival to Russia Military. Should the Pentagon and Department of State had to modify their strategies because his timing is very incorrect. Europe now is going into recession also, and guess this decade will be lost in trying to shift the plates between World Powers. Please, wake me up in year 2030 and tell me if I wasnt right on my PoV

jens holm

How can any write that kind of crap.

Is it so bad people has a good wellfare system being 10 years older and in low corruption.

Is it so bad people gets more real freedom but also has to behave as responsible ones.

Is it so bad people are rewarded by going well in school, ecucation, use skills and do hard work.

The wall was made to split Europe into two by USSR. Its also tryed to stop people from running from the Russian nightmare driven by propganda, fear and bajonets.

We want normal relative free relations to the ones taken by force in Russian expansion. For Denmar it from 1944 to 1991 the normal good relations to Estonia, Latvia, Liuanis, Poland and DDR. It was disconnected and OUT.

We will support that hard.


We are watching the same thing just from a different angle and preconceived thoughts. I raised believing USA won WWII but not anymore.

jens holm

In Communist context we are united with the proletars. They has not decidededthey should remain in that low level. It does not matter if its by Tzars or Communist infections.

We are like some kind of Antvirus.

You are in ancient times in so many things. We are Western Economics, where we work together and own each other. So there hardy is any HEGEMONY.

Your old Russian trick for splitting up does not even make sense. We in EU owe USA. They Owe us. China is high affiliated to that too.

If things goes too bad here, the China will collapse too. They have no buyers. Get it. China actually also makes the cake to share bigger. The main change is that. The dont take from the slowly declining USA.

By that recession is bad for China as well.


The affiliation you describe doesn’t exist. What Goverments wants to their populations is what matters today. China now doesn’t owe anything to the west even as so USA moved all their factories to China to raise China. Wake up friend! Goverments are Cannibals accept that reality and watch what USA did since its independence. There is not good or bad its only matter of what you thought you need to survive

jens holm

This is not about Ukraine and Belarus.

Its about all the poor leftovers in Caucasus and the many Stans. They just simplydeserve better. But its something for something. Thats normal trade as for the rest of the world BOTH WAYS.


Dear Russia, the West does not hate you because you went in to Ukraine, they hated you before you went in. They made Ukraine into a trap for you and WANTED you to go in. Then they used that as an excuse to be spiteful. Jesus came to our world and He was HATED, despised and rejected. You dont need to do anything to be hated. The US HATES you for your wealth, resources, morality. They worship demonic entities, the Black Beast, NATO and the Red Dragon the whore of Babylon, the Western Banking systems based on the petro dollar. Evil ones want to CONTROL everyone and everything. They do not have love, they are inhuman, anything human about them is a masquerade, a deceit. They accuse others of what THEY do. Evil ones are parasites on others, like cancer. They prey on humanity and even drink blood. They want to force others to be as evil as they are, to accept, to condone and even to join in with their same evil, like those in Sodom and Gomorrah.

USA Evil Empire


Edgar Zetar

Ohhh man. Please stop using Religion to explain your thoughts. War on Religions were one thousand and five hundred years ago (1500 years)… religilons were created by old societies has an survival expresion against other peoples and cultures, Religion is a weapon ask the Islam. Today all religions are apologetic, Christianism is one of the best tool, 100% nihilist, anarchic to the bone, a fine tool to govern over big masses worldwide (internal politics) thats why they expanded Christianism so well, and it is not because of GOD, because its easy to rule over Christians, thats why Christianism is so popular.


Please stop using atheism to explain your thoughts.

jens holm

War on religion is right now today and tomorrow too

jens holm

Jesus wasnt on bicycle and speed. Your creation is.


NASA and ROSCOSMOS should hire Jesus… Was the first guy to go to heaven… Then the plot is discovered and the lies appears in front of your naked eyes. Lol!




Since 1945 NATO the “North American Terrorist Organisation” committed all war crimes against the Soviet Union / Russia and against other non allied countries. Enough is enough. Russia finally woke up to the fact that only force can stop these NATO war crimes because might is right.

hans raus

Azov and ukr troops still destroying russian terrorists and child rapists in mariupol. video from today.Where is 100% marioupol russobots? hahahahahahahahaha


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

The minute Natostan slash USSAN weapons reach the Ukrop border they need to be destroyed. If Russia is not prepared to continue whacking Natostan filth then Mr Bear might as well go back home and wait for Satan to cross his border. This is a fight to the death of either Russia or the Natostan axis of filth and the disgusting anglZionaZi empire of shit. How in hell can these deliveries take place without being monitored by Russia when the Zatostan clowns boast daily about delivering more toys to their retarded NaZi ukrop useful idiots.


Uschi van der Lyin still imagines that there will be a Ukrop entity after Mr Bear is finished eating naZis. The old douche bag “running” the EUSSR is totally out of her depth the moment she steps outside the hair salon. What’s left of the Ukrop rump entity will be torn to shreds by the warring banderastan survivors after Novo Rossiya is successfully integrated under the warm embrace of Mother Russia. The clowns in Natostan sewer brUSsels will be feeding their Galician naZi thugs for the next century not only as deadbeat migrants into the collapsing EUSSR but indeed inside of the wasteland of what’s left of Ukropland proper.


Please goto browser settings and disable all cookies. Never ever use NATO the “North American Terrorist Organisation” media including internet social media because they spread fake news and second they breach your privacy. They control your smart devices by using their own cookies which also make your computers, laptops and smart phones so slow that takes time to open a website or to play a video. Goto browser settings and disable all cookies.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Russian forces are stranded again at Izyum. Everything attempt they make is being repelled. They can’t move forward. No wonder the Putin cockroaches are begging for World War 3. They’re hoping it would make them look a little less pathetic. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3460723-ukrainian-armed-forces-liberated-several-settlements-around-izium.html

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

“A number of settlements have been liberated by the Ukrainian military as a result of intense hostilities. But I cannot provide more information” lol yeah they liberated Lwow you fuckin retard.

Muhammad your Prophet

Starting with liberating Kiev from the Putin cockroaches all the way to Kharkiv. Actions speak louder than words. Don’t you think, Putin cockroach?


Hey, can any Russian explain why after 2 months of war, 10 million refugees, 30,000 dead, 1,000 smashed and destroyed tanks, few hundred 100 crashed planes and helicopters, many destroyed towns and smashed villages, you still call it a “special operation”? War is war, whatever you call it.


you are a retard, whatever gay name you use currently.

Edgar Zetar

Hahaha lol!

Edgar Zetar

I will explain to you dear friend. Your definition of war is incorrect and are based on wrong attributes. War (or full fledge war) is when you use more than 50% or more of your Amy to fight in different fronts. Russia is so huge and Ukraine is so small so thats why Russia called special op, only using parts of the west and south military districts. Northen and East arent using during Ukraine Op. Also Russia are not using his advanced weapons to destroy Ukraine, just using his military as a surgeon medic to achieve his goals in Ukraine.


This is weird. So the US attack on Afghanistan and Iraq should not be called a war. What is it then? And the rape of a young Russian girl can’t be called rape if the rapist is big Chechen and does not use all his strength?!? Very weird.


Dear Friend Cop. Please ask the smarter and wisdom people you known near you to teach you how to think correctly. Guess you were watching too much TV and social networks so your thoughts are a real mess.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar ZETAR

Well, I believe you are smart and wise, so explain what we should call the US attack on Iraq and Afghanistan? If we should not call it a war, because the US did not use more than 50% military force?

Edgar Zetar

Ukraine call it a war and Russia named special op. They are just names friend. If you define war as a confrontation between militaries from two or more countries then its Ukraine war but dont expect Russia to call it that way, to Russia is a special op.

Edgar Zetar

Russia wildest dreams is to China take Taiwan an open a new front and diverse the antiRussian sanctions right now. This wont happen China will take Taiwan back when China sees the right time not to help Russia.

Al Doobie

Good old lethal USA ‘support’.

Acco Hengst

Russia, DPR, LDPR to publish a list of expected/known US drone command centers to Legacy media and DoS asking of the list is accurate and updates!

No need to specify specific buildings or lat/long coordinates for them or the bases themselves. The US military, not DoS, realize that the Russians can figure that one out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Acco Hengst

Cut the F gas already and fuck the EU.

dj dd

Russia missed a very big opportunity to grab the south and east of Ukraine in 2014 with minimal human and material loss. They could have grabbed more if they wanted to. They continue to disappoint their supporters and well wishers all over the world with their inconsistencies and half-done jobs that always come back to haunt them.

Russia has been cheated many times before during negotiations to end conflicts or wars. This time it was in Turkey. Turkey wanted to host and mediate between Russia and Ukraine. And even though Russian demands to end this operation are known to Turkey and to the world, Turkish official openly held interview with CNN and said that It is not possible for Ukraine to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR and also recognize Crimea as Russian. Ibrahim Kalin went on to say that even Turkey didn’t recognize it. But we all know that the reason why Turkey didn’t recognize Crimea as Russian is because Ukraine didn’t recognize it and asked the world not to. If Russia is able to make Ukraine recognize Russian authority in those lands, will Turkey not do the same? So you see how treacherous Turkey is.

Again in Turkey Russia was deceived into withdrawing from Kiev, Chernigov and Sumy regions. The hard fought territorial gains that cost it hundreds of lives and ammunitions were given up in matter of days because Ukraine seemingly agreed in paper drafted that it will recognize Crimea, DPR and LPR as Russians. It was agreed that as a good faith, Russia should do that and that’s exactly what Russia did and she announced that to the world. Turkey was forefront into all these deceits because it was Turkey hosting this meeting. And now as soon as Russia withdrew from these areas, Ukraine refused to honour the agreement. After this horrific deceit, how can Russia agree for Turkey to host any future meetings with regards to Ukraine?

We saw how frustrated Lavrov and Putin were, what they said about the Ukrainian behaviour.

In times like this, Russia needs to maintain a step ahead of her opponents, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be so. Russia’s inconsistencies in foreign policies cost their people and cost more lives and these happen on and on and no end in sight. It must stop!

Edgar Zetar

Dont expect anything from the Turks. They are insane people very volatile and explosive culture. USA only allowed Turkey into NATO because they dont wanted to join the USSR during the Cold War. EU knowns better the Turks so thats why EU rejected Turkey plead and accesion into EU. Russia is very honest dealing with the West, they said what they are gone to do beforehand…. and you are wrong about Russia Army and Military in foreign soil or intervention Worldwide, Russia is the greatest country and land on earth, why would fight outside your frontiers, you own the biggest land to develop and now the tundra with global warming are getting habitable.


Ursula von der Leyen, that ugly fascist ghoul, is still wondering somewhere in her wet dreams of Russia being in bankruptcy. A fucking female retard.

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