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UNGA Committee Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution On Palestinian Self-Determination, Israel Is Unhappy

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UNGA Committee Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution On Palestinian Self-Determination, Israel Is Unhappy

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On November 19th, the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee voted, and overwhelmingly approved, a draft resolution in favor of Palestinian self-determination.

The vote passed with 163 in favor, 5 against, and 10 abstentions.

As has become customary, this “anti-Israel” notion was voted against by Israel itself, and the US.

“Surprisingly” Canada, “which typically votes alongside Israel in such resolutions, stood with the majority.”

“Canada’s vote today is a reflection of our longstanding commitment to the right of self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians,” Canadian envoy Bob Rae said in an address to the General Assembly, noting the draft’s support for a two-state solution.

In Canadian parliament, Conservative foreign affairs Michael Chong demanded an explanation for Canada’s vote.

“Today, the Liberal government voted against the state of Israel at the UN General Assembly for a second year in a row, contrary to our long-standing Canadian policy of opposing all resolutions that single out Israel, a policy that former prime minister Paul Martin had put in place,” Chong said.

“Even Ambassador Rae said he disagreed with the preamble of the resolution. Why did the government break with long-standing Canadian policy and vote against the State of Israel at the UN General Assembly today?”

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland did not directly address the question in her response.

“Let me just be very clear: Israel is a close and important friend of Canada, and Canada will always stand with Israel,” she said. “Let me also be very clear to Jewish Canadians in my riding and across the country: We stand with them, particularly today when we are seeing an appalling rise in anti-Semitism here and around the world.”

In addition to Israel and the US, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Nauru also voted against the resolution.

Australia, Cameroon, Guatemala, Honduras, Kiribati, Palau, Papa New Guinea, Rwanda, Togo and Tonga all abstained.

It should be reminded that the UNGA’s Third Committee deals with human rights and humanitarian affair.

The resolution emphasized “the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine” and “stressed the urgency of achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement between the Palestinian and Israeli sides,” based on a two-state solution.

It is part of a large package of 20 pro-Palestinian resolutions that are passed by the General Assembly every year.

This means that the vote will likely lead to anything.

It, however, provides chances for Israel to complain that the UN is biased.

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki praised the vote, calling it “a natural response from the international community to the Israeli occupation’s violations, as well as a response to the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to the colonial Israeli settlements.”

The Trump Administration, which is a very avid supporter of Israel is attempting to carry out some last-ditch efforts of support for Tel’Aviv, before US President Donald Trump vacates the seat in the White House in January.

On November 19th, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited the settlement in Psagot, which is part of the zone considered internationally as occupied by Israel.

He announced new US guidelines requiring all US exports from Israeli controlled areas of the West Bank to be labeled as “made in Israel,” in a reversal of decades-old policy that differentiated between both sides of the Green Line.

Prior to that, US policy has required products made in the West Bank to be labeled as such.

With Pompeo’s newly announced rules, which he said were “consistent with our reality-based foreign policy approach,” all producers within areas where Israel exercises authority — most notably Area C under the Oslo Accords – will be required to mark goods as ’Israel,’ ’Product of Israel,’ or ‘Made in Israel’ when exporting to the United States.

Pompeo insisted that the US still remains committed to achieving “sustainable peace” and will “continue to oppose those countries and international institutions which delegitimize or penalize Israel and Israeli producers in the West Bank through malicious measures that fail to recognize the reality on the ground.”

This comment is against the EU, which adopted a policy obliging all 28 member states to label exports produced in Israeli towns beyond the Green Line as having been made in the settlements.

It is notable that most experts expect incoming US President Joe Biden to be much less supportive of Israel, than Trump is, and that is expected to cause some concern in Tel’Aviv.

The Trump administration itself is likely also anxious and is attempting to do whatever it can in terms of support, in the short time span it has left.


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Porc Halal

“Surprisingly” Canada, “which typically votes alongside Israel in such resolutions, stood with the majority” … well no so surprisingly I would say … Canada is a pseudo islamo-marxist state

Saso Mange

Now that is fuckin oxymoron of sorts ffs. Pseudo islamic marxist lol lol

Porc Halal

I know, these are too complicated words for you…it’s ok if you don’t understand…

Porc Halal

Ps and fyi, canada has recently become, due to a massive influx of muslim population, an anti-semitic state …

John Wallace

Pseudo means fake / false Islamic is a religious follower of Mohammad Marxist is anti religion oxymoron , apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction No wonder someone called it an oxymoron

Porc Halal

Pseudo = being apparently rather than actually as stated

So it’s exactly what I meant…

What is your concern more precisely??..

Where did you get it marxists are anti religion?!

You are confused, big time…

Porc Halal

Ps…to be anti-christian is not equal to anti-religion (like marxists portrait themselves)

Saso Mange

I like to talk about many things with different people but I also choose when and where. When I am interested in fairy tales and fiction I surely do not come here and offer my fantasies, like you just did. This is a bit more political site than it it UFO society website. Was this hard to understand? There, I actually show you some respect but as charity since you do not deserve it.

Porc Halal

After so much blah-blah what is your point here more precisely??…

Saso Mange

”pseudo islamist marxist” :D You are just making jokes man ;) Dont drag me into it.

Saso Mange

Back in early 1900’s Palestinians were promised to have elections, to vote for their future. To this day that has been forbidden while Israel’s self determination was respected – even tho that back then Israeli representatives were terror groups like Irgun, Hagana etc This is only words, I doubt anything comes out of this unless Israel is finally forced to comply. One shit state has hijacked and suspended the international law for too long.


lets see if the icc can raise a case against netanyahu for war crimes, crimes against humanity and the rest.

Saso Mange

Hopefully they do but did any Israeli PM face justice? It’s really doubtful but I do not lose hope.

Samuel Vanguard

fact is this will not change anything for the Palestinians plight


right – the one and only thing to do is to send the jews in palestine packing for good – with guns etc in hand. there just isn’t enough space for two parties in the land and since the jews arrived late, they are the ones having to leave. under the terror they have exercised over the last 75 years, they have proven every last one of all prejudices re jews, thievery unabashed, murder galore, landgrabbing a la hitler and lying and attacking its neighbours with no regard to the law, all in all, it makes them war criminals, guilty of crimes against humanity and engaging in genocide (palestinians) and operating concentration camp gaza. all the while the world has been quiet. shameful.


The Palestinians should pass a declaration of independence in their legislature, ratify it with a referendum, and apply for full UN membership.


It won’t help them.


I guess that we won’t know until they do it.


You miss my point, they can do it but it means nothing if we don’t recognize them as a state. I do support giving them a state and end the hostilities, but not under 67 borders as they demand.


They can always request assistance. Without US intervention you’ll have two choices. A negotiated withdrawal or get pushed out.


No one can push us out, you should have learnt it by now Richard. Israel has redlines we won’t compromise, they can still get up to 85% of the West Bank and Gaza.


That’s not true. A regional coalition can easily push you out conventionally. It just a question of how much death and destruction you’ll cause in the process. The US is unlikely to intervene militarily against a regional coalition implementing UN Resolutions.

You were being overrun by Syria and Egypt in 73. And were going nuclear to stop it when the Russians pulled support from Egypt and Syria while the US poured it on for Israel. Which allowed Israel to stop the advance. That won’t happen this time. If you go nuclear it will result in a counter strike that you won’t survive.


Freeland can fk0ff for all what commonwealth cares,there is no future in 4th reicht low iq feminazis, in the end a two state policy will be adopted what the commonwealth expects,this is the law of the land,what I say goes down not the invalid weak spirited degenerate whos ideologys based on incest!

Fog of War

Israhell is unhappy ? No, not at all, they dont give a damn about these impotent declarations. The UN is a farce used to control the less powerful nations of the world and will be used to usher in a Khazar controlled world government.

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