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Unidentified Gunmen Attack 5th Corps & Iranian Forces In Southern Raqqa, Kill Twelve

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Unidentified Gunmen Attack 5th Corps & Iranian Forces In Southern Raqqa, Kill Twelve

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Early on March 25, unidentified gunmen attacked posts of the Syrian Arab Army 5th Corps and Iranian-backed forces in southern Raqqa, according to the Eye of the Euphrates.

The attacks were carried out by a group of 15 gunmen who reportedly infiltrated government-held areas in the southern countryside of Raqqa using three pickup trucks. The gunmen abandoned their vehicles and then attacked a post of the 5th Corps near the village of Maksar with machine guns and hand grenades.

“Nine service members were killed and six others were captured,” A reporter of the news outlet said. “A number of vehicles were also destroyed.”

The Eye of the Euphrates shared a video allegedly showing a number of Syrian soldiers, who escaped the attack, taking shelter in a civilian house in Maskar.

At around the same time, a second group of gunmen raided a post of Iranian-backed forces near the town of al-Resafa. During the raid, three fighters were killed and five others were captured. The attackers also seized four vehicles armed with 14,5 mm guns and large quantities of weapons.

The two attacks were most likely carried out by ISIS cells, which have been active in southern Raqqa for a few months. The terrorists sneak into the area from the Homs desert, located in the heart of the central region.

Syrian government forces and their allies are yet to take additional measures to secure southern Raqqa, where the ISIS threat is alive and growing.


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The closest enemies of Syrian army forces are the SDF/ISIS/US occupation areas, as Turkish proxies would have to travel a good distance through SDF invasion areas to get to south Raqqa, though it’s no like SDF would have any trouble giving ISIS/al-Qaeda or Turks themselves a free pass to attack the SAA.

If the SAA shows fatigue after this 10yr war, they need to be asking Russia to deploy more and better surveillance and detection systems on both land and air, it’s looking like for every raid ISIS stages on SDF supposedly killing 1 or 2, there’s like 30 or 40 ISIS raids on the SAA killing 5 or 10 or 15 each.

This whole “peaceful resolution” to the war Syria thru “negotiations” that Putin prattles on to justify his policy of making Russia interdependent with the Zioterrorist globalists through “business and partnership” is being paid in blood by Syrian soldiers. If this is allowed to continue, in time Assad is gonna have to give up and deliver Syria on a silver platter to the New World Order.

Jens Holm

Its barking galloping madness of the worst kind.


That’s normal for you, your crack-laced hasbara and trolling for Zioterrorism like a good bot are like just like you said.

Clarence Spangle


Supreme Blyat

Or when you forgot to delete your browser history and find out your friends did it for you.

Jens Holm


Supreme Blyat

… I like it :)

John Mason

You could be right; your comment is not the only one with a similar opinion and are questioning Russia’s role in Syria.

“Lavrov Authoritatively Debunked The Fake News About Russian-‘Israeli’ Relations” http://oneworld.press/?module=articles&action=view&id=1969

“Why Isn’t Alt-Media Asking About The S-300s After Biden’s Latest Strike In Syria?” https://thealtworld.com/andrew_korybko/why-isnt-alt-media-asking-about-the-s-300s-after-bidens-latest-strike-in-syria

Jens Holm

So pathetic almost funny.

The Danish soldiers being teachers in Iraq for the forces there learn the Iraiqi soldiers to be organized and immidiatly all fire back against any enemy even under surprice.

Those danes were invited in by the Bagdad goverment and even so was hit by Iranian ballistic missiles, where several soldiers and teachers now are wounded for life.

Should I feel pity for those Iranians given forced job as low educated spendable ones almost using this kind of non warfre as some kind of late contraseption???

The next election in Iran also is no election. They not even care about their own people, soo what about the rest of us??? I only see displaced persons under military command, so they cant be active opposition to the Qaums.

They not even fight ISIS. I finally allow me to write, that those most likely from ISIS could come from other places then the Homs desert.

I hope the article above is no fake. I also hope it is fake. It shows how little control any in Assads has in great parts of their private property. Its devastating so may still support those Baathists.


The Danish NATO terrorists were there to help ISIS kill Syrian soldiers. Your hasbara paymasters need to recode your bot to make sense.

Jens Holm

If so we had bombarded the DEZ military airport back to stoneage. 80 dead ones was a very low number compared to, what we were able to.

And tempting to add, we could have sended 20 F16s instead of only 4. Thats would make about 6 or 7 in 24/7.

Jean de Valette

Men for helvede mand..

Jens Holm

Facts are it happend.

Merde alor

cechas vodobenikov

jens LSD happened rehab failed

cechas vodobenikov

no educated night porter claims quisling govt invited rapist dane soldiers when entire Iraqi parliament voted that all occupying troops must leave, including those mercenaries from US colonies

Potato Man

“Nine service members were killed and six others were captured,” A reporter of the news outlet said. “A number of vehicles were also destroyed.”

What the *&^% you mean “a reporter of the news outlet said” – I get that it is hard to get info in Syria but which side said that? Syrian government – SDF – ISIL – Turk-isis – US – Zion – Wahhabi?

Clarence Spangle

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF

Jens Holm


cechas vodobenikov

jens favorite toy

Supreme Blyat

You nailed it :))

Jens Holm

For me its not about side but credebility. I dont know what kind of source “The Eye of the Euphrates” is. I have heard the name before.

If they were there, they most likely are affiliated to Assad or Iran, but we dont know. All can be fake too.

Band Itkoitko

These are special ops. I guess those “gunmen” can still be called “ISIS cells” in some broader meaning of the word.

Jens Holm

Yes, its hard to see who is who and whats really going on there.

Rhodium 10

Fake news

Jens Holm





I’m working on the parts kit for the take down AR-15 7.62×39 SPR special purpose rifle build for ET contact work security. I now have a complete upper receiver with a 16 inch barrel that’s supposed to arrive next Tuesday. A complete lower receiver and take down coupling that have arrived that I’m picking up at the gun shop and UPS store today. And 4 20 round magazines that will fit in an AR-15 mag pouch or pocket. That I ordered today. The 30 round magazines don’t fit AR gear. They make 28 round ones that do. But I can’t find them in stock.

There are other accessories that I’m researching for optics, laser, light, front and rear flip up tritium rail sights, sling, etc. Once the parts kit is complete I’ll drop it off to the gunsmith for the build. 7.62×39 is about the only affordable ammunition available in the US at this time in quantity. Whether the Russian steel jacket bullets will penetrate thick skinned ET hostiles I don’t know. But they should do better than copper clad.




I may have a tailor install slack take up fasteners on the side of my tactical vest so that I can wear it under a jacket concealed. Or over a jacket depending on the circumstances.


8 boxes of ammo, enough for 2 4 magazine 20 round loads, should be enough to get started.


Jens Holm

This is a good one too https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26e02c730cb5d9c9d4b310539682b8f5ae03b3c99d74b2d9e2890a984242ccf0.jpg


I bet you anything these raids were carried out by western special forces, what or who are ISIS really?

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