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Unidentified Gunmen Attack Syrian Army Positions From SDF-Held Areas In Deir Ezzor

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Unidentified Gunmen Attack Syrian Army Positions From SDF-Held Areas In Deir Ezzor

Illustrative image.

On May 16 morning, unidentified gunmen attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the western bank of the Euphrates River from the river’s eastern bank controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

“Unidentified gunmen opened fire and launched several rocket-propelled grenades, of the RPG type, on regime positions on the Euphrates bank, in the town of Boqruss,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said in a report.

According to the London-based monitoring group, the gunmen opened fire from the town of al-Shheell in southeastern Deir Ezzor. No losses were reported as a result of the attack.

The SOHR revealed that a smuggling route linking government- and SDF-held  areas runs in Boqruss. This suggests that the attack was carried out by smugglers.

Another possibility is that the attack was carried out by ISIS. The terrorist group’s cells are known to be highly active in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside, including al-Shheell.

The attack on SAA positions in Boqruss is a very unusual development. Both government forces and the SDF keep a tight grip of their positions in the Middle Euphrates River Valley.


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Whodunit? Lol @ trusting the IDF, I mean, SDF, after they “fought ISIS” by giving ISIS SDF uniforms to change into during their joint US/SDF Deir Ezzor “offensive” in 2017. Same can be expected in the areas of northern Raqqah and al-Hasakah where Syria/Russia deployed after their deal with SDF.

Jens Holm

And they even was in the same bathtub filled with oil. After rowing the tub as a boat for some time, they sold the oil to Trump for nothing to destabhlize the American economy.

Now they are back. Arnold is there even a little old. I will be back tos, he says, even he has never passed Babylon before.

Bathtubs wit no sails are good bodybuilding. It took some time because we were not allowed for Venezuala to use the Panama canal.


ISIS has never left Syria because the US has been in Syria since 2011.

klove and light

so the mental home allowed you to use the Internet again???


Smugglers my arse,this was the SDF Quislings.

Jose Martinez

YPG reminds me of Colombia’s ELN. The ELN operate on the Colombia/Venezuela border, the ELN calls their outfit in Colombia their Western Front. Colombia borders Venezuela to the East..

ELN Commanders are housed in Venezuela under the protection of Nicolas Maduro. The ELN wants to spread Socialism throughout Colombia as Maduro has done in Venezuela.

The YPG like the PKK want to establish an independent Kurdistan, so does the PJAK. The US considers the YPG their allies, what better way to help the YPG than by removing Assad? There have also been reports of the US coordinating attacks with ISIS in order to further destabilize Syria’s government… Best move is to crush the SDF. Turkey and Iran would be glad to help. Is an Idlib compromise really that far fetched?

Jens Holm

You knoiw nothing about it. If You were a US citicen You would vote Trump.

Jose Martinez

I thank my lucky stars everyday I’m not a US citizen. The US is plagued with mental retardation..

No more Kurdistan eh? YPG/SDF/ISIS coordinate against Assad… What do they fight for? What common ground could those forces possibly have to become situational allies eh? This has me on the edge of my seat…

Jens Holm

You know nothing and also dont want to know more. Any normal iddiot can look up at Internet by many sources, You are vertical 180 degrees wrong in Your dirty insinuations.

Jose Martinez

Who did it then? Go head, feel free to prove and disprove at will..

Jens Holm

Any normal iddiot can look up at Internet by many sources, You are vertical 180 degrees wrong in Your dirty insinuations.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The attack on SAA positions in Boqruss is a very unusual development. Both government forces and the SDF keep a tight grip of their positions in the Middle Euphrates River Valley.”

LOL, they’re right to say the SDF and the US have a tight grip on their positions all along the river, I didn’t think even a mouse could get this close to it without being spotted, this one did though. And did they say SAA positions, but I didn’t think there were any SAA up here, just Iran, Hezbollah, and some Shia NDF militias, so they must be referring to the NDF militias when they SAA positions were attacked, since the NDF militias are loosely called SAA forces even though they’re not really, because if Iran gives them their orders and paychecks they can’t really be SAA can they.

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