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Unidentified Unmanned Boats Spotted On The Shore Of Sevastopol, Crimea

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Unidentified Unmanned Boats Spotted On The Shore Of Sevastopol, Crimea

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On September 21, two unmanned surface vehicle (USV) were reportedly found in the area of Sevastopol in Crimea. At least one of them was destroyed by Russian forces. The other was thrown ashore.

The governor of Sevastopol, commenting on the explosion heard near the coast, reported it was a result of the destruction of a marine drone was carried out.

The type of the vehicles was not identified.

Photos of the second discovered device showed that it was equipped with one water jet propulsion, which allows it to develop high speed. The USV has a small size and probably low radar visibility. The UAV was equipped with a camera and an infrared long-range viewing device. Behind the camera there is a flat antenna, possibly used for navigation and communication. There is also a smaller camera and two sensors.

Some military experts suppose that the drone was equipped with a bomb or projectile. The USV was probably a kamikaze drone aimed at damaging Russian ships by self-explosion.

Unidentified Unmanned Boats Spotted On The Shore Of Sevastopol, Crimea

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Unidentified Unmanned Boats Spotted On The Shore Of Sevastopol, Crimea

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The USVs found in Sevastopol could be a variation of MANTAS vehicles that were previously supplied by the US to Ukraine. In May, Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said that the MANTAS T-12 were being sent to Ukraine to suppress Russian forces striking Ukraine from the sea.

Unidentified Unmanned Boats Spotted On The Shore Of Sevastopol, Crimea


Ukraine received a batch of unmanned stealth boats of the MANTAS T-12 type. Ukrainian operators of these drones completed a training course at the US Navy Naval Base Little Creek, in Virginia. This type of UAVs are designed for reconnaissance, but can also be used as strike weapons.

The latest USV in the T-series, MANTAS T12, was launched in January 2018 at the Surface Navy Association’s (SNA) 2018 National Symposium held in Washington DC, US.

The MANTAS T-12 type boat has a hull length of 3.6 m; a width of 0.9 m, rises only 18 centimeters above the sea surface; maintains seaworthiness in a storm up to 4 points; its cruising range is up to 120 miles; estimated payload is 63.5 kg; maximum speed is 40 knots.

In total, the MANTAS USVs are available in eight different configurations.

The discovered boats are not MANTAS T-12. They may turn out to be another weapon secretly supplied to Ukraine without any official statements from Washington.


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Definitely supplied by NATO, Ukros are too stupid to make something like this on their own.

Morons for Profit

lol, maybe not. after all, most of them seem to have uselessly washed to shore,

Cokehead Zelensky

Oooops the Russians sank my largest navy ship….snort, snort ….I still have some boats left in my bathtub….snort, snort …

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

send it to technology park in Akademski Gorodok in Siberia, their engineers will make a working replica in just few days – if not hours.


Indeed thats specialist boat,its clear if it wasn’t before Russia is under direct attack from Nato,i hope to see in the coming days and weeks they will get serious and take the velvet gloves off,these animals need teaching a lesson they will never forget.

Ed Theman

This is why Russia needs to just finish off Ukraine and get it done with. Hopefully this new mobilization can give them enough soldiers to do some major offensives and finally put an end to Ukraine and all the nonsense and all the propaganda.

I’m just sick of the dummies who keep saying stupid things like “Russia is weak”, Russia said they were going to win this in 3 days, just all the crap like this I am sure you have read.

Slava Russia

“Russia said they were going to win this in 3 days, just all the crap like this I am sure you have read.”

No, retarded NATO orcs said this to make Russians look bad.

What point is capturing Ukraine when it is filled with Azov goons who are going to destabilize and start shit?

First Putin is denazifying and then he will annex. All is going well.

Peppe il Sicario

Putin and the Russian General Staff at the onset of hostilities told the Ukranian military, “this is your problem now, deal with it…” implying not too discreetly that THEY had to get rid of Zitlensky and his kosher crew in Kiev. From a Russian perspective, they were more than likely expecting a capitulation within a few weeks at most aided by a possible military coup. What Russian intelligence didn’t expect however was how completely compromised the entire Ukie military hierarchy was: totally under the control of the US-GB establishment and its European minions. It is clear now to the National Security Council in Russia that the NATO terrorists are hell bent on trying to weaken Russia with every means possible. Unfortunately for their citizens, a lot of hurt will befall upon the NATO terrorists directly, in-house I mean, in a very short time. The Empire of Lies know they are up against not only Russia, but China, India and Iran, not to mention North Korea and a host of other countries itching to see the Anglo scum dead and gone. They stand no chance in Hell of even hoping to win. Their fate is sealed.


Given NATO were planning and organizing this very carefully over the last 8 years, is it not more likely that Russian intelligence was being deliberately fed a false line by double agents within the Ukrainian command in order to lure Russia into a NATO trap (one that, fortunately, has backfired badly)?

Peppe il Sicario

From where I stand, Nato was more than likely planning and prodding Ukraine to attempt to take-over the Donbass militarily at the beginning of the year and full military preparations by Nato were already being conducted to aid the UAF in their campaign. I can confirm that at the end of January, more or less, 3 NATO countries, the US, France and Italy were hosting massive air-naval exercises which included 3 carrier groups right over my house near the Straights of Sicily, in the province of Syracuse. They lasted an entire day and many were emphatically saying from their balconies, “we’re going to war….” The fact that NATO was doing these manoeuvres late into the evening would suggest that night-time operations were certainly on the table for an eventual attack against the Donbass and maybe even Russia. Night-time exercises are extremely rare in military circles and are conducted only when a belligerent action is imminent. To their detriment however, Russia had the intel on everything and pre-empted the attack with one of their own. In answer to your question that if there could there have been some Ukranian double-agents passing on false intel to the Russians, my suspicion is very highly likely.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

Yes i have heard that three day myth before,Russia needs to hit targets over all of Ukraine.

Robert Altmann

Russia should thank the Ukrainian supplier!


Electronic hardware with communication codes is the most precious thing, if to crack them and to make connection links opened for scanning.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Peppe il Sicario

Rumors are circulating that Russia just might take out Musk’s StarLink system of satellites……stay tuned!!


Rumors from whom? Just how are they going to take out 2000+ tiny satellites dispersed across the heavens? Other than hacking the network, this will never happen (even jamming has proven unsuccessful)

Shit country makes shit military

Is Putin’s Russia a fascist militaristic country run by corrupted lousy oligarchs?

USA Evil Empire

Of course not you dumb little shit, but your fascist tyrannical country so called USA is a global terrorist organization owned by corrupted lousy oligarchs from the Wall street and criminals from Pentagon and Langley.

jens holm

Is this thing looks like your dildo? just smaller huh?


US and UK has been killing and genicide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East.lol

Karl Pomeroy



Yes, you lying rat

Peter Jennings

And Elon Musk now has hundreds of Starlink satellites in space….for civilians purposes you understand.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC

“for civilians purposes” right, ROTFLOL

Bigg Chungus

NATO attempt to destroy Krimsky Most as part of their Ukrainian Crimea delusion…

Rabbi Glickman

Achh! This is going to hit the price of my General Dynamics stocks!


To hit the bridge!


Too small for this purpose. The bridge of Kerch is cyclopean structure with many pillars, you need to hit many, no just one of them.

Vlad from Romania

Maybe that is why they sent many boats… Who knows where the other ones will be washed ashore?! Or where they will detonate?

Zelenskyfor Theanus

Zelensky attach big dildo on tiny boat for plunging of the anus! Klaus and Gates attach corncob on end for fat buttocks of zelensky for maximum ambush of the anus. Plunging attacks again and again until great victory for the anus is monkey pox for zelensky face with abortions!


More useless Pentacon trash that the Chinese paid for.


So Ukraine is able to attack sevastopol port from sea. Cool. That’s why all the subs were evacuated.

Natalie Biden was 13

A nice trophy. Natalie Biden was 13 is grateful for the Nazi side for delivering such a piece of technology. Now Natalie Biden was 13 recommends that the RF will do the right thing and reverse engineer the naval device. After that mission is completed (not before), send the remaining prototype to our allies NK and PRC, they also should have a chance to redesign the components.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

“-Yeah, I agree that Zelenski is a bitch, sure, but he’s OUR bitch”. J. Biden

Vlad from Romania

Biden the Old moth eaten puppet asks the world to help Pakistan… How about USA helps Pakistan, their supposed ally, and stop feeding the Ukronazy monster?


Perhaps it is time to return the “gift sending action” with 2-3 nuclear armed “Shkval” high-speed torpedoes aimed at US-Navy aircraft carriers. Showing the enemy that hostile actions may have consequences pays off.

Peter Stein

The Rf should have done it long time ago.

Peter Stein

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy910FG46C4 nough said.

Paul Citro

These should be captured and carefully studied.


Dump a bunch of the same things off all along US Navy instalations and see how it goes. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.


Ahhhh. so now we know how the Moskva was sunk.

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