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‘Unidentified’ Warplanes Conducted Airstrikes On Syria’s Dumair Airbase

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'Unidentified' Warplanes Conducted Airstrikes On Syria's Dumair Airbase

The photo shows the smoke over the impact site

“Unidentified” warplanes (likely Israeli) have conducted airstrikes on the Dumair Airbase in Syria. According to reports, the airstrikes hit the radar installation and destroyed it.

The Syrian Defense Ministry and the Israeli Defense Forces have not commented the incident yet.

Most likely the strikes are likely a part of the ongoing Israeli campaign aimed at weakening the Syrian military, which is now involved in a series of complicated oeprations against various terrorist groups in the provinces of Deir Ezzor and Hama.

'Unidentified' Warplanes Conducted Airstrikes On Syria's Dumair Airbase

The burning radar installation

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Sebastien Friedrich

it’s time for Russian to stop fucking israheil ,that enough .

Nigel Maund

The bottom line is that Syria will have to shoot these aircraft down or at least have the means to do so.


Problem is Syria’s air defence too weak. Another pro Lem is the world so Queit about such aggression and maybe Russian air defences are myths


No man nothing is Myth Russia is protecting it’s own base in Syria, it does not protect Syria from any enemy, Russia come to help exterminate ISIS and 95% it did. What will Syria do now it’s up to them.Russia will not start war with Israhell over Syria. The deal was Putin to do Campaign to defeat Daesh and parts of Al-Qaeda links. But overall that is Syria Interior problem tho.


We can speculate all we want. Fact is Russia is in to protect their interest which is not their assets in Syria but to ensure Assad stays the course not to allow the pipeline.

If the pipeline had been allowed so many Syrians would be alive today as there would not have been a war but Russia would be ruined.

Fact is Russia today can build pipelines with Germany, Turkey etc is because of Syria.

So who owes more to who you decide.

My take is two ways. One the Russian Sams are useless or Russia closes an eye.

If the latter, Russia is not that an angel saviour after all nor dependable.

So essentially we do not know

AM Hants

Sorry whilst I laugh. How many Syrians died, because of the Qatar to Europe Pipeline Deal? How many more would have been slaughtered if Russia, Iran and Hazbullah refused to lend a hand?

At the end of the day, do the Syrian Government value the help that Russia has offered? They are the ones that that make that decision and not arm chair gossips.

Carol Davidek-Waller

A pipeline owned and operated by head choppers who could use those resources to invade and occupy neighboring countries. What a good idea……not.


Go put up whatever defense you have. If it’s successful, try to stopping the war it creates.


The problem is there is no established strong government in any Muslim country. Second Muslim leaders are illetrate therefore 50% Muslim countries are directly American lobbyists and they have indirectly relations with Israel.

Doctor Bashar Al Assad is a well educated president and that is why America don’t like him.


No , they dislike him because he refused the pipeline to save and protect Russia’s economy and survival Another reason is he is the only one able to unite the Syria to ensure Syria remains as one. That is why they are unanimous to say ‘assad must go and NOT allowed to take part in the elections no matter who organise it. Assad will win hands down

AM Hants

Russia is doing well with her Eastern Projects. The Qatar to Europe Pipeline deal, had nothing to do with Russia. However, which nations invested billions of $USD in the deal and assumed that Syrian natural resources were included?


Short minded, if they buy Gas from Qatar, they dont need russian gas, if you dont see that you are blind!

AM Hants

You do know that it is a very big world out there, don’t you?


Hasn’t Qatar now swapped sides, in order to keep their Chinese customers happy and trade in Yuan?

Who is the Number 1 exporter of Crude Oil?

Russia Surpasses Saudi Arabia as Number One Exporter of Crude Oil to China; Petrodollar Under Threat? Will Saudi Arabia abandon its 42-year long commitment to sell oil only in USD to win back Chinese market share? Could it?… http://russia-insider.com/en/progress/ri8325

Russian gas exports to Serbia grow by 42.2 per cent since early 2017… http://www.gazprom.com/press/news/2017/june/article335047/

China and Russia sign $400 billion, gas deal… https://duckduckgo.com/?q=china+russia+gas+supplies&atb=v60-6_e&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fgurumavin.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F05%2FChina-Russia-Gas-pipeline.jpg


When the war started or time Syria refused the pipeline which side was Qatar and why Qatar was in the forefront of support for ISIS?

Look into the situation then . If Qatar pipeline had been approved Russian economy together with sanctions would have sunk Russia worse than USSR then.

ONLY WITH money Russia was /is//will be able to survive.

Syrians died because of this and Syrians who fought so hard to ask for help to save Russia too is not asking a lot.

Yes, alone Syria cannot fight the might of US plus entire Noto , plus all the Arabs money, Russian help is mutually beneficial.

So any out there to claim Russia did a great favour for nothing is talking thru his nose.

Now both need each other and I believe Russia fully support Assad as he is the only guarantee the pipeline would not go thru

AM Hants

The sovereign nation of Syria, refused to hand over her natural resources, for those nations that wanted to get the Qatar to Europe Pipeline up and running. What happened next? Invasion time, and who is financing it all. Qatar came out, and isn’t the Pipeline Deal now Israel to Europe? How many millions have died for the greed of the Globalists and Bankers How many more are destined to be sacrificed for the same greed?

What did this psychopath have to say, with regards invading 7 nations in 5 years and why do I call him a psychopath. Not owing to his Commission, but, owing to his actions and lack of empathy for the innocent.

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five Years… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw

‘I stopped World War Three by refusing US orders to destroy Russian forces,’ claims James Blunt

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1329822/James-Blunt-stopped-World-War-3-refusing-destroy-Russian-forces.html#ixzz50NnHzAF3

How many of the nations, due to or that have been invaded did not have Rothschild Debt or an a Rothschild Central Bank? We are so being played and for what?

888mladen .

100%. But you need to understand that this is the website where Putin and RU have been idolized. That’s the only savior they know.

Tudor Miron

Joe, if you think that survival of Russia depends on that pipeline it means that you know very little :)

Icarus Tanović

You’re absolutely right, but Russia must have oil pipeline from Syria directly to Russia.

Don Machiavelli

“Illiterate”? Even lower ranked ifficials from muslim world are more educated than president of leading world nation in so valled civilized world!


I have seen Nawaz Sharif, KSA, etc I am concerned about these countries. LOL.

Don Machiavelli

Who care about USA and zio owned shitholes filled with hypocrites man… ksa is representative of zionism not that of Muslims that is my point


You are absolutely right.

AM Hants

The same with Iran and Libya, they were also intelligent nations in the ME.

Christian Abel

He is a butcher

Tudor Miron

What butcher?

Christian Abel

300 000 ppl dead cretin

Tudor Miron

What people?

Christian Abel

Syrians fuckwit

Tudor Miron

personal insult is a jew way of proving their opinion? Assad killed them himself? You knowe that you lie and you know that we know it. Goyim know and that’s why your zio masters are in panic mode :)

Tudor Miron

Personal insult is a jew way of proving their opinion? Did Assad kill those 300000? You know that you lie and you know that we know. That’s your problem – Goyim know :) That’s why you zio masters are in terror mode

Christian Abel

Putin and Assad

Tudor Miron

So Putin and Assad together killed 300000 Syrians (according to you). Do you mind to elaborate – when, where etc.? Does it include civilians killed in Raqqa?


I think you like illetrate leadership for Muslim countries to be deceived easily? Are you pro Israhell?

Christian Abel

Are you an islamonazi?

You can call me Al

The Syrians only have the S-200s, the Russian haven’t even switched their S-300 and S-400 on yet (I think).

But be patient.


At this time of uncertainty, it is illogical to switch off anything .

They are all on for certainty.

As I said , two ways . Lousy system or turn blind eye

You can call me Al

Diplomacy ?.


This is not the case. The Russians have supplied Buk anti-aicraft systems and Pantsir S1/S2 local air defense systems. The Syrians are being trained to operate these. It is possible that they are now operationally trained. Syrians have claimed the Buk and Pantsir were used against the Israeli missile strike on 1 December taking out 3 of the 5 missiles. However, givem the limited range of these systems, they also have to be in the right area to counter Istarli strikes.

You can call me Al

You are right, sorry nowadays, I just generalise on these Russian S things.

Nigel Maund

Sadly, Joe, you’re right!! I’m not so sure about your commentary re Russian air defences. as the NATO air forces seem to be treating them with respect. Russian technology in certain areas has surpassed that of the US and the use of advanced physics and electronics is one of these, as demonstrated by the use of the Su-24M mounted “Khabiny” system employed against the AEGIS destroyer USS Donald Cook.

Wolfgang Wolf

RUS and SYR let the jewish fuckers come and bomb for some time… but one day, the nazionist assholes will be surprised, if non of their planes come back home…. dont worry, be patient. is about painting ISR as the aggressor state.


Yup, I believe that’s the long term idea too. Don’t react impulsively out of anger but react smart where it will hurt Israel most and that is in the public opinion.

Christian Abel

You guys try to demonize Israel all the time.

Never worked, never will


Demonization of Israel is not necessary. The truth paints the picture by its self. It’s only fools and zionist supporters of Israel that are demonizing anyone. Bibi himself admits to Israels crimes, it’s the only truth he tells.

Christian Abel

What crimes?


Get out from under the rock that you are living, and look around the OCCUPY TERRITORY OF ISRAHELL.

Christian Abel

What territory?

888mladen .

Now a little parrot has learned a new word. How sweet.

Christian Abel

Who is “occupied”, naziguy?

Tudor Miron

People, what is the point trying to prove something to this zio? He knows their crimes very well.

Christian Abel

There is no occupation doofus

Peter Bond

The only crime committed was by the armies of Islam led by the pedo himself Mohammed!

Deo Cass

First you have no right to call yourself Christian and others NAZIS. Second, the true Nazis are the so called Israelis. When I say true Nazis, I mean German Nazis of the elite SS terror forces under Feld Marashal Von Steiner, who were granted safe passage to the US by the US regime in ‘Operation Paper Clip’ in return for them letting the allies advance towards Berlin. These same elite troops were rebranded from NAZIS to Zionists and sent to invade Palestine. Yes, these white Zionist politicians are not Jews, they are instead: …those who say they are Jews but they are not, those who say they are the Synagogie of God but are instead the Synagogie of Satan.” (John the Evangelist: Book of Revelation). These are the same false Jews who say in their heretical pharisee created Thalmud, that quote: “Jesus is a bastard son of a prostitute called Mary, who went to bed with a Roman centurian.” and that : “He deserved to die because He committed blasphemy by declaring that He was the son of God.” The Zionists are the anti-Christ and if you support them you support the anti-Christ.

Christian Abel

You are a nazi

Peter Bond

I agree, he is worse than a Nazi scum!

Icarus Tanović

He’s right. Many homeless people from Romania, eastern European orig people, American white thrash declared them selves as jews and went to Israel. Just because they’ll get 5000$ every month for doing nothing, exclude shooting to Arabs from safe position from time to time. This is the fact.

Tony B.

Uh, no. No one can immigrate to phony Israhell without proof that his/her mother is a Jew. Not officially anyway. I imagine if you had enough bucks to bribe with and were that nuts you could buy your way in.

Peter Bond

Like to ask you a question, since the inception of Israeli Arab conflict, how many have been killed? Then another question, if Arabs had won any of the wars would any Jews still be living in Israel today? I want an honest answer from a good Muslim, if there is exist a good pious Muslim then this is one of such chances to speak the truth!

Icarus Tanović

Maybe he is, but you are stupid.

Christian Abel

You have NOTHING

Gary Sellars


Tony B.

That’s right. His phony line so fake it’s not worth wasting words on him. Too, too obvious. Not even a good clown.

Michael Qiao

you have no Idea how much you’ve complemented him

888mladen .

Another mighty argument of yours.

Christian Abel

go away

888mladen .

Like wise.

Walter Mandl

Was erlauben Sie sich, mit welcher Arroganz und Borniertheit wagen Sie es, Menschen als Nazis zu beschimpfen? Lernen Sie Geschichte und entdecken Sie, wer die Nazis schuf, wo sie heute leben und wie sie die ganze Welt tyrannisieren und bedrohen!

Nigel Maund

Good commentary Deo!!! Thanks for posting!


ISRAHELL have been committing GENOCIDE on their neighbors since biblical times, the time line of their IMPUNITY came to an end in 2012, THEIR JUDGMENT IS NEAR.

Christian Abel

Genocide of what????


Read your Bible and look around Palestine, educate yourself.

Deo Cass

Mass extermination and mass forced eradication of the indigenous Palestinian population, more than 1.5 million civilians murdered by the Zio/Bazis, more than 4 million forcefully eraicated or deported or forced to flee under the Zionist tyranny bombs. Palestinian children murdered in cold blood and their organs sold to rich Zionist occupiers of Palestine. Young girls systematically gang raped while going to school and murdered in cold blood and left to die in the street with the ambulance being prevented from taking these victims to hospital until they die, lest they reveal their ordeal. Then the world is fed with lies that these teenage girls, some 13 or 14 years of age carried out some knife attack, To add insult to injury the houses of the families of thes victims are bulldozed and the foreogn false satanic Jews take their place. These are just a few of the daily atrocities and genocides being carried out by the Zionist satanic tyranny.

Christian Abel

Palestine was never a people

Peter Bond

Israel was named Palestine to spite the Jewish people, Arabs are where invaders! They can all crawl back to the arabian desert

Gary Sellars

Palestinians are descended from the original Hebrew-speaking Judeans. Primarily from rural areas, they adopted the dominant language and religion and culture of the region over the long years since the Roman conquest (ie Islam & Arabic).

Pre-Zionist Era jews were a holdout that retained their religion and culture, but were only ever a small minority (<5% by Ottomon era census documents). They were all Mizrahi jews for most of the history, then supplemented by European Ashkenzai in the late 19th century and early 20th as Euro Zionists started to migrate.

Facts provided free of charge for the stupid, if you care to learn….

Peter Bond

You must really be a paid troll, remind me again where Arafat was born, Israel was depopulated some few centuries ago and was invaded by Muslim armies over many centuries ago, the Jews were expelled or made to pay the slave tax which made them emigrate to Europe, north Africa e.t.c.

Nice try though, you must have gotten your gabbage information from Hitler himself just to spite the Jews once again even the darned Koran and beloved Bible says Israel belong to Jews!

Peter Bond

Lolsss, you must have drank a shit load of piss to spew such ignorance, Arafat himself was Egyptian, Arabs are the invaders whom invaded the entire middle east and part of Europe during days of Islamic brutal aggression. Pakistan, a failed Muslim country was enslaved by Mohammed’s invading hordes, sadly, Persia was also under the boot of the Arabs for so many centuries. Israel belong to the Jews, the Arab Muslims are from neighboring countries and they should return!

888mladen .

Too bad he doesn’t care at all. Facts don’t seem to be his strong point.

Tony B.

BULL SHIT. There is likely hardly a handful of semitic Jews in the place. All a bunch of Asiatic Khazars, offspring of Genghis Khan.

Peter Bond

Yet the Jews all need a country that they can call theirs but the terrorist Muslims wants them wiped off, go figure!

888mladen .

Why not in Canada? Why in Palestine door to door with their greatest enemies? What’s the plan? To create peace in ME?

Peter Bond

Jerusalem mate, the Jewish home ain’t in Canada son,crack open your koran, the Jews have always lived in Israel, the Arabs are the invaders, they all need to go back home!

888mladen .

During Jesus’ trial Jewish leaders declared that they had no other king than Cesar. In AD 70 Jerusalem had been destroyed by Titus Vespasian and Jews were scattered all over Roman Empire not being allowed to return and settle in Palestine any more . That was the end of their national state and sovereignty as history has recorded. So you tell me what legal right do they have today to take over the land which has belonged to Palestinians for more than 14 centuries?

Peter Bond

Spain once got invaded by the Moors, they got it back and expelled the Muslims same can be said of Israel, all Arabs need to be deported back to desert Arabia

888mladen .

By the same token you would need to be deported to UK by American natives. Alas there is none left you butchered them all the same could be said of Zionist entity.

Peter Bond

Idiot, am not an American or Zionist by standard.

Peter Bond

You are an idiot, why don’t you try then? Israel remains the only stable country in the ME. Without Israel, Sunnis and Shias must have finished each other off, the west should arm both sides with Nukes and watch them vaporize each other, Mecca and Tehran would be glassed!

Gary Sellars

You are aware I assume that most Arabs are not Bedouins? People of the ME are labelled as Arabs if they speak Arabic. eg Egyptians are “Arabs” but they are actually descended from the ancient Pyramid builders, and not the Arabs of the peninsula (they were conquered by the Arabs and adopted their language and religion,but they remain a distinct people).

Peter Bond

Bedouins are nomadic Arabs Einstein

888mladen .


Leon De Elias

Jews yes mate..Not the Khazarian,European fake Jews who are 90+% living in Israel now..

Today’s Israelis are 90% descendants of Khazarian and European converts to Judeism..Even the Times of Israel admitted in one of their own article in 2007..ooops.. Khazarian king Bulan converted to Judeism in 740 AD..

Mario Ceva


Tony B.

How come in all of sudden in this world the Jews, who own most all countries. need a country of their own? Russia gave them a country of their own. They’re keeping it but it’s not where they want it so they have stolen another people’s country. BTW, I need a country of my own, how about yours? You willing to hand me the keys to everything you own? As my brother-in-law used to put it: you write like a man with a paper asshole.

Peter Bond

Israel that Arabs calls Palestine don’t belong to Arabs, crack open any history book, Arabs are invaders simple and plain!

Tony B.

Answer the question, chickenshit, instead of spewing lies that don’t fit it.

Peter Bond

What question deepshit?

Tony B.

Oh, so all at once you can’t read tbe post you posted against. Get lost, troll.

Peter Bond

Jews have been persecuted all theie lives, history is filled with so much persecutions from the Babylonians, Assyrians, Greek,Roman,Arabs,Europe they still after many centuries in exile have come back home to Israel, where are all the Jews in North Africa, Ethiopia, Middleast? They all got expelled and found a home in Israel. Why can’t you fags get it into your heads? Israel is here to stay, all Arabs must be expelled!

Gary Sellars

Go fuck yourself zio racist maggot. Your filthy racist apartheid warmonger terror-supporting state is going down the s-bend, cuz thats were excrement belongs.

Tony B.

Another common talmudist lie. The truth is the other way around. Goy have been unbelievable misused by Jews in practically every nation on earth. When finally driven out of countries it was ALWAYS because of the kidnap and sacrifice to their devil god the purist children they could snatch, drinking their blood and mixing it with their matzah as their belief that it gives them power. By that small group of doubly insane fanatics but the goy have no idea which Jews they are. Some European countries have thrown them out three times as this little tribe never quits its child sacrifices. News for you – no matter how much satanic power they have, such a totally artificial nation as this Khazarian Israhell will NEVER endure. Leaches must have a source of sustenance and the talmudists always drain their sources totally dry. The U.S. is the last one and it is almost collapsed. Many Jews avoid actual work, stealing their life styles from those who do create wealth with various scams. When that wealth is no longer available they are done. Watch for it.

Peter Bond

Lolsss, adjust your tin foil hat old fool.

Tony B.

You have not one single logical reply to anyone at all. You’re just one more talmudic troll with nothing whatsoever of substance to say. Bye, bye.

Mario Ceva

In Ukrania maybe . Is Jewish motherland.

Gary Sellars

Palestine has been on Roman and Ottoman maps for 2000 years….

See what I mean? Empty headed know-nuffin…

Christian Abel

So, who are the palestinians?

Gary Sellars

Descendants of the ancient Judeans… that’s probably why the saudi & Gulf Arab regimes don’t like them and won’t support their cause, because they know they are not at all related to Bedouins of the peninsula.

Tony B.

Idiot! The Palestinians are the Palestinians. Go back to school.

Christian Abel

What is the specific language, literature of that people?

888mladen .

I always thought parrots have been entertaining. It always amazes me how their little brains could learn human language.

Gary Sellars

They are the descendants of the ancient Judeans you stupid numpty. You think the Judeans were white people like Polish Ashkenazi?

Christian Abel

You are a nazi

Gary Sellars

..and you’re a fuckwit. Empty-headed know-nuffin. Probably a Jew or one of their water-carrying Murican goy sycophants….

Christian Abel

Go away

Gary Sellars

You first zio gob-shite….

Tony B.

You go away. You’re the one who is afraid of the truth.

Christian Abel

There was no mention of Palestinian ppl before Soviet Union

Tony B.

If this guy really believed all the bullshit he is putting out he would have been in an insane asylum long ago. Although I doubt if he is old enough for his “long ago” to be too far back. Seems to be reading a “history book” put about by the Israel nutsos and sold through that fat hog Hagee who spews the same lying crap from his “church.”

Christian Abel

OK who was called a palestinian?

Nigel Maund


Mario Ceva

The people that lives in Palestina before the Akzkenazi invasion.

Leon De Elias

I am wondering what history books you referring to mate.. Israeli one..? fuck it its fake shit..I have Palestine silver coin from 1923

Christian Abel

So who are palestinians fuckwit?

Tony B.

More that likely a “Christian Zionist,” supremely ignorant believer in the lies of one Cyrus Scofield, criminal and family deserter, who was paid to misinterpret biblical words by the New York Kehilla for just this purpose.

888mladen .

No the Synagogue of Satan is. You don’t believe Bible mate. You are Jesuit MOSAD brain washed American Evangelical.

Leon De Elias

well Israel could fit with this description better..a terrorist nazi state..

Peter Bond

Keep lying Ackmed, maybe someday you would come to accept lies as truth goat fckwr!


Of what?? Did you say “of what!?” Is this a typo?Palestinians are human beings. They are your fellow human beings in fact, unless you feel your self to be above human. They do not deserve to have their homes bulldozed, their children imprisoned, their cities bombed, or their crops sprayed down with poison and human sewage, yet all these things and more, happen almost daily.

Christian Abel

Israelis are Palestinians.

Jordanians are not

Nigel Maund

Absolute rubbish! Which history books do you read??

Christian Abel

Please explain the proper history and culture of palestinians.

Tony B.

You are patently insane. Or led around by the nose by some rabbi.

888mladen .

Well documented. You hit a nail on you toe.

Peter Bond

Palestine is a modern day fabricated lie, they are Arab invaders from Egypt, Syria and Arabian desert, leave Israel and Jerusalem its capital, go back to the black filth abominable stone in Mecca!

Tudor Miron

Yes, he does feel himself to be above human. Thats their ideology and they don’t even hide it much.

Boris Kazlov

palestinians, are you blind? Or you consider them to be not humans.

Christian Abel

What is a palestinian?

Icarus Tanović

A nationality.

Christian Abel

Of what country?

Gary Sellars

Abel as a surname? Didn’t kane kill you?

Clearly we are dealing with some Murican evangelical christian nutjob who thinks Baby Jesus can’t return until the Palestinians have been fully genocided and the Zio Temple rebuilt in al-Quds… errr Jerusalem.

Gary Sellars

“Genocide of what????”

Never heard of the Palestinians?

Tony B.

If you were that ignorant you wouldn’t be on this site.

Leon De Elias

are you blind or stupid or what..?

Even former Knesset assets admitting that Israel is terrorist state..Arming supporting terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq makes Israel even more look like one..Palestine is completely gone..the remnants of it lives in terror ..In Gaza they murdered hundreds of kids in 2014 and 2008..The World went against Israel..Until 2008 I did not give a shit about Israel,but when I encountered in London a few IDF member wearing a T shirt with a pregnant Palestine Woman and a Target was on her stomach,and it was written ”one shot,two kill” this shit caused a mass brawl in the club,I punched one of the mfer myself before we were all kicked out..Since than I consider them as motherfucking terrorists..end of story..

Christian Abel

“Even former Knesset assets admitting that Israel is terrorist state”

You mean, Arab nazislamists?

Leon De Elias

Nope decent Israeli JEWs..there are some trying to make a difference but they are treated just like the Palestine resistance..

Christian Abel

” Gaza they murdered hundreds of kids in 2014 and 2008″

No. Most prudent and moral army in the world

Leon De Elias

Child murdering fascist terrorist one indeed..


Israel demonize itself by his actions.

Christian Abel

What actions?



Christian Abel

What countries?


Were you given homework and you are trying to find the answers here?

Christian Abel

So you admit you don’t know

Christian Abel

What is the “M.S”?

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.


Damaging Israel’s good name is working very well actually. They currently don’t deserve the reputation they have anyway. Hurting the image makes buying support in the US a lot more expensive.

Christian Abel

It works? How?


Israel is not a real country, the land is Palestine, Zionists stole the land. They have to be made to pay for their crimes. Every person, Jew Christian or Muslim who aids and abets the criminals is also guilty of a crime. A day of reckoning is coming, and the victims of the holocaust against Arabs will have their revenge upon the Jewish terrorists.

Christian Abel

Which land exactly has been stolen? WHEN?

Christian Abel

You are a NAZI

Icarus Tanović

What? You’re a parrot? A drone, bot, what? You’re constantly commenting the same sentence.

Christian Abel

You are also a nazi

Icarus Tanović

That’s correct.

Stephen Lambert

Israel does thaf job well enough itself… bombing helpless people in a concentration camp and throwing famikies onto the street for no good reason except to house land stealing parasites.

Christian Abel

The concentration camps have been created by Hamas

Boris Kazlov

it did work for some time, pity the job was not finished

Tony B.

Israel demonizes itself. It as an outlaw outfit from day one. Murdered whole towns of Palestinians to get the rest to flee so it could steal the land. Never stopped. Murderous criminal squatters all the way. What do you expect? A love fest?

Christian Abel

Those Arabs who wanted to kill Jews? Good riddance

Tony B.

Oh, those terrible terroristic babies, children, women, old men, all thrown down those wells after being slaughtered by the Stern gang and other gangs. Oh, yeah, good riddance huh? They were such a danger to the heavily armed Jew thugs. Good thing the Jews were able shoot farther than babies can throw little stones. Go where the rest of dead are so your dead brain will feel at home.

Christian Abel

It’s surely a coincidence that Mohammed Amin al-Husseini was Hitler BFF

Nigel Maund

The fact of the matter is this: The Israeli’s are superb at demonizing themselves to the eyes of unbiased observers. Their heavy handed mishandling of the Palestinian situation since 1948 has created long standing hatred of Israel that will never go away. Furthermore, the Zionists keep on doubling down on their past crimes and mishandlling of the entire issue. The crimes against humanity are too many and too long to list. Ironically, the Israeli special forces, police and Army have used precisely the techniques of the Waffen SS to deal with civil insurrection. Palestine is now, for all intents and purposes, identical to the Warsaw Ghetto. Only this time the roles are reversed. Them’s the facts like it or not.

Christian Abel

Israelis have the most moral and prudent army in the world

Nigel Maund

Not only are you a Zionist shill but you’re also an idiot. Go and check out your outrageous statement or would you like me to start posting all the links that prove what a load of rubbish your statement is?? There is no such thing as a moral and prudent Army as history has amply demonstrated. What age are you by the way?…… 10 maybe? Go back to your Marvel Comics and leave the rest of us to hold a sensible discussion here?

Christian Abel


Christian Abel

Islamism is cancer.

Hitler was a big fan!

Mario Ceva

Are demons

Wahid Algiers

You need a big hit in your mouth.

Christian Abel


Icarus Tanović

Well said.

Peter Bond

Israeli female IDF would kick any standing Arab army behind! When killed by a female no virgins for muhahijeens, what sissies!

Wahid Algiers

You fucktard.

Peter Bond

Someone’s feather just got ruffled… Fuck off loser!


Turkey, Syria, Russia and Iran should have to be concerned with American and Israeli aggression. World knows that American and Israeli leadership both are terrorist commanders.

Christian Abel

No, Iran is a terrorist country


MOSSAD/CIA are the CREATORS OF I.S.I.S. and ALL the other branches of TERRORISMS..It’s a well known “SECRET” that the US/NATO/ISRAEL/QATAR/SAUDI ARABIA/TURKEY/JORDAN, CREATED, FUNDED AND TRAINED, ISIS MERCENARIES TERRORIST, to overthrow the Syrian government, John McCain, a COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MARIONETTE worked feverishly with the Obama administration for the last several years to arm radical MERCENARY TERRORIST jihadists across the region in an admitted decades-long plan(REMEMBER GENERAL Wesley Clark) to overthrow the governments of several countries including Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc,etc, Hillary Clinton admitted in 2012, while she was Secretary of the US State Department of Love, Peace, Charming, Apple Pie and Lollipops, that Al-Qaeda influenced extremists and other groups on the State Department’s terror list were fighting on the same side as the United States in Syria and that they were aiding opposition rebels. If the ISIS, US created TERRORIST, need any information to evade “US INTELLIGENCE”, all they have to DO is call their BOOSES in the US State Department of Love, Peace, Charming, Apple Pie and Lollipops and ask for ADVISE.

Christian Abel



Wasting your time entertaining this troll.I have already blocked him.


I also blocked him. The first mark of a troll is to refuse to acknowledge the points of others, and to go on as if no counterpoints have been made.



Who says this is secrete. In UN the ISIS leader is the head of human rights violation. U.S. Senators John McCain and Hillary Clinton: we have been funding and arming ISIS, FSA, Al-Qaeda and Taliban all the time.

Zionist America is the mother of all terrorists. They using ISIS, Israhell, AL-QAEDA, and other all terrorist groups for intervention in the target countries to divide e.g. Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and so on.

Zionist America funding and arming all terrorist groups to kill millions in every single country in the world.


No, Iran is a sovereign nation that rejected America. So the spin doctors who control the news label it as a terrorist nation and people like you who have no understanding about international geopolitics believe it.

Christian Abel

Iran is nazislamic


No Iran are against Ashkenazi.


Further evidence of your ignorance and MSM brainwashing.

Christian Abel

MSM is pro Iran

Christian Abel



Lol. The chief propagandist himself!


So it means that you are a pro Israhell.

Christian Abel

Israel has the most moral army

Boris Kazlov

For Murikans moral is LGBTQ

Christian Abel


Icarus Tanović

You’re so stupid. No need to thank me, but nevertheless you’re welcome.

Christian Abel

You are an error of nature


Israhell have no country in the world that is why they on the pretext of holocast and German refugees they entered into Palestine and occupied whole land from Palestinians. Israhell are so vicious, brutal treachy that they have harassed, tortured and killed many Arab Muslims in terrorism.

Wahid Algiers

Fucktard. You support war criminals.

Deo Cass

With Russia clearly siding with the Zionist entity there is little Syria can do. The only true friends who can help Syria are the Iranians who need to provide Syria with their advanced anti-aircraft missile systems, because Russia will never do that. Russia is not even giving the Syrian government forces new aircraft to defend its airspace, let alone use its own S400 to blast the Zionist aggressor out of the skies. However Russia has plenty of S400’s to give away to Syria’s arch enemies, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and even Mig 29’s to give for free to Serbia, which eventually will be absorbed by NATO.

Solomon Krupacek

with what?


ISrael uses long range missiles fired from Libanon. So its not easy to track them down and shoot them

Peter Bond

In your dreams most probably while you are toying with your goats teets


Yes agree but it can only be Syria who does it (even with Russian weapons). It cannot be the Russians who do it because it would be the same as Russians shooting down a US aircraft! Cant happen because of escalation!

But yeah, syria needs to shoot these fuckers down! they are stuck using But M2’s and Pantsir s1’s!

If Russia supplies them with S-300’s then Israel will blame Russia! But if the Iranian’s were to supply them, no problem at all! I Think soon they will!


Motherfuckers Zio-Israhell want’s war those fucking Zionist that Benjamin Netanyahu must go and die. Only he has some personal issues in that empty head for terrorizing Muslim countries, but easy what you doing one day will come back to you… Message to Syria don’t let this to be Gaza strip. Don’t let the Zionist to just hitting you with missiles, because from 1 or 2 or 3 or 5 missiles he is tesing weakness, if no one responds with nothing he will start to make Syria Gaza 2.0.


” Though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays. – Sun Tzu, the Art of War Quotes “.

The SAA and allies are absorbing the punches from Israel until the right moment to reply . The Israelis are further exposing their rabid and illegal actions to the world that largely dislikes what Israel does.

AM Hants

You have given me something to think about, even though I keep repeating the mantra.

In a couple of weeks time, the US debt ceiling implodes and they are desperate for war, with anybody. Just to keep the military industrial complex happy as they hope to save their economy. With that in mind, Israel trying to be an irritant, a mosquito that needs squatting, perhaps they were hoping that Syria and Russia would retaliate (they will when the timing is right, as various command posts and Russian jets comes to mind)?

Syria, Russia, Iran and Hezbullah, clearly no the score, understand the traps that are trying to be laid, and skillfully avoid them, whilst laughing at the stupidity of the once legendary Mossad and friends.


Nice to see you here AMH

AM Hants

Thank you and nice to be back.


It appears that the current US use of the catch all of Marxist ‘Political Correctness’ policyspeak to control populations and hog-tie employment with ever increasing decrees from unelected quango’s and bought and paid for politicians , are now eating away at the heart of the Zionist monster itself.

Employees of the State Control System do not seem to be appointed for their abilities , but for their obsequious genuflection to their masters.

The results are a breakdown trust and hope for many Americans that in recent times is demonstrated with the collapse of the USSR after decades of Politically Correct Edicts that consumed population with terror and so by, the ability of the USSR to subsist.


Russian bear is a KITTEN when it comes to air defense apparently….


Looks likely


How can you shoot down a Mach 3 missile flying over his target 60km away? S-300 is located in Tartus, 140km from Khirbat Airbase where there are only old SAM-1/2


No- Russia has declared its loyalty to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Syria and Iran are just allies of convenience, but Putin would NEVER EVER allow what befell Libya and Iraq and Syria to happen to Israel. The ‘revolution’ in Russia was a jewish take-over, and jews still dominate every important aspect of Russian society. Russians are taught from birth to be subservient to jews.

Outside of the USA and Russia jews have to be a ‘hidden’ power. But in the USA and Russia jewish power is overt.

Putin is a good and wise man is so many ways- but his fatal weakness is his laughable belief that jews invented socialism and social justice (nothing could be further from the truth). Israel is a pure cancer on the body of Humanity- but Putin’s programmed instincts make him think “jewish desires first, everything else second”.

chris chuba

Now I believe that the Syrians did shoot down some Israeli missiles with Pantsir’s. This is the Israeli way of having to prove that they are superior and you dare not fight back.

Solomon Krupacek

sure not. look at pictures from last attack some days ago


i wrote several times, russian weapons are not A-level.

Simon Gould

That base is 40km NE of Damascus and the Jews have previously carried out raids in the Damascus area with impunity – it’s outside the effective range of the s400s at Latakia and Tartus. The Syrian IADS early warning system is old and only really effective against short range targets. I assume there are S200s at that base but they wouldn’t have had a chance to deploy them. The Jews know this because they would never commit their cowardly personnel if there was any risk onvolved.


No it is within range


It’s not worth showing it’s capabilities until necessary.


Another 2 year old moment by the baby rapers to show how unhappy they are, that will have next to zero effect on the progress of the war. If it gets to the point where it’s a serious impediment. I’m sure that there are plans to deal with it. All that the Jews are accomplishing is turning world opinion against them.

General Surena

İsrael “the enemy of human”… every bullets will back to you… WAİT AND SEE.


Oh, the Israelis will pay big time for their cowardly acts. For now, they might get a punch in but it is weak and of really no consequence. It is done to provoke the Syrians and Hezbollah to lose their patience and take on Israel while they are engaged fighting international terrorism that has been initiated by Israel and its servant, The USI. United States of Israel. The child killer, Netanyahoo is very worried and so is the mob of cowards, the IDF. What goes around comes around. What has happened to Syria will undoubtedly happen to the stolen land of Palestine that now has the label “Israel” on it. It is but temporary.. Still, I wonder why the S400’s are not employed to blast the sneaky bastards out of the sky. What a shame!


I’m sure that the Russians have war gamed out the escalation from these nuisance strikes and decided that it isn’t worth bothering with at this time. And that as long as it doesn’t have any real effect on the war, that they’re better off letting the Jew criminals turn world opinion against themselves with their scofflaw aggression.


My sentiments, too, Richard. The rightful forces have come a long way in a couple of years . . . and will go all the way to rid the country of the scruff that has threatened it . . . then on to Jerusalem . . ..


Most likely it is more hype than real


Jewish depravities acting as jewish depravities always have throughout Human history. Remember, it was the jews that started the slave trade in Africa, before even Islam existed. The talmud and torah (old testament) give ‘the chosen’ the ‘right’ in ‘god’s name’ to exploit non-jews in any way they see fit. This ideology is the very definition of evil. And recently we have witnessed Weinstein- rewarded with the highest honours by the jew dominated showbiz industry in Britain and France- embody this ideology perfectly. And hes Weinstein been even arrested?

So the JEWISH state bombs Syria without a peep from Putin- the same Putin who has declared Russia’s undying support for Israel.

Weinstein rapes for the self same reason the jewish state carries out atrocities against the ‘goy’. Because they can. Because the rest of us allow jews to act as if they are above the laws and morals of Man.

Tony Benn, the great FAKE socialist who was always working for the british Deep State, gave Israel its first parcel of plutonium to build their first FUSION bombs (so-called H-bombs), back in the early 1960s. Don’t believe me- google it. And Britain and the USA declared Israel to be above the law the moment Israel had functioning nuclear warheads- that was always the game. Let Israel holocaust ‘sub-Human’ non-jews else Israel would nuke the region.

Today we see the british play in Yemen FAIL, as the british double agent (Saleh) is executed before he can deactivate Yemen as an issue for KSA, to allow the Saudis to focus on Lebanon and Iran. If Yemen continues to burn hot, it is MUCH harder for KSA to prepare for war on Lebanon and Iran. Why? Cos people say “if the best of KSA cannot defeat a few sandle-wearing rebels in Yemen, how can they possibly hope to take on Iran?”

Now we know Saudi military = British RAF, France, the USA etc- but the PRETENCE of the war on Iran starting with ‘Saudi’ strikes is essential. And the puppet goon Britain has placed in power in KSA with the palace coup still needs to ‘convince’ enough other leading saudis- whereupon the Yemen situation is a real fly in the ointment. Britain bought the support of Saleh with hundreds of millions of pounds of promised cash. Now he’s in the ground, and that plan is ashes.

Meanwhile the jews are becoming ever more brazen in their goading in Syria. The jews are a small step away from a massive decapacitation strike on Assad himself. The Americans and British and French have always declared Assad and his government must be exterminated. So Israel is testing Putin to work themselves to the point where they’ll launch saturation strikes against Damascus- dozens of ground-to-ground ballistic missiles accompanied with dozens of jet launched missiles and jewish sleeper cells activated on the ground.

Such planning is PURE MADNESS, but current jewish leadership is bad and mad- so corrupt they feel they have nothing to lose. Just as Weinstein, for all his jewish power, is gradually being backed into a corner where suicide will be his only option. A cornered rat is a most dangerous rat. The people in power in Israel are as cornered as Weinstein because of their corrupt business activities.

Russia is the key factor. If it says “NO!” loud and clear to Israel, Israel will not take that fatal step. But Russia is not saying “no”- Russia is hinting and begging. Putin plays the role of the “muscular vicar”- ever whining “can’t we all just get along”. Evil people hear this sentiment and laugh inside.

So the jews become more emboldened, as history teaches us they always do. Jewish atrocities in Syria get no coverage in the mass media the jews control in the West. So ordinary people stay asleep.

To stop this coming WW3, Russia has merely to bomb key jewish facilities around the Golan Heights. Public support for zionist wars in Israel would collapse overnight, and the jews would ‘discover’ a new desire for peace and trade. A tiny act of violence by Russia with low loss of life would END jewish and wahhabi bloodlust for the time being.

But the jews that surround Putin tell him that any violence is fine and dandy so long as it is never aimed at the jewish terrorist military forces. So Russia uses loads of military violence to little effect, and no effect at all in stopping the march to WW3. Yet Russia could use a tiny fraction of this military violence to infinitely greater purpose. Which is why so many trolls in this forum say Russia must never take on Israel- these trolls know it is ‘game over’ for the zionists if Russia does.


A deliberate attack by one country on the other without justified reason, deliberate aggression, and more if it is constant, is a declaration of war, and if that country has an ally both must face them, they are not only allies for a front and for the another looks at him from the side. Here Russia has not yet installed or is one-eyed of what happens to the south-west of Syria. the warplanes of Isrrael long ago makes incursions into Syrian territory and nothing happens. This would not happen if they had already deployed the S-300 or S-400 to the SE of Syria.


A deliberate attack by one country on the other without justified reason or deliberate aggression, and more if it is constant, is a declaration of tacit war, and if that country has an ally both must face them, not only are they allies for a front, but for everything, however Russia looks on its side. Here Russia has not yet installed or becomes one-eyed of what happens to the south-west of Syria. the warplanes of Isrrael long ago makes incursions into Syrian territory and nothing happens. This would not happen if they had already deployed the S-300 or S-400 to the SE of Syria.

You can call me Al

‘Unidentified’ Warplanes ??

Not the Yids then ?.


Stop playing the zionist game of pretending they’re Jews. These fascist pigs are the antitheses of Jews.


Putin is a pussy.

John Whitehot

you are all whores

la Cariatide

disappointing from the Russians..

Solomon Krupacek

already over one hundred years.


Are the Russians afraid to supply anti-aircraft missiles to Syria?




Perhaps they see the zionist terrorflieger as a provocation that needs to be dealt with later?




I salivate at the day I see an Israeli fighter explode over Syria and the pilot captured…


Fascist pigs

Solomon Krupacek

S-400 closed its eyes …


Israel has switched up to their stealth squadron. These were not F-16s.


Reading this article, I wonder. How can airplanes be unidentified when one has a radargrid covering the whole country? The point of entry is then known.

Richard M

Because Ziostani aircraft cannot overfly Jordan or Lebanon? Another possibility is the use of stealth aircraft.


And integral covering grid would cover the whole country, including ALL borders. If they do not have one, they have no real airdefense.

Richard M

With hundreds of IAF strikes on Syria since 2011, I’d say that is pretty well established.

John Whitehot

because the radargrid output is not connected to the press and the militaries worldwide won’t normally divulge their info because you asked them with a pretty face.

keep it in mind when commenting military news.


And the Russian watching the Israel show with their radars, drums, satellites, and spy planes.

John Whitehot

bull shit.

you’re too old for this shit, even 3rd grade children know the israelis launch surface to surface missiles or operate from lebanese territory.

if you imply russia should attack israel for targeting a dozen of rusty barrels in the desert then you’re a psychopath of the kind that will bring the human race to an end, were you in a position of leadership


That’s it. The Somalis have gone too far this time.

Floyd Hazzard

Kind of embarassing to know you tried to secure your country by making Russia your patron, and by tacit approval they are watching you get beaten into the ground and doing nothing. I hope other countries are watching and learning.

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