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MARCH 2025

United States Confirmed ‘Largest-Ever’ Seizure Of Iranian Fuel On 4 Ships Bound For Venezuela

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United States Confirmed ‘Largest-Ever' Seizure Of Iranian Fuel On 4 Ships Bound For Venezuela


US forces have seized some 1.116m barrels of Iranian fuel aboard 4 ships headed for Venezuela, the US Department of Justice said on August 14. In the statement, the DOJ hinted at “assistance” from “foreign partners” and declining to reveal where the grab took place.

“The Justice Department today announced the successful disruption of a multimillion dollar fuel shipment by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a designated foreign terrorist organization, that was bound for Venezuela.  These actions represent the government’s largest-ever seizure of fuel shipments from Iran. 

On July 2, 2020, the United States filed a complaint seeking to forfeit all petroleum-product cargo aboard four foreign-flagged oil tankers, including the M/T Bella with international maritime organization (IMO) number 9208124, the M/T Bering with IMO number 9149225, the M/T Pandi with IMO number 9105073, and the M/T Luna with IMO number 9208100 (all pictured below).  A seizure order for the cargo from all four vessels was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Jeb Boasberg of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

The government announced today that it has successfully executed the seizure order and confiscated the cargo from all four vessels, totaling approximately 1.116 million barrels of petroleum.  With the assistance of foreign partners, this seized property is now in U.S. custody.   

After enforcement of the U.S. forfeiture order, Iran’s navy forcibly boarded an unrelated ship in an apparent attempt to recover the seized petroleum, but was unsuccessful.  U.S. Central Command published a video of the failed Iranian operation yesterday.  See https://twitter.com/CENTCOM/status/1293678243552395264

Funds successfully forfeited with a connection to a state sponsor of terrorism may in whole or in part be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund (http://www.usvsst.com/) after the conclusion of the case.

A warrant for arrest and civil forfeiture complaint are merely allegations.  The burden to prove forfeitability in a civil forfeiture proceeding is upon the government. 

HSI’s Colorado Springs and FBI’s Minneapolis field office are investigating the case. The case is being handled by the National Security Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Assistant U.S Attorneys Zia M. Faruqui, Brian Hudak, and Stuart Allen, and National Security Division Trial Attorney David Lim are litigating the case, with assistance from Paralegal Specialists Elizabeth Swienc and Legal Assistant Jessica McCormick,” the DOJ said.

The statement confirmed an earlier Wall Street Journal report, citing anonymous government and shipping sources, that claimed four tankers loaded with Iranian fuel had recently seen their cargo confiscated “without the use of military force.” The vessels were reportedly re-routed to Houston, Texas, where they will allegedly be met by senior Trump administration officials.


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Assad must stay

can anyone confirm if this is really true?


As yet no photo-video-interview info (with real live names, so far just anon.). Although reports have come out in FOX, RT, Al Jaz, msm US/UK is treading lightly on this story. Skepticism until further proof I think is best.

Assad must stay

yes i saw someone comment that some iranian official denied it and said its false i hope so


The ships were not Iranian, only the fuel.


I understood that non-Iranian tankers carrying Iranian oil could not get insurance, hence Iran flagged its own ships. If these are not Iranian ships then it implies the fuel is not Iranian.


But what was it?


No idea. Iran used its own ships last time knowing the US would not dare touch them; why do any different now? As to what it is? Who knows. This doesn’t pass the sniff test.


Maybe they were Russian or Chinese vessels, these two always obey USA sanctions.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

A big Porky from the Yanks.

They have form, telling us decades ago they could shoot down missiles, turns out they cannot defend their own troops from missile strikes, never mind a whole country, lol. Anthrax, WMDs, Economy, the Yanks are always lying ffs.


I took the news from RT. It was on their first page.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Don’t worry about where you read it, as both Trump and Pompeo have stated that they seized 4 ships, then it became 11 million dollars worth of oil.

You should worry that you swallowed it hook, line and sinker though, and are still hoping it could be true.

Just shows how stupid you are for broadcasting it without even a tiny bit of facts, lol.


I remember a funny story about a Russian airplane that buzzed a vessel, USS Donald Cook or something like that, and guess what? the Russian airplane not only “blacked out” its Aegis but also the smartphones of the sailors – who even needed psychological assistance from the traumas caused by the EMP Russian system!!! Why I remember that story? Because without even a tiny bit of facts, all Russian forums were seduced by it, like in those jokes about who tell the biggest lie, wins. At least this story is backed by an official site: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/largest-us-seizure-iranian-fuel-four-tankers

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No Russian government ever said anything like that, unlike Pompous and Drumbo ffs, deflecting won’t get you out of the lies you swallowed for the WE. lol


There is no need to make a drama of it, lessons learned. Iran can handle next transport.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Tell that to Pompous Mike and Drumbo, they certainly made a drama out of a nothing burger.

What kind of an idiot would make such a stupid statement to the worlds press, and not expect someone to ask them where are these seized ships.

We thank Drumbo and Pompous, for showing up their trolls though.


USA doesn’t even exist, it was a prank.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

True, it’s still City of London territory.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What ships?

What fuel?

What port?

Can we even get a name of which continent this fairytale is supposed to have happened in?

Ashok Varma

Neither appears to be true.

Tommy Jensen

Its the same dumbheads. Iran off course sail in International waters under panama flag as do a hell lot of nations. So the reports are correct yes? Iranian oil was seized with ships under panama flag. Then some says greece owned the ships. Story closed.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What ships?

What fuel?

2 days later, still no seized ships or cargo anywhere on Planet Earth.

Maybe it was the Sea of Tranquility where an Iranian Moon base has been seized, lol.


The Iranian fuel for Venuzuela had been sized :(

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What fuel?

What ships?

What port?

Of course you don’t know, which is why you cannot answer.

There is no seizure, or Bibi and Fatboy Mike would be showing us diagrams of their success in the UNSC, ROTFLL.


Iran denounced the seisure as piracy. Sorry little girl, please don’t cry. Iran has enough fuel and will use its own tankers from now, not Greek vessels.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What seizure?

What ships?

What fuel?

What port?

Greek vessels are already prohibited from transporting Iranian products, no way would Iran put 11 million dollars of oil into a NATO ship ffs.

Just admit that Pompous Mike made an asshole out of you and the other trolls.


The 4 ships With Iranian fuel For Venezuela Are sized By USA.

The 4 ships with Iranian fuel for Venezuela are sized by USA.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


What lesson have you learned, to double down on a silly non existent claim of Fatboy?


Let me guess, they weren’t on the moon either, fat murican lies!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sea of Tranquility perhaps.

Those Iranians have Moon bases after all, lol.

Potato Man

PressTV: Iran’s Ambassador to Venezuela Hojjat Soltani had already rejected the report as another “lie” and an instance of “psychological warfare.”

“Neither the tankers are Iranian, nor their owner or flags have anything to do with Iran,” he said in a Twitter post on Thursday.

The fuel was Iranian.

Assad must stay

thats an act of war

John Wallace

America is exceptional so that is an act of war if any country does that EXCEPT America. If anyone commits a war crime they will be held to account in the International court EXCEPT Americans. Americans CAN NOT be taken to the International Criminal Court as again they are Exceptional.. Oh to be American so you can wage war and pillage to one’s hearts content..

Peter Jennings

It’s an act of piracy, for which there still exists a very old punishment which usually solves the problem.

Tommy Jensen

So the fuel was Iranian. Then the reports were correct.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What fuel?

What ships?

Potato Man

ignore it , this event was another hoax about 2 days ago.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Just like to remind the trolls about their stupid claims, to watch them double down on them confirms how stupid they are.

Imagine telling the world you seized 4 ships, and it’s all a lie so as to smear the disgraceful defeat in the UNSC, only an idiot would say something so stupid.

Trump and Pompous Mike are such people.

Potato Man

It wouldn’t be first time they lie to the world at UNSC, you forgot about Iraq having WMDs (with their proofs), that’s why I said it was an”another” hoax. Yeah it is stupid.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I didn’t forget, nor the Gulf of Tonkin.

But telling the world you seized ships when no such incident happened just shows what kind of cretins can get a high salary, lol.

johnny rotten

Iran Dismisses US Media Report on Seizure of Venezuela-Bound Tankers, Cargo. https://en.farsnews.ir/newstext.aspx?nn=13990524000454 Let’s wait and see, such a huge fact cannot be hidden.

Ashok Varma

Indian, Russian and Chinese maritime authorities have also dismissed these erroneous or deliberate disinformation originating from the dubious Wall street Journal that has a history of planting false news.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

2 days later, it’s another US fairy tale.


That’s how you teach the mullahs you are not playing around, well done and congratulations to the U.S for not backing down. I hope those 1.116M barrels would be used for the American economy, goodjob.

Not Indian Paul

You would like stealing things. Scumbag Zionists are an unjust mob of dogs. You think God honours those who steal?

John Wallace

His whole life is based on stealing so he accepts that as normal. His grandparents stole land and property off the Palestinians and he can’t understand why they are so upset with him.. Mind you , you are trying to talk sense too a comic book hero with less sense than a concrete block.


US has not seized any Iranian vessels these are foreign owned charter tankers, US knows it cant touch Iranian tankers


Of course the US can. The hard part is convincing the plebs that they should.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH stupid cunt! LOL $10 billion in Russia arms are coming to Iran ROFLMAO.


More idiotic rantings of a teenager.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What ships?

What fuel?

What port?

The Yanks are doing a fine job showing you trolls up.

In Exile

This is great my country is bankrupt and still importing large numbers of non whites and now those crazy Jews will drag us into another war.


“..drag us into another war?” They have fomented most major wars since time immemorial.They even held off the opening salvos of WW1 because the Schiffs, Ratschilds and Warburgs weren’t quite ready for the start, as they had to get set up for profiteering from the conflict financially first. .


“Dear friends, the events of 5 years ago not only raised levels of patriotism across all of Russia, but they showcased the power of the concepts of truth and justice. Because of this, Russia opened its arms, heart, and soul to take you [Crimeans] into its enormous, multicultural family.” ~ President Vladimir Putin, 2019

Follow Putin’s lead by not letting racist divide-and-conquer strategies work on you, and you stand a better chance of opposing more rich-get-richer wars.

Fog of War

” Follow Putin’s lead by not letting racist divide-and-conquer strategies work on you, and you stand a better chance of opposing more rich-get-richer wars. ”

Where do you reside ?


I’m in the US, and I know that racist divide-and-conquer has been in use here from before Revolutionary War when the British were arming Native and African Americans.

Where do you reside, FoW?

Fog of War

In the belly of the beast.

Fog of War

” its enormous, multicultural family.” ”

He said multicultural not multi racial. I’m sure theres a reason for that.


Maybe… But “multicultural” and “multiracial” are usually used interchangeably; plus, Russia gets less “White” and more “Asian” in certain parts of the country. For example, Putin’s Defense Minister, Shoygu is half-Asian.

Fog of War

” Maybe… But “multicultural” and “multiracial” are usually used interchangeably; ”

But they’re not the same. Russia is multicultural, doinated by one racial ,ethnic group( the Russians ).

ZioAmerica is a multiracial cesspool, also domiated by one racial, ethnic group( the Jews ).

Trust me, Russia does not want to go down the multiracial path.


What’s wrong with the multiracial path? Putin talked about “the power of the concepts of truth and justice.” Does race matter to that? Does the Khazarian “Jewish” or Hebrew race even matter to that?

The fact that many Russians followed the Atheist Communists and their… poor relationship with truth and justice shows that race does not matter to that.

Fog of War

” What’s wrong with the multiracial path? ”

Come to ZioAmerica and you will see first hand the many reasons as to why its a destructive arrangement that ultimately leads to conflict and collapse.


In ZioAmerica, I see why abandoning “the power of the concepts of truth and justice” is a destructive arrangement. President Adams said back in 1776 that “if [Religion and Morality] cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure than they have it now, They may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. They will only exchange Tyrants and Tyrannies.”

Yet as I said, this has nothing to do with being multiracial. If anything, the Christian religion Adams promoted is inherently multiracial.

Jim Allen

Yes, the reason is there is only one race of human beings.


According to Iran’s official web site, PressTV, it is false news. How about some fact checking before posting and come up with some independent, reliable evidence.

Laurent Parodi

Press TV in saying that none of its tankers have been seized. The wall street journal is saying that oil tankers with iranian oil have been seized. It s possible that the US has seized non Iranian tankers carrying Iranian oil. It is also possible the US is lying but it would be a very lame PR operation in that case. Eliot Abrams is the new man responsible for us policy regarding Iran. The man is a neocon warmonger. He is behind the war in irak in 2003 and the failed coup in Venezuela last year. With a madman like that in charge escalations are likely. I read an article on sputnik about putin who was calling for talks to prevent war in the Persian gulf. Putin s call confirms the strong possibility of new escalations with Iran. Putin knows very well what kind of piece of crap is Abrams.

Zionism = EVIL

This is to deflect from the humiliating UNSC defeat as the illegal arms embargo on Iran is now totally lifted.

AM Hants

Did they seriously only get one vote? How ‘US arm twisting’ is no longer effective.

I have watched ‘Official Secret’, recently, with regards the GCHQ whistle blower, highlighting how the US were aiming to persuade members of the UNSC that Saddam had WMDs. It was interesting, as same script still going down. The film featuring Colin Powell, spinning his tales in the UN, but, did not show the fake vial. Or the words of warning John Bolton gave the Director of the OPCW.


That bastard Bolton didn’t give warnings,he made threats against the Director of the OPCW,like the criminal gangster he is,in a phone call he said we know where your family live.

AM Hants

Who is Elliot Abraham’s and what is he famous for? Why does ‘Iran Contra’ come to mind? Or the fact he set up a certain ‘Think Tank’ with Victoria Nuland’s husband and Billy Krystal, that was very loyal to the interests of one of Iran’s friendly neighbours. Doesn’t he sit on The Board of Directors of the Government Funded regime change, NGO, known as the NED and also just left his position as the US Ambassador to Venezuela?


While you’re refreshing your memory on I/C and Abrams you’ll see Barr’s name there as well. That’s where Barr got the nickname ‘cover up general’ Barr. You’ll find a lot of GHWB &GWB neos in DTs admin, many involved with I/C especially.

AM Hants

Wasn’t Barr also linked with Mueller? With regards Trump, just view him as a Vaudeville Showman, but, like Biden even less. Besides surrounding himself with Hilary’s people, every time he could have shut down Russia Gate, he would send a tweet, excite the media. Escape route shut and then media would return to story, ignoring the part it all went wrong.

Theresa May, her special advisor was Fiona Hill and good friend of Christopher Steele. She was also a mentor of somebody who worked with Steele on the dossier and whose name has been released last week. Fiona Hill, helped May go from a majority before the election, to completely messing up her campaign and needing the help of Ulster’s DUP, to form a Government, post election. Fiona Hill then moved over the pond in order to work for Trump’s team in the UN. Do believe Fiona Hill is also linked into Fiona Hill. There was a good article, that I read recently, but, I cannot remember where I came across it.


Yes, the show continues. Climax is expected sometime in November.

Ashok Varma

US seeks to make up for UNSC failure with alleged seizure of Iranian tankers: President Rouhani


Abrams, the one who sent the rangers to butcher women and children…he thought of it as a sort of PR operation, a way to drop the morale of the population.

Laurent Parodi


Jens Holm

Sputnik is Russian propaganda and never to be trusted. Its like stone in bread made by dentists.

John Wallace

You need to get stoned in the Biblical sense as even the green stuff won’t be able to make you see straight.

Jens Holm

It seemes You already are stoned Yourself.

As for Corona people should use masks and wash hands in alcohol before they say halloh to Propagandalf.

John Wallace

Just shows how fucked in the head you are from too many Bad drugs for too many years.Probably still think you are in the age of Aquarius .

Stephan Williams

Jens, Are you capable of speaking the truth? …about anything?

Tell me please….how would you describe the press release distributed by the Americans – the press release we just read?

Could that have been propaganda?

Jens, Please assure me that you and the rest of the hasbarabots tinkling your keys on Southfront this summer are the B team!!!

I might have to poke my own eyes out with sticks if I’m forced to read much more of your drivel. I want the A level guys back.

They may still be evil, monstrous psychopaths but they are capable of creative thought on occasion. unlike the present uninspiring bunch of bullying thugs and dishonest cretins.

Jens Holm

There is no press release by the Americans. 1) Which American say so and who do that american speak for and why.

You dont get that part. I can see it right here. More on this site believe Trump then “The Americans” do.

I already twi days ago has written that release is not true. I just simply checked my TV. It would be fronttpage at CNN and BBC news. It wasnt. And that was it.

A couple of hours afyter some rabistani told me it was true, but factcheking at internet told, the source was hardy existing. So I commented his comment.

You are not raised to think by Yourself but for óbaying any silly flag supported by fear bajonets and warning pjotoshoppings all over, at every day was an selection in the “If You are not with, You are against” – and You wil never be rewarded for it. You are a spendable. ………………………………………………………………………………………

I know who I am. If You give me a name, I still know who I am.

AM Hants

Haha, how much does Russia spend on State Media? Compare to the US budget for state media. Or what the UK spends on 77th Squadron, Belingcat, Statecraft/Integrity Initiative/Open Information Partnership/BBC/Channel 4 and Channel 5. Not forgetting EU and NATO media Disinformation Agents.

Peter Jennings

The US and the UK would rather spend billions of public funds trying to convince their populations that things are going well than actually ensure that things are going well.

Every person who works in present day MSM are fraudsters. Especially the new rooms who keep stuffing nothing burgers down the throats of their viewers.

AM Hants

I have just been flicking through the Daily Mail. It appeals to my sadomasochistic side and also, the comments highlight if somebody is spending a lot of money trying to force their views on us.

The reasonI am waffling, is owing to the DM delirious for a Belarus Maidan. How many have died in US peaceful protests, no problem. However one actist takes himself out in Belarus and the UN and media freak out.

Seriously sick of regime change, corrupt politicians and highly hysterical media.

Tommy Jensen

One for the joke….lol.

Zionism = EVIL

Believe me. This is FAKE NEWS and total BS. This is the reality :


The resolution needed support from nine of 15 votes to pass. Eleven members abstained, including France, Germany and Britain, while the US and the Dominican Republic were the only “yes” votes. This is the worst outcome for the US after its resolution was even rejected by its “allies” and marks a total defeat.


But moral victory w/ Dominican Republic…that great completely soveriegn nation on side….


Dominican Republic is the proverbial Banana Republic that has been occupied and invaded by Yankee imperialists several times, the last major US invasion was in September 1965, resulting in the death of thousands of civilians. Luckily, now China is in charge of global affairs as the US humiliating defeat in mere minutes amply demonstrates. US is now reduced to the status of a pariah Banana Republic of Americas.


It is obviously BS otherwise the Iran would have mounted the same if not worse rebuttal to what happened with the UK seizing that ship at Gibraltar.

Ashok Varma

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the United States has cooked up a story about the seizure of four tankers carrying Iranian gasoline bound for Venezuela after suffering an embarrassing diplomatic defeat at the United Nations Security Council which on Friday rejected its proposal to extend an arms embargo on Iran.

“Having suffered the political defeat, the Americans claimed to have seized four Iranian vessels in international waters. It however turned out later that neither were the tankers Iranian nor Iran-flagged. It was all just fake news,” Rouhani said during a meeting of the National Headquarters for Managing and Fighting the Coronavirus in Tehran on Saturday.


That rumour has been doing the rounds a few days before the UNSC meeting. latest propagandas from the US is that they apprehended Greek ships carrying Iranian oil. That is even harder to believe because the Greeks are US bitches.

Tommy Jensen

I said that immediately after the news were in the media. The first one to say it. Fake. Fake fokking news. I said that first.

Tommy Jensen

“ABSTAINED”!! Note that word. It means they have been threatened by Putin, their countries would be wiped out with hypersonic nukes if they supported freedom. Therefore they “abstained” like the freedom loving people of Crimea. With a magnum 45 at their head.

Jim Allen

Stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. For the cause there is not a nanoparticle of evidence to be found on earth that even by chance that tends to indicate you, and your blatantly stupid big fat lying cocksucker is braying is anything other than what it appears. A lie. You’re gonna’ need to post tangible evidence from a known credible source, in the form of a Notarized document.

Kenny Jones ™

Even if it’s fake, it is still Iran’s responsibility to make sure that oil gets to Venezuela, even if the tankers aren’t under its flag. Seize 4 US ships in the Persian Gulf and force them to release them

ARAB Warlord

venezuela is LITERALLY has the LARGEST oil reserve in the world . it would drown iran in oil . but its government is unimaginably corrupt


No Iranian ships have been stopped or boarded according to the International Maritime Agency. This is just a ploy of US desperation and universal humiliation as every member of the UNSC sans tiny occupied Dominican Republic, either voted against the dead in water US resolution or just abstained.

Of the 15 countries on the Security Council, only one, the Dominican Republic, joined the United States in supporting the proposal. Major U.S. allies — Britain, France and Germany — all abstained from the vote, making a promised veto by Russia and China unnecessary. Of the 15 countries on the Security Council, Russian and China voted against the proposal and 11 countries abstained. Small NATO nation of Belgium along with ex-Soviet Estonia and Vietnam withstood threats and financial pressure from the US and sided with China and Russia. The defeat of the US resolution has been the worst rejection of US policies in UN history and a total victory for China which dominated the proceedings. It also brings into question the weakened US global standing.

Peter Jennings

IMO, and i’m being optimistic here, the message being sent by those countries which abstained from voting is that if the US want to start war will Iran, China and Russia, and just about every other country, they will be doing it alone.

The US admin has always said it’s america first and that includes the spoils of war. The europeans maybe think they can acquire more ‘spoils’ from trading with countries rather than waiting for the US admin to decide what spoils each little helper nation will receive. As things get tougher for the US, the percentage of the warmongered spoils can only increase.

The europeans want trade routes, not supply lines.

Lux et Veritas

The ships involved in oil trade with Venezuela are Greek and it is the Greek shipping companies that are being targeted by the US.

Tommy Jensen

and the oil?

Fog of War

” the message being sent by those countries which abstained from voting is that if the US want to start war will Iran, China and Russia, and just about every other country, they will be doing it alone. ”

Have you never heard of ” good cop, bad cop ” ?

Jim Allen

Do you recall the the billions of Eurobucks a year in lost trade, EU sustained standing with US on it’s sanctions against Russia ? The bullshit, and abuse Trump dished out when EU complained. Wasn’t compensation. The bullshit Trump is handing Germany over Nordstream, and Trump breaking JCPOA, demanding all countries with businesses in Iran stop, and leave Iran. When the EU balked Trump carried out his threat to punish these countries, slapped tariffs on many of their products ? Trump is treating US allies as enemies. Continues to do so. Would you fight beside the country that treats you that way ? Or, does your brain reset like a flight recorder every 15 minutes ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Every day, Fatboy Pompous plays bad cop, Donny plays good cop.

They’re both shit at it, and we all laugh at their impotency, lol.


US wouldn’t be that naive and go to all of these lengths to instigate a conflict with Iran knowing that Russia/China have stated that they will veto the resolution; they would have another more sinister scheme being cooked; what that could be is anyone’s guess.

Ashok Varma

Russia stands by Iran and warns US not to escalate any conflict

Russia has dismissed the U.S. “maximum pressure” campaign launched against Iran in the wake of the White House’s 2018 exit from a nuclear deal signed in 2015 by all five permanent U.N. Security Council members plus Iran and Germany. The Trump administration has since imposed heavy sanctions on Tehran, accusing it of violating the multinational pact by secretly pursuing a nuclear weapon, funding foreign militias and pursuing new missile technology.

President Putin basking in the Sino-Russian victory at UNSC doubled down on his criticism of US policy, “Debates around the Iranian issue within the U.N. Security Council are becoming increasingly strained,”Putin said the statement earlier Friday. “Tensions are running high. Iran faces groundless accusations. Resolutions are being drafted with a view to dismantling decisions that had been unanimously adopted by the Security Council.” Russia will not stand for any unilateralism against Iran, the Russian president concluded.

Fog of War

” warns US not to escalate any conflict ”

Normally a warning includes reprecussions . What are they ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Where is the escalation from the USA, or for that matter, the 4 ships they lie about seizing!

The Russians have no need to deal out repercussions to a nation who just tell lies without any action ffs.

Fog of War

Check the news again, the ZioAmericans didnt seize the ships, just the Irianian fuel within them. Either way, the result is the same. At some point Iran will have to react. In the meantime , Russia keeps making impotent diplomatic declarations.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Once again,

What ships?

What fuel?

In what port has all this seizing and transferring of oil did this take place?

You just keep reporting a near 3 day propaganda piece, without any evidence. You keep on defending, while the Yanks just shut up and hope people forget their lies, as they look like the stupid lying idiots that they truly are.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Check the news again FoW, not one nation has reported any ship seizures.

Russia is not the nation making up stories about seizing ships and cargoes, that’s the US.

And still you offer no evidence, you are the only twat who still clings to the words of the lying US.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

3 days later, still no seized oil, ships or another word from the Fatboy or Drumb.


Lux et Veritas

This report lacks credibility as no visual evidence has been presented, and US is not a credible source considering its record. Habeaus Corpus.

Lone Ranger

Confirmed piracy…

Alberto Garza

true but it is to hurth the communist dictatorship of venezuela


f***k capitalism

Jens Holm

No, it was Feudalisme.

The Southamerican countries became Countries based in the upperclass there(self made or from Spain and Portugal) would not send tax to Madrid and Lisabon and hardly get anything back.

It had remained so. It was like USA was until “north” defeated Lee and Co.

There are more slaves – blacks – in Southamerica then in USA. There are/were different kinds.

Its about ownership. Go to Palestine in the past. Feudals in Damasus and Aleppo sold land the the Jews. And even the palestinians had been working at those big farms for centuries, they rented their property and owned no rights for anything. So the new owners expelled them to make space for all the Jewish emmigrants from Europe.


Centuries? Get your facts together. The purchase of Palestioan land started from 1880 onwards. This is merely 68 years, until the majority of land was seized by the terrorists, who declared themselfs a state.

Bryan Suringa


Lone Ranger

Piracy is still piracy… Aside from that nobody elected the U.S. for world police…

Lone Ranger

If true Iran has green light to confiscate ships sailing under U.S. flag as retaliation.


Not really, the ships were not forced,only asked to.

Lone Ranger

According to CIA news… If I put a gun to your head and ask for your money nicely that’s called robbery…


Well kind of, anyway Iran tried, Russia or China didn’t even commented on the event. They shut up like rats.

Lone Ranger

They take action instead of empty threats and barking unlike CIA trolls.


What action? Iran at least had set an example for action.

Lone Ranger

Syria…, Iraq…


Syria was a hope, Russia was cleaning it until they broke a deal with Turks. What about Iraq, Iran is doing the hardlifting there.

Lone Ranger

With Russian gear and intel…


Russia has gear and intel but they hide behind other nations.

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like the U.S. and Ukraine…


We were speaking about Iran and you said it’s though on Russian gear and intel. That means Russia is pushing Iran from behind.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

As the only comment to make is just what the fuck are those dopey Yanks on about.

There has not been any seizure of 4 ships, or their cargoes.

3 days later, give it up. The Yanks have made their trolls look right muppets with this tale, lol.


Russia Today doesn’t agree with you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why, did they give us Pompous Mikes port and ships recipe?

You cannot answer, as there is no seizure.

RT haven’t reported any ship seizures, they too are wondering just how stupid the Yanks are for stating something so definite, without any evidence, or actual events.

Alberto Garza

if an iranian boat tries to board a us vessel it will receive a harpoon on its side

Lone Ranger

Wasn’t the case last time… Iran has cruise missiles too…


this happens only in Hollywood movies. In reality US soldiers will not risk their lives by firing a harpoon. Boarding would mean, that their ship is in Iranian waters, and these Iranian waters are protected by anti-ship missiles. One harpoon would result in many of these sinking the ship, which fired the Harpoon.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What about an Iranian missile strike on US troops and bases?

US bravado goes out the window when it comes to actually fighting Iranians, lol.

chris chuba

1. The DOJ are fools. The twitter link was to the successful Iranian boarding of the Wila on 8/12 and NOT a failed attempt to reclaim cargo.

2. Fars news denies this, they are calling this PSYOPS https://www.facebook.com/FNA.english Note the odd DOJ language that they have taken control of the cargo. If these are tankers of gasoline, wouldn’t they have to take the actual ships? It’s not easy to siphon millions of gallons of fuel.

Ashok Varma

Indian maritime sources have dismissed US claims. A statement reads, “no Iranian flagged ships or oil shipments have been stopped”.

Lux et Veritas

US has been caught in yet another fabrication,

Tommy Jensen

Come on. Dont tell us of all the things these ships werent. Tell us who they were and who owned the oil.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Ask the Yanks Tommy, they are the only ones who seem to know about seizing 4 ships that no other nation has reported missing, lol.

Concrete Mike

They dumped the fuel in beirut a couple weeks ago.


These 4 tankers are charter vessels not owned by Iran but the cargo is. It appears the owners have caved in to pressure from the US over sanctions & agreed to change course for fear of penalties. Nothing stops Iran from using its own ships in future

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What ships?

What fuels?

What port?

3 days later, no seized ships on Earth.

cechas vodobenikov

more fake news for amerikan peasants


Maybe the Chinese can spend a couple months there and build them a few refineries.


The refiners are all ready built, but they need to be kept in good working order. Venezuela may be suffering lack of spare parts, inability to keep on or hire the best engineers, and maybe even some sabotage. :/

Jens Holm

Well, the chinese actual was there and gavve them a big loan and there has been no repay yet.

And You dont get the point. The problems are selfmade. First the Feudals did no investments i the oil business and no money reached the poor lazybums and the normal ones.

So desperat people the took in Sanches. He only knew one part of socialisme. It was sharing all values. It was great. The old cow tasted well but after that hip hip, there has been no milk.

Socialists has to work as hard as any to have something to share. He forgot that par.

Unfortunatly the sicialist are just as corrupt as any there.

They do have a middle class there, which could take over but the Feudals and the none productive socialists dont allow that.


Jens, why do you post, if you have not the slightest glimpse about the topic? Oil industry problem in Venezuela are due to the total embargo on oil facilities and materials. Not a simple valve can be imported, if its use is for the oil industry. Materials means everything, including training, software, spareparts, tools… The emabrgos US has placed on Venezuela are against the UN charta, but does not count for the US at all. It has nothing to do with socialism, communism or whatever else bothers you. Its simply strangulation of life in Venezuela through embargos.

Fleecing Rabbi

Because he is a goyim meshuggenah.

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect. The problems came long time before that and was about narcotica and single persons directly or inddirevctly onvoved in that from Venzuala.

Thats about 15 years old. When no change was made the sanctions was next tool.

USA and the rest of, us as well, didnt like narco comming from there. So thats what You support.

I know for sure Maduro friends are not better in narcotics then the feudals.

Potato Man

1. Iran’s ambassador to Venezuela, Hojat Soltani, rejected the Journal report on Thursday, insisting in a tweet that “the ships are not Iranian” while calling the claim about the seizures “another lie and psychological warfare from the propaganda machine of the US.” 2. The statement appeared to confirm a Wall Street Journal report, citing anonymous government and shipping sources, that claimed four tankers loaded with Iranian fuel had recently seen their cargo confiscated “without the use of military force.” The vessels were said to be re-routed to Houston, Texas, where they will reportedly be met by senior Trump administration officials.

The US most likely use these ships to get their stupid morons from Venezuela government. I don’t think it was Iranian own ships. Btw it seem like another BS, if this was true Iran can take other ships in Persian gulf.

Icarus Tanović

Why don’t you check out your sources, because it is obviously American psychological warfare and lies, before posting thing such are this?


Says Icarus, a liar and also a coward.

John Wallace

Says the goonball who craps his daks at the sound of a firecracker and yet denies the skid marks are from fear alone.

Icarus Tanović

Let’s just meet, then proove that I’m a coward. You’ll beg for mercy.


“The owners of the four vessels agreed to have the fuel transferred to other vessels so it could be shipped to the United States, a U.S. government source said on Thursday. The warrant only covered the cargoes, not the vessels.”

– Tankers ship Iranian fuel cargoes to U.S. for seizure –



Fkin pirates.. Thats what they are..


Poor Americans, how desperate they have become to spread totally false news. Like we all watch only CNN.


So some murky US organ is executing some piracy act – even without any justification on its own legislature – and even only thereafter is trying to “justiify” it before a court that is made from its own pirates.

I think that is a promising policy that ALL pirates …ähhh: executive corporations, sorry… should adopt!

Let us be clear: Piracy asks for open war on that piracy.

Антон С

Ambassador of Iran disaproved it already. He said that Iran successfully delivered 5 tankers with gasoline to Venezuela for 9 tons of gold. Those 4 arrested tankers are nor iranian.

Jens Holm

The Mullah dentists will be busy. Most of it probatly is gone even before it reach Bandar Abbas.

Антон С

Jensy is on the duty for freedom and democrazy. Even at shabbats. You are good shabes-goy.

Jens Holm

Thats very incorrect. Freedom and influence by that related hard to much higher resposability as well.

And I dont expect democrasy for fx ME. I do hope for better systems, where bad ones by election can be replaced by hopefully better ones.

I speak for structures, which are vital here being the backbone of everything can grow well. The base is good school, good education, well used skills where ever they are and they are rewarded by who does it and by pay pr hour.

And I can add women in my country are just as clever and hard working as men. They show it in tax as well as we have a female Premiere minister and are doing well.

So I do comment women in Islam not even get, whats written in the Khoran and should not be raised for sale and buy.

I also speak for more will be like us. We gain respect and honor for, what we actually do or do not and dont have the muslim autopilot telling little dirty muslim boys are higher ranked then women and even well educated female teachers.

Those little dirtbag boys typical are the ones, which by that never gets a real job and end as hard criminals often on junk. We dont like that kind of people here. You may have them for free. We may even pay You for them and a one way ticket.

People dont need to give me names. I already has and has known for years.

Cheryl Brandon


Cheryl Brandon


Michael Paul Lynch

Why would anyone think that the Khazarian maritime marauders would not have hijacked the tankers. That left Iran for Venezuela not too long ago.

Elliot Abrams, after a lame and failed attempt to get Maduro and was assigned to regime change in Iran, and Zio-pig Pompeo, not commit piracy. Iran is the last country on the neo-con 911 hit list.

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