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MARCH 2025

United States Introduces New Anti-Iranian Sanction, Claims Iran ‘Likely’ Downed Ukrainain Airliner

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United States Introduces New Anti-Iranian Sanction, Claims Iran 'Likely' Downed Ukrainain Airliner

Reuters / Kevin Lamarque

On January 10, the United States announced new sanctions against Iran and clamed that it had ‘likely’ shot down the Ukrainian Boeing 737-800.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran of downing the Ukrainian airline while Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced a new round of sanctions. The new sactions are aimed at Iran’s construction, textiles, mining, steel and iron industries, among others. They also target eight senior Iranian officials for their supposed involvement in the recent missile attacks. Pompeo  described them as members of Iran’s “inner security apparatus.”

“Treasury’s action includes the designations of Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council; Mohammad Reza Ashtiani, the Deputy Chief of Staff of Iranian armed forces; and Gholamreza Soleimani, the head of the Basij militia of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).  In addition, Treasury designated 17 Iranian metals producers and mining companies; a network of three China- and Seychelles-based entities; and a vessel involved in the purchase, sale, and transfer of Iranian metals products, as well as in the provision of critical metals production components to Iranian metal producers,” the Treasury statement says.

The State Secretary added that the US believes that Iran was “likely” to shoot down the Ukrainian passenger jet that crashed near Tehran.

“We do believe that it is likely that this plane was shot down by an Iranian missile. We are going to let the investigation play out before we make the final determination,” he said.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immidiately congratulated US President Trump for imposing new anti-Iranian sanctions. The Prime Minister office issued a statement in which Netanyahu says the “terror regime” in Iran “oppresses the Iranian people and threatens world peace.”

The January 10 press conference is a visual confirmation that, regardless the real reason of the Boeing crash in Iran, the United States is planning to use the tragedy in order to discredit Iran, increase media and diplomatic pressure on it and try to create a new anti-Iranian coalition. At the same time, the ‘harsh’ sanctions imposed on Iran are aimed at a limited number of Iranian companies and people. Business of Such countries as China, Russia and even India is not planning to follow them. This indicates that the US has little options to pressure Iran by economic means and in fact the position of the world’s sole supwerpower is weaker than it wants to demonstrate.


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So we are now seeing the dullards of the US and the West beating the Highly Likely Drum of dis-information again , in order to trigger their populations.

Lets wait for the black box data for clues as to what actually happened and not what the US and vassals are having wet dreams about.

The very poor record of US and their vassals probity regarding investigations , bars them from any part of this investigation , except as observers.


The dullards seem to be the Islamist Iranians who made a Red Flag Revenge missile attack with no casualties. And then to get blood, shoot down a civilian airliner killing mostly their own students. Hey, on top of their top general falling into a trap that gets him and other top Islamist officials blown away. Sure hasn’t been a brilliant several days for them.

good american

Funny how the US got the sh8 blown out of their base and are acting like it never happened, instead focus on a plane accident. What a weak way to divert attention. So the US is stealing oil, assassinating leaders on peace missions,and refusing to leave countries that no longer want them. And they claim to be the good guys. HAHAHA.

Marcus Porcius Cato

Yankistanis and Jews have this funny idea that if they hide their casualties that they never happened. And the families of those killed and wounded will have a nondisclosure requirement forced on them at gunpoint, with a permanent threat to use the gun if they ever forget.

John Wallace

So that explains why Trump shit his pants and to save face said Iran is backing down. Yeah right . What happened to the massive response if they dare look like bombing us. 52 sites all ready to be bombed if Iran tries ANYTHING.. Suddenly .. oops sorry Iran .. look I will put sanctions on fly spray as that will really upset…. no one. Really just a clueless dumbfuck troll .

Marcus Porcius Cato

Hey, Jake! Did you hear about the Jew who encountered a chivalrous Crusader knight? The knight politely informed the Jew that he was going to skewer him, and he did.

Peter Jennings

Move along Jake, there’s nothing to exploit here.


Well i don’t think thats very fair considering the Iranians have just ” bulldozed ” all the evidence

John Wallace

Sorry but new photo’s out show that is another load of bullshit to keep the dumb entertained.


You don’t get it do you, nothing should have been removed, the bulldozer story is BS but the photos tell the real story on RT International website

The Iranians appear to have cleared the crash site before any real experts could go there,to my knowledge this really isn’t how things are done!

But this is Iran after all,a hopelessly corrupt and frankly paranoid backwards theocratic dictatorship so i suppose thats what one should expect!

John Wallace

Yes I do get it. After every plane crash everything is collected and taken to a hanger or large building so it can be examined and put back together as best they can. So even knowing that the bulldozing story was bullshit you still chose to use it . That says a lot about you doesn’t it.


Its only taken away once the investigation has concluded, there hasn’t been an investigation at the site has there!

John Wallace

It’s OK I just did one and I came to the conclusion ” A big plane crashed here ” It looks like every plane part has been salvaged and taken to a weather proof site to be examined . Ukrainian inspectors ( 55 of them ) arrived shortly after the plane crash and one would assume a couple or more may have visited the site and directed what they wanted or perhaps they all went and drunk copious amounts of Iranian vodka to celebrate their safe arrival in Iran. They would need to drink heaps to help with the 80 lashes. :-)


Big plane shot down by mullah dictatorship and now they’ve admitted it,my point about clearing the site is vindicated, their actions are of guilt,no need to preserve the evidence was there!

Peter Jennings

You just admitted that your last post was bullshit, and you follow it with more bullshit.

I sense a pattern forming, or is it a habit?


The incidence is non of your business nor is the conduct of a sovereign state method of investigations.


None of my personal business correct, but thats not how these things work within an international context,besides it doesn’t matter as the Iranian dictatorship has admitted they were responsible

John Wallace

Normal for them to make a large public statement and after retract it , maybe, but it is in the minds of most that initial statement is the fact and very few see or hear the reenactment. See it so many times that it is obviously a ploy they use too misdirect the sheep.

Zionism = EVIL

Unfortunately Iran has accepted that it shot down the plane unintentionally, but the blood is on Americunt hands as they started this whole cycle of violence by murdering General Soleimani.


I agree.

Rampant US aggression has in fact been the cause of many such tragedies. Even the Lockerbie UK crash due to a Libyan bomb.

Damien C

The USA is run like a bad Warner Bros cartoon


Bankrupting them is more humane than destroying them, I guess.

Peter Jennings

In a time of crisis, america always turns to a double-act with which to distract themselves from the horror of its foreign policy. IMO, they brought on the clowns too early.

Lots of words such as, ‘we believe’ and ‘likely’ being used by the charlatans rather than any actual facts. Gulf war anyone? The Iranian admin will make sense of the data from the boxes and release the info. In the meantime, watch the clowns.


“highly likely” expression was plagiarism of Brittish “Novichok” stunt so US has decided to use only word “likely” without using other word “highly”….to stay innovative and original.


pompeo is a fat asshole and mnuchin is a nefarious jew and both lie through their teeth in order to save boeing from going bankrupt and also save the place on the boeing board for that horrible former us un-ambassador,nikki hayley. but that’s the gist – save boeing from going down the drain, 3 total catastrophies in a year and a half and more than 500 dead. just too bad for words.

flying boeing? never with my foot, ever again.

AM Hants

Boeing – fly by wire technology – Niki Haley and then maintenance carried out in Ukraine.

Not a flight I would have chosen and RIP to the innocents on board.


Pompeo usually lies but he might be right on the Iranians shot down the plane by mistake


Does any body know the words to that old Monty Python song Spam?

If so, replace the word ‘spam’ with ‘ sanctions’

Sanctions sanctions sanctions sanctions!

Lovely sanctions!, wonderful sanctions! Lovely sanctions! wonderful sanctions!


You get the message!

I did say this would happen didn’t i !!!

AM Hants

Spam LIVE – Monty Python live mostly (SUB ITA)… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxtsa-OvQLA

Customer: Morning

Waitress: Morning

Customer: What have you got?

Waitress: Well, there’s egg and bacon Egg sausage and bacon Egg and spam Egg, bacon and spam Egg, bacon, sausage and spam Spam, bacon, sausage and spam Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam tomato and spam Spam, spam, spam, egg and spam Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam

(Choir: Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely Spam! Lovely Spam!)

Or Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce Served in a Provençale manner with shallots and aubergines Garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top and Spam ADVERTISING

Wife: Have you got anything without spam?

Waitress: Well, the spam, eggs, sausage and spam That’s not got much spam in it

Wife: I don’t want any spam!

Customer: Why can’t she have eggs, bacon, spam and sausage?

Wife: That’s got spam in it!

Customer: Hasn’t got much spam in it as spam, eggs, sausage and spam has it?

(Choir: Spam! Spam! Spam!…)

Wife: Could you do me eggs, bacon, spam and sausage without the spam, then?

Waitress: Iiiiiiiiiiiich!!

Wife: What do you mean ‘Iiiiiiiiiich’? I don’t like spam!

(Choir: Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!)

Waitress (to choir): Shut up!

(Choir: Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!)

Waitress: Shut Up! Bloody Vikings! You can’t have egg, bacon, spam and sausage without the spam

Wife: I don’t like spam!

Customer: Shush dear, don’t have a fuss. I’ll have your spam. I love it I’m having spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans Spam, spam, spam, and spam!

(Choir: Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!)

Waitress: Shut Up!! Baked beans are off

Customer: Well, could I have her spam instead of the baked beans then?

Waitress: You mean spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam Spam and spam?

Choir (intervening): Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!


Great now just replace the word spam with sanctions and apply to the Iranian theocratic dictatorship, and hey presto you’ll see loads of pain,pain pain pain! Wonderful pain!

AM Hants

Whose pain, and not Iran’s? Remember how many nations are turning their backs on the $US?

Marcus Porcius Cato

Bob, your SIPR email is piling up. Better get back to work. Have you completed your Cyber Awareness Challenge for this fiscal year yet? Got OPSEC? Not really.


Can’t expect rednecks to have that kind of awareness


“… likely downed the airliner”. Quite apart from the fact, that Iran had absolutely nothing to gain from downing a civilian airliner with mostly Iranians on board(!) – no sane person would make such a statement in the first place. On the contrary, it was likely a technical failure or direct or indirect US sabotage. Why? Because some ppl in the White House are obviously hell bent to start a war. Also, the US have a history of attacking civilian airplanes.


ALL OK except motive bit exaggerated.

“some ppl in the White House…hell bent to start a war” Iranian civilian airliner with no US citizens, can hardly be a motive for the war even for the “hell bent to start a war” It is just usual smear campaign in the series of other anti-Iran psy-op to keep “maximum pressure on the Iranian regime”. Hardly anything more… They will sling the mud at Iranians hopping that something will stick eventually… The objective of all that is to paint the picture of Iranians as ruthless criminals to justify possible aggression against the Iran and to get public support for that kind of intervention.

AM Hants

The US, for a variety of reasons, is no way credible to up the war cries, with regards the plane.

When they promoted the CO of the USS Vincennes and even awarded him some hero medal, when he took out Iran Flight 655. How many lives were lost, when that flight was taken out?

Just listening to the ITV news, over in the UK, plus, reading the Daily Mail and somebody is seriously spending a lot of money spinning MH17 Part 2.


Hero medal, for Iran Flight 655 was for internal public consumption. This here is for global audience. When they need motive for the war they still need something more viable than simple story or accusation backed by nothing …Like they did before for “Iraq 2” war , with Weapons of Mass Destruction (Deception) story. World would not buy any more straight lies like that from US. At least I tend to believe so…

Marcus Porcius Cato

The bridge crew of the Vincennes practically ejaculated when they fired that missile and it hit the plane. Nothing but a pack of murderers.


bob and joke123 are just pain in the ass so please ignore fully – their time will come as wet stains in the palestinian sand.


On the contrary, they (and Moshe) are a perfect example of a co-ordinated hasbara operation in action, and we should study it carefully and understand the methods they use to “win the unwinnable”. They are not individuals, there is a whole team behind them. It is a great opportunity to study hasbara in action, and also expose it for what it really is.


of course and they gain no advantage,just being irritants you can heap scorn of – fact is that the illegal settlement on palestinian land is defenseless without the nukes they claim to have and situation is if they ever would resort to those nukes, the jewish people would be toast in no time, be they in london, paris or rome etc. the indigenous people just will not accept the use of nukes by the jews. mark my words.


what happened with the 80m$ bounty on trump’s head, just perfect for melania to secure a pecuniary safe future and not the idiot trump actually is. and if the iranians throww in 25m$ for pompeo (hard to miss) and ditto for mnuchin and jared kushner with wife, matters might just take a turn for the better. well obviously, a world without those criminals is just a better world – no bounty on netanyahu’s head, he’ll go for free and what is planned for him bears not thinking about.


Yup, thanks, for once am I gratefull for watching freaks drool, nobody beats the Pompeuous clown, and whatever begins that was beside the insane Pompeuous, I dont really care, because everything was said, no need to go further than read their statements, fascinating isnt it, arrogance and ignoracne humped so tight together, an symphony of evil. The dance of the devil, where everybody if any doubt about the Imperial banana republic ambisions for the future of humanty uh…. that once evaporated to day, in an sense, its self explanatory they are indeed an nation based upon warfare, strealing, lying and cheeting, and sprinkle it with some millions here and there to the vassals in this nations, yeah, thanks, I mean it, cross my hart, and then we have Trump, another pathetic bitch, I think that alone is what defines my contempt for not only Him, but the disapointment, and a bit shame. You know, the saying, fool me once ……..etc.

The second issue is, there never was an missile, I dont bother to go into details other than confinding my range to whats been given as visual profs, witch to this hour havent convised me at all, and I am a bit curious why, and if I would postulate two directions if any, either an bomb or engine cockup. I read one coment in MoA, about what happened to an Quantas flight, the disintigrading of an turbin, is serious shit, and in the case of Quantas the damages done to everything basically was fatal, from comunication to hyrolics, everything cased. And then the engine blew. Like the African crew, they didnt staned an iota of chanse, dispite the heroic atempt done by, and I salute this people incl the captain, for their desperate atemot to land, instead if exploded close to the ground, one engine isnt the wurst, but the damages done was far beyond critical. The most probable is this senario, and thats where it is right now, the ZATO scumbags and the insanely evil and corrupt UssA will of course crate new lines in the sand, yeah, an empires “right to be good”.

One thing must be crystal clear, the war on Iran have just stopped for an while if it isnt going on thinks behind the curtains, difficould to get when we are feed bullshit an mass from the MSM, distractions. Then we have long term senarios, witch is, to be frank, the road to freedom Iraq, you have it right infront of you, and not for an long time is it in reatch. The ONLY one you need to ask, is the person stearing back from an mirror, thats alfa and omgea. The Arab world have an chanse, unity is the Only force than can change everything, incl Saudi-barbaria, and they know it, I know it, you just need to walk the last streatch to realise it. Think about it, what story will you tell your grand children, the one about been an Man, or the silence of an coward and never be able to tell an true story. This, is all yours. Il be on the Other side. Any true warrior, fights not because of hating whats infront of him, but for the love of those behind him. Wake up.



Press TV, and I’m assuming all of the other Iranian sites are still down in the US. It really makes of mockery of freedom of speech in the JewS.

Joe Kerr

The ziobag and his bloated lapmutt… the flummoxed look on their faces says it all. Habitual lying, cheating and stealing has its price.


After 20 years and for the first time since being appointed as the Chief Commander of Quds brigade, General Soleimani was interviewed by Khamenei.IR. The interview lasted over an hour and it is a fascinating interview and the best way to get to know who the general really was. The topic of the interview was the 2006 war on Lebanon by the “Israel+is”. Here is the video and the transcript together on this link:


You can call me Al

Israelis. No problem saying it here.


WTF is an “Israeli”? That word was invented in 1948 in their desperate attempt to sound Middle Eastern like Yemeni, Iraqi, Kuwaiti. The suffix “I” is Arabic so how do a bunch of white men and white women known as the Ashkenazi come up with “Israel+i”? Why were they afraid to call themselves “Israelite”? Have you heard? The “Israeli” have avoided eating Ashkenazi foods and now not only do they consume Arabic foods but you can find them on the streets of New York peddling Arabic foods and calling it “Israeli food”. A peole without shame! Not only land thieves but also culture thieves.

You can call me Al

LOL, I totally agree with you, they are the same – same.

You can call me Al

Well, I know that.

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