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MARCH 2025

United States Officially Threatens To Assassinate New Leader Of Iranian Quds Force

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United States Officially Threatens To Assassinate New Leader Of Iranian Quds Force

Brig. Gen. Esmail Gha’ani. Source: leader.ir

The U.S. special representative for Iran, Brian Hook, has threatened Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani, Iran’s new Quds Force commander, with the fate of his predecessor Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani.

In an interview with the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat, Hook advised Brig. Gen. Ghanni to not follow Soleimani’s path of “killing Americans.”

“We took the world’s most dangerous terrorists off the battlefield … And as a consequence, the region is going to be safer because Soleimani was the glue that held together the proxies, and his death will create a void that the regime will not be able to fill,” the U.S. diplomat said in the interview, which was released on January 23.

Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani was killed along with several senior Iranian and Iraqi military commanders in a U.S. drone strike on the Baghdad International Airport on January 3. In a matter of a few hours, Brig. Gen. Ghaani was appointed as the new Quds Force commander.

The U.S. took responsibility for assassinating the senior Iranian commander right away, in what was widely seen as an attempted to intimidate Tehran.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) avenged the death of Soleimani by launching a missile strike on a base hosting hundreds of U.S. troops in northern Iraq. The strike inflicted heavy damage to the base. However, no U.S. service members were killed.

Hook’s threat indicates that the U.S. will go on with its hostile actions against Iran. Tehran and its regional allies had warned that they will work to force U.S. troops to pull out of the region, especially from Iraq.

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Kiker propaganda, septic tanks are chicken.


Is that why you eat from them so often? You think there’s some chicken there?

Shlomo Shekelstein

That’s your food moron, GMO feces for obese, fat murican mutants… go die from heart attack, you mutant brain is already dead and rotten.

Jens Holm

You are from Basra?


Maybe Iran should apply the US way of an eye for an eye

Jens Holm

Yerrhh, and USA probatly has ballistic missiles too.

Come on Barbie, let go party – Is that what You really want ?


I am very sorry for you. Real life does not mean anything to you, and looking unbiased on facts seems not to be your strength. Why don’t you come out of your bubble and accept the reality?


He’s a moron. He must be a teenager who should be watching Lady Gaga videos and staying out of sites for intelligent adults

Jens Holm

If I need that, its because of someone like You. You have not a single idea for any improvements for Your own situation apart from even more of You spendable cillages has to be killed.

What is ir?? ME contraseption or what.

Jens Holm

You have not even proposals for anything better.

What is it for facts. I see none apart from wishes blured by propaganda and a very low knowledge level.

Ignoring USA has missiles and other kinds of counter revenge seemes ignored.

The reality is many important things will be destoyed and as too often many will die for nothing.

And why; Because You have nop way out because no reflexions are made. If anyything, I am the one OUTSIDE the bubble.

John Wallace

Excessive usage of LSD is not good for the brain Jens..

Jens Holm

I just comment You. Your writings are full of non facts based on nothing or worse. You propose no soletuions and even blame others for, whats going on as grown up remainined as children.


Well, they’re still looking for that top Islamist Iranian General’s eyes. And all the US had to pay for him and a half dozen of his buddies was a few empty hangers and some headaches. I’m sure this kind of an eye for an eye will really work for Islamist Iran.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It makes the US appear sooo strong, when former vassals fire ballistic missiles without reply at them.

Despite threatening to retaliate with a force never seen before, the US backed down and were happy to have killed a replaceable soldier.

How many bodies are still missing from New York?

John Wallace

Well the US troops are really tuff and can take it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i62MDG81mlI


They are peeing and pooing, but when they attack civilians from the security of their Apache or F-16 cockpits, they think they are the meanest guys.

Jens Holm

Typical Arabistani comment. They dont want to be killed in the ancient context of Yours and for nothing. You are nothing compared to protect own citizens being soldiers or not.

Typical Arabistani comment that Americans kill civilians and the comment is used to hide those, whcih actually kills civilians in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen etc.


Lol ……. you are such a kick Jens. Nobody is consistently in outer space as much of you. Americans don’t kill civilians huh? Wounded Knee come to mind?…. the napalming of Tokyo during WWII …… the Zippo squads in Viet Nam. At least pick something that makes sense once in a while. Laters Jens.

John Wallace

He shouldn’t mixed LSD and sucking on the bong as it does screw with what exists as his brain..

Jens Holm

Another non comment from You. Its only allowed to have one oppinion trying to unite the worst morons on earth being here.


What about Eisenhower’s genocide against the Germans after WWII? What about the Danish using German prisoners to clear minefields after WWII, in contravention of the Geneva Convention, and a War Crime?

Jens Holm

There was no german genoside by Eisenhower. Eisenhower was one of those, which pushed for more helpto germans and other faster.

I dont see danes should take up those mines. We still find and detonate. To me it was a very difficult choise but correct.

Germans should have given up to fight much later. Blame them. Exact same hapend for the ones in the USSR area or even worse. So many was was given no food and medical care.

Very oneeyeed or worse comment. Only some french supoorted a revenge like total lack of food and medical care.

And who had produced food, which came – Americans and the Marshall plane. USSSR had none of that. NONE.

Jens Holm

I was not even born in 1945. I relate to now and ME.


You are a hoot Jens.


“They dont want to be killed in the ancient context of Yours and for nothing.” And what is that “context”? Can you make sense? Arabistani, whatever that means, is a term ignoramuses like you use. If something sounds “arabistani”, it is an illiterate saying “and we are alied to Bgadad as well as asked for by them”.

Jens Holm

Its quite clear. Our soldiers and fx teachers for the Bagdad Goverment called in for help, doesnt get killed just because You kill each other. Thats no nomral procedure unless its needed.

You give no other solutions among Yourself. The message of today from fx Erdogan is 400.000 more refugees on the run. But the Chairman Himself makes those refugees by totally stupid reasons.

That of course goes for Assads and Russians.

Even so USA and Zionist are blamed for almost all of Your selfinflicted quagmire based on not even listening to the tons of advices from the rest of the world.

The answer again and again: NO CHANGE FOREVER

Thats why we should nt even be at that god forsaken place, where hatdly none not even can read the milder parts of the Holy Choran and follow that.

I dont say, we are better. I say that we have our own problems and at least try to make changes. EU and Nato as well as other organoisations and moderne many string solutions does it.

Countries like Syria and Iraq can be runned as Emirats because of seize and the Leaders use too much time for controil in stead of trust diciding the power. An dYou eat that.

Same kind of stupidisme for Iran. Some religios Leaders insist in news by Islam 1400 yars ago and even nules to suport it. Then You are morons supporting morons. I certainly dont support even more has nukes. Next time some nuke might selfdetonate in Teheran too.


“You give no other solutions among Yourself.” You? I am not Arab, for if I were, I would have no problem in stating it. I suppose that is a tactic people like you use to discount other people’s views. I would at least respect you if you wrote coherently.

Jens Holm

I shouldnt have named You as arab, but we dont use our people get killed for a conflict between USA and Iran.

We helpå the Bagdads and they have promised to protect the perimeter of that big base having Iraqians, americans and sevral other nations asked in to fight ISIS as well as learning the Bagdad forces to do that much better then the collapased one did.

Thats not discount. It discount when You can see we are there paying for to help You, being not americans as well as we are not there as Nato troops but specialist in education and advanced things the Iraqi forces cant do themselves (yet).

Thats the discount by limited boneheads here.

You even ignore we as danes give You the first correct reault of the falling ballistic soldiers and there ven even laugh about we send the best help to our soldiers and retreat from help until there is a solution for comming back or not comming back.

Our troops should never be hurt because of Iranioan, American or even fx Sadr Morons . No way.


If they kill the enemy what difference does it make.? You what to be a Cave Man fighter? Fine. Die brave. Oh, and collect your deserved Darwin Award.


What enemy? You mean the world because the west, and especially the US, has made the rest of the world their enemy. What I mean is the contradiction between the chest-thumping Americans -when they have total superiority- and their cowardly behaviour -when they do not


Perfect recruiting video. :P

Jens Holm

Only if You are kept stupid and naive not even able to read and certainly not understand the Choran.

Your solutions for improvements are as for the rest of the world: All going to schools, education, skils, hard work by qualification and paid pr hours and not by family relations.

Its easy to see how it is. Kurds are the only ones having a program like that, but You fight them hard united and name them anything theyu are not.

Yopu not even has language for, what demopv´crasy is. Most things about fx western econimics is not exist. You never mention the american middle class but only th rishest and the poorest as well.

Women being just as productive is same thing. So many are more controlled then hens and pigs. Thats no respect for girls and women. They are only much more stupid then even You, because You keep them that – in fear, because You never learn how they really are.


Who is You?

Jens Holm

Again You dont relate to facts like one tree makes a forrest. Maybee You are blind and knocked into it…

John Wallace

Fuck off Jens. Can’t be bothered with your moronic dribble bullshit.

Jens Holm

Thats the essence of free speach having a right to comment anything and by that find whats wrong and right and true or false as well as thrre f x are several solutions for the same problems.

You think free speech is some stand alone patent. Thats not free speach.

John Wallace

I am not stopping you from making your comments. I am saying I am not interested in your bullshit , big difference. Like everything else you don’t have a clue and your metaphors may make sense to you but no one else. Again.. Fuck off I am not interested in your moronic bullshit.

Jens Holm

I dont write for You. I write beacause of You. People then can see not all are like You.

John Wallace

You come to a site that most people support Assad and his fight for the Syrian people against the terrorists supported by the West and you want to show that not everyone is like me. most on here are like me , tired of the bullshit and lies put out by the paid and controlled westen MSM. There a re a few like you just come here to shit stir. Why not go to sites that support similar views to yourself. You are changing no ones mind here. You are just pissing off people with your bullshit and convoluted stories that make no sense to anyone but you. I once thought you had a problem with English and you certainly do with your , Doctors and Lawyers English . what the fuck is that ?/, and tried to help but no you are just fucked in the head so as I say again and again , I have had enough of your bullshit and not interested in anything you say. No more , finished. No more beating heads against a brick wall because you are a waste of time and effort. Take it I don’t agree with what you say , if I can understand it , which mostly I can’t . No one cares what you say . keep your convoluted riddles to yourself . Nonsense. FO

John Wallace

Again you DON”T UNDERSTAND. Go back to school idiot and learn to understand English. I know you think you can but NO YOU Can’t .

Jens Holm

Most here write a very incomplet lawyers and doctors english, whicvh I onece upon a time learned in school.

It only can be seen as the more simple Arabic and Turkish languages translated to English,

You have no advanced grammer at all. You have a lot tabus, no language for a lot of debating as well as being upside down in culture as well a religion, and most muslims and other ME`s are not Lawyers and Doctors.

The top non-native English speaking countries 1. Netherlands 70.31 2. Sweden 70.72 3. Norway 68.38 4. Denmark 67.34 5. Singapore 68.63 6. South Africa 66.52 7. Finland 65.86 8. Austria 63.13 9. Luxembourg 66.33 10. Germany 63.74 11. Poland 62.45 12. Portugal 60.02 13. Belgium 63.52 14. Croatia 60.16

Your comment about me confirms it well. Thats why You dont understand Westerns. You not even try but use Your inside head translate pidgin version being as perfects as a car witrn no seatbelt, no ABS, no Airback, no safeprotection and radio and TV only on Your own propagandix´zed news channels of the worst misguided kinf.

No wonder You cant even produce plastic buckets for own use even You have oil for it.

I have written it so many times here: You hardly go to school, many females dont at all, You dont educate, You dont use Your skills, You dont work hard because You are not paid by hours and being rewarded for it.

In stead people are hired in forver stupidity by old unqualified old people and men are rewarded by cars for same jobs, where women get some flowers in their behind or a mobile phone.

And when I write that, I NEVER get any reaction.

And why: You men all are raised like tiny little macho roosters hardly producing anything then kakkli ky from early morning to late night. At least hens are laying eggs and the meat is better too:) . In You context women are not even made by Allah.

Wayne Nicholson

“And all the US had to pay for him and a half dozen of his buddies was a few empty hangers and some headaches.”

…. and got booted out of Iraq …. and that embarrassing message to the Iranians pleading with them to go easy on them.

What happened to the 52 air strikes Trump promised? That strike scared the shit out of him.

btw the Danes reported smashed helicopters and drones all over the place. CNN didn’t get a look at the place until 3 days after the strike … they had time to clean up. And what about the 2 soldiers airlifted to Germany who were found dead in their bunks?


Last I checked the US us still in Iraq with no plans to leave and no legal request to leave from the Iraqi Government. You lie as usual. But a fool like you is sorry that tens of thousands of Iranians weren’t killed by Trump. You’re sick. Anyway, the top Islamist Iranian General is dead along with a half dozen of his top military buddies. And he and they came real cheap even if what you falsely claim were true.

Wayne Nicholson

The USA are either going to go peacefully or face another insurgency. It’s going to happen. The iraqi’s have to settle on a new PM and finalize their deal with China …. these things don’t happen overnight …. but one way or another the USA is in for a fight in Iraq if they don’t leave.

Jens Holm

You are more upside down the yoga. USA and we were called in because Bagdads almost lost control of the country.

So if the Coalision is not needed we go. The Danish Goverment last year paid 50 million dollars for our help.

We anytime would like to use those money on ourself then sitting under ballistic missiles form Iran more or less caused byu USA.

You also show how things are narrowminded reduced. We are many investing in the Bagdad Governess and so much never goes to, what its meant for. You dont support the many protesters about no job, no good water or price of fuel in a fair way for fair progressive solations and prefare to have armed militias with teargas against those needed changes.

Do we have to support at Governess like that. To me its pest or cholera if the alternative are the violent parts of the shiits in stead.

So we help the Bagdads as long as they and we think it makes sense.

Americans has an aghenda, whoich certainly is not mine. I am for we have no relations with Iran and they cant buy anthing they wish – Buty not in violent versions.

Jens Holm

He has not lied about the demolisions. They were more then told in the first rapports.

Its not about that. Its very much about what happens next. So far we have to see the damagecontrol for that.

Jens Holm

Thats right. But I still compare with revenges by them. You seemes to rely more inTrump then Americans and I do.

Jens Holm

Typical ME 12 sheep gib´ving minus. People like them has killed 1000s of Iranians and other muslims. Thats how heroes are made in ME.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran needs to take the kid gloves off in the region. Syria is now shaping up as Americunt graveyard as Russia may finally step up support for the Axis of Resistance.


Damn, right. They need to shoot down more civilian airliners with mostly Iranians on board. That will show them!

Jens Holm

You should be nicer. Not all Iranians are bad:)

Jens Holm

Fine with me. But nice if You give them and others a hint. I see none. Thats the whole point added excuses for it.

Concrete Mike

My these americans are stupid, way to paint yourself into a corner.

Guess thats what happens when your foreign policy is drafted by interests supporting another state. ISRAEL!

Treasonous scum need to be removed asap.before they get us all.killed!! Notice as soon as israel is threatened nuke talks starts.

This is intidation, i say shove your nukes where the sun dont shine. I am.not affraid anymore.


Yep, whenever Israel is seriously threatened, nuke talk begins. And if an existential threat is actually attempted against Israel those nukes will be used if need be. Matters not if you are not afraid. Matters most that others who might be able to try to make good on your threats are as stupid and suicidal as you. They better be afraid, very afraid.


you always talk the biggest BS. You can collect enemies following the old saying: lots of enemies is lots of honor. But what happened when it is too much enemy? One day the nuke excuse will not help anymore. E.g. Iran may losse some millions, but some will survive. Israel on the other hand will not be so lucky.


I beg to differ, Israel will survive and has a second strike capability. Even if most of our cities are destroyed, we can still hit our enemies on every point on the map you can think of. Will we come to that? I hope not.

Wayne Nicholson

“Will we come to that? I hope not.”

The iranians have said they have no intention of building nukes https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/25/iran-says-us-sanctions-on-supreme-leader-means-permanent-closure-of-diplomacy

Pakistan however has nukes and the Saudi’s say they gave them some as repayment for their funding of their weapons program. All it takes is the political winds to shift ….




The UNSC said you are wrong about the Islamist Iranian intention. They did this by unanimous vote including China and Russia. Try to keep up. Oh, you and the Islamist Iranians better hope the Saudis don’t have nukes. If they did, they would have nuked Iran already.

Wayne Nicholson

“The UNSC said you are wrong about the Islamist Iranian intention.”

Which resolution said that Iran was building a bomb?

Resolution 1693 (2015) limits uranium enrichment to 3.67%. iran is currently enriching to 5%. which is ideal for commercial nuclear reactors the minimum enrichment for a bomb is 20%. Bombs are not mentioned in the resolution and the only reason that iran is currently enriching beyond the UN mandated 3.67% is because they are trying to force the other signatories to the JCPOA into shitting (saying fuck you to the USA and begin trading with Iran) or getting off the pot (dumping the JCPOA and joining in the the USA so we can all move on from this bullshit)

“Try to keep up. Oh, you and the Islamist Iranians better hope the Saudis don’t have nukes. If they did, they would have nuked Iran already.”

That is idiotic. You think the Saudi’s are so stupid they would shoot themselves in the head and nuke Iran? How would they deliver the weapon? You think the USA would provide tankers, logistics, intelligence and nuclear capable aircraft necessary to strike Iran?

What do you think Iran would do? Forget about any oil getting out of the Persian gulf for a generation. They would strike every oil facility and desalinization plant in the region cutting off the Saudi’s and USA’s golden goose.

Get out of your mom’s basement and learn about the world. Nuclear weapons have no military value other than deterrence …. you can’t use them without the risk of becoming a parahia that no other country could do business with or inviting the total destruction of your own country.

Wayne Nicholson

One other note …. Iran has signed and ratified the Nuclear non proliferation treaty …. Israel is among the few countries that hasn’t. Iran has stated they won’t build a bomb, Israel refuses to either confirm or deny they have one so fear and prejudice aside which one is the real nuclear danger here.

J Ramirez

Filthy Jew, shut up and die ;}


Adolf the drop out loser is at it again. Now take your meds.


Come and make me.

J Ramirez

Took you long enough to reply, your girlfriend Jake321 had to defend your honor, but since we all know you are a Jew, you have none. God bless Hezbollah and may their aim be true !

J Ramirez

Took you long enough to reply, your girlfriend Jake321 had to defend your honor, but since your a Jew we know you have none. God bless Hezbollah and may their aim be true!


I have better things to do, atleast I don’t get paid like other trolls here. And there is no point giving you my adresss, I only make my kills legal under the State of Israel and the rules of the IDF. Come help your terrorist friends in the next operation, I assure you I’ll be there. We can meet on the battlefield gladly.

J Ramirez

So when did killing children become legal?

J Ramirez

Give me your address


Jizzrael will be crushed in the Arab vice…while the rest of the world sits back with popcorn..and watches..

Bye Bye “Billy No Mates”


A couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles can loosen any even really really big vice. Now stop offering millions of others to give their lives for your idiocy. Be a man and get fitted for a suicide vest and practice a lot.


You know that how? And you do glibly want to throw away millions of Iranian lives. How about asking them about that? Hey, tough guy, be a man of his word and get fitted for a suicide vest and practice a lot.


I know that more progessive thinking further then the next minute is not your strength. Sorry for that. But all your wining is about nuking other countries not seing, that that would finish Israel forever. It does not need much to destroy all water supplies in Israel. A human without water lasts merely a week. Do you think that any refugee from Israel will be able to reach any neighboring country to get saved? Based on Israels track record this seems to be unrealistic. You should start using your brain for what is was deemed for, not for bullshitting all te time. When you try once, you will experience, that it is not that difficult.


Israel would fold like the menopausal neurotic old hag that she is…when faced with a real army.. Empty vessels make the most noise Any major foreign army could disable its command structure (and its nukes) with ease.. Israelis are a joke among serious military nations…have you seen the sloppy amateurish way they operate in the field?


Well, the Egyptians, Syrians and Jordanians who they beat two or three times might disagree with your assessment. Anyway, Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles kind of puts the lie to your silly claims.


take them out from under Fat Mama americas skirts…theyd sh*t themselves silly!

Jens Holm

Arrrrh, there wa go again. The Magic pen Israel does it again for the illusionists.

John Wallace

Still sucking on the bong Jens..

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/427762 impotent, uncivllized, tantrum throwing children=amerikans


Maybe. But where did you say that top Islamist Iranian general is? Oh, and where is your Glorious Russian Soviet Union? Now get back to your Vodka ration and binge yourself to an early grave like most Russian men.


I don’t think we should go down that road. Then we’ll have to ask where is the glorious US that invaded Vietnam. Or operation Eagle Claw? Or the “They’ll receive us with flowers in Baghdad.” Soon we will ask the same about Syria. Maybe Russian men drink a lot of vodka, but at least that is a manly thing compared to watching TV and binging yourselves with junk food and growing twice your size. BTW, yours is the land of transgenderism, right?


It’s a great road compared to the Russians. They have lust at least a couple of empires. And now are a second rate economy with a population killing itself off and a little strong man playing big shot in a way that will bankrupt a minor residual of the thankfully dead Russian Soviet Empire. What’s left, the RF, will go the way of its past empires into the dustbin of history.


“And now are a second rate economy with a population killing itself off and a little strong man playing big shot…” Well, let’s say that your statement is true. Why then do you respect so much such second rate power? The US does not dare confront Russia face to face. It is even leaving the Middle East to Russia. Moreover, nobody goes to Washington to solve the region’s problems. They go to Moscow. That must hurt a lot.

cechas vodobenikov

“America requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch


Your Russia already has a stupefied population if you and others around here are any example. On that you are ahead of the US.

cechas vodobenikov

“amerikans cannot think except bemoans of slogans–they identikits tiny garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussel US dept of education study of 25000 US university graduates—69% were not English proficient…Asians the best at 54%, blacks 2nd 33%—whites and Latinos last…LOL. your own linguists write that u speak like children (the use of placeholders) “Amerika is a culture of stupidity”. Arthur Schlesigner Jr. http://www.bbc.com/news/education-42222488 since u r like all of your idiot brethren…. “97% of US adults r too functionally illiterate to comprehend irony”. (Morris Berman)…and u cannot comprehend the link—-to summarize: RUSSIAN children perform #1 …amerikans so poorly a durak like u should be embarrassed—well documented by the Emory professor, mark Bauerlein (the dumbest generation) Susan Jacoby (the age of amerikan unreason) and Richard Hofstadter’s famous ‘anti-intellectualism in amerikan life’ now go away little girl!

Jens Holm

Thats no source.

John Wallace

It is a source Jens. It is up to the person reading to decide whether it is a credible source or not a credible source. See it IS a source and just because YOU don;t agree with it doesn’t make it any less of a source.

Jens Holm

That no credible source. Its not up to the people reading it or not. Its about using facts and go from there.

It misguide You, so You dont see the stones in the first class bread in the well written articles having nice pictures and most things actually are true.

Leaders of it are rich dentists:(

John Wallace

It is not up to you to decide what people can or can not read. People can make their own choiceand to believe it or not. As for facts. American Law states that it is LEGAL for the MSM too LIE in the name of the Government. So no chance you will gets any facts off MSN unless it suits them to tell the truth. Understand that Jens. American media do not have to tell you the truth and can use proganda and lies when it suits the government. That is a FACT not your bullshit drug washed tangentially abstract brain .

Muricans are not ‘children’, they are dumb mutants. Imported trash from all over the world: they exist to pay taxes and serve their jevvish masters.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Hopefully he will get to John Bolton first as “Deterrence.”


It would not surprise me if this had something to do with the impeachment of president Trump.. Trump would love for anything to take the focus off of him. There is more to this than a simple act of stupidity. I am surety Iranians and the rest, have noted and are already prepared for something.

The US was given notice that it had crossed a line. None said it had turned back. so, I wait and see what happens. My take.


Maybe some truth to what you say. But that only means this guy may not be long for this world.

Jens Holm

It make sense killing the ones, which make the wars and not the many spendable soldiers.


A good start.

John Wallace

Netanbooboo first in line.. sounds good.


If I was Israeli, I sure won’t vote for Bibi.

John Wallace

Good idea so let us start with the neo cons and their war loving banksters , military industrial leaders . All politicians that profit from war which would include Thersa May’s husband who just happens to be a massive stockholder of Raytheon and other military equipment producers. No wonder May was so keen to go to war. It put champagne on her table. Then send all their kids to the frontline to do they duty..

Jens Holm

Typical comment. You only mention the leaders of Your enemies and dont see Your own.

But we could trade. You are allowed to kill our bad ones and we are allowed to kill Yours.

So what about that? It make sense enemies see Your bad ones better, doesnt it…

John Wallace

Not touching our PM. She called Israel out over their treatment of Palitinians , why do you think Mossad sent her a message through one of our Mosques.


Who gets to create the list?

Jens Holm

All inhabitants in every country. They can propose anyone, they wish.


And where will you be?


Hello Jake. Let’s just clear the air and begin with the plain truth ……. None of us are longer this world.

As far as being a real threat, okay, yeah it’s real. But, look what they had to do to get Gen. Saleimani in the first place. They are not going to be able to do that again. Need an example of what I am talking about, how about Hez, huh?

Lots more to add but, we keep it brief on this one.

Pave Way IV

“…so, I wait and see what happens.”

More Iranian missiles and no US casualties. Then, some US soldiers are going to randomly and mysteriously commit suicide in their barracks in Germany again. I think we’re going to need a better excuse though – the Wal*Martians in the US are going to catch on. I mean, eventually… Then again, maybe not?


Hey Pave. This one is freaking strange. This one breaks so many rules of the real tough guy game that, it is beyond being basically being amateurish, I am going to need to watch this one to figure out what these fools over at State are actually doing.

A couple of things I can say with a fair amount of confidence is for starters, I think there is some incredibly bad advise being handed down over there in DC. My suspicion is it a hybrid bastardization of BN/Mossad/MI6/NeoCon blah blah bah that is taking center stage. Why MI6? I cannot discount what took place with the British Ambassador over in Iran.

Another is they are playing ‘ganster’ but, they have no idea what the F they are doing. in that realm you keep it polite and never threaten anybody ( unless absolutely necessary ), especially to the point where your tip your hand. This declaration by functionary number 4,902,021.8 ignores all of that s h i t. :P

Overall, this was big time stupid. However, something is cooking here. What they did was jackass on parade, while why they did it is yet to appear. So, let us just sit back and watch something else blow up in people’s faces, who thought they were untouchable. I wish you well Pave.

Pave Way IV

Well, I’ll go with Khazar Mafia infighting, Israeli Lobby (here and UK) funded by competing Zionist oligarchs and the bitch-fight between (at the very least) the two evil psychopaths running for Queen of Israel: Nettanyahu and Gantz. I know little about Gantz, but it’s a little like people hoping Trump gets impeached without thinking of the implications of his automatic replacement: Ol’ Apocalypse Pence. This paragraph from a Haaretz article [link] a couple days ago pretty much sums up Gantz for me:

Confronted by a right-wing heckler while campaigning for last month’s parliamentary election in Israel, Benny Gantz grabbed the man by the lapels and glared down at him. “No one’s doing anything wrong by you,” Gantz, who leads the centrist Kahol Lavan Party, told him. “We only want what’s good for you.”

This guy has to be the Israeli clone of Pence. Or maybe its the other way around.

The Israeli lobby isn’t monolithic here in the U.S. – I’m still guessing a large faction is throwing ‘King of Israel’ Trump under the bus and actively lobbying to get him impeached or at least keep him from running again. I don’t know why they’re flipping on him. Maybe he’s just of no further use to them without Netanyahu/Likud in power, replaced by Gantz? Maybe they have someone else in mind to run on the Republican side that Gantz likes? I’m not even sure Trump understands what is really happening to him now, blinded by his hatred for the Democrats and anything Obama. Which means he fell for the oldest psychopath trick in the world: believe all bad things happen because of a manufactured enemy they dangle in front of you.

Jens Holm

Arrrh, Khazars – That explains everything.

Oily gargles too. I forgot that. Do You even believe that Yourself?

Jens Holm

The main problem is, that before Trump, there was a coordination with the Warcommity whatever they were democras or republicans.


They’ll only catch on if you take their mobility scooters away. Mind you, our country has Bariatric Ambulances so we’re in the same dead zone

Jens Holm

Some coutries as routine having 2 in every cofin too.

Jens Holm

Thats Your hopes and wishes. True shit happens…

Jens Holm

We will see. You are so misguided of the importance of Iran. ME is only a small corner of the world. Even ISIS has sold oil and fuel to anybody with money.

My best advice is to invest in windturbines and solar electricity.




Bloody assassin in the WH


And what would stop them?


That guy’s life insurance company just cancelled his policy.

Shlomo Shekelstein

I’m sure he will live longer than you fat turd…

John Wallace

I am not sure if he is fat https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c124ce6855bd6490ea2ed69e016a9356839dcf095f77cb12bebf9882ca4cbc6b.jpg


Nahhhhhhh…wrong Jake.

John Wallace

Ah so you are fat then..


Anything is possible. But if that guy is on the US or Israeli hit list, he’s not long for this world. He better behave himself or he will be traded for a few more empty hangers and maybe a few sprained ankles.

Shlomo Shekelstein

United States of Mafia.

Peter Jennings

The killing of Major General Soleimani has put the word out that responding to US peace offerings will get you killed. Brig, General Ghanni will probably avoid such setups in future.

War is a racket and the USMIC are the largest racketeers. Perpetual motion of their gravy train by causing turmoil in far off lands, well away from home turf, is what these parasites do. They also take public funds and turn them into personal profit.

War will only cease in the ME and elsewhere when the US and nato countries go broke. Brig, General Ghanni will need to stay alive until then.


if tehran keep it’s 80m bucks bounty on trump intact we will soon see trump on lit de parade cause there is no way he can avoid a snipers bullet or an ied or some poison in the food or best of all, melania breaks his neck claiming he tried to grab her pussy, walking off with 80m bucks into the sunset. and i guess pompeo and mnuchin warrants say 25m bucks each and jared and ivanka as a pair say 18m bucks. would be a day to behold when st patricks cathedral is packed with all those dignitaries on lit de parade.


and note joke321 is on the loose spreading inanities galore – better ignore dumbfuck and have a good day.

AM Hants

Despite coming from the DM, must admit I found the headline interesting. Does anybody remember back in 2014, when the media were hysterical with regards some comment a Canadian woman made to Prince Charles? Despite the fact that Russian DNA flows through his veins, does it not?

Prince Charles avoids shaking hands with Vice President Mike Pence as he walks past him while shaking officials’ hands in at Holocaust commemoration – but warmly greets Vladimir Putin… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html

About time we (UK) stopped insulting Russia and realised who the adults on the world stage are.

John Wallace

A;so see frther down the page Netanbooboo certainly has a way with words “Netanyahu declares Iran is ‘the most anti-Semitic regime on the planet’ and compares Tehran to the NAZIS as world leaders gather in Israel to mark 75 years since Auschwitz was liberated ” Not as good as Shakespear but with effort he could pen a fantasy play.

AM Hants

Must admit, surprised to see him and Miss Piggy actually being there, but, assume they must have been bailed. Then for him to use the event (which took place before Israel was even founded) to lay into Iran, was rather out of order. I bet there is more semetic DNA in Iran than in Israel, and certainly a lot more in Palestine and who are the most anti-semetic people on the planet? The Zionists and how many of them were in the audience?

Jens Holm

Israel got accepted BECAUSE of AUSCHWITZ.

Religion has nothing to do with DNA as well as Iran support Hesbollah, which has nothing to do with some DNA in Iran.

You keep Your total mismanegements of facts well.

John Wallace

Stick to the crack Jens. it matches your head.


and then came navichok …

Pemba Sherpa

These “christian” fundamentalist fascists are really making the average American look extremely retarded. If the Americans don’t stop them, then they truly are fucking stupid.

John Wallace

Got to keep that bombastic rhetoric going. Just don’t turn around to show the stain.


wonder what putin was doing in tel aviv commemorating the holocaust while not one of those feckkers, including netanyahu, turmed up in moscow in 2015 commemorating the end of ww2, thanks to russia, and the end of the killing of jews, thanks to russia. 6 million jews. pahhh not even a quarter but the jews have upped the fígure as much as possible, actually beyond ludicrous.

time to close down the illegal settlement called israel and peace and tranquility will come to the middle east.


If fools in the Mideast try what you want, peace will come to them all. The peace of the dead. Now stop egging on others to die for your stupidity and be a man. Get fitted for a suicide vest and practice a lot.

John Wallace

All senior American military are now legitimate targets anywhere in the world. In fact any American military person or advisor or worker that aids the military in any form is a legitimate target.

Peter Bozich

What a disgusting nation the U.S has become. The sooner it breaks up the better for the world.


Please Iran blow the legs off that bloated turd Pompeo …obscene cowardly bag of sh*te


They aren’t as stupid and suicidal as you so they won’t.


oh look ..israels little attack (lap)dog is yapping round my ankles!

a swift boot wil send the irritating little k*ke yelping and scurrying away

Hos Ng

jake321 and jens are the dancing child burners pathetic riggedy cyber army. The real giews are the Palestinians. Empale all terrorists as a good deed , be it wahabi zio or neo.

Hide Behind

In todays hi-tech world no person on earth can be so protected that they cannot be killed by a determined enemy, no one. The taking out of an Iranian General was an easy task to accomplish, and one can lay odds his replacement got the message. Leaders of States, top scientist, dissidents being assassinated, wedding and birthday celebrants, pine nut harvesters and children in school buses, Palestinian children and black nationalist in over 18 nations die on at least a weekly basis. US targets an Arab American and then days later assassinated by drone his son, no outcry, no national mourning ceremonies, just dead meat. Israel has been pot shooting and blowing up Iranian Scientist for last 30 years, but no missles flew from Iran towards Israel. Israel wants to train a pot and test a bomb, see if it can defeat a Russian supplied missle to Syria, blow up some He’s andVIranian or Syrian military installation, no retaliation, by Russia Iran Lebanon’s He’s or Iranian malitia. Those Americans we see with Trump, all the elected and appointed, the.Military officers are darned near immune from any of worlds peoples they dominate. Even our combat troop wear body armor that no other outside of NATO has rounds that can penetrate. Body armor that Iran and Syria cannot afford to equip nor is being supplied by their Russian allies. It is not a duty for a soldier to die, he is supposed to live and kill the other guys, and if a comrade dies , well that’s war, but he sure as heck wants to continue living, and just accepts the risk and possability of death. We have drone pilots that have never left US but have many kills thousands of miles from home. They do not question why they kill someone, and if ordered too would and have killed fellow Americans and would not flinch if told to kill any nations leaders. To kill twenty or more non combatants in order to kill one target, no big deal. US public elects representatives who pass bills in hundreds of billions to overthrow , regime change, ‘m.or destroy whole nations economy causing suffering and death to millions Not until, it will never happen, American political and financial military and Scientific Educators start being vulnerable to death from anywhere will US react. And their reaction would be kill everyone, just to be on safe side. We have a world filled with Generals and Top Brass that oversee the deaths of others without themselves ever getting hands or their fancy uniforms dirty. They play out their chosen lot in life, and the days of chivalry are long gone


joke321 is a joke being less coherent than a floating turd – jens holm is just plain stupid and in summary both need to be ignored and in no way responded to.


I can’t let go of the 80m bucks bounty on trump’s head that Iran was said to have put in place and in fact it must be in place and Iran should also put up another 50m bucks for netanyahu – with such sums it is bound to attract the cunning intelligence of the professional assassins and maybe one of them will have a potshot on trump to put him on lit de parade or ditto for netanyahu. this is of paramount importance, to see those mass murderers burn forever in hell!


Yeah, threatening generals is an enlightened way to extend US foreign policy. Talk about transference – the world’s greatest terrorist power calls Quds a terrorist organization

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