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MARCH 2025

Units Of Russian Military Police Begin Patrols In Syria’s Manbij Area

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Units Of Russian Military Police Begin Patrols In Syria's Manbij Area


The news agency TASS reports (source):

Russian military police have started patrolling the surroundings of the northern Syrian city of Manbij in the Aleppo governorate, near the border with Syria, spokesman Yusup Mamatov told reporters.

“Today we started patrolling the security zone near the city of Manbij and its surroundings. The task is to ensure safety within the zone of responsibility, to control the positions and movement of armed groups,” he said.

The route of military police patrols will change regularly, he added.

According to Mamatov, during their missions Russian servicemen are receiving reports from local residents about weapons caches and unexploded ordnances left after the region’s occupation by militants.

Following the US decision to withdraw troops from Syria, groups of Kurdish Self-Defense Forces requested the Damascus government to establish control over territories they used to hold, including Manbij. According to the Syrian Defense Ministry, about 400 members of Self-Defense Forces left the city and headed to the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, where they are set to concentrate on fighting against the Islamic State terrorist group (outlawed in Russia).

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This is another sign that while the US withdrawal is evidently currently on hold. The rules of engagement for the US presence in Syria are changing away from partition supported by air strikes, with US forces being used as human shield trip wires. To ceding former SDF territory to the Syrian government coalition. To move the front lines forward into regime change terrorist territory with a negotiated hand over from the terrorists to the government.

The Jews are trying to prevent this with the resumption of airstrikes last month to derail the US withdrawal. But with only 2 reported airstrikes in the past four months, and none since their Christmas day war crime. The SADF upgrade deterrence against the IAF may be in the process of being reinstated. If it doesn’t hold and the IAF continues airstrikes without interdiction of the planes attacking Syria. It will make the war more difficult to conclude, and significantly damage Russia’s reputation and national security, and fuel the anti Russian campaign that the Jews are running to destroy Russia and enslave it’s people.

Judaism should be outlawed and the planet dejudified to create a better future for everyone.


I gave you a +1 but I would prefer to keep the topic on zionism, and not all jews.


You’re not alone. But that’s a blame shifting exercise away from Judaism of which Zionism is an integral part of. And ignores that almost to a person Jews are Zionists, and the few that aren’t are mostly orthodox pedophiles who are the biggest baby rapers of them all. Dissident Jews don’t absolve Judaism of it’s crimes that stem from it’s evil Talmudic ideology.


I would target Talmudism. However I do understand you.


Talmud rabbinical Judaism is Judaism. 99+% of Jews are Talmud rabbinical Jews.


It is a common misconception that it is only the Talmud that’s problematic when in reality the Bible itself is the source of all the problems that the Talmud simply builds on. It is the Bible that declares Jews as a superior people who must take over the world and make all people bow down to them. It is filled page after page with Jewish supremacist doctrine and instructions.


Well yes. A book about a magic jew, that says that jews are god’s chosen people, written by jews. What’s not to like?


All in all good comment But I have impression that you want “planet dejudified” more because of US and UK than because of Russia even though you don’t say that. I don’t think that Jews are danger to anyone if our governments do their jobs honestly. The problem is they don’t. Specially not in U.S. they don’t have lives and interests of their own people at heart. Bat that can’t be fault only of the Jews if they use that corruption for their own interests


The Jews crimes against Russia are some of their worst. Jews specialize in corruption and have collaborators help them with a lot of their crime and evil. Much of which wouldn’t occur if Jews weren’t driving it. They aren’t humanity’s only problem, but they are it’s biggest.


There you go again Richard. The Jews crimes against U.S. are also big Israel’s attack on USS Liberty, 9/11 are major crimes (to mention only few) and the are executed with traitors in U.S. army and government. Yet Americans are nice and dandy with Israel… the best you can

The biggest problem of humanity are not Zionit’s but corruption of our governments and spineless cowardly societies that do not rebel against servitude today Zionist’s globalists just take advantage of the situation where they can but it is OUR fault that puts them in that position. If not Zionist it would be somebody else to take advanetge


I don’t see this as sign withdrawal has stopped. It looks like agreement between RU and Kurds has been made. This increases chance also of comprehensive agreement between Damas and Kurds. If that happens, then east bank of Euphrates, minus dots on map (US bases, isolated along borders) is returned (US bases like little Guatanamos). Then the matter of HTS (NW Syria, to be removed be SAA).


comprehensive agreement between Hamas and Kurds ?!?




I hate autocorrect, try writing Slavic names!


DAMAS (CUS)…sorry, autoINCORECT ar work. Corrected now.


no problem : )


Lets hope that you are right about the future


The Jews ideology is clear, and it’s evil and they live by it. Collectively they’re criminals, the fact that others are also criminals doesn’t absolve the Jews of their crimes. Or the need to address the Jew’s crimes. If the Jews weren’t driving their crimes a lot of them wouldn’t be happening, and no one else would be doing them.


What is “Jews ideology”?! Talmud? Not all Jews live by Talmudic rules.

“If the Jews weren’t driving their crimes a lot of them wouldn’t be happening, and no one else would be doing them” Oh yes there would be always somebody to do evil things. Maybe Lenin and leading Bolsheviks had plenty of Jewish blood but it was Russians that were killing other Russians and renouncing their own roots driven by their own stupidity and radicalism in destroying their own country. Hitler dreaming about glory has brought huge misery and destruction upon Germans Evil has many faces You can’t put roots of everything Evil on one nation or religion It simply isn’t true


99+% of Jews are Talmud rabbinical Jews. Those that don’t live by it don’t prevent the evil committed by those that do live by it. You’re trying to twist my words into something that I didn’t say. Judaism is the biggest problem, not the only problem. Dejudification is an improvement that will stop a lot of the crime. It’s not a cure all, but it is an improvement.

I’m not advocating what Hitler did. I’m advocating outlawing Judaism and closing and demolishing the synagogues and yeshivas so that Jews go extinct. And the crimes that they commit will stop. Which will free up resources that can be used to go after other criminals.


One can’t outlaw the religion On top Christianity is based on Judaism (few billion people)

You are not advocating his “solution” but you use the same logic. Torah is Jewish religion not Talmud. I doubt that “99+% of Jews are Talmud rabbinical Jews” you are exaggerating as usual


The Jews felony statutory rape 1,000 children every week worldwide with their oral suction circumcision ritual. That makes Judaism a criminal organization that can be outlawed. The Talmud is the primary ideological text of Judaism. The definition of the Torah varies, it can include the Talmud or just refer to the Jewish part of the old testament.

Talmud rabbinical Judaism is Judaism. They run the synagogues and yeshivas and provide the rabbis. 99+% of Jews are Talmud rabbinical Jews. If they reject the Talmud as Judaism’s primary ideological text, they are considered to be dissident Jews who reject Judaism by the people who run institutional Judaism.

Christianity and Judaism have an old testament nexus. But their ideologies are diametrically opposed. Christ was a vocal anti Judaic.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

This comment and the previous one; Very well said Jako, i 100% agree.

I dont have a problem with US citizens or Israeli´s, i have met several Americans, but not one i would not offer a meal or the couch for the night, but the US and Israeli government, thats where my problems is.

I dont believe that ALL jews are “evil”, some are just born and raised as a jew knowing nothing else, like christians or islam, there is no difference.

Your actions in the name of your religion or believe, now thats what causes problems.

I did block RIchard long time ago, being fed up with his eternal diarheea, so i dont know what he has written or if he replies to this.


Thanks Well I presume that you can guess what he was saying… Same ol’ same ol’ Only Jews are evil Veiled recommendation for extermination I just wonder what is the role of the brain in such simplistic equation.

As Serb I should be hating many NATO countries who bombed Serbia for 3 months but I don’t find that reasonable. Why extremes are imposed in our heart How and when is hatred cemented to resist on any light


“Only Jews are evil Veiled recommendation for extermination”

This is a bald faced lie that completely contradicts the entire content of my posts and replies to you. You’ve outed yourself as a disinfo peddler.


Well you want to force them to renounce their own religion as if they are sub-human Sounds like modern inquisition if not worse… Label me if you want I can’t care less


You’re the one defending pedophiles, not me.


Say exactly where in Judaism is recommended to rape and kill children? As far as I know pedophiles are not only Jews

I only defend common sense against irrational people like you. Now stop bothering me with your exaggerations or I’ll block you


Do an internet search for Jewish oral suction circumcision and read up on it if you don’t know what it is.

– neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


These sick pedophiles belong in jail: https://pics.onsizzle.com/feed-me-more-foreskins-~twig-371992.png

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US are still leaving, the fact the Russians are in Aleppo at all should be enough to convince everybody of that, HOW THE FU-K DO YOU THINK THE US COULD GET THE RUSSIANS OUT NOW, stop spreading fake LGBTQI US deep state propaganda trying to confuse everyone, The Russians are already in the north, and that means the US will have to get out, they can’t both remain there now. The Israelis are desperate, if the Russians can’t convince the Iranians to come to some sort of security arrangement with them, they’ll have no options left at all but to depend on Russia for security guarantees. The US has no say with Iran, but Russia does, and the Arab League are right behind the Russians. I’ve been saying for 12 months that Trump’s has been forcing the Kurds to return to Assad’s government, but I think he’s also doing the same sort of thing to the Israelis now, he’s forcing them to work out a deal with the Iranians, and letting the Russians mediate the negotiations and Guarantee the outcomes. He isn’t giving the Israelis a choice in the matter either, by declaring he’s going to pull his troops out eventually no matter what, the Israelis are under no illusion it’s something they just have to do no matter what, Trump isn’t giving them a choice, this is another first for US politics and the media isn’t making a big deal over it, but I will. Can anybody out there remember a time when the US has ever put it’s own interests ahead of the Israeli governments interests, because I can’t, this is the first time in my living memory [55 years] it’s actually happened, but Trump has just done what no other President in recent history has ever done before, he’s deserted the Israelis, or at least threatening to unless they get their act together and try and negotiate a new security pact for the whole region. I’ve liked what Trumps been doing since day one, but I did balk when he seemed to make so many concessions to the Israelis, and then also began courting them like a love sick teenager, but that was just Trump buttering them up before he started roasting them. I now realize that even though he did make concessions to the Israelis, he’s still prepared to throw them under a bus if they don’t align to US interests, what he’s done by declaring a US withdrawal is exactly that, work it out and make peace, because if you don’t, I’ll just leave you to your fate, that’s exactly what he’s been telling the Kurds for 12 months now concerning Assad, and now he’s done the same thing to the Israelis. Hanging out with Putin so much must be good for Trump, Putin’s excellent diplomatic skills are rubbing off on him. THIS IS A FIRST, IT’S A REALLY BIG DEAL, THE US HAS JUST PUT IT’S OWN POLITICAL INTERESTS AHEAD OF ISRAELI SECURITY CONCERNS, WOW, why isn’t anybody else making a big deal about it, they should be, it’s a first and good news for everyone, especially the Americans at home, they might be regaining control of their own destiny now, instead of blindly following Israeli dictates as they have been doing for the last 70 years. Trump and the LGBTQI transgender deep state are 2 different entities, not the same thing, people have to realise that to understand the apparently schizophrenic nature of the US government now, just like 2 conjoined twins wanting to do different things and fighting for control of the one body. But Trump’s got a helper helping him do what he wants, and Putin doesn’t like the other conjoined twin, that twin threatened to destroy Putin back in 2003, and in 2006 he started to try, and hasn’t stopped since [Saudi pipeline Syrian war], now Putin wants to surgically remove that other conjoined twin from Trump, but instead of using a scalpel to cut them apart, he’s using an axe, and so long as he’s careful not to hit Trumps bits and pieces, Putin doesn’t mind if he he accidentally chops off a few bit and pieces from the other evil conjoined twin. After all, Trump doesn’t want to wear a dress and put on lipstick like the other strange twin does, and since Putin won’t be seen dead with another man who does wear lipstick and dresses, the other twin has to go, one way or the other.


“Trump has just done what no other President in recent history has ever done before, he’s deserted the Israelis, or at least threatening to unless they get their act together” ” AHEAD OF ISRAELI SECURITY CONCERNS”

Wake me up when that happens… I don’t buy that at all and neither should you

Willing Conscience (The Truths

President Trump has done everything he said he would in Syria, he hasn’t done anything at all to surprise me yet, and in fact he’s proving to be the most reliable US president of any.

He told us all back in January he was going to pull out of Syria and send the Kurds back to Assad to negotiate a good settlement, now 12 months later the Kurds are already back in Assad’s court 100%. So he didn’t lie to me back then, he did what he said he would.

Then back in May/June he said he’d be happy to see Assad stay so long as he modified his behaviour in the region, soon after that he sacked the FSA and allowed Assad to take back the south of Syria unobstructed, that was the second time he told me the truth.

But now everyone’s telling me not to listen to him the third time he’s telling me he’s about to do something, but he did what he said he would the first 2 times, and everyone else was wrong, I think I’d be stupid to listen to my fellow SF posters now, Trump’s been right twice and my fellow SF posters have been wrong twice, so I’ll stick to what I know is becoming a safe bet, even if you don’t agree it is.

If you prefer to believe what the transgender promoting deep state of the US tells you over what Trump the anti transgender president tells you, that’s your business, I know which party is trying to take over the world and force me to wear a dress and lipstick, and it’s not Trump. I’ve never liked or trusted people who want to change their gender, I personally find them abhorrent, and yet they’re the people your telling me I should trust instead of Trump, they’re the ones who run the deep state of the US now, the people like John McCain [may God forever torture his soul], who everybody wrongly labeled as NEOCON, Zionist, Warmonger, when in fact he was a senior commander in the Rainbow army all along, and fought tooth and nail against Trump to bring about LGBTQI and transgender rights. Little kids could choose whichever toilet they wanted to use depending on whether or not they felt male or female on any particular day. Kids trained to be perverts from an very early age, what sort of society would that man have created, Trump would have pissed on his grave if he attended it, maybe that’s why McCain banned him from attending. When Obama was in office he sacked all the high ranking US military commanders who held anti transgender beliefs, he sacked them all because of their drinking, gambling and womanising, at least that was the excuse the media accepted, but they should have also noticed all the commanders he replaced them with, all had pro transgender attitudes. Trumps in the process now of remedying that error and has already made a good start. For all his faults and he has many, the one thing I know Trump will never do, is force me to wear a dress and lipstick. Haven’t you realized yet the people who despise Trump the most are the transgender proponents, it’s time to pick a side, I’ve chose mine the day Trump ‘tried’ to ban transgenders serving in the US military. I also chose Putin’s side back in 2003, I didn’t like the ultimatum the transgender deep state tried to force on Putin back then either, and I haven’t like they way they forced this IMPOSSIBLE to have under any other circumstances war in Syria on him even less, at the expense of millions of lives. FU-K the transgender deep state of the US, Trumps my hero now same as Putin is, and both should be a lot of other people’s heroes too, except for the transgender proponents that is. You must have slept through all of January, you missed it already. Even the Israelis were happy with the deal back then, and the Iranians too, but dipstick Erdogan nearly stuffed it all up in May/June, and by July had made the Israelis very unhappy, that nearly derailed Trump and Putin’s well laid plans, but they haven’t, just made Erdogan the most hated man in the region, and delayed the end of fighting. It should have ended back in July/August straight after the Daraa/Quneitra campaign, with the Turks pulling out altogether, and the SAA and Russia mopping up what was left of HTS, but due to Erdogan’s selfish temper tantrums the fighting didn’t end. You must have also slept all through May, June and July too. I think it’s time for you to find a few new reliable NEWS sources jako, the ones you’re reading aren’t from the right people.


On Sunday, Bolton equivocated on the pullout of US forces from northern Syria, claiming withdrawal depends on a firm commitment by Turkey not to attack Kurds in the area, saying:

“Timetables or the timing of the withdrawal occurs as a result of the fulfillment of the conditions and the establishment of the circumstances that we want to see,” adding:

“It’s not the establishment of an arbitrary point for the withdrawal to take place as President Obama did in the Afghan situation…The timetable flows from the policy decisions that we need to implement.”


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why is it you still insist on listening to the gossip instead of listening to the man himself, gossip’s for girls, men talk face to face, you’re just listening to the deep state gossip, you can’t really get any meaningful information from gossip, well just a little maybe but not much, and never enough to work out what’s really going on. You’re just in shock because you didn’t see all this coming, you have no idea why anything’s panned out the way it has, and still can’t see why things have changed so much, you seem totally oblivious to the real truth and rely on the deep state gossip that’s spewed out for all news sources to parrot, that’s why you’re so dumbstruck and can’t accept the new reality. In all my posts concerning idlib I’ve been saying the same things this news outlet is now saying [except for one small point of difference], but I’ve been saying it on my SF posts for months now, all archived. I think this is a brilliant news article, it confirms 99.9% of what I’ve been saying and predicting on SF for many months now. https://southfront.org/hayat-tahrir-al-sham-expansion-in-idlib-de-escalation-zone-is-part-of-turkeys-plan-report/ If you started reading news articles like this one you’d be much better informed, and hopefully not be so dumbstruck the next time something happens, and you might actually understand why it has happened. Stop relying on the enemies news sources to tell you anything, that’s what SF often does, it relies on data and articles from SOHR, Syrialiveuamaps, Global research, and others, and they’re all either anti Assad or anti Russian, even if you’re not aware of it, and can’t always be relied on to give you accurate info, though I do admit to using Syrialiveuamaps myself very often. So you can just keep getting your info from sources like Global research, and see how well you go predicting future events, good luck.


Global research & Sputnik are not part of “deep state gossip” and neither they are “useful idiots” to facilitate “deep state gossip” And you oppose South front as contrast to Sputnik &Global research as source of “truth”. I think that is laughable. Those 2 are all part of independent media well respected and well known for quite some time much longer than South Front. One article from South front doesn’t change complete picture just gives us us new details in change of tactics and gives us a room for new theories that can’t be proven yet…. (despite your insisting)

I could find you some other articles from the other independent journalists & media that are similar to the other 2 articles but than you would only get even more upset. All I care where the TRUTH lays because my life tomorrow can depend on my capability of judgment in this rigged volatile world. There is all out propaganda war starting and in that cacophony it is really getting hard to discern the truth from poison of propaganda.

I always (when I can) give the time to arrive on conclusion and Trump is far from having my confidence (The time will tell in next few months where he really stands concerning Syria) This was probably electoral move (just like wall) and we will see the results in due time. On the other hand I am not US citizen and what I think about Trump is of no big importance.

You pretend to knew the truth well in advance but you don’t act like person with such knowledge You are to agitated as person, you lose your calm over the nothing and show some ego problem as well. You keep repeating how you “knew” everything in advance If you really knew (99.9%) good for you but I personally doubt that what you call “truth” might become real truth. Not even Russians and Syrians can guess what the outcome at the end can be. Articles in the news are also guessing because NOBODY really knows the SECRET agreements and what is happening behind curtains. So chill out..and take at easy. BTW I have no interest in this futile conversation any longer.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Me a South Front fan, are you kidding, I’m surprised the editor hasn’t banned me from making comments full stop, I don’t think I’ve ever said a nice thing about them apart from the fact that just every now and again they publish something from someone else that makes perfect sense to me, unlike SF’s usual trash. In fact the source articles I agreed with that SF republished turned out to be from an anti Assad news outlet in Daraa, I’m totally pro Assad, but I’ve added that news site to my favorites now, I love it. I’m not guessing the truth, I’m listening to what the people pulling the strings are saying, and repeating it, that’s all, I’m no fortune teller. I think it’s time we started listening to the people who’re most important and start ignoring all the other dickheads who only confuse the issue and make things even harder to understand, news sources like SF are a prime example but there are many others too, posters like you included. You’re right, I do get agitated, I miss posting on the AMN forums which had a lot of well informed posters who used to get some really good discussions going, unlike SF, here it’s all the Jews did it, the US lie and will never change, this expert says this and that one says that, lets just ignore what the real players are telling us and listen to what our favorite news source tells us, and the worst one, you’re just lying and don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s not what forums are for are they, this one is though, with uninformed and ignorant people like you, who haven’t got a clue about what just happened or why it did, and still don’t either, you are totally ignorant and haven’t got a clue when why or how, you just post me crap that has absolutely nothing to do with what really happened, you’re just totally and utterly ignorant. Don’t worry, as soon as I see other people starting to post on AMN again I’ll switch back to posting there, I got 2 viruses from posting on AMN and I’m reluctant to go back to posting on their forums, and until I see others posting there again, I’ll stir the pot here. You’re right, it is a futile conversation, you really don’t have enough intelligence to have a meaningful one, just don’t make any comments to me and you can just ignore any of my post you see, you don’t have to read them, just ignore them, and don’t make a comment on them if you don’t want to converse, I know I’ve got better things to do. I can’t promise not to make any comment on any of yours I see though, I’m afraid if I see anything you post and I don’t agree with, I will let you know, and explain why. And if you annoy me again, I’ll start to actually pick on your retarded comments, and when you say something totally ridiculous and easy to prove incorrect, with just a simple copy and paste or a link, I will.

” Not even Russians and Syrians can guess what the outcome at the end can be. Articles in the news are also guessing because NOBODY really knows the SECRET agreements and what is happening behind curtains”.

No you’re wrong, you mean you don’t know, some of us more well informed have known for quite some time now, we don’t need to be privy to the secret agreements, they become obvious eventually, it’s called reading between the lines to understand the story you’re reading, something you’ve proved by your silly links and comments you’re totally incapable of doing. And all the parties involved in Syria already know what the future holds except for one, Erdogan’s in the dark the same as you, he doesn’t realize he’s the odd man out and about to lose everything, that’s another one of my dumbass predictions I’ve been making, won’t you get a shock if you see him hanging from a tree in Turkey somewhere within the next 12 to 18 months, but I won’t be shocked at all, make sure you remember this silly prediction of mine, after Erdogan starts another invasion into the east and then eventually loses really badly, that’s when I want you to remember what I just said about Erdogan actually hanging from a tree in the end.


This was “FB’s” comment on the “brilliant news article,” ;-))))): – “FB” “Hold on a minute here…this ‘news outlet’ Enab Baladi is a mouthpiece of the terrorists and their regime-change masters in the west… https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

‘Enab Baladi built relationships with many international organizations such as National Endowment for Democracy, Internews, Free Press Unlimited, European Endowment for Democracy’…the NED…are you kidding me…?

Remember the fake chemical attack staged by the white helmets back in April…that resulted in Trump firing 100 missiles at Syria…?…remember the young boy that the Russians brought to the OPCW in the Netherlands to tell what really happened and expose the hoax…?…well this Enab Baladi terrorist ‘newspaper’ ran a column…

‘How Credible is the Russian Interviews on Douma’s Chemical Attack?’


It’s written by a guy who writes regularly for this ‘newspaper’…but actually works for Reporters Without Borders, a Soros outfit…

So we’re supposed to take this story at face value…?…and why is South Front even presenting this to us without some background on Enab Baladi, the source of this story…?”


The U.S. Isn’t Really Leaving Syria and Afghanistan https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/01/us-isnt-really-leaving-syria-and-afghanistan/579712/

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everybody’s been telling me I was wrong about the Kurds returning to Assad, and they were also telling me I was wrong to say the Arab League ended the war in Syria back in January, and now everybody’s telling me the US aren’t going to withdraw from Syria, but I never listen to anyone, I just work things out for myself. So should you.


“Kurds returning to Assad” When were they with Assad and when did they return ? Arab League ended the war but we still have fighting in Syria by KSA terrorists ? The US isn’t going anywhere .

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Kurds got along fine with Assad before the war, it was only because he couldn’t protect them from Isis that all the problems started. They tried to return to Assad in January but wanted full autonomy, that didn’t happen, nearly 50 delegations were sent to see Assad if you’d bothered to read the news. Now the Kurds are refusing to listen to the US and relying on Assad and Russia, read the news buddy, read their FUC-ING NEWS, not everybody else’s. The US is leaving, Trump says so, but if you want to believe the deep state of the US when they say they won’t leave, that’s your prerogative. I personally find them to be the biggest pack of liars that have ever existed, all they’ve told us for the last 70 years is the same pack of lies, so now, I’m going to listen to the new kid on the block for a change, and so far he’s done everything he said he would.


There has been problems with Kurds in Syria going back a long time , just one example “Kurdish as well as Circassian and Chechen tribes cooperated with the Ottoman (Turkish) authorities in the massacres of Armenian and Assyrian Christians in Upper Mesopotamia, between 1914 and 1920, with further attacks on unarmed fleeing civilians conducted by local Arab militias.[46][47][44][48][49]

On 23 August 1962, the government conducted a special population census only for the province of Jazira, which was predominantly Kurdish. As a result, around 120,000 Kurds in Jazira (20% of Syrian Kurds) were stripped of their Syrian citizenship. The inhabitants who had Syrian identity cards were told to hand them over to the administration for renewal. However, many of those Kurds who submitted their cards received nothing in return. Many were arbitrarily categorized as ajanib (‘foreigners’), while others who did not participate in the census were categorised as maktumin (‘unregistered’), an even lower status than the ajanib; for all intents and purposes, these unregistered Kurds did not exist in the eyes of the state. They could not get jobs, become educated, own property, participate in politics, or even get married. In some cases, classifications varied even within Kurdish families: parents had citizenship but not their children, a child could be a citizen but not his or her brothers and sisters. Those Kurds who lost their citizenship were often dispossessed of their lands, which were given by the state to Arab and Assyrian settlers.[65] A media campaign was launched against the Kurds with slogans such as Save Arabism in Jazira! and Fight the Kurdish Menace!.[66]

These policies in the Jazira region coincided with the beginning of Barzani’s uprising in Iraqi Kurdistan and discovery of oilfields in the Kurdish inhabited areas of Syria. In June 1963, Syria took part in the Iraqi military campaign against the Kurds by providing aircraft, armoured vehicles and a force of 6,000 soldiers. Syrian troops crossed the Iraqi border and moved into Kurdish town of Zakho in pursuit of Barzani’s fighters[67]

US isn’t going anywhere because Bolton and deep state give marching orders that tRump follows just like the last time he said we were leaving , we didn’t then and we won’t now because he is only running that mouth….. so when are we locking up his cousin Hitlery? No wall “Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.” Establish a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. Remove existing Syrian refugees Release his tax returns after an audit is completed Stop the AT&T Time Warner Merger………….it goes on and on .


The Kurds have been killing Christians for a long time.

The demographics of this area underwent a huge shift in the early part of the 20th century. Ottoman authorities with the cooperation of Kurdish troops (and to a lesser degree, Circassian and Chechen tribes) persecuted Armenian and Assyrian Christians in Upper Mesopotamia and were granted their victims’ land as a reward.[43][44] Kurds were responsible for most of the atrocities against Assyrians, and Kurdish expansion happened at the expense of Assyrians (due to factors like proximity).[45] Kurdish as well as Circassian and Chechen tribes cooperated with the Ottoman (Turkish) authorities in the massacres of Armenian and Assyrian Christians in Upper Mesopotamia, between 1914 and 1920, with further attacks on unarmed fleeing civilians conducted by local Arab militias.[46][47][44][48][49] Kurdish-inhabited areas

In 1936, there French forces Bombarded Amuda (Tusha Amudi). On 13 August 1937, in a revenge attack, about 500 Kurds from the Dakkuri, Milan, and Kiki tribes attacked the then predominantly Christian Amuda[50] and burned the mostly Assyrian town.[51] The town was destroyed and the Christian population, about 300 families, fled to the towns of Qamishli and Hasakah.[52]

In other parts of the country during this period, Kurds became local chiefs and tax farmers in Akkar (Lebanon) and the Qusayr highlands between Antioch and Latakia in northwestern Syria. The Afrin Plateau northwest of Aleppo, just inside what is today Syria, was officially known as the “Sancak of the Kurds” in Ottoman documents.[53] The Millis revolted against the Ottoman government after the death of their leader Ibrahim Pasa and some of them eventually settled for the most part on the Syrian side of the newly drawn Turkish-Syrian border of 1922.[54][55]

The immigration of some Kurds to Syria began in 1926 following the failure of the rebellion of Saed Ali Naqshbandi against the Turkish authorities.[56] They were granted citizenship by the French mandate authorities.[57][44] During the great war, Kurdish tribes attacked and sacked and villages in Albaq District immediately to the north of Hakkari mountains. According to Lieutenant Ronald Sempill Stafford, large numbers of Assyrians and Armenians were killed.[58]

Willing Conscience (The Truths

1937 was the latest date you quoted, even Assad’s father was just a baby then, how long do you want to hold grudges for, a lot longer that any Kurd I’ve ever met before.


Just goes to show how they’re predisposed to violence against Christians , so when did they start worshipping Jesus ?


Assyrians and Kurds clash for first time in north Syria Several people have been killed in rare clashes between Assyrian Christians and Kurds in Syria’s al-Hasakah province, Al Jazeera has learnt. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/01/assyrians-kurds-qamishli-160112165041894.html

How’s 2016 ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Did you miss part of your own article, aren’t you bright enough to understand what you sent me, read this part again and look for the operative words FIRST and RARE. “Assyrians and Kurds clash for first time in north Syria Several people have been killed in rare clashes between Assyrian Christians and Kurds in Syria’s al-Hasakah province” Did you read the links I sent you.


So you admit the Kurds are killing Christians then , about time.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You have to rephrase your comment from “So you admit the Kurds are killing Christians then” to something like, -in just one incident some Christians have been killed by Kurds, would you agree-, and then I’ll agree with you, but to say the Kurds are killing Christians is not really accurate and gives people the wrong connotations, it’s sort of like the fake news headlines I whine about all the time, it gives people the wrong impression. How’s this for a compromise, I’ll agree to, in an incident some Christians have been killed by Kurds, yes I agree, it did happen, but I might also add, they’ve also killed some Arabs on several occasions too.



Nice how your Kurds are killing Arabs to force them into joining the fake SDF LOL


I can quote you instances in 2015 and 2016 but you would still persist in your drivel.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s the problem right there, you listen to what everybody else tells you about what they think Trump’s going to, or not going to do, instead of listening to what Trump says he’s actually going to do. You either believe the deep state of the US, or you believe the man Trump, it’s your choice, there is no other.


You mean I should have listened when he said last time we were coming out of Syria and then 2 days later 100 cruise missiles ? We’ll have another false flag and then boom nothing changes like usual.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That was the power of the deep state and it’s control of the system, but tell me this, what was the actual damage done, laughable at best, do you think that was just by accident, an error by the US’s military, or perhaps possibly a way of keeping both the deep state happy and also the person Trump’s really aligned himself to in this Syrian war, like perhaps the person the deep state keeps accusing Trump of secretly colluding with. For all the lies that the deep state tell us, that isn’t one of them, this time they’re telling us the truth, and I do believe them for once, I can see it with my own eyes, Trump is colluding with Putin, AND I LOVE IT. You’re missing so much of what’s really going on.


Putin and tRump LMFAO Do you realize what a military strike like that would cost 100 cruise missiles and the support. We still don’t have clean water in Flint Michigan, that’s retarded.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Do you realize what a military strike like that would mean for the US if it hit Russian servicemen, a lot more than the cost of 100 cruise missiles. Trump wanted to end the war from January onwards, by May/June he’d also convinced the Israelis to stop, the only party that refused to stop was Erdogan. You’re ignoring all the facts that are on the ground in front of us now, and telling me it’s all an illusion and a ruse to fool us all, but I think it’s the deep state of the US that has you fooled, not the other way around.


Those strikes did hit Russian service men . Israelis never stopped and neither did their puppets ISIS


“400 members of Self-Defense Forces left the city ” That is symbolic gesture hopping that will appease the Turks. The real change will start when they abandon Manbij and SAA controls the town. Presence of separate Kurdish army in the Manbij and surroundings will not be acceptable to the Turks. Lets wait and see how things will develope

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