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MARCH 2025

Unprecedented Public Confrontation On Display In Beijing Between Top US, China Diplomats

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

President Trump may have been too quick to praise North Korea following Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit with Kim Jong Un over the weekend. Because in what will be remembered as a brutal snub, Chinese President Xi Jinping refused to meet with Pompeo during his visit to Beijing on Monday, while China’s foreign minister said in no uncertain terms that the US shouldn’t expect China’s help with denuclearizing North Korea.

In what the New York Times and WSJ described as a “tempestuous”, “public confrontation” where “the customary veneer of diplomatic niceties during public remarks” was stripped away, Pompeo and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi traded barbs in public during a press conference as the two men blamed one another for the near-confrontation between US and Chinese naval ships in the South China Sea last month, while China criticized the US for perceived incursions on Chinese territorial sovereignty and the US’s willingness to sell arms to Taiwan (while providing support in other ways). Wang also blamed the US for “ceaselessly elevating” trade tensions in a way that “cast a shadow” over their relationship.

Unprecedented Public Confrontation On Display In Beijing Between Top US, China Diplomats

While sitting across from Wang during the press conference, Pompeo said the US and China had a “fundamental disagreement” over the issues that China raised, adding that he regrets that the diplomatic and security dialogue between two counties was “something that you all chose not to undertake.”

Pompeo’s retort came after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi accused the U.S. on Monday of escalating trade disputes, interfering on Taiwan and meddling in the country’s domestic affairs. “These actions have damaged our mutual trust, cast a shadow over China-U.S. relations, and are completely out of line with the interests of our two peoples,” Wang told his visiting American counterpart.

“The issues that you characterized, we have a fundamental disagreement,” Pompeo said. “We have great concerns about actions that China has taken and I look forward to having the opportunity to discuss each of those today because this is an incredibly important relationship.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, a senior State Department official said Wang’s remarks weren’t surprising, and that North Korea was “a big part of the conversation” on Monday. With Kim Jong Un reportedly planning to meet with Xi and senior Russian officials in the near future, Pompeo asked Wang if the US could still expect China’s cooperation in its ongoing detente with North Korea, and Wang’s response was chillingly non-committal.

Asked if the US still expected China to cooperate in enforcing sanctions on North Korea, the official said: “Sanctions remain an important part of the overall campaign to bring North Korea to the negotiating table.”

Later, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a regular news briefing that he didn’t think tensions between Washington and Beijing would affect cooperation on North Korea.

We doubt that: the tensions between the two superpowers was tangible from the start, because unlike a similar trip in June, Chinese President Xi Jinping granted no audience to the U.S. secretary of state. When asked earlier Monday whether Xi had declined a meeting because of disagreements between the two sides, Pompeo said, “I expect they’ll also raise the issues that they’re happy with.”

Rising tensions have fueled concern in Beijing and Washington that the president’s trade fight could, if left unchecked, foster a new Cold War between the two countries. In the speech at the Hudson Institute in Washington last week, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence accused China of “a whole-of-government approach” to sway American public opinion, including spies, tariffs, coercive measures and a propaganda campaign.

Pence also assailed China over its actions in the South China Sea, where the U.S. has deployed warships on tense missions to counter Chinese claims to territory around reclaimed rocks and reefs. Last month China refused a U.S. warship entry to Hong Kong next month, days after Washington sanctioned the Chinese military for buying Russian weapons.

Last Thursday, CNN reported that the U.S. Pacific Fleet is drafting plans for a global show of force to warn China and demonstrate resolve to deter Beijing’s military actions.

However, Wang’s remarks made clear that China was most concerned about recent U.S. moves to improve ties with the democratically run island of Taiwan, which Beijing considers a province. Wang called on the U.S. to cease military contacts and further arms sales to the island and stop interfering with Chinese efforts to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan’s existing diplomatic partners, Bloomberg reported.

We’ve noted in the past that tensions between Washington and Pyongyang have faltered during periods when the US-China trade war had been escalating. And if the past is any guide, the second US-North Korea summit probably shouldn’t be considered a sure thing – at least not yet, anyway.

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AG Korvin

There are other coincidental matters, like uncovering the ‘Chinese spy chip’ embedded onto mainboards heading to the USA and also the dissapearance & arrest of the Interpol’s head. Recommended reading: https://newcompendium.com/2018/10/the-chinese-chip-is-just-the-tip-of-the-iceberg/

Zo Fu

And what USA expected ? They really believed that they can buy cheap China’s components and put it into US weapons with impunity and without security risks ? It is quite funny because US IT companies are spying on every single person in the world using US software, from Windows OS to all google-Android-facebook-iPhone extensions.

Ivan Freely

Regarding “spy chip’, remember the “Clipper Chip” ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipper_chip )?

“The Clipper chip was a chipset that was developed and promoted by the United States National Security Agency[1] (NSA) as an encryption device that secured “voice and data messages”[2] with a built-in backdoor.”

AM Hants

Looks like the US have seriously insulted China, owing to it being so unlike China to show their anger in public. Nice one China. It is getting interesting the US going round the world, to find out nobody wishes to speak to them.


Nah, China is showing its true Communist colors. They have an indefensible position and they are arrogant about keeping it.

I hope we stop all trade with that totalitarian country. No trade at all. Was a huge mistake to start it in the first place. Bring our jobs back home!

Tommy Jensen

Not possible. 1/3 of America is working in the weapon industry thats the only knowledge Amerifats have. Chinese are more intelligent, better educated, work harder, are more disciplined and innovative for much lower pay than Amerifats. Investors simply prefer Chinese to produce from rednecks and black lives matters.


Well you should live there happily ever after then. As for the rest, you are stuffed so full of *** it’s hard to believe you don’t explode all over the room – though you are right about lower wages, lower safety, etc. We absolutely don’t need China and the sooner we dump them, the better, the much much much better!


AM Hants

So you will have no problems with the Chinese dumping their $US bonds?


Better we just cancel them all. But I don’t care what China does, that’s their business. Anyway we are losing $50 B per month to the rigged system, the longer we stay in, the harder it will be to get out. The sooner, the better!


You do know that we owe all this to US corporations, right? If they do dump our bonds, we’ll get to see what life in Weimar Germany was like. Cancelling all our bonds would really screw us, defaulting on debt would collapse our economic house of cards.


defaulting on debt would collapse our economic house of cards

Blah blah blah. Iceland did just fine. Many countries have defaulted on their foreign debt. Sure US dollar will lose reserve status, fine by me, better than than repay the $20 trillion we’ll never be able to repay anyway.

One thing the Jews got damn right: “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a remission of debts.” Deuteronomy 15:1


More Trump inspired idiocy. Iceland refused to bail out international banks, whose debtors defaulted on their loans…they did not default on national debt. Where do you get this stuff? Blah blah blah seems to be your intellectual answer…’don’t confuse me with facts’.


Nothing to do with Trump, and after this response I will block you as I block all low-intelligence baboons who engage in insults (right back at you, a*hole).

Iceland refused to bail out national banks except for deposits by its own citizens – they let the foreign deposits fail but bailed out the domestic deposits.

Letting all your banks default is about akin to a sovereign default. But I won’t try to explain economics to you, a lost cause.

Jens Holm

So many here only understand Muhammed Economics.

I see the same for tax. We have one of the highest tax rates in the world, but people dont see, that in our systems taxes are different, because we get things for it to all of use, where we by that dont need insurrence and savings for education.

We mainly see education as an investment. True we loose a lot of money for the ones, which cant full one – BUT iy makes plus like giving 4 bananas away and we get 6 back the rest of their life.

I dont say it should be like that all over. But we see countries having the highest tax rates also oftn are highest in GDP.


Iceland didn’t default on its debts. You are claiming Iceland defaulted on the debt of privately owned banks. You take for granted that governments have a responsibility to rescue gambleBankers and their depositors. I am content with a government guaranteeing the deposits of a government owned bank and letting anybody who wants to gamble to deposit with private stumblebums. If they fail, the next owners might have a brain in their heads. Capitalism only works if idiots can lose their money and credit. I don’t even care if the bank is too big to succeed (a bank is only called too big to fail if it has).



Iceland’s three main banks all defaulted, selectively, to foreigners.

And Iceland did just fine.

If US sheds it’s $20 trillion in debt, it’ll be a great investment!

Don’t worry, be happy In every life we have some trouble But when you worry you make it double Don’t worry, be happy Don’t worry, be happy now.

Jens Holm

Thats right. You dont sell out, because that will give dumping prices.

Its not like Turkish lira, where it soon will be forbitten to have a wedding-ring in gold.

Ricky Miller

Please do that. Cancel Legally obligated American issued Bonds. No one anywhere will continue to finance U.S. debt and the huge ponzi scheme American bubble will implode. I give it maybe six days before panic overwhelms sense and it’s a magnified 1929 on steroids. But please, open that door for us.

Jens Holm

Thats not comparable at all. And we dont finance USA only. They finance us too. We own each other. The Goverments around the world are just helpers.

I dont care, what You give. Some fall in dollar will change the world a little only. And You completly ignore it will change all other currrences as well.

A fall in dollar dont say ours will go up at all. More likely all will go down. Do You really want that ?

Ricky Miller

What I really want is for American voters to put the brakes on endless wars, bullying, and threatening others. All on credit. We won’t do it on moral considerations or in order to uphold treaty obligations but I bet we do when Congress has to pay for it, now, out of our taxes as opposed to issuing an endless stream of treasury bonds, paid off with more bonds that future generations are on the hook for paying off.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic. You have no chance.

You can call me Al

I would give it 21 days, because the Yankers have no idea what a bond is; so it needs to creep downwards.


Would love to! A selective default against China would be fabulous! some small compensation for everything China has stolen, at last!

Ricky Miller

Steal? Hilarity. We came to China. We said “Hey, let American capital engage in production in China. We’ll lower the tariff under agreement to near zero and your people get industrial scale employment.” The Chinese said ” But they’ll have to work for American bosses? ” We said “Sometimes, but more like consultants. And we’ll educate and train Chinese managers. And Chinese companies can produce for Chinese capital too and get the same import duties, or lack there of.” We basically made them an offer they couldn’t refuse, based on an International Monetary System we created (Bretton Woods) and a trade system that directed benefits to the greedy Globalist investor class that populate American and European Banks, political and media classes, and elitists in general. But OK. Somehow in your mind it’s China’s fault? Or do you blame South Korea too? Or anyone else who worked hard and jumped on the opportunity we created for our own selfish design, signed off on by American voters election after election, even as we got taken to the poor house. The blame is here. USA.

Ricky Miller

What you describe in your propaganda polluted mind is something like the following: Ice Hockey team A, call them the Eagles, comes to Team B, call them the Tigers, and says “We hear you think you’re pretty good. We think we are way better and our league is tougher. Let’s play, at our rink, and our rules.” The Tigers are ready to decline but the Eagles say, ” And we’ll spot you three goals. You get one freebie, each period. What do you say? ” The Tigers agree, fly over, skate up and the game gets started, the crowd goes wild. The Eagles outscore the Tigers 4-2 in great game but as the clock winds down the score changes from 4-4 to 5-4,Tigers win. The Eagles cuss the Tigers out at Mid-Ice, break hockey sticks over their knees and act like asses, screaming “You Cheated!”


The polluted mind is all yours. Continue your pathetic insults and I will block you to. No need for that. Grow up and learn some respect. (Didn’t bother reading rest of your post, try not insulting next time.)

Ricky Miller

Block away. I’ll still respond to your propaganda though and others will evaluate our points based on both while you see only one. Sanction me! BTW, it’s too, not to. I go to the store to buy more expensive goods. I need to go to the store, too. That’s the expression denoting an addition.


Well it’s up to you. Too many trolls on comment boards to bother reading their tripe. Used to irritate me, now I just block. Sure, maybe being a bully gets you a “competitive advantage”, lol, but it’s also quite hypocritical, no? Don’t you critique US for bullying? So why do you do it, when you get the chance? Those with more power bully more but the bullying mindset is independent of power.

And by the way it’s not sanctions. In the past I have responded to bullies by fighting back. Because I’m sure not going to sit there and take it. But that messes up the comment boards. So now I’ve shifted to blocking offenders. Much more civilized that way. You can insult away all you want when I don’t have to read it anymore :).

As to your pedantic nit-picking on a typo, lol, get a life, dude.

EDIT: BTW, “too” is not an expression, it’s an adverb. Please check your grammar. lol.

Ricky Miller

Yes, but you threaten to do it a lot. In the end that’s likely to leave you out of conversations where people go on discussing things but you don’t see posts and they don’t see yours. Sounds self defeating. And my rule is that I don’t type anything in text, e-mail, blog or comment that I wouldn’t say to your face. So in the flow of our conversation, if it occurred in the breakroom, and covered the topics including our respective positions over the past few days I would have no problem voicing my opinion to your face that your mind has been polluted by Fox News style propaganda. Specifically related to your dismissal of China’s right to self defense and a twelve mile buffer around populated reclaimed islands. You seem to have a problem with that. Do you have a problem with Americans shooting down a Syrian warplane and claiming a right of self defense for themselves and their pet Kurdish insurgents on the territory of another state without the approval of that states government? Because if you’re fine with it that’s hypocrisy. If you’re not than I’ve misjudged you and at least you’re consistent and I owe you an apology.


“Yes, but you threaten to do it a lot.” Not really, just started doing it on Disqus, started a few weeks ago on other accounts. Realized how much better it made my experience :). Typically trolls always troll, there are some exceptions but there are plenty of folks who add absolutely nothing to a conversation other than hate, insults and platitudes. I’m happy to not be part of that conversation. In general people who have valuable contributions to make don’t insult.

“voicing my opinion to your face that your mind has been polluted” You’d do that at most once. It’s extremely rude, besides being extremely arrogant. And, false. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are “polluted”, nor are you “pure”.

“Do you have a problem with Americans shooting down a Syrian warplane …” In general, of course I do. My posting history on Disqus is open, you can check yourself if you care.

“I owe you an apology” Now that would be big of you. I like intelligent respectful discussion, the reason I engage in comment boards. I don’t like insults and bullying, which is why I’m blocking people. Cheers!

Ricky Miller

I don’t censor what I say to others based on their threat of violence. So I’d say my piece for as many times as we engaged in conversation. And I repeat, blocking people just means they block you, generally and that means that on websites where your opinion runs against the grain, they all go on talking whilst you get left out. If you’re fine with that for yourself okay. Seems like a waste of time going to the comments then. And it’s neither arrogant or rude to speak up to other Americans about the common American habit of trying to hold other countries to rules that we break ourself. It’s the ugly American syndrome (see book and movie of title) and I label it and challenge it wherever I encounter it. I do apologize for the to and too thing. That was a childish and petty rejoinder to your whole crystal ball comment from the other day, but I regret it now. Sorry.


I don’t censor what I say to others based on their threat of violence.

If that’s referring to my post, you’re jumping to conclusions. I don’t engage in discussions with rude people in real life either. But in real life it’s generally much easier to track a conversation into more respectful interactions. The internet has brought incivility to a historic high.

Seems like a waste of time going to the comments then.

As if engaging with trolls is going to change the world :). LOL.

neither arrogant or rude to speak up to other Americans about the common American habit of trying to hold other countries to rules that we break ourself.

It seems again you are attributing to me something I did not say or imply. Perhaps you can try limiting your imagination when reading? But in any event Americans are far from alone in that category. Partisanship is universal. Like with the Spratly Islands – would China like it if Japan reclaimed some rocks 50 miles off the Chinese coast? Or if Philippines nearly rammed a Chinese navy boat coming within 12 miles of the Spratly Islands claimed by the Philippines? Heck people are partisan about their family, city, county, state, country, football team, university, automobile … the list is endless. I try to avoid partisanship, as it precludes understanding and empathy, though often I fall short, it’s human nature to a large degree.

Ricky Miller

Sure. This ICJ interpretation of the Law of the Sea leaves a lot to be desired and should be addressed in Treaty revision, not sailing or flying near or over other people and their constructs. What we can do legally by treaty and what we do practically are often two different things and I think that practically we should navigate around until treaty catches up. Legally a hostile or potentially hostile military ship or plane, under this ruling, could sail within ten miles of Dubai. There are reclaimed coastal areas with luxury villas owned by the World’s elites. The old legal coastline is far to the rear. Legally Russian military vessels could sail 3.01 miles off the coast of New London, Norfolk, or King’s Bay. Or China 3.01 miles off the coast of Guam. Why? The U.S. has not ratified the Law of the Sea and so is protected only by the old three mile cannonball limit. In practice the U.S. operates under the twelve mile limit but has always wanted an out in case of American submarines being caught between the three and twelve mile limit on one of their many cable tapping or special insertion operations. The U.S. wants a legal out for ship and crew while operating in violation of rules they want practically applied to everyone else. Special Rules.


I blame China for mainly two things: (a) currency manipulation (the peg), and (b) stealing IP (massive amounts, believe me, I now from personal experience, lots of it). There is no doubt the Globalists, as always, sold out Americans, and they should be deposed, but, it is flagrantly false to claim “signed off on by American voters election after election“. US doesn’t have elections (in the sense of having a choice), it has political theater.

I’ve long thought the trading relationship has become glaringly unfair, US helped China a ton – a ton – lifted 100 millions out of poverty, and you can see, not only are they ingrates, they hate Americans. Time for the massive subsidy to end. 300% tariffs increasing 12.5% every quarter until they reach 500%. That’s my vote.

Ivan Freely

re: currency manipulation What do you think QE is? Did you know the FEDs mandate is to maintain 2% inflation since 1913? In other words, the US has been manipulating it’s currency for far longer than China. If that isn’t currency manipulation, I don’t know what is.

Regarding the “PEG”, the Chinese Yuan is tracking the Gold now. ( https://www.silverdoctors.com/gold/gold-news/the-chinese-yuan-is-tracking-gold-closer-than-any-other-currency/ )

US helped China because China helped the US defeat the Soviet Union. Remember them? They, and half the planet, hate YOU because YOU stick your God Damn noses into other peoples business.

I do hope you get your wish. I can’t wait to see the USD go down burning. Soon every major US city will look like San Francisco; streets filled with used needles and human waste.


If that isn’t currency manipulation, I don’t know what is.

You’re right, you have no clue. Currency manipulation is the PEG. The PEG. The PEG. PEG. Peg, peg, peg, peg, peg. The peg. It’s the peg. The peg. PEG! THE PEG! Peg. Peg, peg, peg.

If currencies are free-floating debasement does not matter as the exchange rates adjust and it’s all handled by the market.

the Chinese Yuan is tracking the Gold now

LOL. Try this one: https://www.x-rates.com/graph/?from=USD&to=CNY&amount=1 . THE PEG. The PEG. The PEG. PEG. Peg, peg, peg, peg, peg. The peg. It’s the peg. The peg. PEG! THE PEG! Peg. Peg, peg, peg. Sure once in a blue moon they do a microscopic adjustment, but you will see lately they actually devalued the Yuan from about 6.85 to 6.92 per dollar. But that’s still only a 1% change. Here’s a 35-year chart so you can see the blatant manipulation in all it’s glory: https://www.macrotrends.net/2575/us-dollar-yuan-exchange-rate-historical-chart

US helped China because China helped the US defeat the Soviet Union. Remember them?

Erhh, no. In any event USSR was defeated in 1991, since then US has made China vastly, vastly more powerful.

They, and half the planet, hate YOU because YOU stick your God Damn noses into other peoples business.

Despite everything US is still quite popular. And nobody really hates ME, well, you excepted, but I’m talking about people with a brain.

I can’t wait to see the USD go down burning.

Sorry, I can’t help that you’re a loser.

Ivan Freely

“Erhh, no. In any event USSR was defeated in 1991, since then US has made China vastly, vastly more powerful.” It’s called payback, otherwise there is no point in providing assistance. China want something in return for their help. The US obliged, partly because of their insolence; thinking that China would never have competent leadership.

“Despite everything US is still quite popular. And nobody really hates ME, well, you excepted, but I’m talking about people with a brain.” Still living in denial. Typical of Americans. Travel around the World to see what I mean. And don’t you dare use the Canadian flag to hide behind, such cowardice.

“Sorry, I can’t help that you’re a loser.” Only you would know what a loser is. Well, at least you have some life experience. I’ve saved a nice bottle of Scotch for myself when the crap show unfolds before your eyes. Carry on.


China want something in return for their help.

China very much needed US help back in 1971. China split from USSR in 1969 and they had a long border war. (And I can guarantee you one thing: that war will be ignited again. Russia pretty darn stupid putting too much trust in China. The dragon will burn the bear, oh yeah!)

The US obliged, partly because of their insolence; thinking that China would never have competent leadership.

Evidence of this, or speculation? I say the latter, and doesn’t make sense to me.

don’t you dare use the Canadian flag to hide behind

Wouldn’t dream of using the Canadian flag for anything. Psychotic episode?

Travel around the World to see what I mean.

Fool, I’ve traveled the world more than you could dream of traveling. Not too long ago to Ukraine, by the way. They love America! But hate Russians. But, they certainly don’t hate me. Maybe they do hate you – because from what you write I can see that happening very quickly with anyone in your vicinity.


Everyone manipulates their currency. You think the Americans don’t? It’s what central banks are for.

As to IP, the Americans were the ones who manipulated patent laws to make stealing it very relevant. The whole concept of “intellectual property” is a pretty recent invention, and patents have been effectively lengthened and strengthened a great deal lately, along with basically breaking the original patent compact. The original idea of patents was that you got a temporary monopoly on a specific physical device, but in return you had to show the device, and if someone came up with an improved version based on it, too bad so sad your patent didn’t apply to their improved version. Nowadays patents are very broad and based on legal wordings rather than specific devices, and while the basic length of time hasn’t been extended much there are many methods for extending them in practice, and companies often manage to patent things and keep them secret at the same time, originally a no-no. The compact by which patents were supposed to do the general economy good by promoting innovation is long broken. Until recently patents also had little international reach. These overstrong, internationally enforced “intellectual property” laws are good for the Americans because while US innovation is slowing for a long time they had the lead, so if they can get other countries to respect their IP monopolies they win and the other countries lose. But mostly they’re just good for American corporations–US drug multinationals make out like gangbusters, while jacking up drug prices for actual US citizens.

So the Chinese are ignoring all this and grabbing the info anyway? Boo hoo.

The US wanted China to be like the Philippines or Indonesia–many sweatshops, no real industrialization, mostly foreign ownership. They tried to “help” China become like that. China didn’t let itself get suckered but it’s no surprise if they’re not particularly grateful.


Everyone manipulates their currency

No, they don’t. You don’t know what you are writing about even a little bit. Regulating the value of a currency is not “currency manipulation”. Pegging your currency to another currency – IS. If you understood trade you would know that, sorry, I can’t tech you basic economics here, but as a general matter, if currencies are free-floating, a devaluation of one currency is instantly reflected in the market and does not provide a competitive advantage to either side.

and patents have been effectively lengthened and strengthened a great deal lately

Are you thinking of copyright? Anyway I’m not talking about patents – you don’t “steal” patents, as they are made public. You “infringe” patents, and of course, since patents are only national, China can use published US patents in China without breaking any law. When I say China steals IP, I mean, they breach contracts and steal IP. They take the technology they have agreed, in writing, not to take. So for example, if I am doing software development with a Chinese company (or Indian, it is more or less the same), I enter into a contract saying my code is mine, and the code I pay them to write for me is mine. Then I send them the code I want them to improve. They take that code and make it their own, and use it wherever they want.

too bad so sad your patent didn’t apply to their improved version

False again. The underlying patent is still protected, and the new patentholder has to pay royalties. However if the underlying patentholder wants to use the extended patent, they have to pay a royalty to the new patentholder. Anyway we are way off topic here ….

Boo hoo.

You have completely misunderstood the problem, perhaps deliberately or perhaps you just like pontificating on topics you are ignorant about.

China didn’t let itself get suckered but it’s no surprise if they’re not particularly grateful.

Nobody was trying to sucker China. People have know for decades about China’s unfair trade practices, theft, etc. They let it happen because it was all by design. If someone every day steals $20 from your wallet, and knowing this, you leave you wallet unattended with this thief every day for 30 years, at some point you have consented to this. And from your POV, the thief is completely exonerated, for not being “suckered” into not stealing. Wow, your sense of morality is really something special.

AM Hants

Brilliant, but, do not be shocked when you see how the US will also suffer. Thank the globalists corporations who went searching for cheap labour.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Most people see suffering. Me too. The risk also is, that the productive in stead will go somewhere else.

Most american big business is not made in USA.

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly the systems always has been rigged. Hisrory books tell that. Thats why we have to talk about it and reduce the “tricks”.

Not only China dump things, but they has become big.

DDR collapsed by loans selling everything cheep and by that only looked rich for a few years. I take Denmark. We were occupied by the germans but relative free.

Every time we exported to them for 100 mark, we got 80 back and not in real money.We almost only could buy coal for heating and electricity – BUT – we got bonds for the rest, which might be into real money, when Hitler has made the 1000 Jahre Reich.

They also forgot or didnt care, that people try to avoid such ways,so by that there was made a big black market and the crimerate especially in economics alsmost smashed the poor danish economy.

I think we also has to see those perspectives. The Chinese themselves has to be able to control their own markets and in many ways have very loysy systems for it.

I would be rich too, if I hardly paid tax and had a high income.

Jens Holm

I am afraid its a normal procedure and in currency as well as gold. China there not just dump. They support the Yan.

They by that will get more pr product but also sell less. That goes the other way too. When we sell to China, we will get more money pr product and might sell less.

A low dollar makes it easier for the americans to sell. In the other hand, they will get less money.

China also do it for its internal marked and some might forget, that China has many business partners. Trump dont knpow that -or something.

We are producing a lot in China -or parts of our production is. Its fine for us, we get Yuans of higher value. In the other hand we have our own part of the product, which can be more expesibe into China as well as the whole product can be more expensive.

The result is somme adding, which both can go plus and minus.

John Mason

Good idea to dump China which would have the effect of destroying the US so hurry up, sooner the better.


Absolutely. Then we can get to the business of breaking it up and creating governments that actually might represent the citizens for a change.

Jens Holm

That would be a fine idea in many countries.

We have. to the elections all over 18 year are sended an election card, which tell where to vote and the day.It even tell, that its better You come, when there is not so many.

So when You arrive, You show the card and a good ID and by that get the election lists. They can be long.

But You can vote for person or for party in local, county and country(parlament).

We get high voting rates for that.Only EU parlament is much lower like 50-60%.

Too many are not participating in too many countries. Some migt seem so many stamps and letters are expensive, but compared to the campaigns, its not.

And we hardly mingle with the voting areas and do compesate by extra seats. Thats very important for the PM, where even small at least might have a voice.

I think its a very big problem in USA as GB they have majority votings, where winners take all. It shoul not be allowed som 40% take all votes when others are 30 + 30 %.


Yup, fully agreed! And, don’t worry about US (as if you did, lol), we’ll do even better! MAGA!

Jens Holm

Its impossible to dump China. WTO/NAFTA/IMF should work better and more fair.

To me its a matter of adjustments. USA themselves has become a little less productive compared to, what they get.

Here the USA is a big lack themselves. The middle class has become smaller, because the new ones cant arrive from the bottom. To me its about better schools and not so expensive education.

The USA way too mch is to produce things, which need low prodution. I thought they kind of solved that by Mexico in front getting the low paid jobs – instead of China and others.


Well, I hate to say it, but we dug this hole and now we’ve installed the one person that could make GW look like an intellectual. This should give anyone with an ounce of brains an indication of where we’re headed…everyone but those that drank the Trump kool-ade…and are still drinking it.

Concrete Mike

2 years later i can see that both hillary and donald were different sides of same coin.

Both parties are baught and paid for by transnational interests and weapons corporations.


Jens Holm

Very strange , as if he has no internet.


Totally agree, I’m sick of “made in china” on every single shit in my house. The smaller economies are sucked by this fastidious machine of slavery. Hopefully most of them will be soon replaced with robots.

Jens Holm

You might come with facts next time. Fx USA dont use 1/3 of its workers for weapon production at all.

You seemes not to understand the world economy at all as well.


Starbucks baristas.


Although I do hate BLM, your comment contradicts itself. Chinese are smarter, work harder for much lower wages? Sounds like slaves to me. Who is smarter the Amerifats or the Chineslaves?

AM Hants

Prefer the Chinese Government, owing to the fact they do not go around the planet, in a constant state of war.


They haven’t been able to. But they’ve killed far more people at home to make up for it. Chinese are hyper-nationalistic, just wait, once their warships start sailing the world, nobody not under US protection will be safe. They don’t give a shit about any human rights, don’t even pretend to.

AM Hants

LOL, really. US has only had 19 years peace in total, since 4 July 1776. Yet, the US tax payer has never been asked if they wish to pay for all the back to back wars. That is seriously sad.


AM..most US citizens have no clue about that…and don’t want one.

AM Hants

It is not just the US. Sadly our own Government over in the UK, lust for war. They have now stopped running it past Government, just in case, we the people, the tax payers, say NO.


LOL, UK’s history is vastly worse than that of the US. You imperialist warmongers have murdered over a billion people with your crimes against humanity. And are still ruled by a hereditary dictatorship. Pathetic.


A billion people, did you study Goebbels as your major and are trying to emulate him? Please show us your calculations.


It’s quite simple. Just count ’em up. Africa, China, India, the Americas. One billion is rounding, it’s between 500M and 1.5B. But, easily more than any other country every in the history of mankind. And that for a tiny little island of marauding murderers.

Concrete Mike

Ole fuck thats some real rounding there 50%.

I hope you dont do your own taxes.

Your proclamations are ridiculous It matters not what happened 1000 years ago. The issue is we have tyrants running the west. The west is actively keeping to rest of the world down to stay on top. This cannot be denied as it is their doctrine. See project for a new american century.

Thats the issue. China is saying no more games. I say all the power to them. Its our governments and corporations that set up shop in china to make more money, while we lost thousands of good jobs.

Yet now we have to audacity to blame china for our economic problems.

Like Jens says…Bork!!!


Ole fuck thats some real rounding there 50%.

Everyone rounds. Tell me how many people have died in Syrian Civil War, and that’s occurring today, with great record keeping, lots of sources, etc. How to count UK’s butchery for 400 years of Empire? You want it down to a person? LOL.

The issue is we have tyrants running the west.

Sure, the blue bloods, particularly the Windsors, and the rabbis. Nothing much to do with the US, except it is the “muscle” in the equation. Windsors still rule UK and much of the world.

Yet now we have to audacity to blame china for our economic problems.

They got a super-preferential deal that needs to be unwound. And for me it’s not a question of blame – but it’s quite obvious China is not US’ friend and it’s stupid for US to continue to empower them. Bring the jobs home.


The Americas?! That was mostly the Spanish and the Americans. The Spanish from Mexico on south, Americans in the north. At the time the Americans declared independence they were still largely restricted to the Eastern Seaboard; at least two thirds of the genociding was done on their own hook, don’t try to dodge responsibility for that.


I never claimed the British Evil Empire was the only empire, nor that UK was the only colonial power. The vast majority of Native American dead occurred long before the States allegedly gained independence from the House of Death a/k/a House of Windsor a/k/a House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. It is estimated 90% of deaths occurred with the arrival of the early Pilgrims, whose disease, over time, spread throughout the Americas long before the Europeans did.

And I’m not dodging responsibility. The US Evil Empire is a continuation of the UK Evil Empire.


First, again that’s an epidemic thing, and the people at the time didn’t even know what a bacterium was. Second, the pilgrims (unlike some of the other colonists) were not really representatives of the British empire right from the first. They were religious zealots who left Britain because Britain wasn’t letting them tell everyone what to do any more after Cromwell died.


and the people at the time didn’t even know what a bacterium was.

Maybe not, but they sure knew what contagion was. And, again, 90% of the genocide was thus accomplished. Indeed it is you that is dodging responsibility. BTW, your accusing me? That’s called projection. P – r – o – j – e – c – t – i – o – n. Projection.

zealots who left Britain because Britain wasn’t letting them tell everyone what to do any more after Cromwell died

Yes well it still goes in UK’s massive bucket of 1 billion+ killed. Habitual killers, they bloody are. Very bloody. Indeed they’ve spilled so much blood you could float their fucking little island on it.


You’re working one of the more bizarre forms of racism I’ve ever seen. Brits are no different from anyone else. They got a bigger empire which did more damage than most (if far less than your fantasies) not because nobody else tried but because they got lucky, basically. The French or the Germans or the Aztecs or the Turks or whoever would have done the same if they’d got the chance, and indeed did the same within their respective smaller reaches.


Brits are no different from anyone else.

Yes they are different, very bloody. Always traveling around murdering, destroying. I don’t think it’s racial, so it’s not racist, it’s cultural, it’s a monstrously evil culture. Monstrous.

The French or the Germans or the Aztecs or the Turks or whoever would have done the same if they’d got the chance

I completely disagree. There are plenty of cultures with vastly less blood lust, and plenty of nations who have controlled their savagery. It’s called civilization. UK should learn some.

But yet, after 500 years of murderous rampaging globally, what are they still doing? Murderous rampaging globally.

If that little island disappeared from the planet, the world would be a far better place.

Of course, I may be amazed, UK may decide to stop it’s bloody global marauding, piracy, terrorism, war crimes, etc. But they haven’t stopped for 500 years, and they are quite proud of it, so why would they stop in the foreseeable future? Sorry, they are irredeemable mass murderers. They love it too much. It’s what they live for.


You’re good at ignoring the bits you can’t argue with, aren’t you? Thinking of ignoring, as you said to a couple of other people in this thread, blocked.


You didn’t answer my question.


No, and I won’t, I have better things to do. Maybe one day I’ll write a book about it, as it really does deserve some attention, but I’m not prepared to start that book now.


Because you can’t because it’s not remotely true.


Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. Island of bloody genocidal mass murderers, that’s all they are, still murdering, destroying and maiming to this day. Filthy disgusting island of scum of the Earth. UK is evil beyond comprehension, makes the Bolsheviks seem like solid chaps. Think what you like, the world knows the truth about these marauding, murderous savages.


By the time that the British empire ended with the second world war, there were only 2 billion people on the planet. Your contention that the Brits killed 1 billion is absurd.



Nobody can accuse you of using your brain. Empire was 500 years. That’s 2 million per year. At a time when people had 6-8 kids each – one of the reasons population did not grow faster is because UK was killing them so fast.


And for the vast majority of that time the British holdings were a tiny percentage of the planet. Just give us a few of the largest genocides that you claim add up to 1 billion people. And the entire global population was far less than 1 billion people.




I’ll give you one and then I really have to run:

1.8 billion in India alone over 200 years.



The numbers in the site that you linked to show the largest mass casualty event as the Bengal famine of 6 to 7 million dead. Which doesn’t even remotely support their factious 1 billion claim. If that’s the largest event, where are the other 993 million genocided? The article like your claims are absurd.


My God are you an idiot, even reading simple English is beyond your capacity. And for you’re repeat asininity, you are permanently blocked. Bye-bye.


You’re a truth hater who spews reams of nonsense supported by purported evidence that is easily disproven.


People die from poverty and poor governance. If that’s the definition of genocide that you’re using, then half of the planet is guilty of it. And it is the Jews and their stranglehold of the US and to a lesser extent the French and UK governments who are responsible for it.


Up until very recently there weren’t a billion people in the world. The British Empire would have had to depopulate the planet and then wave a wand, repopulate it, and kill them all a few more times. The very worst African genocides weren’t even British; I think the award has to go to the Belgian Congo, where the genocide was actually overseen by a private company (it was owned by that rat bastard king Leopold of Belgium, but he operated it in a private capacity for his own private profit). It’s true the Brits have slaughtered more than their share, though. But the Americans worked very hard to catch up and it’s probably a toss-up at this point; famines in India caused by the Raj add up to some big numbers, but the Americans have killed with more than just bombs too.


Up until very recently there weren’t a billion people in the world

The British Evil Empire lasted almost 500 years, and people reproduced quickly in those years. 500 years is about 15 generations. So that’s about 70 million per generation, or about 2 million per year. So you are telling me there weren’t enough people in the world to kill 2 million per year, on average? LOL, try again, buddy. BTW world population reached 1 billion about 1810, so Empire continued for 130+ years thereafter. I guess math isn’t your strong suite.

it’s probably a toss-up at this point

Not even remotely close.


There is probably a sense in which you could say the British Empire lasted almost 500 years . . . but it was only really big for a relatively short time, and of course even then it didn’t rule the whole globe. I’d say it’s your math that’s way off–also your sense of definition.

It appears that you’re counting everyone who caught a foreign disease and died because they traded with some British merchant as someone “killed by the British Empire”; that’s ridiculous. If the Brits ran a place (like say Ireland) and engineered a famine, then I think it’s fair to say the British Empire killed the people who died. In cases where smallpox blankets were deliberately given to people in hopes of spreading disease, the perpetrators killed the people who died. But if it just turns out that you’ve got worse diseases and some people you meet aren’t immune to them, you didn’t “kill” those people, an epidemic did.


it didn’t rule the whole globe

Someone once wrote an article about how many countries UK hadn’t invaded. Very short list. Maybe five countries? Most war-like mass murderers in the history of humanity. Always killing, killing, destroying, decimating, then more killing. Centuries on end. What a fucking pathetic murderous pile of dung that lives on that island. Bloody wankers. Still killing to this day, they have a deep, lasting thirst for it, they cannot stop. How many countries are those bloody murderers killing, destroying and maiming in today? I wonder. 20? 10? Who knows, but you can bet they’re killing, maiming and destroying! They love it! Just love it!

It appears that you’re counting everyone who caught a foreign disease and died because they traded with some British merchant

Nope, but I do include starvations based on food thefts. Ireland has a nice tally just for that. India too. Many other countries. But I don’t have time to write this much-needed book today. In that book one would also include the deaths by contagion, that’s a fair point. Perhaps of a lower threshold but since Brits knew for a long time this was a foreseeable result of their imperialism, certainly it is fair to add to the list.


If it was such a fact, and not a gross overstatement, the book would have been already written.


The genetically-programmed genocidal savages inhabiting England murdered about 1.5 billion people in India alone. See https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/indian-holocaust

I’m sure there is a book somewhere on it. Have you looked? I doubt it, you’re probably one of those mass-murdering psychopaths that lives in England.


What you’ve provided in your link is easily disproven and dismissed as fallacy. 10 million dead in the largest single event means that the others are smaller. Throwing around numbers like 350 million dead Muslims without substantiating it are meaningless.


It’s also not part of this article so irrelevant. The U.K. Will fall to invaders long before the US.

AM Hants

We already have, owing to our easy to coerce and blackmail politicians.


WEAPONS OF MASS DESTROCTION, and demolition of TwinTowers, Nothing else is necessary to say.


Stupid and ignorant

Jens Holm

Parts is very correcrt to me.


What percentage of the population were native Americans when they were genocided?


Genocide is debatable, though I tend to agree (vast majority of Native Americans – about 90% from what I can tell – died as a result of epidemics tied to the very first settlers – i.e. the epidemics spread far ahead of the European settlers). But at that point it was the UK, not the US. For US you need to look 1776 onwards, at that point the vast majority of Natives had already suffered their fate.

On UK mass killings, see my post below. https://southfront.org/unprecedented-public-confrontation-on-display-in-beijing-between-top-us-china-diplomats/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#comment-4138175339


Your link is to this article. It proves nothing.

The successor US government continued the policies of genocide and clearances against the Indians of the colonial government. And if the transition had happened earlier the results would have been similar. As would have been the population reduction of from up to 12 million to 250,000. With a ratio of white verses native American far lower than Chinese vs starved peasants. Making the percentage of victims far higher.

“Jews who died of disease and starvation in the ghettos are counted among the victims of the Holocaust, Indians who died of introduced diseases”were as much the victims of the Euro-American genocidal war as were those burned or stabbed or hacked or shot to death, or devoured by hungry dogs.” …

In this way the disease was spread, the Mandans were”virtually exterminated,” and other tribes suffered similarly devastating losses. Citing a figure of”100,000 or more fatalities” caused by the U.S. Army in the 1836-40 smallpox pandemic …

“the distribution of smallpox- infected blankets by the U.S. Army to Mandans at Fort Clark . . . was the causative factor in the pandemic of 1836-40.” In evidence, they cite the journal of a contemporary at Fort Clark, Francis A. Chardon.”

– Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide? –



The link was, as I indicated in my comment, to a post I had made below (yes, to this article – that’s what “my post below” means).

And if the transition had happened earlier the results would have been similar.

Well, that speculation may be right and true, but it doesn’t change the fact that the deaths are chalked up to the UK Evil Empire. I guess they just beat the US to it. Still, their side of the ledger.

Jews who died of disease and starvation in the ghettos are counted among the victims of the Holocaust,

Not interested in Holohoax mythology, but it’s true that these Jews can be counted as war dead. So can the Germans who died of disease and starvation following the Allies’ carpet bombing campaigns and domestic supply line disruptions. I think we can chalk a few more millions up to the Brits for that.

The difference with Native Americans is, the vast majority of them died before the pilgrims knew they even existed. It’s not possible to even claim it is “murder”, there was no intent whatsoever. At that time, the Pilgrims had no reason to think anybody would die from their smallpox and other viruses and bacteria they brought, much less that tribes thousands of miles away would succumb. Tragic it is, but I wouldn’t chalk that up to anything else but tragedy.

By the way, I don’t use “historynewsnetwork” as my source of truth.


You’re missing the point of my original comment. You can forget about what Europeans did prior to 1776 and you still come up with 2 million Euroamericans in 1776 and up to 1 to 2 million natives. And the mass of the genocide, and by that time it was clearly systematic genocide, is clearly seen. Which far outstrips anything that the Chinese are guilty of percentage wise.


The mass of the “genocide” – the vast, vast, vast majority of it – happened before 1776. The rest of your post, I don’t know what you’re trying to say.


You don’t, what is it about the US Government is responsible for mass genocide against the natives that you don’t understand?


What is “mass genocide”? If you are speaking about high numbers, again, for the tenth time, the vast, vast, vast majority (90%) died long before there even was a “US Government”. And those primarily responsible are the Spanish, Portuguese, British and French.

Think back to that tiny, miserable island of genetically-programmed mass murdering thugs known as England. The home of genocide.


You’re trying to represent the Chinese as some type of genocidal maniacs of their own people compared to the US to justify discrimination against them. While ignoring that US history of genocide of it’s own inhabitants per captia is far worse than China’s.


You cannot separate the US from the UK. Same scum in different places with the same lust for blood and coercion. One is simply the continuity of the other. Yesterday it was the “British Empire”, today it’s a conglomerate of anglosaxon colonies built on dead native nations (Canada, the US, Australia, and the aborted South African program). And *not* as a result of “epidemics”. It was studied epidemics, controlled and provoked. As well as forced displacement, killing, capturing and killing their leaders using cheap tricks and lies and deceit. Your whitewashing attempts are nauseating.


“In 1957 he launched a campaign known as the Great Leap Forward that aimed to rapidly transform China’s economy from agrarian to industrial. This campaign led to the deadliest famine in history and the deaths of an estimated minimum of 45 million people between 1958 and 1962. …

At a large Communist Party conference in Beijing in January 1962, called the “Conference of the Seven Thousand”, State Chairman Liu Shaoqi denounced the Great Leap Forward as responsible for widespread famine.[207] The overwhelming majority of delegates expressed agreement, but Defense Minister Lin Biao staunchly defended Mao.[207] A brief period of liberalization followed while Mao and Lin plotted a comeback.[207] Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping rescued the economy by disbanding the people’s communes, introducing elements of private control of peasant smallholdings and importing grain from Canada and Australia to mitigate the worst effects of famine.

In 1966, Mao initiated the Cultural Revolution, a program to remove “counter-revolutionary” elements in Chinese society that lasted 10 years and was marked by violent class struggle, widespread destruction of cultural artifacts, and an unprecedented elevation of Mao’s personality cult. It is now officially regarded as a “severe setback” for the PRC.[3]) …

3. “Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China,” (Adopted by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 27, 1981 Resolution on CPC History (1949–81). (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1981). p. 32. …”

– Mao Zedong –


Cleverson Santos

I agree wit you mate… Americans are cunts, they are no longer a hardworking people but I´d rather be controlled by them than the Chinese… our culture are very different and believe that China hasnt yet showed its true colours, China knows if it fire first the USA will come to them, that´s why China has done so much without firing a bullet…

Concrete Mike

Have you looked ay american tv lately?

You want to be led by these uncultured swines??? I sure fucking dont. You want to be led by a government that had no problem being a patsy in a 9-11 plot that killed 3000 innocents?

You want to be led by a government that has no problems giving sarin gas to al nusrah terrorists to attack ghouta in 2013 to start a world war?

Thats the leadership you want???

No there must be a better way. I aint saying china is better, but what our governments are doing is wrong amd i wont stand for it.


But its for our own protection. (sarc.) cue next false flag. Gotta keep the military industrial complex going. Oops well have to make those bolts by hand.

AM Hants

We use the same excuse in the UK, whenever running with the ‘Operation Gladio’ false flags. They really assume the people are too stupid to notice.


I thought most people in the UK are inbred?

AM Hants

Just our politicians.

Jens Holm

They make it, because we buy it, because it mainly is very good stuff. Nothing strange in that export.

Which periods there was no weapon production.When there was no wars. Its a needed product.

True OUR sometimes is not You.

If we went home and told our Goverments, there was no need for S300-400, we also could save a lot buying not the ordered Skud missiles as well as the meny new little ones.

Dont tell me USA invented war, The other day I just saw a film about Quin, which made China. It was a blody affair. You can go to Bagdad in 1258 if You like the local wars better.

Hisham Saber

The Mongols sacked and destroyed Baghdad in 1258 A.D., killing about 100.000 and destroyed the highest learning institution in the world, the Baghdad Library.

However, very soon after that, the Mongol Horde, especially the Golden Horde, quickly converted to Islam, and Burke Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, hunted down the Mongol General who ordered the destruction of Muslim Baghdad and destroyed him and his army.

Burke Khan , of the Muslim Mongolian Golden Horde then moved on the Kingdom of Khazaria, a Talmudic Rabbinical Jewish Kingdom and utterly destroyed it. And then he gave the Orthodox Christian Slavs their territories back. The Muslims has a deep respect for the Orthodox Christians.

The Khazars were swept to the wind, where they settled in self imposed ghettos in Eastern Europe and some parts of Russia. They reared their ugly, genocidal heads in 1917 with the Jewish Bolshevik Red Terror Revolution, killing about 60-80 million people as pay back.

Sush a warmongering, vengeful and bloodthirsty people they are, these Talmudist Khazars.

Jens Holm

What a mix. I hope You are not a cook :)

Hisham Saber

Too much information for your small brain to comprehend?


You are so ignorant. What jobs can return?

Jens Holm

More like who can return jobs. The main problem is not that at all.

The USA problem is they devellop too little in zones, where the where overwhelming big.

I am no expert but will mention car – and mine industry. I also see less companies are inventing very good products for electricity, heat and coooling.

We do that for several billions a year. Others do it too. And why: We are up against products, which was very good in the old days. Its not only fx vindmills and solarcell – Its all the way to the consumer.

It should be no problem to be at least at good as us. Its easy to kind of copy us and by internal USA production(or Mexico or Canada) keep the dollars at home making jobs.

But they seemes not to. They cant blame China and others for that part.

You can call me Al

Well, the World will side with China, you Yankers are a dead duck walking.


Haha, nobody cares what you think. And no way the world is siding with Commie China, no way. Anyone with a brain knows what kind of deranged government China has. Unfortunately US government is also deranged, largely due to ((tribal)) influence, but not as deranged as totalitarian China.


Pffft. If there’s one thing the US has rammed home to the world over the past few decades, it’s that money talks. As who has it shifts, who gets listened to will shift. And whatever else the Chinese government is, it’s neither deranged nor, except in name, Communist. It’s an oligarchy based in theory on promotion for merit; although money is a factor it’s not the only one. The US is an oligarchy based on money. Consider: Around the world every undeveloped country would like to build up their economy and become richer and more powerful. Some small countries succeeded because the US needed them to and didn’t interfere, even helped, when they built up industry via trade barriers and government nurturing of key players. So, places like South Korea, because the US wanted them as a co-operative base, and Japan, because they were the local satrap. For everyone else, it was free trade and poverty. The only country in the world to develop despite the US not wanting them to was China. Real Communism took them from destitution and chaos to the iron rice bowl and stability; then under fake communism they built their economy with some of the highest growth rates the world has ever seen maintained for decades. It’s delusional to imagine all that could be done with a deranged government.


whatever else the Chinese government is, it’s neither deranged nor, except in name, Communist.

Disagree. Politically they are still Communist.

One thing to comment on: US 100% wanted China to develop. That comment is just so wrong – China would still be peasantville if not for all the massive US subsidies, which continue to this day. It seems we cannot agree on the color of the sky.

Have to turn to other things. Good day!

You can call me Al

You are deranged.


Another idiot constantly posting nonsense or insults with nothing to say. Permanently blocked. Bye-bye.

You can call me Al


You can call me Al

Nice comment “purplelibraryguy”.

“purplelibraryguy” – what ?, please explain the meaning, especially the purple part.


I wear purple (it’s my favourite colour) and I work in a library. Surprisingly mundane, really.

You can call me Al

Oh. mmm, sorry mate, I am lost for words now. I was not expecting that. Take care.

You can call me Al

Ah bless you little one. Now, be off with you.


Such an intelligent comment. Probably took all your brain power 20 minutes to manage it, didn’t it?


Nobody cares what you think either. “Commie” is only perceived as an insult in your braindead nation. Communism in the rest of the world is perceived for what it is / was: an economic theory. The US is an corporate-oligarchic police state with no freedom of the press whatsoever, and a full control of the two or three conglomerates that feed you crap, teach you nothing, and send you as killing machines all around the world to kill peasants and workers and their kids.


Wow, another genuine rude idiot. Blocked, permanently.


Wow, so your very similar comment does not unmask a genuine rude idiot :) only mine, subsequent and in direct relation to yours, does. Ok, we got it. It’s you, then after you, there is no one.


They’ve gone from the planet’s tenth largest economy to the largest economy, or close to it depending on whose doing the math, in a couple of generations. And brought an improved quality of life and unprecedented prosperity to billions of people in the process. Without starting a single war.

If the Talmud rabbinical Jew ridden US had followed a similar example. The world would be a much much better place. But because the US is the most Jew infested nation on the planet. That didn’t happen. The US and the planet need to be dejudified to create a better future for humanity. This evil Jew pedophile mass rape cult should be extinct.


to billions of people in the process

Nah, they haven’t even done it to all of their own population. But China would never have made that rise but for US policies, including free trade (allowing China equal access to the world’s raw materials, which it certainly didn’t have to do), massive capital inflows (not just wealth but actual machines, factories, etc.), massive IP injection (which the Chinese then stole), etc., etc.

No, without massive US subsidies, support and love, China would still be a backwater. US is much more responsible for the growth than the Chinese government. IMO.


China’s low cost quality products have improved the lives of billions of people, most importantly their own. You’re being hypocritical in your criticism of what poverty there is in China. There’s poverty and homelessness in the US and EU that has nothing to do with China.

They bought trillions of dollars of US government securities. So they owe the US nothing. It’s the other way around, the US owes China. The Chinese have earned what they made with massive industry and quality management. If you want to see thieves, you can start with the Jew parasites infesting the US and sucking it dry.


US based multinational companies out-sourced manufacturing jobs offshore chasing cheap labor from late 1970’s onward. In economic theory this is referred to as post-Fordism. US multinationals go where wherever they can access cheap sub contracted labor withoutl overheads on fixed plant costs – Vietnam, Mexico etc – China just happens to have the gretaest labor pool. In China the labor, sub contacting and supply chains have developed into highly concentrated hub zones – and they are incredibly efficient as all these elements are in close proximity. There is no turning the clock back on what US multinationals have actively sought and created over last four decades.


All of which was initiated by Nixon and the CFR, among other groups. And all of which could have been stopped at any time. US elites consciously and deliberately made China an economic power.

That said, even these treasonous rulers have finally realized that the current situations is unstable and untenable. The current $600B annual current account deficit is simply unsustainable. And it is due, in huge part, to the illegal China currency peg. China refuses to discuss this, or to make any compromises, well why not, from a selfish POV, it’s winning.

But US would be even more stupid than it has been in the past to keep the current failed system going.

People defending China don’t care what is right or wrong at this juncture about the trade relationship. They just hate US. Many of them being ingrate Chinese. And since Chinese are such hateful ingrates, I wish nothing more than to have a Cold War with them – no need to be hostile, but no more support. They are not our friends. No more favorable deals. Huge tariffs, now!

And of course the clock can be turned back! Quite easily actually. Just set up some economic development zones, with huge tax breaks funded by the tariffs on Chinese goods. Within a few years US industry will be roaring again.


Of course. I mean, what business do the Chinese have in the South China Sea? Just the name tells you only the US has any business there . . . oh wait.


:_)) wahaha that one was too much for me!!! lmao

You can call me Al

“U.S. Vice President Mike Pence accused China of “a whole-of-government approach” to sway American public opinion, including spies, tariffs, coercive measures and a propaganda campaign.” – gee I wonder why China would be insulted ?.


Who cares that they are insulted? They are guilty of all of the things Pence said. But mostly they are guilty of currency manipulation and IP theft. Must stop. Best is just to cut off trade with that country entirely, as soon as possible.

Of course China has also made its long list of accusations. But grown ups don’t huff and puff about being “insulted” when tough issues are being discussed.

Zo Fu

And what Bolton and Pompeo and Pence expected ? Firstly, they are not on pair with Xi. Only Trump is. Secondly, Bolton and Pompeo and Pence are behind South China Sea military escalation including B52 strategic bomber flyovers nearly every second day. Thirdly, Trump has acknowledged, that USA is winning trade wars with China, however all US economics heavily depends on China imports and dollars denominated debt.

So – why Chinese should harm their North Korean neighbor ? Just because the USA want it ?

Well, it is time to wake up for neocons (and Trump, aka Dotard the Great Chimp) .


Bolton? What does he have to do with this?

But you are right on one thing: time for US to wake up and stop all trade with China. 500% tariffs would be a good start to decouple the economies.


Just remember how all this happened. You were sold out by your own countrymen. Offshoring for profit. Screwing the middle class and the poor. Politicians, corporations and the evil rich caring only for themselves. How’s your healthcare?


Wasn’t my “countrymen”. Was a bunch of traitors, most with foreign citizenship.

My healthcare is excellent. Much better than China’s, that’s for sure. I don’t use endangers species body parts to cure cancer, lol, Chinese medicine, hahahahahaha!

AM Hants

LOL – GM Diet?????


I prefer organic. You?

AM Hants

Russian diet is pure organic.

Ricky Miller

Yes. GMO are banned. Boy is Monsanto and ADM livid with Russia. It also helps explain the coup in Ukraine.

AM Hants

So pleased for Russia, shutting down the toxic food chain suppliers. They are doing everything, plus more, to try and take control of the European agricultural market.


That’s obviously not true. Organic involves a lot more than the food itself not being GMO. E.g., Russian farmers use pesticides and herbicides. Organic food must be grown without use of pesticides and herbicides. There are also requirements for the supply chain for meats, etc. But you are right, that Russia has banned GMO crops. Good move!


American healthcare…the worst your life saving can’t afford.

Ricky Miller

Not only that. By all major metrics American style healthcare is failing. Unless you’re among the mega-rich who get frequent heart stents and hip replacements, or among the SJW type who get sex change operations on the cheap. But unlike the rest of the developed world life expectancy here has leveled off and even declined in some areas. And Infant mortality has risen.


Like US IQ, US life expectancy is correlated with a bunch of factors. With the Arab/African invasion, you will see IQ and life expectancy stats fall in Europe too. Mark. My. Words.

Ricky Miller

Yes, surely but unlike Europe here in the USA millions are dying early because they can’t afford their predatory deductibles. And a million more have jobs and are living in the car because the mass influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor has and is suppressing wage growth.


Agreed. But it’s not just the mass influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor – it’s the cheap influx of cheap goods produced in manipulating (currency and more), thieving (IP and more), totalitarian no-human-rights-or-worker-safety China.


US IQ was low from the very beginning. The US started with the very bottom of Europe’s gene pool. European ruling classes did not send their best to “pioneer” “empty lands” did they. Poor education systems (by design) put the last nail on the coffin, and this cannot be attributed to Arab “invasion” (most of whom are doctors, engineers, chemists etc and raising your national IQ bar and serving your country without you even noticing they are Arabs) or African “invasion” (which started with the European scum putting chains on them and shipping them to their newly acquired, blood-drenched cotton fields and stolen lands to work as slaves, and denying them until very recently EVERY SINGLE THING that would allow them equal opportunity for learning and living).

Jens Holm

You generalize too much Yourself.

It might raise the level, if You became a little more specific.

Jens Holm

You generalize too too much. And for the ones insurred for good healtcare, You are olundered by Your stockholder unless You are one Yourself.


What? This is an English site, and no internet translator recognizes whatever it is you typed.


Us winning the trade wars……………… are you on drugs?


The scumbag rich are.


by losing their asses? Try understand reality and stop brainwashing yourself with whatever you read and believe.

John Whitehot

“B52 strategic bomber flyovers nearly every second day”

B52s can fly in international airspace as much as they want. Of course if they cross into Chinese airspace they would become smoldering graveyards.

Tommy Jensen

US is supporting Taiwan because its the only democratic country in the East. All other countries except Japan and S-Korea are dictatorships based on the violent religion Confucius.

Confucius. Chapter 4, verse 7, “Kill the infidels whereever you find them”, is a clear sign that China wants to kill all Americans because of our freedom to earn money on usury loans.

US FM invited China´s Xi to enter into a peaceful dialogue about China´s problems, but Xi refused. Thats why America now has to mobilise its entire Pacific Fleet in South China Sea in a show of force to negotiate with China about it´s many problems out from a position of strength.

America will teach China how to behave in a diplomatic manner peacefully, because China only have respect for America when we do it the hard way as the Chinese sees diplomacy as a weakness.


WTF? No need to get militaristic. Just impose large tariffs and bring the jobs home. Problem solved. China obviously does not appreciate everything US has done to lift the Cultural Revolution peasants out of the gutter and turn China into a superpower. They are not just ingrates, they are positively aggressive and disrespectful.

End trade with China. 300% tariffs to get the jobs back home as a start, moving up to 500% within 5 years. We’ll trade with Korea, Taiwan and Japan, but all China-sourced goods get the tariff. We don’t need China and they obviously hate us.

But, South China Sea, we will protect that from Chinese aggression.

Zo Fu

Problem not solved. Chinese are working 5 times harder then Americans for half of the wage. You will never bring jobs back to USA until all libtards-leftists-millenials-NGO workers-social justice warriors and Soros’s minions stop getting payed for not doing anything. Americans – deluded fucking idiots and Trump is their King.


Like I said, 500% tariffs. We will use that to reduce income tax on our workers.

Everyone knows you are a ChiCom that hates America. You should be happy. Instead about US and China going their own way, you just post more hate, which is all you do. Well, I did say ChiCom, so I merely repeat myself.

Chinese don’t work hard, they just work like shit. We don’t need their crap, we’d be vastly better off without it. Worry about your ChiCom problems, before everyone dies of lung cancer.


What planet are you on? Tariffs used to reduce taxes? How do you use a massive tax, paid by US citizens to reduce taxes? You must have gone to the Trump school of mythical economics. Where do all these jobs come from? Where do the factories come from? How do you make lots jobs in an era of computerized robotics? To be brutally honest, it’s China that doesn’t need us…and reneging on bonds will ensure that no one does international business with us. Your plan basically says ‘fuck everyone’, which is exactly what they will do to us in return.


You’re not too bright, so let me spell it out for you.

Tariffs raise taxes. That is income. Two types of taxes (there are many others, please keep up): tariffs and income tax.

If you raise more money through tariffs, you can give tax breaks on income tax, and still end up with the same amount of money!

Yup, I had to get a PhD to learn that. Very complex math. Did you learn any? I mean, this is just simple arithmetic, surely you got that far in school?

Where do the factories come from?

I’m going to take a wild guess here: they are built?

How do you make lots jobs in an era of computerized robotics?

What? Put down the crack pipe.

reneging on bonds will ensure that no one does international business with us.

Nah, sovereign defaults are very common. Iceland did it not too long ago they’re doing great. You should read up on the history of sovereign defaults. Sure it raises your loan rates for a few years – but not having to pay interest on $20 trillion outstanding more than makes up for it! Simple math (see above!).

Your plan basically says ‘fuck everyone’,

It’s called a default. When you invest in bonds that can’t be repaid, you take a risk. But I’m fine just defaulting on China. Sanctions, you know. Like US has done with many countries, including Iran. We’ll chalk it up as countering IP theft by China and call it even, walk away. Just walk away, yeah!


Who pays these tariffs? So you want Americans to pay massive taxes on products to get tax relief? Where does money for factories come from? More deficit spending? It won’t be coming from foreign investors, huh? Do you even understand the issue of robotics and jobs? Who’s the moron? Your reply is about as intelligent as the crap that comes from Trump. All your comments do is show your ignorance. If you are an example of an American with a PHD, we are in more trouble than I ever thought possible. Idiot, Iceland did not do a default on their national debt…they refused to bail out banks as the US did. The more you blather, the stupider you sound, quit while you’re behind.


With all due respect, answering to an insect that obviously dont know where his ass from second base is, you think it, to be intelligent?


My bad…but hey, I got him to block me. YeeHa!

AM Hants

Your globalist corporations outsourced the jobs to China. How many decades of industrial skills have you lost? Would you have the skilled labour to take over the industry? Do you have the natural resources, to provide the factories?


The insult to China, and for that matter the world, is the new NAFTA agreement signed with Canada and Mexico, gives the US the ability to Veto any third party trade deal that they make with “non market economies”. China has been labelled a “non market economy”, that is the insult. This “poison pill”, the US wants to include in all their other trade deals, Japan, Korea, the EU, etc., giving them virtual total control of all trade.



AM Hants

Wondered what Canada had agreed to. They seem to be heading for isolation, without the presence of mind to care.


i think you need medical attention urgently. Since when they allow internet in mental hospitals? I guess US come a long way since I been there and not for good.


Oh, good, another total worthless idiot I get to block! And … you’re gone!


Unfortunately, this is the level of intelligence in this country today. These people repeat all the idiocy blathered by Trump and his army of low IQ swamp scum. Critical thinking died some time ago here. Trump doesn’t know the difference between trade imbalance and foreign debt. This is where his supporters get their economic advice, a blithering idiot.


Had lots of good things to say BEFORE the election. Of course after the election it turns out that he was lying. Like every other rich scumbag.


you mean scripts he never think or wrote himself. Just was telling the idiots what they wanted to hear. None of his speeches was not even original, but a mixture, and bit a pieces what Ron Paul said once trying also for the position and Kennedy a very long time ago.

If in doubt I am sure a search on the net will dissolve them.


Are you writing about yourself again? Aww, do take pity on yourself, it’s not your fault your parents and schools failed you so miserably!


Ahh, another intellectual reply.


Very funny

Jens Holm

You certainly is an optimist.


Your education paid for that fleet. Your lack of knowledge, and the lack of knowledge of most Americans is what holds the US back. You have a first world lifestyle, but a third world education. That’s why America is full of Asians doing the clever stuff. They are much smarter than most Americans.


Oh yes the pro paid US trolls are back. Trying to legitimize all the evil my government (US) does to its own citizens as well as around the world. Keep talking because nobody’s listening.

Lena Jones

No, dear Pompeo: eating big-juicy meatballs is not an olympic sport and you’ll get your ass kicked by the karate chopping Chinese FM if you carry on with your gluttonous shekeled imperialism.


Not while is their guest. Maybe in a neutral ground.

Ray Douglas

“The democratically run island of Taiwan”. Who writes this shit?

Jens Holm

Thats no shit. Its an important part of it having a good sekular structure.

You might find other reasons as well, but an effective runned country have to have a bone. You probatly would not walk, if You only had head, hands and feet.

You can call me Al

Probably some Yank prick.


“Tyler Durden”. Why, what’s “shit” about it?


I don’t think, that they “just consider” it.


“Because in what will be remembered as a brutal snub, Chinese President Xi Jinping refused to meet with Pompeo during his visit to Beijing on Monday” ——————— Why would the president of a self-respecting country meet with a douchebag Yankee diplomat who’s behaving like a douchebag Yankee diplomat? Delusions of importance there.


Now what?US will flood with good paid jobs? How naive people can be!!


You stupid yankees, if you dump China the prices of everything in your country will increase minimum twice. Your country will lose a lot of money because of failed contracts and your economy will go back with at least 20 years. Stupid people, probably the stupidest in the whole world along with your president and all of the politicians you have !


LOL, I can tell you are really worried about our well-being! Haha, we’ll be sure to follow your advice! LOL!


“spies, tariffs, coercive measures and a propaganda campaign”… Add toppling legitimate governments, financing coups, and military invasions, and it sounds just like? … like?

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