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Unprecedented Russian Investment In Crimea

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Unprecedented Russian Investment In Crimea

The Crimean Bridge

The Russian Federation’s investment in the development of the Crimean peninsula is unprecedented. In  only 6 years after the reunification of the peninsula with the Russian Federation, many projects were implemented in the shortest possible time, such as the resumption of work of a number of factories, the opening of world-class hotels, the reconstruction of urban infrastructure, etc.

Among the largest projects , the new international airport was built in the capital of Crimea, Simferopol. Its investment project amounted to 32 billion rubles. Construction work started in may 2016 and was completed by the end of 2017. The need for such a rapid construction was caused by the fact that the old terminal could not cope with the flow of citizens due to the termination of any air and railway communication from Ukraine to the Crimea.

Unprecedented Russian Investment In Crimea

Simferopol international airport

The opening of the new Crimean bridge connecting the Kerch peninsula with mainland Russia was of historical significance. With a total length of 19 km, the Crimean bridge is the longest bridge ever built by Russia and is often called the longest in Europe. Not only the road section has already been put into operation, but also the railway connection, which was opened in 2019. According to official data, the cost of the bridge is 228 billion rubles.

The Tavrida highway, which runs along the entire peninsula and has a length of 250 km, was officially opened in August. Only half of the route runs on existing roads, while the second part was newly put. The construction of the highway, cross-road elimination structures and other neighbouring facilities requested about 200 billion rubles.

Unprecedented Russian Investment In Crimea

Tavrida Highway

Unprecedented Russian Investment In Crimea

Tavrida Highway

In the spring of 2020, a contract for the construction of two helicopter carriers for the Russian Navy worth about 100 billion rubles was signed with the Crimean shipyard “Zaliv” (“Bay”). On July 20, 2020, the laying of these carriers took place.

In 2017, Ukraine completed the construction of a dam in the Kherson region, which completely blocked the fresh water supply for the Crimean peninsula. To solve the problem of fresh water supplies, Russia is implementing a large-scale project of the Crimean water pipeline. In addition, on September 19, it was announced that the government of the Russian Federation will allocate 8.2 billion rubles for the construction of desalination facilities for the Crimea and Sevastopol. According to official documents, 7.8 billion rubles for these projects will be allocated from the Federal budget, and 400 million rubles from the regional budget. The government of the Russian Federation will allocate about 50 billion rubles to implement a comprehensive plan to ensure reliable water supply to Crimea. The construction of facilities is planned to be completed the project by 2022.

In just a few years, Russia has already invested and sponsor more than 1 trillion rubles (about $ 17 billion) in the Republic of Crimea, including funds that were deployed within different Federal programs. Despite the fact that at the time of Crimean unification with Russia, the GRP of Crimea represented only about 0.25% of Russia’s annual GDP. At the end of 2019, the budget revenues of the Republic amounted to 46.7 billion rubles.

The current level of investment in Crimea is comparable only to the Soviet Union global projects aimed at the industrial development of its peripheral territory like the Baltic States, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard


Dick Von Dast'Ard

The Yevpatoria RT-70 radio telescope (P-2500, RT-70) is an RT-70 radio telescope and planetary radar at the Center for Deep Space Communications, Yevpatoria, Crimea. In the scientific literature is often called Evpatoria Planetary Radar (EPR). With its 70-meter antenna diameter, it is among the largest single dish radio telescopes in the world. It has an advantage in comparison with other large radio telescopes in the fact that the complex includes powerful transmitters that allow active space experiments. Powerful electromagnetic beams can be accurately targeted and the signals received can be analyzed. For this reason, the Yevpatoria RT-70 radio telescope is one of only two in the world that are able to transmit messages to extraterrestrial civilizations, i.e. the multiple Cosmic Calls, Teen Age Messages or AMFE. Radio telescopes are highly sensitive detectors of signals from outer space. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevpatoria_RT-70_radio_telescope


That’s a very good investition for tourism, in case of bad weather, beach goers would be sad, but orienting this antena to the beaches, everybody gets a beautiful tan even with clothes on!

Harry Smith

It’s investment not investition. You faild once again Stierlitz.


I will never become a professional troll :((


When they bring back that Kazantip festival with drunk topless girls?

Harry Smith

There is no reason for it. Because the neighbor country 404 is 24/7 Kazantip now.


When Finland neighbours China, the World will be Kazantip

Fog of War

So Russia is building up Crimea at a rapid pace when it knows a war is around the corner ? Seems like misplaced priorities. Or is Russia making Crimea very nice and hospitable for a certain tribal group of Khazars arriving in the near future ?

Jim Allen

The build up is complete, Crimea is self-sufficient, and access to the military base, and port are secure. Crimea, of all the things the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal at The City of London desired, Crimea was the big prize. Crimea is of great strategic value, and has the only warm water port, in Russia, the people are Russian, same as they are in the Donbass region. Apparently, your history history isn’t too good, but your cognitive dissonance sure as Hell is. So I guess it follows you come by your large pretense of knowledge, but a pittance of actual knowledge of the subjects, and people you put much effort into such pitiful trolling. it doesn’t matter who is leading Russia, or that Putin told your Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal’s leading tribe member on the subjects of their new world order plans. It matters that Russia repaid it’s debt in full to Central Bank, dropped it as Russia’s reserve bank, repaying the debt of some neighboring countries owed to Central Bank, declared Jacob Rothschild and George Soros persona non grata in Russia. Issued an arrest warrant for Soros. Joined Syria in it’s war against US Coalition, and their pet “terrorist enemies” invading, supplying the Donbass with weapons to balance against Ukraine’s military, and Western pressure, carrying out the statement Putin made to Trump about arming all his enemies if he didn’t stop messing with the Donbass. Or, the plans Rothschild had for Crimea. That led to Russia, and Putin personally walking Crimea through the legal process of ditching Ukraine, and joining the Federation. Building the bridge, restoring Crimea to self sufficiency, while continuing to grow Russia’s economy, and reserves, stopping the Cabal advancing it’s Globalist agendas, causing it to spend untold dollars trying to hold what it’s got, all at the ends of long ass lines of communications. While refusing to engage in the war the Cabal is provoking so desperately. The bankers are destroying US from the inside, taking out the military forces the Cabal counts on to serve it’s interest’s, and protect the fake State of Israel. The Zionist Khazar Atheists pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones, are anxious, the COVID-19 bio-weapon isn’t performing as planned, the countries attacked with this virus responded faster, and more effectively than the Cabal thought possible, their doubling down on on the stupidly wrongheaded pandemic using only the stupidest criminally negligent practices that give proof this bullshit isn’t about a virus at all, but instead a world de-population agenda. Resistance is growing even here in the most brainwashed country in the world.

AM Hants

Wonderful comment and reply. Well said.


Very well said sir.

AM Hants

Russia finds Ukraine and friends irritants, that they have no reason to be worried about. Just nothing more than a bug, you flick away.

Traiano Welcome

Your statement makes no sense. Crimea has been a military base in preparation for war for centuries. It is a very high priority.

The Khazar bit needs some clarification on your part …

Black Waters

Good. Crimea is 1000x times safer than in Ukrops hands, good for the people of Crimea and Russia in general.

AM Hants

Back in 1994, according to the released classified papers, of the UK Prime Minister of the time, the UK and US voiced their concerns, regards Crimea. Stating that lack of investment in infrastructure and the people of Crimea, courtesy Ukraine, would see them return home to Russia. Papers can be found in UK National Archives, relating to January and February 1994, concerns.

Not surprised the people of Crimea are more than happy to be home and back in Russia. As Ukraine look on, bewildered.

johnny rotten

If Westerners did a tenth part for their peoples of what Russia did for Crimea, then their dominion over the entire globe would be unchallenged, unfortunately for them and their peoples they do nothing of the sort, and of this they will die day after day.

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