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Unprecedented Scandal In UN: Israel Demanded Secretary-General Resign

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Unprecedented Scandal In UN: Israel Demanded Secretary-General Resign

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An unprecedented scandal broke out at the UN. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan demanded that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres resign after Guterres claimed that Hamas’ massacre of over 1,400 Israelis “did not happen in a vacuum and the Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.”

Antonio Gutteris started his speech with accusations of Hamas for an “incredibly brutal attack on Israel.” According to the UN Secretary General, nothing can justify an attack on civilians, rocket attacks on cities; but his later words angered the Israeli Ambassador.



The Israeli representative did not like the truth voiced by the Secretary General. Mr Erdan appealed to the favorite notions of the globalist propaganda, like ‘the free world’, ‘basic rights’, remembered Holocaust, etc, forgetting about the lives of hundreds of Palestinian children killed by Israeli strikes. He provoked the scandal:

“The shocking speech by the UN Secretary-General at the Security Council meeting, while rockets are being fired at all of Israel, proved conclusively, beyond any doubt, that the Secretary-General is completely disconnected from the reality in our region and that he views the massacre committed by Nazi Hamas terrorists in a distorted and immoral manner. His statement that, “the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,” expressed an understanding for terrorism and murder. It’s really unfathomable. It’s truly sad that the head of an organization that arose after the Holocaust holds such horrible views. A tragedy!”



“The UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead the UN. I call on him to resign immediately. There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people. There are simply no words,” Erdan said.

After the emotional speech, the scandal gained momentum. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has already announced the curtailing of any contacts with the UN Secretary-General, since after the Hamas attack, there can be no “balanced approach” in the Middle East. The Israeli Foreign Minister said that he will not meet with the UN Secretary-General.

Exaggerating the claims of the Secretary-General, Tel Aviv staged a scandal in order to mark the point of no return in the bloodshed it provoked in the Gaza Strip. Having defiantly opposed the UN, Tel Aviv is untying its hands for further escalation, including for launching of the ground operation in the Palestinian territories. Complete disrespect to the UN and the blitting of its role in the international system is an obvious result of the absolute impunity of the Israeli leadership and its cultivation for decades by the withering hegemon of our time, Washington.


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Mil-spec diapers . com

erdan said “hamas nazi terrorists”.

orwellian ‘doublespeak’ rears its ugly head again!

Last edited 1 year ago by Mil-spec diapers . com
James Connolly

pot – kettle – black zionist calling hamas nazis hillarious double speak

Last edited 1 year ago by James Connolly

what elese can you expect from the representative of a freemasonic zionist wannabe state created by a rotschild satanist banksters and pedophile british royals. israhel is a true abomination, established by the worst war criminals and terrorists. it ashames even the most ardent torah jews in us who consider it an evil deed, a work of satan (rotschild scumbag).


ashkenazi double talk

Florian Geyer

very well said, moke.


do you mean ‘hamas nazi terrorist hateful racist white supremacist ?” or “trump supporter far right extremist lgbtphobic biggot ?”

G. Saviano

this doublespeak is particularly hypocritical because one of goebbels’ tenants was “blame the opposition for what you are doing” which is 100% nazi propagandist tactics. which makes it all the more ironic that the accuser is 100% executing nazi tactics and ideology in nearly every way while simultaneously accusing the victim of being a nazi.

G. Saviano

orwell’s 1984 was written shortly after the war, and it was mostly based on nazi and ussr propaganda tactics which the west has adopted in modern day.

stephan williams

orwell wrote about what he knew. he knew the british propensity for senseless murder and mayhem and he saw first hand what was happening at home in england.

we’ve been told by nameless and faceless people that 1984 was written about the ussr and germany…but what assurance have we that they’ve told us the truth when he was in the thick of it in england?

stephan williams

the truth is much different. dr. goebbels was pointing to the english and the jews’ approach to propaganda – not germany’s, when he made a similar statement. dr. goebbels believed the best propaganda was the truth!

and remember who it was who told you the lies about goebbels because they hate you almost as much as they hated the germans for trying to free themselves from their chains.


woah, you’re a loaded gun oh, there’s nowhere to run no one can save me, the damage is done shot through the heart and you’re to blame you give love a bad name (bad name) i play my part and you play your game you give love a bad name (bad name)

G. Saviano

all empires had propagandist machinations. in that case you can derive british propaganda from the roman and greek empires and even further back. but many aspects of orwell’s dystopia, mirror the refined propaganda machine of nazi germany and the ussr.

G. Saviano

one example: the ministry of truth: adolf hitler & joseph goebbels had a ministry of truth. joseph stalin had a ministry of truth. joseph biden is trying to get a ministry of truth.

Jean Paul France

the westerners of nato, capitalists and colonialists since forever, as well as mass murderers, see the speck in another’s eye but not the beam in their own: their “ministry of truth” has always propagated a fanatical and irrational anti-communism ( the soviets were demons and in the ussr everything was absolutely bad), very similar to religious fundamentalism.

Psionists slaves of America

this time the apartheid, welfare funded, banana republic of israel will not be allowed to continue its illegal blockades, illegal settlement and its continuous gross violation of international law and countless unsc resolutions against palestinians, lebanon & syria the world is waking up and will demand accountability for the carnage of women children and noncombatants across the middle east.


the israelis feed off their alleged holocaust while committing a holocaust on the palestinian people and become holocaust deniers and truth deniers of the worst kind.


israel is created by the zionist jews who collaborated quite happily with nazi germany. zionist thugs caused holocaust, not only of common jews but of slavs as well. any mention of holocaust by these zionist criminals is spitting on the graves of those who perished in it.


fake jews from khazaria

Jean Paul France

gaza is the warsaw ghetto multiplied by a hundred.

Max Hermansen

also today the terrorists of ha mas fired rockets towards israel. why? to kill more civilians?


it’s called defense. you lowlife blinkered ashkenazi scum. instead of posting hasbara shit pack yr bags cunt. the’re coming for you.

Max Hermansen

are you a muslim? out!


muslims and non-muslims are all disgusted with the cursed creatures of zionism.

stephan williams

we don’t have to be muslims to recognize a low iq hasbarabot, max.


the nerve! killing civilians is the right of jewish supremacists only!


that zionist, rotschild servant erdan, is spitting on the grave of all jews and slavs exterminated by german nazis in cahoots with zionist turds. rotschild is called “father of the settlements” in israel. like father, like son.


the ziomafia parasites orchestrated both world wars and the ashkenazi fake jews and their bolshevik revolution in russia slaughtered millions upon millions of russian people.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike

jeder moslem ist ein moslem zuviel !!!


their empire based on lies is slowy crumbling. they know it. we know it. they will try to kill us for that.

jens holm

my rubber duck resign from my lgbt fentanyl support group

jens holm

not me–my rubber duck died from aids

Jean Paul France

he finally escaped from your gang of lgbt mulattoes. rest in peace.


they know who owns the place he is standing on. i am just curious if the blantant way they show the world how much influence they have will wake up the westerners or if it is just caues they know that the westerners are too deep asleep to ever wake up.

Max Hermansen

if the palestinians are exterminated by israel; why are they increasing so much in numbers? they are now more than two million on the gaza strip.


win a debate with 1000 knowledgeable people but lose with one stupid person.

stephan williams

max is a perfect example of jewish intellectual superiority. in fact, he’s a textbook example… he’s wilfully ignorant with the intellect of a gerbil.


even in this moment of grave and immediate danger, we cannot lose sight of the only realistic foundation for a true peace and stability: a two-state solution. israelis must see their legitimate needs for security materialized, and palestinians must see their legitimate aspirations for an independent state realized. finally, we must be clear on the principle of upholding human dignity. polarization and dehumanization are being fueled by a tsunami of disinformation. antónio guterres

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

much too late for two states!! one state for all- jews, christians and muslims. this as it has been before and must be again.


only possible as the zionists are exterminated !!! the real “jews” living in palestine for hundred of years togheter in harmony can stay. the problem is the gigantic gas field on the coast off palestine that can deliver gas to europe for at least 40 years. the occupation parasites will steal it from the palestinian people.


go to live in a muslim community, go to the mosques to study the koran that teaches that all those that do not follow the commandments of shariah law are infidels and must be terrorized and beheaded. the koran is the root of terrorism, atrocities, brutalities, incentive of separation, hostility to the different, huge oppression to the women. we must pray for god, our creator, to vanish the darkness from the face of the earth and let the good and the light to reign.

Zack Priem

that is judaism. try reading the satanic old testament, its pure sickness. i have read new testament and quran but could not make it through the pure sickness of old testament judaism…


antonio gutierrez is being a good boy, politically correct! but was not fair in his words. israel should receive all the support of the international community and have made a un commission to enter gaza all nations together to get the hostages alive and bring them back home. israel should not be left alone on this endeavor.


i support the resignation of antonio guterrez. he is not knowing how to stand for the light, the love and respect between the nations. we must combat the evil and the darkness to vanish it from the earth.


guterres is the most hypocrite coward in the un. he should have stood up to the fascist israeli representative and called a spade a spade.


death to israel, a fascist apartheid ethnostate that has no reason or merit to exist.


he scapped hanging by barb wire if he servives the great tribulations which will punish war monsters and its cheerleaders a very brutal panishment coming near to all.


zionists live in a bubble where goyim must do; as they are told.


the khazar abomination screams and howls in pain as it burns nearly 3000 babies in palestine. yet the flames to their barbarian demon baal are not high enough. the world cannot afford to continue to fund and humor the evil viper nested in palestine. the time has come for the muslim world to defang the beast before the nuclear bombs start flying. ussan tax cattle will be the most grateful people on the planet when the foul zionazi albatross is finally ripped from their necks.

jens holm

my hero natanyahu should be made un leader and replace brandon as ameriklan dick-tator


someone should have grabed that motherfker, and slapped him for hours, for the unbelievable display of entitlement.


i have always defended russia in what is true and fair. i and many others, thousands upon thousands, especially the one who is just, faithful and true, who created and formed the heavens and the earth, and gave us life. and today, seeing a sinister and lurid anti-semitic move by the russian establishment unfolding in a well-disguised way, i stopped. i stopped!!! some are fighting for their own ruin and downfall. i really hope that russia does not do this dance of its own ruin and downfall.


please explain where is there an “antisemitic move” from the russian establishment…?

there is not anything more “antisemitic” than the ultra zionists actually in power in israel, everyone that doesn’t go their way gets silenced once and for all, yitzhak rabin, ariel sharon, etc…

palestinians could have been fairly integrated instead of being given the unfair apartheid treatment but this cannot happen as long as these hateful zionists dictates the state’s politics.

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