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MARCH 2025

Unrest In Tbilisi: Western-Backed Opposition Calls For Protest

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Unrest In Tbilisi: Western-Backed Opposition Calls For Protest

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The situation is escalating in Georgia after the opposition whic lost the elections is trying its best to stage the another Maidan revolution following Kiev’s scenario. 

Protests have begun in Georgia related to the opposition’s dissatisfaction with the results of the parliamentary elections held in the country. President Salome Zarubishvili, together with the leaders of the opposition parties, announced protest actions on October 28 and called for the expansion of protests throughout the country claiming that they could receive international support.



Salome Zurabishvili, who has French citizenship and a nice apartment in Paris to flee to in the case of defeat, is calling on people to go to the streets. She highlights that there is no evidence of Russian interruption in the elections:

“This is always very difficult to demonstrate. No country has been able to demonstrate this, not even the United States, when Russia interfered in its elections, and other European countries. Therefore, we will not be able to demonstrate more than countries that are much stronger to demonstrate the hybrid attacks they are subjected to. But what is important is not what we demonstrate from the outside, but what the Georgian population knows, feels and sees,” the French woman claims.

A crowd is gathering in Tbilisi for a rally of the pro-Western opposition. Law enforcement agencies in the capital of the country are working in an enhanced mode. The avenue near the parliament building was blocked. According to local reports, Georgian special forces were mobilized in the courtyard of the Georgian Parliament building in Tbilisi.

Unrest In Tbilisi: Western-Backed Opposition Calls For Protest

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Unrest In Tbilisi: Western-Backed Opposition Calls For Protest

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As the best example of the Maidan revolution staged by Western warmongers, Kiev is deeply involved in the upcoming unrest in Georgia. People in military uniforms with flags of Ukraine and other countries were spotted in the crowd. According to local reports, snipers trained in Ukraine arrive in Georgia to organize provocations according to the “Maidan” scenario. The former commander of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine, General Ivanov, was reportedly appointed responsible for the militants aimed to provoke escalation on the streets. He arrived the day before from Dnipro to Tbilisi. There were also unconfirmed reports that at night pallets with dollars were delivered by diplomatic post to the US Embassy in Georgia to pay for militants and provocateurs at protest actions in Tbilisi.



The opposition refused to launch any negotiations with the ruling Georgian Drem party except for new elections.

UPDATE: In Tbilisi, after the opposition read out their demands and threats against the Georgian Dream, part of the crowd reportedly began to disperse.

The entire opposition refuses to enter parliament. However, the Georgian Dream has enough mandates to make the necessary decisions without them. Including the removal of Zurabishvili from her post, because she clearly threatens public security in Georgia. In the current situation, the opposition may achieve its goals set by the West only through violence and public unrest.

The ruling Georgian Dream party won 53.92% of the vote, and the four opposition parties totaled 37.78%. The winner advocates an independent and strong policy, and the opposition coalition is standing for return to the course of European integration. Earlier, the Georgian Dream initiated resonant laws on foreign agents and traditional values, which seriously quarreled Tbilisi with Washington and Brussels; but prime minister Kobakhidze does not publicly abandon European integration. Moreover, according to him, this process remains the main one for Georgia in its foreign policy. Meanwhile, Europe and the US, Canada are fueling the escalation and support the opposition.


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hit them with firehoses and teargas, if that doesn’t work, gun them down.

rest assured that nothing of any value will be lost.


i disagree. why waste water and teargas on these people when they are powerless? just arrest the liars, staged ballot stuffer actors and street fighters though for libel and starting street fights.

Last edited 4 months ago by M.Paraplu
snow den

moron. they are not powerless. they have maidan situation there and the output will be the same as in ukraine. if army and police crush them, georgia will be labeled as dictatorship and they will end as belarus. if they let them go, they will end in a war. i think belarus still better then ukraine, but it needs urgent action. and this is only small situation, in the u.s. they have 4 weeks of transition if trump wins. more then 1 month of riots, streetfights and violence.


the bastards in the west already call them dictators.


exactly, the “rules based order” jew faggots and their bought gentile prostitutes in the west only understand one thing, and that is force.

give it to them, good and hard.


exactly, a psychopath only appreciates one truth, the pain he/she feels when their head is severed from their body and the game is literally over, no denials, no more bullshit…game, fucking over…


emotial reactions are never good let them protest peacefully and enjoy the cold if there is violence: arrest them


good hand out some nuland cookes then you freak loving pansy ass fajjot…

Joseph Day

gracefully accept the democratic outcome. the people vote , you lost, now go back to france. we don’t want to be another ukraine.

Last edited 4 months ago by Joseph Day

serbia and belorus stood through western protests, georgia will as well

I Like Ike

guess you never heard of otpor.

I Like Ike

if they were americans protesting the results of an election, they’d all be jailed.

if they were canadians, they’d all be jailed and their homes and bank accounts seized.

funny how things work in the west.

Hasso von Halstenberg

be smart georgians, look at the cesspool ukraine! corrupt politicians, incompetent state power and a sad military!

you have brought up greats like иосиф виссарионович сталин, even today people in germany pay him the highest respect, remember, -georgians

I Like Ike

ukrainians remind me of those lines at skid row blood and organ donor sites.

except it’s not their blood and organs they’re selling for profit.

between the organ business, the 20% skim off western monies, the black market sale of western arms, the conscript bounties and bribes and the dozens of other scams and shakedowns they’ve perfected to an art, i doubt they’ll ever want this war to end.

Boris Orlov

i don’t give a shit for georgia. a country inhabitated by total idiots. a european future you want? you can have it: what would you prefer, like ukraine, or cleaning our toilets like the lithuanians? oh, you think you gonna live like germans? sorry morons, we here live like europeans, because we are europeans, you are not.

I Like Ike

i used to envy the europeans for baking real bread instead of the air bread and other confectionary garbage they feed the average american, like so much pig slop. then i realized, there is no price for freedom.


georgia is not 404. there are no minority to put in power , ossetians and abkaz wanna join the russki mir , the armenians and the georgians majority already tasted how bad a western puppet (sakachvilli) can rule a country … salome has no power for a reason. how many times did they tried already the “maidan” in georgia , 5 ? 6 ? errare humanum est , perseverae diabolicum.

Boris Orlov

obviously, there are enough morons to continue their “normal” of political instability that is sometimes decorated with outright war like in 2008. go to hell, and leave us alone, georgia!


issue an international arrest order for the president, presently residing in great instigatir, the disunited states of a. the factvthat the us won’t act on the arrest order will tell you how very corrupt the world has become. lots of good intentions shot to pieces by the west!


tak takto si prehnitý západ predstavuje tú svoju slobodu a demokraciu? prehrajú voľby v slobodných a demokratických voľbách tak urobia prevrat? hm … tak to je ozaj demokratické!!! bastardi!!!


when they don’t win, it’s not democracy. how convenient…..


those mysterious snipers will be showing up soon, i hope the georgian government don’t make the ame mistake as yanukovych and give insane mcain and nuland the freedom of kiev, if the mob turn violent crush them without mercy.


if any eu regime change merchants show up, just set the dogs on them. the eurocrats just want the georgians as cannon fodder when they run out of ukies.

Try, try try again

well, if nato can’t have sevastopol in its black sea empire, it can at least try a second time for poti.


put that salome in jail ;)


my prediction – zurabishvili in a jail cell, charged with treason.


the red cross of the knights of templar, saint john the hospitaleiers, the swizz and the sister of isis, the vatican. all symbols of egypt red and white, the upper and lower royal houses, the cross the pyramid. its all pharoanic.


the order of st. john, knights hospitaler, are now the knights of malta, they represent the red and black lodges, the lodges that only royal blood can join, and no kike can be allowed, my cousin is buried in the cathedral in malta, 44th grand master of the order of st. john, phillipe de’ville de isle adam, his sister gabriela is a direct ancestor, as phillipe had no kids in the records. nice to see you flexing some credible knowledge now and again…


the script has flipped just take a look at the bricks. the ukronazis are all of that and should be destroyed at all cost.

Massa John

put everyone in chains. start with that “president”


send in spetzna to snipe the nazi provocateurs in the croud, give these assholes the maiden they deserve…


why is is that the youth of the world is allways eager to please uncle sam and burn its own countries to the ground just for the hope to be among the winners of this. i think someone should do a documentary with all those ukrainians who supported maidan in 2018 or other colorrevolutions to find out how many of them were really winners. its like those teenagers who all think if they make an instagramm account they will become a millioner. yeah some few will but the rest not.

AM Hants

usaid/ned/samantha power – run the same script trying to influence the kids. well those too old for the ‘kiddie sniffers’. the only good thing, is everything has been exposed and the people are more informed than back in 2014, when they kickstarted the maidan.

Florian Geyer

it’s not so easy for ‘ hato’ these days ‘am’, lol!

I Like Ike

western values doing what western values do once again, overthrowing democracies in the name of democracy.

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