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Unverified Video Shows Turkish Troops Torturing Syrian Captives In Greater Idlib

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On February 29, Syrian activists shared a horrifying video allegedly showing Turkish service members torturing, beating and humiliating Syrian soldiers that had been captured by Turkish-backed militants in Greater Idlib.

Several armed men who are supposedly service members of the Turkish military can be seen in the video taking turns beating up three captives, allegedly Syrian Arab Army (SAA) personnel.

The brutal beating made some Syrian militants intervene to stop the Turkish service members. Nevertheless, they were pushed back. Towards the end of the video, the loud screams of the captives can be clearly heard.

A day earlier, opposition sources reported the capture of several SAA soldiers in the southern Idlib countryside. These reports may have been referring to the captives seen in the torture video.

Earlier this week, southern Idlib witnessed a series of Syrian airstrikes which killed 36 Turkish service members and injured dozens other.

The Turkish Ministry of National Defense has not commented on the unverified footage, thus far. The NATO is also yet to comment on the matter.

As usual, the incident was ignored by the main stream media. Violations against Syrian troops and government supporters are always underreported in the West, likely because they don’t fit the mainstream agenda.

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There you go ! That’s the Turks. Nothing new, nothing we didn’t know before. They practise on their own mothers and sisters you know… that’s why they are so good at this.

Mustafa Mehmet

souflaki boy your turn will come again. be patient Carry on with your propaganda.


hahaha Hello isis – al qaeda lover. How many women you raped today ? Any children maybe ? You don’t want your jihadi friends to say you are the weakest link right !

Yeah…you are a good little jihadi turk-turd you are !


oHHH….I cant wait for my turn ! hahahahaha Honestly I cant wait for the shitheads following Erdogan to make a mistake in the Aegean … Cant wait to hunt you silly glouglou turkies back to Mongolia where you belong.


Karen Bartlett

“Heroes fight like Greeks” (Churchill, WWII). But I don’t hope for any more war.


The Syrian army never does this with its prisoners, Syria even offers amnesty to former jihadi terrorists even after they were working as pawns of the Ziowahhabi terrorist league formed around the US/Turkey/ISISrael/Saudi and NATO to invade and destroy Syria.

But Russia will still find an excuse to negotiate with “our Israeli, American and TUrkish partners”.

Gabriel Hollows

Offering amnesty to terrorists is foolish. They re-join their mates and do shit like this to your children.

David Parker

Right. What inevitably come next is exactly what came before, individual acts of terror, the police have to get tough, bad press, more head-choppers show up for CIA money and a chance to slaughter and round and round it goes.


Not Russia , putin……..

Hasbara Hunter

Elites obviously like playin’ games with us the Scum…Russia & Putin have been doing a good job up till now…America, ISraHell, the United Kingdom, France, Wahhabistan & Turkey are the Enemies of Humanity…


Exactly…..Russia has a big problem called PUTIN.

Lone Ranger

Cry more Shlomo…

Almaqdisi Brigade

what Are you blind ? may people died , killed by SAA


Turkish terrorist propaganda for ISIS/al-Qaeda.

David Parker

Head-choppers are demons, not people. They live to kill, their “jihad” is their life. Like the Zionist, they have no conscience.

Islamic Power

Guess you haven’t seen videos of SAA torturing people, quiet vile methods too.

This video isn’t even close to what SAA do, they’re just giving them a lite beating for their dead comrades


The Ziowahhabi terrorist lot Turkey’s in are the most pious and humane because they only behead everyone they capture and to proceed and eat or sell their organs for a few shekels.

Islamic Power



Guess you haven’t seen videos of the Wahhabi terrorist “moderates” ZioTurks are allied with eating the organs of the people they behead.

Not a single video of SAA beheading anyone, such terrorist barbarism is fit for Turkey and its cohorts.

Lone Ranger

Its True.

Porc Halal

Yeah, islamic powder…shitty powder!!

Islamic Power


David Parker

You are correct. Where are those videos of the SAA / Assad government torturing prisoners?

Islamic Power

I prefer you stay in denial

David Parker

In other words, you are lying.

Brother Ma

It is the proverbial cruelty of the Turk. All nations know this. The Turks are cruel in victory and abject bootlickers in defeat. Nothing changes.


Turks are uncouth savages who killed 1.5 million Armenians in the only real holocaust. They have nothing but contempt for Arabs, Kurds and Christians.


Nobody likes the turks but albanians-bosnians-kosovars and azerbaijanis. Who are all basically related by blood to them. The scum of the earth.

Gabriel Hollows


Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

all of them are islamic radicals and scum

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches will cry and rage ;)

Peter Jennings

For years now, Turkish admins have been trying to debunk what was genocide. Their latest antics, invading Syria and riding rough-shod over civilians there, has only reinforced this gruesome record and has made all the speculation seem very credible. Quite how Erdogan reconciles the fact that at the same time he was allowing thousands of armed terrorists into Syria, he was taking in the Syrian refugees who were forced from their property and livelihoods, is anyone’s guess. Maybe accommodating hordes of refugees is big business in Turkey, although there is a good chance they were all fleeced at the border. Turkey is losing international support for this invasion and this will equate to lost business. The backlash could yet come from his own people.


Kurds killed the Armenians, under command of Turks though.

Brother Ma

And the Assyrians and Greeks ,all native .

Hasbara Hunter

Kill every Turkish Piece of Dönmeh-Muslimbrotherhoodpigshit in Idlibistan….

Lone Ranger



Well said. HH.


It’s time for Russia to start brandishing the nuclear option. That’s what this is going to take, ultimately.


Don’t be stupid, that’s NEVER going to happen. Now, if you want to talk about the so called ‘small nucs’ then that’s another story…

Hasbara Hunter

Bwahahahaaa the AngloZioNazis already shit their panties for them Russians….even without Nukes….

good american

Some of you guys are faster to the button than John Bolton. Whatever happened to level-headedness?


Russia has more than enough conventional power to help Syria, the thing is Russia is only willing to help Syria to the point that help doesn’t preclude Russia’s ability to do business with Zioterrorists and Wahhabi filth.


Usa foreign policy the world’s come to know,not for russians,they have more fight class than that.


You haven’t understood yet that Putin is protecting Erdogan.

Lone Ranger

Cool story Shlomo…

Bill Wilson

Putin is protecting Russian business interests in and with Turkey.

MeMad Max

Kill all they send and they will stop coming….

Basic Guy

I thought tsk has at least some dignity to treat the captives with the right they have but clearly not. They should face the consequences.


You’re gonna get yours, Mustafa, or Shlomo, or whatever your name is


Fucking subhuman rats, Turkey should be internationally boycotted for shit like this. Probably pissed that 36 of their scumbag friends got blown up the other day and decided to take it out on them. But if you go to war with someone you must accept casualties as a result, not throw a hissy-fit at POWs.

Lone Ranger

It wasnt 36, but a 100+ Just sayin…

David Parker

Really? Too good to be true! But is needs to be about 10,000 and then 150,000 of their head-chopper child-torturing brothers.

Lone Ranger

There are only 25,000 headchoppers left in Idlib. In 8 years the SAA, Russia and Iran killed around a 120,000 of them. Idlib will fall, only a matter of time.

Porc Halal

And some of them are posting here… isn’t that right, osmanlâc mehmet?…

Porc Halal

PS…I was refering to Mustafa, the turkish trash which is trolling on this website…

David Parker

Somewhere I read there are some 150,000 head-choppers in Idlib.

Lone Ranger

Were. Not anymore.

Paul O' Sullivan

You all come on here as if Putin is the problem Syria does not have the forces to confront Turkey and hold the 20,000+ Rebels/Terrorist Groups back hence Syria has lost a good bit of ground over Turkish artillery and no doubt Turkish forces have been involved in ground fighting and the likes. Syrian forces just don’t have the Equipment or Man Power after 9 years of war to do so it would be fool hearty to try not cause it cant they could but would lose to much. Putin is trying to refrain Syria from attacking Turkish postions for this simple reason yes syria could give Turkish forces a bloody nose but how much will they lose in the process Syria cant afford lose its best units to Turkish Artillery and they can do it from with in there own borders. Any general would know not to take on more than you can handle we all seen when syria moved its best units to the South what happened they cant have those units every place. They just need to hope Turkey backs off and dont give them want they want a fight not know way to much to lose.


Putin has to remain neutral and no one can win every battle this is not a Russian lose its the SAA learning, regrouping against a proper military attack. Iran has about 80,000 reserve troops in Syria. NATO is making alot of manoeuvres, in Poland threatening to destroy Russia’s a defense system in kalingrad formerly known as Stalingrad. The Bible prophecy clearly states that Iran will be the leader of the middle East. This is also written in the Jewish old testaments. Putin knows this Russia knows this, Israel knows this.

Lone Ranger

You are right I only would add two things. Stalingrad is another city called Volgograd today. Kaliningrad was Koenigsberg. I wouldnt worry too much Russia has enough S-400 and nuke tipped cruise missiles to take out whole NATO in Europe. Im not joking.


Brother thanks for the correction of the city names, I was to excited typing away. You remember when the Russian politician made a joke about the S- 700? Was he joking? http://www.rt.com/russia/441331-s-700-zhirinovky-rant/

Lone Ranger

To be honest I dont know. I know that the S-500 is already operational inside Russia. I also heard rumors about S-600 being developed. It will have a range of 600+km, max altitude 500km low Earth orbit, max speed Mach 24. But I never heard about the S-700. It could be in the works tho, what I learned about Russia is that they like to keep some of their tech secret for a while. For example many were caught by surprise about the S-400 back than or the Su-57, even bigger things like the Borei class SSBN subs, they only knew it exists when Russia showed pics and videos about it. So I dont know but wouldnt be surprised.

Lone Ranger

Thats why bibi and hasbararts are in a panic mide. The Scripture is not on their side

David Parker

It is a foregone conclusion that Russia could end this immediately. If Russia wanted to, every Turk in Syria would be dead today and vulture food tomorrow.


Brother please look at war if you were an military intelligence officer. For the first time you are seeing UAV’s of NATO and Turkey. One can study the guidance system, one can study the frequency they use, one can study different types of radars and how they perform at detecting them. Encrypted communication equipment used by Turkey can now be deciphered. We all agree Russia can destroy the whole world 10 times over. Plus China is Russia, in fact if a Chinese spat at turkey the whole of turkey will be in lock down lol.

David Parker

“Bible prophecy” is that Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple would be destroyed in A.D. 70. Prophecy fulfilled. The present “Israel” is not hing but a Talmudic nest of demons, not God’s chosen people. God divorced Israel forever in A.D. 70. Ever since the Jews wrote the C. I. Scofield “Refernce Bible” and got the fraud Scofield to front it for them, that Jewish lie about everyone attacking a poor helpless Israel and all the Christians must help the poor Jews who curse Jesus the Christ daily has been circulating. It is fiction, like the “Holocaust” myth that only Jews suffered in WWII and therefore everyone owes the Jews money forever.

Brother Ma

Good point but if Turkey can hit Syria’s army in Idlib from behind their border AND Syria can’t fire back then we are at stalemate! Those artillery guns need to be taken out of action. Why talk tough,Russia and Syria if you can’t recapture Idlib because of artillery, you don’t want or can’t touch?


Every Russian soldier, pilot ,blew themselves up before capture. I hope this video will teach the SAA that surrender is not an option. These cowards will die like bitches by terrorists not worthy to breath earths oxygen. Stay alert stay alive. Die with honor and kill without mercy.

Lone Ranger

Never give up never surrender. Stalingrad part 2. Giving up is not an option. Turkroaches will cry and rage ;)


Keyboard warriors telling others to die while mommy is cooking for ya

Lone Ranger

Keep crying Shlomo ;) No Greater Israel Project for you…


they say they capture the soldiers that who rob the bodies of their friends …

Brother Ma

…and we’ll believe whatever Turks and Erdogan say? You are kidding,right?


nope i see the videos a group of soldiers try to take the gear of the soldiers of turks … dont u search or just talking …

Brother Ma

All bodies of invading soldiers are to be checked for intelligence and their gear to be used for the effort of resisting invaders.


invade ? i see a multi color region aspect as people and groups and over million refrugees… i think u missing some points ….and there is multi sighned agrements ….

Brother Ma

I see invaders and refugees caused by Turkey NATO and Israel invading Syria. Those refugees ,mostly families of Muslim Brotherhood jihadists and nothing else. Wake up or try your propaganda elsewhere.

Any agreements made with Russia have become void due on Turkey not performing it’s part of the deal. Sorry.


propaganda as u know contains some sidedly opinion which i dont have for many years or so the refrugees living in turkey its not even possible to some one do it to their self its not logical …i think u r clever enough to understand …the problem coused by all the nations not just turks syrians russians americans … the middle east suffers decades from all …the world drains it as a battery …


its the shame of war there will be no humanity in wars actually i can see it even here …the comments from all over the world from countries that commited or even still doing these such war crimes and hypocrisy shame of human kind …


once American rambo saved afgans and second movie try to eliminate…thats how it works …i think the real problem there are unneccessary people in the regions that dont belong to them such as americans russians turks or even iranians …simply all the humanity


there are lots of recent like there or even worse videos russian and syrian or american or israilian or chinese or turkish armies …simply the face of war …try not to forget millions of kids and womens families living in turkey or at the border of turket for many years that no one cares as we see Europeans dont allow now …

Brother Ma

Barbarossa was a traitor Christian pirate. I curse his name.


and micky mouse as well…why so much hate i begin to think this forums age limit is very amature

Brother Ma

Why such pride and propaganda?


what propaganda ?


I shudder to think what happened later.

Sodomy is a cultural heritage in Turkiye.

Lone Ranger

Erdofuck likes to torture fuck his lil pets at his palace… I heard micro pomeranians are his personal favs. Poor things :(

Almaqdisi Brigade

what human righ? @ Sohayb_Masri1 how about 500k people kiled by SAA ?

Black Waters

That’s propaganda, to dehumanize the SAA, that bs propaganda came from the U.S since the SAA started fighting back, same with Gadaffi and every other “dictator”, they do this to manipulate public opinion, good thing that nowadays the effectiveness of this method it’s dying completely.

Meanwhile turkey has been selling oil to Israel since the beginning, funding raising and training terrorists, extremists whatever you wanna call them, creatures, orcs.

The thing is, Turks are a threat to EVERY civilized NATION, even to the U.S gestapo.

Lone Ranger

By Turkisis*

Brother Ma

Shut up. You are insane. Do you believe everything you are told there?


i think all the hatred ad media especially the social media misguided and drive people crazy …as we can see here with the comments…loss for the world

Almaqdisi Brigade


the cruelty of the Assad army

Islamic Power

Alawi scum

Friend of Russia

It’s clear that neither Syria nor Russia has the means and might to retake idlib. Even SF is reporting catastrophic losses suffered by SAA at the hands of Turkey recently. Even Russia can’t fight against turkey far from russian territory. Hence it’s time to forget idlib, leave it to the Turkish terrorists and concentrate on the affairs of the rest of Syria.



Lone Ranger


Bill Wilson

Idlib will fall once HTS is dead broke.

Brother Ma

Easy for you to say. Let’s carve off some of your country to be the home of headchoppers. Would you like it?

Friend of Russia

But powerful enemies like turkey, Israel, US and NATO are on the headchoppers side. Though everyone hopes for their defeat, there is no way to achieve it.


Now the world sees what Turks are, this is the end of Turkey, what they do to others will happen to them, if any country didnt hate Turkey already it does now, their economy will continue to collapse and Turks will be seen as terrorists for generations to come by the rest of the world, their fate is already chosen by their actions.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There were 12 verifiable warcrimes committed by Turkish forces in the first week of the Al Hasakah campaign, the UN and Amnesty International could only condemn the atrocities, if Erdogan loses political power they could do something about it, but until he’s out of power no one can.

David Parker

It’ll blow over in less than a week.


I d like to see Sisi sending help to Syria. He should have already actually before this operation to free Idlib begun.

Mustafa Mehmet

Why don’t you send your army to help.. who wear dress and funny slippers


Where is traitor Putin, time to drop some ammo on Erdogan head


Are you stupid ? Erdogan dies = Turkey goes back to NATO. Erdogan stays alive = Putin can throw the spanner in the works. Syria will take back Idlib, all of it. Erdogan will shut up and go ‘play’ in Libya … The mouricunts will keep stealing Syrian oil where the Kurds are… And everyone is happy …till next November when we have the US elections.

Brother Ma

All you say is true but the problem is the Turk still gets to keep the oil and gas in the East Med. Why should Greece /Cyprus have to pay for both Putin and America’s love affair with Turkey? If they want Turkey as a girlfriend then Putin and Trump can pay to take her out dancing ,not Hellenes.

Black Waters

The more troll like you come here i’m starting to think that the U.S is behind the last incident in Idlib, now they send trolls to keep pocking into a open wound, while you keep eating shit cangreburgers and raping childrens in D.C, Zionist filth.

It’s clear that the U.S and Israel have a bunch of “keyboard” warriors (sort of, because those creatures can’t fight, specially the ones from Israhell) pushing propaganda online to avoid collapse at this point.

Mustafa Mehmet

PROPAGANDA. PROPAGANDA. only assad and his gangs do such a thing


Mustafa mehmetako read up re malaka shit-kebap mongoloid :

Armenian Genocide


Greek genocide


Assyrian genocide


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