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MARCH 2025

Up To 24 People Killed, Over 50 Injured In Terrorist Attack On Military Parade In Iran’s Ahvaz

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Up To 24 People Killed, Over 50 Injured In Terrorist Attack On Military Parade In Iran's Ahvaz

UPDATE: ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack via its news agency Amaq.


Up to 24 people were killed and over 50 others were injured in a terrorist attack on a military parade in the Iranian city of Ahvaz on September 22, according to the Iranian media.

According to reports, gunmen opened fire from behind the stands during the military parade. The attack was ongoing several minutes during the event, which featured troops from the Iranian Army’s 92nd armored division.

The terrorists were apparently wearing military uniforms. Two of the four attackers were killed during clashes with Iranian troops. Two others were detained.

Following the incident, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stated that Iran will respond “swiftly and decisively” in defense of its people.

“Terrorists recruited, trained, armed, and paid by a foreign regime have attacked Ahvaz. Children and journos [are] among casualties,” Zarif tweeted.

He added  that Iran holds “regional terror sponsors” and their “US masters” responsible for the attack.

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This is a war provocations from Iraq who are running dry on money hence why they want to claim back the rich in resources khurestan.

This goes along with what happened in Basra

Ivan Freely

Saudi Arabia is running low on oil. One last ditch to start something up?


This is a really dumb comment


More disinformation.

hope springs eternal.

Go get them, Iran. A cowardly act to attack soldiers on parade. Sons of slimes whoever perpetrated this crime. Godspeed.

Free man

What an irony, the greatest benefactor of terrorism is being attacked by Ahvazi / Arabistani terrorists . Reminds me of the attacks by Hamas and its affiliates on the Assad army, using tactics Hamas learned from Hezbollah. R.I.P for the innocent.


beiing a jew satanic asshole is one thing,,,,,, but beiing incredible stupid another…

“attacks by hamas on the assad army” r u high on lSD??? Hamas is in GAZA……sealed off to the outside world….between gaza and syria is….your home country??the satanic illegal entity named israel…..

u r so fucking stupidddddddddddd…jew

Free man

Check who Hamas supported at the beginning of the revolution in Syria. And how it became clear to the Assad army that the jihadists who were fighting against it, and trained by Hamas, used the tactics Hezbollah used against Israel in southern Lebanon. Check data before you reveal your stupidity.


He is somehow right bcz in start of Syrian conflict hamas was behind the training of those terrorists in teaching them the art of trenches, they earlier learned from Hezbollah. At that time Hamas’s morale was too much high due to the power they earned in Egypt by Morsi. But later hamas apologized to Assad and abandoned those Acts.

Brother Thomas

Irony not so much, given that Israel almost certainly is behind this attack, as it has been behind previous attacks and assassinations in Iran. No one is fooled.

Free man

Spokesman of Arab Struggle Movement for Liberation of Ahvaz (ASLMA) was behind the terrorist attack . It is a terrorist organization that wants to free Arabistan from Iranian rule. When one controls another people, one can expect the occupied people to resist (as in Palestine).


“another people”? The province of Khuzestan has always been a part of Iran and Iranian Arabs consider their nationality to be Iranian.

Free man

Apparently these terrorists think differently.


Thats because they are international terrorists.

Brad Isherwood

The Mid east is one hell of a Party zone. You have Naram Sin of Akkad https://i2.wp.com/classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/530/flashcards/1023530/jpg/(2-13)victorysteleofnaram-sin1323910475901.jpg Darius III partied….until Sekundar ended his reign. And then there’s Roman General Marcus Lincinius Crassus /Gov of Syria…who died by having molten gold poured down his throat.

God must find these present Era wars kinda boring as drama goes. Watching Marcon or Obama giving death orders vs these Ancient men must really be disturbing for the Big guy.

Brother Thomas

Nonsense. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time, even if you are Israel. No matter who fronted this attack, the motives and methods and sheer brutal brazenness are a dead giveaway of the sponsors and masterminds.

Free man

The perpetrators of the attack are Al-Ahwaz Arab People’s Democratic Front (APDF) a faction of ASLMA. They have strong ties with Fatah and believe in armed struggle against Iran & Israel. I understand reality is too complicated, but you should check it.

Brother Thomas

Cut-paste; cut-paste. Keep repeating the lie long enough people start believing it, Hr. Goebbels.

Free man

So reality is too complicated for you.

Brother Thomas

No. It’s just that you are too obvious in your little disinformation campaign.

Free man

You are probably the authority on what is right and what is not (-;

Brother Thomas

No. God decides that. We just have to treat his creations- the planet, other people, other life forms, the environment, etc. with respect. And to obey basic commandments about killing and about lying, such as though shall not bear false witness.


In this footage the one accompanying the recorder shouts “lie on the ground!” and before moving, we hear him saying “now! go!”.

All four attackers are dead, 3 on the spot and one captured but his injuries caused him dead shortly after , on the way to hospital. They belong to the separatist group “Al-Ahwaziyah” backed by Saudi Arabia. This group accepted the responsibility in an interview with “Iran International” TV channel, aired from Saudi Arabia. There’s a girl and a disabled man among the civilian dead, so far 24 dead and 53 injured. The security forces acted quickly otherwise there were more causalities, considering the terrorists used AK-47s in a crowded place. None of the high rank officials present at the parade hit. Apparently terrorists’ aim was creating terror and chaos in the civilian population.

May the victims rest in peace and perpetrators pay the price. It’s high time Iran returns the favour to Saudis. Don’t cry when you were hit back.


This cynical and outrageous attack is of course designed to push the Iranian leadership into an unwise reaction that the US Coalition of Terror can twist as an assault on ‘American Democratic Values’.

The leadership and people of Iran have thousands of years of knowledge, learning and wisdom that the US and her allies do not have.

In reality, even the existence of an Independent Iran is a victory over the US Coalition of Terror.

Poor Turk

“In reality, even the existence of an Independent Iran is a victory over the US Coalition of Terror.” Wow

Brother Thomas

The fact that Iran has no longer a puppet Shah and withstood being overrun by Iraq was a stinging defeat for the US and its partners.

You can call me Al

There is good and bad on that comment. I know what you mean, but after the Shah was overthrown, the religious freaks got in and I can assure you, that they are not and have never been that popular.

Brother Thomas

When a country is under threat, under sanctions and on a war footing, it makes it very difficult for more liberal elements to defeat the hardliners.


Disgusting comment. How u believe that they r not that popular?

You can call me Al

Sorry, but what the fuck are you on about. Please explain and I shall be happy to respond.


How can the Iranians “not care much for the clerics nor the IRGC” when according to the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland poll in July 2018 (right after the economic protests) general Soleimani and president Rouhani are the most popular characters in Iran?

You can call me Al

Agreed. But please remember the local clerics. The marches were purely against the economic hardships and then tainted by scum paid for by the Yanker’s NGOs.

These attacks can be blamed on Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US (separably or combined) – to try and make it look a citizen assault.

I would guess Kurds.


I wouldn’t guess the same. If u can read alarbiya named UAE based Saudi propaganda news site, u will see how much they r working on Ahwazi Arabs in the Iranian province of Khozistan.

You can call me Al

I am discussing it with Iranians, but you could be right; I dont know yet.

Bill Wilson

The religious freaks were 40 years ago yet now the majority of Iranians are under the age of 30 and don’t care much for the clerics nor IRG.


U speaking as u living inside center of Iranian society.


Do u remember that whenever western powers tried to initiate chaos in Iran, how many Iranians participated in huge rallys throughout Iran in support of ur religious freaks?


According to ur view in modern days peoples don’t much care about religious freaks. I m so confused that why then masses in Yemen, are in favor of those religious freaks, why then majority of Lebanese peoples voted in favor of religious freak Hassan Nasrallah? Why Iraqi public voted to these religious freaks in latest elections?

You can call me Al

Thank you.


False. How can the Iranians “not care much for the clerics nor the IRGC” when according to the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland poll in July 2018 (right after the economic protests) general Soleimani and president Rouhani are the most popular characters in Iran?


“the religious freaks got in and I can assure you, that they are not and have never been that popular.”

False. %99.31 of Iranians voted for the Islamic Republic in a referendum with a %98.2 turnout. Can’t get any more democratic than that! The “religious freaks” you’re referring to are democratically elected officials of Iran, so there’s no doubt that they’re popular!

You can call me Al

No, you are mixing up two things. 1. I agree with your comment 100%, however 2. Due to US pressure over the last decade, more and more religions zealots were selected to “defend” Iran, as the rhetoric increased (all fuelled by Iran); each one worse that the last, with the odd exception.

As a side issue, not all women are in Burqas over there as seen in the press, only many just wear a head scarf – same as my Grandma’s wore.

You can call me Al

A very good comment there Florian, very good indeed.


Thanks for that Al. I really believe that as well.

You can call me Al

Troll Alert; keep an eye open; 3 tonight.


Whenever the US/Israeli trolls are sent outside to play ,there has been a US Coalition setback.

The mere fact that they are ‘infecting’ sites such as this is an indication that the numbers of readers that take an interest in opinions that do not accord with the FUKUS + Israeli narratives here are a threat to the UC Coalition of Terror.


Excellent introduction of the Iranians and the situation. Evil forces are in much haste to target the peace in remaining peaceful middle eastern countries.


This is US and European terrorism in Iran using forces as Israel, ISIS and Al-Qaeda. This is war crime. Shame.


Condolences for those precious lives. May rest with Mola Hussain (A.S)! But Iran need not to act hastily. Resistance axes marching towards conclusive victory at the time being. Evil forces want to sabotage these achievements at any cost.


time to fight…war is inevitable…as i wrote over and over again…..the jews need the war for their agenda…its now or never for the jews…all lies will sooner than later be out in the open including the bs holocaust gas chamber fairy tale.including the assasination of JFK and loads of other crimes that them satanic jews committed….its all about their agenda of a one world government with jerusalem as its capital unmder satanic jewish leadership….and time is NOT on their side…….what they need is war…so they and their slave states ie. germany,usa ,saudi arabia etc..are doing everything possible to get iran to fire of first…they did that with saddam and the kuwait issue…they did that with the pearl harbour incident

Brother Thomas

You sound a bit deranged. Or like an online agent provocateur who actually means to achieve the opposite of what s/he is saying. In other words, like a troll.

Concrete Mike

They also tried monday to get the russians to sink that french ship. I hope you didnt forget that part.

You are correct in saying the zionists need war now, time is not on their side.

With that cleared out, its easy to see why russia appears timid in face of multiple useless provocations from her ennemies. If the war the ennemy wants so bad is denied to them, isnt that hurting your ennemy?? Why would that be a bad thing. Its like not giving a child candy before bed, the petulant child will do whatever it does, but in the end its fir the greater good of all.

But in this matter, putin is weak, bla bla bla. Why would putin accept the war dance on the wests terms??? Thats lunacy!

Anyways, i hope everything turns out for the best…good luck

Feudalism Victory

Yes. Israels and its allies strength is the military so they want to use it.

But for some reason they simply cant declare and strike. It has to be started by their enemies? Weak and pathetic.

Free man

You forgot that they also framed Roger Rabbit.

Lena Jones

Go on, Iran: pay-back the talmudic-saudi terrorism with extra weapons for Hezbollah and the suffering Houthis. And while you’re at it, bitch-slap that jewy hasbara-cog-idiot Free Man.


‘Free Man’ is a legend in his own mind Lena :)

Free man

Birds of a feather flock together.

Lena Jones

It’s an honor to “flock” with Florian and a pleasure to know you’re pissed off about it.


Thank you Lene. I enjoy soaring through the sky with you as well :)


So do ‘Dodo’s ‘ such as you :)

Lena Jones

‘Famous in his own lunchtime’, as the saying goes :-)

Free man

Stupid, rude and obsessive. The worst combination.

Brother Thomas

“Hasbara-cog” – Is that correct?


So the Zionist terror network strikes again. It is high time the Russians and Iranians take off the gloves. I don’t mean start an all out shooting war, I mean special ops. See that the civilians in Syria get expert help against the Kurds in Deir Ezzor/eastern Syria. See that those minor uprisings in KSA that are so rarely announced get SF assistance. Make it so those crypto jews are afraid to step outside. Find a way to massively arm the Houthis. IEDs all around Al Tanf. Using Israeli supplied weapons will make it even better. Let’s see the US embassy burn, more IEDs against US and other foreign troops in Iraq, Jordan. The same in Afghanistan. Yes, lets not have a war with soldiers, use western tactics and attack their infrastructure, hospital, supply lines. Whatever foreign entities are there should be attacked, especially civilian NGOs. KSA needs to burn. There should be insurgencies all over Europe against NATO/US bases. They are going all out to start an open war…do not do it…give them a taste of their own medicine. See how long they can take that.

Brother Thomas

I don’t think so. Israel and the neocons would love to provoke a war. Reacting blindly tit-for-tat to their provocations is to play their game. Iran and Russia need to follow their own strategy and game plan.


U r right. Planning must be in calm manner. Evil powers want a quick and harsh reaction from Iran. Which is not needed at the time.


Have you not seen the uprising against US/Kurds already occurring? The assassinations of terrorist leaders in Idlib and elsewhere? Do you think that the Russian special forces are not involved? This is an insurgency that will weaken the wests assets. It’s already going on, they just need to export this to KSA, Yemen. This is not a blind reaction, it would be an asymmetrical response…that cannot be pinned on any government. What is their option, sit back and let it continue until it is untenable? When the west attacked Deir Ezzor and killed many SAA, Russians returned the favor and attacked caves in western Syria, killing (~30) western intel operators. Asymmetric warfare is a Russian specialty and is politically safe. Did the west ever complain about the loss of assets that supposedly did not exist? Who was behind Chechnya? How did that end up? No one says to be overt and careless, just get the message across.

Empire's Frontiers

ISUS, indeed.

Brother Thomas

Savage as this attack is, it has the same effect on Iran as a fly hitting the windscreen of a truck, i.e., Zero. Israel is getting desperate as regime change in Syria has fails, the assault on Yemen falters, and Iran’s influence grows by the day.


A month or so ago American forces moved to the border with Iran that is the juncture of Iranian Sunni’s with Afghanistan and this is the infiltration route for US terror gangs to Iran.

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