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Update On Azerbaijani Strikes On Armenian Equipment, Including Radar & Air-Defense Systems (Videos)

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Armenian forces continue to sustain heavy losses in equipment as a result of Azerbaijani drone and rocket strikes on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

On October 30, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released two videos showing recent strikes on Armenian troops, positions and the following equipment:

  • 1 T-72 battle tank;
  • 1 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle;
  • 1 MT-LB armored vehicle;
  • 1 BM-21 multiple rocket launcher;
  • 1 Truck;
  • 6 D-20 howitzers;
  • 1 P-18 “Spoon Rest D” radar;
  • 1 9K33 Osa short-range air-defense system;

Most of the strikes were carried out with Turkish-made Bayraktar TB combat drones, which were armed with MAM-L and MAM-C small-diameter laser-guided munitions.

Update On Azerbaijani Strikes On Armenian Equipment, Including Radar & Air-Defense Systems (Videos)

Click to see full-size image.

In the last two days, Azerbaijani forces managed to destroy three BM-30 “Smerch” heavy multiple rocket launchers of the Armenian military with Bayraktar TB combat drones.

The Azerbaijani military has inflicted heavy human and material losses on Armenian forces since the outbreak of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. However, its advance on the ground remains limited to the southeastern part of the region.


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Mr T

how much technical equipment these arminions have left???


The armos getting daily supply from iran and russia. Daily truck loads from what i hear.


Iran? Pls stop spreading fake news.


Russia maybe, but not Iran.

Zionism = EVIL

Russian weapons from eastern block via Ukraine which is corrupt.


Ukraine supports Azerbaijan.

Zionism = EVIL

That is nonsense. Iran has not supplied anything. The only 4 planeloads with ATGM came from Ukraine so far and have not made any difference as the Armenian military is now too decimated to make an effort.


Not much. Destroyed day by day.

boris yeltsin

Why is Armenia still using these obsolescent Soviet era systems? They are effectively redundant against stealth drones and are easily spoofed by Turkish electronic counter measures.

Rhodium 10

They have shot down many Harop and Orbiter drones…but its an old Soviet system of the late 60s with short range vs drones flying above 5000 mts that can detect them and send GP or use laser pointer for guide artillery…AZ are using all modern weapons supply by Israel and Turkey….but AZ infantery are unable to advance towards the capital while NK are receiving constant supplies!


If Armenia ran their air defense force properly they could cover all of N-K from Armenia. The S-300 radars have the range to reach far into Azerbaijan.

“9K33 Osa Russia Surface-to-air missile

Tor-M2KM[68] Russia N/A Tor M2E maks2009.jpg Based on a KamAZ-63501 truck chassis. First units delivered from Russia December 2019.

BUK-M1-2[69][70] Russia N/A Buk-M1-2.jpg First shown during the preparations for the 2016 military parade in Yerevan.

S-125 Pechora 2M Russia 8[71] Pechora-2M – missile launcher 1.jpg

2K11 Krug Soviet Union Surface-to-air missile Replaced by S-300s. Currently in reserve, used during parades.

9K35M3 Strela-10M3 Russia Short range surface-to-air missile 10 Strela 10.jpg Designated SA-13 “Gopher” by NATO.

Kub-M3[72] Russia Surface-to-air missile

S-75 Dvina Russia 79 Sa-2camo.jpgf Withdrawn from service

S-125 Neva/Pechora Russia

S-300PS Russia 2-3 divisions[69] S300.jpg Each division consists of 2 batteries, each battery consists of 4 launchers.[73] Upgraded with 5V55U missiles, 150 km range.

S-300PT-1 Russia Surface-to-air missile At least 3 divisions[69]

AZP S-60 Soviet Union Anti-aircraft gun

KS-19[74] Soviet Union KS-19.jpg 100m gun used as field artillery[75]

ZU-23-2 Soviet Union Zu-23 30 M1-3 – InnovationDay2013part1-40.jpg

ZSU-23-4 Soviet Union Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 Shilka 01.jpg Main SPAA of the army. Locally modernized version used.”

– List of equipment of the Armenian Armed Forces –


Vafadar Rizvanli

shooting down Harop? lol

Comedy club..

Rhodium 10

there are many Photos posted of Harop shot down

Jihadi Colin

Don’t you have to get drunk and mumble boozily about “moi drug Bill Klinton”?

catalin zt

Because they are financedarmed by turkishjewish SCUM who got this weapons blue prints from fascist murica! Azeri goat lovers i mean


They do not really get anything else. The BM-30 Smerch got destroyed. They costs like $12 million US dollar. They can’t risk them. The Iskander missiles are controlled by the Russians. Armenians never even own them. They are part of the CSTO.

Armenia owns four (4) Su-30 planes. But they do not want to risk them either. They know they will be destroyed by the Azerbaijan/Turkey air defense systems.

catalin zt

The goat lovers of muhhamad the paedophile with help of anglo-saxonkhazarian genocidal SCUM races looks to win this battle… I’m really sorry for my christians armenian brothers! But thecapitalistfascist Great Satan didn’t win the war still! Let’s see ! :)

catalin zt

Inshallah NOTHING will be left of this turkmongolian goat lovers nor from their anglo-saxonkhazarian satanic backers when soon ww3 will start! Amen


lol..Amin fra’ ! om trai și om vedea cine rade la urma

catalin zt

Ha ha esti roman! :) Hai sa le dam o lectie la islamicii astia teroristi crescuti de america si israHell! The pupa Catalin!


is vechi aici, fra. site-ul asta e infestat de troli jidani și islamic, barem le dau la mooie cum îmi permite timpul..




Damn inferior anglosaxons, muslims and everyone else :)) gypsy = master race https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/421a3116b3c8811c6cff1827f03ad41f4f8e9aaa2defe293fdd6e21bb6625c29.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Especially Gypsy Kings.


Zionism = EVIL

Shut the fuck up arsehole, you whine like a little pimp whose whores have been fucked dry. Get over the FACT that the Armenian military in not worth a shit.

Johnny B. Allan

Calm your tits don’t die out of high blood pressure try to breathe

Zionism = EVIL

Smart mature comment. These fuckwit trolls are just venting. The Armenian dumbasses have been whacked pure and simple and nothing can save them. The idiot Pissinyan overplayed his hand and got chopped.

Fog of War

” The idiot Pissinyan overplayed his hand and got chopped. ”

Not exactly. He did what we was told to do to a tee.

Zionism = EVIL

Perhaps, the JEWCUNTS won’t come out of this well. They are paranoid of Hezbollah now and Turkey will eventually challenge them. It is bigger game now.

Death to Turks

Turkey Israel and Azerbaijan are on the same side you dumb dickeater

Death to Turks

I’m gonna whack your fucking head off like we’re doing to the Azeris. Tell me, does this face look like the face of the winning side? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/332ea4497753836a5090eba25d94819506689bb24efe911e04523262b76bc250.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Go fuck a toy doll pervert, I have had my fun with you. Now fuck off.

Death to Turks

Look at it bitch. Tell me again that they are so strong and winning, you sound gay for them. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ecdeb4446f7d9527d351dc02e64527b89b576a07fb14a453d5d82b172da18ef0.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t know who you are arsehole, but these desperate insults have really fucked you losers up as it has turned the whole Muslim world even rest against helping the Armenians, who firstly overplayed their illegal hand by thinking that they are Zionist cousins and hang on to Nogorno-Karabakh which is 100% Azerbaijani land. Secondly, the much to my surprise the Armenian military turned out to be total shitcan losers. The fuckers could not even mount a company size operation and are now chopped up into pieces. I am also not surprised as I have previously posted on the level of professionalism the Turkish military has developed. I served with Turks back in the late 70’s and 80’s and they are now perhaps the best NATO military. Kudos to them and the excellence in drone warfare, which is the future. The Turkish BAYRAKTER is far superior to the ZionistCUNTS much hyped Harop and has inflicted the most damage. The Armenians indiscriminately attacking Azerbaijan civilians, only increased Azeri resolve to win. This is typical as the fuckwit Saddam found the same when he unleashed the dud Scuds on Iranian cities and got whacked.

Luckily, Iran and Turkey now cooperate in defence and the new Iranian drone introduced his week is very similar. My advice to the Armenians is that they need to withdraw from all occupied Azerbaijani lands and accept the Iranian offer that Turkey and Iran will guarantee their security if they end this needless conflict. The arsehole Pissinyan must be replaced. If they continue in their fantasy that someone will save them, they need to get their head out of the dumarse. It is close end game kids. Once again from an old soldier, well done to the Turks and Azeri cousins. Never been so wrong in over 30 years of military experience and analysis. The Turks have surely pioneered Future Warfare, but Azerbaijani ground troops have also fought well and held their ground, which demonstrates very high morale, training and leadership.



No need to rant with gypdies. They just want to distract your attention from your pockets.

Zionism = EVIL

I know but the idiots simply don’t see the handwriting on the wall. The Armenians put too much faith in Russia and I have said always that Russia can’t do jack against Turkey, we saw that in Libya and Syria. Now with Biden coming in most likely, AmeriCUNTS will go after Russia with both barrels and Russia is hardly in a position to take on Turkey and NATO forces now in almost all ex-Soviet states. It is time for these fucking trolls to go home and drink cool aid.


That gypsy is not even pro-Armenia, just spreading shit smell around.

Anyway I think Hillary and Biden bluffing on Russia. They wouldn’t do much if ellected. In my opinion Biden would rather sanction Erdogan than Putin.

But we will see…

Zionism = EVIL

I am not sure, but you may right, Biden is old establishment and no candidate will alienate Turkey. The Wall Street Journal is a good barometer of Pentagon and Foggy Bottom thinking, and their editorial they were very complimentary of Turkish military prowess, so with Biden’s close links with Ukraine and his son’s business, I don’t think they will upset Turkey at a time US power is waning.


Fortunately, the United States will soon disintegrate … and another POWER will begin to rise.


Biden’s parry wants closer ties with EU. The ball is in Erdogan’s court, if he continues with Muslim Nationalistic rethoric against EU, there will be no choice other than sanctions. As much as NATO needs Turkey, they need Turkey in a previsible state, not imprevisible, with moody dictator on top.

Fog of War

” Now with Biden coming in most likely, AmeriCUNTS will go after Russia with both barrels and Russia is hardly in a position to take on Turkey and NATO forces now in almost all ex-Soviet states ”

Very astute observation. This was a trap all along and Putin played his part very well by putting Russia in an even more precarious position then before. Chabad slaves of the world unite.

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks, you are realist too.

Death to Turks

No he’s a fuckface like you


too much emotion….too much reality…well said mate…still not worth this backward retard…

Zionism = EVIL

I know my friend. I am an old soldier and don’t like disrespect for brave men of any nationality. These are not cowardly westernCUNTS that kill civilians, but Azerbaijani soldiers trying to liberate their lands. The Armenians have committed war crimes and even Iran warned them not to shell civilian areas. The Azeris have fought well and may their war dead rest in peace.


you are a soldier? killing palestinians did not make you a soldier jewturk


stalin stole the land, even baku is armenia you jew maggot


yeah we saw how good Turkish army was when they fought vs some rag tag isis jihadists in Al bab…turkey lost 10 leopard tanks in some hours and retreated…since then they only use jihadis of their own…like FSA…hahahahaha TROLL https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2017/02/12/battle-al-bab-verifying-turkish-military-vehicle-losses/


the answer to a superior force is guerrilla warfare. the terrain there is ideal

Jihadi Colin

No guerrilla warfare if the population is ethnically cleansed and that’s the whole point of the Ottoman-Azerbaijan-Headchopper Alliance attacks on cities. It’s working, too, as the civilian population is fleeing. Nobody wants to be left when the Ottoman-Azerbaijan-Headchopper Alliance cuts off the exits.

Zionism = EVIL

Smart man. As I have said before, the ethnic Armenians in NK number barely 145,000 and now less than 30,000 and the displaced Azeris are now around ONE MILLION who will all go back to NK along with new Azeris, i,e Syrians, Pakistanis and other allies who fought along the Azeris, so who the fuck is going to wage a guerrilla war against whom? It is all a losers pipe dream. Armenia is FUCKED!

Jihadi Colin

It is. From the start I said Erdo will seed the area with headchoppers like the Uighurs in Jisr al Shughour. There are a lot of Idlibistani headchoppers needing resettlement, after all.

Zionism = EVIL

You are right, there is whole new demographics in the region and I see instability for a long time.

Death to Turks

Admission of ethnic cleansing campaign ^*^^

Death to Turks

Admission of Pakistanis and Syrians on the ground ^^^^

Zionism = EVIL

I am objective always and that pisses off thin skinned morons. I have been on this website since its inception and you can read my comments. The Azerbaijanis were trained by Turks and Pakistanis and there is no question that Turkey has introduced Syrian Sunni mercenaries in this conflict, but the Azerbaijan military has fought well as even all objective observers in Asia even concede. You should read Asia Times instead of posting photos of dead soldiers. As an old soldier from the old school, that is very disgraceful and a no-no. Instead of insulting great religions and prophets, I would suggest learn to articulate and face facts.

Death to Turks

I will fuck you in your Muslim ass then mohamed then the Azeri mothers then their dead sons. How about that fuckface?

Fog of War

” I will fuck you in your Muslim ass ”

More homosexual references. You’re giving yourself away sweet heart. Do you wear chaps also ?

Death to Turks

You’re the ones being fucked sweetheart.

Fog of War

I’m not Azeri sweet cheeks and it seems that talking about sexual relations with men’s behinds comes naturally to you. I’m not judging, to each his own.

Vox Populi

Tut, tut such overt display of homosexual erotic fantasies on a military website, not very becoming even in gay circles. Keep your latent desires in check. He is most likely your grandfathers age.

Death to Turks

The one getting fucked is the gay one.


he is an Iberian European the like who votes for weak leaders who import savages to fkk gays like himself

Death to Turks

You talk about gayness yet you suck azeri dick every day in here.


Where is your guerilla? No where to be seen. Only drones.

catalin zt

By the race,there are only two (2) races who MUST be DELETED from the face of Earth for Us ALL to live in HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY and Freedom and those SCUM races are ANGLO-SAXONS and JEWS! ALL will be just FINE when this PARASITICCAPITALIST races will be ERADICATED from adult to small baby! They do not have baby’s but future GENOCIDALSTERRORISTS ! AMEN!


Fucking anglosaxons, jews, mongols, muslims! Gypsy masterr race uber alles! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f69fdd16f379423b181fb4dd8b5094b1ef9994549d4aa8e40f2df3afe8f9d6f3.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Gypsies originated from India and then moved west. I have seen their caravans in Afghanistan even where they are called pavindeh I think in Dari.


Well, the guy you were arguing says he’s a proud Romanian and he hates anglosaxons, turcic, mongolic, muslims etc probably 90% of the workd while his country has 10% gypsyes :)) so most likely he’s a gypo.


Azerbaijan has so many drones. Turkey will continue to supply them if any is destroyed. Soon war will be over.

Jihadi Colin

This is the first drone war. Like the first nuclear war (6 and 9 August 1945) only one side is using them, but everyone is watching carefully and the next war will see them used by both sides. Or else the side not using them will lose catastrophically.

Fog of War

First true drone war was in Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, but at a lower tactical level. This is first intense totally integrated C31+EW+UAV conflict backed up by robust ground campaign and air superiority. In my days, you could only fly a manned mission over target for no more than a few minutes and hit Bingo fuel and face intense AAA and SAMS, now the suicide drones can loiter for hours and have thermal imaging and live time satellite targeting and that is why Armenia has lost all its tanks, artillery and AD systems.

Jihadi Colin

Not really, since this is the first war where one side is using drones as its primary weapon.


China and India will use a lot of them if there is any military conflict.

China has the stealth version of the drones. They can destroy Indian air defense system first.

Jihadi Colin

The only Indian drone was a colossal failure and dropped years ago. The Indian Air force is buying some from the Zionist entity but seems to have next to no idea how to use them. Pakistan is more likely to invest in drones than India is.

Death to Turks

Death toll in turkey rises to 22 thanks be to God!


Death to Turks

Look Turkish dogs, your buildings are all falling to the ground! God hates you devils!


Zionism = EVIL

Actually more damage in Greece which is poor and has stone homes that fall easily. Luckily the loss of life has been low.

Death to Turks

God willing the Turks death toll skyrockets soon and this was just a foreshock to https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ea6a9edffc0bfa61a9bdf20dfc8c90010cd8fbc7cf1e80a9b33824b7c9a685e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7818882aa7ede0b5eddbd22ea240799e057fb55389dd7bbed63093c91319b20c.jpg an even bigger quake. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5cda246fdf837a43e359d046827f2b877b4fb4f9fa6a0bc04010cee4b7547b55.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Not likely, but the whole Anatolian plate is unstable as Greece, Italy, Iran and Turkey and even Afghanistan is vulnerable to tectonic shifts. Whole Italian cities like Pompeii disappeared. That is the force of nature.

Death to Turks

God doesn’t like turk scumbag terrorist bitches

Death to Turks

Nothing more beautiful than hearing the screams and cries of Turkish pigs. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/542bfe79bacd67a8129de3bcdf5ba43103d993439ae0532060441afe73e3886a.jpg

Vafadar Rizvanli

to the all racist bastards here, you are the waste of oxygen in this planet.

Death to Turks

I agree

Death to Turks

Vafadar would you like to see some azeri soldiers?

Vafadar Rizvanli

You found them in your mama’s bedroom? Yeah keep crying b!tch, 24/7, everyday you got a nice doze of 300-500 burned armenian soldiers..

Death to Turks

Look my little bitch at what the Armenians have done to your azeri scum https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c30535e5388a5f0ab98301de0e5dcc53da64ca35c6ae175b2b225f654927bb1a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24f54b236b768fd3ce7c556744be6f43d8211f301f8bc5e248a2166b1c096324.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f113f476cda58fb9cb3c412554cfc40f8996adc1cae3beacc4c50ee272d23c1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49f0e251e7a028db73b8082aab34dbf669bd73bc17ea849fec9b60fe3689ad28.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbdcf1804d09959aaabfc8b2c1fa35af9e51f1be59839c16f41aa881c1006bf5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bcb4c37b2e7d06b17b024e26677cd498ec5c5635bbe22101c338138b96d856d.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Stupid cowardlyCUNT, you are not worth wiping arse with coward. Show some respect to the dead, you son of a diseased whore.

Death to Turks

You take the side of the Zionist Israelis supporting the godless Azeris and Turks? They are not human they are piles of garbage you piece of shit.

Zionism = EVIL

Moron, the whole world sides with Azerbaijan, not even Armenia recognized the illegal occupation of NK. 60% of Armenian military is neutralized and most of their reserves did not show up. Armenians are basically cowards.

Death to Turks

You’re a stupid pile of shit just like the Turks and aseris the whole world had condemned turks and Azeris and no matter what they do or how far they go into OUR land we will keep killing them and keep bombing them and you will sit here and watch. Here’s my respect for the dead you fuckhead. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/100c44674c3bf42697e8ce44a51490e19875e0a0def471e1a1e94778ef47933f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bcb4c37b2e7d06b17b024e26677cd498ec5c5635bbe22101c338138b96d856d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a86a20d9acbe1223036ae4a26419bf3886211e1defec05ab8e4479461b712a10.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79871c36c677b497e41d81b9e7c3e3842c558c0af04689ecc5be085239a2223e.jpg son of a bitch.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbarse loser ROFLMAO!

Death to Turks

Look at them. Do you like it? I jack off looking at these dead scum. Do you enjoy seeing them motherfucker? There’s more to come.

Zionism = EVIL

I am too old to take a dumbarse troll coward seriously. You have no respect or shame. Quite sad.

Death to Turks

I wish I was there to fuck the dead azeris in their ass. You’re playing with the wrong people. We will never ever ever stop no matter what. Pile of useless shit.

Fog of War

” I wish I was there to fuck the dead azeris in their ass. ”

Look folks we got a homo here.

Death to Turks

I’m a homo then what are these two azergayjanis doing? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d983dce6efe3d955f31fcd97bb8a5e12ef6adefd7d3d626d841a20a29ac43a5.jpg

Death to Turks

Respect for invasive fuckheads like you that come into our land to ethnically cleanse us? Land that had never been apart of independent Azerbaijan? We will murder all of you.

Vox Populi

Advocating the genocide of 2 billion humans is beyond depraved insanity. How old are you?

Death to Turks

Late 20s

Vox Populi

Then you are military age, unless declared mentally unsound by even the Armenian military, so why not join up and fight if you feel so strongly. Hurling insults is creating the opposite effect. These conflicts have historic roots, so try to rationally understand all points of view. Some of the people here are very smart and experienced.

Death to Turks

First of all, I view all Azeris and Turks and their supporters like you, as subhuman garbage that I wouldn’t show any care or respect for under any circumstances.

Second, I’m providing support to the war effort and I’m involved in certain measures outside of the conflict zone in terms of affecting azeris and turks abroad.

Vox Populi

You are spending all your time and effort in vain and alienating people, mostly retirees here with insults. Show some respect for your elders :)

Death to Turks

Fuck you and fuck then in their old asses, how about that :)

Vox Populi

Not very mature then eh!

Death to Turks

Age doesn’t give you wisdom remember that :)

Vox Populi

Insulting people with homoerotic vulgarities and posting crass photos of dead people does eh?

Death to Turks

Again, they’re not people.

Vox Populi

Well then let say that Armenia was defeated by alien ghosts or ghost riders.

Death to Turks

Azeris have never defeated Armenians,ever.

Vox Populi

Never say never.

Death to Turks

Sorry your dream will never come true. You will visit this site daily and daily I will show you their dead motherfucker.

Vox Populi

This conflict is in end game and it will be over in days, not weeks, so I suggest you find an alternate trolling site for some other lost cause. Adios.

Death to Turks

War is only beginning you useless old fuck. The massacre will be of biblical proportions and I will share with you each dead azeris face.


Iberian European you piece of leftist shit first we are coming to u


the whole world? get out of your echo chamber you jewturk rat

Vafadar Rizvanli

Nobody gives a fuck about the doomed armenian army, they made their own decision. Azerbaijan people helped armenians in their hardest times, but they payed back ungratefully as they did to Georgians and Ottomans. They betrayed and will betray every nation they lived together.

For example- US Great Falls Tribune newspaper reported in 1919:

43,000 Armenian refugees from Turkey live in Karabakh under the auspices of the governor-general of Karabakh and official Baku. Azerbaijan has assisted the Armenian refugees, and the Americans only provide flour and bread.

But now the descendants of those refugees claim that Karabakh was their own land


Great Khan

JEW-MUSLIM STRONK! people of the book………

Death to Turks

People I piss on


your mutter strong khan

Great Khan

Whole family warrior…. very STRONK!


stronk as turkey earthquake?

Vox Populi

The Iberian Peninsula is a great example of Jewish-Muslim collaboration and the contribution of both Islamic and Sephardic cultures. Even Portugal is now reviving its Islamic heritage.


why respect the dead? do the dead see or hear? are you offending them? cowards and murderers in life, cowards and murderers in death! they had one life and they chose to use it very poorly

Vox Populi

Considering the technical and military superiority, the Turks and Azeris have fought with great restraint and honor and have not resorted to indiscriminate attacks on soft targets like Armenia has been doing. The Turks have displayed awesome precision of their drones. Their small F-16 detachment at Ganja has remained on the ground and just serves as a deterrent.


the imported technology used by the jew-turk alliance has run out of steam they cannot win soldier to soldier they have used every means money could buy over an entire month for what they claimed would be a seven day war, yet they made little progress and only progressed on the low lands. now the real war begins

Vafadar Rizvanli

ROFL..it seems you forgot but you are commenting under a video post showing how Azerbaijan army killing armenian soldiers, and surprise for you, Azerbaijan MOD shares 4-5 such videos every day. Just keep crying and posting here your racist comments, while our army is taking our lands back, bastard of seven men.

Zionism = EVIL

He is a coward and has no shame. Posting pictures of the dead soldiers fallen in battle to gloat is something even scum don’t do.

Death to Turks

These are not soldiers these are invasive terrorist scum supported by zionists you piece of shit.

Zionism = EVIL

Stupid arsehole, These are brave men while you cowardlyCUNT just troll and vent on the internet. Go pick up a gun and fight then.

Death to Turks

Brave hahahaha azeri turk scum are not even human. I will send the dead pictures to Azeri mothers.

Fog of War

” I will send the dead pictures to Azeri mothers. ”

Just like ISIS did.

Death to Turks

Oh well hahahahahahaha

Fog of War

Congratulations. You’ve joined the ranks of some of the lowest lifeforms on earth.

Death to Turks

Turks and Azeris? No, we are people of God. We are gonna send you all to hell.

Death to Turks

Cry and beg me to stop. Are you upset at your dead comrades picture AHAHAHAHA


azerbaijani, turkjew, syrians are not brave! they are fed meth and told to move forward or be shot. they are cowards and get what they deserve!

Great Khan

Azeri brother STRONK! Nazi kaput….many Frau jigjig by Russia,,hahahhaa

Jihadi Colin

I’ve been repeatedly asking why, if he’s really an “adult 100% full blooded Armenian” as he claims, he isn’t on the frontline fighting and instead just flogs the same racist drivel and empty threats from behind his keyboard. For some reason he always tries to deflect the question.

Vox Populi

These are vile individuals operating from troll farms. The Armenian ones on the losing side are more desperate and frustrated so they resort to insults and crass imagery, but that only alienates people. As an Iberian European, I had no position on this conflict and was neutral but the demonization of Muslims and insults against their prophet, religion and Turks and others just turned me off Armenia, which is the original aggressor anyway as recognized by the UN.

Jihadi Colin

Yeah, the racist drivel vomited out by certain individuals is a very effective way of convincing fence sitters to back the other side.

Vafadar Rizvanli

lol, someone is triggered:)) Keep crying here, posting stupid things, as you wrote probably we are getting closer to Shusha and Khankendi. And your fascist nation will look at the Karabakh from distance like they are watching to Agri mountain.

Even your compatriots do not deny that you are fascist nation: “I received a call from the information and press department of Nagorno-Karabakh: ‘You call us fascists? Don’t forget we have a lot of spare guns and we can easily arrange for you to be sent here to do some shooting yourself.'””

Read the whole article here https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03064229708536184

Death to Turks

Were gonna fuck your asshole dry. We will never stop waging war against. I’m gonna keep sending you your dead comrades while I fucking laugh. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/67726e828ce8451338ab4011922e6e9c1ac835b0b4f60d467917f9729e4a4e21.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/529c46d1dadbbd682688a38def47a8d09ef0c3d14a964f2ab21e0c9d2542ffb9.jpg

Vafadar Rizvanli

you are waste of time, loser. Just like your army and doomed nation. Nobody gives a shit about your cryings.

Death to Turks



As for Biden … Biden was awarded by the Jewish lobby the day before yesterday declared that he is a Zionist without being a Jew. Ok he is not the only one on earth and we have such. But by licking the Israelis it is essentially clear that it wants their help for the future and it is not Turkey but Iran that is the target ... but Iran is an ally of Russia and China.

The point is that China is no longer being held back by economic countermeasures … and that means war on the part of the West if the West chooses to stop it by not accepting the loss of global economic superiority. And a war that will start from Kashmir in the heart of Asia and that will drag in addition to India and Pakistan and neighboring countries and of course Iran.


And Turkey will become the Trojan Horse to strike Iran.



Do you remember this photo you uploaded for us here ?? You did the same thing with him. Now why are you cursing him ??

Death to Turks

How many more dead azeris would you like to see? And how come you don’t upload your profile picture, you look great! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a6625b816747cdd649e8bd1f760c5e85d89192bee187a7b1eada65f4c7888aed.jpg

catalin zt

Goat lover of muhammad the PAEDOPHILE,did you take your meds today?

Vafadar Rizvanli

I see another loser :)) 90% of the Azerbaijan is secular, but you would never see here people attacking others’ religions as you did. You guys are the disgrace to humanityş

here is the medicine İ am taking daily


Great Khan

hahahaha you stoopid…Armeni doodool lose war..now Khankendi soon Azeri…no more Stephanakert hahhahahaa NOW KHANKENDI again..Azeri-Turk brother STRONK!

Death to Turks

Oo ooo ah ah you sound like a monkey when you try to write English. Peasant.

Great Khan

Great Khan warrior…write many language…Armeni loser not like…..hahhahahaa

Death to Turks

Ah ah h oooh ooh that’s all I hear monkey boy hahahahaha ooooooohh ahahaha stronk stronk stronk

Great Khan

hahahaha you need break…go home kishmish…..

Death to Turks

You need break, you no like, you no stronk, hahahaha ooooh oooh oooh

Vox Populi

It is distasteful to brag about dead people. Kindly some some mature decorum.

Death to Turks

I agree it’s distasteful, that’s why I’m not showing dead people these are dead azeris/turks, who are not people, at least not to me.

Vox Populi

It is best not to lose humanity in the heat of emotions. This conflict was totally avoidable if Armenia had not got lost in arrogance. They were caught with their pants down hoping that either Russia or Iran would come to their rescue and the French idiot Macron further inflamed the situation and that just sealed Armenia’s fate. Iran has very graciously offered to negotiate an honorable end to the conflict by a joint Turkish-Iranian guarantee of Armenian borders if they vacate NK and they should or they will be wiped out as most the Armenian population has fled and it is just a matter of days that Stephankert already renamed Khankandy by Azerbaijan will fall. The bloodshed must end.

Death to Turks

Are you done yapping? I would piss on the graves of any azeri or turk or you for that matter since you suck their dick so much. God provided an air strike of his own in the form of an earthquake on Izmir turkey, I’m laughing at the footage. You and the Turks will learn a painful lesson, Armenians cannot be destroyed, it is not possible, we are only getting started, absolutely no thought of surrender or giving away OUR land

Enjoy this for now :) https://twitter.com/Sheeerak/status/1322154685734612994?s=20

Vox Populi

No one is destroying the Armenians, it is their own misplaced over-confidence and a very inept Pashinyan who has brought this calamity. The Armenians sat on their ignorant laurels for 25 years as Azerbaijan rearmed. One has to look at the situation in a calm manner. The fact is that NK is fated to fall to Azerbaijan within days if not weeks.

Death to Turks

I’ll be here, let’s see it fall to them, you won’t see it in your lifetime fall to them. No Armenians in Karabakh fighting and giving up to Azeris?????? Never in your lifetime never.

Vox Populi

Let’s see in a month. “Winter is literally coming”.

Death to Turks

Yes and winter is bad for your boys. The fight is literally building up for the Armenians. More and more supplies, more volunteers, more weapons, more ammunition, more money, everyday is being poured in, not to mention more and more shot down azeri drones and decimated Azeri units.

Vox Populi

I have no boys or dogs in this needless bloodshed, but Azerbaijan has very deep pockets and has NATO quality cold weather gear and with thermal imaging the Turkish and Israeli drones will be twice as effective. When I did my compulsory military service, thermal imaging range finders on Leopard tanks were just coming in and it showed how easy it is to target. The latest generation of thermal imaging is much more high resolution, so the Armenians don’t stand a chance.

Death to Turks

No of course we don’t stand a chance. We’ve only killed 6000 of them and held them off at this point but we stand no chance no of course not. We’re not backing down giving up or anything like that so you continuously saying that is pointless, it’s not even a question. Your turk and azeri friends that live abroad will be feeling the effects as well. We’ve already started attacking them, in self defense, in France, it will continue elsewhere.

Vox Populi

Stop this nonsense.

Death to Turks

Never, defending our homeland from terrorist and stupid bullshit rhetoric like yours will never stop, useless old fuckhead

Vox Populi

You are doing a great job making enemies for an already lost cause. Keep it up.

Death to Turks

We have nothing to lose, do you understand? Armenians have nothing to lose. The world has already turned their backs on us and said we don’t care what happens to you. So why should I or any of us give a fuck? A person or people with nothing to lose and under attack are very dangerous and capable of some crazy things, remember that :)

Vox Populi

Most real Armenians, even in Armenia are totally disinterested and want this war to end and also that the idiot Pashinyan step down. Armenia is small country with no resources and has a large diaspora which has remained aloof.

Death to Turks

Oh man you’re 100% Azeri or Turk or heavily in with them. What in the fuck do you know about Armenians in Armenia or anywhere? They are all so dedicated to this fight and giving literally anything and everything to this war effort, and they are the ones who had a revolution to put Pashinyan in. If pashinyan did not fight this war Armenians in Armenia would kill him. Are you crazy? If Pashinyan gave up and gave the Azeris karabakh after all our bloodshed Armenians would murder him. Armenian people are 100% fully invested in this war. All Armenians.

Vox Populi

I am not into comedy. Good luck and wash your mouth out with industrial strength bleach as Trump suggested.

Death to Turks

Comedy is the dead azeris I send you. That is comedy. Fuckface piece of shit.


relax man…listen to the last 10 minutes of this album and you will be fine… .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBn0Jnf7_3M

Great Khan

KHANKENDI now Azeri city again soon …hahahhaaa Armeni loser kishmish…kaputenheimer….

catalin zt

Great Wanker of muhammad the PAEDOPHILE,did you take your meds today?

Vox Populi

All the crass racist trolls not withstanding, the Armenians have handled this conflict very poorly at all levels and got clobbered. The Turks with a 21st century military machine simply decimated the Armenians equipped with 80’s vintage discarded Soviet weaponry. There is valid reason why Russia does not engage western weaponry in either Syria, Libya, Ukraine or now Armenia.

Death to Turks

Vafadar this scumbag looks a little like you. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/66a1d526045a800aa0174cf3f940aafa98f99a0e15c1c3c376f4574a9e85981f.jpg


Armenia is doing a really poor job of protecting their forces in N-K. They have a robust air defense force that should be able to put a no fly zone in place over N-K to keep the drones and jets out of it.

“9K33 Osa Russia Surface-to-air missile

Tor-M2KM[68] Russia N/A Tor M2E maks2009.jpg Based on a KamAZ-63501 truck chassis. First units delivered from Russia December 2019.

BUK-M1-2[69][70] Russia N/A Buk-M1-2.jpg First shown during the preparations for the 2016 military parade in Yerevan.

S-125 Pechora 2M Russia 8[71] Pechora-2M – missile launcher 1.jpg

2K11 Krug Soviet Union Surface-to-air missile Replaced by S-300s. Currently in reserve, used during parades.

9K35M3 Strela-10M3 Russia Short range surface-to-air missile 10 Strela 10.jpg Designated SA-13 “Gopher” by NATO.

Kub-M3[72] Russia Surface-to-air missile

S-75 Dvina Russia 79 Sa-2camo.jpgf Withdrawn from service

S-125 Neva/Pechora Russia

S-300PS Russia 2-3 divisions[69] S300.jpg Each division consists of 2 batteries, each battery consists of 4 launchers.[73] Upgraded with 5V55U missiles, 150 km range.

S-300PT-1 Russia Surface-to-air missile At least 3 divisions[69]

AZP S-60 Soviet Union Anti-aircraft gun

KS-19[74] Soviet Union KS-19.jpg 100m gun used as field artillery[75]

ZU-23-2 Soviet Union Zu-23 30 M1-3 – InnovationDay2013part1-40.jpg

ZSU-23-4 Soviet Union Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 Shilka 01.jpg Main SPAA of the army. Locally modernized version used.”

– List of equipment of the Armenian Armed Forces –




– S-300 missile system –




– S-300 missile system –


Death to Turks

They’ve shot down hundreds of Azeri aircraft already.



– Azerbaijani Air Forces –


Death to Turks

They have practically nothing. We’ve shot down their drones.


Richard heh more like mkmad mukammad mustafa


“The modern Republic of Azerbaijan proclaimed its independence on 30 August 1991,[13] shortly before the dissolution of the USSR in the same year. In September 1991, the Armenian majority of the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region seceded to form the Republic of Artsakh.[14] The region and seven adjacent districts outside it became de facto independent with the end of the Nagorno-Karabakh War in 1994.”

– Azerbaijan –






– Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast –




– Armenian-controlled territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh –




– Armenian-controlled territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh –


Death to Turks

Azeris did not allow the Karabakh oblast to become Independent. The attacked and killed their Armenian population in Baku and Sumgait. Then they started attacking Karabakh and blockaded Karabakh totally to try and starve the people out and force them to leave, we have to take those other areas.


Why wasn’t Nargorno-Karabahk included in Armenia in exchange for Nakhichevan being included in Azerbaijan?


Death to Turks

Ask Stalin


Why don’t you give back the 7 Azeri districts in exchange for Nagorno-Karabahk?

Death to Turks

Why should we? They’re ours. Azerbaijan has no intention of leaving the people of Artsakh alone. The closer they are to us the easier it will be for them to just move right in and take Stepanakert and shushi. Aliyev has made it clear he wants everything and to expel the Armenian population.


Because the 7 districts are all Azeri, and none of them want to be part of Armenia. Why don’t you hold a referendum and ask the 7 districts if they want to dissolve the Republic of Artsakh and be part of Azerbaijan or stay in an independent Republic of Artsakh and ask N-K if the want to be part of Armenia or stay in an independent Republic of Artsakh?

Death to Turks

They’ve done that, the populations of all those “Azeri” districts are 100% Armenian and they al voted for independence. Azerbaijan does not acknowledge any from of independent Armenian Artsakh. Aliyev wants all of Karabakh taken over no matter what.


The census shows the 7 districts as being all Azeri:


– Armenian-controlled territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh –


Death to Turks

They moved away.


I see that.

“Overall dynamic of ethnic groups in the 20th and 21st centuries The population of the Republic of Artsakh is now 99,7% Armenian. Almost all Azerbaijanis (41,000 at the territory of the Nagorno-Karabach AO in 1989) have left the area. The majority of the Russians and Ukrainians have also left.

5 districts of Azerbaijan (Kalbajar, Lachin, Gubadly, Zangilan, Jabrail) are fully controlled by the Republic of Artsakh.[24] Artsach also controls 2 other districts (Fuzuli and Aghdam) partially.[25] The population of the total 8 districts of Azerbaijan not belonging to the Nagorno-Karabach AO but now for the most part under control of the Republic of Artsakh, was 393,569 in 1979, including 382,379 Azerbaijanis and only a small Armenian minority (3,661 or only 0,93%).[26][27] As the number of Azerbaijanis in the territory under control of the Republic of Artsakh is now negligible, it can be estimated that as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh War approximately 400,000 Azerbaijanis have left the area. Also 11,000 Kurds have been deported since 1988 by separatist Armenian forces.”

– Demographics of the Republic of Artsakh –


I’m assuming that they were forced out in an ethnic cleansing operation and not allowed to return. And that all of their property was confiscated and given to Armenians. Like the Jews did to the Palestinians. Is this the current situation?

Death to Turks

Incorrect sir. Those districts were all used by the Azeri armed forces to bomb Karabakh and were used as a launching point for troops. Also Karabakh Armenians were blockaded and closed off from Armenia. What choice did we have but to invade those areas and take over to secure our people?

No azeri was forced to leave, they all chose to move away and live in Azerbaijan because they are racist and didn’t want to be around the Armenians.


The displaced Azeris would probably want to return if the 7 districts were part of Azerbaijan. They were 99% Azeri to start with. The Azeris in Nakhichevan aren’t bothering Armenia, can’t something similar be worked out in N-K?

“Displaced people The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has resulted in the displacement of 597,000 Azerbaijanis (this figure includes 230,000 children born to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 54,000 who have returned)[94] including Artsakh, and 220,000 Azeris, 18,000 Kurds and 3,500 Russians fled from Armenia to Azerbaijan from 1988 to 1989. The Azerbaijani government has estimated that 63% of IDPs lived below the poverty line as compared to 49% of the total population. About 154,000 lived in the capital, Baku. According to the International Organization for Migration, 40,000 IDPs lived in camps, 60,000 in dugout shelters, and 20,000 in railway cars. Forty-thousand IDPs lived in EU-funded settlements and UNHCR provided housing for another 40,000. Another 5,000 IDPs lived in abandoned or rapidly deteriorating schools. Others lived in trains, on roadsides in half-constructed buildings, or in public buildings such as tourist and health facilities. Tens of thousands lived in seven tent camps where poor water supply and sanitation caused gastrointestinal infections, tuberculosis, and malaria.[95]

The government required IDPs to register their place of residence in an attempt to better target the limited and largely inadequate national and international assistance due to the Armenian advocated and US imposed restrictions on humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan. Many IDPs were from rural areas and found it difficult to integrate into the urban labor market. Many international humanitarian agencies reduced or ceased assistance for IDPs citing increasing oil revenues of the country.[96] The infant mortality among displaced Azerbaijani children is 3–4 times higher than in the rest of the population. The rate of stillbirth was 88.2 per 1,000 births among the internally displaced people. The majority of the displaced have lived in difficult conditions for more than 13 years.[97]

280,000 persons—virtually all ethnic Armenians who fled Azerbaijan during the 1988–1993 war over the disputed region of Artsakh—were living in refugee-like circumstances in Armenia.[98] Some left the country, principally to Russia. Their children born in Armenia acquire citizenship automatically. Their numbers are thus subject to constant decline due to departure, and de-registration required for naturalization. Of these, about 250,000 fled Azerbaijan (areas outside Nagorno-Karabakh); approximately 30,000 came from Nagorno-Karabakh. All were registered with the government as refugees at year’s end.[98]”

– Republic of Artsakh –


Death to Turks

Nakhichevan should be part of Armenian also as that is Armenian land, but anyway. Azeris left those lands on their own nobody forced them out. I for one don’t give a frenchmans fuck what any Azeri wants or doesn’t want, currently they are invaders and breakers of multiple ceasefires.


I haven’t looked at the history of Nakhichevan yet.

The 7 districts around N-K were 99% Azeri. They didn’t leave and refuse to return because they’re racists. Because there was nobody else there besides them to be racist against. They left to get out of the way of the fighting. What changed was the Armenian occupation and according to some the: “large-scale ethnic expulsion and the creation of mono-ethnic areas” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagorno-Karabakh_War#Current_situation

Absent that the displaced would return. What needs to be settled is the Azeri claim to N-K. A quid pro quo exchange of the 7 districts for N-K would have a lot more support than the current situation. Once the Azeris delete N-K. Then it getting attacked by them should be a non issue.

Death to Turks

As I said, Azeris will not allow any Armenians on our land, so we cannot negotiate anything with them.


That’s not the Azeri government position. They’re willing to allow N-K to be an Armenian area. They just want it to be part of Azerbaijan:

“Azerbaijan has officially requested Armenian troops to withdraw from all disputed areas of Azerbaijan outside Nagorno-Karabakh, and that all displaced persons be allowed to return to their homes before the status of Karabakh can be discussed.”

– Republic of Artsakh –


Given the region’s history, I can understand why N-K doesn’t want to do that. For fear that remaining Armenian would only be temporary. Which is a legitimate concern.

So I suggest that the Armenian air defense force put a no fly zone in place over the contested region for now. And that something be worked out along the lines of exchanging the surrounding areas for Azeri letting go of N-K with a land route to Armenia so that it can go it’s own way.

Death to Turks

Not happening. We will continue shooting down their aircraft and not let go of one inch of it. Our troops didn’t die for nothing. Azerbaijan has absolutely 0 intent of letting any Armenians live freely or safely if they can help it. Armenian land has no business being part of Azerbaijan, and they have no business being near Armenians. In Hadrut they invaded and murdered an Armenian disabled man and his mother. All of these regions are ours and we will only accept the total and complete withdrawal of Azeris from Artsakh.


No government from outside N-K supports retaining the 7 adjacent districts. Including Armenia. Most do support N-K independence in some form. Including the Azeris.

A N-K referendum on returning the 7 districts, with the exception of retaining a security corridor, in exchange for Azerbaijan vacating it’s claim to N-K. Even if the Azeris reject it. Is going to give you a lot more support to hang onto what you have until the Azeris change their position.

I’d also suggest repopulating the 7 districts with displaced refugees while they’re still in your control. Which will also strengthen the support that you receive. If the Azeris prohibit it. That will weaken their position.

Death to Turks

If we were to let go of those regions that means Azerbaijan gets closer and closer and surrounds Armenians then finishes us off, we will not ever allow such a thing.


Armenia has a defense pact with Russia insuring that that doesn’t occur. You’re unlikely to get that extended to N-K until you make changes along the lines of what I’m suggesting.

Death to Turks

Russia will never under any circumstances defend Armenia, they’ve made that clear, their defense pact with Armenia is as god as toilet paper. The Russians kill Armenians not Azeris or Turks. Russian soldiers have killed over 7 Armenians in Gyumri, they are not our friends and they certainly would never defend Artsakh.


Today’s Russians are the only reason that N-K is still Armenian. You wouldn’t have gotten the types of weapons that you have from anyone else. It’s the Armenian government that’s abandoning you, not the Russians.

Death to Turks

I know a lot more about this subject than you trust me.


Ok, then enlighten me, what do you think that I’ve gotten wrong?


There are mass shootings of their own soldiers by crazy soldiers around the world. One such incident is no reflection on Russian commitment to a defense treaty. They were the ones who arrested and imprisoned the shooter.

Death to Turks

They are nothing, they are sellouts they are not the big shots they portray themselves to be and they have zero intention of aiding Armenia, they let Turks shoot down their jets for Christ’s sake.


You’re not being objective. The Turks shot down 1 Russian jet on or over their border depending on who’s version you want to believe. How many Turks have died in Syria because of Russia? Many.

All of your weapons come from Russia for cheap or free. You would have been overrun long ago if it weren’t for Russian protection for the past 200 years. Just like you were by all of your neighbors for centuries. Russia has a defense pact with Armenia. That they will honor. Provided the Armenian government upholds their commitments. It’s your government in Armenia that’s abandoning and betraying you.

They could close the airspace over Artsahk. And as far as I know, I’ve seen no reports to the contrary. They’re not using their air defense force to do that. So rather than engage in blame shifting to the Russians. Look at the betrayal coming from Armenia.

Armenia could do the same thing that the Turks did when they got involved in Syria. Any attack on Turkey could draw NATO in. Even though it was the Turks attacking Syria. Which had every right to defend it self. But didn’t attack Turkey outside of Syrian territory to avoid drawing NATO in on Turkey’s side.

Armenia could use it’s air defense force to close the airspace over Artsahk. And if the Turks or Azeris attack Armenia, it risks drawing Russia into the conflict.

The Armenian air defense force on it’s own, and even more so with Russian assistance, is capable of making life very difficult for the the Azeri/Turkish air operation over Artsahk. All of the Armenian systems are Russian and are compatible with the Russian satcom network with uplinks and data feeds. Which approximately doubles, or if you add in repairing deferred maintenance and modernization upgrades, triples it’s efficacy. But Armenia has enough of the equipment on it’s own to cover both Armenia and Artsahk and reach far into Azeri airspace if it’s forward deployed into Artsahk.

“9K33 Osa Russia Surface-to-air missile

Tor-M2KM[68] Russia N/A Tor M2E maks2009.jpg Based on a KamAZ-63501 truck chassis. First units delivered from Russia December 2019.

BUK-M1-2[69][70] Russia N/A Buk-M1-2.jpg First shown during the preparations for the 2016 military parade in Yerevan.

S-125 Pechora 2M Russia 8[71] Pechora-2M – missile launcher 1.jpg

2K11 Krug Soviet Union Surface-to-air missile Replaced by S-300s. Currently in reserve, used during parades.

9K35M3 Strela-10M3 Russia Short range surface-to-air missile 10 Strela 10.jpg Designated SA-13 “Gopher” by NATO.

Kub-M3[72] Russia Surface-to-air missile

S-75 Dvina Russia 79 Sa-2camo.jpgf Withdrawn from service

S-125 Neva/Pechora Russia

S-300PS Russia 2-3 divisions[69] S300.jpg Each division consists of 2 batteries, each battery consists of 4 launchers.[73] Upgraded with 5V55U missiles, 150 km range.

S-300PT-1 Russia Surface-to-air missile At least 3 divisions[69]

AZP S-60 Soviet Union Anti-aircraft gun

KS-19[74] Soviet Union KS-19.jpg 100m gun used as field artillery[75]

ZU-23-2 Soviet Union Zu-23 30 M1-3 – InnovationDay2013part1-40.jpg

ZSU-23-4 Soviet Union Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 Shilka 01.jpg Main SPAA of the army. Locally modernized version used.”

– List of equipment of the Armenian Armed Forces –



– S-300 missile system –



– S-300 missile system –


Death to Turks

Putin’s a fraud. He’s sold his soul to the jew oil billionaires of Baku. Him erdogan and aliyev are all in the same bed, ruhani trump all of them. He allows Russian jets to be shot down he allows Muslims to live throughout his country and shift the demographics he allows the chechens and the dagestani terrorists to continue their control of their republics which are havens for terrorism, hell ISIS even has a Caucasus branch within Russia, and Putin does nothing to them. Russian soldiers have killed 7 Armenian civilians over the years, he is no friend to us.

When Putin wants to throw his military power somewhere he does it. In Crimea and donbass he does it full force but for Armenians in Karabakh no way, he backs off. Again, he is no friend to us. We must launch terror style attacks on civil infrastructure to show we are are not afraid.


Why are you blaming Russia for Armenia not helping you?

“When Putin wants to throw his military power somewhere he does it.”

He’s already done that. Look at the list of Armenian air defense force equipment not being used to help you. It’s one of the most powerful air defense forces in the region and it’s sitting idle. Why is that?

Why isn’t Armenia helping you? They could put a no fly zone in place over Artsahk and aren’t. Look at the videos on this site every day of your ground forces getting hit with no air cover.

Death to Turks

All of it is being used. They’ve either been destroyed or they are ineffective.


If it’s being used and is ineffective. Then my guess is that the Armenian air defense force is operating without satcom data feeds, and the equipment needs repair and modernization. The current Armenian government has been anti Russian with the change in administration. And the Turks and Azeris are taking advantage of it.

Death to Turks

Current administration has actually been only pro Russian, Russia needs to prove to is why we need them. I’m sure America would like a military base bordering Iran.


There are many reports to the contrary:

“Relations under Nikol Pashinyan

Relations between the countries′ governments strained following the election of Nikol Pashinyan as prime minister of Armenia in May 2018. Pashinyan has been compared by Russian politicians and media to Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko, who was elected president shortly after the pro-Western 2014 Ukrainian revolution.[14] Tensions were further raised following the arrests of former president Robert Kocharyan and CSTO secretary general Yuri Khatchaturov[15][16][17] as well as business disputes involving Russian companies operating in Armenia.[18]

Russia was described as reluctant to intervene in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in support of Armenia due to the ongoing diplomatic tensions between Putin and Pashinyan.[19][20] Russia ultimately held peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia, culminating in a ceasefire on October 10,[21] though this was subsequently disregarded by both sides.”

– Armenia–Russia relations –


As an American, my view is that the US needs further, not more bases. Though I’m sure that the Jews would like to have a US base near Iran. But they already have Mossad and the IDF all over Azeri territory attacking N-K. So they really don’t need N-K. Which is why it’s currently on the chopping block.

Death to Turks

So your proof of Pashinyan being an anti Russian traitor to the Armenians is that he has filed charges against the corrupt Armenians who have been bleeding the country dry and are the reason for Armenian current weakened state?

Is that what you’re telling me?


Do you see this as a problem for Russia? I do.


– Nikol Pashinyan, Jens Stoltenberg discuss Armenia-NATO partnership –


Death to Turks

We are a free country not Russia’s puppet. If NATO has a better offer we can go to them. Putin meanwhile has been busy cozying up to erdogan hasn’t he? Doing deals with him? Armenia should be ok with that?


That doesn’t make Pashinyan going to NATO not a problem. Putin is helping the Turks get out of NATO. Yes Putin is doing deals with the Turks, to get them as allies rather than opponents. He also shut down the airspace over Idlib for the Syrians. Which is something that he can help Armenia and Artsahk with.

Death to Turks

You’ve not shown me how he’s any help at all. Sorry. I’ve shown you how he’s more of a problem. He lets Muslims swarm in his country, he’s another macron.


You’ve pointed out where he’s helped all of these other places. None of which that I’m aware of are trying to join NATO like Armenia is.

Why don’t you go direct and bypass the current Armenian government if they’re not helping?

The way that I’d go about that would be to put together legislation in the Artsahk parliament on a Azeri reconciliation bill for a referendum to return the 7 districts in exchange for N-K sovereignty, including a security corridor to Armenia.

Where the adjacent Azeri districts to N-K still under Artsahk control are slated for transfer, with repatriation of displaced persons, and return of seized real estate to the rightful owners to begin prior to the transfer. Get it passed in the legislature and with a referendum. And ask the Russians for specops and air defense assistance to maintain the status quo while the transition process is in the works. They’re not happy with the current Armenian government. They might go for it as a conflict resolution, peace keeping and stabilization effort.

Death to Turks

Are you smoking crack? Give up our land!!!??


Do you consider the 7 adjacent Azeri districts, which didn’t have any Armenians living there before being seized and ethnically cleansed as your land, or just N-K?

Death to Turks

It’s our land.


Then that’s where your problem is.

This is what the Armenian Government position predating the current administration was, and I’m assuming still is, as I understand it:

“The Armenian side has offered to act in accordance with the “land for status” formula (returning the territory of the security belt to the control of Azerbaijan in exchange for Azerbaijan recognizing the independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh and giving security assurances to the Nagorno-Karabakh and the Lachin corridor)”

– Armenian-controlled territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh –


I offered something that the Russians might consider as workable in the absence of adequate Armenian Government support. If the Armenian Government won’t provide air defense and ground support. Then I’d go to the Russians directly. I doubt that the Russians would be accommodating without a land exchange quid pro quo mechanism in the works. I’ve offered a design that I think could stabilize the situation, and wind the conflict down without Armenians losing N-K to the Azeri/Turk offensive.

I’d be surprised if the Russians don’t already have intel and specops on the ground in Artsahk. If you want help, then you need to do what you need to do to get it. Your current anti Russian and anti Armenian Government position isn’t going to get you it in my opinion.

Death to Turks

Azerbaijan wants it all and wants us all dead. Armenia is doing everything possible. Pashinyan is doing everything he can. Azerbaijan must be defeated for us to be in peace.


I wouldn’t consider withholding Armenian military involvement, or engaging in anti Russian activity, to be support. Which is why 1/3rd of Artsahk is gone. And unless some changes are made, N-K is next. It looks like the Pashinyan government is betraying N-K and is about to willing destroy 1,500 years of Armenian history there to suck up to the Jew world order. In the hopes that they’ll throw him some scraps from the table.

If there are Armenians in N-K who value what they have. I’ve put forth a plan that they might want to consider before they lose everything.

Death to Turks

You’re very wrong about what you’re saying. Pashinyan is not selling out his people. Enough of your foolishness.


The Russians stopped the drone strikes and advances in Syria and Libya. The Armenian government has everything that it needs, including a Russian base in Armenia. To do the same thing in Artsahk.

The fact they’re not speaks more to their betrayal of N-K then your pro NATO anti Russian denile of it.

Death to Turks

Here just recently two drones shot down. https://youtu.be/YryF6-ZR5-U


That’s great, what were they shot down with and why aren’t they all being shot down?

Death to Turks

I don’t know either of those answers, but believe me many drones have been shot down, go to YouTube or anywhere on the internet like Twitter and write Armenia shoots down drone, we’ve shot down bayraktars and others, including Israeli drones.

You seem to think that we are capable of just shooting down every single aircraft of theirs, we shoot down many but they are using a lot of them we can’t get them all. We aren’t the USA or Russia, our enemy outnumbers is 4-1 at least.

Death to Turks

And it wasn’t one incident two other Armenians were killed in two otherattacks from Russian soldiers, one was a woman so don’t tell me about the Russians.


Some criminal activity by Russian soldiers is irrelevant to whether Russia will uphold it’s treaty obligations.

“Russia will never under any circumstances defend Armenia, they’ve made that clear”

I haven’t seen anything to support this contention. What proof do you have?

Death to Turks

Simple, for Crimea, a Ukrainian landmass he dumps the full force of the Russian military in a foreign land to takeover for his interest. In Donbas the same, in Abkhazia the same, in South Ossetia the same, in SYRIA the same, but for Armenians in Artsakh??????


Have you asked for Russian support circumventing the support that you’re not getting from Armenia?

Death to Turks

Russia has made it clear they will not enter one inch into Karabakh only Armenia.



Did Armenia ask for help?

Russia doesn’t have to enter N-K to help. They can support Armenia supporting you, which will get the job done legally within the existing treaty. What’s wrong with that?

Death to Turks

They’re doing nothing. What help? What kind of help? We need the help Syrian and Crimea has gotten not bullshit help.


Help putting a no fly zone in place over Artsahk. Why should Russia help when Armenia isn’t?

Death to Turks

Armenia is doing everything.


That wouldn’t be my take. The Turks and Azeris are all over Artsahk airspace. Armenia has the ability to prevent that and isn’t. They have the air force and air defense force to put a no fly zone in place. And there are no reports that I’ve seen that they’re doing that.

Death to Turks

Pardon my French, and since you seem to be a neutral party I don’t mean this offensively, but what in the fuck do you know about what is going on there? You’ve been wrong about a few things so far what makes you think you know anything?


What have I been wrong about?

Death to Turks

Saying we aren’t using air defense, saying Pashinyan is anti Russian.


I see that Artsahk forces are using air defense. But I don’t see the Armenian Air Defense Force, which is a least a regional middle weight, bordering on heavy weight, using theirs. As far as Pashinyan, I’ll repost my comment below.


– Nikol Pashinyan, Jens Stoltenberg discuss Armenia-NATO partnership –


Death to Turks

Armenia has less than a dozen planes with zero pilot combat experience. They won’t last long up there before they’re all destroyed.


Not if they stay mostly in Armenian airspace, where they can still be highly effective, and are supported by the Armenian Air Defense Force, which can reach beyond Artsahk deep into Azeri airspace.

Death to Turks

Armenian air defense weapons need to be in Artsakh to be effective I don’t know what you think they have that can reach so far. And the planes cannot be effective within Armenian airspace. Sorry but none of this is feasible or sensible.


The S-300s have up to a 400km range, the R-77s up to a 200km range.

Yes some of the shorter range air defense systems need to be in forward positions in Artsahk.

Death to Turks

They’ve already destroyed s300 systems of Armenia. On Armenian soil. Where was Russia ?


There are reports that both Armenian S-300s and Russian ECM weapons are being used to defend Armenia:

– Russia shot down 9 Bayraktar drones near its Gyumri military base, Armenia –


– Armenia used S-300 system and intercepted two missiles over Yerevan –


Death to Turks

The interception of bayraktars over Gyumri and Yerevan are fake news claims. They have been proven to be false.


The report of an S-300 being hit in Armenia is from a Twitter feed. Is that fake news also?

Death to Turks

The drone shoot downs by Russia are fake.


Neither the Azeri or Armenian governments that I’m aware of are reporting that a S-300 was hit on Armenian territory. What is your source for this information?

Death to Turks

It’s out there look up s300 Armenia


I did, and didn’t find anything from an Armenian source. Which if one got hit in Armenia and not Artsahk, it should be in the Armenian media. And it doesn’t look like it is. Plus it’s your point to support, not mine.

I did find reports that turned out to be fake:

“India Today Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) has found that the pictures are at least four years old and not related to the recent Azerbaijan-Armenia clash. The weapons were destroyed in an accident in Russia.”

– Fact Check: Old, unrelated images linked to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict –


Death to Turks

Armenians are not interested in the Azeri government position, that’s not being taken into consideration, their position involves detriment and massacre to Armenians.


If you haven’t done so already. My suggestion is to compile a public registry of displaced persons eligable for an orderly return, and land titles of abandoned property to be held in trust for reclamation by the rightful owners. For the 7 districts as part of a reconciliation mechanism.

That will put you in a much stronger negotiating position with international organizations, foreign governments, the displaced persons wishing to return, and the Azeri government.

Death to Turks

It’s not possible. These are an invasive species. Eradication is the only solution.


Repatriated refugees shouldn’t be a problem in adjacent districts under Armenian administration prior to a quid pro co exchange of the 7 districts for N-K if it’s managed properly. It would strengthen the N-K negotiating position considerably.


So the missing Azeri population and destroyed villages from 28 years ago have no meaning ?

Death to Turks

They left, what do you want from me? Their villages became Artsakh and they decided not to live under Armenian leadership, we didn’t force anybody to leave, they left on their own.


Yes, true.

Potato Man

Why Armenian don’t show much…or SF don’t cover it as much IDK.

Potato Man

BTW why do I feel like Macron going ape shit…is it because he is failure to do anything? (Yellow vest – Covid-19 – Terror attack) He has been attacking (all Muslims) now…I wonder if it is because what is happening in N-K LMFAO (Ofc Turkey and Macron going at each other’s for some time). He married his teacher and still haven’t learned anything lol.

Doom Sternz

On the ground it appears to be a stalemate and Armenia has yet to deploy its military. Armenia has not requested Russian assistance as they do not require it.

The attack by Azerbaijan would not of happened unless the rules based order signed off on it. ie NATO is again the aggressor, we know this because white phosphorous banned munitions are being used. Azerbaijan now realises the foolishness of going along with them. Azerbaijan clearly went to negotiate a peace deal in Russia to end the war they started as they now realise it will not be a quick victory. This is the way out for them and Turkey has been sidelined.

Potato Man

I was talking about Macron mainly and how useless he is been…

I don’t see it being stalemate buddy, Azer taking back their land (I go by UN if you don’t agree with that I can’t give a fuk buddy)…I don’t take side in N-K fight, but saying it is “stalemate” is BS buddy. I also remembered people saying that a week ago Armenia were winning and before that people were saying Armenia gonna win and take Azer by now…hmmm how it came to “stalemate” now?

Russia made statement that they wouldn’t help Armenian in N-K buddy…what are you on about? 3 ceasefire failed…

Armenia has not requested Russian assistance as they do not require it.

Really…that is a lie bud..shameless of you.

Armenia ready to request military assistance from Russia, ambassador says


Armenia ready to ask for Russia’s military help – envoy

https://www.teletrader.com/armenia-ready-to-ask-for-russias-military-help-envoy/news/details/53323538?ts=1604130420344 Have read buddy.

About White phosphorus munitions used in N-K…I wait to see if it was true or not. All I find was this video on pro-Armenia website…and why Azer used it there IDK, seems fishy to me but Azer have support of Israel… so yeah. https://en.armradio.am/2020/10/31/azerbaijan-using-phosphorus-munitions-against-civilians-in-artsakh-ombudsman/

Azerbaijan clearly went to negotiate a peace deal in Russia to end the war they started as they now realise it will not be a quick victory.

Can you link me some proof/s of that? All I have read is Azer breaking the ceasefires…but you are telling me Armenian have been breaking these ceasefire not Azer as they seek a peace deal? You are saying Azer seeking a peace deal but they also broke 3 ceasefires? huh…

This is the way out for them and Turkey has been sidelined.

wut…No Noo Nooo buddy if Armenia send their troops to N-K under UN they are invading Azer land…Turkey is wait for Armenia to send their troops to N-K…if that happens I put $20 that Turkey troops and air support would be in N-K 24/7 in daylight…right now they are but some support they give.

Random Dude

Not possible, its all fake. Armenian air defense controls the situation.

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