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Uralvagonzavod Delivers More T-90M Tanks To Russian Army (Video)

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Uralvagonzavod Delivers More T-90M Tanks To Russian Army (Video)

Click to see full-size image. (Uralvagonzavod / https://t.me/uvznews)

The Uralvagonzavod company delivered on September 6 another batch of advanced T-90M Proryv-3 main battle tanks to the Russian military.

In a statement posted to its official Telegram channel, the company noted that the delivery came on the eve of the Day of Tankmen, a professional military holiday in Russia and the former Soviet Union that is celebrated every second Sunday of September.

“Uralvagonzavod workers are increasing equipment production around the clock. More and more nineties [T-90M tanks] are being sent to the troops,” the statement reads. “The strategies developed at UVZ allow for a prompt response to the plan increase and increased labor intensity, and therefore there are no difficulties. This confirms the high-quality and timely execution of the state defense order.”

The T-90M is a heavily upgraded version of the T-90. The tank features a modernized “all welded” turret with the new advanced fire control system Kalina and the new Irbis-K gunner’s sight. The turret is also equipped with four video cameras that provide a 360° view of the environment for the commander.

The tank is armed with an upgraded 2A46M-5 125 mm smoothbore gun capable of firing laser-guided Refleks anti-tank missiles as well as a coaxial PKMT 7,62 mm machine gun and the UDP T05BV-1 remote weapon station with a Kord 12,7 mm machine gun.

It is also equipped with an upgraded AZ-185M2 autoloader which can be loaded with the larger and more effective armor-piercing rounds Svinets-1 and Svinets-2.

The sides and rear of the T-90M hull and turret are completely protected with Relikt new generation explosive reactive armor blocks.

The tank is powered by a new 1130 hp V-92S2F engine coupled with automatic transmission. It is also equipped with an enhanced environmental control system and GLONASS satellite navigation systems.

The T-90M has already proven its worth during the special military operation in Ukraine, outperforming the West’s best main tanks, like the American-made Arbrams, the German-made Leopard 2 and the British-made Challenger 2 which are in service with Kiev forces.

Several hundreds T-90M are believed to be currently in service with the Russian military. The number continues to grow due to steady supplies by Uralvagonzavod.


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then the nazis are proud to destroy every t 90, but they have to remember one thing. russia has factories for it to make its tanks, the nazis need the west to deliver old and obsolete tanks, and no factory of theirs can produce a tank. in short, those who have factories always win an objective war.


soviet win?


as long as russian tank crew obey putin’s orders, they are doomed. putin: go forward, take kiev by force. 24h later, retreat from kiev, return to base. tank crew: but we don’t have fuel for that. putin; this is an order. выполнить !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by houhout

in such circumstances it doesn’t matter how many russian tanks are made. their effectivity is near zero, not because they are bad tanks or because of their crew, but because of stupid russian command.

Captain Miroslav

if you replace “russian tank” with nato tanks and then replace “stupid russian command” with “stupid ukrainian command” then your comment starts to make sense. otherwise it’s 100% 💩

Captain Miroslav

do overrated abrams even work in the snow? winter is coming 😈

Captain Miroslav

you are retarded? russia does not intend to occupy kiev let alone ukraine. the forces regroup and disperse after every thrust.

charles zilich

moron punk. the west is about to go through what russia did in the 90’s. you enjoy that. i doubt you are prepared.

Captain Miroslav

most importantly: russia is dominating the battlefield, and has air superiority, and highly integrated systems in place to make battletank deployment effective.

Barbarossa 2.0

achtung panzer!

Colony Camp Humphrey

hell yeah! soviet power supreme!


as for as circling blindly in their own minefields, they are the best tanks in the world.

Last edited 6 months ago by houhout

if you live in the west you will wish you had one to keep the haitians from eating your children

Colony Camp Humphrey

hehehehehe motherfucker!


in amerikan gay bar no minefield only mulatto semen i swallow


t90 compares very favourably with overweight western junk, 45 tons v. 70 tons. in the 1970s western countries decided to increase the weight of their tanks by 50%. this is just history repeating itself. in 1941 the t34 and kv totally outclassed the german mark 3 and 4. the german response then was similar junk – overweight and totally unreliable garbage, tiger, ferdinand, panther.

Joseph Day

exactly. keep it simple and make lots of them. t34

gestapo mctaco

“the delivery came on the eve of the day of tankmen”

a nice gesture for the specialists, young & old.


my mulatto pimp rent me in folsom prison for 10 years–2 cigarette per hour of semen heaven


good news, onwards brothers✌️

The Spectre of peace

at 65+ tonnes the abrams is 1. too heavy for general mud 2. too technical for the humid russia spring lacking proper filters and conditioners 3. needs a vast supply chain for the turbine engines etc, 4. drinks fuel in copious amounts


yeah, blacktaildefence you tube channel has done a whole video series on the abrams, it is a tracked turkey, and is…wanting, even with a us crew it’d struggle on the plains of eastern europe against russian forces.


russia cranks these bad boys out like nothing and the west can’t keep up with nazi losses in everything, these fukwads have 0 production facilities that can pump out the amount of hardware russia does anytime needed.


russia knows good battlefield tactics air, arty then tanks then infantry most times very little to mop up.


all west hardware is shit compared to russian hardware gotta love that ews system russia has makes all the wests missles and drones with gps go haywire.

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