Police set up a cordon outside the Manchester Arena in northern England where U.S. singer Ariana Grande had been performing in Manchester, Britain, May 22, 2017. REUTERS/Jon Super
The breaking news from the last hour, Manchester’s police confirmed that an explosion occurred during Ariana Grande’s concert in the Manchester Arena, causing the life of at least 19 people and injuring at least 50 more. The terrorist act made the people run in panic as seen in the footage right from the spot.
Numerous police vehicles and ambulances have been sent on the spot. The railway system has been completely shut down and no trains are leaving the city.
Latest statement on incident at Manchester Arena pic.twitter.com/BEpLOan3dY
— G M Police (@gmpolice) May 23, 2017
There are no reports about other explosions for now.
The Brits got what they deserve for tolerating an extremely large Muslim presence in their country; Normally I should feel sorry for my fellow Europeans becoming victims of Islamic terrors attacks but somehow I do not. When the Brits vote time an again for parties with a globalist agenda and keep UKIP at just 5% at the total vote, it is exceeding hard to feel any compassion for this mindless, brainwashed lemmings that are slowly going the way of the old Egyptians, Aztecs and other once great civilizations: extinct.
You wouldn’t feel that way if your family was involved.You shall go through life being a cunt
I would tell you what I would do if my family was involved but this is not the place for it. Your defeatist attitude is harbinger of worse things to come for your nation. With flowers and sympathy you only prolong your country agony.
Cunt cunt ? i understand it’s painfull but the UK reaps what it sauwn your elite supports saudi Arabia who is the main sponsors of moslim terrorisme ! And still you go with busloads on hollidays in Dubai ? But ! most probably this is only a casus Belli for your gouvernement to Punisch ISIS in Syria and of course to toggle the evil Assad in the process! Like MH 17 in Holland , there is nothing beter than a good old false flag to galvenize the troops
Last I heard much of Europe has excepted an “extremely large Muslim presence in their country”. So the Brit’s deserve this ?! Are you pissed off about Brexit ?
I could not care less about the Brexit.. I am disgusted with the emasculated state of the Western society which in stead of booting all Muslims out of Europe does its best to accommodate increasingly larger numbers of them. Bringing flowers, peace marches and sympathy towards the victims will not solve western Europe’s problems with Islam. I would take the Third Reich values any time over the current decadent state western Europe. Enjoy the Muslims hordes!
“I would take the Third Reich values any time”
Sure , let us reopen the death camps. Also: Did 6 million Russian POW’s die as slave labor for the Reich ?
Well a lot of people starved millions of German civilians inclueded which was a result of allied actions not German.
Soon we will see another Hitler like figure emerge and I will be voting for him.
Do you have a vote in Turkey ? :D
ha ha…its either death camps or deportation for the muslims OR all europeans end up dead,enslaved and raped.Your choice. You say 6 million soviet pows died…how many died through the hands of jewish commissars ? HOW MANY FUCKING MILLIONS ? So spare me that moral signaling.Thats the past.Germany and Russia have no beefs to grind.
“They did help to free Europe from Hitler’s Third Reich.”
of course….thats why its so much better to be killed,raped and enslaved by muslim invaders.Hitler was right.Period.
Except Hitler and his Third Reich was rather chummy with Muslims. There were at least one or two Bosnian Muslim Waffen SS divisions, not to mention the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Granted it was a marriage of convenience as both Nazis and Muslims hated Jews and the British, but while the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews and the Slavs, they had absolutely nothing against Muslims.
Did you really think that all these neo-Nazis support Syria / Assad because they love Muslims? Neo-Nazis by definition hate the “other”.
Germany has a long relationship with Muslim Turkey, Prussian military advisers were in Turkey at turn of the 20th century and ex-German naval assets were sold to assist Turkey prior to WW1. Turkey sat on fence in WW2 – but signed a non aggression pact with Nazi’s, and continued resources trading, but made an opportunistic switch to allies, as Germany faltered in 1944, fearful of Soviet southern advances. Germany had always seen Muslim Turkey as a counter balance and ally against Orthodox Russia and its Balkan allies, such as Serbia, dating way back to Imperial Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire.
” but while the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews and the Slavs”
Utter BS. The Nazis wanted to ENSLAVE the Jews and the Slavs, and only exterminate the Communists (who of course were mostly Jews at the time).
Funny how the Western elite condemned the former, but applauded the later.
I guess you must have missed all those millions of Jewish, Polish and Soviet dead then. Gassing and incenerating 6 million jews does not equal enslave. Working/starving/murdering millions of Russians and Poles to death does not equal enslave. Unless you’re one of those Holocaust deniers. In which case you’ve basically lost the entire argument to start with.
Except those Muslims have been in the UK for decades. Loooooooong before there even was a UKIP. Since last time I checked UKIP wasn’t advocating deporting those Muslims electing UKIP would have done fuck all to stop this attack.
The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, remarkably stated last year, to paraphrase, that terrorism is now just part and parcel of major metropolitan city life. Needless to say Khan is a Muslim and an apologist for extremism. He is a Labour member and spouts the usual left-wing ideological line that it’s all just a response to racism and poverty – denying the terrorist’s have any actual agency or personal responsibility for their actions. Now, it would appear UK terror is creeping outwards to the regional centres as well.
He does have a point though. There will always be nutters willing to resort to terrorism as it is a relatively easy tactic for small groups to resort too. Be that the IRA in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, various leftwing nutters in the 60’s and 70’s and now Muslim nutters.
During the IRA years bomb blast after bomb blast rocked the UK and various governments, left and right, all said to keep calm and vigilant. It’s only in these days of Muslim terrorism that we have gone overboard in rampant hysteria, like its somehow unique and never happened to us before.
So yeah, terrorism is part and parcel of major metropolitan life. The only thing that changes are the perpetrators.
I have no special love for muslims, and yet: Mr. Khan is foremost a mainstream, corporate Labour critter who so happens to be a muslim. He understands that these stunts are blowback from Western foreign and military policy. These policies have been INSANELY profitable for British energy companies and arms merchants, hence good for the City. Of course Mr. Khan can discuss none of this in front of the sheep, who are too wretched to confront the true cost of their own greed–to the extent that they profit at all. So distract and dissemble he must, and if it takes a some divide-and-conquer to get there–hey, that’s politics too.
None of this is new, or even remotely controversial. At the risk of packing too many insults in one post: are we jews really smarter after all, or do we just have a culture which at least sends its children to f’ing school? Half a century in, I’m still agnostic on this point.
‘…are we jews really smarter after all, or do we just have a culture which at least sends its children to f’ing school…; I presume that means you are Jewish? It strikes me that Jewish culture is very self satisfied, in so far, as various sorts of awards are self created in publishing and so on and invariably get awarded within the ranks of tribal identity/ nepotism. This creates a feedback loop of self congratulation and self endorsement, as something unique – a cultural narcissism of sorts. The notion and perennial marketing of Einstein as a unique Jewish genius is a classic example – he attended a European university culture and worked within theoretical feild created in European university sector – he didn’t invent any of that he attended and worked within it, yet the focus on him is utterly singular in Jewish identity culture.
“I presume that means you are Jewish?” <- sort of; let's leave it at that. After all, with millennia of migration and intermarriage, that all anyone can say really.
Sure jews can be smug mofos, and the richer the worse. Beyond that, they're people too. Einstein was a true mensch; his two marriages failed, but he had the integrity to regret it. On the other hand, Kasparov is a nutjob anywhere off the chessboard.
But I don't dismiss your comments offhand since I've mulled over this stuff myself. There's nothing simple about the migrant crisis, and yet: in part it's our superiors in the Likud Party wanting to get rid off Assad, and using Europe to dump the refugees. Never is there a question "Aren't we asking too much of the goyim?" It's an absolutist, Old Testament mindset, of wanting to use all the power you have, and it seems to me that secular jews aren't that different from the religious, not matter how liberal they fancy themselves–just the excuses are different. Again, the richer the worse, just like with other people.
The best comment I read is–from another jew of course. ;-) When Italians came to the New Country, they brought more than pizza with them. But when their tribal practices started to really hurt those outside the ethnic community, they were brought to order, and society wasn't shy about calling the Italian/Sicilian mafia what it of course was. Because the Kosher Nostra is much better educated and therefore integrated, because of religion, and frankly because of some Holocaust chicanery, it has never been told to knock it off–and that's where we are now. Where antisemitic stereotype fails most clearly is that I see the worst greed on the side of the gentiles. If in Western society ANYTHING is for sale (as the Saudis also noticed well), what can you expect?
Well Einstein is one of my jewish heroes, and indeed the argument that he *had* to be a jew is a tricky one for Our People to make. For, if Einstein was uniquely jewish, as you put it, are Kissinger and Soros as well? I admit, part of me also believes they are. But then again, had Dick Cheney been jewish everyone would’ve said “figures”; but he isn’t. Some jewish crooks have been used to slander a whole community; others seem forever above the law because that same community protects them. Neither is right I think.
“I presume that means you are Jewish?” <- sort of; let's leave it at that. After all, with millennia of migration and intermarriage, that's all anyone can say really.
Sure jews can be smug, and the richer the worse. Beyond that, they're people too. Einstein was a true mensch; his two marriages failed, but he had the integrity to regret it. On the other hand, Kasparov is a nutjob anywhere off the chessboard.
But I don't dismiss your comments offhand since I've mulled over this stuff myself. There's nothing simple about the migrant crisis, and yet: in part it's our superiors in the Likud Party wanting to get rid of Assad, and using Europe to dump the refugees. Never is there a question "Aren't we asking too much of the gentiles?" It's an absolutist, Old Testament mindset of wanting to use all the power you have, and it seems to me that secular jews aren't that different from the religious, no matter how liberal they fancy themselves–just the excuses are different. Again, the richer the worse, just like with other people.
The best comment I read is–from another jew of course. ;-) When Italians came to the New Country, they brought more than pizza with them. But when their tribal practices started to really hurt those outside the ethnic community, they were brought to order, and society wasn't shy about calling the Italian/Sicilian mafia what it of course was. Because the Kosher Nostra is much better educated and therefore integrated, because of religion, and frankly some feelings of WW II guilt, it has never been told to knock it off–and that's where we are now. Where antisemitic stereotype fails most clearly is that I see the worst greed on the side of the gentiles. If in Western society ANYTHING is for sale (as the Saudis also noticed well), what can you expect?
I think that terrorism as a part of modern life is a ‘meme’ that has been making the rounds well before 9/11. After that the ‘cures’ were introduced – generational war overseas and increased activity at the mall back home.
Like the mall and false news, concerts are another aspect of the new ‘normal’. Bombings unfortunately aren’t – that’s why we notice them so much.
Perhaps if our cities were more like Mosul – or almost anyplace in Syria?
Julius Meinel,”extremely large” is a) exaggerated. b) you need to distinguish. Just as much as the existence of IRA terrorists doesn’t mean that all Christians are bad. It doesn’t even mean that all Catholics are bad. There are many kinds of Muslims, you can’t just put them all in one pot. I’d have thought someone who follows Southfront would have understood that? In Syria Alawites, Shiites, Kurds, Druze etc. are fighting Wahhabi Salafist extremists, even Sunnis fight them. All of them are Muslims. The problem is that Brits vote for parties with imperialist agendas – those who make deals with the Salafists (UAE, SA, Qatar etc.) and in the broader sense the Zionists. Not surprising, since they control the media. But then, if e.g. Jeremy Corbyn got elected, the other form of extremism would rise, such as murderers of Jo Cox – the fascists are probably even a bigger problem than the Muslim extremes in this country. UKIP?? LMAO – seriously – this people are the last ones who’d contribute to peace and stability. Farage was the first one polishing Trumps boots. Haven’t you heard of how much money he’s left with his friends in Saudi Arabia, whilst talking about “peace”? Btw. your name sounds familiar and as I doubt this is your real name, as Austrian I’d spell it “Julius Meinl” ;) ;)
BBC took like a hour to make this a main story.All other web sites had it as the main story even Yahoo.BBC is shit.My hearts go out to the victims n their families.
Yep, they preferred the so-called “Russia-gate” story and Flynns hearing…
BBC like to keep “on-message” and deliver value to their Jooish bosses….
A small price to pay for diversity goyim, never forget that !
Cultural enrichment.
Many things about this world puzzle me; the European mentality is not among them. They’ll drone on and on about their values and democracy. Then when you make them account for their behavior, they immediately go “Surely you understand there’s nothing we can do about it!” The Dutch elections have just handily gone to pro-jihad parties; idem for the French ones. This is what they want. After all, the alternative–a multi-polar order in which their magnificent white race would have to queue up with Brazil, India, etc for the last remaining natural resources and consumer markets–continues to be unthinkable.
Sure the Warsaw Pact was nasty in its own way. Then it evaporated, and Westerners received an invitation to join hands in Gorbachev’s “European House”. They didn’t want it. Since then, *every* choice between security on the one hand and power/expansion on the other, has gone the latter way. So bon voyage and enjoy the ride.
Pro-Jihad parties? You really have been reading too much fake news. The left was utterly decimated in that election. The anti-immigrant PVV won massively and became the 2nd party and the rightwing Liberals and Christian Democrats did very well.
We would be having a rightwing government right now, with the PVV in power, if its leader had not been and continued to behave like a massive untrustworthy asshole. At least in France Marine Le Pen knew she had to make herself and her party look more presentable and dialed down the craziness. Geert Wilders did none of that and just thought that if he had won enough seats all the other right wing parties would come to him and beg to form a coalition government. Wrong!
Left and right as categories are mostly useless by now. The greatest danger comes from the sensible people of the centrist establishment. Of course those people are not clamoring for jihad, as in brandishing swords in funny clothes. But waging jihad in Syria is most definitely NATO policy, and that establishment is on board all the way–with the voters right behind them. Most Syrians, whether they support Assad or not, never asked for a sectarian war; why should they have all the fun, and not the countries who armed and trained the head-choppers?
My moral boundary lies with children, who unfortunately were hit hard this time apparently. Maybe next election, their moms and dads can worry less about the stock price of the arms merchants and compliments from Uncle Sam, and more about true security for their kids? In my experience, Europeans are utterly sans-souci about what the “moderate opposition” does in far places with their money and in their name. These attacks are helpful reminders what their own foreign policy looks like on the receiving end.
Implicit in your reply is the question whether I know anything at all about The Netherlands when commenting about their election. Surely, many things I don’t know now I no longer live there.
I do know that not so long ago, we used to pride ourselves on hosting the seat of International Law. I also know that, not far below the surface, centuries of colonialism–with the Bible in hand–continue to color our attitudes towards the lesser races, in ways we really don’t like to examine. I know enough about the present to see that by now, the latter tradition has won overwhelmingly. How could it be otherwise, when the whole continent is being Americanized, and Holland is one of Uncle Sam’s (and Israel’s) closest devotees?
I know that like other Europeans, the Dutch smugly laugh when Americans claim “more guns = more safety”, without ever figuring out that this is also the sacred dogma of their own NATO-centric “security” policy.
I know that when in their considered judgement, the Serbs had become nedogovorosposobniy (unamenable to reason), the Dutch didn’t hesitate to give them a painful spanking, never mind the missing UN mandate.
The hour is later than you think, Gandalf. By now, all good options are roads not taken. I see (A) the West achieves world hegemony without having figured out how to use it responsibly; (B) that same West is brought to order with a good spanking of its own; (C) dollar collapse; (D) nuclear war. Of these, I think (B) is by far the least destructive; others may disagree.
Horrible, RIP to the victims and love to their devistated families.
I wonder how long it will take the lemings to wake up to the poisened fruits of multiculturalism.
This is nothing compared to what the future brings for Europe. The Muslims probably have 3 to 4 kids for each European white kid. Those imams in the Mosques are not preaching tolerance and diversity. The future generations of Europe will curse the present.
Tell me why we don’t have any attacks in the eastern Europe. They don’t take the amount of Muslims because the use attacks are only made of Muslims so please tell me and why we don’t have the use terrorist attack in the eastern Europe. Then theise people want the best social security but don’t want to add apt to the society they have came to. The people iam talking aboute are the religious sunni whabbism Muslims the extreme ist those will never find a place in Europe and adapt and should not be allowed to stay. The terrorist might have been pushed away in their country’s and they have saved manny people’s life by doing so and then Tey come to Europe and just start all over again.
in russia are lot of attacks. that means, where is a critical mass of islamists, there are attacks.
Yes but Russia is a big country and has some territories that have been muslim for centuries. Europe literally imported them and created a muslim minority out of nowhere.
that is true
There are people with schizophrenia everywhere, but probably more in countries with dysfunctional family life. The UK is a predatory capitalist country. Most people here work for a few rich, often mom and dad work (if they are still together) around the clock only to be able to afford a tiny terraced house which in itself costs a fortune. This is the perfect soil for extremism. Guess who owns the media and who finds their way into leading this country again and again? A Blairite Labour or Tories, it’s all the same: Predatory Capitalists and Neocons. P.s. Solomon Krupacek, Russia isn’t an Eastern European country and you can’t compare the terror attacks there with the ones in Europe – where most of the attacks were carried out by mentally unstable, radicalised “terrorists” who were born and brought up here. I think the fact that there are less such individuals in Poland has less to do with religion but the fact that there is a healthier family life in most Eastern European countries. Sadly, this will probably chance.
RIP to the victims and love to their relatives. Please , don´t fall into the mainstream of blaming “multiculturalism” or “islam” with that. That is exactly what is persued with such attacks. How long will it take that the police will present us a suspect (preferably dead) who lost his passport or drivers license in the getaway car…
My ONLY sympathy goes to the victims, apart from that, you got what you deserve, rotten Brits. Buhuhuuu, your whining makes me wanna puke, the coming stupidity’s regarding the attack will of course be spoon feed to us thru an MSM we have no trust in what so ever.
And again the mismatch of how valuable an Brits life is compared to the massive slaughtering done by the same rotten scums whom calls the self Brits, your insane evil Gov is supporting Wahhabi Saudis, just as Trump, feeding the beats. the Saudis with weapons, arming Africans whom just as we speak invaded Yemen. Blockades killing children, and not an single rotten stinking Brit cares/cared.
And so on. Supporting the terror and when it happens Home, this is just poetic justice, I don’t care how offended you scums are because of this, but you get what you sow, scums, and ask Trump the bonkers “alpha” monkey running the biggest, ugliest and most murderous criminal entity known to man the uISISa. Yeah, even praising the scum Saudis for been nice, yeah, you cant beat reality.
And the invading army of “trolls” huh, go somewhere else, children, this is an adult playground. And instead of writing drivel I recommend to your mothers that they dont fit the diapers so hard that is stops the blood flowing up to your whatever is left of your idiot brain.
Its shows and we all know your lies, creeps. Like the “attack” in Nice, and two days after the French slaughtered over 100 women and children, yeah, not an single French scumbag said anything, apart from the sickening whining about terror in their land, while they are killed people in an lot of country’s, I gess the Brits will walk that line this time to, whine about fighting terror and countering with mass slaughtering of other children and civilians, and you rotten Brits dont give an rats ass about that, hideous creeps.
May you rot in hell, Brits.
You’re a hateful IslamoNazi. This is why we elected Trump — to the protect the world from loser psychos like you.
Please don’t train and support terrorists in other countries then these terrorists will go from where they are and will do terrorists acts. This is the game that USA have started and supported by other Western countries. You are butuchering children of other nations by these terrorists. This represent your sinful policies. Be child of man not of beast.
The last time I went to a large concert no one could even get in a bottle of water not purchased at the premises, security was strict jackets and purses checked. Was security sleeping on the job here or how does one explain that a relatively large amount of explosives getting in to a venue like this?
http://www.libertaddigital.com/internacional/europa/2017-05-23/que-se-sabe-y-que-no-del-atentado-de-manchester-1276599561/ Here they say that the attack was at the exit of the concert when the crowd came by , so that is not to blame to the security staff of the concert itself. It was outside the arena.
Could have been placed in advance as well. With a timer or remotely controlled detonator.
Sadly this is what happens when Rabid Terrorists are used to fight proxy wars against governments the West does not like for geo political gain on some sort. Rabid Dogs have a habit if biting everyone when they are angry.
Now the UK citizens get a taste of what every day Syrians and Iraqis are subject to. UK government is the cause of this by meddling in the Middle East and supporting regime change and terrorists, UK government needs to apologize to its’ citizens.
Thank you Obama for destabilising the middleeast. Now the whole west is paying for Obamas dogs actions
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive.” So wrote Walter Scott.
The instigation of Islamic extremism in the madrassas of Pakistan, funded by Saudi Arabia, executed by Osama bin Laden, and overseen by the CIA – all as a wonderful Brzezinsky wheeze to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan – leads on to today’s atrocities across Europe, including this attack in Manchester. But the deceitful media won’t connect the dots, pretending instead that each act is a separate event of some deluded extremist rather than a consequence of Wahhabi beliefs promoted by America and weaponised as part of a covert war in its bid for world dominance.
While I have sympathy for the loved ones of those killed, I can’t help note the disparity between the reporting of these deaths compared to the mass killing of Shia children by Western/Saudi-backed Islamist terrorists when the refugee column from Idlib was bombed as it reached government-liberated Aleppo. HTS/AQ bombers lured children out of the buses with food and lollies, and then blew up the “aid” truck…
Our corporate media yawned, and relegated it to the middle pages once it became obvious that the Wests ‘moderate headchoppers” were responsible and they couldn’t pin it on al-Assad or his people.