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Ursula Von Der Leyen’s Father Pardoned Nazi Mass Murderer

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Ursula Von Der Leyen's Father Pardoned Nazi Mass Murderer

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Documents on the crimes and acquittal of Erich Gustav Scharfetter, the Nazi mass murderer sentenced to 18 life terms and pardoned by Ursula von der Leyen’s father, have been published in Russia for the first time. Expert of the Russian Military Historical Society, head of the project “Digital History” Egor Yakovlev together with a group of researchers found and translated documents of the investigation of the case of Nazi criminal Erich Gustav Scharfetter, who was sentenced on February 1, 1980, by the Land Court of the city of Stade to 18 life terms for 18 murders committed in a concentration camp in the occupied territory of the USSR.

On February 1, 1980, the Land Court of Stade sentenced Nazi criminal Erich Gustav Scharfetter to 18 life terms for 18 murders committed in a concentration camp in the occupied territory of the USSR. Ten years later, in February 1990, Minister-President of the state of Lower Saxony Ernst Albrecht (CDU), father of the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (CDU, in 1976-1999 headed the state government of Lower Saxony), pardoned him due to his hoary age and deteriorating health. Scharfetter was set free on March 30, 1990. He died in 1998 at the age of 90.

Erich Gustav Scharfetter was born in Danzig on May 27, 1908. After school, he tried his hand at various jobs, joined the NSDAP (from February 1931) and the general SS (from November 1933). In July 1939 he was drafted into the Waffen-SS, where he received military and sanitary training. He participated in the Polish campaign, then served in various SS units as a sanitarian, receiving additional training in disease and epidemic control.

In the fall of 1943, Scharfetter was sent to occupied Estonia to the branches of the Vaivara concentration camp – Ereda, Kuremäe, Joehvi – where he committed his crimes, for which he stood trial decades later. These camps were established as part of the liquidation of ghettos in the Baltic States and Belarus. The commander of the Vaivara concentration camp complexes was SS Hauptsturmführer Aumeier (executed in Poland in 1948); the medical section was under the responsibility of the first camp doctor, SS Obersturmführer Franz von Bodmann. Outside security was provided by Estonian police battalions, and internal order was maintained by kapo prisoners. The German staff was small, and the main part of employees were collaborators.

After being evacuated from Estonia due to the approach of the Red Army, Scharfetter served in the Stutthof concentration camp, a branch of Troli. There he injured his leg and from the fall of 1944 he was in a military hospital. In the last months of the war he moved to Hamburg, where he stayed with his family. From 1956 he went to sea as a machinist’s mate on various vessels of the Hapag Company. After his wife wrote to him in November 1960 that the police were interested in them, Scharfetter disembarked from the Hamburg in Port Said and sought asylum in Egypt. In the following years he worked as a technician for an Egyptian state-owned company, but in November 1977 he decided to return to the FRG. He was arrested immediately upon arrival at Munich airport on the basis of a warrant issued by the Stade District Court. On December 13, 1978, the trial began.

The court dealt with the events in the camps of Kuremea (500-1000 prisoners), Joehvi (150 prisoners) and Ereda (up to 1000 prisoners). The first charge was the murder of a group of Jews in Kuremea. According to witnesses, in the winter of 1943-1944 (they had no calendar), Scharfetter arrived at the camp and requested a list of sick and incapacitated prisoners from the camp medic (who was also a local prisoner). Initially he planned to kill these people by injection, for which he prepared a syringe and drugs. With the help of camp commandant Engst, the prisoners on the list – there were 15-22 of them, witness accounts differ – were taken one by one into the barracks, where they were to receive a lethal injection.

But something went wrong: either the victims were in no hurry to die, or the syringe broke, but Scharfetter suddenly started killing them with a pickaxe, and then slit each one’s throat. One victim (a witness said it was a girl) managed to escape from the barracks, but the commandant pushed her back in and Sharfetter shot her. The bodies of those killed were handed over to a team of prisoners to be burned. A member of that team remembered that one of the victims was still giving signs of life, but Sharfetter pushed that person into the fire alive.

News of the incident spread throughout the neighboring camps, and the murderer gained a nickname “Kirkenik,” that is, “the man with the pickaxe.” His atrocities seemed monstrous even for those living in concentration camps, so many prisoners remembered him and were later able to identify him. Scharfetter denied all the accusationa, but the court found him guilty, emphasizing that he had no orders to kill these people and acted out of his own intentions. The minimum of 15 victims was taken as the number of victims from all the testimonies.

The second proven charge against Scharfetter was the murder of three sick prisoners in Joehvi in November-December 1943. Scharfetter arrived at the camp after the outbreak of typhus. The sick prisoners were sent by cars to Vaivara, after which Scharfetter disinfected some rooms and checked the temperature of the remaining prisoners. Identifying three more sick persons, he led them to the camp toilet. One witness heard gunshots and saw a sled with the bodies of the murdered men, whose throats had also been slit. Scharfetter was removing the bodies. The court found him guilty of the murder of the three prisoners.

Other episodes the court was never able to prove:

  • 1. The murder of a young Estonian Jewish woman at the beginning of 1944 in Ereda. According to testimony of a witness, Scharfetter, together with another SS man, beat prisoners with rubber truncheons, after they received a few potatoes from some of the Germans, then shot one of them.
  • 2. Shooting of a prisoner in Ereda, January-February 1944: according to a witness, Scharfetter shot a 16-year-old prisoner named Rubinstein for not reaching the toilet when he had severe diarrhea.
  • 3 Another shooting in Ereda in 1944: according to a witness, Scharfetter shot an inmate on the spot because he could not reach the toilet due to diarrhea and urinated on the spot.

The court gave the Nazi sadist one life sentence for each murder committed. This was an uncommon case in German legal practice. Five years after the verdict, Scharfetter’s daughter began writing petitions for clemency on the grounds of her father’s age and poor health. After two unsuccessful attempts, she turned to Stille Hilfe, an organization founded in 1951 dedicated to alleviating the plight of sentenced Nazis, including through petitions for pardons or reduced sentences. One of the ideological inspirers and longtime activists of Stille Hilfe was Gudrun Burwitz, née Himmler, daughter of the Reichsführer SS.

Ursula Von Der Leyen's Father Pardoned Nazi Mass Murderer

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In 1988, one of the activists, Ruthild Lehmann-Eriksen, appealed to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany for a third pardon. Emphasizing that Scharfetter had never admitted his guilt and that his conviction was based on the testimony of “indirect” witnesses, she sought to portray her ward as “a sanitation soldier in the war who performed his duty” and fearlessly fought epidemics in the camps. Calling Sharfetter “the only political prisoner in the prison,” she painted the hardships of his life: other prisoners shun him, he is in his 80s, he had senile diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, and he was losing his memory and will to live. This soldier served honorably – just unlucky enough to be in the SS, and now the shadow of this organization, which is blamed for many crimes, falls on him. Is he not worthy of mercy? Would it be humane to let him end his days in prison?

Ursula Von Der Leyen's Father Pardoned Nazi Mass Murderer

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The Office of the Bundespräsident did not accept the petition, explaining that it did not deal with pardons – this was the competence of the federal states. In March 1989, the Minister-President of Lower Saxony, Ernst Albrecht, also rejected the petition, but Stille Hilfe did not give up. In December Ruthild Lehmann-Eriksen appealed to him again with the same request. Researchers Oliver Schröm and Andrea Röpke in their book “Stille Hilfe für braune Kameraden” state that this organization, founded by Princess Helena Elisabeth von Isenburg together with Bishop Neuheusler, always had contacts with the highest political elite and major parties, including the CDU. For some reason, the fourth time was a success: in February 1990, Albrecht decided to release the mass murderer with 18 life sentences due to his advanced age and health.

Scharfetter was not the only Nazi criminal pardoned in the FRG: similar cases took place regularly in various federal states. The Stille Hilfe played important role in this process.


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nazis gonna nazi. but hey, the eurotards are going to pretend that its not them that are the nazis.

go figure. stupid western eurotard flatheads cant even understand that its them. gneaus stapo and his wife jens holm are probable masturbating furiously at this text.

guillable clowns!

Herbert Schreiber

nazis or not, uschi is by far the most hated person of all time among the german population.

not even the 27% chancellor angela merkel was as unpopular as this figure von der leyen

Last edited 3 months ago by Herbert Schreiber

and yet so many in the soviet union have gotten away with so much mass murder:

the katyn massacre: https: // youtu. be/ _48ced26z -k

russian veteran recalls soviet crimes in germany: https: //youtu. be/ 5ywe5pft928

https: //en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ metgethen_ massacre

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

https: //codoh. com

https: //tinyurl. com/ 3wvmf39c

the aim of the committee for open debate on the holocaust is to promote intellectual freedom permitting an uncensored and unimpeded, yet always civil discourse on the “holocaust” narrative, and to offer a forum to those who contest the orthodox holocaust narrative.


please for the love of good dont summon him by using his phrases…


you mean jensy? don’t worry, he would come even without summoning. one guy with nick “spiderman” sounds like jensy, but i haven’t met the original for 4-5 days, it’s strange, but good.

Gneaus stapo

once a flathead always a flathead, ivan sawyer at his best.

jens holm

inferior amerikunt=hillbilly nazi

jens holm

normal dumbmark be submissive stupid


no mention of the cotton plantations and the family slaves in the us. ? von der leyen ticks every box of a dysfunctional family background.


all these wef raised psychos are dysfunctional no matter in which country they are selected by the wef to be “leaders”.


ďalší dôkaz, že fašistická eu tu bola už dávno pred tým, ako sme do nej vstúpili. začala sa prejavovať takmer okamžite, po páde socialistického tábora.

AM Hants

isn’t donald tusk the grandson of another one of ah henchmen? together with the grandfather of chrystia freeland? when you look at most of the leaders in the eu, you will easily find the links. not forgetting those that were provided safe passage, courtesy ‘operation paperclip’ and what their kids are doing now.


donald tusk looks similar with his grandfather josef, i’ve seen his photo in german uniform riding in a car, almost one face. and freeland was never hiding her banderite roots.

AM Hants

i remember reading a robert ludlum novel, back in the 90s. ‘apocalypse watch’. it featured the ‘kinder fuehrer’ and adolf was living in an austrian castle. first time i read it, i believed in fiction. 2nd time, in the early millenium, my views changed.

AM Hants

2) i read it again, back in 2014, when everything was kicking off and came to the conclusion that their is more ‘facts’ in ‘fiction novels’ and ‘less facts’ in non-fiction books. the author writes about what they know about. 2014, the book i once viewed as fiction, made so much sense and completely believable.

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

the only good nazi is “a dead 💀 nazi!; ukraine 🇺🇦 , germany 🇩🇪 and poland 🇵🇱 need to cease to exist, followed by neocons neonazi us 🇺🇸 and uk and france 🇫🇷. coldwar2.0 turning hot wwiii russia 🇷🇺 and north korea 🇰🇵,ccp china 🇨🇳 , iran 🇮🇷 and all other csto allie’s do us all a favor with nuclear ☢️ wiping out of them all!!.


is it possible to do it a bit well less extreme? just asking….


and so what? better to be a nazi, than a british or us politician.


what’s the difference? vondersula is both at the same time. i know she is in eu administration. de-jure. but de-facto she is anglo-saxonian politician who sponsors nazism. she isn’t german anymore, she is servant of anglo-saxons. no dignity at all. she prefers to speak english from a tribune instead her native german or french (official language of diplomacy), she know french as well.


same sht,only difference us/uk muppets were better actors of demoncrazy era,now going kepoot!


so they released the mad senile sick old nazi from prison so he could go off and spend his last years in peaceful retirement with his family when he was virtually the same age as biden is now – could be a good plan in there somewhere!


given that the charges against him are so risible, he should never have been in prison in the first place.


indeed, he shouldn’t, he must be hanged and body burnt to ashes. that would be fair.


surely you mean capital punishment,it aint exactly any ryan you know nazi executed last ozzie?


the canadian ukronazi freeland has a sketchy background like this women.

AM Hants

her grandfather ran the propaganda channel, in ukraine for ah. her mother, arrived in ukraine after the fall of the soviet union and helped to write the new constitution. she called in her old maet $oro$, who admitted to being a nazi collaborator in 1944, the best time of his life, to lend a hand. the same $oro$, who identifies himself as god, a self confessed theist, who is the first to scream anti-semitism, when anybody mentions his past.


total disgusting jewish fabrications, as usual. you can detect their presence as soon as the details become bizarre and hysterical, eg “slit their throats and bludgeoned them with pickaxes for failing to reach the toilet in time.”

jews are congenital liars, and vindictive psychpoaths.

well done for finally releasing this man from a completely fabricated narrative.

jens holm

“amerikunts are 300 million used car salesmen..” hunter thompson

jens holm

“from the inception of amerikuntistan it has been informed w ubiquitous sleaze and hustling ” walter macdougal

jens holm

“what emerged from the amerikunt melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen

jens holm

“obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. prof. kiese laymon

jens holm

“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded w a fine coat of fraud”. paul fussell


just like jerzy kosiński’s book (that eli weisel loved) the painted bird. it was first a true story, then when you figure it out they call it fiction.

these jews lie and lie and fabricate, and milk the holocaust myth for everything they can get out of it.


the name albrecht is synonymous with close relations with the nazis and one of hitlers military errand boys was named albrecht and disappeared without a trace in april or may of 1945. probably helped by the vatican to argentina!

AM Hants

have you also seen the image of robert mueller, the special adviser in the steele dossier? there is an image of him, next to the nazi intelligence officer heinrich muller. he was chief of the gestapo and robert mueller is the image of heinrich.


checked, they are not looking alike. robert was born in august 1944 when heinrich was in berlin awaiting glorious red army or anglo-american troops to flee with their help in western direction.

AM Hants

images i viewed, a few years ago, they were very similar.


her father while being minister preident in lower saxony is supposed to have given employment to old nazis, probably former friends!


i don’t buy any of this since the courts were rigged then as they are now (trump/assange).

and as we know jews are notorious liars (their religion condones lying to gentiles) and the whole holocaust story is complete shit.

so as for me mr scharfetter didn’t do nuffin.

see how that works?

jens holm

obvious u r inferior to jews


true. lying treacherous scumbags that lie and cheat to get ahead will become dominant, and hence superior.

unless we unite under national socialism to depose jewish rule. which if we did would restore european supremacy.

it’s one thing to be inferior and having a plan to end that situation.

real douchebags accept it.

Last edited 3 months ago by paul

just because you are askenazi simp!


ursula von der leyen is a complete c**t and i hate her politics.

but she’s a good woman for having birthed 7 aryan babies.

and be honest fellas, in her day, you know she was smoking hot and you’d want to make a baby with her yourself.


aryans are living in iran, because iranian language comes from sanskrit — the language of aryans. iranian language group includes iranians, tajiks, pashto, urdu, ossetians, kurds and ethnic groups of northern india (including pakistan). germans are in germano-scandinavian group, not aryans at all. it’s like to call finns as scandinavians, but they are finno-ugric. iran literally mean “aryan”, “aryan land”, it’s even sounds similar unlike deutschland.


i knew that.

but made the mistake of thinking no one would get so petty over a much used and known nazi term.

thanks for doing that.


i’m amazed people are against a good looking white woman having good looking white children.

some people on this site are deranged.


no future in ads nor your lgbtq wannabes,harden the fk up that fugly bitch on the inside just stinks!


i wouldn’t call any kweer mongrel as the epitome of civilisation,you need to get your hand off it mate!

Just me

nazis against communists… it’s still like that. nazis rule in the west and communists in the east. putin, xi and co are part of the plan to divide humanity into teams and make them fight. putin, biden and the rest of these monkeys sit in the palace and cowardly hide behind their protectors and lies.

AM Hants

nazis – national socialists. bolsheviks – national communists. both, want totalitarian state control. both, creations of the city of london, and their rockerfeller mates. tavistock institute of human behaviour, which was set up by two irish press barons, one led the left in the uk (mirror) and the other led the right in the uk (daily mail)

AM Hants

2) the brothers then teamed up with rockerfeller and the royal family, focusing on propaganda and mind control. that was back in 1913 and what came next? if not for ah there would no israel for the zionists to flock to.


you will not find this in any western democratic truth telling media…


“scharfetter’s daughter began writing petitions for clemency on the grounds of her father’s age and poor health.”

released in 1990, died in 1998 in 90. not so bad health this monster had in 82. bad health is when you are dying 3 months, maximum a year or two after realizing your bad condition. don’t trust nazis ever! if you’re so weak, think about your bad health before committing crimes. death to fascists!

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

nazista puta vadia ursula von derlaien, que morra sendo estuprada por teus próprios nazistas!


if he pardoned one, he pardoned others. it will not be an only case. be interesting to dig deeper.


she can’t be allowed to run eu for another 5 years, the ever evil nazi and slaveowning offspring.


uschi van der lyin’ ,who nobody “voted” for to run the eussr for her red shield owners, is a criminal psychopath who should be rotting in jail. some people still think that the anglozionazi empire of shit doesn’t control its euro peon livestock as in the good oold days of jew pawn onkel adolf schickelgruber.

Last edited 3 months ago by Martillo

i don’t know why even bother arresting nazis send directly to the giyotine without the paperwork delays ;)


article misses the point. she is married to a baron. aristocrats are pulling strings in dirty eu


meloninis right, it’s a shameful practice that the leading positions in the eu is divvied up behind closed doors! and please note that the descendant of slave owners (von der lugen) and nazi-related (von der lugen again) is aiming for another 5 year term which must be stopped! she’s in bed with pfizer, with the neonazis of washington and the jews and the pfizer deal netted her millions of euros, probably!

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

ursula von der leyen`s você é uma vadia nazista

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