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MARCH 2025

US Accelerates Plan to Deploy Upgraded Nukes to Europe

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US Accelerates Plan to Deploy Upgraded Nukes to Europe

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The US wants to replace its nuclear bombs in Europe with an updated version of the B61-12 on a faster timeline

Originally published on AntiWar

The US has accelerated plans to deploy an upgraded version of its primary nuclear gravity bomb to Europe amid heightened tensions with Russia over the potential use of nuclear weapons.

A cable obtained by Politico reveals that US officials told NATO allies in Brussels this month that they will send an upgraded version of the B61-12 air-dropped gravity bomb to Europe by December. The upgraded bomb was originally set to arrive in Europe next spring.

The plan involves replacing older weapons with upgraded bombs at US storage facilities in Europe. The US keeps about 100 nuclear warheads at air bases in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Turkey.

The upgrade to the B61-12 replaces non-nuclear components to make it more accurate. The upgrade is also designed so it can be carried by all US and allied bombers and fighter jets, unlike older versions of the bomb.

Accelerating the deployment of the upgraded nukes amid the current tensions would do little but stoke tensions with Moscow. Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, described the plan as “odd.”

“They have been saying we don’t respond to this situation with nuclear weapons. I don’t think they want to go down that one,” Kristensen told Politico.

The revelation of the plan comes as both Russia and NATO are conducting nuclear exercises. President Biden recently said the risk of nuclear “armageddon” is at its highest since the end of the Cold War, but his administration has shown no interest in pursuing diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine or ease tensions with Moscow.


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John Tosh

Bluff bluff bluff

The West has run out of ideas.

They pushed the alternative lifestyle concept etc because of a lack of ideas.

It’s time for the West to go to the retirement house.

Time to go West. Allow young minds to prevail

Guest (The original)

And who are these “young minds”? When the west goes what replaces it? China? Russia? Iran? I really need to know becuase youa nd I both know despite of whatever shit everyone likes to write in this place, that given the choice every single motherfucker here will accept a western citizenship over a chinese or russian or iranian or fuckin Syrian one. Thats a fucking fact.

John Tosh

During the reign of the third reich in NAZY Germany, anyone would prefer a German citizenship over the Star of David or Israeli citizenship. Just because you have your way now does not mean it will remain so. Remember your history books.

Abraham Lincoln

Russia needs to delpy complete air defense systems and hundreds of hypersonic nuclear missiles in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua that can reach all USSA military decision centers and land based USA nuclear missiles and other nuclear weapons such asw planes naval bases etc. in less then 5 minutes for a nuclear decapitation and castration strike.

Assad Defeated Zionists

So by their own measure this means they’re getting desperate and losing the war against Putin, that’s why they’re racing to deploy those nukes.


Those ordinances are the selling point in some planes deals. It’s an unusable crap BUT it sales overpriced F104s .. oops , F35s , comprehensible mistake , my bad ^^

William White

So going from complete and utter destruction to complete and utter destruction 3 minutes sooner? Ah, how much will that cost?

Destroy the shipment

Don’t worry, the US tax payer will fund it


The upgrade will make the nukes much more efficient, so instead of having to use, say, three for each target, they can now calculate with one device per target, allowing them to hit three times as many targets in the same timeframe. This upgrade is supposed to grant the US a decapitation capability, meaning, that Russia will not be able to retaliate, at least not with anything that would have to start inside Russia. If the US also knew where the few Russian subs are, they could eliminate them as well and potentially “win” a nuclear war. That’s my nightmare.


Finalnd says yes to nukes on the border with Russia?

Seems to me, if Russia were to respond with a warning that given the short flight time, detection of any launch of any missile from Finnish territory would be assumed to be nuclear and immediately unleash Russia’s entire nuclear arsenal on all targets, that would nip that idea in the bud. Would it not?

That said, the neocons I can understand but who would have thought the Finns to be as brain dead as they’re now appearing to be? It’s a real surprise. Somehow, I think it’s an easily neutered bluff for bargaining power and they know it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hmmm

This country – U.S. – has to be eradicated from Earth. They are all psychopaths with no exception.

Destroy the shipment

Tucker Carlson is the last yank with a brain

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

Americans don’t run America. Jews run America.


Whatever you say. Does not change a bit the overall perspective. US goyim have had plenty of time to do something to change it, they chose to do nothing instead because until now they felt not threatened. Suddenly, they are blaming Jews. The fact is that the American mind is aggressive and overall sick.


Guess why the goyim are not in power? #1 they’re usually too stupid, #2, they’re too stupid to foil the plan, #3 they don’t have any networks, and #4 because of the before, they also don’t have the money.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

They are religious and thus insane.


Karzai’s are pretend Jews.

Guest (The original)

Sure… Only if china and Russia and Iran and Syria are equally eradicated, you cant shoose one over the other when each one fo them are worst than the other and ironically the west being the least worst of them all given living standards, thats why every single fucking russian, iranian syrian and chinese wants to live and work in the west!


Only very small minds want to do that. I recently met a lady from China. She was droning on about how great Western democracy was. An utter idiot, I have to say, because we don’t have any, but of course, she would not understand. Maybe she’ll understand in a few years time.


Every? Those countries would be without population.


I’d say this is their “elite’s” doing. And they are… tatatata – you knew it already, overwhelmingly Jewish. I think it was Sharon who said that it’s Israel controlling the US, not the other way round. Therefore, I would have different priorities in dealing with this problem.

Destroy the shipment

The RF should Destroy this shipment


Hahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahah. What a joker.


A gift for the Ruzzian fascists. May it burn them all!

Last edited 2 years ago by Swiwer

That crisis wasn’t cuban, but turkish and italian, because placing “Jupiter” missiles in Turkey (on the border with USSR) and Italy was the first step. Operation “Anadyr'” was the answer.

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