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MARCH 2025

US Accuses Russia Of Conducting Low-Yield Nuke Tests In Violation Of Treaty

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

A new US intelligence assessment has concluded that Russia has likely been secretly conducting “very low-yield nuclear tests to upgrade its nuclear arsenal,” marking the first time Washington has accused the Kremlin of failing to strictly observe its commitments under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, according to the Wall Street Journal.

US Accuses Russia Of Conducting Low-Yield Nuke Tests In Violation Of Treaty

Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, speaks to aides and military personnel in Moscow in December. PHOTO: SPUTNIK/REUTERS

The alleged tests, conducted at the remote archipelago of Novaya Zemlya above the Arctic Circle, come as the agreed upon arms-control framework between the new nations has shown signs of deteriorating, as both sides pursue “ambitious programs” to develop new nuclear weapons.

US Accuses Russia Of Conducting Low-Yield Nuke Tests In Violation Of Treaty

Negotiations for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which bans test explosions of nuclear weapons of any size, concluded in 1996. The treaty hasn’t been ratified by enough countries to take effect, but the world’s major powers have agreed to abide by its terms.

The treaty allows a range of activities to assure the safety and reliability of nuclear weapons as long as they don’t produce a nuclear explosive yield, including experiments involving fissile material. –Wall Street Journal

“The United States believes that Russia probably is not adhering to its nuclear testing moratorium in a manner consistent with the ‘zero-yield’ standard,” Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency planned to say in a Wednesday speech at the Hudson Institute think tank, according to his prepared remarks.

Officials have declined to reveal the size of the alleged Russian tests, nor would they say if concerns over the tests have been raised directly with Moscow.

An official at the Russian Embassy in Washington said his government strictly observes the provisions of all international treaties it has joined, including the nuclear test ban treaty, which Moscow ratified in 2000.

The U.S. has been observing a moratorium on nuclear tests since 1992 and says its experiments are designed to not produce a nuclear yield. The U.S. was the first nation to sign the accord, but it never ratified the treaty. –Wall Street Journal

In February, the Trump administration committed to withdrawing from a Reagan-era treaty on intermediate-range nuclear weapons, alleging that Russia had been breaking it with the development of new missiles, including the nuclear-capable Novator 9M729. NATO agreed. Last October, spokesperson Oana Lungescu said of the Novator system, “After years of denials and obfuscation, Russia recently acknowledged the existence of the missile system without providing the necessary transparency and explanation. In the absence of any credible answer from Russia on this new missile, Allies believe that the most plausible assessment would be that Russia is in violation of the INF Treaty.”

US Accuses Russia Of Conducting Low-Yield Nuke Tests In Violation Of Treaty

The US-Russian treaty to reduce long-range nuclear arms, meanwhile, is set to expire in February 2021. The Trump administration is reviewing whether it will extend the accord, try and modify it, or scrap it altogether in favor of new negotiations.

“The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, unratified though it is by the U.S. but with 184 signatories, may be the last remaining cornerstone in the arms control order,” said former Clinton-admin NSC official Steve Andreasen.

The nuclear test ban agreement came after long and difficult negotiations. When it was first drafted, the US, UK, France, China and Russia were all in favor of conducting low-level nuclear explosive tests to ensure that their nuclear forces were up to snuff.

President Clinton, however, pressed for a ban on all tests – while allowing for no-yield testing of systems.

In drafting the treaty, the Clinton administration decided it was unnecessary and potentially “problematic” to try to negotiate a technical definition of the nuclear explosions that would be banned, U.S. officials told Congress at the time.

But the U.S., U.K., France, Russia and China exchanged still-confidential letters on the activities they agreed wouldn’t be prohibited, according to a June 18, 1997 presidential directive signed by Mr. Clinton that hasn’t been made public but was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Stephen Ledogar, the chief U.S. negotiator on the treaty, told Congress in 1999 that the Russians had been surprised by Mr. Clinton’s insistence on the zero-yield issue but had “slowly and painfully” agreed to it during the talks. –Wall Street Journal

According to the report, a senior Trump administration official said that the US wasn’t interested in the resumption of nuclear testing, and that tests by Russia and China above “zero yield” would be unacceptable.

“We do not want to be held to a different standard than Russia and China,” said the official.

What’s wrong with low yield tests?

Former director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Siegfried Hecker, says that low-yield tests, equivalent to around 4 pounds of TNT or less, would be able to help determine the safety of nuclear weapons, but not to design new weapons.

“It would be unfortunate if they were doing something at Novaya Zemlya that was not in the spirit of a zero-yield CTBT,” said Hecker. “But would the Russians somehow be able to gain an advantage for new systems if they were doing something slightly more than that? My general sense is no.”

That said, according to Gen. Ashley, the tests at Novaya Zemlya could help the Russians to continue to develop or improve on its nuclear arsenal.

“Our understanding of nuclear weapon development leads us to believe Russia’s testing activities would help it to improve its nuclear weapons capabilities.”

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Tommy Jensen

..and thats not the only thing Russia has been doing.

AM Hants

Are you mistaking Russia for those nations controlled by Rothschild and friends?

Tommy Jensen

I suspect all nations are controlled. Big Finance invested in China, big Wall Street corporations invested and are in China. Russia has acted weird in all Central Bank matters, aligned in raised pension age, the green sustainable CO2 bs, follow same surveillance patterns, AI, Smart Grids. I only see a few small countries resist, Cuba, Bolivia, North Korea. Even Iran seems on the Smart and green bs train.

Luke Hemmming

Tommy every now and again you write credible and intelligent comments. This is one of them. You are most correct in saying most countries are controlled. The Zionist dominated banking system is what controls many nations. As they say money makes the world go round. Because money is so important he who controls the wealth controls the nations. The Rothschild family is THE family that has many family members in various parts of the world controlling central banks, IMF, WORLD bank and many other corporations and enterprises. They have clever accountants that cook the books. They have clever lawyers that create front companies to hide their involvement. They hide their wealth very carefully. And because they control so much they can do anything to anyone anytime.

AM Hants

The nations you mention, who have no Rothschild Debt, including Iran and no Rothschild Central Bank.

Russia threw the Rothschilds out of Russia, when he paid off all their debts and even compensated the Balcans, for the actions of the Soviet Union, back in 2018, I believe.

Russian pension age, is still far lower than the West. Over in the UK, we cannot retire officially, now, till we reach 67.

Tommy Jensen

You maybe right. Jut saying some acts look weird and contrary to own interests.

AM Hants

Always wondered if it was two sides of the family, having a hissy fit. Prefer the side that is not war hungry.

Tommy Jensen

Rockefeller invented and paid for UN. The major part of soft value profit schemes for UN and the leftish are from the Rockefeller Foundation Think Tanks.

The Koch Brothers feeds the right wings and Republicans with their ideas and profit schemes to benefit heavy industry.

They pretend to fight against each other. In reality they complement and are both into war when the balloons are too blown up, or creditor countries needs to be erased or presents a danger. Kochs get the weapon and arm industry, and Rockefeller take care of the profit from HR, soldiers, refugees, hospitals, cheap labour, environment, womens lib, etc


Going on the principle that whatever heinous crime the US government accuses anyone else of doing it has already done itself at least 10 times over this means…?

J Ramirez

The US breaks all treaties, why act surprised if no one cares anymore,



AM Hants

Washington DC, accuse others of your own crimes.

Bilderberg Weekend – normally the finale ends with some false flag. Wonder where they will decide this time.

Here are a couple of interesting articles, one links into the other: Will start with the Russian one first, then followed by the Syrian article. Firstly, starting with a quote from Asma al-Assad.. Like what she says, but, no relevance to either article, apart from being in the 2nd article.

‘… Back in the car, I ask what religion the orphans are. “It’s not relevant,” says Asma al-Assad. “Let me try to explain it to you. That church is a part of my heritage because it’s a Syrian church. The Umayyad Mosque is the third-most-important holy Muslim site, but within the mosque is the tomb of Saint John the Baptist. We all kneel in the mosque in front of the tomb of Saint John the Baptist. That’s how religions live together in Syria—a way that I have never seen anywhere else in the world. We live side by side, and have historically. All the religions and cultures that have passed through these lands—the Armenians, Islam, Christianity, the Umayyads, the Ottomans—make up who I am.” …’


STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination Posted on September 11, 2015 by State of the Nation Why the Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia Global Geopolitical Chessboard: Psychopathic Players and Cynical Moves Guarantee a Future of Perpetual War…

Black Sea to the Baltic Sea


Green – European nations(non-NATO), Red – Russia, Blue – NATO Members Purple – aligned to Russia



Head of Stratfor, ‘Private CIA’, Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was ‘The Most Blatant Coup in History’… https://www.globalresearch.ca/head-of-stratfor-private-cia-says-overthrow-of-yanukovych-was-the-most-blatant-coup-in-history/5420978

What is ironic, the US ‘Think Tanks’ were so focused on Russia and Germany being united, that they pushed Russia and China closer together, which has strengthened the ‘One Belt and Road’ project. ……………………..

From 2015

Syria’s Bashar al-Assad: Secret Back Story Reveals Why The West Cannot Topple His Government Posted on September 6, 2015 by State of the Nation The Hidden Forces Behind Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad…

Four Major Reasons For Assad’s Upright Posture Towards Governance

Reason #1: The Spiritual Foundation of Bashar’s Alawite Faith

Reason # 2: The Strength and Support of His Wife Asma al-Assad

Reason #3: Bashar Assad Received Excellent Training and Guidance from His Father

Reason #4: Russia, Iran, and the BRICS-aligned Nations stand with Assad

Divide and Conquer: MO of the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD





WOW, this looks like another BARBARROJA operation sooner or later. Of course, Russia must realizes about this and taking step also.

AM Hants

Do believe Russia knows what goes on a lot quicker than the Bilderberg Members.


The Americans have the B 61-12, a low-impact nuclear tactical bomb, Russia does not have the equivalent and it is normal that they get it.

Tudor Miron

It simply means that US is about to start nuke testing and is about to kill another fundamental treaty.


Projection. They already have been testing. It’s like building 12 bio/chem facilities and then constantly accusing others of using same on their own people. Projection.

I would say them accusing others of nefarious plans is a deadly accurate predictor of what they are up to.

AM Hants

Reminds me of why they cannot get rid of their own chemical weapons, owing to not being able to afford it. Yet, they have no problem investing £70 million in Porton Down and creating 13 chemical-bio weapon labs in Ukraine. Whilst Syria and Russia gave up all their CWs.


All the labs with full diplomatic immunity. I wonder why the US was advertising for Russian DNA?

Concrete Mike

Good points, I agree about the CW, USA can afford to dispose of the weapons, but there is not enough profit to be had, so instead we have money pits like f35 that is a black hole of dollars. MY DOLLARS!

AM Hants

~When I knock the US, it is the Government, not the people. We are in the same mess over in the UK, thanks to the idiots we elect.


Tend to agree but at a certain point it became less and less a defendable position. Sitting on the couch is not working!

AM Hants

It is the same in the UK, where the masses still believe 100% everything and anything the media tells them to think and believe.


The answer seems glaringly obvious. I wonder why the Chinese suddenly have a yuge swine flue problem? To me the US food industry is an extension of their bi-chem weapons industry. Any other conclusion amounts to wishful thinking.

Zo Fu

USA is going to test low yields nuclear weapon in IRAN. They need an excuse. You know, Russia did it.

AM Hants

Will take them two decades to get the system working, if past results are anything to go by.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Normal modus operandi for the United States of Gobshittery, is to accuse their competitors of the very things that the United States of Gobshittery sooner or later does itself.

Xoli Xoli

True thumbs up.

Toronto Tonto

Russia never has cared much about rules or laws or agreements , once they steal technology they run with it and care not about people or the environment . Not much is changed from the 80s in the wasteland .

Xoli Xoli

There something that a admire of you and it is your name.Toronto is such a beautiful city in Canada place I wish I can stay there.

Concrete Mike

Its nice but we have so much more to offer. Montreal is also a really nice city but these cities are so big, not for me ill stay in the countryside.

We dont have as much mòney in the big cities but id rather have less.money, than having my kids grow up away from the forest and the sea.

Thats just me though. We have amazing forests here much more.


Trollonto Tonto is not canadian, he is a troll from Ukraine (which explains his psychotic hate obsession with Russia, and also his idiocy)

Luke Hemmming

Replace Russia with USA and your comment would ring more true. Otherwise your comparing apples to oranges. The USA IS ‘ projecting’ which is a term used by psychologists to describe people who say things about others when they are the ones actually doing it. The USA is a classic case of “do what we say not what we do”

Tudor Miron

Ilttle Ukro strikes again :)


Unlike Uncle Sam, right?

Xoli Xoli

If USA start barking then we know the opposite.Of cause it wants to test and built new nukes.Someone must take a blame before reality comes.

Zionism = EVIL

Time to test one on the white house.


And TelAviv :) We must not forget the City of London as well.

Lazy Gamer

Why are non-nuclear powers made to adhere to an international agreement to ban their use of nuclear weapons? Clearly, such an international agreement is irrelevant when existing stocks are enough to destroy the planet several times over.The parties that matter, all rejected the agreement.


This probably means the US needs/wants to test new nukes, so accuse Russia, break the treaty and start testing. It’s the standard American MO.


Of course, but I just wonder…. why do north-american people allow their government to behave SO MADNESS !, within this funny democracy. Can anybody has and idea why ?


Bread and circuses, as long as they can afford food and are entertained by the media they don’t care about anything else. Simple needs for simple creatures.

klove and light

article from las vegas Journal News jan.22. 2017

It’s been nearly 25 years — 8,887 days, to be precise — since the United States last detonated a nuclear bomb beneath the Nevada desert. A tweet last month by President Donald Trump has many Americans wondering whether that long hiatus is about to end. Policy experts, scientists and foes of nuclear weapons are divided on the implications of Trump’s Twitter vow last month that the United States will “greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability” on his watch. Some predict it could signal a rekindled arms race. But they agree what it would mean if an expansion includes adding new types of weapons to the U.S. nuclear arsenal: the resumption of some form of testing at the Nevada National Security Site, 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas. As with many of the new president’s 140-character policy statements, the details of the new administration’s stance on nuclear weapons are not yet clear.

In a congressional hearing Thursday, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry — Trump’s pick to replace outgoing Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz — said he’ll be focused on “continuing to protect and modernize the nation’s nuclear stockpile.” “As a former Air Force pilot during the days of the Cold War, I understand the deterrent value of our nuclear weapons system and the value of the vital role they play in keeping the peace,” said Perry, 66.

But when Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., asked Perry for assurances that Perry would support a ban on nuclear testing, the nominee declined to take the bait. “I think anyone would be of the opinion that if we don’t ever have to test another nuclear weapon that would be a good thing, not just for the United States but for the world,” he said. In response to a query from the Review-Journal, Perry’s spokesman, Marc Palazzo, declined to elaborate on the nominee’s view of what modernizing the nuclear stockpile should entail.

TESTING MORATORIUM Since the last, full-scale test at the sprawling Nevada site — Divider, on Sept. 23, 1992 — scientists have certified the safety and reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons with physics tools and by detonating tiny bits of plutonium in underground “subcritical” experiments.

The moratorium on full-scale testing announced by President George H.W. Bush after Divider has been extended by all presidents through the Obama administration, meaning a generation of Americans has grown up without ever hearing or reading reports of a domestic nuclear test. The most palpable reminders of that bygone arms race era are the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas and the tower for the test that was to have followed Divider – known as Icecap – standing forlornly amid tumbleweeds on the security site’s desolate Yucca Flat. But some U.S. nuclear policy experts believe testing should resume, though on a smaller scale than the big underground blasts and preceding atmospheric tests conducted at the site and over the Pacific Ocean in the 1950s. Former Ambassador C. Paul Robinson, chief negotiator for the Geneva nuclear testing talks during the Reagan administration, said Trump’s tweet gives rise to the possibility the new president will break the moratorium with low-yield testing — “on the order of a kiloton.”

Such a test would be about 1/150th the size allowed under the 1974 Threshold Test Ban Treaty and “wouldn’t shake any hotels in Las Vegas,” he said. Robinson, speaking by phone from his home in Boulder County, Colorado, said testing might be needed to give Trump or future commanders-in-chief assurance that the weapons will still work. Plutonium, the substance that powers nuclear bombs, appears to be holding up fairly well in the U.S. stockpile, based on experiments conducted at the Nevada site. ‘YOU’RE GOING TO LIVE WITH UNCERTAINTY’ But according to Robinson, plutonium in America’s last-generation weapons continues to degrade, so at some point testing will be needed to assure the stockpile is reliable. “If you don’t test, you’re going to live with uncertainty,” he said. “Quantifying that uncertainty is where were are right now with (science-based) stockpile stewardship.” He also says that the testing moratorium has stifled research of new nuclear weapons, noting that Russia claims to have developed a new family of nuclear warheads “that are supposedly pure fusion.” “We would be catching up” if the U.S. resumed testing of new classes of weapons, he said. Several other nuclear weapons experts interviewed by the Review-Journal shared Robinson’s views. Kathleen Bailey, senior associate at the National Institute for Public Policy, said low-yield testing merits consideration, though not full-scale testing.

She believes, though, the benefits of such testing depend on “two hard-nosed assessments.” “One is to assess whether very low-yield testing would provide significant technological advantage to our weapons-design capabilities and stockpile reliability,” she said by email. “The other is to assess the level at which the Russians and, probably, the Chinese have been testing at in order to interpret the (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) properly.” Bailey was referring to an international treaty that would ban all nuclear explosions, whether for military or for peaceful purposes. The treaty has never been ratified by all the signatories, including the U.S., and many potential nuclear-capable countries have not signed it. But all nations except North Korea have abided by their interpretation of the treaty since 1999. Bailey said the United States interprets the treaty to allow for only “zero-yield” tests, such as the subcritical experiments. But because those words are not in the treaty or agreed to in negotiations, the possibility exists that other countries have been conducting tests that produce low yields, she said. PRO NUKES AND NO NUKES Troy Wade, of Las Vegas, who served as the Department of Energy’s defense programs chief during the Reagan administration, said he favors resumption of nuclear weapons testing because he fears the U.S. program “is not in as good as shape as it ought to be.” “What do you do? Do you just start testing again? A lot of people would like to see that happen,” said Wade, who oversaw more than 15 facilities where nuclear weapons were researched, developed, tested and produced in 1987 and 1988. “Do you do that knowing that the minute you do other countries are going to end up testing or attempting to test?” Wade said last week at the National Atomic Testing Museum. The international reaction if the U.S. resumed testing also would be accompanied by a domestic outpouring from opponents of nuclear weapons. One of the harshest critics, anti-war activist Daniel Ellsberg, says he believes it is “very, very unlikely” the Trump administration will resume full-scale nuclear weapons testing.

“I would say it would be disastrous for the world” because India and Pakistan, which have atomic bomb capability, would also resume testing to develop more powerful and devastating hydrogen bombs, said Ellsberg, a former Marine officer and Rand Corp. consultant who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, a secret defense study about U.S. political and military involvement in the Vietnam War. RACE TO BUILD ‘DOOMSDAY MACHINES’ “In a few years India would have an H-bomb and that would raise the stakes very dramatically,” he predicted, adding that other countries also would be expected to start working on their own “doomsday machines.” That would not bode well for world stability. “It raises the risk of causing a large war,” Ellsberg said by phone from his home in Kensington, California. Marylia Kelley, of the San Francisco Bay Area anti-nukes group Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, is not at all certain that Trump won’t order a resumption of testing, saying the new president’s tweet “worries me.” “It appears to foreshadow an unfortunate acceleration of a potentially catastrophic new nuclear arms race,” she said. Noting that the U.S. already has embarked on a 30-year, $1 trillion effort to design, develop and produce new and modified nuclear warheads and delivery systems, she said was frightened to read about a follow-up comment Trump reportedly made to explain his tweet, saying that the U.S. will “outmatch” other countries in the event of an arms race. “This is dangerous in the extreme — a future in which our children and grandchildren cower under desks in new ‘duck-and-cover’ drills is not a future we should seek,” she said. Kelley was among the thousands who converged on the Nevada Test Site in the waning years of full-scale nuclear testing to protest and hold vigils at Peace Camp, near the road leading to the Nevada National Security Site’s Mercury entrance. More than 15,740 protesters were arrested there in civil disobedience trespass actions from 1986 through 1994. If U.S. nuclear weapons testing resumes at any level, Kelley promises a resumption of protests. “We’ll get the band back together,” she said.

Tommy Jensen

What about the moon landing? What about that?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

(1)US already has the most powerful airborne, shipborne and land based anti-missile LASER weapons. Capable of blowing out intercontinental missiles, hypersonic missiles, and aircraft out of the sky. (2) US is developing extremely advanced hypersonic missiles to add to their fleet. (3) US is developing SIXTH GENERATION stealth fighters with an RCS of 0.00001 m^2 = virtually undetectable by the most POWERFUL radars, and equipped with hypersonic anti-air missiles USA is 100 years ahead of Russia and China in airforce, missile tech, and naval power.


go right ahead being delusional to the extreme – nothing wrong with being befuddled beyond help.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

apparently being a zionist, pro american is “befuddled and delusional” well that’s great. I’d prefer that over being an antisemite


as it happens I’m a proud anti-zionist and the day the squatters are finally evicted from the land they have stolen, will be the best day for mankind since, well, ever. but as you’re a proud and befuddled jewish american I suppose you agree that the neo-nazi morons in washington dc ought to open up the country to the squatters on their way into another diaspora. you know, since them squatters already bought and paid the neo-nazis in washington dc, I’m sure a green card can be issued for the lot.

Concrete Mike

Zionist and pro america go together like water and oil.

Pro america is pro america, not suck israeli cock.

I have no problem with people of jewish faith. When that faith interferes with politics it becomes a problem. If you are so pro american, you would know the basic tenet is seperation of church and state. So your position is impossible you cannot be pro american and zoinist at the same time.

Your are simply a zionist pig cheerleader.

Your probably too.much a wuss to go serve in IDF if your such a manly man!

Man cheerleader that is!

Luke Hemmming

I’m not anti Semite. I’m anti Zionist aka FAKE ASS JEWS.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

1) you’re an ugly kike lord 2) you’re a fundamentally retarded kike lord 3) your brain is located in your nose, not your head

Nick Sobkowiak

Hahahaha best name ever


dumbest mega honker zio to ever walk the earth – mr yakov wohlstein

Concrete Mike


USA!!!! Fuck off cheerleader. Terrorist supporting motherfucker

Al.Nusra butt buddy.

Facist pig go fuck yourself!


Jacob, what you write is so wide off reality that I assume that you must be trying to take the piss out of all of use, surely? Someone simply cannot be that deluded, or can he?


Jacob Wohl (born December 12, 1997) is an (1) far-right conspiracy theorist, (2) fraudster (The NFA banned Wohl for life in 2017. The NFA had received investor complaints about his activity, and upon completing its investigation, concluded that Wohl was guilty. Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) charged Wohl with 14 counts of securities fraud in the same year). (3) internet troll (Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts. To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself).


Olie H

Time for Southfront to ban that Wohl-Troll. And all his alter-accounts.

Luke Hemmming

Someone should dox him and then send Hezbollah to visit him.

AM Hants

US, US, US – all they do is whinge at the moment. Plus, accuse others of their own actions. It was Bush, back in 2003 who first walked away from the Nuclear Treaty.

Slightly off topic, but, another corporation, who is well known for it’s lies and propaganda.

One Man’s Quest To Expose A Fake BBC Video About Syria… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-29/one-mans-quest-expose-fake-bbc-video-about-syria

plus bonus article.

UN Presentation Reveals US, UK-backed White Helmets as ‘Organ Traders, Terrorists & Looters’… https://21stcenturywire.com/2018/12/22/un-presentation-reveals-us-uk-backed-white-helmets-as-organ-traders-terrorists-looters/


Blaming others for what one has done oneself is as old as the hills,as we all know. However in todays world the consequence’s can be literally Earth Shattering.

The Shoah nonsense from Israel was only propagated greatly when the Israeli’s began to cripple the lives of Palestinians in the 60’s.


US hasn’t ratified the agreement so whatever they have to say is worthless and should be treated as trash.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

oh for Gods sake, russia may as well just start testing and developing whatever it wants, because it seems the US is constantly coming up with lies and excuses to do exactly that as well

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