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US Aid To Ukraine Is In Danger Because Of Israel

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US Aid To Ukraine Is In Danger Because Of Israel

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Written by  Dave DeCamp. Originally published by AntiWar

Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said Sunday that a stand-alone bill to provide Israel with billions more in military aid will be brought to the House floor this week instead of President Biden’s $105 billion request that also includes spending for Ukraine, Taiwan, and the border.

“We’re going to move a stand-alone Israel funding bill this week in the House. I know our colleagues, our Republican colleagues in the Senate, have a similar measure,” Johnson said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” according to The Hill.

A group of Senate Republicans introduced a bill to provide Israel with $14.3 billion in additional military aid, the same amount for Israel that’s in Biden’s request. The $14.3 billion is on top of the $3.8 billion that Israel receives from the US each year. Johnson, an evangelical Christian, has expressed support for continuing the proxy war in Ukraine but says Israel is the priority.

“We believe that that is a pressing and urgent need. There are lots of things going on around the world that we have to address,” Johnson said. “And we will. But, right now, what’s happening in Israel takes the immediate attention. And I think we have got to separate that and get it through.”

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has also said a stand-alone Israel bill will be coming this week.

“I think what we’re going to do is really because the need is so urgent now in Israel, is to start with Israel first and then deal with the other.”

Johnson has previously voted against Ukraine aid packages but said in an interview this past Thursday night that he believes the US should keep supporting the war.

“Now we can’t allow Vladimir Putin to Prevail in Ukraine because I don’t believe it would stop there,” he said.

Johnson also tied together the wars in Gaza, Ukraine, and the new Cold War with China. “Hamas and Hezbollah are proxies of Iran, and they’re tied in now with Russia and China. I mean, it is a new axis of evil. That’s how we see it,” he said.


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“now we can’t allow vladimir putin to prevail in ukraine because i don’t believe it would stop there,”

they know exactly it will stop “there”, they are paid to not accept a rational solution, hence the childish “evil boogeyman” solution. western shareholders demand more death and misery. it fattens their dividends, like the pigslop they are.


“we believe that that is a pressing and urgent need. there are lots of things going on around the world that we have to address,”

translation > we are paid off degenerates who do what we are told, otherwise our perverted and weirdo families and friends suffer mysterious “accidents”, exactly like our fake “ukrainian brother zelensky”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dstroj

evangelicals are literally the dregs of american society. and given the comprehsively vile nature of american society, that is really saying something.


another fkn weird a$$ fake american. curiosly, how can all these degenerates look so perverted and odd in every single still shot widely disseminated by the msm?

perhaps the corporate orgs like to visually signal each other and their masters that their puppet perverts are still in place, lest one should start to think for “itself”.


it’s ok, everyone. we will win in the end. by we i mean the jews and their loyal partners. so fret, not!


oy vey, doodles! explain again why the united states empire is a loyal “partner” of the jewish supremacist entity in palestine.


cause money talks in us politics. you need it to get elected and a couple jewish americans seem to be very generous with it towards us polititians.


they’re ambitious, aspirational freaks. they enrich themselves by doing the bidding of the lobbyists, who in turn do the work of the people who actually own the us and it’s empire. the puppet perverts are a dime-a-dozen. they learned a long, long time ago that these grasping scumbags could be manipulated into doing exactly as they’re told, with blackmail serving as only one method of control.


such a pointless and long winded response. a futile act of mental masturbation. no blackmail dipshit. it’s called ‘strategic investments’ and the relationships are symbiotic.


doodles! the great jewish supremacist jeffrey epstein, and other great jewish supremacists like roy cohn and lewis rosenstiel indicate otherwise. doodles, such a liar!


hey maybe they shouldn’t be fucking kiddies and/or engaging in prostitution and/or sodomy, and exploiting young poor girls or (boys 😖) in the first place. did you ever think of that?


but still i’d like to remind you, that there are shared strategic goals and new strategic opportunities. the relationship between both countries is close because we share the same goals and interests, thats all. dont get your panties in a twist, clyde. the old tired antisemitic trope of a jewish octopus with its tentacles in every facet of society is a conspiracy theory

Last edited 1 year ago by Spider

you think so little of your anglo saxon leaders? that you think they’re absolutely powerless and innocent children? its laughable 🤭


doodles, the political “leadership” in the us empire is entire corrupt, and beholden to various entities, jewish supremacist plutocrats being one among that number. it is sadly amusing in its way, isn’t it?


doodles, such a liar! the american empire is an expansionist, capitalist entity. there is no facet of capitalism in the us empire in which jews do not play a significant role. in the current iteration of specualtive finance capital, there are huge numbers of “jews”, far in excess of their representation in the general population, in the top levels of banking, digital tech, and media. you can call it an octopus if you like. no theory required.

Huckelberry finn

by this you mean of course, aipac shares its strategic objectives, and the paid politicians and msm try to convince the public they’re in our interests. but the truth is antisemitic i get it


i couldn’t agree more, doodles. i don’t think that blackmailing ambitious and greedy perverts is a jewish problem. jewish supremacists just proved very well-suited to it, for whatever reason. mi6 has been at it for a long, long time, and most of the jewish supremacist playbook is cribbed from the british.

G. Saviano

no use arguing, clyde. neo feudalism is here. it’s not based on international law or logic. it’s about talmudic/ satanic control of the world. thats all. one example: even though israel is classified as an “occupying power” by the un — the us has sided with israel 💯. that should tell you everything

G. Saviano

and be weary that these talmudic zio-nazi megalomaniacs are increasingly talking about rounding up antisemites and anti-government types in “re-education camps” hasbara trolls have been saying this with increased frequency. as much as i hate alex jones for being controlled-opposition — his “conspiracy theories” are increasingly proving to be correct.

G. Saviano

this no longer sounds far fetched. in europe, you can be arrested for “holocaust denial” or questioning the official narrative & statistics. in the us, we just saw jewish ngo backed by the global banking cabal go after students in academia, including students from ivy league schools like harvard and columbia. this is mirroring nazism in the early 1930’s just before the way broke out. of course this is no coincidence as all of these worldwide events are orchestrated by the same people

G. Saviano

people need to realize, academia is sacrosanct for a reason, it shapes and molds a country’s future and ability to produce a skilled, competent workforce and a rich culture & society. for jewish institutions to be allowed to threaten, blackmail students — is unprecedented! we are in a new place where law & ethics are no longer apolitical. equal justice under the law is now a foreign concept against all societal norms from the past 75 years. we are regressing into a dark place

Huckelberry finn

you’re actually missing the point, they’re put in power by the jewish lobby because of their perversity, because it gives the lobby leverage (blackmail). in a democratic society, they’d never get elected, they’d be in jail.

V for victory

did you know that southfront is accused of ‘russian propaganda’ by radio free europe, the one that was founded by cia in ’40s?

from wikipedia:

in 2014, radio free europe, reported: “the english-language facebook page for south front, which has slightly more than 11,500 subscribers, is a mix of carefully selected ‘news’ from the region — usually from sources like … they described southfront as “a group supporting pro-russian separatists in eastern ukraine.”

V for victory

‘radio free europe was created and grew in its early years through the efforts of the national committee for a free europe, an anti-communist cia front organization that was formed by allen dulles in new york city in 1949. rfe/rl received funds covertly from the cia until 1972. during rfe’s earliest years of existence, the cia and u.s. department of state issued broad policy directives, and a system evolved where broadcast policy was determined through negotiation between them and rfe staff.


recent polls find only dimorats support ukie nazis—soon zelensky will relate his coffin factory to maine or beverly hills

G. Saviano

interestingly, israel already started reverse migration into ukraine (old khazar) by the jews as predicted. checkout rt: ukrainians protests in airports looking for israeli arrivals, israeli flights having to divert, etc. this is major! and zelensky tweeting on x about it and condemning it as “deep rooted antisemitism” and caused by russian psyops


lies—jews are persecuted in ukraine—many have returned to russia where they are well regarded

G. Saviano

yes, and dagestan is in the russian region that was part of the khazar kingdom. coincidence? i think not. dagestan is a muslim majority region. why go there specifically? typical jewish chutzpah!

G. Saviano

and if ukraine is deemed antisemitic right up until today — is that why the jewish banking elite want the slav population there gone?

G. Saviano

or is it because jews covet the ukrainian land? much like jews coveted palestine? to resurrect the jewish khazar kingdom?

WT Baker

what the us congress does is certainly done deceptively and dishonorably in the name of the american people, believe me. we are sick of the wars the establishment is addicted to.

Last edited 1 year ago by WT Baker

i am sure you are sick of that, but i would suggest they are addicted to the enormous payoff they receive from the maker of arms, such as ratheon and others by funding them with the american peoples tax dollars. i doubt there is an honest ‘politician’ in congress or if there ever was.

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