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MARCH 2025

US Aims To Trap China In Perpetual Taiwan Conflict

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US Aims To Trap China In Perpetual Taiwan Conflict

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The US is directly undermining China’s efforts to resolve the Taiwan issue peacefully.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For decades, Taiwan, a place mere 160 km from China’s mainland, has intermittently been the point of contention between the Asian giant and the political West, particularly the United States, a country nearly 11,000 km away from the island. Since 1949, Taiwan has been self-governing and although it does have attributes of a sovereign state, the United Nations, nearly the whole world, along with the entire political West, including the US itself, recognize the island as an inalienable part of China. Beijing has been extremely tolerant over the decades, even offering numerous benefits to the island’s mostly Han Chinese population.

Taiwan has enjoyed a massive economic boom as a result of its relationship with mainland China, making it one of the wealthiest areas in the Asia-Pacific region. Beijing never insisted on completely (re)integrating the island into its system of governance, offering instead a status not dissimilar to the one Hong Kong (or Macao) has within the People’s Republic of China. The idea is to make the (re)integration as painless as possible, with no disruptions to the everyday lives of the residents of Taiwan. China certainly has the military capacity to (re)take the island by force, but for Beijing, this is the absolute last resort, one it’s seeking to avoid.

However, the ever belligerent US has other plans. Seeing the “benefits” of the Ukrainian crisis, Washington DC seems to be determined to push for yet another world-changing conflict, but this time, it would involve China. Such a conflict wouldn’t just have potentially severe security consequences, but would also ravage the global economy. However, US political elites don’t even want to consider an off-ramp solution which would defuse the volatile situation.

During the early stages of (First) Cold War, the US, its allies and regional client states had a decidedly anti-Beijing stance. At the time, Beijing was unable to launch a large-scale operation to (re)take the island, as it had established peace in the country only in 1949, over a decade after the Japanese invasion and later the civil war between the communist and nationalist forces. By the 1970s, there was a thaw in US-China relations, with the Nixon administration seeking to establish closer ties to counter the then unrivaled and ever-growing might of the USSR. The government in Beijing was finally recognized as the only legal one, effectively freezing the Taiwan issue, as the US itself officially started adhering to the “One China” policy ever since.

After the end of the (First) Cold War, the US changed its stance. Since the early 1990s, Taiwan became a point of contention once again. With a relatively short strategic pause during the early 2000s, as the US was busy pillaging and destroying the world elsewhere, in particular the Middle East, Taiwan became increasingly important during the late 2010s. US Navy warships (re)started their more frequent transit through the Taiwan Strait, sailing from the East to the South China Sea several times a year, averaging at least one trip per month as of 2020. So far, in 2022, it has conducted at least five transits, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The US insists this is in line with international law.

“The Taiwan Strait is an international waterway where freedom of navigation and overflight are guaranteed under international law,” US State Department spokesman Ned Price said in an e-mail. “The United States will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows, and that includes transiting through the Taiwan Strait.”

While it is true that sailing through the Taiwan Strait technically doesn’t violate international law, it does create unnecessary tensions, as the waterway isn’t of crucial strategic importance to the US, but it certainly is to China. In addition to US Navy incursions in China’s sphere of influence, both in the East and the South China Sea, Washington DC is also actively arming the government in Taipei. This presents a direct and clear danger to Chinese troops just across the Strait. And while the People’s Liberation Army vastly outmatches the island’s forces, US arms deliveries to Taipei are directly undermining China’s efforts to resolve the Taiwan issue peacefully.

The US strategic goal is to limit and undermine China’s power and influence in the region. With Taiwan in the firm grip of the political West, particularly the US, China’s power projection remains largely confined to coastal areas, while Washington DC gets to keep its so far unmatched control over most of the Asia-Pacific region. China, which has been building one of the largest and most powerful navies in the world, is becoming more assertive and determined to push the belligerent power in decline away from its shores.

Seeing what’s going on around the world, such as in Ukraine in recent years, but especially in the last 4 months, China is fully aware of the malignant US influence, which is now effectively sacrificing one client state after another to keep its geopolitical near-peer rivals busy, while trying to resolve numerous internal issues and prevent, or at least slow down its unrelenting decline.


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G2 man

US is totally desperate and insane loser and even failed calculus 101, China has 1.4 billion people and tiny corrupt Formosa has barely 23 million squatting on a small island a few hundred kms from the mainland. It really does not take a genius to figure out how a few million people will hold out against the billions. Duh!


Tom Cruise will save Taiwan.


Of course. In a new “Ghost of Cruise” action manner.

Tony Lim

NATO is a product of the Cold War and the world’s biggest military alliance dominated by the US. It is a tool for the US to maintain its hegemony and influence Europe’s security landscape. This is clearly against the trend of our times.

Elohim Kosher Bar

The failing Empire of Lying Tampons continue their shit-stirring ways. Unipolar world going the way of the dodo bird.



The rotten empire and its satellites are no longer in position to execute any of their sinister plan against China and Russia since they’ve already displayed the exceptional cowardice being tightly kept in the closet just like the gender-confused personality they’ve got.


Time to take back Formosa already. China needs to show the skid row bums in the Washing town sewer that the jig is up and USSA has no more to say. The world could care less. As with rump Ukraine it must be liberated and cleansed of the poison of the angloZionaZi empire of shit.

Jenni Wong

NATO, by definition, is a military organization in the North Atlantic, yet in recent years some of its members have flexed their muscles in the Asia-Pacific and sought to replicate the kind of bloc confrontation seen in Europe here in the Asia Pacific. This is highly dangerous.


North Anus Treatment Organization.

Peppe il Sicario

There used to be SEATO, South East Asian Treaty Organization, the Asian Nato. Don’t know if it officially exists anymore, but the structure remains within South Korea and Japan.

G2 man

The “west” is not doing to well eh? LOL


because its ruled by jews


The Chi-coms can’t stand the success of free Chinese people, in Hong Kong or Taiwan. Eventually they will make the effort to bring them down to their level.

G2 man

News flash for you, Hong Kong is part of China and so is Taiwan and China has the world’s largest and strongest economy. Do buy some books and a map sometime “John”.


Doesn’t China import a lot from NATO countries? Do you know China plan to fight this import reliance from these countries and move to its allies? I know the new Russian-Chinese bridge will help, and Iran also can help with car parts, semi conductors and other stuff. But surely China does have a plan that it can put in immediate effect if all of a sudden they have to go to war

G2 man

China is the largest manufacturing economy in the world and needs Russian minerals and energy. in the world. They imported some high tech Russian weapons systems like SU-27-30, S-400 etc and then cloned them into J-11 to J-16 series. Russian military tech as we are seeing in Ukraine is far superior to anything. Russia was great success at the recent BRICS summit and is expanding Ruble to other currency swaps and product substitution. As we saw how quickly Russia even replaced MacDonald’s with their own version “simply delicious”.

Iran is providing Russia with joint Iran-Khodro (largest auto maker in the Middle east) and LADA Moskvich cooperation. The Chinese are now openly supplying Russia with spares for both civil and military aviation. People must realize that global economic and strategic power balance has shifted permanently to Eurasia. The idiotic west bankrupted itself with warmongering while its people are no homeless and without fuel. The days of colonialism like the Indian FM said at the BRICS summit is over. The west is now in irreversible decline and it will only accelerate. Even a freshman course in Economics states that it is only GUNS versus BUTTER and if you waste money on guns, your economy will collapse. The US is now a very impoverished failed state. Americans have to pay the highest rental costs in the world that takes up 60% of their declining income and these stupid hatefilled morons are spending billions on a lost cause in Russian Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

Good summation-G2 man even American economic websites + industrial are asking what is the end goal in $Billions poured into Ukraine if its not bring down Russia.

Peppe il Sicario

You can add Brazil and Mexico to the countries that are saying f*ck off to the the Gringo bitches in Washington. The US is on a fast downward spiral and this is what makes it so dangerous with a diabolical elite comprised of Judaic and WASP trash that are on a fast jet to hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Joe Biden

“free Chinese people” occupied by Yanks and HK by Brits. Fucking moron. Chinese level is way above your shithole in Detroit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Biden

Taiwan has always been its own country. it has been ruled by natives, by japan and by china but who cares? leave the people alone, let politicians kill each other


Not true. The KMT fascists supported by the west ran to Taiwan in 1949.Just like Ukraine today. It is part of China.


“recognize the island as an inalienable part of China”. That’s not really true. We simply accept that China believes that and insist that any re-unification be peaceful, which means that Taiwan has to want to be ruled by the CCP in order for re-unification to take place. Given the CCP’s totalitarian bent it’s unclear why anyone would want to be ruled by them. Of course, they offer Hong Kong like status, but as has been seen once they have control they will have the ability to revoke that at their whim like they did in Hong Kong 3 decades prior to their commitment to the UK.

The whole Taiwan situation is being created by China. Why must the status quo change right now after 70 years?


Wikipedia has a page talking about Taiwan political parties, it shows that about 30% of people want to be reunified. About 40% don’t, and the remainder sit on the fence, or have some other agenda. If China was to play it well, a good PR campaign, economic rewards for reunification, they could probably get the votes to get past a 50% majority of people to support reunification.


Well then why don’t they?

Bob - Enough

Good and factual article. Just one thing though the Taiwanese people also seem to be split, basically down the middle on being pro-China or pro-US, as I think the last elections showed… not the best for peace in the future.


“nearly the whole world”: With the notable exception of 14 states, including Eswatini, Palau, Nauru, Belize, St Kitts and Nevis, Santa Lucia, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands. I am not sure whether the late principality of Sealand also recognised Taiwan – if so, this would raise the number to 15.


I’d laughed upon reading the names of the unknown caves on earth that you mentioned, they sound like moniker of jo biden’s public lice. LOLOLOL




America can’t even keep knee grows from burning down their cities, let alone keep Taiwan from being a province of China :)

Peter Jennings

Its seems the USadmin uses International Law whenever it suits them and not if it doesn’t. To break this law is a crime, which the USadmin has done over and over, right under UN noses, making those who gave it the official stamp of approval, international criminals. UN take note, there is a title already used for centuries which describes US foreign policy, and that was Piracy.

When international criminals start to take an interest in one’s country, it’s time to get heavy. It’s the only language these shysters know.


moron amerikants live in tents play lgbt games gas triple price….”morons get the govt they deserve”. yuri vodobenikov


How does the US afford to arm so many nations? The Chinese and Russians HAVE to help the people of the West to own some king of currency OUTSIDE of Western namking interests. Help us to put all of our spare cash into Chinese Russian currency that we can convert back into our currency if we need it and that we can trade with eachother in our own nations wtih too! Please help the people. This will lead to the demise of Western currencies and put an end tothe bottomless pit where the dollar comes from is responsible for making rampant fraud corruption and the massive evils in our world possible.


Taiwan won’t become the next Ukraine because even the US agrees (only in principle) that Taipei belongs to China. A chinese military operation will be for unification and not de-taiwanisation because Taiwan is China. The problem is within the Taiwan enclave, the people in power there seems to believe that they can resist a Chinese onslaught militarily. Some kind of a David/Goliath situation, it is beyond any sane reasoning but because Taiwan is all about the semi-conductors, essentially the gold in computing, they will be protected by the stooges. But as soon as US brings home the semi-conductor business, it is the end of Taiwan.

hunter bidé lab pork !

the lgbt mother of joe crime gang family of parazites should made an abortion not a living abortion !!!!!

Joe Bidet Is a Nonce

China could probably take Taiwan in a weekend and be back home for a nice cat barbecue on Monday evening!

William White

That stuff won’t work on China because the Chinese are not stupid. American voters are stupid yes but even they are beginning to use the internet. The Net is what will fell the USA, not the guns.


Nazi Ukraine included in (and controlled by) NATO, with biolab, atomic bomb, and a russian ethnic cleansing policy was a clear threat to Russia. How can anybody say situation is similar between China and Taiwan?

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