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MARCH 2025

US Aircraft Carrier Group Heads Towards Taiwan As tension Over Nancy Pelosi’s Possible Visit Continues To Grow

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US Aircraft Carrier Group Heads Towards Taiwan As tension Over Nancy Pelosi’s Possible Visit Continues To Grow

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The USS Ronald Reagan and its escorts left Singapore on Monday sailing northeast, according to ship tracking information. The ship’s deployment comes after Beijing warned it would ‘take strong measures’ if the US house speaker visits the island.

Written by Liu Zhen. Originally published on South China Morning Post

China and the United States are building up their military strength around the Taiwan Strait as tensions rise over US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s possible visit to the island.

The American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and a guided missile cruiser, set out from Singapore on Monday heading northeast towards the South China Sea, according to ship-tracking information provided by Beijing-based think tank the South China Sea Strategic Probing Initiative.

US Aircraft Carrier Group Heads Towards Taiwan As tension Over Nancy Pelosi’s Possible Visit Continues To Grow

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The US military has not disclosed its final destination, but the route would bring the carrier group to the Taiwan Strait if it continues in the same direction. Meanwhile, China is also building up its aerial strength in the region.

Pelosi has yet to confirm her travel plans, but if she does visit she would be the highest-ranking US politician to visit the island since 1997, and Beijing has warned it would see the visit as a dangerous provocation.

A Chinese ministry of defence spokesman has warned that the People’s Liberation Army would “take strong measures” if the speaker “insisted on going ahead”.

US officials have told the Associated Press that if her visit goes ahead, the military will increase its movement of forces and assets in the Indo-Pacific region. They said fighter jets, ships, surveillance assets and other military systems were likely to be used to provide overlapping rings of protection for her flight to Taiwan and when she arrives on the island.

The White House doubts that China will take direct action against Pelosi herself but cannot rule out China stepping up its patrols in the Taiwan Strait – which it did when a Congressional delegation visited Taiwan in April – or carrying out military exercises elsewhere.

Recent satellite images show how the PLA is also strengthening its deployment in the region, including expanding an airbase in Fujian, which lies across the strait from Taiwan.

The images show that earlier this month the Longtian Airbase, from which fighter jets can reach Taipei in seven minutes, was packed with Flanker-series fighters – either Russian-made Su-27s or the Chinese variants from the J-11 or J-16 series – and special drones made from old J-6 jets.

In the event of conflict with Taiwan, thousands of pilotless J-6s could be used as decoys to overwhelm the air defence system, carry electronic warfare devices or packed with explosives to act as a missile.

Pelosi originally planned to visit Taiwan in April but cancelled the trip after she tested positive for Covid-19. She has not yet confirmed her plans, but said that it is “important for us to show support for Taiwan”.

However, US President Joe Biden told reporters the military thinks her visit is “not a good idea”.


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Go ahead and make your threats China. If posPelosi is not shot out of the sky then it proves the Chinese are just big air bags. Like every other country that “opposes” the U.S.


I can assure you 100% the Chinese will not shoot her plane, or anybody’s, out of the sky, at least not now. Ask me again in 3, 6 or 10 months from now, and my answer could be decidedly different.

Last edited 2 years ago by jimbojames

What I’m sure with is the fact of Chinese ability to destroy and sink those aircraft carriers in no time at all where its crews would find themselves at the bottom of the ocean long before they figure out what had actually hit them.. That’s in case anyone of them luckily survive the hypersonic event.


Please allow me to reiterate the fact of the matter that the Russians (and the Chinese ) has got the crystal clear upper hands that subdued and intimidated the US-led NATO which they fully understand manifested by the collective capitulation by the power group NATO knowing that a military confrontation with Russia would be in futile since they have nothing to match the indefensible character of hypersonic missiles capable of wiping all of NATO in one go. FACT. … NATO IS EXISTING UNDER THE MERCY OF HYPERSONICS.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO's PROXYTUTE

Another public manifestation of US profound fear of Putin was when they gave Kiev an instruction openly not to use the lethal Himars in Russian territory which might provoked a Russian hypersonic retaliation against NATO.. What a show of cowardice limiting the brutal effects of war holding punches to avoid angering the opponent.. Very hilarious indeed.. UNPRECEDENTED.


As much as I want China to do something they have consistently proven to be nothing but barking Chihuahua’s.

They never do anything. Nothing comes from their stern empty threats.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

That’s why the U.S. pushed all the way to the Yalu river. Thinking the same as you; they will act when they are ready.


They have to do something or they look weak, same as if China did nothing, they will look weak.

Two big ego’s clashing.

William White

Never is a very long time, they’re ready now!


I hope so. I want them to do something and be ready.

I’ve seen all kinds of warnings from their leadership and nothing came of it.

Ralph Conner

Remind me to never play chess with you. There is nuance in the game.


Hope China have their hypersonic missiles ready. Just one of these beauties will sink a Yank aircraft carrier !

Seymour Undies

If all ships are sunk, how can America deliver its military might overseas? The fact is, airplanes alone won’t cut it.


I am waiting for this event when US aircraft carriers will share of fate of WW II battleships. Just have bought lot of popcorn.


The thing is that America has sent their ships to go through Chinese waters already and China has given them stern warnings.

All the Americans do is claim it’s international waters, when in reality it’s Chinese waters.

So far China has done nothing but warn them. They have already violated Chinese waters in recent times with no repercussion.

Last edited 2 years ago by IsTheJews

It was Putin’s hypersonic warning that freezes the entire NATO forces confined in their barracks trembling in fear citing Kiev’s non-Nato status to mask the shameful cowardice, the very same reason why China was now so emboldened and consequently adopted an assertive stance in dealing with Anglo-Saxon cowards. HYPERSONICS RULES.


China must not back down, the days of US impunity are over. Hyposonic misdiles make carrier groups sitting ducks by the way…..


Nothing beats the smell of American rotting corpses at the bottom of the ocean.

Seymour Undies

The carrier groups lives because of the mercy of the Chinese. The fact is Chinese hypersonic missiles could sink that group in under an hour.

Last edited 2 years ago by Seymour Undies
Karl Pomeroy

American citizens have a right to travel to any place that allows them. China has no right to intervene.


American citizens can go to hell where they belong. China has every right to intervene in South China Sea.


Taiwan is a part of China, which the USA has recognised since the 1970s when President Nixon said so.

So yes, of course China has the right to intervene you slow muppet.


Buenas. Siempre fuiste gay?


First of all Nancy Pelosi is not a normal American citizen. She is the Third Maximum Authority in the US government. Therefore her visit is a matter of state, therefore China has right to deny what would be a violation of its sovereignty by a foreign power


So ‘Jane Fonda’ is gonna start ww3? Cause that’s who ‘Pelosi’ is as per CIA handlers. Maybe Barbarella will hide those ugly man-legs and put on his leg-warmers again for the nuke winter treat us to some more tranny yoga splits hahahy

William White

Hypersonic them all!

USA Evil Empire

Moronic Yankee provocation. Chinese and Russian military should visit Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua more. Chinese should also be more active, supply Russia with hundreds of drones and let Yanks bark.


Reminds me of the time where the brits send a couple warships to show those pesky japs who is the boss …


If the Americans lead by the alcoholic Pelosi, sail that carrier close to Taiwan , as Pelosi’s plane lands in Taiwan. Then expect a Chinese carrier killer missile impacting about 500 meters off the carrier’s side . close enough to almost flipping over the carrier. A few planes will land into the ocean. Then watch to see how fast those little American boats leave the region. If the Americans are stupid enough to stay and fight, then a lot of young Sailors will die. For the next missile will not be a warning shot.


China can reabsorb Taiwan at will—fake lgbt amerikan does nothing

Florian Geyer

And once China has control of the island the US loses control of most of the worlds micro-chip production.

hunter bidé lab pork !

a drunked and drug prostipute is allways a danger to the world ….they could send some disney lgbt monkey !!!

flush goes the nation

Great so WWIII will start due to an 82 year old Vodka Pickled incompetent fraud, Demented, ridden with botox, Corrup insider trader. POS libtard loser.

Lance Ripplinger

Arrogant, imperial hubris from the U.S. government. They think because they have been bullying other countries for decades, that they will not face an retaliation. Russia has already proved it has a modern, well trained military. Who is to say China doesn’t? China is the the powerhouse militarily in Asia. Taiwan would be over run by Chinese air power alone, much less all the naval assets they could bring to bear. The corrupt U.S. government also seems to think that all of Taiwan want’s to be independent of China. This is not at all true. The current ruling political party in Taiwan barely on by a slim margin in the last election. There are a lot of people in Taiwan who want reunification with China. This includes the people who escaped to Taiwan from the mainland during Mao’s violent communist revolution.


I pray that Pelosi gets blown out of the sky. She is evil incarnate.


GO ON AND TRY IT USA and watch your carrier become a submarine reef at the bottom of the ocean. Aircraft carrier groups are NOTHING but huge sitting ducks waiting to be blown out the water by hypersonic carrier group killer missiles, there is NO DEFENCE against a hypersonic missile and both China and Russia have them and they are capable of NOT ONLY DESTROYING A CARRIER but taking the WHOLE GROUP to the bottom of the ocean in 1 hit. =Z=


If China killed Pelosi and attacked US forces wandering into their territory in Taiwan, the US would have to make the hard choice to either go down in nuclear flames trying to eradicate China, or back off and give China some breathing room. China would sacrifice anything to preserve its sovereignty, but how many men and ships are the Americans prepared to lose to be able to extend their fleet to China’s shores, where their ships don’t belong anyway? And are Americans so stupid that they can’t distinguish between US national security and US ships patrolling right at the borders of Russia and China? If they are so stupid, they are a nuclear timebomb waiting to explode.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clubofinfo

The “Americans” are ready to sacrifice all americans as long their is a guaranty that the chosen will stay unharmed and their wealth.

Want to defeat the empire. Build an order of assasins with the goal to kill all chosen families. Dispach them around the world as sleepers and make sure nobody knows where they are.

Then inform the families that if anything to stupid happens they are done no matter win loose or draw, the assasins will do their job without anyone beeing able to stop them.


A war with China at China’s doorstep is not winnable for any country and would be the worst timing possible for the US which is under recession and with a proxy war in Ukraine not going as planned.


target practice for China—the death fearing LGBT amerikan military cannot defeat spear toting pygmys

It’s me

Because of a stupid U.S. cow,Pelosi so much effort and £ to manoeuvre a carrier to that region, that money could be used for a sick child in need of an operation

NATO can end within 1 year

dangerous and highly destructive NATO tactics that is meant to kill as many enemy forces as possible. First they pretend that they have evacuated )we hear this in news every time how the Ukrainians soldiers are leaving the area) and then Russian forces move in and announced that the area has been secured. The Ukrainians suddenly reappear and throw bombs from all angles and the place becomes contested again or even worse will be under Ukrainian control again.

How many soldiers Russia looses through this highly intelligent NATO tactics and maneuvers? Only Russia knows. The Russians must find an answer to this. As it stands now, they haven’t found one yet.

Last edited 2 days ago by dj dd -10 Reply Ahson Ahson Reply to dj dd 2 days ago Russia is not interested in occupying all of Ukraine. It’s just not their strategy. Their strategy is to seek and destroy the Ukrainian armed forces along with all NATO hardware.

0 Reply CGomez CGomez 2 days ago Did the Russians get these drones to locate and shoot down the US HIMARS rocket launchers in real time?

0 Reply Nuke Bomb Nuke Bomb 2 days ago İ think Putin made an agreement with İran in tahran, iran will give its all drones to Russia and Putin will deliver a NUKE to them!

NATO can end within 1 year

İ think Putin made an agreement with İran in tahran, iran will give its all drones to Russia and Putin will deliver a NUKE to them!


China and Russia have surpassed the failure amerikants—economically culturally militarily…the inferior automatons resemble lower primates—obese ugly stupid..unable to compete they are now so pathetic taliban sodomized tranny Sawyer and he paid them for double pegging

Anti capitalist

The fascist capitalist feudalist paedophilic and genocidal anglo khazarian MAGGOTS will be DELETED SOON from the face of Earth 🌎♥️! Amen 🙏

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