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MARCH 2025

US Airman Arrested Over Insider Attack On Base In Syria That Wounded Four Americans

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US Airman Arrested Over Insider Attack On Base In Syria That Wounded Four Americans

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An airman has been arrested by US military law enforcement in connection to the April 7 attack on the US-led coalition’s Green Village base in northeaster Syria.

The attack wounded at least four American service members. Initially, indirect fire was thought to be responsible for the attack. Sources affiliated with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces blamed Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its allies in Syria. Nevertheless, the US-led coalition acknowledged around a week later that sabotage was behind the attack.

“As part of an ongoing investigation, on June 16, an Airman was taken into custody stateside in conjunction with the attack in Green Village, Syria. After reviewing the information in the investigation, the Airman’s commander made the decision to place him in pretrial confinement,” according to a statement provided to CNN on June 22 by Ann Stefanek, an Air Force spokesperson.

According to CNN, the investigation into the attack on the Green Village base is being carried out by the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

US military investigators believe that the attack was the result of deliberate placement of explosive charges by one or more individual at an ammunition holding area and a shower facility in the base.

The explosives used were described to CNN by two officials as “not insignificant” but as being of a “military grade”. The officials said the attack took place in the middle of the night and have uncovered security footage showing two instances of a figure moving quickly. They are also looking into whether sentries were posted at either location.

The officials say it’s not clear if the timing of the attack suggests the perpetrator was not trying to cause mass casualties or was looking to get away as quietly and quickly as possible.

The four service members wounded in the attack were diagnosed and treated for traumatic brain injuries. They all returned to duty later in April.

The US maintains some 900 troops in Syria, most of them are deployed in key gas and oil fields in the northeastern region. The Green Village base for example is located in the center of al-Omar oil fields. Despite of the threats facing American troops in Syria, Washington does not appear to be planning to withdraw from the country any time soon.


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Not too many in the U.S. military like to remember it… But the Army Airborne had an incident with one of it’s members throwing a live grenade into a tent that killed more than a dozen of it’s own before the wholesale slaughter of “Operation Iraqi Freedom”!… I’d like to think that when the serviceman in question made the decision to take out his own he couldn’t deal with the truth(s) of 9/11 that got him to that place and he figured he’d “call it a day” instead!…

For all we know it’s probably a paid for translator “hired hand” that was disgruntled about his “salary”… But with everything else that is a “known… known…” about U.S. military suicides over the last 2 decades it’s a safe bet that the guy just snapped because he hates himself and what he’s done the last 12 years in that Country -just like everywhere else the U.S. military parks itself!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Work AT Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

We allow our enemies to immigrate to our country, then allow them to join our military and then seem shocked when they attack us.


Here’s to enemies of the “$tate” (https://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=128491&page=1) (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11) (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it) with dual citizenship!….

And FU you Langley PO$!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

I get paid over $85 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 12k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.

Here what I’ve been doing………. 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟖.𝗖𝗼𝗺

Last edited 2 years ago by AlizeSara
Michel LeBlanc

Ridiculous statement. Racial homogeny doesnt mean shit in a military.

Look at the russian military for example, they have all kinds of different folks in their military, like the superb chechen soldiers.

Thats just the same crap as in the 30’s. If you want racial homogeny in your army, elensky is looking for idiots to get blown up, or i mean mercenaries.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michel LeBlanc

also uzbeks, Azeris, Tatars, Armenians, Tuvans, Ostayaks, Kalmyks, Ukrainians, etc

Zionism is Cancer

Okay zio-whore!

Ashok Varma

US was built in land theft, just like the Zionist entity in Palestine and is not a country anyway. Let’s talk about the holocaust of “Indians”, slavery, racism and sheer hate in the American Anglo and Euro trash DNA.


You are 100 per cent correct.

Hillbilly Sapien

US banana republic is a failed state seething with hate. The loser US military is a refuge for societal dregs who otherwise would live on the streets like other American dog house GI. In Vietnam Black and trailer park White Trash grunts killed many officers and NCO. US is a military of losers and criminals. MAGA.MAGA!


Braindead thugs killing braindead thugs….what’s not to like.

Fort Detrick

“The four service members wounded in the attack were diagnosed and treated for traumatic brain injuries.” Again??


Yeah, how traumatic can it have been, lol? Just 4 more servicemen setting themselves up for VA disability after they either retire or leave service. Such a scam!

t s

Did you take the ‘suggested’ mRNA shots?


I get paid over $85 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 12k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.

Here what I’ve been doing………. 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟖.𝗖𝗼𝗺

Last edited 2 years ago by AlizeSara
t s

Partially a clot shot cover-up…


pronouns traumatizes gringos


Does anyone why they did it? US military is too diverse, makes it easy for agents to get into the military. USA has brainwashed its population into going into the military as a safe plan, or to pay off college. Anyone of these “college students” can be on foreign payroll, hopefully.


We allow our enemies to immigrate here, then join our military, there are the 2 main reasons.

Zionism is Cancer

Cancer like you needs chemo 💩🇮🇱💩


@Zionism is Cancer

Yes Judaism is cancer – including Zionism, Bolshewism, Communism, Feminism, Climate-hoax, Holocaust-Hoax, Corona-Hoax, Multiculturalism, Genderism – it is all jewish satanic dirt !!!

Jews rule because they control the global financial system and the global medias too. Let alone near to all important governments of todays largest nations. Therefore I say: Stop JWO/NWO judeo-communism, stop World Jewry, which is the real pest of mankind !

Name the Jew ! Do as Jesus did ! Jews are the “Children of Satan” that’s what Jesus called them. Hitler called them “The most evil world-enemy of all times” and “the world-poisoner of all people”.

NWO/JWO the World Jewry that’s the real enemy, this we all need to realize.

Yes all the injections are produced and marketed by large jewish pharma companies. Pfizer ( which is an anagram for Iuzifer -> P becomes Iu) with his jewish CEO Albert Bourla and his satanic vaccine name COMIRNATY which is an anagram for the jewish word Goyim-RNA ( =subhuman resp. human-cattle-RNA), is clearly a jewish company. (ComiRNAty –> C+t = G rest goes into *oyim RNA) Same goes for ModeRNA with its again jewish CEO Stephan Bancel and its jewish chief scientist Tal Zaks. Goes on to Astra Zeneca with is jewish CEO Pascal Soriot and so on and on. Plus another jewish pharma giant called Roche, selling and making billions with that fake PCR-tests. Even the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is produced by the Gamaleia Insitute which is led by the Jew Alexander Ginzburg. So you see all the ratpoison death-jabs are done by jews.

The former german health minister Jens Spahn, is a homosexual jew and former pharma lobbyst. Bill Gates is of jewish origin. Yuval Noah Harari, the prime WHO man is a homosexual jew, too. Nuland, Blinken, Zelensky, Putin, Abramovich, Soros, Kissinger, Netanjahu, Lagarde, Rothschild, Sarkozy, Mückstein, Epstein, Söder, Merkel etc. etc. they are all jews !

Man, it is all jews ! They are behind this global genocide against mankind ! These “children of Satan” (what is what Jesus called them !)


And by the way, jews control Hollywood,, they produce twisted satanic propaganda films since day 1. So why do you beleive what these satanic brute is publishing about Israel and themselves taking the deadly injections too ? It might very well be a big Hollywood stunt, with them just faking it, and taking salt-water injections only.

Never believe jews. Not even a single word. They are pathologically liars. Do not fall for their media hypno-tricks and babbeling.

Last edited 2 years ago by ludmilla

Are you an American Indian or Indigenous American? If not pls do remember you also immigrated – just sooner than others.

And no I don’t care about your BS wet dreams – “we did this and that and bla bla bla”.


The true enemy has infiltrated the media, politics and the lobby industry. It makes the US fight wars for them and send tax dollars to an apartheid state.

Edgar Zetar

I just start read Thomas Sowell’s book “Dismantling America”…. noone didnt do anything to America, nor Russians, nor Israel, nor China… USA did it on themselves, the crazy elites, billionaries, madmans politicians did it on their own citizens, destroyed their cultural values, family, beliefs, just to adapt their own Liberal Radical Democratic beliefs destroyed all other right mindsets… Now, everything could happen in USA right now, the inception is compĺete, wait for TRUMP in 2024 then o even before would come the collapse of USA in the XXI Century… Grab your popcorn everyone, the show is about to start.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Yes, yanquis fuked themselves first but Zion and other groups help yanquis to fuk themselves as well and you can’t disagree with that.

Edgar Zetar

It is the consecuences of beign the Number 1 World Power… they really lost it after USSR collapse so they begin to fight each other inside USA Federal Goverment and States. Jews played a minor role on this, they talk loud but they bite little… also they used the Christ religion as a weapon just like two thousand years ago to destroy Rome, only to now its USA his target. But Israel would be lost without USA help so I dont think they want to make kosher on USA, Israel just wants to play his role inside USA not killing the host.


I bet the last name of this “American” is going to sound awful Middle Eastern; traumatic brain injuries then released back to work, lol, ponying up to the VA disability for life trough after their service is over.

t s

In service major crime by a foreigner that achieved citizen status for service is grounds for revocation of ‘award’.. and a go to GITMO residency.

Zionism is Cancer

I think most of the world will want to shit on your shit stain cuntry after years of being a warmongering whore for Israel 😂



Vlad the Imposter

Being a US soldier is getting to be as dangerous as going to school in the USA

Florian Geyer



During the conflict in Vietnam it was common place for officers in the US military to take precautions at bases before going out on patrol. As many drafted US army personnel sometimes due to the effects of drugs they had been using or simply because they harbour a grudge against a particular officer. Would boobytrap their officers quarters or sleeping area. Or on patrol and in a fire fight a stray round to the back . Colin Powell the US politician used to pack sand bags under his bunk bed before going to sleep at night during his Vietnam days as on a number of occasions hand granade had been rolled in under the bunks of US army officers during the night by their own troops killing them as they slept. This seems to be an issue that repeates itself over and over again with the US army.


Is no one or organization capable of removing the imperialist US forces from illegally occupying a sovereign country ? Has the united nations got nothing to say on the matter, the us forces wouldnt be attacked if they werent illegally in the country in the first place

Last edited 2 years ago by jack

The US is one of the world power, they have over 700 military bases around the world. By having so much power over the weak and the countries the US destroyed and put a puppet for those countries – no country can “attack” the US head-on, just because they occupying another country’s land.

The UN was built by the West, I don’t understand what you mean by “Has the united nations got nothing to say on the matter”. However, I can say this, what has the UN achieved against Zion stealing Palestine. It is the West that blocks the UN resolutions against Zion and the West openly claims they would die for Zionism.

This is going to happen in Ukraine soon as well, when the US fail and lost the proxy war they invade and take up lands – it would be a deadlock. It would give the US to support their Neo-Nazis in the West to attack the Russian side just like in Syria.

Side notes: One, the US proxy is not only ISIS/Al-Qaeda in Syria, they own Kurd terrorist groups as well. Remember when Syria leaked wheat and gas/oil – Kurds terrorists got orders from the US to stop their shipment to the Syrian government. Kurds are just another terrorist group owned by the US – Kurds also worship Zionism, look up Kurd and Israeli gas pipeline – Kurd and Israel trade and Kurds hosting Israeli in N-Syrian and N-Iraq to attack Iran, Iraq, and Syria.


already traumatized by transgender pronouns amerikants must resort to illicit drugs and lgbt porn to survive…..the vermin are suiciding like lemmings

Edgar Zetar

I like your comment because I played lemming in the 90’s… great game


Perhaps he did not approve what he saw(trans)then figured somebodys gotta do it,before its too late!


I disagree with you, those “trans” are for PR and nothing more, the Pentagon is not stupid to send mental disorder people to an important area, where they train Wahhabis and Kurds. I understand the joke but those aren’t people there, they are just like Wahhabis and Zion.

I take this with a lot of salt for sure, they could have faked it or that person really had it.

hunter bidé lab pork !

s the usa is wining in syria 1-4 ….5 deads by the usa !!! hope next time they kill it all !!!


CIA ASSET to start false flag event to blame Russia & Syria? Or just radicalized idiot?


Slumvillains blowing up Slumvillains….cute. It sounds like the long awaited civil war reloaded got started prematurely and in….Pentacon occupied Syria.


this is closest amerikants come to victory

Hugh Jorgan

He probably was upset cause the other 4 airmen weren’t using the correct pronouns.


AmeriKKK Сука

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