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US Ambassador To UN Goes Wild, Claims Russia, Syria, Iran Seek To Kill Civilians, Destroy Schools And Hospitals In Idlib

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US Ambassador To UN Goes Wild, Claims Russia, Syria, Iran Seek To Kill Civilians, Destroy Schools And Hospitals In Idlib

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

On September 7th, during a UN Security Council briefing, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley claimed that Russia and Syria “want to bomb schools, hospitals, and homes.”

In her statement during the UN Security Council briefing, Haley said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and its “enablers,” Russia and Iran have a playbook for the war in Syria. First, they surround a civilian area. Next, they make the “preposterous claim that everyone in the area is a terrorist,” thus making all civilians targets. That is followed by a “starve and surrender” campaign, during which Syrian security forces keep attacking until the people no longer have food, clean water, or shelter. “It’s a playbook of death. The Assad regime has spent the last seven years refining it with Russia and Iran’s help.”

According to her it has happened many times before, in July 2018 it happened in Dara’a and the southwest of Syria, where Syrian forces “trapped and besieged civilians.” In February 2018, it was Ghouta. In 2017 it was Aleppo, and prior to that places like Madaya and Hama.

According to her, Assad’s government has left the country in ruins. “The atrocities committed by Assad will be a permanent stain on history and a black mark for this Council – which was blocked over and over by Russia from taking action to help,” Nikki Haley said.

She then continued that the offensive in Idlib is about to start. Airstrikes by Russia and Syrian forces have already begun despite “clear warnings of the President of the United States and other world leaders.” She further reiterated that the US has been more than clear with Russia and the broader international community: “we consider any assault on Idlib to be a dangerous escalation of the conflict in Syria. If Assad, Russia, and Iran continue, the consequences will be dire.”

She cited numbers that 3 million people are at risk in Idlib, according to her 99% are civilians. “The Assad regime must halt its offensive. Russia and Iran, as countries with influence over the regime, must stop this catastrophe. It is in their power to do so,” she urged.

She also accused Russia of claiming it seeks a political solution, however it hasn’t done anything to assist in reaching it. “If they support an offensive in Idlib, the world will know where Russia really stands when it comes to supporting peace talks.”

She also commented that the US is also concerned with the presence of terrorists in Idlib, however, according to her there are ways to target the groups without causing a humanitarian catastrophe.

She then, directly accuses Russia and Assad’s government of targeting civilians, without substantiating her claims with any proof whatsoever. “But when Russia and the Assad regime say they want to counter terrorism, they actually mean they want to bomb schools, hospitals, and homes. They want to punish the civilians who had the courage to rise up against Assad. When the regime calls the brave White Helmets terrorists, we know they are not serious about fighting terrorism. The United States will not cooperate with Russia on the Assad regime’s slaughter of innocent civilians,” she claimed.

She also claimed that Russia’s requests for the international community and the US to provide funds for the reconstruction of Syria is unacceptable. She “translated” the claims: “they want us to clean up all the roads, bridges, and homes that Russian jets, Iranian-backed militias, and Syrian shells destroyed. The United States will not consider such requests for reconstruction aid until we see concrete results from a genuine political process that ends the war and offers freedom to the Syrian people. No one else should either. That would be absurd. The U.S. taxpayer is certainly not going to subsidize Assad’s campaign of destruction.”

She further reiterated that there was still time to pursue an alternative, citing the roadmap in Security Council Resolution 2254, which calls for real dialogue among Syrians and the drafting of a new constitution.

She once more commented that Russia has chosen the wrong side. “But for Russia, continuing to support this murderous dictator, and isolating themselves from the international community, is the wrong choice,” she said.

She claimed that, despite the horrible crimes she accused Russia of, it can still rectify the situation. “We urge Russia to consider its options carefully. Stop Assad’s assault on Idlib. Work with us, with the UN and international partners, to find peace at last for Syria. The Secretary-General, and the overwhelming majority of this Council, have made our position very clear. Russia needs to live up to its responsibility and put an end to the fighting,” she said.

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s claims during the UN Security Council briefing were substantiated by no evidence whatsoever, it was just one more step in the US fight against Assad’s rule, which it sees as illegitimate.

All of this came on the same day the US Special Representative for Syria James Jeffrey announced the US new strategy for Syria. According to it, US military presence in the country may continue indefinitely, until Iran completely withdraws, as well as there is a government different from that of Bashar al-Assad.

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Leonardo Facchin

The Murderous Witch said: That is followed by a “starve and surrender” campaign, during which Syrian security forces keep attacking until the people no longer have food, clean water, or shelter.


According to her it has happened many times before, in July 2018 it happened in Dara’a and the southwest of Syria, where Syrian forces “trapped and besieged civilians.” In February 2018, it was Ghouta. In 2017 it was Aleppo, and prior to that places like Madaya and Hama.

This is an article from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, dated April 9, 2018 (after the liberation of Douma):



After years of siege and hunger… the citizens of Douma break in foodstuffs warehouses of Jaysh Al-Islam

We can read that:

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: preparing the buses is still continuing in Douma city, to transfer those who refuse the agreement and the displaced people of fighters and their families and citizens, towards the Syrian North, after completing the batch, as a part of implementing the agreement between Jaysh Al-Islam on one hand, and the Russians and representatives of the regime on the other, and these preparations were coincided with the break in of more than 1000 citizens to warehouses of foodstuffs and fuel used to belong to Jaysh Al-Islam, and locals asserted to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights that the warehouses contain hundreds of tons of foodstuffs that were kept in Douma city, where the citizens took over food and fuel, after the siege imposed since 2013 on the area of the Eastern Ghouta. And the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored yesterday, a demonstration included hundreds of residents of Douma city. The demonstrators called for the exit of Abu Abd Al-Rahman Al-Kaka from Douma. The demonstrators, who mob out in front of Abu Kaka house, who is the “General Sharia Official”, shouted “Douma is free, free and Al-Kaka is out”.

So… yeah Haley is right: the SAA besieges the zones it plans to take back from the militants. I’d call it standard military operating procedure. But who exactly is starving whom? In Douma the militants secured hundrends of tons of food to face a year long siege, but they seemed much more interested in preserving them for the militants themselves rather than share them with the civilian population.


Just keep talking Nikki. The more you talk the more idiotic my government looks. I can’t imagine why a person would aspire to go down in history as the next Joseph Goebbels or Comical Ali.

Pablo Rivera

I wonder what other’s countries diplomats really think of this rants? Are they unconfortable enough thinking what to say carefully to not scream out loud B**** S**** B****!!!

Brother Ma

They think she is a moron but are afraid to say anything because USIS is still powerful. If she wasnt US she would have her ass kicked out of the chambers.


No they just go along with it. It’s sad though. In-it.

Brother Ma

She was chosen for the role because of her blind obedience or stupidity , , just like Condoleeza Rice. It is funny that both were Southerners.


Ignorance and stupidity in the land of the free knows no bounds. They inhabit North and South from sea to shining sea.


Oh Brother, you mentioned Condie which reminded me of the “Man from Qazvin” theory… They said she hates Iran and Iranians because a fella from Qazvin done her wrong when in coolege.

The ones familiar with Iran, know that Qazvin (a medium-sized town 150km west of Tehran) enjoys a very nasty reputation which opens door to all kinds of pervert and dirty possibilities in one’s mind about the root of her hatred!

Now I can’t help but nastily think what causes Nikki to become the hateful thing she is now. :))

Tudor Miron



Envy as well perhaps Tudor ?

Brother Ma

Haha. I will look Qazvin up.


Nikki is Indian.


And a very dumb one.

O rly

née Randhawa

Zionism = EVIL

Nimrata Randhawa, changed her after marrying a white guy.

L'Obelisk Jewellers


Icarus Tanović

Nikki has complexity of her psychological disorder, because she’s ashamed because she’s Hindu gypsy shit eating worthless rag.

George Mikeal

Love it ??

Zionism = EVIL

She is a SIKH and changed her name due to acute inferiority complex.

Enlightened Truth Seeker

No Southerner. Nimrata Randhawa is not Southern, nor even American.

Brother Ma

To all who have said she is Indian etc. You are absolutely right. However, I was referring to where she was born or at least raised. It was in South if I remember correctly ;one of the Carolinas?


She was governor in South Carolina.

Enlightened Truth Seeker

If I was born in a barn, would that make me a cow?

Brother Ma

No but it would make me a barn or at the very least a farm animal. So what is your point?

L'Obelisk Jewellers


Zionism = EVIL

She is hardly a southerner, she is an Indian Sikh named Nimrata Randhawa who changed her name after marrying a white guy. She is not even an American.


I share your view on Haley, but in my opinion that doesn´t go for Rice. Rice simply had no problems doing this while she understood it all.

Brother Ma

Then the malicious cow needs to be shot against a wall with Albright as company.

We tried.

Southern Indians?

Brother Ma

No ,she is not Dravidian?

Oscar Silva Martinez

This doesn’t have anything to do with “idiotic” attitudes, it’s all about politics, business, long term plans, etc., they are following an agenda in benefit specially to Israel and some other Arab states (those who are friendly to The U.S. and The E.U.)

They are not stupid, they know what is going and why is going.

Zionism = EVIL

The ugly Sikh woman is really stupid and desperate.

Hide Behind

It is no secret that the GOP, and certain Democrat powerful females are talking of Haley as a future presidential Vice or even Presidential cadidate. Do not go thinking that she is some dumb as a rock broad and just spouts what she is told to say, she is a strong willed idealist and far more support for her actions and just as powerfull, if not moreso, than many a past NEOCON fanatic. She is a darling of US feminist, Christian Zionist, and of course those of AIPAC AS an Israel Firster She knows how to twist arms of UN representives, by threatening withholding US aid funding. Many a foreign leader, those of UN especially, thought Hillary was not powerfull but they soon learned to damn well listen and do what she told them and do it right now. This female has more balls than all the U.N. males put together. She has no qualms of walking up to foreign members and bluntly telling them a vote against me will be a costly mistake. Like a cold blooded snake she doesn’t smile before striking.

Gary Sellars

Like a cold blooded snake she will threaten once too often and find her head is lopped off. Metaphorically speaking of course, but we are free to dream…

Gary Sellars

Agreed, and I’m never surprised by the asinine idiocy that gushes from the hysterical face-hole of this unhinged lunatic. She truly is a fitting representative of the Murican Deep State.


Haley, always projecting US criminal behavior onto other governments the US desires to commit more criminal actions against or overthrow. You’d think by now she’d be ashamed of praising and supporting terrorism or her government carpet bombing all of those women and little children in Raqqa and elsewhere she never seems to be upset about. A true psychopath!!!

Brother Ma

Or a moron or both. I am sure they all get checked for personality/ mental tests early in their career. These tests are almost universal now in any professional job.

There are individuals who will blindly follow authority because they are either too stupid to think for themselves and /or too bootlicking to do otherwise .

Theu make good concentration camp guards,torturers ,hitmen and american UN ambassadors.

It reminds me of the science experiment where the operators prwtentedthey were electrocuting people. The individuals as above would still electrocute people even when patients were screaming in pain etc . Why? Simply be cause the person in the white lab jacket said so!!

Corellation was found between the likelihood of being a dupe like this and education level reached. Higher the education ,the less likely you were going to be a dunce like this!


A classic psychology study if my memory serves me, regarding the power of perceived authority by the subject.

As for attributes to serve in jobs like Haley’s…. psychotic, willing to do or say anything her psychotic betters tell her to do or say in the hopes of one day rising to their status anddddddd, too stupid to know that the aristocracy/plutocracy doesn’t need or want new members in their ranks.

Brother Ma

You nailed it .?


” Higher the education ,the less likely you were going to be a dunce like this! ”

Which is why so many cops with attitude are thugs in uniform.

Brother Ma

Absolutely! In my country,the standards to enter the police forces was dropped dramatically in the last twenty years with very bad results. Look at Somali useless cop in Minneapolis. I saw a photo of him for ten secs on the news and said “this guy is unfit for a cop and unstable”. Not because he was Black but because he LOOKED unstable and WEAK. If I could see it so easily and quickly how did he get through so many levels of checks and balances?Either the bureaucrats are much stupider than I and /or something else! Political appointee it turns out. To get more black moslem police for diversity!


Its the same in the UK as well.

Hide Behind

All the world’s most powerfull entities are “WELL EDUCATED” their so called educated are no more than well trained idiots within their systems of control. Wrapped from youth in such a system the psychopaths raise to top and are the system. Education is what the comfortable well trained but weak hide behind, they talk of ideals but never put own butts on line to defend them. They face no consequences from a society of indoctrinated do nothing but take advantage of the system

Haleys’ actions are a true representative of American males and females who know best on how to exploit their education positions to own advantages

In point of fact education,( in reality no more than training and, indoctrination) for a job is what allows tyrant to survive. Minds of b’s but no backbones to protect it. Survival within a system means politics, wether at work or within power structure. The weak of will survive, while the strong of will get pushed aside. In US is a selfie culture of over two hundred years in making and hide behind screen of false ideals each for own advancement. Talk of world connectivity under humane administration is but part of wealth exploitation. Haley is as American as any American can be. Not a pretty picture but neither is Trump or Haley.

John Whitehot



Don’t recall The Waffle Waitress expressing any concern for the civilians of Kunduz, Mosul or Raqqa. Selective conscience I guess.

John Whitehot


Redsky B

It’s so nice to see this angry woman squirm. Hey lady, why aren’t your kids and fellow clansmen serving in our military ? What a witch.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Just f*cking pathetic. Evil incarnate.

Ivan Freely

Ahh…lies and the love of power. She and her ilk are as transparent as ever. You have to be clinically brain dead to not see it.

AM Hants

With the ‘Karen Pierce’ suppository, firmly lodged up her backside.


Yes, Karen Pierce is obviously over educated and devoid of any dress sense and moral honesty. She looks like one of Cinderella’s Stepsisters :)

This is the German version and other nations and cultures use a similar format and plot .

AM Hants

Just been watching ‘Divine’ on tv. So reminds me of Karen Pierce, when he puts his wig on. Do believe old Cinders Step-sisters, could win Miss World, when comparing ‘Pierce’ with them.


There is a Male saying about Women that states ‘ Better to borrow than to own ‘.

In the case of Karen pierce, I would not wish to do either :)

AM Hants


AM Hants

Talking of her being over-educated, more highly schooled, but seriously dense. Degree from Cambridge, Master’s from the ‘Fabian friendly’ London School of Economics.

“In respect of Karl Marx, I think he must be turning in his grave to see what the country that was founded on many of his precepts is doing in the name of supporting Syria by condoning the use of chemical weapons on Syrian territory.” Karen Pierce


The White Witch ,Karem Pierce, fails to say that Jewish marxism etc was directly responsible for deaths of the tens of millions of Russians and others who perished at the hands of the Jewish controlled Soviet Secret police during the worst years of Stalins regime.


Thank you.

John Whitehot


Trustin Judeau

USA doesnt want the liberation of Idlib.They want to keep Syria in permanent state of war.It is not going to happen though.Idlib ground offensive will start soon


Oo︆oo︆a︆u︆︆h︆h D︆u︆u︆d︆e︆ss︆ ! T︆h︆︆e L︆i︆︆st w︆i︆t︆h Na︆k︆e︆d︆-︆W︆o︆m︆e︆ns f︆r︆o︆m y︆o︆︆u︆r C︆i︆︆t︆y ︆h︆as be︆e︆︆n p︆ub︆l︆i︆︆s︆h︆ed H︆e︆r︆︆e︆e︆e ̩︆️︆︆o︆n : t︆︆u︆4︆a︆.︆m︆e︆/︆g︆a︆l︆︆l︆︆e︆r︆︆︆y︆2︆︆1︆7︆7︆3︆︆5 ?

You can call me Al

Fuck off – the link is some sort of strange p`orn. YOU ARE BLOCKED.

You can call me Al

Go to the top – right of your comment; see that “down arrow”, click on it, report the twat and then ban him / her / it.


Please first flag it and then block it if you want. This troll has scores of accounts which up-votes itself. With just blocking it there’s no way to stop it’s abuse, but by lowering it’s accounts’ reputation we may do it, even if the mods don’t do anything about it.

It’s a smarter kind of troll, compared to the dumb one who wanted to sell us to google for a “range rover land rover”. teehee ;)

Brother Thomas

Bolton in a red dress.

AM Hants

One does the night shift, the other the day shift. Same person, just the frock is different.

L'Obelisk Jewellers



Assad has no choice, Idlib must be taken over by the power. Idlib is a Troy Horse, the region is full hell-bent jihadi wariors, It should be a source of future problems. Assad must be harder…


It has CHINESE jihadi scum there. Assad is supposed to just supposed to let them stay it seems.


Haley was strangely silent when the US destroyed 80% of Raqqa and levelled Mosul – where was her concern for civilians then!


She’s also not only silent on Saudi and Emirati crimes in Yemen and Israeli genocide of Palestinians, but also cheers for them and in both cases the criminals deliberately target civilians, children, medics, reporters and so on.


Sorry – but both of you simply haven´t understood the difference between good and evil bombs.



L'Obelisk Jewellers




AM Hants

She is muddling up US action, with Syrian. Funny, she ignores Yemen?


Where’s Yemen AM and is it bordered with Femen ? If it is , I know where Yemen is. It also has borders with Semen and Bedlam.

Its a British colony just off the North Circular Road near Golders Green.

AM Hants

Nice one.


The US Deep State propaganda machine is in panic. Her rhetorics are rehashed which are not intended to find solutions but to boost the neocons morale.

Brother Thomas

She forgot to mention the Syrian soldiers being given viagra do that they can rape women. That worked so well against Gaddafi in Libya. And, also throwing Kuwaiti babies in hospital out of their incubators. That worked like dynamite against Saddam.


what a F**Cking idiot!

Vanessa Stone

Nutty Nicky


Her Nikkiness.


Comical Halley playing her usual blinder, why security don’t call the doctors is beyond me.


she forgot the gas chapter from the book


This is the first post you have made that makes any sense :)


Sorry I didn’t meant to


O︆o︆o︆a︆u︆h︆ D︆u︆u︆u︆d︆e︆s︆s︆ ! T︆h︆e L︆i︆s︆t wi︆t︆h Na︆k︆e︆d︆-︆Wo︆me︆n︆s f︆r︆o︆m y︆o︆u︆r C︆i︆t︆y h︆a︆s be︆e︆n︆ p︆u︆b︆l︆l︆i︆sh︆︆e︆d He︆r︆e︆e︆e︆ ̩︆️︆o︆n : t︆u︆4︆a︆.︆m︆︆e︆/︆p︆h︆o︆︆t︆o︆︆4︆2︆3︆8︆2︆8 ❤️


LOL Th︆a︆n︆k︆s︆s ︆B︆ro︆t︆h︆a︆!! I︆’︆v︆e f︆o︆u︆n︆d th︆e︆r︆e m︆︆y Te︆a︆ch︆e︆r N︆a︆k︆e︆d ! ︆mw︆a︆ha︆h︆h︆


Why she does not teach these stories to children. These are mature men they cannot be deluded. LOL


Taaqat k nashay me who SB ko bachay hi smjhti hai churrail


Can you please translate it into English.


so some Pakistanis can’t even understand urdu?


I am not from Pakistan but I love Pakistan.


I thought u r an ex Pakistani fighter pilot. Anyway thnx for ur love for my country !


I create ideas in my mind that it could be possible. Then for proof and research I open specific pages of those countries and then after proof I present my analysis. What I do I think anybody can do this.


Pakistani media usually follows Saudi media policies and also copy MSM view point on international issues. So our local media isn’t reliable. And I suggest u to plz research on Turkish history of interference in Syria against Assad during last 6 or 7 years keeping Kurdish issue apart. Turks are involved in creating FSA,Ahrar alsham , and other turkemani militants and financially, logistically supporting them against Assad.They were even supporting ISIS and Jabhat alnusra against Assad and Hezb many years from 2011.


You are right to some extent e.g. when Pakistani and Turkey governments were slaves of UK and US so they comply to them. But with in couple of years they have changed their alliances.

Now they are allied with Russia and that is why their power, freedom and dignity that UK and US had taken from them are returning back to the region.

In this all scenario Pakistan plays a leading role because all Muslim world follows Pakistan. Now we will see that how PM Imran Khan lead the Muslim world because this is a great opportunity with Pakistan.


I hope same as u. Thnx for your well wishes for us.


Your last paragraph again indicates that u r somehow my country fellow. Because these conceptions and thoughts about my beloved country are available only in my country and not elsewhere.

Jim Bim

She tops the former vile US ambassadors to the UN.


huh, She really is crazy. She is the lead dog in the crazy train. She actually makes McCain seem reasonable… kind of like Hillary made the Donald seem like a good choice. Funny how she didn’t bring up our great restraint and diplomacy we used in Raqqa….

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