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US And Its Clients Are “Despised” By Population Of Middle East – “Blaming Iran Won’t Reverse That”: Zarif

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US And Its Clients Are "Despised" By Population Of Middle East - "Blaming Iran Won’t Reverse That": Zarif

IAMGE: irna.ir

“If US and clients don’t feel safe, it’s because they’re despised by the people of the region,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said via Twitter commenting on the recent speculations by US-Israeli mainstream media that the US is increasing forces in the Middle East in order to deter the threat from Iran.

He added that “blaming Iran” would not change this situation.

On May 5, US National Security Adviser John Bolton announced that the CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group and a strategic bomber task force would soon arrive in “the US Central Command region to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime.”


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“because they’re despised by the people of the region” Right back at ya’ in spades.

Lena Jones

No dear stupid jew in your fake “marine” outfit – it’s YOU and your shekels who are despised into infinity. Motherfucking brainwashed cunt!

Jens Holm

It seemes like You should need some washing Yourself.

Lena Jones

And you need an oven.


US is universally despised, do you think the vast majority of Europeans, Latins, Chinese, Russians, Slavs, Africans, Asians, etc “love” the US?

Jens Holm

Its not about love, but very much of prefaring to be with them as equal partners in most things.

Read Your own friends here. Do they prefare to be with us. I dont se that.


The America global terrorism in which they first use economic terrorism to destroy the national economy of a target country and then start proxy war and then after collapse of economy and civil uprising America and Israel together invade the target country. In this invasion they first start from slaughtering children to harass the target nation. They also use MSM to defame the target nation government by attacking their privacy and civil rights.

Real Anti-Racist Action

It is the same exact recipe they used in 1917 against the indigenous Suebian tribal peoples.


American and UK Jews have used this game against many countries and have butchered millions of innocent children because children are soft targets.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Jews have been doing this long before America or the UK ever existed. The indigenous inhabitants of American and England are victims of Jews just like everybody else is. William Wallace fought against these Jews.


Jews were also the original slave traders and white pound of flesh usury criminals and human traffickers. Almost all African slave trade was controlled by Portuguese Jews who were kicked out of Spain after the Inquisition.

Jens Holm

Thats no correct at all. You can find slaves anywhere in the world seveal 1000 years ago.

Ottoamans had many at the same time. In North Africa arabs had white slaves. There was slaves in China,India…

Reducing like You do only tells how reduced You are Yourself.

The inquisition threw out or killed many more arabs/maurers from Spain then Jews as well.


The sad reality is that US was built on the holocaust of the native Americans and its racist deluded exceptionalism, now hijacked by the self anointed “chosen people” has turned the US into a weapon of mass destruction of humanity. America is soulless rogue state with a one dimensional insane agenda of global “white” supremacy while ignoring its internal racist implosion and murderous character. US system by its very insidious nature is anti-humanity and brings out the lowest common denominator. The planet has never faced such evil as the US in over one million years of human habitation.


You wanna see the rubber dog. Catch it in the following image. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b0648b1d1b716c5350d841b5b82159b27b87d69c6e787c8e6ba0a3894cf86d8a.jpg


Exceptionally despised.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

these boats are just target practice for iran, its not scaring them one bit


They are actually Iranian speedboats. Able to see what what is going on along the coast at low cost, fast and small.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes, the US could send their entire navy into the gulf, iran would still win lol

Jens Holm

You again show well, You hardly know anything.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Jens Holm

Your certainly keep Your low level well. Iran are making toy jets to our fun parks as well.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

nobody here understands u, take some more english classes or something

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Something is telling me the end of US empire is near if they try to attack Iran, like the empire in return of the jedi

Joe Kerr

The bankrupted Israeli U.S. slave colony is despised not just in the M.E., but everywhere outside the U.S. except for Israel.


and anti-zionism is spreading like the plague around the world and israel and its squatters are despised to the extent that jews anywhere in the world are about to be pogromed to kingdom come.

to be an anti-zionist is something to be proud of, now that the squatters have forfeited and and all rights to continue to squat on palestinian land (even if there is a un-resolution saying so but that resolution is now voided by the repeated war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the squatters). one good thing is that turkey now is entirely against israel and the squatters and being the second largest nato-force it spells doom for the squatters.


Anyone know what weapons these boats carry , I dount it’s just 2 men per boat with maybe a machine gun


100mm rockets and a heavy machine gun.


That makes sense. In this pix you can see an 11 cell launcher. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e936657d38d632672b2e500bef09aa1ac52539601eaaa35db8f1a502c4641e1e.jpg

Brother Ma

And a secrwt anti ship missile from China for use against Nato carriers? How can a carrier stop thirty to fifty of these boats attacking it at once and be able to stop all missiles coming towards it?


As the British found out in the Falklands you don’t need to sink a ship with a big bang, just set it on fire. Most of the modern frigates and destroyers are paper thin above the waterline, a heavy machine gun will punch holes in them, and if a fire starts, it’s hasta la vista.

Standard rule of thumb, is if you see the enemy before he sees you, you win. If he sees you first, you can kiss your arse goodbye.

Brother Ma

Well then Russia is screwed against f35 then right? Even if you know they are there ,the f35 joint strikefighter can kill you from further away than russian planes can shoot?


I was talking about the navy, a ship can’t outrun a missile, a plane can.


Thanks , but should’nt they have at least abti-ship missiles , I mean since most Persian ships are of this type. Like how would they fight against a group of destroyers since they can shoot farther , more guns and missiles


Dr. Zarif has put it very mildly, in reality US is hated and despised globally as an arrogant, hypocritical rogue state full of hubris and sheer blood-lust. US has been hijacked by a small cabal of self-anointed “chosen people” deluding themselves with “exceptionalism” while going on a global rampage of wars, violence, plunder and mass murder. US is a stain on humanity.

Joe Kerr

Iran also has produced and tested its own version of Russia’s 200km/hr Shkval torpedo, ensuring any U.S. ship, including its $4 billion carriers, will be turned into fish food in a matter of minutes. Any chance the U.S. navy has against Iran is if it goes nuclear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wi01FjbCE4


the iraq iran war in the 80s came to an end when iran acquired exocet missiles and started to burn the vlcc-vessels that had loaded in kuwait, ras tanure and so on. all of a sudden moronistan saw an immediate need to stop the war and saddam agreed. exocet were made in france and sold to iran.

today there are other missiles around that can do the job the exocets did 35 years ago and they can be found all along iran’s coast on the persian gulf, well protected and impossible to neutralize or destroy from the sea. bet that mossad is running infiltration teams along the coast to locate their where-abouts but in that they will fail and hopefully strung up visibly and forcefully when found out.


Mossad is running recon operations on Iran’s coasts?


sure- why not collect any intelligence their brethren in iran can provide and rest assured, the brethren are in place.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Cry all you want antisemitic mullah terror regime Because the US Navy Abraham Lincoln Supercarrier Strike Group has passed the Suez Canal en route to the Arabian Gulf. Israeli Airforce also preparing massive airstrikes against IRGC/shia militia targets using a large squadron of F-35’s, F-16s, F-15s, and even cruise missiles -USS Lincoln carrier Equipped with 70 F-18 Superhornets and 20 F-35A’s :) -multiple destroyers with 200+ tomahawk missiles -4 B-52 nuclear bombers just arrived in Qatar -extra B-1 Lancers bombers and F-15E fighters recently flown to USAF Qatar/Saudi bases -extra AH-64 Apache and AC-130 Gunships flown to US airbases in Iraq

In the coming days, hezbollah/assad regime/irgc will be in a big world of hurt USAF and IDF will rain h3!! upon them with overwhelming air and naval power


Not very likely. US and its barking rabid appendage “Israel” don’t have a history of attacking anyone who can fight back. Even tiny quarantined Hamas put up a very brave fight this week. No wonder the IDF child killers called if quits after 500 Hamas rockets hit home after the spectacular “Iron Dome” failure. The 330mm Badr 3 have a starburst capability and even if intercepted, the shrapnel does mega damage. In over a month of Zionist attacks on Gaza in 2014, only 4 Zionists were killed. This time in mere 3 days, Hamas killed 5 Zionists and wounded 250 and hit targets as far away as Beersheva in Occupied Negev. Imagine what Hezbollah would do? So in reality you are full of kosher hogwash.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

keep up the fantasies and dream, antisemite. IDF intercepted 350-400 out of the 600 hamas missiles… they got overwhelmed since there weren’t enough launchers… also the foggy weather conditions made it more difficult to track hamas rockets. Lots more Iron Dome batteries are arriving to outskirts of Gaza so the interception rate will increase much more! don’t get your hopes up though, next round of fighting, IDF will COMPLETELY ANNIHILATE Gaza terrorists, without any restraint


Your so-called Israel is finished. Even a CIA report has made that assessment. Just on borrowed time and on stolen lands.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Israel has nukes, don’t forget that :) Also Israel has back up from not just the USA (largest most powerful military) but also backup from Britain’s military (large nuclear power) and France’s military (large nuclear power) So you could say the Israel/British/French/US alliance is a 4 nuclear power nation pact :)

Joe Kerr

Just a few missiles hitting Dimona will turn you and your ilk into cockroaches, if you’re lucky. Perhaps Iran has already produced enough nukes underground to end Pissrael… all it needs is 3.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol dream on, as Steven Tyler says :)


He’s full of, ‘pork’…Moses Pork! And I ain’t using lube!


dream on – the neo-nazi morons of washington dc are sidelined by the rest of the world and the so called israel, fortunately, will be a bad memory shortly, and the squatters living somewhere on the north american continent, where they won’t be very well received by the people but it will be the only place where they will be received at all (and another effect will be that jews around the world will be forced to follow suit and plod on to the north american continent) wow what a larf and something to behold after about 100 years of crimes perpetrated by jews in palestine.

Joe Kerr

Year sure… just like your threat to attack Venezuela, and your cowardly IDF that crawled back to Schitrael crying like babes in 2006 after meeting someone who could fight back. Israel’s threats to attack Iran have been a yearly yawn for the past 20+ years. The reason it hasn’t done so is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e88n0xyqWrU

Nor will your bankrupted U.S. colony, for this reason:


chris chuba

I have noticed for years that the U.S. and its polling organizations dares not ask the people of the M.E. what they think of the U.S. https://www.pewglobal.org/2018/10/01/trumps-international-ratings-remain-low-especially-among-key-allies/pg_2018-10-1_u-s-image_0-3/

Whenever I search for polls regarding world opinion of the U.S. I am always struck by how selective it is. The only country in the M.E. that was polled was Israel, yeah, that covers it. What other countries should we ask, hmm … Poland (in our pocket, camp Trump), Germany, Japan, South Korea, Brazil (borderline coup), Canada, wow, tough crowd. At least they did include Russia.

What countries did they exclude, Venezuela, China, Iran, Syria, N. Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, all the countries in the M.E. except Israel.

Jens Holm

Its a waste asking. Thats why.

My own version remains: We should put a fence around ME somewhere west of Istanbull with Erdogan as the new Leader there, and only let food in and oil and gas out to fair prices.

Toronto Tonto

Once a shitthole always a shitthole like Russia .

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