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MARCH 2025

US And NATO Are The Fourth Reich

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US And NATO Are The Fourth Reich

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Brazilian journalist Pepe Escobar, a giant in global geopolitical analytics, often calls the United States a “Rogue Superpower”. Could this be an exaggeration? Not in the slightest. On the contrary, Escobar is exercising basic decency and etiquette, something that even American diplomacy is completely incapable of. It’s certainly old news that the US-led political West has been conducting a comprehensive aggression against the world. However, we keep forgetting just how massive its scope is. It’s barely been a month into 2024, and here’s Washington DC, already bombing half a dozen countries and threatening at least that many more. This includes Syria, Iraq and Yemen, while nobody’s even reporting on drone strikes all across Africa and the Middle East (including occasional attacks on Afghanistan). They’re also threatening Iran, Venezuela and several other countries in Latin America, including Mexico.

On February 4, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan refused to rule out the possibility of strikes inside Iran. Attacks on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its allied militias in Iraq and Syria are already underway. On February 3, the United Kingdom also joined this aggression. To put it simply, there was an attack on American soldiers in Jordan, so Washington DC is bombing Syria and Iraq (for God knows which time). Make it make sense. Former US president Donald Trump, who’s anything but innocent when it comes to America’s disastrous foreign policy, has repeatedly condemned Washington DC’s presence in the Middle East. He completely deconstructed the mainstream propaganda machine’s laughable narrative that the unfortunate region is supposedly “more stable” thanks to the political West’s aggression by simply pointing out that it’s “a mess”.

And indeed, who in their mind would think that having terrorists and various shady groups running entire regions and even countries in the Middle East is better than having Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi or Bashar al-Assad in power? Well, the US and its puppets certainly think so and precisely thanks to that, countries such as Libya, Syria and Iraq have been ravaged by decades of war. This is without even taking into account other countries such as Yemen where millions have been brought to the point of extinction, mostly through hunger and sheer brutality. Despite all that, including its humiliating defeat in Afghanistan nearly two and a half years ago, Washington DC wants to convince everyone that invading Iran would actually make anything better. There are close to 90 million people in that country, which also has a very robust domestic military industry, as well as a sizeable stockpile of ballistic missiles and drones.

It should be noted that the US itself is also a far cry from 2003 when it could muster hundreds of thousands of soldiers, as well as those of its vassals and satellite states. In other words, Washington DC simply doesn’t have the conventional forces to pull off such an invasion. The American people are simply not interested in serving in the military as they were just 20 years ago. So, what does that leave it with? Weapons of mass destruction or WMDs. And indeed, the Pentagon has an undisclosed number of W76-2 warheads that have a very small yield of 2-7 kt (kilotons of TNT). This is upwards of only 10% of the destructive power of the “Fat Man” atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Basic military logic implies that such weapons are pointless against a country like Russia that has multi-megaton monstrosities such as the unrivaled RS-28 “Sarmat” and whose retaliation would devastate the entire NATO.

The only viable explanation is that the US wants to use such warheads in a conflict with a non-nuclear power. Faced with dwindling conventional capabilities, America is left with only one way to try to blackmail the rest of the world into accepting its vaunted “rules-based world order” – nuclear war. This is also completely in line with the overall US military strategy – attack only those who can’t shoot back. For the time being, Iran is the only major rival without thermonuclear weapons, making it the “perfect target”. However, that’s certainly not enough for the perpetually warmongering political elite in America. Namely, they’ve just sent three nuclear-powered supercarriers and B-52 strategic bombers to the Asia-Pacific as a “show of force” to China and North Korea. USAF’s other strategic bombers are already being put to “good use”, as the B-1Bs are once again devastating the Middle East.

Anyone with a single functioning brain cell knows who the bad guys are. Except for the bad guys themselves. On the contrary, they’re unequivocally convinced they’re the “good guys”. It’s not entirely clear if this is a coping mechanism, self-delusion or perhaps simply a case of one lying to everyone (including themselves). Either way, the answer to that question is completely inconsequential and doesn’t make any difference to the dozens (if not hundreds) of millions of people (mostly civilians) whose lives they’ve destroyed and keep destroying. For decades, the US has been trying to portray the Soviet Union as the “Evil Empire”, with some of its presidents even directly calling it that.

However, things have worsened considerably in the last 10-15 years, as the current generation of neoliberal and neocon warmongers have openly likened Russia and President Vladimir Putin to Nazi Germany and Hitler, respectively. It takes a special kind of hypocrisy to do that while attacking well over half the planet and even calling it the “War on Terror” or “struggle for freedom and democracy”. The US-led political West has (ab)used the latter so much that terms such as freedom, democracy and human rights will at some point need to be replaced with something that would encompass their true meaning, but sound different, as the originals have been tarnished beyond repair.


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o astept pe ursoaica 🐻 pe tancuri sa ne elibereze de cei care ne iau taxa pe carbon


o astept pe urasoaica pe dunăre!


viata scurta ii doresc lui ue!


voi vota suveranisti in 2024


lmao. 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


smrt fašizmu!!


draco misunderstands/misrepresents yoosa’s modus-op and the role of the ‘west’ (= countries worshipping $$$s).

welcome to post-politics, in which analysts laughably attempt to disentangle issues using outdated tools and inappropriate comparisons.

murika et al thrive on this nonsense, it’s also part of their p-p paradigm, while they occupy/massacre; undeterred by nuclear p*ssy-powers like rus or chn.

alt-media is the elite’s gift to us that keeps on giving back to them.

NATO = 4th Reich INDEED

spot on, nato is the fourth reich. lets face it, it gives them an opportunity to continue operation barbarossa. and nato will be dismantled. the western virus will be eliminated


the eu is the current 4th reich, and has been for some years. nto will officially become the armed extension of this new order when empress ursula vdl takes over nto’s reigns later this year.

of course all this is pre-planned and pre-approved by murika, which has grown it’s own empire since 1945* on the back of nzi ideas and personnel.

* some would say since 1941, when yoosa saw the chance of occupying europe indefinitely, and thus entered ww2.

Edgar Zetar

bad moon on the horizon, i already told you, usa empire won’t retreat they will double down for sure, their never look upon their own trace of destruction (not even their past mistakes). western world is full of corruption, the top of the pyramid of power is completely overwhelm by cannibals, power and money seekers, sinners, drug addicts; they controlled more than half of the world but instead to promote a safe and transparent environment for growing they only did what they know.


tak teraz iv ríša dostáva do zubov, ha, ha, ha … a zase je to na rusoch. teraz tí fašistickí bastardi postavili proti rf cca 80 štátov. zhruba 30 ich tvorí zločinecká teroristická organizácia nato a ďalších 50 samotné usa!!! zatiaľ si rf vedie veľmi dobre. stíha ničiť všetko čo proti rusku postavili. svetu mier!!!


so… i’m supposed to live in a nazi state where jews are the rulers and are depicted as victims everyday on msm. hmmmm….

Edgar Zetar

yes, just like christianism, where the christ god was killed in the cross and dying he saved himself and the believers, christ was sent to hell and went to heaven, so many contradiction and paradigms. the jews only cares about money, everyone is merchandise to trade to them, maybe the christ was a bar tender instead of a carpenter, because the western god was a jew.


we americans loooooove supporting nazism! 🗽🔯🐖🎉


i don’t understand. hitler was a puppet. zelensky is a puppet. the u.s government & biden are all puppets in the hands of multinational companies, secret services, media, ngos and thinktanks. all of these are linked to couple of individuals, who are mainly jews, central bankers, masked as “philanthropists”, “investors” or “tycoons”. they are “elites” spreading “democracy”.


and they were never elected, they were never exposed and they are the same families who pushed hitler 80 years ago. so the article is misleading. you can’t compare the u.s. with 3rd reich without touching corporate fascism and transnational capital and central banks

Edgar Zetar

i don’t think rockefeller and other usa families were involved in the us empire. yes, they are nobles and the breed of the richest, and yes they wanted to expand their companies, but i don’t think they never imagined usa empire will became after wwii and during cold war where they committed most of the sins you can imagine just to defeat the ussr. after the ussr collapse, they became the “supreme hegemons” and started to abuse their supreme power and thinking himself has gods


they are rich only because they are thieves.

Edgar Zetar

now that you are getting to realize who where these people’s are, now trying to discover what they think just looking the way they act, spreading “democracy” by killing all the natives landowners and taking all their lands and destroying entire countries and goverments that opposed them. something is very rotten in western world a.k.a us empire domains


use correct word when you call them, they are thieves and cold-blooded killers.

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