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MARCH 2025

US Announces Massive $2.5 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine

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US Announces Massive $2.5 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine

A US Army Stryker armored vehicle 

The package will include more Bradley armored vehicles and for the first time, Stryker armored vehicles

Originally published by AntiWar

The US on Thursday announced a new massive $2.5 billion arms package for Ukraine that includes Stryker armored combat vehicles for the first time.

The tranche of weapons includes 90 Strykers and 55 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, which the US first pledged to send to Ukraine as part of an over $3 billion arms package that was announced earlier this month.

The package also includes munitions for the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS), Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAPs), and other equipment.

The Strykers are made by General Dynamics and are designed to transport troops with extra protection, similar to the Bradleys. The Stryker is lighter and faster than the Bradleys and is on wheels as opposed to tracks.

Both vehicles can be used to go on the offense, and that’s what US officials have in mind for the new transfer. Germany and France have also pledged to send similar armored vehicles.

The UK said it would send 14 of its main battle tanks, the Challenger 2, but it’s not clear if Kyiv will get more Western-made heavy tanks. Berlin is hesitant to sign off on deliveries of its Leopard 2, and US officials signaled this week that they wouldn’t be sending the M1 Abrams.

While Ukraine is receiving a significant amount of new armor, Valery Zaluchny, the commander of the Ukrainian armed forces, said in December that he needs at least 300 heavy tanks and 600-700 fighting vehicles if he is to stand a chance to drive Russia out of the territory it’s captured.

According to the Pentagon, the full $2.5 billion arms package includes the following:

  • Additional munitions for NASAMS
  • Eight Avenger air defense systems
  • 59 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) with 590 TOW anti-tank missiles and 295,000 rounds of 25mm ammunition
  • 90 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) with 20 mine rollers
  • 53 MRAPS
  • 350 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs)
  • 20,000 155mm artillery rounds
  • Approximately 600 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds
  • 95,000 105mm artillery rounds
  • Approximately 11,800 120mm mortar rounds
  • Additional ammunition for HIMARS
  • 12 ammunition support vehicles
  • 6 command post vehicles
  • 22 tactical vehicles to tow weapons
  • High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs)
  • Approximately 2,000 anti-armor rockets
  • Over 3,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition
  • Demolition equipment for obstacle clearing
  • Claymore anti-personnel munitions
  • Night vision devices
  • Spare parts and other field equipment

US military aid for Ukraine is being pulled from funds that have already been authorized by Congress and signed into law by President Biden, which at this point amounts to about $113 billion.

Several other NATO members pledged more military aid for Ukraine on Thursday as their defense ministers met in Brussels. The UK announced it would send 600 Brimstone missiles, and Poland said it would provide S-60 anti-aircraft guns with 70,000 rounds of ammunition.


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Welcome to Afghanistan

Its the ...

to bad russia didnt supply the afghans with ilgas.


i don’t get it why they “announce it” ? wouldn’t it be more efficient as a secret, a surprise on the battlefield? seems just like idiotic P.R. so they can say they did all they could, but unfortunately … the “evil” russians crushed the “brave” ukrainians


They have to announce it as their own population needs to know what is being sent. Also you have some members of government who don’t fully support these weapons. All it takes is one of them to slip up and say what they shipping and people start to question why they aren’t telling their country. Remember, they keep claiming to now be involved. As such they are trying to be transparent. The problem is, they are lying about how much they are sending and when. Lots of training on western systems already has been on going before official announcements. It’s all for public support and public relations thay they say these things.


„Package“, „funds“ is misleading. The arms sent by the US are under a „lent and lease“ contract. I.e. Ukraine has to pay for them. Sth. that will, if U continues as a state, leave them in complete debt-dependency. Alternatively, they‘ll become part of the EU (either by joining or being incorporated into other EU-countries, e.g. Poland etc.), in which case the EU will pay the bill.

Florian Geyer

HATO has already lost their cowardly proxy war and the victors will not pay any US/HATO Lend Lease Bill’s.

Anatolio Mamontow

Bankrupt United States intends to defeat the Russians in Ukraine? Ho..Ho…Ho…Ho…Don’t make me laugh!

Joseph Day

Ukraine only has to pay if they win, Russia won’t be paying Ukraine’s bills if all Ukraine is liberated



This will fall on the american tax-payer. There will be no Ukrainian economy to repay anything.

Boba Lazarević

“Lend-lease” is correct. It took the UK 60 years to repay their WWII obligations to the US. Ukraine will need forever – if there is Ukraine left after this.

But, as another guy said, it may also fall onto the US tax payers to foot the bill. Unless they pull their collective heads out of the sand and start voting independent.

M butd

The UK received second rate war material from the US as part of Lend Lease and had to agree favourable leases to the US over various UK territories and technology etc during the war. Ukraine’s predicament is the same. Post war the US stuck it to Britain, Europe and Germany under the Marshall Plan. The Russians refused to agree to US post war terms under the Matshall Plan and have been pariahs to the US hegemon since. Ukraine in turn will be expected to turn over her land and resources to the US for the US’s military support ala the Lend Lease policy criteria.


They have once voted for their interest the world got Trump and four years of no new American wars. Trump stopped an attempt for a war in Iran and also derailed the plans and money for the Ukraine project, this is why they tried to impeach him. With all the media telling them otherwise the Americans overwhelmingly voted for Trump again but the vote was cheated away. Stop telling people it is the American voter – there are far greater problems here. The ordinary American citizen is also their unwilling captive.

Captain Hohol

So much of this equipment is going to go missing or fall into disuse that the Ukraine government will be on the hook to the IMF for decades upon decades.

Anyone with a brain is running from western Ukraine right now.


Pentagon asks troops in South Korea to provide equipment for delivery to Ukraine – media from interfax ukraine. from the pigs snout. emptying the shelves to feed the glutton. the doorway to the EU gets more rotten by the moment…


Meanwhile, US National debt hit 31.000 Billion dollars. Apparently that doesn’t stop the US from dumping more and more money wherever it wants. The power of controlling the printing press

Joseph Day

And apparently your own credit rating


The true aim of the conflict it to put an end to US’ monopoly over the world currency.


Interestingly now west presstitutes are not repeating their mantra that Russia is a weak country with GDP of Italy … as Russian crushed the entire NATO military-industrial complex capacity with fraction of the costs that was paid by western taxpayers (against their will).


Notice how both US and NATO lack armies as it seems they only have mercenaries. More people figured out the so-called empire is a house of sand heavily relying on psy-ops.

Boba Lazarević

True. And that’s because GDP is a fake indicator of the strength of the economy. It only measures consumption, without regard to where the money comes from. The Westerners spend like crazy and outconsume everybody because their money comes from the future, so to speak. Until one day it doesn’t, then their GDPs will collapse like the proverbial house of cards.


All to go up in smoke, whit the last Ukrainian and standing building. Hope some clever cannon fodder who want to day for the shosenites cabal will offer his tank, armored vehikle to Russia and get his live safe. Russia should send all to reingenere and find weak places to destroy them in battle.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Like sending a man in a wheel chair running shoes!


Blacktaildefence’s You Tube channel has shown the Striker and Bradley to be… somewhat lacking.

Plus these examples are most probably all old variants that were taking up space. And all the rest of the package were probably all old stock that they will send as Ukraine is the excuse they can use to dispose of it to make way for new stuff.


Darebácky štát USA sa zbavuje staršej bojovej techniky a odzbrojuje aj svojich vazalov z EU, ktorí sú v zločineckej teroristickej organizácii NATO. Zámer USA môže byť ten, že USA chcú po ukončení tohto konfliktu prezbrojiť celú zločineckú teroristickú organizáciu NATO a tým si zabezpečiť vysoké vlastné zisky. To, že Ukrajina vykrváca darebácky štát USA nijak netrápi. A netrápi ich ani ten fakt, že EU sa rúti do priepasti čo sa týka ekonomiky EU.


From the list of equipment being sent we can predict a major Ukros offensive in the east and an ensuing battle of WW 2 proportions with NATO’s best strategists guiding .. I feel Russia knows very well how to deal with NAZIs.

Albert Pike

Who is gone drive all this – who is gone train them? That’s also a logistical nightmare…


All of this equipment will be destroyed in short order. Along with any foreign mercenaries they send with it


No proper health care, No proper housing, No proper protection for it’s citizens against the rising crime, infrastructure, roads and bridges are crumbling but the US administration continues to support the cabal elite at the expense of the American tax payers.

The Objective

Worry about what America has in store for Russia in the near future not America’s infrastructure.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

What, will JewSA send it’s crack-head transgender Brigades to Ukraine?

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

So we won. What, not yet?! Jesus, are we waiting for something?


I don’t understand it either. Nine years of attacking the civilians in Donbas with OUN 2.0 and we still can’t get rid of the Moskals. Every day I polish my trizub triple-dong dildo waiting for the victory parade in Donetsk, and now the Rusians are in four oblasts. What is the problem?


More stuff for russia to destroy and they are good at blowing stuff up

V for victory

Note well, especially for ukro trolls here: 20,000 155 mm artillery and 95,000 105 mm artillery. = USA is scraping the barrel bottom of its reserve. Pratically they have no more 155 left.


this all together is less than ukros need in only one month.

WT Baker

I wonder when, if not already, Russia would decide to destroy these weapons before they reached the battlefield? I don’t think Russia would attack NATO locations where shipments of weapons come and go but once they make it into Ukraine territory the Russians could intensify hunting down and destroying these weapons systems. Then again Russia might be willing to destroy them when more convenient.

Boba Lazarević

That will count for “a lot”, satirically speaking. A lot of that weaponry is incompatible. A lot of it is inadequate. A lot will end up at the Russians’. A lot will end up on the black market. A lot already is, with all kinds of extremists, and Europe is going to be a very “interesting” place to live for quite a while.

Chris Gr

Ukrainian and Albanian extremists are funded by US.

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