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MARCH 2025

US Anti-Russian War Plans Limit Aid To Kiev

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US Anti-Russian War Plans Limit Aid To Kiev

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Pentagon hesitates to give more weapons to Kiev, considering the possibility of direct war with Russia.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

There is no doubt among military experts that NATO is currently at war with Russia – just using Kiev as a proxy. However, the possibility of something even worse – a direct full-scale war – limits American participation in the current conflict. Internally, Washington’s political scenario is divided between parliamentarian warmongers, interested in taking assistance to Kiev to the ultimate consequences, and experienced, cautious military, interested in keeping the country’s internal stocks ready for any need.

According to a recent Foreign Policy’s article, US lawmakers are pressuring Pentagon’s officials to send more weapons to Ukraine. The objective would be to allocate the largest possible number of combat equipment in Kiev, allowing the local forces to continue to face the Russians and possibly “win the war” – since, according to the narrative of the American media, Russia would be frightened and weakened, which obviously does not correspond to the reality of the battlefield.

Pentagon’s agents, however, act more rationally, avoiding making strategic mistakes that could bring problems to national security. Unlike congressmen, whose reasons for supporting Kiev are based on ideological alignment or economic interest, the American military think based on calculations and solid data, so it seems irrational to send Kiev military aid at a level that threatens the country’s ability of defense.

The dialogue between the Pentagon and the US Congress for the production, purchase or allocation of weapons and ammunition works through the Department of Defense’s periodic reports on its war plans. These reports are called operational plans (or OPLANs). In theory, the Pentagon has an OPLAN for every situation considered a risk to American security, which includes relations with enemy countries such as Russia, China, and North Korea. After considering the evaluation of its experts, the Pentagon prepares a list of equipment considered necessary to face such countries, submitting the reports to the Congress for approval. If approved, the Pentagon purchases such weapons from private companies affiliated with the “military industrial complex” and eventually allocates them to overseas bases.

In principle, military assistance to Kiev was supposed to be restricted to an exclusive OPLAN for the Ukrainian conflict, but congressmen want to change that. For politicians, who do not think strategically, this is a “mistake” and more weapons to Kiev are needed. Congressmen consider it appropriate to invest all available resources in Ukraine, as Kiev is the state that is currently actually fighting Russia. For them, betting on sending weapons on a large scale is the right attitude, even if the stock reserved for other OPLANs is running out – which is already happening.

As a response to the stock supply crisis, parliamentarians suggest thinking about measures to speed up production and replenishing. According to them, the problem is not the transfer of weapons to Ukraine, but the fact that there is a difficulty in filling stocks quickly, as they are dwindling with assistance to Kiev.

However, this narrative does not seem consistent with reality. As previously reported, the American military industry is entering a vicious cycle, where there is no modernization of its arsenal, only a race by military companies to replace weapons which are wasted by the systematic transfer to Ukraine. In this sense, expanding aid and violating the stocks of other OPLANs would only worsen this critical scenario.

In its decisions, the government oscillates between supporting realism and warmongering. For example, a new aid package was recently announced, valued at 275 million dollars – one of the smallest since February. Warmongers criticize this attitude and say that it is time to increase assistance as much as possible, taking advantage of the opportunities of the supposed “Ukrainian counteroffensive” and “imminent victory”. Apparently, many politicians in the US believe the lies created by the American media itself and actually plan strategies based on these fallacies.

Experts, however, know that this rhetoric is unsubstantiated. Ukraine is suffering significant losses day after day. The great victory of Russian forces in Bakhmut makes this absolutely clear. There is no chance of victory for Kiev and, given the defeat in this proxy conflict, the most rational thing to do would be to reduce support and encourage peace negotiations, while replenishing internal stocks for an eventual situation of direct war.

In fact, the case illustrates the US internal scenario well: the dispute between those who want to prepare for a future war with Russia and those who want to do it now, through Ukraine. To solve this problem, the most appropriate thing would be to avoid any possibility of war, taking the simple attitude of interrupting support for Kiev and talking to Russia about a policy of non-expansion of NATO in Eurasia.


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European Parliament

Eva Kaili claims that Roberta Metsola, Josep Borrell and Ylva Johansson president of the European Parliament, knows everything.She says she took the bribe on their behalf.



That’s true for sure, what Kaili says but you need to know who these mentioned persons are. Josep Borrel is a jew. Moreover he strangly looks nearly exactly like Mr. Josef Schuster, the current president of the “german” Zentralrat der Juden (Central Commitee of the Jews in Germany). Google Mr. Josef Schuster. You can watch photos of these two guys (Borrel and Schuster) online, and you’ll think they are the same or siblings, brother etc. It’s no coincidence, as most high-positioned EU-parliament and EU states politicians and economy bosses, media bosses, education bosses, banking bosses etc. are jews, and these parasites infiltrated, corrupted and infest everything.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Yeah, who volunteers in a kibbutz, and if you met your wife there, what ethnic group would she be of? (Wikipedia)


I Believe your Strategy of exposing the jew in a geopolitical context works well, and wish it great success.


Poisoned juice will get ya every time. Natostan aka the EUSSR will not survive the great flushing of the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan dollah and its gimp bastrurd €urodollah.

Florian Geyer

The USA has had a corrupt and fractured political system for decades and a result of a nuclear war in the US would be a ravaged and dysfunctional Mad Max style civil war, or even a multi faction civil war that the US has inflicted on many global nations.

Even US ‘Friends ‘ would not shed tears if the US crashed and burned.

jens holm

Many countries are much more corrupt then USA. All sober maps and statistics says so.


Yep, Europe itself.





Jewish controlled USA as world-police, and aggressive warmachine is dangerous, no question but yes you are right lots of other nations are also infested and deeply corrupted too. This everybody needs to know to understand world politics. Anyway I say, what Ukrainians do on their own territory is their thing. Same as when Iran kills kurdish separatists on iranian territory. So Ukraine shelling Ukrainian territory is not ok, and yes a crime, but not enough to attack that country. Doing so is clearly starting a war of aggression. And yes, it is highly hypocrite that USA demands Russia to comply with “international law and Geneva convention” as USA themselves never care about these.

It’s no wonder that more and more Russians lose trust in the russian government’s leadership, because Putin messed it up. But not only in 2022 but already 8 years ago, when after 2014 US Blackwater jewish Victoria Newland’s (a jewess with real name Nudelman) maidan coup Putin did nothing, and let the pro-russian president being chased away like a dog. Then he set aside and looked and watched calmly for 8 (!!!) full years, only to then suddenly decide that it is now time to invade. And with this kind of acting he messed it all up. And – and at least to me that seems likely – he did this on purpose resp. cheated the russian people. Self-defence, you can claim when someone beat you and you beat back. But if someone beats you, and you do nothing, then you cannot come AFTER 8 YEARS kill him and his whole country, and then claim that to be “self-defence”. No, it is not. Not anymore after that long time of 8 fuckin years !

Btw. Russia has enough land. They do not need Donbass Donetsk , Lugansk for industrial survival of the Russian federation. But Ukraine does need this mineral-rich territories (which are since about 1991 full legally ukrainian land, also according to the UN) for its economical survival. That’s fact. The people in the mentioned regions, indeed are pro-russian, feel russian, and hate the ukraine government and all ukrainian pro-government people. So these both different kind of people (national ukrainians and donbass-russians) obviously can t live together anymore. Hope to this point at least, we all agree here. Then now look what the US and Europe are spending on war, and what Russia is spending on war. Wouldn t it be much more clever, to instead of wasting all that precious money on stupid war, and kill each other, to just sit down on the table and give each Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass etc. family 2-3 mio $ for that they leave and move/re-settle to their beloved Russia ? With that money, they will be the kings over there, will have likely much bigger house and garden, and life will be much easier for them. No missiles, no war, enough money, only russians not “evil ukrainians aka Nazis” around them. So what’s the matter ? Where’s the problem ?

I’ll tell you ! The problem is: Both ! USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are not interested in making peace and solvethe Donbass problem in a peaceful way. Why ? Because both (!) USA+EU+Zelensky as well as Putin-Russia are controlled and dominated by jews. And these jews (behind the scenes) are the ones really calling the shots. And they do not want peace. They want that the christian nations and people’s jump to each others throats and mercilessly slaughter each other !! That’s what the whole thing is all about. All else the medias are telling us to “explain” what is happening is just bullshit !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Interesting points and I can see that your Middle Way is probably the best solution out there.

People talk a lot about puppets and control, which is also True, but only Islamists, Nazis, and Kamikazi are not puppets, which is why a puppet will always label this type of person as extreme, while claiming people are puppets.

Should Islamists, Nazis, Kamikaze, leave this sf site, it would be communist-jewish puppets only, as it wanes from exciting to boring as we come and go.

Case in point, watch Snowden go from Hero Whistle Blower to communist puppet that kills Ukrainians.

Case in point Assad is now a regime stooge to Putin, because otherwise hed be dead already.

Noone is supplying Nazis Kamikaze or Islamists with weapons, because the jews would all be killed already, but commies cant bear to see their jewish grandmothers who are the masters of puppets to get gassed by Nazis and so they delete our comments to hide this reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK


Yes, thank you, I absolutely agree with what you say. Btw. here is a map of the current situation in and around Bakhmut. Which is likely also why SF not posts any real map of the ongoing fights in and around Bakhmut. The following is one which I found online after doing some research. I guess SF not posting those true Maps of the Bakhmut situation in order to not get russians to realize that they so far not gained anything there but are, after months and month of bloody fighting with extremly high ru-casualty rate, still at the very outskirts of that city, see:

Map situation in and around Bakhmut

Bakhmut 12th Dec. 2022




Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Chris Gr

Both sides are corrupt, however, Putin should win this fight for the salvation of humanity. If those Western “liberals” win then we are heading for a very bleak Dark Age.

Chris Gr

Samurais actually dislike jihadis.


Les républiques de Lougansk et Donbass ont été reconnu par Moscou en février 2022 et donc l’intervention est à leurs yeux légitime puisque sur demande du Lougansk et Donbass . Donc à leurs yeux légitime.

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

are all Danes so dumb like you? Jesus Christ

Last edited 2 years ago by Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Americans could care less about Ukraine and are not willing to rebuild it or arm them the pentagon works for someone else.


How will we ever complete the ATO and get the last Moskal out of Donbas? I am pumped to carry my Shukhevych sex doll with working sphincter and suck mouth in the big parade through Melitopol!


Don’t forget your Drag Queen.


Hey, clyde you phaggot commie, delete this!

Hey Snowden, it was nice knowing you, thank you for Whistleblowing, but youre officially now a filthy commie responsible for murdering Syrians, and now Ukrainians.


The US has a poor national defense.

They are betting that civilians have weapons for defense in the event of an attack on the US mainland.

The next great war must take place in the United States.

EU must not be USA slave

Remember Alamo?

Some day, Mexicans will give them hell again!


Joseph Day

Why would you want to invade US

I2have Adream

There is another mengele hiding out this time among his victims. aay bee is his name.

Gerry Bell

I think the split is between The Pentagon and ideologues at a deep state level. It’s not even strictly Congressional. The MIC can see that sooner or later Ukraine is bad for business – either the product looks bad in use or the enemy learn too much about it. The ideologues have a much grander business plan that carries too much risk but cannot afford to back down. A low-intensity war is just not going to last long enough to wear Russia down. Ukraine will run out of troops, even with NATO supplements. The maths all points one way. They need to find an exit strategy and I suspect NATO will be exchanged for an EU version that seriously reduces US participation.


@Gary Bell

Jewish controlled USA as world-police, and aggressive warmachine is dangerous, no question but one needs to see that lots of other nations are also infested and deeply corrupted by these parasites too. This everybody needs to know to understand world politics. (Goes also for Ukraine, see the jews Zelensky and Kolomoisky etc.)

Anyway I say, what Ukrainians do on their own territory is their thing. Same as when Iran kills kurdish separatists on iranian territory. So Ukraine shelling pro-russian civilians on Ukrainian territory is not ok, and yes a crime, but not enough to attack that country. Doing so is clearly starting a war of aggression. And yes, it is highly hypocrite that USA demands Russia to comply with “international law and Geneva convention” as USA themselves never care about these.

It’s no wonder that more and more Russians lose trust in the russian government’s leadership, because Putin messed it up. But not only in 2022 but already 8 years ago, when after 2014 US Blackwater jewish Victoria Newland’s (a jewess with real name Nudelman) maidan coup Putin did nothing, and let the pro-russian president being chased away like a dog. Then he set aside and looked and watched calmly for 8 (!!!) full years, only to then suddenly decide that it is now time to invade. And with this kind of acting he messed it all up. And – and at least to me that seems likely – he did this on purpose resp. cheated the russian people. Self-defence, you can claim when someone beat you and you beat back. But if someone beats you, and you do nothing, then you cannot come AFTER 8 YEARS kill him and his whole country, and then claim that to be “self-defence”. No, it is not. Not anymore after that long time of 8 fuckin years !

Btw. Russia has enough land. They do not need Donbass Donetsk , Lugansk for industrial survival of the Russian federation. But Ukraine does need this mineral-rich territories (which are since about 1991 full legally ukrainian land, also according to the UN) for its economical survival. That’s fact. The people in the mentioned regions, indeed are pro-russian, feel russian, and hate the ukraine government and all ukrainian pro-government people. So these both different kind of people (national ukrainians and donbass-russians) obviously can t live together anymore. Hope to this point at least, we all agree here. Then now look what the US and Europe are spending on war, and what Russia is spending on war. Wouldn t it be much more clever, to instead of wasting all that precious money on stupid war, and kill each other, to just sit down on the table and give each Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass etc. family 2-3 mio $ for that they leave and move/re-settle to their beloved Russia ? With that money, they will be the kings over there, will have likely much bigger house and garden, and life will be much easier for them. No missiles, no war, enough money, only russians not “evil ukrainians aka Nazis” around them. So what’s the matter ? Where’s the problem ?

I’ll tell you ! The problem is: Both ! USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are not interested in making peace and solvethe Donbass problem in a peaceful way. Why ? Because both (!) USA+EU+Zelensky as well as Putin-Russia are controlled and dominated by jews. And these jews (behind the scenes) are the ones really calling the shots. And they do not want peace. They want that the christian nations and people’s jump to each others throats and mercilessly slaughter each other !! That’s what the whole thing is all about. All else the medias are telling us to “explain” what is happening is just bullshit !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Excellent article, thank you so much! Keep the good work my brother.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Kind request to Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke: use the name of Jesus with reverence. Thank you


I have no idea where these western institutions get their “Intel” from but tgey are making one serious miscalculation after another, it’s bizzare



Ha, so funny 20 comments deleted out of 43, so wow – seems the support for Putin’s war of aggression must be really big ! Mods so afraid of the truth, that they are deleting 50% of the comments right away. What a bunch of morons. No wonder nobody likes communists, since they behave like donkeys, trying to censor and fool people in a really underearthly stupid way, so that everybody can see that they are enemies of the truth, who lie whenever they open their shitfilled filthy communist rat mouth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
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