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MARCH 2025

US Apache Attack Helicopter Crashed In Northeastern Syria: Report

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US Apache Attack Helicopter Crashed In Northeastern Syria: Report

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A Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopter of the US military allegedly crashed in the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah on January 19, the Arabic service of Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported citing local sources.

The helicopter reportedly crashed inside the US base at the al-Jabsa oil field near the city of al-Shaddadi. It is  located about 60 kilometers south of the provincial capital of Hasakah. The incident allegedly took place during a refueling operation causing injuries among its crew members.


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Willing Conscience (The Truths



What a shame :) Never mind, boeing can sell a new one to the US taxpayers.

Laurent Parodi

Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi have called for a probe into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s role in the Capitol riot, theorizing that he may have personally ordered the unrest. I am sure they will claim that the evil Putin the new commander of Al-Qaeda (LOL) is somehow involved in this accident too.


Twin medusas.

John Wallace

Didn’t you see the photo of Putin entertaining ISIS leaders … Oh sorry .. that was John McCain. My mistake


Don’t forget The Videos McCain Bolton and HRC entertaining the MEK Terrorists.

Damien C

The Apache has to land to refuel at a FARP so the crash is unlikely to be because of a refuelling incident but rather a landing one. Unless this is a specially modified AD64 for special forces in which case it wouldn’t have happened at a base

Zionism = EVIL

Crash my arse as I posted a few hours ago, it was hit by sustained ground fire and some of the lardarse Americunts died or wounded. Two convoys also hit in central Iraq and four explosions inside the “green zone” ten minutes ago,

The attacks on the US coalition logistics convoys took place in Nasiriyah and Samawah, Al-Mayadeen reported on Monday.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage to the US logistics convoys.

Lone Ranger

Biden is already shitting bricks….

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionists are like a desperate drowning rat, they attacked Iraqi force in Babil using Saudi idiots bases in unmarked F16 to get the shit scared Americunts into a Swan song war. Iran tracked the origin bases at Tabuk. The Zionists are crapping in extra large diapers as the clock really ticks now.

The Objective

Yeah of course. Mouthy Iranian coward fuckwit. The zionists are soiling their diapers even as your Shiite forces die at their hands. You mouthy Iranians are a disgrace to yourselves and any idiot supporting you.

Great Khan

hahahahahahah mamtu angry….kishmish….

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod gandu, nothing like an angry CIA paid Wahhabi troll who gets owned :)

The Objective

You’re the angry guy pal. I know the U.S and Israel will fix Iran, so why should I be angry?

Just Me

but, but, BUTT HURT……

The Objective

Actually, you’re making me laugh, not hurting me. I can imagine your frustration at my stinging brutal truth about the true nature of your heroic Iranian regime. LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He’s lucky to pass water ffs.


You are more confident in American hardware than themselves.


Not anymore after the F-35 fiasco!

Jens Holm

ISIS has the only Armata in the whole world. Even they could not efford it. Only the coffemachine in it works and they drink tea:)


ISIS has weapons generously gifted to them by the US army. The treacherous bastards in Washington have syrian blood on their hands.

Jens Holm

USA only supported ISIS fora ver shoudl period and very much. Since then they have stopped Saudia Arabia as well and even limited them in buying class one weapons in USA.

So in this You are are worse then wrong. But I do admit its a good excuse for own failures ebven normal people has seen that laughing for years.


The only laughing matter is you trying to look like a north european, while you write in a shitty english.

John Wallace

while you have been drinking acid … AGAIN..

Ashok Varma

You are more confident of endless kissing American arse? what’s up with you?


I like to please my Russia friends here, they have great sense of humor, how about you? Do you have it?

Just Me

but, BUTT, kiss Amerikanski BUTT…

Jens Holm

Russians get rid of their alcohol problems by using it for tanks in Syria.

Just Me

but, but KISS BUTT….

The Objective

“There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage to the US logistics convoys” This is not news, dumbass. You’ve got to start drawing blood to match your mouthy rhetoric. These cowardly attacks only emphasize your impotence against U.S forces in Iraq. America will continue to be a thorn in Iran’s side from Iraq. I’ll watch and see how Iran ejects the U.S from Iraq and then the entire Middle East.

Just Me

but, BUTT and bigger BUTT.


Those apache copters are just about the only warcraft usa builds properly these days,human error?

The Objective

Many Iranians died at sea last year while training. What was that?


hope someone shot at it so it fell to the ground. syrian forces or turkish, that’s the important part – downed by enemy fire!


I wanna read: Full Israeli Squadron of F-35 fighter jets crashed in southwestern Syria: Report

Zionism = EVIL

Just wait and your wish will come true, however it will be classified as a “bird strike”.

Lone Ranger

Those pesky pigeons…

The Objective

LOL Those pesky pigeons who made the generals cry in public.

Just Me


The Objective

Biden will soon give Iran shiploads of the greenbacks, or what do you think?

John Wallace

And more to Syria as soon as he finishes sucking Netanbooboo’s dick.

The Objective

I was wishing you guys well, man. Don’t you want another plane full of dollars?

John Wallace

A plane load of toilet paper would be worth more.

The Objective

Then why did Rouhani made more than 15 statements about lifting of U.S sanctions? I think Rouhani is very likely to disagree with you that a plane full of toilet papers is worth more than a planeload of dollars. Even your Iranian pals on SF will disagree with you on this.

Anyway, Breaking News Biden’s Administration views return to JCPOA as a first step to a broader discussion on Iran’s regional activities and missile program.


That sums up Russian audience maturity.


Thats Rich. You babbling about something like maturity? Have you checked your unsubstantial juveline BS lately? That’s the only crap you ever post.


i WaNt tO rEaD aBoUt A sQuAdRoN oF F-35 tAkEn dOwN.




i Am A rUsSiAn AnD i WaNt To ReAd NeWs AbOuT F-35 sQuAdRoNs ThAt FaLl FrOm ThE sKy

The Objective

Then maybe you should join the SF team and offer to publish such news.


I was mocking another commentor who said that. Bettee pay atention to subject instead of my user.

The Objective

Oh, sorry. I didn’t get it.


No worries. It happens to me all the time :)

Jens Holm

I Agrree with him. Even the non homos i Russia act like dancing queens.

It could be because Freddy Mercury was from Lebanon.

John Wallace

You would agree with anyone that shoves a dildo up your arse.. or do you pine for Freddy coming back and doing the job again.

cechas vodobenikov

bacon immaturity projection—u and jens too much LSD in your Poland village


We met your mom here, she likes rapes in the good old Russian tradition.

Jens Holm

Haha. I wanna read peace is there and no such mechanisme is needed.

People there hardly can make peace among friends.

John Wallace

Dumfuk is back. What was that horseshit.. No .. sorry please don;t try and explain as it will be more dumbshit..

cechas vodobenikov

for Jens peace is cheese dictatorship ruled by amerikan savages

Jens Holm

Our life is not as little boyes and girls has learned in Your dummy highschools.

Each and every moron of Your kind should be forced and paid to see, how things are here.

We are a part of the Western Economics witht them and are doing much better then most others.

The Objective

Is that how you hope to win against the Israelis? You must be hopeless then. You’ve got to really shoot missiles and bury a lot of your dead before you can bring down such a squadron.

Lone Ranger

It was covid…

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah let Pfizer stick a DNA alterting kill shot up every masked morons dumbarse for Bill Gates and Bilderberg plunderers.


Frankly, a shitstorm is coming for Zionists.


It won’t be the first expulsion of the ‘chosen’ liars :)

The Objective

They may be expelled, but believe me, not by Iran and its terror army of cowards who prefer to terrorize civilians rather than fight their declared enemies.

Arch Bungle

Mild brain trauma …


Pilot was about to land, saw the Domino’s pizza delivery truck pulling thru the gate, got excited and leaned too hard into the cyclic

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Did it crash into a parked fuel truck, or did it crash into an aircraft in the air which was refuelling it?

You would usually be stationary while being refuelled on the ground after all.

Zulubal Andre

hopefully none of the pilots has lazy eye…

The Objective

It was probably shot down by Iranian commandos who were brave enough to infiltrate the enemy.

cechas vodobenikov

probably pilot too obese—trained in pilot school Poland by bacon and jens in special NATO/LSD remedial program

Aleks Noir

most likely an accident, either way, this signifies nothing.

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