The US Armed Forces are increasing their military presence in Iraq.

Photo: AP Photo / Khalid Mohammed)
The US Armed Forces are increasing their military presence in Iraq, the White House announced on Friday. Reportedly, the statement was made by US President Donald Trump during his telephone conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
“President Trump emphasized the buildup of the United States military,” the White House reported. “President Trump also congratulated Iraqi forces on their recent progress in Mosul [and] thanked Prime Minister Abadi for his leadership.”
In addition, the threat, presented by Iran to the entire Middle East region, was also discussed by Trump and Abadi.
“Both leaders spoke to the threat Iran presents across the entire region. They also reaffirmed their commitment to the long-term partnership between the United States and Iraq grounded in the US-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement,” the White House noted.
Trump also stressed the continuing support of the US for Iraqi people in their common fight against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group.
They destroyed Irak, then turned it into a vassal state, then nurtured and created there ISIS, then they will use it for their war against Iran. Waaay interesting path to wipe a nation from the face of the earth.
So what.
This is a very intelligent answer. Lol
What flag are you flying?
Shiits seems to have learned nothing.
Is there anyone here that knows how to speak english?
Trump es muy stupido. Donde es IRAK? Porfavor :)
I enjoy reading all of these in depth and enlightened comments. Besides above article is about nothing. Trump makes another phone call (big news). Troop build-up has already taken place for Mosul op. A draw down may be coming in the distant future for Iraq.
Yes..I do. However I doubt that explaining the reality of what the U.S. has done in the Middle East for the last decade as a crime against humanity…would do any good. You see, those people who are angry with you and the U.S. are better human beings than you. You lack the capability to figure out or to realize. It’s the same perverted (or very similar) ideology that wiped out the Native Americans. I don’t think you understand that they would rather not speak English. I’m certain that such a concept has never entered your mind.
What is a vassal state? Is this guy a prophet?
What country is Irak?
I don’t recall any nation being wiped off the face of the earth.
What about Atlantis? Though this was a long time ago.
Probably the Akrotiri eruption in the 17th Century BC.
A picture speaks better than 1000 words. Doesn’t it?
Degenerate yank war criminals….the sooner the world is rid of terrorist no.1 and their zionist entity war criminal regime….back to the stoneage for yank land and its war criminal alliance of scum.
I would like to know what you are referring to Your comment, without clarification, sounds like you graduated 1st grade.
Have read that Trump wants to send up to one hundred thousand Us troops back to Afghanistan . If it happens or not we will see . There are already 5-10 thousand US forces in Iraq , focused on Mosul (supposedly), Mosul is the last ISIS stronghold in Iraq , and its half taken . So , if this fresh deployment is done , it leads to highlight , ” both leaders spoke of the threat Iran presents to the entire region ” . So with an American build up in Afghanistan to the east of Iran , and another troop build up in Iraq , west of Iran , it looks like an attack on Iran is the American plan .
Trump is just making noise (anti-Obama agreement with Iran) There is no good plan here. Iran controls their side of Hormuz straight (oil shipments from gulf). Overland attack to take some hills means nothing. Attack must start with large invasion of the straights. LOL