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MARCH 2025

US Armed Forces Continue To Test China’s Patience, Prowling Around Disputed Maritime Borders

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US Armed Forces Continue To Test China’s Patience, Prowling Around Disputed Maritime Borders

The USS Nimitz and USS Reagan cruising around the South China Sea earlier this month

The Pacific Air Forces Public Affairs unit has announced that two B-1B Lancer bombers assigned to the 37th Bomb Squadron have been deployed to Andersen Air Force Base on Guam, along with approximately 170 support personnel, as part of a Bomber Task Force deployment.

According to the statement, the move is instended to demonstrate the US Indo-Pacific Command’s continuing commitment to allies and partners in the region.

The Stripes reported that before arriving on Guam, the bombers conducted intercept training over the Sea of Japan with F-15J fighter jets belonging to the Japanese Air Self-Defence Force. LINK

B-1s were last deployed to Guam in May when they flew in from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas. The duration of the current deployment has not been announced.

US Armed Forces Continue To Test China’s Patience, Prowling Around Disputed Maritime Borders

Guam Island, location of Anderson Air Force Base

Against the backdrop of worsening relations between the US and China, the nuclear Ronald Reagan and Nimitz aircraft carrier groups as well as other US Navy vessels have been conducting exercises in and around the South China Sea over the last few weeks. The exercises and manoeuvres have also involved a strategic long range bomber B-52H Stratofortress. LINK

Earlier this week, the US officially rejected Chinese claims to a number of territories in the South China Sea.

The South China Morning Post reports that China’s Ambassador to the Philippines has urged Southeast Asian countries to be on guard against US attempts to “sabotage” the region’s stability by inserting itself into the South China Sea disputes.

He urged Southeast Asian nations to “properly resolve disputes” with China and “prevent them from being capitalised on by the US to sabotage stability in the Asia-Pacific region”.

The comments followed a shift in Washington’s posture on China’s claims in the area reflected in an op-ed in which his American counterpart, Sung Kim, declared Washington’s support for Manila in the “West Philippines Sea”.

This is the term Manila uses to refer to the portion of the South China Sea it claims as part of its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and includes areas claimed by Beijing. The use of the term by a US state department official is rare and has been interpreted as being deliberately provocative in Beijing. LINK

Last week, one of the US Navy’s MQ-4C Triton high altitude long endurance (HALE) reconnaissance drones was spotted entering the South China Sea on Wednesday – the latest addition to an increasingly long list of US spy planes plying the waterway in recent months. LINK

In addition to flight operations by the US Navy carrier USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan and other US military aircraft, the destroyer USS Ralph Johnson carried out a still-more-provocative act on July 14, a so-called “freedom of navigation operation” inside the waters surrounding the Spratly Islands, which are claimed by China as part of its territory, in a deliberate attempt to repudiate and challenge Chinese claims. Chinese media outlet stated in response to the latest manoeuvres:

“These incidents, taking place thousands of miles away from the US and on China’s doorstep, have again proven that the US is the real pusher of militarization in the South China Sea, and China is forced to take countermeasures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Global Times wrote, citing an unnamed Chinese military expert.

“If US military provocations in the South China Sea persist, China could be left with no choice but to conduct more drills and deploy more warships and warplanes in the South China Sea, to the extent of setting up a possible air defence identification zone (ADIZ).”

Sputnik reports that while the two US Navy carrier strike groups drilled in the South China Sea last week, Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) jets practiced anti-ship attacks nearby.

The US aircraft carriers have been carrying out drills in waters near China for several weeks, including in the Philippine Sea and South China Sea. Last week, the Chinese military decided to stage their own drills, holding live-fire exercises in which PLAAF jets rehearsed how they would carry out strikes against enemy warships in the region.

The drills involved JH-7A and J-16B naval strike aircraft, which practiced firing anti-ship missiles, the Global Times reported. The military exercises were held on 15 and 16 July. LINK


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A war between USA and China would be great for Russia :)


Yes, Ukraine and Syria can be liberated from the Zionazi, EUrowahhabi and Banderat scum alliance that’s been trying to marginalise Russia ever closer to its borders.


Yes but if there is no war, RF will be around no more than 30 years.


Zionists own Russia and set up communism you idiots lol they’ve just infiltrated the US and used us as well trump is cutting their control as we speak bringing down the KGB Mossad blackmail ring as we speak UH OHHHHHH

Lone Ranger

Putin took back Russia from them. How old are you 12??


Rightttt lol KGB guy took it back from the zionist KGB? That’s why he still funded marxist regimes and subversion all over the world and is about to restart the USSR?

Lone Ranger

He never funded marxist takeovers. He doesnt need to restart it. Russian Federation is alive and well. You are probably a hasbarat from tel aviv spreading BS. You wont have too much luck.on this site…


He literally funds the refugee ships into the west funds cultural Marxism subversion all inside Europe and the US y’all are either naive or GRU agents

Lone Ranger

Nope, that would be papa Soros.


Yeah he loves Xi and the UN and hates trump cause he knows the whole little game is about to get fucking destroyed

Lone Ranger

Putin likes Trump. Who had chocolate cake with Xi at Camp David? Was it Putin? Nope…


Sure he does lmao. You think your gay little commie globalist propaganda fools everyone still?

Lone Ranger

Projecting again…? You can do better than that Shlomo…;)


Yeah CCP loves trump ?? listen to your self. Hahaha

Lone Ranger

Did they have chocolate cake together or not? I can send you the video if you wish…

Lone Ranger

Russia is the Leader of the Free World nowdays. Once Trump gets rid from the cia/mossad coup and restores the U.S. of A they can join as equal partners.


Yeah sure they are hahahaha omfg dude stop embarrassing yourself. KGB boy is about to get ass raped his little pretend Christian conservative act didn’t fool anyone but some morons in the public.

Lone Ranger

Projecting much Shlomo..? Time to insert your Tampax, you are bleeding all over the place ,:)

Lone Ranger

But was a nice try Shlomo…

Lone Ranger

Putin rebuilt a Christian conservative Russia. And is supporting and protecting Christians World wide. I know lil Shlomopedros like you doesnt like that. You will need another account trollstoy on your 6…


Conservative how? Financing all the marxist regimes in Venezuela Cuba and subverting the west with Marxism? Y’all are stupid. It’s called the parastroika deception. He’s fucking KGB.

Lone Ranger

Its called Free Trade, capitalism. U.S. trades with commie China, Vietnam, Laos in the $trillions each year. Russia aint financing them. The commie party in Russia are the main opposition. Putins party is the right wing Christian conservative United Russia party. He protects Christians all over the world. He built and restored Christian churches by the hundreds inside Russia and around the world. Give it up Shlomo. You lost it…


Yeah the globalist commie Jews set all that up. Why you think they’re so mad and panicked trump is tearing it all apart?

Lone Ranger

I dont see that happening. U.S. is still having a trade deficit of $800billion a year…


Stupid cunt. Ziocorporatists owned the US before the USSR even existed. Now, thinking that Global Ziocorp’s wholly-owned US president Trumpet is “taking down the deep state” is the stupidest shit I’ve heard today.

You can call me Al

No a war against China is a war against China and Russia and Iran….you know that.


Ha ha ha! Verry funny. Russia and China are traditional archenemies.

Zionism = EVIL

Eat less bacon as you are becoming a total moron like Paul Apu and same league as the teenage punk Iron Zion, I had hopes for you my boy. China and Russia have history of any conflict dating back early Han civilization. You are some eastern European uneducated dope.


Your dissapointments hurts me more than an atomic bomb, China considers that Russia snatched Siberia on which they were entitled and also Russia is worried of their expanding financial inflence at its borders, central Asia. They are in permanent conflict just not dirrectly.


Zionist KGB control of the US is being cut off with their KGB mossad ring and is intelligence being purged of them. Then… all their communsit regimes will be wiped off the earth CCP and the kremlin cartel.;)

You can call me Al

Stupid comment from you.




Won’t need one we will collapse China economically can destroy with just with one Japanese Indian blockade then we will wipe the zionist KGB regime from the earth for good we are getting them out of control with their jewish leaders Epstein’s blackmail ring now then we are going to skull fuck everyone jew communist regime off the face of the earth. You have no idea the technology we’ve kept secret from our own KGB zionist infested govt hahahaha

Lone Ranger

KGB doesnt exist anymore. Sorry to dissapoint you…


Oh yeah your renaming it all The time really fools everyone ??

Lone Ranger

Only correcting your BS. Most people are aware you are spreading BS.


Nah, you’re repeating communist propaganda BS actually.

Lone Ranger

Nope, that would be you Shlomo. How is the weather in Tel Aviv…?


I’m and American and we have studied this entire plot for 70 years went underground to lay the trap and now it’s time. The zionist communsit world conspiracy is about to be crushed. Go back to your bosses at the GRU/FSB and kiss your commie scum asses goodbye hahahaha

Lone Ranger

Sure you are Shlomo… Sure you are. Swap GRU/FSB with CIA/Mossad and its legit ;)


Nah we knew our CIA was take over by the zionist KGB since Angleton we set up entirely underground networks for that reason and laid a giant trap haha we will crush the traitor CIA FBI etc infiltrators here too. The show is about to start get your popcorn ready commies

Lone Ranger

Zionist Mossad*


Yeah which was founded by the KGB Soviet’s lol are you a communist agent or just a moron who believes their propaganda?

Lone Ranger

Actually it was funded by the ciza. During the cold war Mossad and KGB were enemies. Soviet-Union supported the arab nations against Israel. While CIA and the Pentagon poured in $trillions to Israel. You shouldnt get your history lessons from corn flakes boxes…


Is that what you really believe or you’re just a commie propagandists online? Lol hard to tell the difference

Lone Ranger

Its a fact. I told you Im not a commie. If I was I would be pro mossad, pro DNC anti Russia.


Russia is commie man sorry to disappoint that’s all a show from Putin. They’re masters of deception. They plotted this out 50 years ago.

Lone Ranger

Russia is a Christian conservative country. They arent commie. Im not buying it.


The country isn’t the regime is.

Lone Ranger

Than why did Putin rebuild hundreds of Christian churches across Russia and eastern europe and Syria? Your claim makes no sense. Who ever sold you on this Russia story double crossed you.


Cause he knows societies only thrive with religion. Same reason he outlawed gays to destroy the west while he builds up Russia. Communsits know their own subversive weapons they only push it on the west and not in their own nations same as communsit china

Lone Ranger

Dont blame Russia for your own commies…


They are communists pretending to be that. They are chameleons. The central committee and KGB were arrested or never left power?

Lone Ranger

Most of those people are dead, or in their 90s. You are paranoid delusional.


Russia is not our enemy all nation’s share the same enemy zionists globalist communist world govt. they propagandize all of us and confuse us as to who the players are. Putin is direct line of KGB to oversee the hibernation period and complete the long term subversion of the west KGB designed all this they designed the fake hostility towards China to fool the west to pour all its money to build up China to liberalize them etc etc

Lone Ranger

I dont buy the Putin part. Are you aware Putin stopped the Greater Israel project? Tusts lime the worst thing for zionists, they are mad at Putin


Do you know he hung up a picture of Andropov in his office?

Lone Ranger

Any proof? Aside from photoshop?



Lone Ranger

Do that was 40 years ago not present day. Thought so…


The DNC isn’t anti Russia it’s all a fake they sold Russia out uranium google uranium one let them take Ukraine and then project being pro Russia onto trump as cover they literally used KGB dirt for the dossier to try and coup trump with

Lone Ranger

That wasnt KGB dirt. The Steel dossie was created by an ex MI6 agent. Uranium deal was shady, but it doesnt prove your point. Corruption happens on all sides.


Yeah zionist communsit globalists been running all those agencies they’re the masterminds the Jews but Russia has always been run by them never broke free and KGB runs most of all this infiltration and subversion of west

Lone Ranger

I dont think so. If that was the case there would be no sanctions, no pressuring, no tit for tat.


Yeah zionists ran both sides. You think we were gonna let the clowns in the official govt and pentagon just be used to destroy us from within? We made some other secret plans outside of any official govt structure you know about

Lone Ranger

Good to know. Would hate seeing 1917 happening all over again


Ah so you are a communist?

Lone Ranger

Christian conservative. If you know history you know in 1917 the Russian Tsar and his family was killed and commies took over Russia after a bloody civil war. Thats why I said what I said. I would hate to see a repeat of that in the U.S. Does that sound commie to you?


Yeah then we are on the same side fuck communists! You’re just confused by some of the propaganda about who the real players are but we want the same outcome.


Or that’s legitimate concern? If so yeah we have plans for all that. It’s a big double blind trap. It’s a flush out. You’ll see don’t worry.

Lone Ranger

Whatever you do please make sure pedo bide and pelosi get retired…


Zionist mossad and KGB are all the same network they been running CIA and MI6 since the 60s as well … we know the entireeeeee thing commie boy… you didn’t think we had other plans hahahahahah

Lone Ranger

And Russia is putting sanctions on themselves for 10 years. Yeah totally logical… Get real..


You don’t understand the complexities of long term geopolitical strategy lol

Lone Ranger

I sure understand that much… if Russia would run the cia and the Pentagon they sure wouldnt try to fuck themselves up. It doesnt take a brainsurgeon… The fact they hate Russia and Trump and Patriots should prove to you whos side Russia is on.


The CIA loves Russia they can’t blow the cover they work for the communist zionists and promote China and world communism’s agenda … not as much now it’s all getting taken back over more now

Lone Ranger

The cia loves Russia?lol Do you have anything to back that up? Because the CIA tried to destroy Russia for decades.


No they didn’t. Communists have subverted every CIA operation from the inside from Hungary to Bay of Pigs etc. it’s why they always fail and fuck up such easy operations the KGB has their moles running it from inside since the late 50s

Lone Ranger

I’m not buying this, sorry.


Nah the KGB took them over by the 70s. When Nixon was ousted they took full control.


Lone Ranger

That guy was a lunatic tho suffering from paranoid schizofrenia.


Why you think they lost their minds when trump came in and Brennan and the other communes been trying to kill and remove trump? He’s fucking their whole plan up


They’re all the same zionist communists Brennan was an open communists it’s why the real power in the US is totally underground you think we would let those Clowns at CIA destroy us from within? Lmfao

Lone Ranger

Brennan was actually a wahabi muslim still is, on Mossad payroll, same as saudisis.

Lone Ranger

Indeed you are. Skip watching commie/ mossad propaganda…


I kill commies and don’t watch their propaganda. Wait until you see. It’s coming you’ll understand soon.

Lone Ranger

Yeah I bet, you are a real killer in your moms basement.. Oy gevalt. Did you already have your barmitzva lol…



Lone Ranger

Thats a 40 year old video… Will you post Lenin next time…?


Yeah, the plot is very old they planned the fake collapse of the Berlin Wall and USSR 40 years in advance. We know the whole thing guy. You won’t even understand what happened soon ☺️ Think you’re so clever lmao

Lone Ranger

Your english is getting worse… Maybe a few english lessons wouldnt hurt… You could be more convincing…


Okay KGB boy you and your jew masters are gonna be in such a world of shit soon you have no idea ?? the best laid plans of mice and men…

Lone Ranger

Projecting much Shlomo? :)

Lone Ranger

Are you on Cocaine?


No, just my mind isn’t destroyed by marxist brainwashing so I can still see reality lol

Lone Ranger

Sure it was. If you think Russia is commie and the KGB is still around.


They are and it is just called the FBS now still funds all the communist subversion all over the world. Putin just announced the reformation of the USSR lol… google parastroika deception watch the videos

Lone Ranger

Its FSB Einstein.. And it isnt. Its even in the Russian Constituion. They are a Christian conservative country. Perestroika was in the 80s. Maybe you should get into your Time machine and hit the correct decade Marty…


You think that little deception fooled anyone? Hahahaha

Lone Ranger

No, I dont think your failed troll comments fooled anyone :)


Can’t wait to see the reaction of all you little commies thinking you’re so clever for so many decades realized what happened hahahaha omg it’s gonna be glorious

Lone Ranger

Im not a commie but a Christian conservative. Sorry to dissapoint you…


It’s time to be open about it since you’ve already fucked yourselves we’ve been playing you and pretending you fooled us the entire time hahahaha communist regime there and in China are dead men walking? we will free the good people there though our fight is not with them only with the communist slave masters of your regimes

Lone Ranger

Cool story Shlomo… Do you sell tickets too, you could be the next Dave Chapelle :_)

Lone Ranger

U.S. is falling apart. And not because if Russia. But because the CIA, Mossad and the Chinese.


Sure it is lmao. Your little marxist destabilization infiltrators will do nothing. It’s all been planned out don’t worry. Keep thinking that it makes it more satisfying when you see what’s gonna happen?☺️?☺️

Lone Ranger

They arent mine. But that of the cia/mossad/soros/ DNC Co. I doubt the U.S. can turn around, wish they could, but its a perfect storm.


Yeah those are communist globalist infiltrators .. we know that they are about to be destroyed also not just the leaders in the kremlin Jerusalem and Beijing ;)

Lone Ranger

Swap Kremlin with Capitol Hill. And its legit. Israeli govt is in Tel Aviv not Jerusalem by the way. As a hasbarat you should know that…


I mean yeah they been running that too for a long time it’s the subversion we knew about it all. We made some little plans for it though. Just wait and see I don’t wanna ruin their surprise ?


The world communsit govt is to be run from Jerusalem the religious leaders of it all are there you’re just ignorant to reality though so I don’t blame you for thinking such things.

Lone Ranger

It wont happen. Globalists will never succeed.


I know that’s what I’m telling you. We have it all planned out we laid a giant trap for the zionist world communist UN govt conspirators. You’ll see. Just watch. Can’t say more details than that.

Lone Ranger

You arent Justin are you?


We will no longer surrender this nation or its people to the false song of globalism – Trump

Lone Ranger

Good luck. But Russia is not your enemy.


I know but the kremlin and KGB cartel is. We will free russia finally for real this time.

Lone Ranger

Russia already broke free. First in 1991 from commies, than from the globalists in 2000. There is no KGB cartel. And the Kremlin is the Russian People. By the people for the people…


No it isn’t and it hasn’t sorry to disappoint you. They protect Chinas communsit party fund and operate the marxist subversion in the west and invasion of Muslims into the west it’s all a planned deception the KGB never lost power. It’s why they installed a KGB boy as their leader without real elections for 20 years

Lone Ranger

Russia has nothing to do with the rapefugees. Thats a soros/Rotschild plot. As for China they must trade with them to survive. Both the EU and the U.S. trades more with China than does Russia.


Putin funds a lot of the NGOs doing it look it up.

Lone Ranger

I did look it up. Not true.


No you didn’t. Where did you look it up? Communist news outlets lol it’s literally a well known strategy of his in Syria and Lybia

Lone Ranger

You are getting delusional…


Yeah Soros is a communsit globalists also all the same people

Lone Ranger

I repeat it, Russia has nothing to do with it. In fact there is an active arrest warrant against Soros in Russia.


What happened to the KGB and central committee after USSR “collapsed”? Were any of them arrested where are they now?

Lone Ranger

Dead or in a retire home eating apple sauce with antibiotics…


A top KGB officer convincing everyone he’s a conservative anti global communist is pretty hilarious I used to think that too. When you look deeper into what he actually does it’s all bullshit he’s as red as they come.

Lone Ranger

I don’t rely on his words but on his actions. Sofar Putin is a man of his words.


Yeah by subverting the west with refugees etc

Lone Ranger

Not by Putin or Russia. But by soros, Rotschilds and the cia.

Lone Ranger



They are the communist globalists it will be part of the plan is to let them think they’re winning. Just watch… you’ll love it if you’re not really a commie.

Lone Ranger



Why you think all the scumfuck globalists here are attacking him so hard. Desperation.

Lone Ranger

I actually agree with you on everything. Except Russia.

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Cant wait.


Isn’t Trump son in law a zionist?


Yeah idk I kinda think they’re double agents they are taking down their whole mega group Israeli blackmail ring now which will finally fit the cord of control over the US if they can destroy that.




Nah, we are going to collapse China with economic cut off use japan India etc so we can focus on Russia ;)

Lone Ranger

U.S. is already collapsed on the brink of civil war. Will bibi still have enough Shekels for your troll paycheck once sugardaddy goes belly up? Oy oy…

Lone Ranger

There is already a war between them.


What do you know and I don’t?

Lone Ranger

Who knows…

Trap Is Not Gay

As nothing makes sense, but people are ruined and the Jew is showing, then the USA creates another strawman fake “villain” from movies that eats children, in order to “save the day” (for the Jew, of course).

Pathetic, the collapse is going to be such in all fronts that any slightly reasonable person will laugh his ass off for days.

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew scum have pissed off China bigtime with creating and spreading the Pompeovirus. It is hardening its stance and creating major military alliances.

China, Cuba blast Israel land grab bid, back Palestine at UNSC


The jew scum created communism then took over the US with their zionist Lobby we are purging the zionist communist control now with Epstein’s network getting rolled up then we will wipe communism from the face of the earth and free the people of China Russia Cuba Venezuela etc


CCP and Russian regime were created by the Jews lmao

Lone Ranger

Soviet* So wss the U.S. regime. Russia broke free. Its the turn.of the U.S. now.


Nah they didn’t at all. They faked the collapse so they could infiltrate and merge with the west to create their world communsit government with the UN WHO etc

Lone Ranger

Disney called they want you back… Also take your meds…

Lone Ranger

You sound worse than Alex Jones on meth…


Zionists founded communism And are communsit Russia and China they’ve just got control over the us and cia they are now being removed with their KGB mossad agents being purged and Epstein’s mossad KGB blackmail ring being cut off ;) soon we will destroy zionist communism from the face of the earth and help all the nations they used our military for.

Lone Ranger

Russia aint commie. Contrary to the DNC…


They tell you that… they fund all the communist subversion in the world they helped the DNC try to coup trump for him undoing all their marxist subversion policy

Lone Ranger

BS lies, spread by CNN and DNC itself. Trump likes Putin and Russia… It seems your script is not up to date Shekelstein..


You’re so brainwashed lol… the DNC and Jew media Tells you trump is Putin’s buddy etc.

Lone Ranger

They are. But thats good. Look at Syria and Iraq. Since Trump and Putin are working together the jihadis have been defeated and the Greater Israel Project was stopped. Fact.



Lone Ranger

Cant open it. It says sorry you dont have access to this.


I know you’ve been fooled about Putin being a Russian nationalists it’s all a deception and bullshit. He literally kept the communsit govt in power in Venezuela and Cuba and he’s aligned with China Soros etc

Lone Ranger

Venezuela and Cuba are sovereign countries. Russia cant topple their govts, nor are they in the business toppling govts. Contrary to the U.S. There is an active arrest warrant against Soros in Russia, his NGOs are banned. So you are wrong again,sorry.

Lone Ranger

Where exactly? Show me. Where does Russia fund Marxists?



Lone Ranger

So? Russia has nothing to do with it. Maybe U.S. shouldnt attack these countries than they wouldnt fight back either…. Just an idea… Who attacked whom first? And no Im not a BLM supporter, and I think neither are Venezuela or Cuba they only use whatever they can. BLM was created by Soros by the way. You really think the CIA and FBI arent complicit? How else could they operate insude the U.S.?


Are you blind? Here’s links but look at this face of it it’s obvious he backs the Maduro and Castro regimes lmao he’s a commmmmmunist

Lone Ranger

No he is not. Its called politics. U.S. created modern China, prepping them up with $trillions, Vietnam has an Intel chip factory, did you know that…?

Trap Is Not Gay

Ridiculous, the JewSA smearing Russia and China.


The Bolshevik revolution was literally all jews lol

Trap Is Not Gay

100 years ago, not today anymore.

Today George Soros can’t make his way in China and Russia.

And of course, the JewSA wants to pick a fight with them.



Trap Is Not Gay


Brother Ma

I read that Japa and Aus ships were also there with the Yankers in a show of determination to keep navigation open! Seems these lackeys and their master just love pushing against China to get a reaction.


No china loves bullying all its neighbors and releasing viruses on the world to maintain its corrupt regime from collapsing so the entire rest of the world is fucking through with them and surrounding these fucks to end the CCP once and for all.

Lone Ranger

Sounds like the U.S. for the past 70years…


Yeah the zionists KGB infiltrated and took over the west years ago

Lone Ranger

Zionist Mossad* Fuxed it Shlomo… Your superiors eont be happy about your performance here;) Oy gevalt…

cechas vodobenikov

again the stupid amerikans merely provide China and Russia with slow moving targets that may impress Taiwan—as China has developed installations in the Paracels and Spratleys the impotent Yanquis wring their hands and whine “unlawful”—yet these immoral fascists never sign on to the convention of the sea, the prohibition of anti-personnel weapons or the authority of the ICC…expected of exceptional war criminal

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