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US, Armenia Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement As Azeri Invasion Looms

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US, Armenia Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement As Azeri Invasion Looms

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On January 14, the United States and the Pashinyan regime signed a strategic partnership agreement in Washington DC. According to the document, signed by Pashinyan’s Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and US State Secretary Antony Blinken, this includes “advancing democracy and economic freedom, defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, strengthening the rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, supporting innovation and technological advances, and bolstering energy security”. It should be noted that these aren’t mere formalities, as this means that Yerevan will also be pushed ever deeper into the grotesque Sorosian/NED agenda, while the focus on “energy security” can only reinforce Washington DC’s continued obsession with limiting Russian energy projects and exports (particularly in the South Caucasus).

The document also stresses “the mutual desire to strengthen our relationship across the diplomatic, economic, energy, high-tech, educational, scientific, cultural, legal, defense, and security fields”. The US supposedly wants “a strong, independent, sovereign, and democratic Armenia, capable of defending its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and inviolability of internationally recognized borders is essential for lasting regional security and prosperity”. Yes, I laughed, too. The idea that Washington DC supports the “inviolability of internationally recognized borders” is beyond ludicrous, especially when considering the simple fact that it attacked approximately 100 countries since WWII, engaging in the so-called “nation-building” process, creating abhorrent entities such as the narco-terrorist “state” in NATO-occupied Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia.

The US also insists that “Armenia’s continued democratic and economic reforms can unleash the full creative potential of its industrious citizens and thereby catalyze prosperity throughout the region and beyond”. Once again, this reeks of deeper Sorosian/NED involvement that can only do the complete opposite of what was stated. The document also stresses “the need to deepen [Armenia’s] political, economic, security, and social ties with other nations of the Euro-Atlantic community and broader community of democracies”.

This alone is shameful for a CSTO member state, to say nothing of the rest. It demonstrates that the Pashinyan regime stubbornly refuses to let go of these NATO fantasies. To make matters worse, this now includes using Armenians as guinea pigs for Pentagon-run biolabs that the late General Kirillov had been exposing.

As previously mentioned, the US also wants to “secure market-oriented energy sector” in Armenia and intends to “explore opportunities to increase and diversify Armenia’s energy production and supplies”. This might be directly connected with the recent Azeri plane crash that was likely orchestrated by the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta to push Baku into US-supported energy projects designed to hurt Russia’s economic (and strategic) interests.

Thus, the Pashinyan regime continues to take part in anti-Russian efforts while whining about Moscow’s refusal to wage wars for it. This has been the case ever since Nikol Pashinyan took power in a 2018 US-backed coup. Ever since, he has not only cut Yerevan’s close ties with the Kremlin, but has also betrayed the millennia-old native Armenian land of Artsakh (better known as Nagorno-Karabakh).

In terms of closer military cooperation, Washington DC and the Pashinyan regime “intend to initiate a working group to strengthen enforcement of export controls for dual-use goods, align policy frameworks, and share information”, which is an obvious reference to limiting Armenian-Russian trade, as the US can pretty much declare any goods and commodities “dual-use” and then insist that those be excluded from bilateral trade.

As previously mentioned, Washington DC and the Pashinyan regime also want to “deepen Armenia’s integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions as a mutual priority”, which can only mean more US/NATO presence in the country. In that regard, the Pentagon says it wants to “support the capacity building of the Armenian Border Guard Service”, even though the Russian FSB has been helping Armenia in this regard for decades.

However, perhaps the most laughable aspect of the agreement is America’s insistence that it can “help Armenia foster the rule of law buttressed by an impartial, independent judiciary, and to further strengthen independent media, freedom of expression, access to objective news and information, good governance and accountability, public administration reform, fair and transparent electoral competition, a free and active civil society, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and anti-corruption efforts in Armenia”.

It’s truly a Herculean effort to read this with a straight face. Considering that the outgoing Biden administration is considering “preemptive pardons”, a concept unheard of in any legal system, the US is the last country on the planet to teach anyone about “the rule of law” (to say nothing of the rest, particularly media “freedom”).

However, that’s not the end of this comedic document. Namely, America also wants to “strengthen Armenia’s anti-corruption institutions and integrity”, as well as to “increase political pluralism and transparent, fair political competition in Armenia, including by encouraging the development of political parties, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations”.

In other words, the Pashinyan regime is enforcing the complete opposite of what its northern neighbor Georgia has been doing in recent years. This will only further erode what little sovereignty is left in Armenia and hand it over to US/NATO. It should be noted that this agreement was signed with an administration that will be in power for just a few days more, meaning that Trump could easily scuttle it and prioritize improving strategic relations with Armenia’s archenemy Azerbaijan.

Namely, Trump’s foreign policy framework is firmly pro-Israeli and anti-Iranian. Azerbaijan and Israel have very close ties, including in military cooperation, meaning that he certainly won’t be antagonizing such a country, particularly in the context of Baku’s strategic position to the north of Iran. Not to mention that the large and influential Armenian community in America has been firmly pro-DNC for decades, which is something that Trump certainly won’t forget.

In other words, just when we thought that Nikol Pashinyan couldn’t possibly make worse geopolitical decisions, he did exactly that. As a result, he’s not only further antagonizing Russia, but is doing so at a time when Azerbaijan is contemplating an invasion of Armenia. The Pashinyan regime’s understanding of geopolitics is so horrible that it not only lost Artsakh, but is actually putting Armenia’s very existence at risk.


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Guy Metdrapedes

goodbye armenia. turks will finish what they started, with help from the “christian” usa.

Casual observer .

” the pope’s the moral authority for rule of law ” appointed by obama to the position .americas subject to papal authority, not presidential.

Niccolo Machiavelli

america is just the latest in a long line of mercenary operations funded by the vatican, started by charlemagne and including the normans in the 11th century. pope alexander used normans against byzantium starting in 1054 (and gave them the kingdom of sicily for their troubles) and used them against othodox england in 1066. list also includes napoleon, adolf and mussolini, all devout catholics.


do you mean “the (((christian))) usa” ?


erdogan and the azeris will eat armenia for breakfast. then the armenians will run whining to russia that they have done nothing to protect them.

Casual observer .

until they’re multi cultural under one moral authority for rule of law they will not have peace imo .the world .

The Kurd

this whole war started because russi deliberately divided up their nation so they become dependent on them in the first place! after the azeris attacked armenia, russia didn’t do shit either while they are obligated to help them. only empowering the turks and azeris even more. hell, i wouldn’t count on russia either if i was in their position, especially after what happened in syria.


russia saved the armenians from being wiped out in the war with azerbaijan. then this western stooge gave away historic armenian land without lifting a finger to defend it the armenians spit in russia’s face and expecr russia to fight for them when they won’t do it themselves.

The Kurd

yeah not true man. stalin promises historic armenian land to the azeris, which was not up to him to decide in the first place. eventually the azeris took it and russia placed some soldiers there only for show. saved them my ass! they have all the right to feel betrayed.

AM Hants

wasn’t stalin a georgian? so why are you blaming russia? remember, the bolsheviks (created by the city of london) overthrew the russian empire, back in 1917 and stalin got the soviet union up an running. it fell in 1991, if you did not notice the 15 independent members that found their freedom? why did so many gallup over to the bolshevik-nazi european union?

evjensy holmoko

a-female404 nation should be turk colony

Casual observer .

more transparent anti american propagandas from basically an ignoramus incapable of understanding the complexities of reality. imo because it’s blinded by its own agendas of serving wef .


interesting read, it oozes with hate. hate knows no reasoning, nor systematic approach, so it is riddled with problematic conclusions. is pashinyan a zombie? certainly not, but he is following the only alternative left after russia threw it under the azeri steam-roller.

AM Hants

how did russia throw armenia under the bus, when the moron the armenians elected was working arm in arm with usaid/ned and turned his back on russia?


part 2 (what is with this limited commenting?) now russian hand may have been tied by the turk and his multi-layered strategic game, it may not have been just and certainly not christian, but that is what strategy is all about. americans are still a hugely powerful force and they just might save armenia from the turks (the bad cop in this instance)

Joseph Day

yanks are full of shit. without their nato alience their nothing


the jewsa won’t lift a finger to save armenia. they can look forward to turk genocide mark 2.

AM Hants

ever heard of usaid/ned? did you notice the cookie monsters who turned up in kyev, back in 2014? what happened next to ukraine? guess that is what you mean when you say that the us is a powerful force, full of good intent, when it comes to saving nations. as iraq, amongst others, can confirm.

Moshe Dayan

exactly according to albert pike plan: create war conditions between muslims, jews and christians to destroy all religious faith so they can unleash their luciferian doctrine on the world.


🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Niccolo Machiavelli

when you are decoding the american buzzwords you have to keep note of two expressions in particular. any mention of “open society” is george soros. any mention of “freedom and prosperity” is the koch brothers.


advancing democracy and economic freedom with the united states is a joke, right?


armenia is a joke. if they would have stopped with the multivector insanity and just been a loyal cis member they would be ok. the actual armenian army wouldn’t defend the armenians occupation of whatever they called it nabokrapo something or other, but they copped some attitude the russians were supposed to defend it.

typical colored nonsense. russia is better off without some of this crap. its just too bad the (((americans))) are always all set to step in a cause some grief.


the russians dont need the armenians, dont need the balcans dont need syria, dont need lybia. whats next dont need iran or belarus? and then complain when all are converted and march with the enemy against russia again.


drago the neonazi serbian has 2 neurons and 1 is drawned in cheap votka

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