Full spectrum warfare – nowhere and nothing is safe. Presumably they have their Armageddon bunkers well stocked.
Following the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the US military is seeking to accelerate the development of such missiles and deploy them throughout the world, with particular emphasis on Europe (Russia) and Asia (China). As Russian President Vladimir Putin warned in his State Address early last year, this would be an extremely dangerous development and would force Russia to take countermeasures.
Defenseone.com has published a report and interview with senior US army officers describing their plans and aspirations for modernization and expansion of their intermediate range weapons systems. The report begins:
Army wargames against Russia and China found a major gap in the service’s planned arsenal of long-range precision weapons, a gap it now plans to fill with a new intermediate-range missile that could fly as far as 2,000 miles. To speed development, the weapon will probably be derived from a missile already used by another service, such as the famous Tomahawk.
“[Navy] SM-6s and Tomahawks, that’s a capability I can see us as having in the future,” the Army Chief of Staff, Gen. James McConville, told a DefenseOne webcast this morning. “We are working that, [and] the Marine Corps is doing the same thing. If you don’t have to develop your own system, if you already have something that already works… it’s in all of our interest to go ahead and pursue those.”
Now, McConville didn’t address the intermediate-range missile specifically, whose existence was first reported by our Defense News colleague Jen Judson just last week. But in an exclusive interview about the new weapon, the artillery modernization director at Army Futures Command told me the service is looking at “existing missiles capable of flying at various speeds and altitudes.”
That way, Brig. Gen. John Rafferty told me, prototypes of the new mid-range weapon can be operational in 2023, alongside several other new weapons – revolutionizing the Army’s long-neglected artillery branch to hit targets once reachable only by airstrikes.”
Developments planned to be completed by 2023 include: the first prototype battery of the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM), increasing the range of the Army’s MLRS and HIMARS missile launchers from 300 km to over 500km; the first prototype battery of the new intermediate-range missile, to be developed by the Rapid Capabilities & Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) also working on hypersonics and laser weapons, with a range of up to 1,500 or even 2,000 km; the first full-range tests for the experimental Strategic Long-Range Cannon (SLRC), which aims to use gunpowder and rocket-boosted shells to reach 1,500 km-plus ranges; the first prototype battery of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), with a range of “thousands of kilometres.”
The article further explains:
… as the Army studied future conflict – with extensive input from the other services and the joint Combatant Commanders around the world – it found a whole category of targets too distant to hit with PrSM but too numerous to handle with hypersonics.
“The strategic fires study was done with combatant commands’ input, as well as others from the operational force,” Rafferty told me. “[It] showed that if we could address some of the high payoff targets in the mid-range space that we would really begin to change the calculus in the Pacific and in Europe – in really different ways.”
In the vast expanses of the Pacific, Rafferty said, the primary target for the intermediate-range weapon would be Chinese warships – which means it must be able to track and home in on moving targets. PrSM will eventually have an anti-ship seeker as well, but its 500-plus km range doesn’t get you that far across the Pacific; hence the value of an intermediate-range weapon…
By contrast, Europe is a smaller warzone, mostly on land, where the intermediate-range weapon could strike targets deep in Russian territory. In the 1980s, the ability of Army Pershing missiles to threaten Moscow from bases in Western Europe helped lead to the now-defunct INF Treaty, which banned such weapons and got the Army out of the long-range missile business for a generation.
By recreating an intermediate-range capability in Europe, Raffety said, “you begin to put all of the adversary assets at risk in depth. Now there is not sanctuary for him to hide.” LINK
The US military and political leadership seems oblivious to the fact that Russia and China are also capable of developing new weapons systems, and that they are deeply concerned by the US political and military statements and actions that threaten their very survival by placing as many weapons of mass destruction as possible as close as possible to their borders, accompanied by the threat that ‘all options are on the table’. All options, except diplomacy and rational dialogue to address mutual concerns and develop mutually acceptable and beneficial relations in an atmosphere of goodwill and coexistence.
In February 2019 USA Today reported:
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Moscow will target the U.S. with its new hypersonic missiles if the Trump administration follows its scrapping of a key arms control agreement by deploying new intermediate-range missiles in Europe.
In his state-of-the-nation address to Russian lawmakers, Putin said Russia was ready for talks with the U.S. on disarmament issues, “but we won’t knock on the closed door anymore,” Russia’s state-owned TASS news agency reported.
The Trump administration announced in early February that it would withdraw from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty over what it said was Russian violation of the Cold War pact.
The INF Treaty, signed in 1987 by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, covers deployed and non-deployed ground-based short-range missiles (from 310–620 miles) and intermediate-range missiles (from 620-3,420 miles.)
Such weapons were seen as particularly destabilizing as they only take a few minutes to reach their targets, leaving no time for decision-makers and raising the likelihood of a global nuclear conflict over a false launch warning…
Putin, addressing the Russian Federal Assembly, denied the charges of treaty violations but said the Kremlin would respond with new weapons aimed at the U.S. if Washington deploys new missiles in Europe.
The Russian leader also warned that Russia would not only aim its new, modern weapons at any country hosting any newly deployed weapons, but also at the U.S. itself.
“I will say it directly and explicitly so that no one could reproach us about anything and so that everyone could understand what we are talking about here,” he said. “Russia will be forced to create and deploy those types of weapons, which could be used not only against those regions from where we will face a direct threat, but also against those regions, hosting the centers, where decisions are taken on using those missile systems threatening us.”
… Noting that any U.S. intermediate-range missiles deployed in Europe would take only 10 to 12 minutes to hit Moscow, Putin said such steps would “sharply deteriorate international security and create serious threats to Russia.”
“This is a very serious danger to us,” he added. “In this case, we will be forced, and I want to stress this, we will be forced to envisage symmetric and asymmetric measures.
“We need peace, and the entire effort on increasing our defensive capacity will pursue just one goal: It is aimed at ensuring security of our country and citizens so that no one could think about aggression against Russia and even try to use the methods of military pressure against our country.” LINK
The US military planners seem intent on pushing the world to the brink of a major conflagration, whether though an intentional surprise attack or through a human or technical error given that Russia and China will only have minutes to react to indications from their early warning systems that a missile may have been launched against them from close range.
The political leadership in the White House and the Congress is at least as ‘gung ho’ as their military planners, with little prospect for improvement as both major presidential candidates, Trump and Biden, as well as the ‘political heavyweights’ of the Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress, try to outdo each other with their tough postures and rhetoric against China and Russia.
isnt Precision Strike Missile analog of iskander…ımo ıskander triggers usa to develop this,nothing more..
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate-Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty The INF Treaty banned all land-based ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and missile launchers with ranges of 500–1,000 kilometers (short medium-range) and 1,000–5,500 km (intermediate-range).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K720_Iskander Operational range: maximum 500 km
Do not justify those hillbilly rednecker faggots.
ı am only focusing technically on systems not treaty…when us on the table you should keep axe somewhere..ı dont accuse russians to develop ıskander..
INF treaty is thing of the past Jerry since US has withdrawn from INF unilaterally and without negotiations, accusing Russia for not respecting it. The fact that US now introduces those medium range missiles shows to everybody that true reason for retreating from INF was that they were developing medium range missiles secretly.
US can’t ever be trusted in anything.
In a document published by the pentagon in September 2019 they say the US needs to prepare for a major war with peer competitors before 2024. They plan to finish the deployment of new missiles in 2023. They are doing everything according to their plan. In the document they say the US would substain “enormous” damage in that war. This means they want to target Russia and China. That think they can win….
“if Russia understands dramatic escalation is inevitable” What kind of comment is this? What makes you think that Russia is not ready for war now?! I am not talking about years 2021-22-23-24 but now.
“I Don t know how russia can counter those missiles in a symmetric way” Russia can “counter” those missiles like all other missiles mostly with anti-missile air defenses ( S-300V4) and all other less specialized anti-aircraft missiles and radar assisted automatic cannons like Pantsir. And if Russia can not stop them than, nobody can. Because Russian air defenses are the best in the world. The problem is that in the case of US aggression. ALL – US – NATO major bases and NATO command in Europe will be nuked with tactical nukes and we will be destroyed in first hour of the war. And WW3 will start.
“And WW3 will start” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36de2399b753d24c03843cc753a9944ecabfa52e015a3c33c438f11a9d25ab5a.gif
I said Russia would need to destroy the missiles before the US could use them. Which means that russia would launch missiles to destroy them. Russia must be sure that the US will use them before attacking because it will lead to ww3. Deploying and actually using them for real is completely different. During the cold war missiles were deployed in Europe but nobody used them for real. That is what I mean by saying escalation is inevitable. You cannot understand that? Damn
“I said Russia would need to destroy the missiles before the US could use them” No! There is nothing to “understand” in failed logic. So Russia is suppose to start WW3 because US has some new missiles?!? No! Absolutely not! There are always asymmetric responses for almost every weapon. Russia would never do such thing:to attack and start WW3. You don’t even have clue about capabilities of those missiles and you are already creating WW3 scenarios over that?!? True amateur. Any attack of either of two sides would lead to WW3. So making this silly combinations in your head like there is some “logic” in those nonsense you talk about is totally nonsensical. Simply because any combination of the events between nuke Super Powers would lead to WW3. So it is totally irrational and immature and irresponsible to talk like you do! In simple words ; You must be effing joking with your absurd story!
You cannot read properly. I said that during the cold war missiles were deployed in Europe and nobody launched them. So I am Not saying russia needs to start ww3 for some missiles. I said if dramatic escalation is inevitable (russia has informations about an imminent attack) then russia to protect itself would need to destroy the missiles before the US can launch them. If you would be aware of last development of the russian nuclear doctrine you would know that it changed this year. Now it says: if Russia obtains absolutely reliable information that she will be subject of a nuclear attack which will put at risk russia counter strikes cababilities then russia would attack first. What I said is the Russian nuclear doctrine. Can you read the comments before answering? Thank you.
“russia has informations about an imminent attack” NO! “Information” about attack is not attack itself ! Only thing they can do is to be on stand by and ready to respond with everything they have! But never to attack if not attacked. Again : that doesn’t mean that they have license for aggression, only because of some ‘information”.- ——————— “Now it says: if Russia obtains absolutely reliable information that she will be subject of a nuclear attack which will put at risk russia counter strikes cababilities then russia would attack first.”
OK , maybe it is so, or maybe you have just invented that yourself… Do you have the link to the article or any source for that information? And why didn’t you give link to that info instead of telling your stupid story in the first place? If you don’t have link I will definitely not take your word as some kind of “proof”.
Also why would USA start “MAD” with those medium range missiles when Russia would still have plenty of time to respond by launching everything they have triggered by radar signals even without “secret information” on imminent attack?! Something is rotten in your story from every angle. “First attack” is built to disable (cripple) possibility of enemy to respond with strategic weapons in significant manner.
The US thinks that its first strike will destroy Russian counter strike capabilities. The US is ruled by a bunch of delusional maniacs. They are not rational. They are crazy. Trump wanted to kill Assad just like that because he doesn t like him. It s crazy.
Or maybe all of this is a game to give more money to the MIC. I Don t know.
It is ALWAYS for whatever reason, to give more money to the MIC and Pentagon.
Putin’s decree contains four announced conditions for nuclear weapons use, all of which involve first use of a nuclear weapon. It states:
The conditions which determine the possibility for the use by the Russian Federation of nuclear weapons are: a) the receiving of creditable information concerning the launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territories of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies; b) the use by an enemy of a nuclear weapon or other types of weapons of mass destruction against the territories of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies; c) enemy actions against critically important state or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the disablement of which will lead to a disruption of retaliatory operations of the nuclear forces; d) aggression against the Russian Federation involving the use of conventional weaponry, which threatens the existence of the state itself.[18] My bad. I read the article a few month ago and I remembered it wrong. https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2020/06/23/putins_new_nuclear_doctrine_115405.html
Never the less everything about Russian doctrine is not clear ( and is not suppose to be I imagine (deliberately) )
There are obviously classified and highly classified aspects of Russian nuclear doctrine that are not in the Putin decree. There is a separate published Presidential directive that deals with Naval nuclear weapons policy in the context of escalation.”
This is the part I am often talking about.
“Russia has recognized for itself the right to the preventive employment of nuclear weapons should we be attacked by some military bloc (like NATO). If START is not prolonged next year, we will be in total cold war arms race and with one foot in WW3 already. I hope US that dollar will collapse soon.
The quote you cited in your first comment is part of Putin’s address to US Government Russia had 7 locations inside US targeted, to destroy, if any nuclear weapon was launched towards Russia, or it’s allies. Using hypersonic weapons that are deployed within 200 miles (Putin said miles) of US coasts now. He went on to name those 7 locations, advising collateral damage is expected to be minimal given these military targets were not in close proximity to major civilian infrastructure centers. Further explaining the launch sites of European based US military missile batteries were located in close proximity to civilian infrastructure, in fact surrounded by it, and collateral damage could be expected to be high. That Russia would not be responsible for collateral damage due to the fact these countries were well aware of the placement of these weapons when they agreed to place them there. Do you remember that ? Since that address, Russia changed it’s Constitution, part of the changes removed the restrictions limiting Russia’s military to defensive action. A pre-emptive strike by Russia is entirely possible today. There’s no need to destroy every missile in US inventory, a few well placed strikes will prevent missiles being launched, communications, and decision making centers destroyed will leave US/NATO unable to defend themselves. There is no analog for Russian weapons systems deployed against US Government forces, and US military can only watch these weapons strike. 11 Mach, I think Putin said. There is no speculation, or any sort of guesswork to debate on this subject. Putin explained in detail Russia’s position, and the actions it will take publicly.
OK thank you. Even if every word is exactly like Putin have said it, that still will not last very long time. Because US will have hyper sonic missiles also and use them with the same objective for crippling first strike. So we will be only even closer to WW3 because Reaction time for both sides in such situations will be minimal. Only implosion of the dollar can prevent situation further degenerating.
Already started. On this comment section. And your ass is on fire.
I hope that Russian tanks will go over your Waffen SS family house in Western Ukraine. Serviette = ass wipe, is up-voting you because he smells “brother in arms in you”.
Our Donbas terrorist prisoners beg you to come to liberate them :)
ukropi gomik special forces humiliated by volunteers at debaltsevo….u markovka brain nazi
You can call him kastryulya (a pot), if you want.
Tell me this is not Photoshop?! Why are they wearing those pots & pans ?!
It’s all real. There was a decree from Yanukovich administration, which disallowed to use helmets and masks in public meetings. That’s why kastryulyas decided to wear pots on their empty heads. Since then we call them kastryulyas and maidowns (maidan + Down syndrome). Now look at the ribbon in support of Down syndrome society, it’s real also.
P.S. With full respect to patients with Down syndrome.
Don’t they have mirror at home to see how ridiculous they look?! At least they have diagnosed the right symptom’s – down syndrome, that prevents them from any serious cognitive process.
big”badabum”is on the way need help call me…ı can pop one’s cherry anytime..
This is about production of INTERMEDIATE RANGE. I allow me to comment, that if thats true, the Russianas hardly has kept the treaty with USA.
I wouldnt worry too much, it would take a miracle for the U.S. to not fall apart in 2021.
R and D us MIC not so efficient… missiles will not be ready 2024 and will not = Ru technics.
Well, they can buy Russian engines anytime. Like with the RD-180 on the Atlas V and the RD-181 on the Antares.?
It more likely You do.
little Jenny crying—
Do what Jens…? Time to adjust your meds…?
Johan Galtung predicts the decaying US empire will collapse in less than 10 years
Too optimistic. Less then 3 years would be more accurate. Once dollar implodes, their economy will collapse.
They were talking 10 years ago that China will take over US not before 2035, while China is starting already now that process.
It’s meant for China. Probably they will strike their submarine hideouts. A CIA report from 2018 says China doesn’t have nukes on subs yet. But will have them in few years. Joking, I see people are passionate about dooms day here :)
After 20 years WW drumming someone is a little bit tired of this bs. Git it all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3WGPPenk2Q
occupybacon id correct. The old treatment is or soon will become irrelevant.
Perfect timing.
“I Don t know how russia can counter those missiles in a symmetric way.”
Why would they bother? ‘Symmetric counter-capability’ is something for academics, politicians and small-penis-syndrome Pentagon planners. Russians are pragmatic. They have no idea if the U.S. is lobbing nuclear-tipped intermediate-range missiles at them or not. They won’t wait to find out because they already have a perfectly appropriate launch-on-warning counter-capability for protecting Russia from a clownish U.S. missile attack. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9694430208e892254caeeb156b4e59e21417d57ee7db160c48bcc858f5ded5b9.jpg
The treaty was between USA and Russia.
It makes no sense, when others do as they please.
They dont want to target Russia, China and others. They go back to outbalancing enemies instead of the de escalation by Gorbatjof and Regan.
And its the other way around too. Fx Russia has deployed a lot of missiles in Kaliningrad. We because of that has ordered 4 Scud missiles to korvettes and also many small ones.
So things are both ways and Russians dont behave as angles – yet.
self loathing colonial slave
How many years does it still take to build drivable hypersonic systems if the last 30 years weren’t enough? while Russia would find it easy to launch a hail of Iskander into Europe, making it a safe area with no armies, bases and arms factories, ports and airports from which to launch attacks, the Yankees must be careful not to desire what is already out of their reach. There is a lack of intellectual foundations to build advanced weapon systems and the US does not produce enough STEM graduates to compete with Russia and China, perhaps they still don’t know it but the last train is long gone.
As usual I read Your kind have no idea damaging western Europe will make Russia and many parts of the world into deserts for centuries.
Why dont You relate the very small ones in WW2 Japan, three mile Island, Tjernobyl and Japan.
This is not about not growing potatoes next year but for decades and for Russia too – and of course the other way around too.
1) Some Russian fanatics here should wonder if Gorbatjov made theat agreemenent with Regan, because the almost collapsed Russia could not make money and welfare AND keep and improvie that INTERMEDIATE RANGE shield.
2) If it would be better for Russia too, that the solution´would be no one else makes any of them.
and 3) Tempting to stop or decline making nukes and missiles. Are they really needed?
an idiot from a US colony has the audacity to believe she can judge what is best for Russia—we r not feminized mechanical robots like murikan/danes
USA money worshippers collapsing their own empire
Because they attack hole planet now.
Also US is not “their own empire” just place where they used to reside, and global economy is not their liquidity, assets and possessions that are out of any charts and controls deeply hidden
US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London. Puppets that serve at their masters pleasure. It pleases their masters the puppets destroy their own country, their masters protection with it.
I don’t know who those people are. And even if everything is the way you say it…it is of no importance since problem is global this time.
I don’t think all this is about US government only or US as country only but about hole planet .
You don’t know what The City of London is ? Seriously ? This is the home of the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal. The Globalist “elite.” That own damn near everything in the world, including countries. If your curious and wish to drive yourself crazy in search of the actual history that’s buried under centuries of fake histories, of different countries, and the deliberate fake versions written to add to the confusion, and further obscure the factual history, search the history of the Rothschilds. Further history dates back to as early as 850 AD When the Khazars were attacked, decimated, stripped of their religion, and run out of their country. And the countries that did this.
No I am not “curious” on that subject at all and I do not “wish to drive myself crazy” by watching all that any more. I know what The City of London is. I have seen quite few “conspiracy” videos on the subject including Rothschilds long time ago. But I am fed up with those kind of videos, because I prefer more facts and less theories and guessing possible. So I hate that even as subject of the conversation, because too many people talk about that as if they know everything about them, when they know more or less jack shit.
You make a point, I was dumb enough to get curious, sifting fact from fiction is a career move on the history of Khazaria, and the Khazars. I don’t know the whole history, and I’m unsure if anyone does, I make no claim to know all of it. What I have learned I’ve checked, cross checked, double checked against credible sources, and people smarter than me. To be sure it’s fact. What I learned gives proper context to each participant, and the relationship with the Khazars. As well as background that shows how these associations came to be, and the evolution to what we see today. With no need to speculate on reasons, or causes for actions, or non-action that has no explanation that can be seen by those following. There are things that will never happen, or are not ever going to connect certain countries to the Khazar Banking Cabal. Many people conclude US Government is the driving force behind all the wars, or Israel is, when neither country has that authority. Or, that a given country is working with the Khazars to some nefarious purpose, when that country hates the Khazars, and the Khazars hate that country, and have attempted to destroy it many times, and failed. The Khazars have been packing a grudge against two countries for over a thousand years. There’s no way in Hell they’re ever going to do anything together, execpt fight. These conclusions are not only incorrect, the diverging course taken further takes their analogy away from what’s actually happening in this conflict. Then these people are determined they know the truth. Just had someone tell me the war in Yemen began in 2015. It began much earlier.
I’m not going to read all this. The more you write the more you sound like pure conspiracy freak. I know that conspiracies exist but I don’t think that I will find out the truth about them from you. I am just fed up with those stories! Good bye!
Any new projects? PrSM is modernization of existing missile.