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MARCH 2025

US Attack Helicopter Struck Positions Of Syrian Army In Al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US Attack Helicopter Struck Positions Of Syrian Army In Al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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UPDATE: The US-led coalition claimed that its patrol returned fire in response to an attack and denied conducting an airstrike.


On August 17, an attack helicopter (allegedly AH-64 Apache) struck positions of the Syrian Army at Tal al-Dhahab, southeast of the city of Qamishli in the province of al-Hasakah.

According to state-run news agency SANA, a soldier was killed and two others were injured. Pro-government sources claim that the strike became a result of tensions between Syrian forces and the US military in the area. The Syrian Army and pro-government locals allegedly blocked the US military convoy at the checkpoint and the US-led coalition responded with a strike.

If this version is confirmed, this will become a dangerous precedent. Over the past months, both the Russian Military Police and the US military have repeatedly blocked each others’ convoys. Also, checkpoints of the Syrian Army often became invincible obstacles for US forces. The decision to use the force in such ‘games’ by the US-led coalition may mark the start of a new round of tensions in northeastern Syria. However, this time these tensions will involve not the Syrian Army and Turkey, but the Syrian Army and the United States.

US Attack Helicopter Struck Positions Of Syrian Army In Al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US Attack Helicopter Struck Positions Of Syrian Army In Al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US Attack Helicopter Struck Positions Of Syrian Army In Al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US Attack Helicopter Struck Positions Of Syrian Army In Al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US Attack Helicopter Struck Positions Of Syrian Army In Al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Americunt cowards are getting desperate after the UNSC humiliation and provoking a war with SAA and Russia. It is time for Syria to declare a NO FLY ZONE for all illegal aircraft and start a national liberation war, like in neighboring Iraq. There are barely 1500 Americunt occupation cunts, so they will not last long if they suffer casualties.


I don’t think it’s up to them.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, looks like Putin does not want to upset his Americunt “partners”. These Apaches are so vulnerable as Yemen has proved. The Afghans have also knocked them off with 12.7×108mm DShk Heavy MG Dushkas.

Jim Allen

Putin is upsetting his “Western partners.” Putin by denying the West it the war the West is provoking on it’s terms, but continuing to block the West’s advancing on all fronts, it’s Globalist agenda, is much more effective against this worldwide Globalist threat than a military response to an insignificant act in a country that’s neutralized any real threat to it’s sovereignty by the Globalist agenda. Syria is only one of the countries being attacked by an enemy determined to take control of the world. Russia has done, and is doing exactly what it stated with regards to Syria. That is to provide the requested military assistance to Syria. This assistance to Syria, it’s allies that support, and fight beside SAA, stopped the Globalist advance in the Middle East, and SAA to defeat the Globalist’s in Syria once, driving it’s forces out of most of the country. At no time did Russia state it would fight Syria’s war for Syria. Something that was not requested in the first place, or desired by Syria’s Government. Assad is not a fool, and understands the threat at the scale it is to the world, and the population. Syria is not being dictated to by Russia, Putin, or any country, or leader. The concept of this is stupid, mistaken at best. It is a false claim that undermines Syria’s position as part of an organised, and powerful alliance against the Globalist New World Order. Russia, and Putin has proven by it’s actions repeatedly it’s no part in any hare brained association with the West. Putin’s statements, and actions towards the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, and Jacob Rothschild in particular are proof. Repeating these nonsensical claims that are at the level of the claims made by iron zion. In a repugnant kind of way.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, Putin is in pockets of the globalist oligarchs. You kids are funny. Good free entertainment.


poutins military might think differently..

Russian major general killed, two servicemen injured in roadside bomb attack in Syria


Thats the point,there are only a few hundred of the bastards there,one thing the US won’t want are flag draped coffins going home,for gods sake the Syrians should read the Vietnamese playbook in how to deal with tens of thousands of occupations forces,not a few hundred Bitches,

Zionism = EVIL

The stupid arseholes are driving around in tin can MRAPS over half a million sq kms, it is ideal IED territory, I am astonished at what the fuck the Syrians and local resistance forces are waiting for? the Vietnamese killed the cowardly bastards with shit stained punji sticks.


Yes its hard to know whats going on.

Jim Allen

What’s going on is very clear. Perhaps difficult to grasp as strategy in war against a Global enemy. That must be defeated at the Global level, and without dissipating the strength of the military assets necessary to permanently end the Globalist threat. To attack US Coalition in reprisal to it’s insignificant provocations in one country, that is holding it’s own, and keeping forces tied up that would otherwise be fighting on other fronts, and the fact an attack on US military forces are proven to start wars. In this case WWIII, a nuclear war with lunatics that have no other weapon, and the willingness to destroy the world before surrendering. Want to see world war III start over an unnecessary, insignificant response to a insignificant provocation. A war no one is going to survive ? How do you expect to win an unwinnable war ? The West is run by fucking lunatics, arrogant sociopaths that have demonstrated their willingness to use nuclear weapons without hesitation. In US, Syria, (more than once) Iran, Yemen, Somalia, and other countries, the latest in a staged false flag attack on Lebanon. The investigation isn’t complete, however the facts in evidence strongly shows Israel attacked Lebanese civilian infrastructure with a tactical nuclear weapon. By definition a terrorist attack. The evidence indicates certain Western Governments participated in the planning, and support of this attack. Yet another Israeli blunder.


From what I read this moring, a few US troops were shot up at that location in the fight with the SAA.

The SDF was rolled up in a town in DE, where there was a prolonged, serious fight, against local tribal forces today. This crap in the north by the US is probably a distraction from where they are getting it handed to them in a much bigger way. My take Cromwell.

Ashok Varma

The size of US occupation force in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria is unsustainable and they are very vulnerable. US Apache helicopters have performed or lack of lack of it, in the Indian military near NEFA. They are not suited for high altitude and sustained operations and every expensive to maintain. India is now using the good old trusted Russian Mi-8 and Mi-17 for all border operations. The Syrians can easily bring them down.


Thank you Varma. Yes, the ticking on the clock just sped up a bit.


That US force that’s sitting in Syria mission is to act as a trip wire. They are bait and nothing else.

The US strategic objective is to control or destroy the Shia cresent (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran). They want nothing better than to have the SAA escalate allowing them to retaliate in a massive way.

Russia has nowhere near the forces in Syria to take on the USA. Those TLAM attacks a few years ago are nothing compared to what the USA could bring if they wanted to destroy Syria. The Russians probably have enough air defences to deter the USA from attacking their bases but if the USA decided to attack them they would be wiped out in hours simply because they ran out of SAMs and air to air missiles if nothing else.

So this is the situation Syria is in. They attack US forces in their country it’s a tactical victory …. they wave flags, honk horns and have a party. The USA loses a few men and machines but launches a full blown air war on Syria which results in the obliteration of Syria and a strategic victory for the USA.

Israel, the Kurds and possibly Turkey get to divide up Syria with the argument being Syria no longer has a legitimate government and the Kurds have a sea port on the Mediterranean courtesy of the USA / Isreal so they are now a legitimate state instead of being a state only in the imagination of the US Stare Department.

Russia does nothing kinetic because Russia is never going to sacrifice Moscow for Damascus. It’s one thing to defend Syria against jihadis armed with second rate weapons but taking on the US military is not on the table.


” It’s one thing to defend Syria against jihadis armed with second rate weapons but taking on the US military is not on the table.”

Absolutely logical and correct. And something else … America is paving the way for the Russians.Russia was strengthened to enter the cage with the Chinese Dragon.


.Russia was strengthened to enter the cage with the Chinese Dragon.

what is the meaning of those words?!


That Russia at some point in the future will be in confrontation with China.



Their cooperation is almost strategic. They are one small step from having formal military pact. Even though they are in military alliance already through SCO = Shanghai Cooperation Organization (concerning Asia )

Your suggestion is typical Western propaganda. That their relations can turn 180% for some reason in future is nonsense. If that is usual Chin invading Siberia bollocks I don’t even want to listen to that, let alone

to talk about it.

Zionism = EVIL

Are you implying that the Americunts will use Russia to fight China? that is simply not on the cards.


Russia is preparing to play the role of the US bone marrow in the areas from which they are withdrawing. To focus on Asia …. and on the front with China…..In July 1999, a meeting was held in New York at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, attended by the President of the United States. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, Prime Minister Sergei Stapasin and Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.The next day the newspapers wrote a lot, that Kissinger’s view prevailed and it was decided to assign the presidency to the then leader of the FSB Putin. The remarkable thing is that at that time it did not seem strange to anyone that the Americans decide who will become the president of Russia. !!!!! A few days later, Putin became prime minister, and on the same day, an assassination attempt was made on Russian General Staff Chief Anatoly Kvassin, who was considered reactionary for ordering the deployment of 200 Russian elites without consulting Yeltsin and Ivanov. at Pristina airport in Kosovo, catching Americans asleep.


The US always creates a boogie man ,to keep the crowds under control

Rhodium 10

USA forces are everyday under rockets attacks in Iraq…and they cannot patrol Bagdad and other areas because ATGM and IED are waiting…if Pro Assad forces star to attack US forces vehicles with RPG and ATGM they will retaliate…but you will not see US vehicles patrolling along roads in al Hasaka…


Just because the USA chooses not to retaliate doesn’t mean they can’t. Say what you want about American politicians or Americans themselves US military commanders aren’t fools. They are well funded which means well educated in the operational arts and strategy and they have strategic objectives. They will choose the time and place to engage if and/or when they decide to engage in battle.

The fact that they struck back in Syria but not in iraq is telling …. perhaps it was a mistake or perhaps they want to escalate in Syria … who knows.

The USA is happy with the regime in iraq … or shall we say the regime is stable and relatively in their control but not so with the Assad regime in Syria. Israel wants Assad gone and removing Assad has been part of their regional plans for decades.

From a political standpoint trump could do with a victory right now. Iran would cause them “headaches” with their missiles and such. China and Russia are too strong to take on and have nukes …. where else in the world could Trump have his military victory while keeping his hands clean so to speak?

Venezuela could be a quagmire being that’s it’s a jungle and Venezuela is prepared for guerrilla warfare. Syria OTOH is mostly desert and cities …. war weary and beaten down. All their forces are deployed so they know where they are and they have great intelligence assets already in the country. Guaranteed they entire country has been surveilled, mapped and the war plans are drawn. A quick, clean air campaign from 8 miles high with lots of explosions for the nightly news against a ‘dictator” who “gassed his own people”. Trump comes out of it looking like an American Caesar.


My point exactly a while ago on this very site, thanks for the synthesis. One needs to see objective facts on the ground and the balance of power there is, not the one we wish to see, no matter how unfair or far from ideal.

Syria is a geopolitical bargain for Putin’s Russia with its national soil as currency it trades with its partners depending on a given context, for instance by looking elsewhere when Erdogan sends thousands upon thousands of Turkish soldiers that establish new garrisons all over Syrian soil in Idlib when there is a chance to sell Su-57s and more S-400s, or obscure ententes with local Kurdish commanders and political wings traditionally sympathetic and used to work with both Soviet and then federated Russia and linked to the PKK through so-called ‘Reconciliation Centers”, that in turn can allow them to disseminate forces along US logistical lines and harass them if need be. Not to mention its utter and indignant submission to Israeli will for whatever it decides to strike anywhere in Syria so long as Russian targets of importance are off-limits, because millions of Jewish Russian citizens must continue to love Putin at home etc….

Such overt double-dealings with Syria arch-enemies like Israel and Turkey both currently occupying and occasionally attacking its forces are testimony to that one must acknowledge.

So far as the other side refrains from threatening Russia main strategic assets there (TArtus naval base currently in the process of being massively upgraded for the long, 49-years haul, and the newly-established Khmeimim base undergoing similar construction work) there is simple NO-THING radical that Mosow will or be able to do. In the case they still do and the US decided to go it all in against the SAA , quite unfortunately for the reasons you mentioned, Moscow will mostly watch powerless and merely complain harshly in UN Halls.

Of course if the US side got literally crazy (which it won’t either even with Trump in office) it would lead to a protracted yet indirect war with Russia continuously funneling weapons cargos to Assad’s forces that will be at least theoretically untouchable and off-limits to interception, as there would still be some sort of deconfliction between US and Russian forces during say a flurry of Alpha Strikes ongoing. This will lead to an even more ludicrous situation where the two military powers will have intersecting forces on a hot warzone where they try to carefully ignore each other and have their respective de-facto safe-zones against one another maintained and guaranteed, with each being in Defcon-2 at all times.

Syrian military infrastructure will be reduced to rubble basically everywhere it is an inch outside from Russian air-defense spheres and will most probably run to it with every transportable asset of importance before any real conflagration takes place, as such a massive escalation will not happen overnight in the first place.

All in all, such improbable scenario will be a mess of unspeakable proportions in comparison to which the current cat & mouse on the Northeast will seem like gentlemen’s childsplay. And this is exactly why neither Washington or Moscow are interested to get there ever. Moscow has what it wants since 2015 (permanent strategic positioning along the Mediterranean coast with a real airborne element to support it) and Washington can hold on politically acceptable facts on the grounds to avoid appearing as the net looser.

Indeed who cares about a few unsellable barrels of oil from a secondary if not tertiary oil-producing country when the very core objective of their current occupation is merely to contain a “Russian Syria” and interdict it away from a good 25% of the country plus the bonus of Kurdish separatism used as a stick in any prospective political negotiations if they ever take place ?

The same way Washington has *very* reluctantly accepted Russian control of 70% of Syria and wouldn’t imagine countering it kinetically by drawing first blood, Russia will accept whatever remains of US presence in the Kurdish-dominated East. You can take it as the thumb rule of the new Middle-East. The center of gravity has shifted closer between major powers and they settle score through proxies, like old times.

Servet Köseoğlu

well-rounded summary and a way of thinking..thank you..


You are very welcome. Thanks in turn for giving it a bit of your time and attention.

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, Putin is a putz in Jew oligarchs hands. There are 1.5 million so called Uki and Russian welfare overnight “jews” in occupied Palestine and they transfer billions of dollars worth of Russian wealth, so Putin is working with them. If the Syrians want to liberate their country, they need to depend on themselves and Iran and start building bridges with China, which is the only Superpower left. The Chinese will not fight for anyone, but now as they are in Americunt crosshairs will supply weaponry. At the end of the day, as Algerians, South Africans, Cubans and Vietnamese have shown, you have to fight for your own freedom. If the Syrians don’t challenge the Americunts, the occupation will only be prolonged.


That, and the one to which you replied, is a lot of reality for two comments. Indeed, Russia hasn’t done anything of substance in Syria for years already, because, never mind their stated goals, they got all they really wanted: secure their own bases on the Med, and play along with the Zion-dictated balkanization of Syria under the condition that the Kremlin gets its own slice.

Russian-leaning media were effective in deriding the Western conceit of “moderate al-Qaeda”, but now the Kremlin flatters those same goons as “opposition” with whom Assad should enter a dialogue (i.e., hand over Syrian land to them)–as long of course as they’re Turkey’s goons. Used to be that anyone saying these on SouthFront got pooh-poohed by true-believer Russian patriots; they must be on summer vacation.

The problem from Russia’s perspective is that there is a level above this, where the world is watching–invited to watch. And to most observers, being a Russian ally doesn’t look so hot if it means a fate as Syria’s. Relations with Turkey aren’t that cozy (are they ever), forget about Finland, and even in the Russophone near-abroad Moscow has the greatest difficulty persuading anyone to see things their way.


Problem with that theory those US forces ARE those jihadis to all intent and purposes.


Agreed. The USA likes to use proxy forces. In Syria the main revolution and civil war has failed but that’s just a battle not the end of the war. They USA would liked to have seen it’s war against Syria as a civil war because that good for the US optics and is cheaper in both $$$ and body bags however they can still take the direct route and do it themselves however it will cost them in PR terms unless they just happen to be seen as defending themselves against an evildoer like Assad.

Zionism = EVIL

You kids have a very naive view of nuclear weapons. Firstly, they can not be used unless global destruction is on the agenda. Just look around, India and Pakistan are nuclear powers and have been sponsoring terrorism on each others territory, the USSR was a nuclear power and got its arse kicked in Afghanistan and the Soviet system imploded. the Apartheid regime was a nuclear power, however the Cubans who have big cajones, kicked their arse at will. The problem with Russia/Soviets has been a lack of clear policy. The Chinese sent a million men across the Yalu to kick the Americunts arse. The Russian meanwhile failed to respond to Paki terrorism in Afghanistan and are now doing the same in Syria. The Russians don’t to respond to the Americunt occupation forces themselves, but at least arm the Syrians and the Shia militias who can do the job. The Russians set a very bad precedence when Turkey challenged them and shot them out of sky with impunity and then Zionist cunts did the same. So let’s get real.


“Supposedly, the SAA has S-300,”

Understand that any SAM standing alone can be taken out quite easily … even the S-900 if it existed. in order to have a good air defence you need networked, overlapping radar coverage along with EW and fighters. Syria has a single S-300 system along with a few S-200’s and S-125’s and Pantsirs which are goods systems but only the S-300 has a 21st century radar and the range to target high flying attackers.

Worst case scenario all you have to do is wait for the S-300 to run out of ammo (like the Israeli’s did with that Pantsir awhile back). In reality all it takes is some intensive jamming and an overwhelming missile strike and that S-300 radar is toast. Taking out 10 or 20 S-300 radars simultaneously requires a much larger force and if a single radar gets jammed they still have the network feeds from other radars to use for targetting.

That’s why Syria is vulnerable to Israel and the USA …. good air defence units but no interlocked network of radars needed to survive a sustained SEAD attack.

Damascus is always going to be vulnerable to Israeli air strikes until they either get air defence systems in the Bekka valley or come up with a radar that can see through mountains.


Under the pretext of “avoiding WW3” or even the more ridiculous one of “partnership” the US-led Ziocorporate terrorists are allowed to do almost whatever the fuck they want geopolitically.

Looks like the Russians didn’t want to be a world power and that’s why they do as little as possible to disrupt the existing “new world order” in hopes they can be accepted into it somehow.


Yes your Iran is “world power” and they are shitless scared to attack because Iran told them not to huh? You low life motherfucker!

Jim Allen

Iran is a strong regional power. It doesn’t fear Israel, or the West. You can stop with the bullshit, and your out of context, then twisted to not impress anyone.

The Objective

They should avenge Soleimani, drop the nuclear deal and ramp up uranium enrichment. That’s what a brave nation will do in that situation. Trump has unmasked Iran’s cowardice

Ashok Varma

Iranian leaders have handled the nuclear issue poorly. They started the initial program dating back to the Shah and then invited all sorts of US and western sanctions for a supposedly “peaceful” nuclear program. The 40 years old sanctions regime has been very costly for Iran for a program that has delivered nothing tangible. Either test a nuclear weapon or put an end to this saga.



India has BETRAYED Iran their “allay” by not buying cheap Iranian oil, just like they betray anybody else when it comes to US interests!



I had enough of all of you Anglo-Saxons !

You stinking Anglo-Saxons and filthy Jews are BEHIND ALL EVIL on this planet ! Go fuck your self you Americunt S.o.B. you and your evil terrorism supporting country! The way majority of you Americunts write you are either useful idiots or paid contractors working for CIA, NSA to attack Russia!

You stinking Anglo-Saxons and filthy Jews are BEHIND ALL EVIL on this planet yet you DEMAND Russians to get killed with what right you human HYPOCRITE excrement?!

FUCK USA and DEATH TO USA and DEATH to Israel above all!

Jim Allen

There’s US military defense contractors in large numbers, as well as the Turks to be considered.

The Objective

What an ignorant comment. Assad’s best survival option is to steer clear of a war with the U.S just like Iran and Hezbollah are doing.


He is everything but “ignorant”. He is paid Shia agent steering his anti-Russia bullshit (fight for Syria-Assad freedom to the last Russian ! ) to build the Shia Eempire for impotent Iran would be regional power, for free ! He always pushes for war in Syria and removing US, Turks, IsraHell by Russia while IMPOTENT IRAN sits back and waits that “one bastard kills another bastard” so that they can come in and declare “victory” and total liberation of Syria by “mighty” IMPOTENT IRAN


who attacjs, is not cowards.

cowards are the ruskies, who allow to americans make a rodeo in Syria.

Ashok Varma

Russia is a small country in terms of economic or global influence, albeit a nuclear power, but not in a position to challenge the US directly. It’s policies in Syria and the region in general are confused. It supposedly went in to support Assad, but even after a decade, nothing has changed. Israel has attacked Syria with impunity and killed Russians, Turkey has shot down Russian jets, killed pilots, the US has openly boasted of killing 300 Russians and has offered a bounty for Russian lives, so Russian credibility, largely thanks for Mr. Putin, Russian credibility or deterrence value is very low and US and Turkish pressure will only grow.


HINDU HATE MUSLIMS and TERRORIZE THEM IN KASHMIR !! India and IsraHell are best butt buddies just after US and IsraHell !


I was thinking SAA special ops carrying out “Unknown parties” attacks on US and Turkish troops in Syria.

Damien C

It would be real funny if the Russians gifted the SAA a few dozen Verbas or even their old Inglas in all areas with US choppers

Zionism = EVIL

You really don’t need manpads to knock off Apaches. Just look at Yemen. This Saudi cunt was shot down by khat chewing Ansarallah kids with Dushkas in broad daylight. The SAA really needs to fight.



So Syrians are not equiped with any manpads? Helis are an easy target nowadays.

Zionism = EVIL

Good point. Even a Soviet era SA-7 would down a Americunt Apache. Look at Yemen. A dozen Saudi cunts Apaches have been downed by SA-7, Iranian Misagh 2 and even heavy machine guns. I am amazed at how passive the SAA is. Mind boggling.


Rhodium 10

Kornet ATGM makes impossible US patrols along highways…

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, in 2005-2008 Iraq the bastards suffered most by shaped charged copper plate IEDS. Syrian topography is rolling hills and ideal for IEDS and all sorts of ambushes.

Rhodium 10

Thats why US troops dont patrol along Iraq highways…convoy suppliers are civilians..they only remain in bases.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Syrians need to do the same.


Yes sometimes the simplest methods are the best,problem is i don’t think its lack of weapons,its the will to use them and take those bastards on,for whatever reason,all i know is until they do confront them this war will continue and probably get worse.

Zionism = EVIL

It is basically Putin has hog tied the SAA.

Traiano Welcome

The Syrians need to start buying the nearest Chinese substitute for s300/s400.

It doesn’t have to match the quality exactly, it just needs to be:

a) Operational in the same range as the s300/s400

b) Cheap c) Maintainable in the field d) Chinese supported e) Free of the kind of backdoor off-switch that comes with s-400/300

Lifted from somewhere on the internet:

– The HQ-9 uses a state-of-the-art AESA radar.

– The naval HQ-9 appears are identical to the land-based variant.

– The most basic formation of a HQ-9 batteries consisted of one search radar, one tracking radar, one Diesel generator truck, and eight Transporter Electrical Launchers(TELs) each with 4 missiles, totaling 32 rounds ready to fire.

– To maximize the cost and combat efficiency, the HQ-9 is designed to be flexible enough to employ a wide range of radars, both the search/surveillance/acquisition radar and the tracking/engagement/fire control radar (FCR).

– Although these radars are effective against stealthy targets such as F-35, full stealth target such as B-2 is difficult to detect.

They should build a network of these staffed only with Chinese and Syrian (… perhaps Iranian and Hezbollah?) operators and the only integration with the Russian systems should be via EFF (and similar mechanisms) to keep from scoring own goals …


syria has no money

Traiano Welcome

Notice that China specialises in lending to countries with no money.

Trade contracts to build and maintain Latakia port. Throw in air defenses.

Tartus too. Throw in air defenses there as well.


yes. lending. bur syria has no credit, because also the russian weapons bought for credit. assad has no money to revive the agriculture, therefore most of syrians are starving, assad should not buy weapons, but get in normal stage the country.

Traiano Welcome

Like I said:

“Notice that China specialises in lending to countries with no money.”

China gains through this as follows:

a) Geopolitical advantage (see Assad’s four seas strategy) b) Economically: China charges a percentage of port fees and transport fees for use of the port for the next 20 – 50 years.

Same model as used in Sri Lanka, Gawadar, African countries and other locations.

Jim Allen

Syria has more S-300, and S-400 systems than it needs already, what’s more is theirs are integrated with it’s existing S systems that SADF has been using very effectively against the IDF pinprick attacks. That are much touted as large successful attacks, but the after action reports reflect a different result. You have no idea what these systems can or cannot do, and the fact these systems serve a different purpose in a defense system designed to operate in layers. You’re pitiful.

Traiano Welcome

You’re clueless (see, I too can use ad hominems :-) )

You’re missing the argument completely. The argument is not about the capability of Russian systems, nor the quantity.

The argument IS about the political control (restrictions) over those weapons exerted by Russia with regard to Syrian capacity to respond to the obvious intrusions of the IAF.

Think about it for a while, it should sink in …

Jim Allen

You’re still an idiot. Russia does not dictate to Syria, or exert political control. It’s a logical decision to participate as one force, and strategy using the country that has the capabilities, to act in a strategic manner in defeating the arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics that are affecting the entire world, in which Syria is 1 part. Something you can’t seem to get through your fat stupid head, this isn’t just about Syria, or the Middle East. This is about the world. Syria is not losing, Iran isn’t your enemy, unless you’ve made it your enemy. The Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal has made Iran it’s enemy, and the puppet US Government that serves the Cabal. There’s nothing right about either of these world terrorist organizations.

Traiano Welcome

Not only are you still missing the argument (twice in a row now!) but you’ve drifted completely off topic.

You’re not even discussing anything related to the reason why Syria should reduce dependency on Russian equipment. It is obvious Russia exerts political control over what the Syrians can do with Russian weapons.

My point is that Syria should act to reduce that control. If you’re too obtuse to understand that I’d suggest you seek medical help.

Please learn to read. Better yet, learn reading comprehension.


This is the first time heli’s have been brought into the road block situations. I would think the SAA will have their heads up and manpads ready in the next road block.


They should have had them at that one,and at least take those US APCs and the men in them.

Fog of War

I am amazed at how passive the SAA is. Mind boggling. = Putin .

Traiano Welcome

The reason is because of the threat of retaliation by a nuclear superpower.

Assad walks a fine line for now, it seems he is completely limited to defensive moves against the US-Israel siamese twin.

Fog of War

” The reason is because of the threat of retaliation by a nuclear superpower. ”

Nice try, but as NK has shown us, Zio America will back down when faced with the same. Russia has nukes, end of story.

Traiano Welcome

North Korea is in a completely different strategic position:

– Notice that huge red monster to it’s left on the map? – Notice that huge blue monster to it’s north? – Notice the hundreds of thousands of cold war era short/medium range missiles pointed at *key* US bases and US allies, ready to go off on a hair trigger? – Notice the nuclear tests that nearly collapsed the Panmunjon complex? – Notice any instability in NK? ISIS headchoppers running amok perhaps?

Do you think the USA could take the same approach in NK as it does in Syria? Do you think Al Assad has the same strategic and tactical advantages at his disposal that Kim Jong Un has?

Fog of War

Slow down, whos talking about Assad or Syria. Russia could have setup a ” no fly zone ” over Syria years ago, even before the ZioAmericans showed up there. They are a nuclear power.

Traiano Welcome

But that explains why Assad can’t do like NK as you mentioned.

The problem is still that Russia would have to risk a nuclear standoff with the US if it went for a full no fly zone. I don’t think Putin’s calculations allowed for that …


Why would there be a nuclear stand off if Russia enforced a no fly zone?anyone breaking that zone would know what to expect.

Traiano Welcome

What would happen if the US decided to test that zone? They have played chicken like that before and has resulted in a near nuclear standoff.

The calculation the Russians would have made would be something like:

“If someone decided to violate our no-fly zone, would we be willing to enforce it?” “If a US aircraft was shot down over the no fly zone, would Russia be willing to risk a potential nuclear escalation on behalf of Syria?”

Over Russian territory, yes … But Syria is not Russian territory, does it warrant that kind of risk. Remember, drawing red lines is a double-edged sword.


I am not so sure they would it over Russian territory too! Heck, they stood still while the americunts practically invaded Ukraine. They are doing next to thing to help Belarus.

Putin has asked “all our partners” to start a political process to avoid a war between Iran and the americunts. Heck!

I understand he doesn’t want a war, but the ziocunts want it very very much. And they will try every dirty trick in their filthy book, to provoke every country that opposes them.

Traiano Welcome

Tell you what Assad could do though, it’s very easy, I’m not sure why he doesn’t do it:

a) Retreat with the entire core government to a mountain bunker.

b) Fire a 25% of all long and medium range missile in Syria at Haifa.

c) Request all US forces to withdraw immediately and Israel to hand the Golan back immediately

d) If there is any response to the first attack on Haifa, fire the next 25% of all missiles at Tel Aviv

e) Request all US forces to withdraw immediately and Israel to hand the Golan back immediately

f) If there is any response to the attack on Tel Aviv, fire the next 25% of all missiles at Ashdod and Dimona.

g) By this time, there is likely not much left of Israel or Syria (but less of Israel than Syria)

… of course, by this time it’s probably WW3. Think of it as the “Syrian Samson Option”


Januknovch instead of inviting Russian troops to help to restore the law and order has ESCAPED to Russia !! The same problem is in Belarus now !!

Russians MUST be invited to intervene in Belarus by Lukahshenko first you effing genius !!! They can’t just send their army in and invade the sovreign country Belarus that is their CLOSEST ALLAY and BROTHERLY RUSSIAN NATION !


I think it would be a big mistake for Russia to send any troops to Belarus unless there was a threat from an outside military force,its clear Lukashaenka is an idiot who played both sides the US and Russia,Ukraine was a different situation,i think once those Nazis in Kiev started using their armed forces against Donbass and Lugansk Russia should have gone in hard,it was the bravery of the people who stopped the fascists,men like Givi and the rest,many paid the ultimate price.


“it would be a big mistake for Russia to send any troops to Belarus” I think you got that wrong about troops…The only role the Russian troops should have is to secure the Belaruse Western border because of NATO maneuvers in its proximity (as method of pressure on Belarus) There is obvious “military threat on Belaruse border”. Let me underline AGAIN: Belarus people are RUSSIANS like the Russians in Russia on the other side of the border. Why would Putin send army to oppress them by force when they are literally brothers and sisters to Russians?!! For the Soros trouble makers the best anti-dote would be FSB units and special units of propaganda warfare, psi-ops and specialist anti-riot units and anti-terrorist units I don’t honestly think that Lukhashenko’s call for help would be left unanswered. And it would be after Lukhashenko -Putin agreements that ministers and specialists of those governments agree about operational plan…


Russian ethnic identity was altered and diluted almost for one century by communists. Since Orthodox ethnic Russians identity as the biggest and the strongest were always considered to be the biggest obstacle for communist internationalist bollox story.

And that is something that majority of you Westerners can’t understand. I will not go into explaining why and how it all happened …to make long story short.

For Donbass once it has happened, there was no readiness and unanimity to go into any kind of sacrifice in the name of the protection of those ethnic Russians there. So that has nothing to do with Putin or with some mistake in military tactics but about state of mind of one nation and their lost roots and their true identity altered by decades of brain washing. Nation where Georgian dictator Stalin is still considered as the most popular Russian historic personality speaks volumes for itself.

Jack Brown

Russia already has troops stationed in Belarus.


I know they do as part of a defence pact,same as they did in Crimea,although the scum in the Media never tell people that.


The US invades everywhere and without problems. International law is a joke. There is no such thing.

If Russia has support by the belarusan population, they can invade today without consequences. They can even send in the army with the excuse of liberating the country from Lukashenko the “dictator”.

But, as the Saker writes, Belarus has been massively infiltrated by CIA agents and apologists.


Russia is supporting the MULTI-POLAR world with basic law where SOVEREIGN NATIONS can not be invaded or attacked and whose regimes can not be subverted by Soros and other Jews, CIA, MI6 and other war criminals, without consequence!

What you are bragging about is the Anglo-Saxon primitive world where “only might is right” with the language of force as only available option imposed after collapse of USSR by US and stooges! Your criminal terrorist supporting Anglo-Saxon dominance is about to fade away and leave room for more acceptable world !

Russia will not mimic PRIMITIVE Anglo-Saxons and walk over the basic principals of international law they try to promote (opposed to US terrorism and lawlessness) ! They will not ignore Belarus SOVEREIGNTY and integrity they try to promote internationally as most important principal right on the planet for each country and make like that big ass out themselves !


Well i don’t believe there would be a nuclear standoff,no one has called the US bluff yet,and i think if the Russians made it clear that there is a fully integrated air defence system covering the whole of Syria i don’t think the US would risk it.

Jim Allen

There is a no fly zone over Syria, and has been for years. US doesn’t care, and Israeli aircraft are very cautious with it’s violations of Syrian airspace. US Government is run by arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics with a nuke button. Once a superpower, but no more. US cannot defeat Russia in conventional war, Iran either. US knows this. Russia has more nukes The West has only nukes. The problem is the arrogant sociopaths are lunatics, and will destroy the world before surrendering. If you think Russia fears US, and Putin is terrified of the The West,you’re thinking like a fool. US doesn’t attack, because it does fear war against a country with a number of weapons it has no analog. Russia’s refusal to engage the West on the West’s terms, and give the West the war it’s provoking, while Putin is working behind the scenes destroying Globalist plans, disrupting, and blocking the Globalist advancing it’s agenda, serves all the countries worldwide. While avoiding a war it doesn’t want, and there’s no benefit to any country in starting an unwinnable war. Putin is no coward, and irrefutable evidence exists to prove that. Russia isn’t either. The country that won the war in the European theatre for the allies. When the allies realized the couldn’t beat the Germans, bringing in US, that quickly figured out it couldn’t beat the Germans either, and had to talk Russia into doing it. Then stole the credit for it. The Germans taught the Russians how to fight. during WWII, yet you think Russia fears the Globalist New World Order ? This entire narrative is parroting Western propaganda, and has no connection with reality. Among the things Russia has done is it’s repaid it’s massive debt to Central Bank, and cut all ties to the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal. Dropping Central Bank as it’s reserve bank, changing to gold backed currency, telling Jacob Rothschild to his face, in no uncertain terms Russia would oppose the Globalist One World Government, and it’s agendas, then declared Jacob Rothschild and George Soros persona non grata in Russia. Issued an arrest warrant for Soros. Matching arms with Ukraine’s military in the Donbass region. Maintaining balance. Snatching away a very willing Crimea by legal action from Ukraine, and join the Federation. Securing Russia’s military base, and only warm water port. Investing untold billions into Crimea including a bridge connecting Crimea to the mainland. Crimea is self-sufficient, unemployment is down standard of living up, agriculture restarted, and expanded. Russia won’t borrow money to wage war, and has large reserves, and an economy that is growing. It’s military is only smaller in surface ships, and fighter aircraft. Russian military technology, and capabilities are advanced decades ahead of US military. Russia has a smaller active military force, but a larger reserve, closely matching US numbers, military hardware is superior in design, and performance. Aircraft in particular, missile technology. Despite Western MSM leading the people to believe otherwise. Censoring any source not supporting it’s views.

Jim Allen

Never mind this will destroy life on earth. Clever, what side wins in a war that destroys an entire world ?


The Vietnamese didn’t let that stop them,and the Taliban don’t,also Russia is a nuclear power,so i don’t buy that theory

Traiano Welcome

Both the Viet Minh and the Taliban have advantages that the Syrian state don’t have:

– Vietnam: Dense protective jungles, mountains and weather. A landscape they can hide in. The Ho Chi Minh trail. The Americans even had to use napalm to attack this defensive barrier.

– Afghanistan: Mountainous landscape with many caves to hide in.

Syria does not have the same defensive terrain.

But more importantly, Syria has part of the state intact. Both the Taliban and the Viet Minh had nothing to lose – they started from the dirt and fought upwards.

Assad has at least art of a state intact, if he does not play carefully he could lose that if the US decided to go all in – millions of lives would be lost, like Iraq.

Who would fight a guerrilla war on landscape like Syria? If I were in Assad’s shoes I would avoid that situation.


Well if the threat of the US going all in it will never end,and the Russians should be prepared to go all in to stop them.

Jim Allen

Good at it ? Afrika Korp was the 90th light armored division with half a panzer division attatched, two divisions of Itialian infantry. Commanded by Feldmarschall Rommel, an infantry General turned Panzer at the beginning of the war. Rommel wished to play with panzer divisions and Hitler had just yanked Guderians command, for whatever the Hell he said that pissed Hitler off. A common thing in the German General Officers behavior, and penchant for saying it like it is, and their habit of disobeying stupid orders. Afrika Korps under Rommel kicked the shit out of the British, and doing it with 90% captured equipment, and fuel. Bletchley Park had broken the Enigma code using the machine captured by US Navy from U-505. German supply ships rarely made it to Afrika. Rommel improvised by having the British supply his forces. When Rommel left Afrika, the British were finally able to prevail under Montgomery. Alexander being a master of the “set piece battle” couldn’t cope with “Blitzkrieg.” Patton called Montgomery a viscous rabbit. Overblowing one’s own horn is unflattering. Giving thanks to those that cut lines of communications, to Afrika Corp, and Hitler’s blunders that made it possible for the British to prevail in the African theatre. Russia won the war in the European theatre for the allies. British contributions consisted of night time terror bombing raids against civilian infrastructure and population using incendiary bombs. Briefly joined by US bombers when the Luftwaffe stopped daylight bombing over Germany for 6 months, US couldn’t sustain the losses of 10% a day. 60 planes, 600 aircrew every day. The British changed to terror bombing early on due to unacceptable losses. Nothing to be proud of.


Most of that is correct,however it was the British Royal Navy that captured the enigma machine,also yes it was terror bombing for the most part on Germany,it was total war,and my own Mother was a victim of Nazi terror bombing in Manchester where she lived in the war.

Jim Allen

No, the US Navy captured the sub, by sending divers in to close the scuttle valves, and diffuse the explosive devices set to sink her. Then dragged her back half full of water to it’s port. That’s the reason the U-boot is on display in Chicago. US sent the machine to Bletchley Park because they were the best code breakers then, and probably still are. The Luftwaffe attack on civilian infrastructure in England is a bit complicated to sort, and a rare occurrence by the Luftwaffe. Attacking civilian infrastructure, and civilian populations wasn’t really their thing. This response was provoked by bombing raids on German cities early on. If I recall it’s not clear whether the British bombed the city, or if Russia did, and blamed the British. Germany didn’t have long range strategic bombers to make incendiary raids in a meaningful way. The me-110 was slow, had no capacity, and served as targets for the Spitfires. The be-109 lacked range, even with drop tanks their time on target was maybe 10-15 minutes. More of these were lost due to running out of fuel crossing the channel than in combat. That corner of London was the limit of their range. Nothing next to the night raids on German Cities.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are forgetting Blitzkrieg, and the Polish, Dutch cities which were bombed as part of that tactic. The Germans bombed civilian targets knowing that refugees would clog the roads, blocking Allied enforcements. Sure, Britain bombed Germany first, but the Germans had long before used terror tactics and air raids against civilians before that. Germany also bombed Dublin and Belfast in Ireland, Dublin being a neutral city in a neutral country, so range was no problem for the Luftwaffe.


Fag of war you are CIA bot; NSA or simlar


Of course they have MANPADS as well as other air defence systems.


Don’t block those convoys blow the bastards up.

Zionism = EVIL



How? Putin is Zionist, so Russia isn’t really against the global Ziocorporate terrorist world order, seems like they only want it to reform to the point where they’ll accept Russia as an “equal partner”.

It’s evident the SAA would need the full backing of a world power to be blowing terrorist American invaders up but right now Syria doesn’t have it.

Ashok Varma

Putin’s policies are inconsistent and lack clarity from Ukraine to Libya, he just seems to vacillate as the US bullies keep pushing. US is now in total control of Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and all Warsaw pact nations, soon Belarus and then Russia itself perhaps, if there is no line in the snow.


What doesn’t lack clarity is that the global Ziocorporate terrorist forces have more influence on Russia than most blindly idiotic Putin fanboys ever are able to realise, let alone admit.


Your PROPAGANDA channel “Veterans Today ” is mouth peace of IRAN ! That guy is on Iranian Press TV all the time and he totally hates Trump thus he is Democrat “BLM” NAZI ! Of course he is “wandering about Russia relations” because he works for Iran !

Jim Allen

Oh, shut up with your nonsensical, and baseless lies about who is working with whom in some imaginary conspiracy simply because they don’t share your silly-ass views.


Have you been there ever on that channel you filthy big mouthed Americunt whore?!

Shut up you filthy Americunt bitch and you fucking EVIL terrorist civilians killing country can go to hell where you belong!!!

Jim Allen

Well didn’t that make you unhappy. An allergy to the truth, perhaps ? I’m not the terrorist supporter, and I don’t support US Government terrorism. You appear confused, you’re the supporter of terrorism, and US foreign policy. Iran is not wrong, is not a terrorist organization. A country that hasn’t attacked another country since since 1775 cannot be a terrorist organization. Iran doesn’t target civilian infrastructure. Israel is the regional terrorist organization, perhaps you’re a pretender troll. Whatever, you’ve sure blown a gasket here, and calling me things I’m not, do not reflect a stable mind, or an honest one.


WHAT truth? That you probably have never been on that channel yet you defending them?

This is not about Iran but about that guy that is directly supporting Iran. That is all I say! You keep twisting my words you liar and commie !

I definitely have never been supporting US but that still doesn’t make me blind !

Why would white Anglo-Saxon American be so much anti US and pro Iran?! And where did I say that that Iran is “terrorist organization” you filthy commie liar?!! Why are you putting your words in my mouth?!! Iran is “allay” of Russia so why would I be against Iran?!? But I am against Iranians who are criticizing Russia in Syria for sure.

Yes for me as foreigner US is terrorist country no doubt about it!

But I find it very strange that Americans (if you are an American at all ) call their own country “terrorist” ?! I would never permit myself to live in terrorist country.

Why do you live in US than?!

Why don’t you renounce US citizenship if you consider US “terrorist” country? Because you are liar, that’s why !


Nit as far as the C.I.S remains alerted,and no they lost hong kong,tibet,soros is not exactly in control,when infact severely lackeths military might! More to the realm is eugeddon (period)

Abhinav Mahajan



Hindus are haters of MUSLIMS !

Eat shit you Indian S.o.B. !

Rafik Chauhan

you retarded whabhi scum next when you say to any indian say it on his face then you will c what happen to you. go and lick the butt of your master in isarel and Alsaud.


The BEST friend of IsraHell after US is INDIA !

Hindus are haters of MUSLIMS

US-Navy Revert Shia

A cow has more rights then women and mothers in India. But what the jew Saudi Mafia Family has did to undermine real Islam The Salafi Wahhabi Takfiri Infidels who can blame the Misled for hating Muslims. Its only the real read people who know real Islam. After the Demise of the Prophet of Islam [PBHU] https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6df19238c87dd60ac10d4c1380a2ffa85583028ace950628107d0a92734bdc27.jpg most of his true followers fled Arabia to Iraq & Iran Syria


A cow in India has more rights than any Muslim

WHY is nobody trying to kill those bastards the Saudi Family?!?! WHY are Arabs such sheep and IsraHell does anything they want with them? WHY Americans permit that Isral such HUGE PARASITE drinks their blood all the time? Many hundreds of billions maybe even trillions of US tax payers money went to IsraHell as direct US help to IsraHell !! WHY do they permit that?!?

Saudis prevent Sunni Muslims from uniting and becoming even much bigger and much more mighty state than Iran! Shia should live in one country and Sunni in another and both countries would immediately become world powers!


Oh wow! Man, I hope you’re not on dope or something else …

I was born a HUMAN BEING. To scold someone for not fitting into your narrative is disgusting. Read some history books about India, BEFORE their independence.

BTW, I’m a Hindu by birth and treat everyone the same.


Good for you ! But my problem is that he is NOT you! And when I attack people I hit them with everything I have. So be “disgusted” like I care.

I wish you a good day sir and say hello to the cows !


Fuck you filthy Western PIG son of whore !

Кристофер Петров

Americunt cowards called in helicopter support against 5-10 soldiers armed with AK-47’s, meanwhile they have armored MRAP 50 caliber and grenade launchers lol.


Three Rockets Strike US Base in Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor – its not even a start.. its raining rockets halleluya its raining..


Reading about IHADSS-21 on the right bottom of the picture, I imagined a pilot blinking to fire. Maybe one day.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They just need the Russians to design it, like they designed off bore sights for pilots.

The US copied them as best as they could, and you never know, they may even be able to fire at the wider angles that the Russians can someday, lol.


lol indeed. lol


Cowardly US, in the past they often claim this sort of attack was by mistake but this was deliberate as they couldn’t get their own way with a patrol that was blocked.

Servet Köseoğlu

Run assad run… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4e1d4849a764fd4553fdcfac760a5372316d508364c7d4afab42e5240dc5c5a.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Highly unlikely.

Servet Köseoğlu

you cant do anything because

Zionism = EVIL

You would be surprised, I can do a lot of things :)

Servet Köseoğlu

very well…bring it on.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47073aea644cc9d35e9d9f833fa8f9240e7821b3ebd6be519e0d7195cf94b1a5.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

What my dinner? Just wait and see, this is a long term project. Remember people have been predicting the end of Assad for 10 years now.

Servet Köseoğlu

all right..we’ll see…

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, Turkey is getting closer to Iran and we will see Assad in power for a long time. The Americunts are now openly threatening Turkey and want the Egyptian faggots to fight for them, and that is not going to happen.


Whats there to see? (want it up ye ass) got no facts to base anything,where as Assad allready prove you degenerate insolents are allready doomed in fails! Begone low iq dumbassed hellary supporting ball less twunt! WHY NEVER ARGUE WITH IDIOT WHOS DESTINY CALLS TO SUICIDE,incest!


Try telling the Vietnamese army you TIT.

Servet Köseoğlu

what a tool… comparing vietnam forests,vietnam courage and syrian desert and cowardness https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/80bbed4d52b7fd47b5203cb5b4249619b38c2264fd017f4a81e777b386aa2c94.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cd518527bc63d774205756270d371b1a659de673ad22e091786aae1a3962983e.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Syria is not all desert. The northeast where the Americunts are roaming around is hilly like South Lebanon and we all know what happened to the Zionist cowards there.

Servet Köseoğlu

noway us already took the upperhand..kurds,local tribes,saudi,uae financing…Us drones..ıf you take your chance https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d5897cbb2161870aaa10b8ee5de5ca2afb6b6ad14f4c7043b5b7bfb11b13a74.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Not necessarily. Look at Yemen and Afghanistan. The problem in Syria is too many cooks in the kitchen.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You fuck goats ffs, with kids being your favourite.

Servet Köseoğlu

no ı fuck a proper,charming ladies….f.cking goat belongs to your nation wherever you are from…any way you earned a one way ticket to your lovely valhalla..you can f.ck your sister even your own daughter,wild boar,brown bear ETC..rot in hell..you are BLOCKED…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You were blocked, by a big goat ffs.

All Turds are goat fuckers ffs.


I wouldnt call any halfwit feminist or tranny lady,degenerate kweer! begone incest/liar/soros sprog. Get Thee Behind Me Satan,Jesus is lord:


No future infascism,watching too many a usa looney tunes gets ye assflogged p00f!

Lone Ranger

U.S. already lost. Turkisis as well…

Servet Köseoğlu

turkisis is your mother,sister etc…you stupid scumbag…ı dont buy your cheap,smelly soviet propaganda….

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, try to handle it. Erdogan knows the U.S. is after him same as France. Thats why he made peace with Russia over Idlib.

Servet Köseoğlu

making peace with russia is not his option just like shooting su-24….russia is neighbour,one way or other you have to live peacefully with your neighbour..

Lone Ranger

The Su-24 was shot down by rogue elements in the military, on CIA orders, the same trolls whom tried to kill Erdogan in that coup. They are all in prison now…

Servet Köseoğlu

now you are talking..maladets.. thats right..https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e4b3d5a9e315b49a227e8d38ed8d4b03332c2fa7e78e570efbc58e50ecdb52e1.png

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuck off you scumbag turk. You and you ISIS Takfiri Salafi proxy Gangs ER-“DOG” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1021724d6bc5832047bad7ca1736d9909f29bd3a61bbeb0bb8421050c0e4f207.jpg -AN is a traitor ER-“DOG”-AN is a Rothschild slave

Servet Köseoğlu

oh my dear,,,,then what makes you stop to attack us…you dont have enough balls.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0f9c3e6a40111ac4b7e99503bed1740254456b655135656be2891275e1e1e6d8.jpg


Its about having the balls to do it you Muppet.

Servet Köseoğlu

then try chump…. bring your army and declare a war to USA.. ıf you have balls…

Zionism = EVIL

Even Afghans have done quite well.

Servet Köseoğlu

afgahanistan is another story..its full of mountains…just watch this movie you will understand.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e166632181a2d4fe82a558de4f8b8aeca7a7442ae3c5ca0fe2642fd645bd7f1.jpg


Thats Hollywood shit,i saw that film,if i had been one of those US soldiers i would have been asking what the fuck am i doing here,that looked like a small Dien Bien Phu when the Vietnamese destroyed french Imperialism,because they had the will and guts to do it.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı wouldnt sat that its shit..my point is geography is quite hard for even hightech Us army..


Oh good. You base your judice on Hollywood bullshit. Also, you are a turk. Do you understand that the US are your enemy? They tried to kill Erdogan. They have sided with Cyprus and Greece against Turkey.

And you come here to lick their boots. Turkroaches never disappoint.

Servet Köseoğlu

dude ı am a man of interest…FYİ:I HATE USA but it doesnt change the reality…stupid assumptions,downing ah-64..these are all bullshit….


Get your hand off it!

Servet Köseoğlu

ımao…..stupid bots….just posted something with assad and all zombies started answering……welll this is love https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4fcd2db526f1d9a627be8d719589d3fa739b71fdb7f7704f9c9412a6dbd6749.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu



yep that is something he has every reason to be angry about – Iran’s nukes will obliterate the jews once and for all.

Servet Köseoğlu

I am pretty sure about that just like we will conquer Athens..grow up.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c8ed4847697658092ca866df9ebdf93defeba4ff83b49497826d0b9899e0688d.jpg

Lone Ranger

Hi Shlomo…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

2015 all over again, before the goat fuckers ran back to the border.

Traiano Welcome

You must be a Turk, right?

Servet Köseoğlu


Traiano Welcome

Nothing. Just, whenever I think of Turks, I remember the Mavi Marmara. The day the israelis buttfucked the Turks and you guys just limped off dragging your wounded ass behind you with no retaliation whatsoever. Couldn’t even defend your own people.

Servet Köseoğlu

defend lmao…..the people who were in Mavi Marmara arab lovers and arab origin…İsrael rigtfully warned them many times and they paid the price…Why should we engage a war with İsrael because of Arabs..they betrayed us many times…just business..Turks (original) has nothing to do with İsrael…İsrael showed them(arabic countries) the true power many times against these cowards…ı mean we are runnin business here like we could care less if you are covetin your neighbours ox or whatever…you cant provocate me with silly arguments…

Traiano Welcome

Also, when I think of turks I think of these guys who can’t aim straight:

Iraq military says Turkish drone kills 2 senior commanders

Iraq’s military says a Turkish drone strike has killed two senior Iraqi security officials


A Turkish drone strike killed two senior Iraqi security officials, Iraq’s military said Tuesday, marking the first time that Turkey’s operation to root out Kurdish rebels in Iraq’s north produced fatalities among high-ranking Iraqi personnel. The drone targeted a vehicle belonging to the Border Guards in the Bradost area, north of Irbil, the military statement said, causing the deaths of two commanders and the vehicle’s driver.

Servet Köseoğlu

we can aim straight very well when need.just like in this case..north ıraq is too complex for your simple brain ıraqi gen https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba12b635272d1a06360e33913dd2eebf841df7a055ebf8d2bfd26fdb931f4a8f.jpg erals were with pkk members and they paid the price..period…bullseye


Four in a row-6 seconds/long tube metal darts 25 meters away,if you got guts! CIA MAGGOT WANNABE!


rest assured that erdogan hasn’t forgotten that nefarious attack on turkey and he will revenge the crime by blotting palestine with jew blood. it will be some time but it’s in the making, being discussed by Iran and Turkey, Syria, Iraqi pmus and a few others. will be fun to watch when the jews get their asses handed to them.


cia/soros coksukn maggot piece o sht partys with p00fs too,shame on you bot!

Servet Köseoğlu

wrong adress chump…ı cant waste my precious time with faggots…imagine something cool and ı am in..


Be careful or the “Assad must go curse” might get you!

Servet Köseoğlu

lmao..he cant even raise his head from damascus…he is masturbating at his house dreaming his never mighty days where it was possible to swim at mediterranean sea… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/012bfd6998b9d005954f62fc7384b37cfe8ca817d1ecdefad2a42ecc6c1863cf.jpg


you sound like one of them useless kurds that makes the milk curdle

Servet Köseoğlu

There are no saints in the wild kingdom ..Only breakfast and dinner ..You sound like Mike Milligan https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60512a637076f3decf1903518b036de72f61cab8d05205a41eb88bf66f10f7ae.jpg


nah, just a hasbarah posing as a turk


Keep dreaming ! Repeat after me: ASSAD MUST STAY ! As long as Russia is there Assad stays and Russia will stay forever there!

Servet Köseoğlu

assad will stay accepting with new reality..things changed too much..and all these barkings doesnt alter the reality…


“assad will stay accepting with new reality” That is what you think – Nothing to “accept” for Assad… Syria is one and indivisible.

Syrian borders will always stay where they were. China and Russia will never permit change of those borders in UN and as long as you, US, Israel are there you will be only invaders and nothing else. While global situation will change the Syrian border never will.

There are “barks” in Istanbul also and apparently that makes impression only on Turks. You bark lot but you don’t bite as much… because you know your limits, for the time being at least. “Reality” you talk about is only temporary. Turkey is only regional opportunist and illusion that you change reality of this region is just illusion of power you don’t really have.

Servet Köseoğlu

Listen man ı dont know who you are..you are russian ı think.. but ı know your(russian) mentality very well.. 1)I hope Syrian borders will always stay where they were used to be..ı am ok with that 2)We are not invaders Now but yes we were centuries ago.. 3)There are barks at everywhere just like snake hiss just like iran and to some degree russia is doing,..in which you are acting under the cover mighty helpers whatever. 4)We know our limits,true..we can bite only once and it has to be deadly otherwise things go awkward(ı cant list you the details) 5)who said we are global power?whats your point me to remind Turkey is a regional power…learn to control your ego..of course we are opportunist just like the other countries the only difference our resources is limited 6)the reality and demography is changing by usa and like it or not no one in the world can dare to touch them(maybe shia guerilla warfare)..temporarily or permanently just embrace it and prepare your plans to current de-facto situation(ı am sure russia is doing it)


Why doesn’t Syria, Iran or Russia shoot the US helicopter down…are they incapable?

Zionism = EVIL

They are quite capable as Yemen has shown, for some reason the SAA is not allowed to fight. The Saudi cunts even leave totally operational Apaches in Yemen. This one was shipped to Iran for examination.



SAA is allowed of course to do whatever they want in their own country. But that doesn’t mean that they will hide (after shooting US chopper ) behind Russian backs! Russia is in Syria to help against Zionist “jihad” terrorists only. They have no intention to fight NATO fleet reinforced with 6th US fleet in Mediterranean only because Assad got angry and have shot down few US choppers! If Assad does that on his own than he must know how to get out of that NATO punishment situation on his own as well…


Sorry pal but thats like fighting a war with one hand tied behind your back,those Jihadi terrorists you talk of are all part of the NATO and Israeli order of battle.


That’s total bollocks ! Are you all Westerners have cognitive problems or you just pretend? How many times I have to repeat that Russia was invited in Syria to HELP get rid of Syria from Zionist terrorist would be”jihad” scum and nothing else! What is so difficult to remember in that sentence? Why do I have to repeat it again and again when you know all that already??!! What ‘one hand tied behind your back’ ?!!? Russia will protect Assad to stay in power and support of what is liberated of course and that would be it …for now Unless of course SAA becomes finally stronger and doing some fighting on their own with no help for once!

Today it is more than obvious that Assad’s SAA without at least some assistance can’t liberate anything. Those are the facts that majority here refuse to see. And why would you? You have decided that Russia has “duty” to start the war against the Turks. Only idiots think like that !

Turks are accepted by Iran and Russia under the condition that peace returns to Syria and that Zionist terrorists are removed. Russia is interested in removing Zionist terrorists but not Turkey as long as Turkey gives at least minimum cooperation. Russia will not remove US for obvious reason. Nobody is stopping Syrians to fight US troops though…If Iraqi Shia can why Syria can’t do it?


You are the one talking bollocks,its like saying in WW2 we will fight the Germans but not the Italians or the other Nazi allies,the SAA couldn’t liberate all of Syria because they are not just up against some bunch of Jihadi apes,they are up against the US Turkey and Israel,don’t you get it?


You stinking Anglo-Saxons and filthy Jews are BEHIND ALL EVIL on this planet !

I’ll let you know the secret which you obviously don’t know, this is not WW3 ! And if Russia can choose it will not become over Syria either. ONLY if Russian forces are attacked and killed that can become WW3 and for no other lesser reason Russians will die in big numbers for Syria ! Go for help to your beloved Iran or China you terrorist Anglo-Saxon cunt!

I do not know weather you are 100% Shia Muslim or some Western Anglo-Saxon retard or CIA bot, having his favorite sport of attacking Russia. The way you talk (many of you are either that or simply CIA,NSA bot’s contractors)

If you are Anglo Saxon S.o.B. hypocrite that you can go fuck yourself you fucking terrorist evil fuckers all of you!

Being just retarded and arranging things it suits you or being paid bot…either way no point talking to you!


Are you feeling ok after that deranged outburst?


No I defiantly have to shit again all over your pompous, decadent Western personality!

Also death to all Anglo-Saxons and to IsraHell !!

Thank you, now I feel better.


You really are one stupid fuck…too much vodka asshole.


too much ROTTEN decadent Western media on your dead brains, you LGBTQ 60 genders perverted pedophile Western sick fuck !

Mustafa Mehmet

They don’t dare that’s why


Russia was officially invited to fight Zionist Jihad terrorism and not to shoot down NATO choppers and start WWIII because of dead SAA soldier!

What the fuck are you “realist” about if you don’t get even the basics of logic of the situation we are in?


What the fuck are you “realist” about if you don’t get even the basics of logic of the situation we are in?

The situation is Syria continues to get fucked over…and will until something serious is done about it. How goddamn stupid do you have to be to not see that.


Defiantly I can not be as stupid as you because you don’t understand the core of the problem and keep running in circles like chipmonkey with failed logic.

SAA is not capable alone to liberate Syria, they never were! Iran is not capable alone to be biggest regional power they aspire to be. Russia is not willing to risque WWIII over neither of two or over their ambitions even less!


How is it when anyone talks about confronting Israel and the US thugs they are going to start WW3?


Fuck Israel I wasn’t talking about Israel !!!

And how do you see Russians killing US soldiers and not starting WWIII ?!! You think that if some cruise missiles have killed Russian soldiers and wounded some other (during Tramp’s attack) that Russia would not sink US ships like they have threatened to do it?! Think again !

If you think that, than you know jack shit about Russia ! Russia is not rushing into the conflict but they are not bluffing either ! They never bluff !


And what are YOU ? UK or some Commonwealth thug? Or Jew or CIA bot ? Why don’t you say it? Or just Shia asshole having his favorite pass time insulting Russia? Whichever you might be go fuck yourself!


I am English you prick,why would i be a Shia jew or CIA bot,what in any of my posts would make you think that?



The most imperialist terrorist nation on the planet?!! The nation responsible for huge majority of the all wars ever started?! You are with IsraHell, US, the only places that merit to be nuked as pest and cholera of this planet !

A scourge and EVIL incarnated ! And whom are you to lecture being cradle of all evils?! NOBODY !


Your ad hominem attack shows you are an obnoxious prick…and try to cover your low IQ with childish aggression.


Whatever… I do what I am pleased to do and I don’t give fuck ! What counts for me is to make my point. For the rest I just don’t care. I’d rather be an “obnoxious prick” sometime than mediocre asshole like you.


I’d rather be an “obnoxious prick” sometime than mediocre asshole like you.

That’s funny…because you are an obnoxious prick and a complete asshole.


How petty and insignificant… Well there you go just confirming your medoicracy yourself (again). Stop ridiculing yourself !

cechas vodobenikov

another amerikanidiot—IQ only exists in amerika where u cannot think qualitatively and cannot speak your own conservative language—obviously u r entirely devoid in education regarding rhetorical fallacy, symbolic or doxastic logic….r u so stupid that u cannot distinguish an insult from ad hominem? rhetorical question LOL


An ad hominem is an insult…you brainless fuck.

Zionism = EVIL

That is a very realistic assessment.


You seem to forget the Turks have already killed at least one Russian and those American bitches by all accounts killed some Russian contractors trying to cross the Euphretes to the East side,why didn’t that start WW3?


There was almost 40 Turk soldier killed by Russian bombs (or your memory works only in one dimension)

I forget nothing and neither does Russia. That was not completely forgotten or forgiven but suspended in the air for Russia to see if Turkey will walk the walk of their agreements and find some common ground for both sides despite their differences. If not , and they become enemies again everything they did to Russia they will be forced to pay with dividends. Contractors are guns for hire and their lives doesn’t ever count by any country ! The same goes for US and everybody else because they NEVER report killed “contractors” just regular army losses! But how would you know that when being form UK …of course you have no clue what private contractors “dogs of war” are! I would not be surprised that Britt’s have even first introduced the paid contractors.

Lone Ranger

Isis Air Force strikes again…

Fog of War

Alright Putin appologists, lets hear all the ususal excuses.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Did Russia have a heli shot down?

Where is the seized ships and oil Pompous Mike and the Drumb was telling us about last week?

Where was the US response to an Iranian missile attack against US troops and bases?

Ashok Varma

Russia needs to decide if it wants to support Syria or leave.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Have the US sent out a patrol today?

More headaches coming soon, lol.


All SAA roadblocks i northern Syria should be equipped with ATGM and MANPAD’s to deter the USA from further attacks.

johnny rotten

The incident occurred at an SAA checkpoint, following an exchange of blows between the SAA together with civilian militias against the invaders who wanted to circumvent the checkpoint, some witnesses seem to have stated that there have been losses among the invaders, hence the helicopter attack, all still to be verified, but we can be sure that the damn fucking Yankees will hide their losses.


They just about do all the time.


Maybe Trump will say just more headaches like the Iran missile strike in January


Finally they respond, everytime the SAA blocks a U.S patrol they need to pay for it.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Every time Iran fires missiles at US bases, the US never respond.

The US should have responded to the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty though.


US should not be carrying out any patrols as you know well. Since when did Syria become another US state


That road block isn’t in New York you fucking retarded animal.


That is U.S territory now, deal with it.


Like occupied Europe was Nazi territory you dumb twat.

Кристофер Петров

Each SAA checkpoint needs spare RPG’s and Igla MANPAD. AK-47”s can’t destroy MRAP and apache helicopters.


putin invited the western friends


The Houthis are very successful at air defense and they have so much less than the SAA. If the Syrians are serious about defending their skies, they should stop asking politicians and bureaucrats for permission to shoot down enemy aircraft and start doing so.

Maybe the SAA should hire some Houthis to handle their air defenses? Just imagine what the Houthis could do with that S-300.

cechas vodobenikov

self uglified amerikans protecting their ISIS proxies


Thank You USA for helping to make your stay shorter.


If there is a word for cowards with no ethics or morals you can mention them in the same line as US military… far worse than al capone who was a pretty decent being comparatively…

now for some roasting news… Three Rockets Strike US Base in Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor – Report

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