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MARCH 2025

US-backed Forces Advance 8km Deep Into ISIS-held Area In Syria’s al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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On May 2, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) advanced 8km deep in the ISIS-held pocket along the Syrian-Iraqi border the Syrian governotare of al-Hasakah, according to Kurdish news outlet Xeber 24. The advance came a day after the US-backed force had announced the resumption of its anti-ISIS operation in eastern Syria on May 1.

Local sources said that the US-led coaction had begun a new bombing campaign against the remaining positions of ISIS in the governorates of al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor in support for the SDF. More than ten civilians were reportedly killed in one of the coalition airstrikes on the southeastern al-Hasakah countryside.

Hashim Mihemed, a commander of the SDF told the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA), that the SDF military operation along the Syrian-Iraqi border is coordinated with the Iraqi Army. Syrian pro-government sources believe that the coordination is happening through the US-led coalition.

The SDF will likely face a strong resistance from the remaining ISIS fighters the governotares of al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor. According to local observers, the pause in the SDF operations during the last two months allowed the terrorist group to reorganize its units and even rearm them.

Photos of the SDF fighters during their advance in al-Hasakah:

US-backed Forces Advance 8km Deep Into ISIS-held Area In Syria's al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Advance 8km Deep Into ISIS-held Area In Syria's al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Advance 8km Deep Into ISIS-held Area In Syria's al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Advance 8km Deep Into ISIS-held Area In Syria's al-Hasakah Province (Photos)

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jerry hamilton

There they go attacking themselves again. America have not worked this out very well.


US-backed alliance launches ‘final’ battle against IS in Syria. “Our forces with the forces of the international coalition have started the last stage” says Syrian Democratic Forces. Is this US led coalition operation is legitimate without the permission of Syrian government? Absolutely no because the US led coalition is the coalition of perverted leaders……

jerry hamilton

Trump will again be able to tweet “Say thank you to America”.


Or Tribal militias. I doubt there still IS out there in the desert that didn’t get supplied, trained, and ordered by USA.


Ofcourse not… they renamed ISIS… they are now officially known as the Moderate-SDF-Kurdish & All other Fucktards-Headchoppers-Army of the United States of America…


Or maybe sate for anjing to consumed ..lol..


Yeah, turn them Headchoppers into Dogchow…. in a ..they’ll make a great meal for them poor straydogs…

Zionism = EVIL

ISIS is supported and sustained by CIA as proxy terrorists to continue the mayhem in the region. It serves both US and Zionist interests.

Zionism = EVIL

These idiots would run at the first sight of SAA and are strutting on US masters.


More than ten civilians killed but no isis rats.


I believe they’re hitting a tribal village that don’t particularly like them.


This is just an excuse to kill pro government civilians ,as usual,why would they attack their great buddies Isis?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gKz-5SyPs Yemen Explained: Saudi Coalition, Houthis and Famine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npk7tfKyXok Yemen: On the brink of starvation – BBC News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzgKd1cl8Ow How the Saudi Blockade is Starving Yemen Oh my God small kids dying due to starvation. They have no food due to blockade …..

1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster. 2. 8 Million People Hungary. 3. About 11,000 people killed. 4. About 50,000 people injured. 5. Entire villages and towns have been demolished and erased from the earth.

Russia, China and Pakistan could help to open blockade on Houthis, stop oppression and aggressions on them and send humanitarian aid in emergency. There is need of reconciliation between different groups. Saudis tell to Yemen nation that accept Hadi as president otherwise you all will die and nobody will know. Shame

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRQ2GzxGMBQ How the Saudi Arabian prince lose their money. This will be a shame history.

jerry hamilton

This is true evil.


The US and Saudis coalitions are made of perverts. LOL.


nothing about the socialist republic south yemen in the history part….

Joe Dirt

but a socialist state don’t have starving people, poor healthcare, high crime rate, high unemployment, etc….

neil barron

Yah right ! What planet did you come from ?

Joe Dirt

Planet “Utopia Socialist State”


The charade between SDF and ISIS goes on, what is needed is some strong Kaliber and Kh 101 volleys to get rid of the terrorist scum, something US is not willing to do. If Russia destroys “ISIS” east of Euphrates, Americans can go home sooner.

Pave Way IV

Do these guys even look remotely like the local Arabs or Kurds? Of course they don’t. These are yet another group of CENTCOM’s useless foreign mercs, paid to clean up what the Kurds will not (not their turf) and what the local Arab tribal DEMC mercs already paid by CENTCOM refuse to do (kill their ISIS ‘brothers’).

These mercs will expect the US to level everything in front of them before they move in to claim victory. ISIS knows that, and will just wait out in the desert for the theatrics to end before they sneak back in at the right time to kill these guys.

Roger Snellman

Good to both US and Russians exterminating ISIS. What is that old saying… the enemy of my enemy is my … We can only pray that after declaring victory over ISIS Trump and Putin will declare a ceasefire and start peace negotiations. May be complicated by recent Iran/ Hezbollah complications with US, some very wealthy Arab states, Turkey and Israel. Worst case US and Israel exterminate Iranian & Hezbollah fighters in Syria first.


The drugs must be good on the Planet you live on


HASBARA-TROLL ALERT: (name & shame shit-list)

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von MuleBanger, Joe, Jens Holm, Matt, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, DutchNational, Just Watching…

Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… https://electronicintifada….

Joe Dirt

thanks for the shout out! and fuck ASSSSAD! and fuck you, you fucking nazi!


Fuck you Too… it is working… Great…!

jerry hamilton

Hmmm. The Nazi’s are the people that the jews lied about. They were proved to be lying in 1934. https://ia800203.us.archive.org/14/items/InDefenceOfGermany/InDefenceOfGermany.pdf


The Brits & French Cocks have Lied about Ze Germans too… they told me that the Germans started WWI & WWII…. it turned out they did NOT…! It were them Brits & The French…and them AshkeNazis whispered it in their Ears… Like a little Demon on your shoulder.. Because Little Demons can’t fight… but they have Babylonian Moneytricks…for Kings & Queens & Mercenaries….

jerry hamilton

Spot on.


“If not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. Any people that have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong….” (Henry Kissinger) You are that something wrong, and that’s why your people always end up being hated. In the past, when Jews were purged from a country, they could always move to another. Today it’s global, you should think very hard about what you are really doing for the Jewish people, that is making people dislike Jews.



Joe Dirt

“In the past, when Jews were purged from a country, they could always move to another.”

I’m sure you spent much of you life studying Jewish history and won’t mind enlightening us all.

There is a difference between history and your subjective opinion.



Roger Snellman

Nothing wrong with just a little optimism. Obama and Hillary started the war and Trump has stated he wants to end it. If Obama, Hillary and their ilk were still running things this war would never end. Trump is the best and only shot at ending this war.


You are forgetting that Russia being Syria’s ally has the right to be there, but American backing of Al Nusra the “moderate rebels” does not give America any right to be there. Actually they should be charged with war crimes.

Roger Snellman

Please recognize this is a war started by Obama and Hillary. Trump would not have started this war. That being said in war any right to be there does not apply. Putin is highly intelligent and want the US out of Syria. He sure does not need to offer Trump that much to get a deal. Putin and Trump could get a Nobel out of this one.

As far as war crimes go you should charge Obama and Hillary.


Indeed Obama / Hillary and John Brennan / Huma Abedin started this crime. Let me remind you war is a crime except in self defense. Those traitors should be charged, but remember many Democrats voted for Trump because he said he would withdraw American troops from Syria. “Any right to be there” in any war Does apply and you know it. Those traitors, started the war against Syria in America’s name, Americans like you should help bring the troops home not rationalize past errors.

Java Ape Timelord

The illegal USA exterminate the legal Iranians and Hezbollah fighters in Syria, thereby committing a crime? USA is illegal in Syria and a supporter of Isis. Iranians and Hezbollah were invited by Syria so are legal.

Roger Snellman

The US has already started exterminating Iranians and Hezbollah fighters in Syria. That may have more to do with Iran’s nuclear weapons program. US prefers not to strike Iranian soil before Iran takes a swing at the US. Those Iranians and Hezbollah fighters in Syria are fighting in a war zone. That makes them fair game and easy pickings. Every one of them killed in Syria is one less to defend the homeland. It is demoralizing for Iranian troops and families back home to see their brightest and best slaughtered day after day by an omnipotent coalition. Their AD cannot stop them and the Iranian Government is too afraid to strike back. Iran has already lost the war. Only question is how many Iranians will die before they surrender.

If any laws applied Assad would be hanging from his neck at the Hague for using chemical weapons on his own people back in 2013.

Java Ape Timelord

Iranians are not Americans, the Iranians will not get demoralised. A war by USA against Iran will be a hard slog.

Assad did not use chemical weapons on his own people in 2013, even UN suggested that it was more likely the terrorists.

Roger Snellman

I do not have first hand knowledge of who launched the 2013 chemical weapons attacks or if Iran was ever developing nukes. Yet it is important to understand that in the court of public opinion Assad and Iran are both guilty.

Assad will be blamed for every chemical weapon attack until the day he dies, fair or not. The world believes Iran is/was developing nukes and must be stopped.

Assad and Iran are either guilty or they have been set up. Either way they can still chose peace and untold wealth or total destruction and a fiery death. Assad always chooses total destruction and a fiery death so here we are with 500,000 Syrians dead after 7 unending years of war and untold destruction.


HASBARA-TROLL ALERT: (name & shame shit-list) Congratulations! Thanks to you, Your Hasbara Brothers get Free Publicity:

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von MuleBanger, Jens Holm, Matt, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, DutchNational, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis

Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ…


Hide Behind

I refuse to pay any attention to those in la la land that constantly talk of legal illegal; they sound like children,” Mama, Jonny is not playing fair.”, because Jonny is winning and little Lolitas cannot win on own. Iraq helping Kurds along border defeat ISIS, hood for both, bad for Syria proper Iraq is a completely US dominated vassal State and in no way a friend of Assads Syria, ; They, Iraq, remember Syrian collusion with Nations that invaded their lands. Kurd control of a border with IRAQ is a must if a Kurdish enclave is a necessity in future of divided Syria. It also will be able to disrupt Iranian ground transports to their forces in Syria. As to those who question looks of S D F , you are seeing results of training by outside forces, into competent military forse. Do not think of Mercs as pure scim alone, they can be trained and integrated into regular units. US has over 100,000 mainly Latinos in their military and they are as competent a killer as a citizen born American. Mercenary, man who fights for pay, Don’t pay your Syrian military and see if patriotism rules over a paycheck for family and self.


A divided Syria is not a necessity, its only Americas plan. Unfortunately the Kurds are just the disposable pawns.

Joe Dirt

A divided Syria is not a necessity, its only Russians plan. Unfortunately the SAA are just the disposable pawns


My hope was that SAA would get the ok to travel through Iraq to join up with Iraqi forces to clear this area giving SAA s foothold west of the river.


And control of the border.

Bill Wilson

Assad’s government forces already have a foothold west of the river. There’s a bunch of them up in Hasakah Province plus they’re stationed at the four border road crossings into Iraq in that desert region. Been there for quite some time, too. Assad is perfectly content to allow the Kurds to run things east of the river since that frees up scarce resources that he can use elsewhere.


This is nothing more than a scam. This is Yanki Zionist subterfuge, they are placing themselves in a more advanced location and will be making all sorts of claims along with increasing their military presence. The Frogs brought in around 200 yesterday. Once they have around 6,000 the signal will go out to Daraa for a CWs attack. Then Yankee Zionist Skum will advance rapidly across the Euphraties, more YZS to attack from Jordan with headchoppers becoming super aggressive. They want Assad’s Head on a Spike. And it appears they are now on their way. Russian GCHQ have warned if they go ahead, IT WILL BE THE LAST THING THEY’LL EVER DO. https://www.facebook.com/aine.nicheannabhain/posts/2207705465922986?notif_id=1525098412243099&notif_t=close_friend_activity&ref=notif


Can’t as yet find source of the above link’s info


“US backed forces advance deep into isis-held territory to deliver arms & medicine to the head choppers”

Carol Davidek-Waller

Hanging out with their ISIS employees.


Bet it was a bitter struggle beating all those invisible ISIS soldiers.


US-BACKED FORCES ADVANCE 8KM DEEP INTO ISIS-HELD AREA IN SYRIA’S AL-HASAKAH PROVINCE (PHOTOS) To give Isis more weapons and intelligence data..fk muricunts..!


I suppose it took some complicated negotiations in order to coordinate this assault, Iraqis and Kurds have no love for each other. Good to see we’re back on track.

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