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MARCH 2025

US-backed Forces Announce Plans For “Liberating Deir Ezzor City”, Forming “Civil Council” To Rule It

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US-backed Forces Announce Plans For "Liberating Deir Ezzor City", Forming "Civil Council" To Rule It

A fighter from Deir al-Zor military council which fights under the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) holds the council’s flag in the village of Abu Fas, Hasaka province, Syria September 9, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said

On Monday, US-backed forces announced plans for “liberating Deir Ezzor city” and forming a “civil council” to rule the city after its expected liberation.

According to pro-Kurdish sources, “a group of tribal sheiks” linked to the Deir Ezzor Military Council (DMC), which is a part of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), released a statement claiming that the DMC and the SDF are going to liberate Deir Ezzor city “from the clutches of IS mercenaries”.

They also announced a formation of committees that will supervise the formation of the Deir Ezzor Civil Council to rule Deir Ezzor city and its countryside after its liberation.

Unfortunately, the group of sheiks didn’t reveal how US-backed forces are going to liberate Deir Ezzor from ISIS when a major part of the city is already liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies.

Pro-government sources already called the statement a PR move aimed at showing to the international audience the SDF “good will” to establish a “democratic governance” in the area.

If US-backed forces really make an attempt to establish its control over at least a part of Deir Ezzor city under a pretext of combating ISIS, this may lead to an escalation between the SAA and the SDF on the ground.

The Hasakah-based Kurdish media outlet “Hawar News Agency” released a full text of the statement (SOURCE):

The Syrian Democratic Forces and Deir ez Zor [Deir Ezzor] Military Council began ” al–Jazeera Tempest” campaign as a first phase of liberating the city of Deir ez Zor from the clutches of IS mercenaries, which spread the destruction, killing and displacement through Deir ez Zor land. People suffered from the successive regimes which were characterized by depriving the people of the most basic rights, while their city swim on a sea of underground resources, people suffer from thirst while the immortal Euphrates River crosses the city.

Therefore, we initiated a group of clans’ notables to call for the establishment of a preparatory committee to discuss the foundations and principles of the establishment of the Deir ez Zor Civil Council similar to the civil council of different cities liberated from the grip of terrorism which managed the cities efficiently caught the attention and respect of the world.

Our discussions resulted in the crystallization of a common vision resulting from a preparatory committee tasked with following up consultations with clans’ sheikhs, social, political and cultural activities and notables of Deir ez Zor to reach a final form that expresses the aspirations of all our people in Deir ez Zor. This results in the construction of a civil council for Deir ez Zor concerned with the administration of the city as soon as it is released

Therefore, we in the preparatory committee, as well as the notables of the dynastic clans, declare our support for the campaign of “al- Jazeera Tempest ” and the Syrian Democratic Forces and consider it the legitimate holder of our dreams of liberation and the return of displaced people to their homes. We likewise call all the jealous youth from the villages and tribes of Deir ez Zor to the Syrian Democratic Forces and its participation in the honor of fighting terrorism and defeating it from our country.

We also expect all the clans’ notables and sheikhs of the city to take their initiative and to join with all their strength in supporting these forces and their participation in undertaking responsibility. And we hope that our political, cultural and social activities will be of the best help to the liberation campaign of Deir ez Zor, and may God support us with this”.

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Trustin Judeau

SDF also created Jarablus council and Al Bab council over a year ago . Do I need to remind who rules these towns now . Hint – not SDF . And btw the one of the leaders of this council was killed literally on the same day the council was announced https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/4z2c3h/jarablus_military_council_sdf_commander/?utm_term=7f06c9f7-5527-4718-9d54-cfcda764e3fa&utm_medium=search&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=syriancivilwar&utm_content=1


Hah hah haha!!! :))

Trustin Judeau

Few hours after he become leader to be more precise . I still dont understand why they did it . SDF I mean with their council . Do they really thought that Turkey will allow them to seize Jarablus and Azaz and connect directly with Efrin . I wont be surprised if they thought that USA will back them . Despite that USA allowed this invasion to take place


yea turkey really needs to do more to make life harder for SDF and other problematic kurds lol


in the communist ideology -thinking…..making councils for everything is the way of things.

Zainab Ali

fake security planned by the useless u.s.led colition


what hypocrites, how could they ever be democratic with a few kurds lording over a vast majority of Arabs who would immediately outvote them, this shows again how these liars are completely in line with the fake new and propaganda of the MSM of our Western regimes….

Nigel Maund

This is a declaration of war with Syria authorised by the US. If true this has very serious consequences which the crackpot US “Deep State” fully understand . They are in the process of engineering their much wanted war as they are losing hands down in the Middle East. This is going to get very nasty very soon. Neither Syria nor its allies can afford to back down and retreat, The first thing Syria and Russia have to do is declare all Syrian territory a “no fly zone” and enforce it by shooting down US, EU or Israeli warplanes who violate the no fly zone Ths is after all Syria’s right as a Sovereign State.

andy l

Have these muppets been smoking to much weed. Since the SAA have already taken control of parts of DE & will take full control of the city soon do they think the SAA will simply hand over the keys!!


I’ve smoked a heck of a lot of weed, yet I can still see they’re talking total crap.



Tommy Jensen

When SAA have liberated the city, FSA will establish true civil leadership of freedom and democracy. https://youtu.be/w8wIXXBOqxE

Gary Sellars

The FSA will soon be extinct. Let none survive, and hang their corpses from buildings as a warning of what happens when people commit treason.


I doubt they dare show up at Deir Ezzor without expecting a warm welcome from dual 23mm guns. But their push towards the Omar oil fields (and there’s more of them all the way to the Syria Iraq border shows their masters are determined to salvage their failed Daesh project.


Seems to be a reasonable proclamation, I am sure it was drafted to appear reasonable. I also believe the US led coalition was helped to conquer the lands by ISIS moving out of the way because The US led coalition was VERY slow at defeating ISIS before Russia and the Syrian Army teamed up and kicked their butts.


ya think? Us spend tens of billions on iraq then watched as a bunch of toyota’s drive through beheading people and taking over huge swaths of land…It happened for it was supposed to happen…notice we dont see anymore beheadings…the goal was to create a image of ISIS now they are getting a ass kicking……not too exciting to the zios anymore netanyahu is crying like a bitch now.


Not democratic. Put them in terrorists list and kill them.

The Farney Fontenoy

The SDF have advanced further in the last two days than in the last eight months, ISIS are not being defeated by the SDF and probably not fighting them at all, they have been ordered to withdraw & are voluntarily clearing a path for US forces to attack the SAA.

Brother Ma

Reminds me of how Turkey invaded Syria without a shot fired.ISIS kept retreating or joined them.


In fact, SDF advanced enormously the last 8 months. The advance on Raqqah countryside started late 2016 and the assault on the city half a year later.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes while ISIS retreated so stop calling an actual advance since no ISIS forces were actually seen in the combat videos as Raqqa has proven them unable actually combat them in a few sq kms.


SDF is the new ISIS. 1. Stealing land 2. Forming a Kurdish state in both Iraq and Syria (and will try to in Iran and turkey) 3. Aided by Israel, KSA and USA (same as Isis) 4. Threatening the saa that “if one bullet strayed their way in DeZ across the Euphrates that they will defend themselves”

SDF is plan B. Turkey was right, they are terrorists. Kurds are going to be slaughtered. This is a fact! They cannot defeat, Iran, Syria, turkey, Iraq and Russia. You support terrorists!


Add to this torturing people and mass murdering inconventients and ethnic cleansing – how jewish of them.

Cheryl Brandon

But the SAA and Russia do not plan to back off! They plan to carry on with their plans! Liberate the whole of Syria!


you probably have been laying under one of those stones for the last 3 years……


“a group of tribal sheiks. the sheikhs want the shekel. Sunnis just want power and money. That’s all. Very weak people and useless people.

Zainab Ali

it is all duly planned by the evil empire …. rohingya’s attention to deflect more evil being planned in the middle east ….


Who cares about the rohingya ?? There are sunnis. Who will save them ? Sunnis ?? XD. Saudia arabia held the human right council at the UN. What do they do nothing ?

Not our fault if sunnis are hypocritical and stupid.


The Sunnis in Bangladesh hate the Wahabi Sunnis in Saudi. Palestinians are mostly Sunni. SAA are mostly Sunni. Not all Sunnis are the same.


Bullshit. Most Sunnis are the same. Their masters are saudis. So, if you have friends like that, you don’t need ennemies.


Wahab was a loony and his followers are a sect, like Christianity’s Westboro Baptist Church, but the Saudis have spread the thing around the world. I have many Sunni friends, all of whom hate Wahabi philosophy.

Brother Ma

House of saud are crypto jews.look up on internet.


There’s a lot of stuff there, searched ‘saud crypto jew’, a lot of it seems to be trying to recruit more Jews for Israhell. Can you link me to something please buddy?

Brother Ma

Will get back to you.give me a few days.

Brother Ma

See al dhounami.




the first website is linked to an Indian sunni sect. the second is a complot theory website. Both not really serious sources

Brother Ma

One looks at evidence itself,not just who the sources are.I also gave you a jewish source.i note you have kept silent on that.


Wich evidence??? The fact that there was a jewish kingdom in yemen?? That is not related to the saud house. Do you also believe in the protocols of zion???

Brother Ma


Ancient jewish state in yemen.from memory though it has been whitewashed by zionists.a jewish book on history of ashkenazi jews though gave detail how rulers of this kingdom exterminated the christians in yemen ,who were there first, just like ISIS does today.


Ouch. Jewry is a religion a thousand years old when the first jews became christians.

For hundreds of years early CE there were jewish tribes all along the red sea. Mohamed had three jewish tribes in his city and murdered them all (except for one female whom he took to be his third wife), see the Qúran.

In the fifth or sixth century, large parts of Yemen became a jewish kingdom where they became a pawn in the fight between the Byzantyne Empire (christians) and the Persian Sassanids. This fight exhausted both empirers and as a result, they were an easy target for conquering arab nomad armies.

Brother Ma

Sorry .you have whitewashed again.they were not a pawn at all.they were murderous and to a large extent welcomed the hordes of their fellow semites: the arabs of arabian peninsula. They followed same dietary and cultural rules. Why havent you mentioned hymariotes slaughter of Christians?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You need to be careful now they have a program that gives you more opposing views and disinformation in general on any given subject. The software has too many bug issues and viruses, why they keep updating anti malware software.


I use Ixquick/Startpage or Duckduckgo, never Google, but still get lots of these obfuscating articles along with the results. It’s as if they don’t want people to know about the Crypto Jews!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is the issue as they want no one knowing their history and who they are generally they use terms to deflect and accuse anyone with no proof ,just because they say it’s so.


yeah right, the internet, wich is mostly bullshit!!

Brother Ma

The internet site refers to written texts that have been around a long time.If you are so fearful of internet why are you on this site?


Who said i am fearfull of internet?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller



Lol no the MSM is mostly bullshit – the internet is the only place you will find any truth at all – the rest are very well paid vested interests of the system, I mean come on you cant be this stupid even small childeren can see this!


You must be a Boomer – no kid could possibly be this ignorant. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bbe75e4054e8265a5b9deefd76d41f9c8fd9f6d6042fd92017ec181bcfee5c02.png




Yep – https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/685b14d6e91f59babababd8430ef6cd21a477c626f87b862ee06e5a5db92da03.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/55d450091b051a1d43d152fe6676beea9adf2c5190afe7a26f44558ab69b005e.jpg


I’ve read a bit about that and it seems to be very possible, but I don’t know if that makes much difference. Whether Crypto Jews or not, we know Wahabism and the Saudis were cultivated by the British for their own purposes, and the Saudi state was created, as well as the shitty state of Israel, by the British and kept in place by US. We know that regimes supported by US are allowed to behave as fascists with impunity. We know a olot of the rest of the Sunni world recognises Wahabism as British and US imperialism, and rejects it.

Brother Ma

Yes too true. The turks whilst being the top moslem power about one hundred years ago persecuted and killed all wahhabis considerng them heretics much like Egypt and Syria and iran etc do with Muslim Brotherhood today.

How ironic erdogan turkey now are chums with muslim brorherhood and wahhab sauds.


you know nothing about sunnis, that is for sure!


iraqi sunnis first thought ISIS was friends with them since they themselves are sunni…then they murdered them and beheaded them…….oops guess not


something a bit strange when saudis have anything to do with the words…Human and rights

Brother Ma

Saud is not stupid to take in invaders.It is aware that they will be troublesome for generations.Just from this action the westerners should see Saud is not acting in good faith in Syria.If it really wanted to help the people of despotic so called Assad it woyld be taking in these people.


The invaders RUN KSA, they’re called the Royal House of Saud. They are so loved that their non-royal saudi citizens would kill them all in a second. That’s what happens when you create a monster, they can turn on you.


It seems not only sunnis are stupid

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are from Bangladesh and had never returned after the Japanese had rounded up slave labor to build their railroads.


So this statement came from some tribal sheiks associated with SDF. They are probably very ill-informed, having heard some propaganda, and think they can do that. They are delusional.

DJ Double D

Breaking: SAA concentrated a large force and ready to force-cross over the Euphrates river to stop further SDF advance. This is from a reliable source on the ground in the city. All fights aimed at securing the remainder of Deir Ezzor city has been postponed.


better turn on those S 400’s that’s all I can say


Now they just have to ask IS to let them through so they can reach the river banks and all will be well. To help you dream on, I have some cookies and milk for you. Might help your stomach too.

In the mean time, SDF captured Salhiya. This evening, or tomorrow morning, they will have reached the Euphrates.

That Guy

The SAA can still cross the river. Oh, and about asking ISIS to cross the river, why would they ask, they could bombard them to oblivion by airstrikes an artillery, and since the river is not that wide, a good chunk of the area behind the river is under fire control of Zu-23 and ATGM’s. Sooo…. the river is crossable.


If it is as easy as that, why did they not do this already? Maybe because IS has mined it to the hilt and is using civillians as human shields, like in Raqqah?

And do not forget, at this time both IS and SDF have fire control too. Complicated, no?


No more wars for Zionism. Its time overdue for Israel to return the Syrian Golan Heights to its rightful owners, the people of Syria. It is time for the American people to tell the Zionists, ‘no more military aide until you return all stolen land to Syria.


people should never own land

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Trolls should never interject with stupid comments.


You didnt think the zios were going to just walk away……


This is nothing more than a recruitment poster. I hear they are offering the tribal leaders a chance to do the “sword dance” with the Saudi royals and to put their hands on the “light globe”, just like President Trump got to do last April.


Happy anniversary !!! And happy birthday chief Bashar !!




Clearly this is an effort to split Syria,once ISIS is wiped out. SDF wants as much territory as possible, to have leverage in a political settlement and creating thier vision of greater Kurdistan.As I see it ,this is an outcome that not only the Syrian Government cannot accept, but also Iran,Iraq, even Turkey. However, the Biggest Questions remains, How far is Syria’s allies, Specifically Russia willing to do in order to maintain Syria’s territorial integrity in terms of taking control of all borders, and having full control of it’s air Space? So Far the Russians, Iranians and allies have provided much needed help to the SAA, however, when it comes to air Defense, the Russians have still not used their S-400 or S-300 systems and close Syria’s Airspace to all unauthorized actors for obvious reasons to all those who are paying attention. However there will come a time when Russia will have to stop talking about tracking aircraft and actually engage them.

Brad Isherwood

The Turd*ish, …..oops my bad. ….Kurdish selfie moment is of course Iraq bend over and take it,…allong with Assad and Syria. USA …..filming the porn movie : )

Ya….it’s just that offensive and don’t ** ask why Russia, Iran and Turkey throw money at this. Silk road is way off in the future. This is All….We want this…and we want that. Putin ….does He Really really want Iranian oil or Anyone else’s Nat gas reaching Europe while Uncle Sam and Geriatric British Empire double down on the EU flunkies?

There are several opp eds recently…. http://theduran.com/does-anyone-still-seriously-think-that-russia-and-israel-arent-allies/

You have to wonder what really matters to Russia when they get humiliated like recent years sanctions, ..US coup Ukraine and murder Russ centric Ukrainians, Show up in Kurd Syria and murder anyone any please.

Putin’s crafty character….Long game plan. Must have conditioning to ignore the suffering of those expecting his help now.!

Hey Vladimir. ….when you sit down with those Talmudic Snake worshipper Jews/Chabad Lubavitch. ..

Is it worth it?……is it?


Lots of questions with all sorts of possible scenarios… I Agree with you in that Putin’s game is a Long term one. However, certain motives are not fully clear yet. Time will tell. oh BTW as I mentioned previously Iran,Iraq,Syria & Turkey will not accept a Greater Kurdistan State…and Today, Iraqi Parliament Voted to Implement “Military Measures” Against Kurdistan Region Independence Referendum. Awaiting to see what the other three nation’s response/ reaction will be. Clearly this move will embroil that part of the world into further conflict. Am curious what turkeys move will be given that they are a Nato Member and thus ,Setting up a further showdown with the U.S


While I would not dare to doubt SF on this, I regard this as the same kind of blustering Assad does. DeZ city will be taken by SAA , unless they screw up.

Just like SDF will take north east DeZ countryside.

Instead of posturing from both sides, incited by stupid and over enthousiastic supporters, they should have serious discussions.


Will Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia allow this to happen ?, maybe there is an underground accord for this between USA-Russia since it is very strange that Russia has done nothing so far to stop SDF (kurds, USA-puppets).

Cheryl Brandon

Stupid /destructive Yanks/Cranks1 Syrian do not wish to live under terrorist rulers; Do the USA and terrorist do not get that yet? Kick them out of Deir Ezzor completely SAA/Russia and Iran!

That Guy

Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah shouldn’t bother themselves with the dogs of Israel, instead, they should pour all of their weight against Israel and Wipe it out for good. This is the only way to insure peace in the middle east.


I guess the next part of the war is to get rid of the crack in Syria. Tomorrow they will announce that Santa Claus is part of their coalition. Whatever dudes.


SAA will have to start preparing for the next phase of this six year long war involving the Kurds if it wants to get the rest of its country north of the Euphrates back.

Gary Sellars

If these treacherous whores step foot in DeZ, blast them to hell.

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