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MARCH 2025

US-backed Forces Capture More Oil FIelds On Eastern Bank Of Euphrates (Map)

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The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been rapidly capturing the remaining gas and oil infrastructure on the eastern bank of the Euphrates.

Last weekend, the SDF entered the Omar oil fields and established its control over this key facility. This week, the US-backed force captured the Azraq and Jarnof oil fields, according to pro-Kurdish sources.

The only issue is that the SDF has been still unable to provide any photos or videos from the recently captured areas. Syrian experts link this  with the fact that the SDF achieved control over theis area as a result of the alleged deal with local ISIS members. Pro-SDF sources obviously deny these allegations.

US-backed Forces Capture More Oil FIelds On Eastern Bank Of Euphrates (Map)

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US-backed forces are given more oil fields on the east bank of the Euphrates. Can’t help feeling sorry for the SDF when the SAA finally gets their hands on them.

Jim Bim

Feel sorry for the SDF…are you nuts, they are just another terrorist branch.


Not really, they are now a well armed and trained army that also has some terrorist capabilities.


Yeah right ! and I guess with … peshmerga-style fighting capabilities, special referral from Kirkuk and surroundings !!! That would’ve worked on a CNN thread, if they had any !


US has been in Middle East 25 years, fought several wars and spent trillions of dollars. According to US SOF, the YPG are the best fighters the US has ever seen. And are quite capable of offensive actions. OTOH, The Peshmerga of the KDP, Barzani Tribe, while effective fighters on defense haven’t shown any remarkable skill at offensive actions. That’s not to say they don’t have some units that are quite capable though. But in comparison, the YPG is generally acknowledged as the best light infantry combat troops in the region by far.

la Cariatide

the fate of the PKK is to become another kind of PeshRunGo! all you need is just a little of patience and gipsies will crawl back into their moutains.. who said they look like orcs and gobelins in the Lord of the Rings, obeying to the Evil power of Oceania (US, England, zionist entity?)

Blagajna Blagajna

Waa that war not about “freedom and dem(n)ocracy”??


They’ll provide the pics whenever the Kurdish garbs and PKK flags are distributed among the ISIS members who hold the fields, not before that.


newsflash – stock market climbs in response to sales of shaving razors for US backed forces in Syria.

Deo Cass

LOL! Good one pal! You know I just saw a feature on the UK Channel 4, one of the Western lie factory corporate nedia outlets, honouring a UK special forces soldier whom they called an anti-ISIS SDF vulunteer hero. In actual fact he was fighting in the ranks of ISIS beard and all!


Such is the state of MSM in both the US and EU. I recently caught a video of the UK’s jester in chief Boris, talking about RT…. he’s a funny guy…………… in the head!

Gregory Casey

He, Boris is a complete axxwhole


Of this there is no doubt!


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Rüdiger Preiss


Serious Dude

SDF is not PKK except in the minds of Erdogan fanatics.


SDF does have close PKK ties and many YPG leaders were trained by PKK, which has been fighting Turk Nato army for 30 years. So they are well trained leaders.

Serious Dude

PKK is just a group inside SDF.

Tudor Miron

Core group.

Serious Dude



SDF themselves clearly proved they’re PKK by Ocalan banner and their interviews, who’re me or you to say otherwise?

Serious Dude

Yeah but all SDF are PKK?


That’s an example of your confrontation behaviour which I reminded you before.

They say they are and you argue that they’re not?

Serious Dude

Some of them are but not all of them.


You’re right, because the ones who are not turned out to be ISIS recently joined them or young Arab children turned into child soldiers by SDF (this one according to Gen. Townsend and the pictures published by the US CENTCOM)

Serious Dude

Oh those evil SDF making child soldiers! Other sides also have child soldiers and it is sad.


SDF, PKK and ISIS are actually Trump special operation forces with changing uniforms.

Serious Dude

You are lying.

You can call me Al

Vey funny, I like that one and also sympathise with you, as I am the same shaving.


“according to pro-Kurdish sources”

Without confirmation, “pro Kurish sources” are questionable.


Baskani – President in Turkish.


Reuven Shiloah, 1949–53 Isser Harel, 1953–63 Meir Amit, 1963–68 Zvi Zamir, 1968–73 Yitzhak Hofi, 1973–82 Nahum Admoni, 1982–89 Shabtai Shavit, 1989–96 Danny Yatom, 1996–98 Efraim Halevy, 1998–2002 Meir Dagan, 2002–2011 Tamir Pardo, 2011–2016 Yossi Cohen, 2016–present”

Mossad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad

Deo Cass

These oil and gas fields on the Eastern banks of the Euphrates river represent 80% of Syria’s oil and gas resources. They are the most vital life line for the Syrian people and the ones which would have permitted Syria to get up on its feet again. They will not be taken back by the Syrian government forces with the help of Russia because Russia had already decided to hand them over to the Americans as a sort of Syrian back-stabbing exchange deal to be able to preserve its military bases there. But the US never keeps its word. It will not only install a permanent illegal military base in Syria and throw the Rusians out, it will go after Russia’s Donbass, Crimea and later Russia’s mainland immense resources. Russia would have to use its nuclear weapons. With this betrayal of Syria, Russia has made a nuclear war inevitable, unless it beomes a subservient slave of the US, which is not out of the question either. But luckily, Syria has some true genuine friends in Iran, Hezbollah, the Palestinian refugee forces inside Syria, and its Iraqi brothers. With their combined military force of more than 4 million, these true friends know how to deal with the Americans and don’t fear them. Marthydom for the just cause is their motto. Syria needs to ask Iran to establish its own military bases in Syria. They will be there to counter the US and Israeli military bases on Syrian sovereign land. Then they need to attack the foreign nvading US/ISIS/PKK terror coalition and they will win, throwing out the Western colonial imperialist invaders out of Syrian sovereign land and reclaiming its resources for the Syrian people.


“because Russia had already decided to hand them over to the Americans as a sort of Syrian back-stabbing exchange deal to be able to preserve its military bases there.”

You’l have to think up some better hasbara lies than this if you want more shekels in your troll check.

Deo Cass

Proof of this: 1. Russia did not say anything after repeated aggressions by the Zionits on Syrian troops in the Syrian Golan, no official statement, no UN protests, nothing. 2. Russia did not say anything after the latest aggression by the US terror air force on Syrian troops, just 2 days ago. 3. Russia let one of Syria’s arch enemies, Turkey, which is one of the major initiators of this foreign terror war by proxy against Syria, to illegally invade Syrian sovereign land without the permission of Damascus and again said nothing. 4. Russia was visited by another major arch enemy of Syria, co responsible for this foreign war of aggression against Syria, the Saudi Tyrant, who held behind closed doors talks with Putin, resulting in restoring of relations between the two countries. For what price? We know for sure that the Saudi tyrant keeps insisting that Russia must accept that ‘Assad must go’ for Saudi Arabia to normalize ties with Russia. Your proof now that I’m a troll.


Blah, blah, blah, wa, wa.

What is it about the government foot print grows every week while the regime change foot print shrinks month after month, while the crew in Tel Aviv develops the brown short syndrome, that you don’t understand?

jason sixx

They took manbij jarabulus albab raqqa and all of idlib and southern aleppo and now all of the dez sweet crude oilfields and the tanf border crossing and assad cant do anything because putin is in bed with erdogan and playing some dumb games with trump and its ok? If you look at it, yes they took a lot of land in one year but most of it was just homs provinc and small parts of hama raqqa and dez, while the turds and turks took way more land and 2 whole provinces, and keep taking more. Thats not ok with me. I trusted putins judgement for a long time but he is too fkn relaxed and afraid to call trumps and erdogans bluff


Big deal, one regime change group taking or being given land from another regime change group doesn’t mean much when collectively they lose while the government gains.

jason sixx

Wtf are you taklking about? They CANT take raqqa idlib albab or manbij or omar oil fields or tanf back without risking ww3 now, cuz the us and turkey are there and putin is afraid of that so he wont take action anyway. They are LOsT for good and thats a huge chunk of syrian land and some of the most valuable parts!!! What has the government really gained in a year? All of Homs province and mayadin? Shit not even dez city itself is free completely!!! And homs province isnt even secured with the dangerous sukhnah flanks, isis raiding groups around uqayrbat ithriya supply line and qaryatayn, and a huge desert connection from t2 station to palmyra still open!!! And the borders still up for grabs!! Wtf have we gained yet really? The really good oil is gone, tanf is gone as we saw last week the us bombed them and putin told them to stand down, and even albukamal crossing is threatened now. You can keep using defeatist excuses and that sweet crude oil wasnt needed bla bla but truth is we are in a terrible spot and putin and assad have played it real bad. All we have done is get stuck in a rut of constantly takinng and losing and taking back areas like qaryatayn palmyra humayma and sukhnah


Your ignoring the reality of the opposition positions being overrun by the government’s increasing footprint, which isn’t going to stop, is your problem not mine.

jason sixx

Reality of what you idiot? The government cant take back idlib, manbij albab jarablus tanf, raqqa, all the oil fields in dez and many more because us and turkey are there. Those are GONe forever geddit? Footprint of fucking desert is useless we didnt even take all of homs province back in a year and sukhnah and palmyra is endangered. The best oil gas and water infrastructures and agrarian lands are in the hands of the enemy for good. Taking a bunch of useless desert roads is not impressive


Reality of the government has fire control over those fields and the only place that that oil is going is in the government’s pocket. Just like they had fire control over T2 which they just overran:

“the SAA retook the T2 Pumping Station area from ISIS south of al-Bukamal in a final push after a few days of clashes.”




jason sixx

Youre fucking retarded as hell man. Why dont you answer me how assad will take back idlib, omar oil fields, raqqa, al bab, manbij and jarablus please? And tanf border crossing and the abukamal one soon? Because you cant !!! because youre dumb and theyre gone for good! Do you understand the words important, strategic, economy, borders? Those are what is in hands of the enemy and unless putin wants ww3 they aint coming back. Assad taking the centre of the country while his borders are full of enemies and he is surrounded with no gas and oil is a terrible scenario. Keep parroting your same shit over and over like a broken record, never met someone as hard headed and stupid as you!


You’re a moron who can’t deal with reality. If the Russians or Iranians or Lebanese where afraid of the Jews or the Turks or the Americans they wouldn’t be there and wouldn’t have cleared as much of Syria as they have and will continue to do. Russia is the only nation on the planet capable of obliterating the US in 30 minutes. If you think that Trump is going to start a war with them to partition Syria you’re a fool.

jason sixx

So why didnt they fight for omar this week or for jarablus or al bab when the tigers were there? Or retreat last week when the us airstruck them near tanf … the 60km stretch you dont seem to kno about? Answer me this question if you have the balls dont dance around it fukkin ANSWER it


What is it about the opposition loses ground every day while the government gains it that you don’t understand and where’s the link proving your 60 km border loss claim?

jason sixx

Its called TANF u idiot. You just dodged the question again. Get cancer or die in a fire you fkn imbecile you are a useless pos to humanity nothing to contribute. Dont even have the balls to answer my question


Your comment has been flagged – Threatening content — posted directly threatening content

“Get cancer or die in a fire you fkn imbecile you are a useless pos”

jason sixx

You are such a scumbag i swear i have other accounts youre like the schoolkid who waits for the teacher in the hall to come to taunt the guy into hitting him. Go fuck yourself jew, tanf border is gone and you balless chimp cant even stand by your word and explain to me how they backed off tanf raqqa albab and omar and yet you claim they keep advancing. And act like you dont know about tanf being a us base and how they bomb saa when they get within 55km of it. I know they keep expanding in homs and dez but what they have is a useless big expanse with unfiltered open borders to jihadis and turkish and american forces all around them. The land might be lost again if the borders remain open because the jihadis keep coming thru as the borders cannot be sealed because US troops are there and putin or assad wont attack. Turkey and US are not the opposition idiot


You’re the liar who can’t prove his points, not me:

“Last week the US terror coalition aircraft attacked the Syrian government troops near the Al-Tanf border crossing and Syrian government forces were forced to retreat and concede over 60 km of territory to the US terrorists.”

“The us bombed saa forces closing in on tanf it was REPORTED here 2-3 days ago thats a 60km or whatever frontline of the border gone.”

There’s nothing in that article that you posted a link for showing a 60 km retreat from US airstrikes.

jason sixx

55km is just 5km less than 60km jesus christ the other guy just rounded it up big deal!!! that 55km stretch of the border is all us occupied because the saa as you see retreat … but nah according to you they keep advancing and do not fear the usa and turkey. You know what contradictory means???


You’re an idiot wasting my time with your lies, evasion, threats and insanity. You haven’t provided any proof that the SAA was forced to retreat 60 km by US airstrikes because it never happened.

jason sixx

You haven’t provided any proof that the SAA was forced to retreat 60 km by US airstrikes because it never happened.





”You’re an idiot wasting my time with your lies, evasion, threats and insanity”








You haven’t provided any proof that the SAA was forced to retreat 60 km by US airstrikes because it never happened. There’s nothing in that article about a 60 km retreat cause by a US airstrike.

If you don’t copy and paste something from that article showing a 60 km retreat from a US airstrike. Than I’m not going to waste anymore of my time with you lies and insanity.

This is the article in it’s entirety:


On Saturday, an officer of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) who was deployed on the Syrian-Jordanian border told South Front that the SAA withdrew from garrison 204 to garrison 198 on the border after a direct warning from the US-led coalition.

The SAA officer said US-led coalition warplanes made low pass over a convoy of the SAA near the garrison. The warplanes fired flares and conducted several airstrikes on empty areas near the SAA convoy forcing it to withdrew towards the garrison 202.

According to the officer, after the SAA reached garrison 202 mortars and missiles fired by the US Special Operation Forces and the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) landed around the garrison.

SAA units received a direct order to withdrew to garrison 198 within 3 hours since the moment. After the SAA units reached garrison 198, the US-led coalition stopped the violent actions.

However, the SAA officer told South Front that UAVs of the US-led coalition are flying around the clock over the SAA positions on the Syrian-Jordanian border.

The garrison 198 is located 55km south of the US-led coalition base in al-Tanaf area on the Damascus-Baghdad highway, near the Syrian-Iraqi border.

The Al-Tanaf base is now surrounded by the SAA from all sides inside Syria. However, the US-led coalition claims that it is using the base to “fight ISIS”.

Back on October 6, the Russian Defense Ministry said that ISIS launched attacks against the SAA from the US-held area of al-Tanaf. Syrian pro-government activists believe that the real aim of the al-Tanaf base is to block the Damascus-Baghdad highway because Israel sees it as a “supply line” from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon.”



If you can’t prove that the SAA was forced to retreat 60 km by US airstrikes. I’m not going to waste anymore of my time responding to your stupidity.

jason sixx

Youre also a liar who cant prove or explain how saa will take back US or turkey occupied areas when they retreated andstood down every time they were threatened, shelled or had a chance to atttack. You are the peddler of falsities not me


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written, you’re the proven liar, not me.

jason sixx

With your reasoning, then dont believe anything written on here and just go to syria yourself to find out. But ill take sf’s reporting on this and even the government didnt deny that the troops retreated and the us holds that roughly 50×50 km stretch. Its in every map if southern syria ffs you blind or what? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0f7f8449df369a4102aed877546e63f83e0943577ccd37850e4f29f39af7e8a.jpg

jason sixx

Btw Thats old a week ago they retreated to garrison 194 iirc its also on the ‘fromthefront’ archives here so its exactly as that dude reported about 60km of open jordanian border for terrorists to keep flooding syria and we cant do anything about it because us troops are there and it means ww3.

I dont want to keep arguing with u have nothing against you personally but u just rubbed me the wrong way, why you want to keep denying this well known us taken area in syria?

At least some good news, we got to albukamal before the turds and we advancing in hama/south aleppo too, so lets rejoice :)


“If you don’t copy and paste something from that article showing a 60 km retreat from a US airstrike. Than I’m not going to waste anymore of my time with you lies and insanity.”

jason sixx

You’re a fuckin cunt

jason sixx

Not a 60km retreat, we said the us has a 60km stretch moron and when they tried to advance they had to retreat from warning airstrikes!!! English is not ur strong point fucktard!At this point ur doing it on purpose so as not to admit youre wrong. Its in the title of the article ffs and read … ‘conducted several airstrikes’. I have mever met anyone so stubborn and of such imbecile cuntish nature … nevermind on the web, in my life. Not sure why your inbred whore mum never aborted you


“Syrian government forces were forced to retreat and concede over 60 km of territory to the US terrorists.”

“The us bombed saa forces closing in on tanf it was REPORTED here 2-3 days ago thats a 60km or whatever frontline of the border gone.”

“If you don’t copy and paste something from that article showing a 60 km retreat from a US airstrike. Than I’m not going to waste anymore of my time with you lies and insanity.”

jason sixx

If you read properly into it, nothing i or that guy said is wrong. The 60km front IS gone because they cant advance, and they did concede over 60km in the end, because retreating from garrison 204 to 196 is about an extra 20km to those 50ish km. If you really read it properly it doesnt necessarily suggest a 60km retreat from point A to point B, but just a retreat from a failed advance and the result of an approx 60km frontline forgotten and forgone to the US rats. Either way, fishing for an excuse now. You know about tanf and how wide the front there is and that the US wont let SAA in at all


You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth, there was no 60 km retreat from a US airstrike. Your revisionist word games and double speak don’t change that.

jason sixx

Only one game, no revisions – just you being dumb. Youre the one twisting words. I never said there was a 60km retreat. Its just that youre a retard who cant read and comprehend and a cunt who shouldve been aborted.There was a retreat from us warning strikes, and as a result a 60km or so frontline has been abandoned and lost to the enemy. Because if they dont advance a single yard they cant take that 60km stretch in the first place. Last time i say it. If you cant understand that then i will speak your basic language: fuck you and fuck your mother, asshole.


“Syrian government forces were forced to retreat and concede over 60 km of territory to the US terrorists.”

“The us bombed saa forces closing in on tanf it was REPORTED here 2-3 days ago thats a 60km or whatever frontline of the border gone.”

“If you don’t copy and paste something from that article showing a 60 km retreat from a US airstrike. Than I’m not going to waste anymore of my time with you lies and insanity.”

jason sixx

Nice copypasta skills. Die in a fire, cunt


“Die in a fire”

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Threatening content — posted directly threatening content

jason sixx

I have 3 other accounts. Like i care you fkn pussy. Get cancer and i hope your fucking whore mother understands how useless you are and shoots you in the head or something. Idiot


“Get cancer … shoots you in the head”

Your comment has been flagged:

Threatening content — posted directly threatening content

jason sixx

Like i care. Cry more, assface


Are you on psychiatric medication, what does your LE record look like?

jason sixx

Cry more assface


You have a very sick and twisted mind to spew the antisocial filth and venom that you do.

jason sixx

0. I may be all that, but at least i can understand a simple sentence instead of making someone explain it a 100 times over. Cry more



Do you understand what concede means:

concede … surrender or yield (something that one possesses).

“Syrian government forces were forced to retreat and concede over 60 km of territory to the US terrorists.”


This sentence says that there was a 60 km retreat, from (something that one possesses) 60 km of border using the dictionary definitions of the words used to construct the sentence.

The force in question that made a minor position readjustment as part of a Russian deconfliction agreement. Was never in possession of 60 km of border that the regime change forces are in possession of and have been for some time now. That area was withdrawn from years ago.

Your trying to back peddle from the original post doesn’t change what was written or what it means.

jason sixx

Exactly tanf has been in possession for a long time but im not backpeddling from anything. That 60km front is gone because everytime they try to go in they get jdam’d da f up. I never said they conceded a FRESH extra 60km in a single retreat, you said that. But they did concede the existing front because they keep retreating everytime they get close. Like i said, read what he said and i said properly and nowhere did we say there was a 60km retreat… just that the existing 60km front is gone for good cuz putin and assad too balless to face trump and they keep conceding it to the enemy. Now if you want to define sentences your way go ahead, see if i care


Unlike you who are trying to twist the sentence into something that it doesn’t say. I’m addressing words as they’re written. It’s the difference between lying and telling the truth. The force that was harassed and threatened by the US aircraft, and that made a minor position readjustment as part of a deconfliction agreement.

Was never in possession of the 60 km of border in the first place, so they couldn’t have conceded it and been forced to retreat 60 km. The Syrian government force, that is the topic of the issue, wasn’t forced to retreat 60 km by the US aircraft. The aircraft stopped an advance. It never forced a 60km retreat from border that the force was in possession of at the time of the incident.

jason sixx

Lol they conceded it. The saa can try take idlib back… for example. Idlib has been in al qaeda hands for over 2yrs now. But If russia and turkey reach a deal and assad is forced to withdraw thats still conceding. Learn english or just take a shortcut and shoot heroin and rid us of your thickness pls. Im done with you, colossal waste of time and a babyish ego insisting on twisted words when there are none


Your word games and misrepresentation don’t make your false accusations true. The quote “Syrian government forces were forced to retreat and concede over 60 km of territory to the US terrorists.” and the article that you referenced are clearly referring to the Syrian government coalition mission attempting an advance along the border described in the article. Not to previous border guards that were withdrawn, retreated, killed or captured years ago when the area was overrun by regime change elements.

It’s clear from the article, and other sources on the incident, and you admit that the Syrian mission was attempting an advance on border that they weren’t in possession of, and discontinued the attempt before gaining the 60 km of border in question. They were never forced to retreat from 60 km of border, and they didn’t concede 60 km of border that they were never in possession of before they attempted to capture it from the “US terrorists”, as the provided quote falsely attempts to claim.

jason sixx

You called me liar and sick in the head etc so i flagged you too if u wanna play kids game. SPIt in ur face irl


I told the truth, you made threatening comments.

jason sixx

So did i, you insulted me too. Liar, headcase, etc … dont dish it if you cant take it. LOL i got to you so much that u had to report me like a kid.


You’re the one making threatening comments, not me.

jason sixx

WHy do you keep acting like you dont know about tanf faggot? Dont you KNow the us are there and they bombed saa few days ago?


55km from tanf and the us wont let them advanc further, thats the BORDEr lost.

US and Turkey are not the ‘opposition’ you fkn mong. Youre the jewish troll it seems cuz as far as im concerned theyre jihadi rats not opposition. Only msm zio piglets call them opposition to legitimise them.

Seems saa retreated and yet you are claiming they will take it? How? Answer me!!!!


You’re a liar whose sick in the head. There’s nothing in that article saying that the SAA lost 60 km of border. Post a quote with a link showing 60 km of lost border or don’t waste my time with your mental illness.


jason sixx

Looool omg!!!! Fire control he says rofl. T2 was in isis hands not sdf facepalmmmmmm the only way saa gets omar fields back now is with confrontation and possible ww3 which putin doesnt want. Thats it all the land on the map in yellow -sdf or blue – turkey/euphrates shite- is gone. Poof.


Where was the US air cover for all of the vetted opposition in the west of the country? 99% of the time it didn’t exist. And where’s this fictional 60 km of lost border that you’re lying about? It doesn’t exist.

Your US no fly zone over much of Syria is a figment of your imagination. It doesn’t exist. Where was the US air cover for the Kurds in Iraq? It never happened.

Your track record for your wished for air cover for the SDF against the Syrian government coalition isn’t looking good. Once they finish clearing out Isis they’re going to go to work on the Kurds and company and finish cleaning out the rest of the pockets in the west of the country.

Trump has no desire to start a war with the Russians in Syria and is trying to improve relations with them. Your Israelistan pipe dream isn’t going to happen.

jason sixx

I dont know if you are real or just like wasting ppls time lol. The tanf base and stretch of jordanian border has been in us hands for ages. Idlib was just taken by turkey last week and every piece of land the sdf and turks take so far the government hasnt dared venture into. Do you even follow the news or just spout random bs you fuckin inbred mong?


You’re the one who can’t deal with the opposition getting overrun and losing ground to the government every day not me. It’s been happening for months and will continue. Get used to it and stop whining about the losses that your Jew buddies are incurring.

jason sixx

Youre so fkn pthetic and lame with your jew buddies replies because you lost the argument and you are too proud to admit you made a mistake and got schooled. Assad taking swathes of useless desert and losing borders and infrastructure is terrible scenario. Wish i could meet you irl to spit in your face and punch your assface in for daring to call me a jew supporter


You’re a head case and a liar who can’t prove your 60 km of lost border lies or deal with Syria increasing the land it controls every day while the opposition losses it.

jason sixx

Lololol youre the idiot the 60km is called TANF crossing look it up and im done explaining to you i hope someone shoots your brains off or you get cancer cuz you shouldnt be allowed to reproduce. I mean fuckin ell talk about stupid!!!! Its not about how MUch land its WHAT land they have and they lost the oil and the borders for good. Now fuck off cuz you giving me brain damage from reading your stupidity


You’re insane, and you’re running away like the liar and coward that you are because you can’t prove your 60 km lost border lie with a link.


Your comment has been flagged – Threatening content — posted directly threatening content

“hope someone shoots your brains off or you get cancer”


Your comment has been flagged – Threatening content — posted directly threatening content

“Wish i could meet you irl to spit in your face and punch your assface in”

jason sixx

Ahah!!! SO you think after isis putin is going after sdf and erdogan lol. Why dont they do it now when they are right next to each other and every time they try advance the us bombs then and they are TOLD to retreat? You are thicker than expired milkshakes rofl

ANd putin just gave idlib to erdocunt so assad can lose more troops taking it back for FKN FUN?


You’re the liar with the credibility deficit who can’t prove your 60 km of lost border fiction. Where’s this 60 km of retreat from a US air cover? It never happened. Where’s the air cover for the vetted opposition 99% of the time? It never happened. You’re a disinfo troll trying to lie your way out of admitting that you’re wrong. https://freeclipartimage.com//storage/upload/pinocchio-clip-art/pinocchio-clip-art-7.gif

jason sixx

Let me try make it simple as fk for u man

The saa has a lot of mostly desert land which is mostly useless and is terribly overstretched and flanked

The sdf us and turkey have less land if we talking individually but a lot too in total … but its the USEFUL land with resources borders and infrastructure


What’s simple is the government increases land every day and the opposition losses it.

jason sixx

The opposition ( makes you sound like a pro regime change fuck btw) is not the same as US and turkey you bloody braindead monkey. Look up northern cyprus …. 50 years and the turks havent given it back.


The Turks or the Jews are no match for the Syrian government military coalition and there is no support outside the beltway for the US getting involved in another Jew war in the mideast.

Tudor Miron

Another zio troll telling us how Putin is in bed with head choppers… It’s getting boring with this fellas.

Deo Cass

That’s what I fear too. I mean, the US illegal colonial imperialist invasion and occupation forces are ending up controlling 35% of Syrian sovereign land and 80% of Syria’s water and 80% of Syria oil and gas resources. I mean, no wonder Trump is so confident that he can now pass to the next step of “Political transition” namely regime change. Lets truly hope that Putin really knows what he is doing. But just the same, what makes me be positive here is the fact that Syria still has Iran, Hezbollah, Iraq and so many other anti-colonial resistance groups supporting it who have already faced the US/Zionist alliance in Lebanon and won.

Deo Cass

True. At a much slower rate though because the attacks by the US aircraft on Syrian troops are becoming more frequent. As an example. Last week the US terror coalition aircraft attacked the Syrian government troops near the Al-Tanf border crossing and Syrian government forces were forced to retreat and concede over 60 km of territory to the US terrorists. Russia did not intevene or threaten to intervene. Ok, the Syrian government forces gained some 80km on the Western shores of the Euphrates river, which leaves them +20km but things are becoming increasingly like an elastic here unless some drastic measures are taken to make the US think twice before obstructing the Syrian government forces from liberating its sovereign territory from the US supported terrorist scourge.


You’re a ziotroll disinfo peddler. Where’s the proof that 60km were lost?

Quotes and links or don’t waste my time with your lies.

jason sixx

Dude follow the news ffs or just dont comment


Hey idiot, then why don’t you post the proof of the 60km loss? Because you can’t, because it’s a lie from a disinfo peddler.

It’s better to keep your mouth closed and let people think that you’re a fool. Than to open it and remove all doubt.

jason sixx

The us bombed saa forces closing in on tanf it was REPORTED here 2-3 days ago thats a 60km or whatever frontline of the border gone. If sdf races from omar to albukamal thats the border with jordan AND iraq gone conpletely. In case you didnt notice theyre already waaaay past omar oil fields. Youre a fkn retard man. Rejoicing we have a footprint of desert land without the important oil and gas fields, dams and water stations and with most of idlib aleppo and raqqa gone for good, and with jordanian and iraqi borders wide open to the us and its zio puppets and possibly for good. Facepalm!!! You are happy assad has enclosed footprint with hostile borders and half his country and most of its economical resources gone for good … because the ‘footprint gets bigger’ foh. My oh my you are one special level of stooooopid


You’re a liar. Where’s the proof of 60 km gone?

Frane Frlan

Regarding your first point. “repeated aggression in Golan high”. Israel occupied that territory exactly when?

According to your logic: Russia should enter to open conflict with Turkey (which regime and president was saved recently by Russia), simultaneously with Israel, and Saudis? :)

Russia goal is to help legal Syrian government establish government control over most of the Syrian state territory. There are priorities in that operation, and there are some things you can accomplish by all means necessary. But the results cannot be seen immediately. Or let’s put it this way: Current development on the ground, as considering all developments in the past during years of war in Syria, has more turning points and alliances than one can imagine. But it doesn’t influence on global picture, or the final outcome. The fact is, that territory controlled by government is each day larger, which means that Russia’s goal is closer. No matter current concessions and agreements.


Amen to that!


Your observations are totally correct. Let us see later on the result of all these dishonest behavior. Of course, Israel-USA-NATO (together with Saudis, Qatar, Jordan, and Turkey) have a plan to destroy IRAN, but also Russia has a plan to do something…..


Christ dude, stop panicking so much. You sound like a hysterical woman. Have some faith that Uncle Putin knows what he’s doing. Western politicians are driven by hysterical drivel that compels them to make grand gestures to send ‘signals’. Putin on the other hand is a chess player who knows how to play the long game.

Deo Cass

Hope so, really! The US is using Syria as a test bed to see how far it can push its agenda. All of the things that were considered red line for Russia just one year ago have been bashed. The US got its no fly zones (de-conflicting), it got its boots on the ground and US military bases, it got Syria’s vital water and oil resources. Now it is pushing the goal post further. The US will not stop and ‘will never be happy until Assad remains in power” (Nikki Haley). In our country we have a saying: “Give me your finger, and I will take your hand.” I hope Putin understands this.

Solomon Krupacek

faith belong to church. in war are important abilities


Faith is extremely important in war though. If it weren’t for faith in country, victory, or revenge, many a country that ultimately won would have given up. Or allowed some of the losers to fight on as fanatically as they did.

Deo Cass

I add, even of now, the fact that the ISIS terrorists removed their mask and changed their name to SDF does not change the fact that they are the very same head chopping terrorists as they were before. If we apply the principle that al-Qaida, aka al-Nusra remained the same al-Qaida terror organization when it changed its name to HTS and are rightly being targetted by the Syrian government anti-terror coalition, then the same principle applies here. Thing is, they are not being targetted. Let’s be more diplomatic here so that no one accuses me of being a troll. I will put it this way. Why is Russia which has air dominance over Syrian airspace doing nothing about it?

Pave Way IV

It’s doing nothing about Syrian airspace because ISIS doesn’t fly. The Russians are perfectly well aware of the shape-shifting perma-jihadis. It wasn’t fooled by the FSA ‘moderate rebel’ trick and it won’t be fooled by the SDF trick. The US isn’t going to respond to an attack on fake SDF just like it didn’t respond when Russia started blowing away ‘moderate head-choppers’.

Russia has announced many times that they are helping Syria to eliminate head-choppers (regardless of their flag-of-the-day) – that’s it. Russia is not there to start a war with Turkey, Israel, the GC or the US – all of whom are attacking/invading Syria. Likewise, Russia is not there to eternally prop up a government too weak, corrupt or unpopular to lead its people. The Syrian government has to do things differently now, and not expect Russia or Iran to be their on-call army. The Syrian government can’t continue to conduct business like it did before the war or continue to resist the reforms Assad was trying to introduce. The Syrian people will either continue to rally behind their government, or they will give up on it. Russia doesn’t think that’s any of their business, and rightly so.


The fields are all banged up right now. Patience, wait till the SDF tries to sell that stuff and can´t. The tribes are not doing this for charity, they want a slice of the pizza. If they don´t get it and pronto, there will be trouble for the SDF. Add to all that, a few airstrikes and ground moves by the SAA and you will start hearing ´I don´t know no SDF´ from the guys in the desert. In my view, a lot is being built on piles of sand.

Pave Way IV

‘Banged up’ might be a bit of an understatement if one was just judging based on published imagery, John. Considering the massive US propaganda campaign for the SDF, it could be either extreme. Either they never intended to steal the oilfield and have destroyed everything, or they fully-well intended to steal it and published some doctored imagery to give the impression that it was destroyed.

I’m thinking back to Tabqa Air Base and the Photoshopped imagery giving the impression the base was unuseable (so US could steal it – no big deal). In reality, ISIS didn’t touch the runways or taxiways. They just piled some dirt and assorted junk on it. Kind of like they were just holding it for someone else that could just push the dirt off and sweep it up.

I’m inclined to think the Omar ‘damage’ imagery might be fake as well. The story falls apart when the SDF makes ridiculous claims that they ‘suprised’ ISIS, who didn’t have a chance to destroy ANY of the facility. I’m pretty sure it would have been leveled if the SAA ‘suprised’ them, instead.


Hey Pave. I was going by output numbers as to the condition of the fields, not battle damage. As far as I understand, it is run down. That might be a big investment awaiting anybody get that biatch up to speed again. Machines require a lot of attention and I doubt these goons has have been giving them the proper feeding.

I like your points about the PR angle too. It seems like the only effective weapn system the US has anymore, is the BS machine. :P You were dead right about using the SDF girls for photos. Right after you remarked on it, they started up in the DE; girls texting, cell phone quality time and fun.

Thank you for you view on this and take care.

Gregory Casey

I agree with you but still, once SDF embeds itself within the oil-fields on the E bank of Euphrates it will prove exceedingly difficult to dislodge them unless …… attacked from the East and N-East ……. from Iraq using Iranian & Iraqi Shia Militia and para-forces.


Before War, Syrian oil fields produced abut 325,000 bpd. Now probably less than 1/3rd that number. By contrast over 60% of Syria pre war economy came from Aleppo Region, now under threat from Turkey & AL Queda.

Tudor Miron

Deo, honestly… Does Putin report to personally or via skype/whatsup or similar? You keep claiming that Russia gave those fields to US. I don’t know if it’s true or not (someone forgot to give Putin my number) but I suggest we wait and see what happens. I already posted – Kurds are biting more than they can swallow, there’s no point rushing on them. I do think that Surya will have actual control of those oil fields in less than a year at most.

Also, are you really sure that fields represent 80% of Suria oil/gas resources?

jason sixx

Look up syrian petroleum business those were the best fields with light sweet crude. No one said putin gave it to the Us, but putin is scared to do anything avout it so they are gone for good now. Tigers are still stuck at mayadin and sdf is almost near albukamal… iraq border is next.

Tudor Miron

“they are gone for good now. ” I see you point. I will wait and see what happens.

jason sixx

Dont tell me you think turkey and the US are going to be so nice as to hand them over back to assad?

jason sixx

Before you say it, no iraqi army and pmu will not attack sdf if they take the iraqi birder too. Saa has been stuck at t2 station for months and the sukhnah flanks are embarassing. It doesnt matter if the omar oil fields have 0.000001% of syrias gdp they are SYriA’s and no one elses and yes those fields have the best oil in the country


It seems that for many commenters here the grapes are sour.

Instead of being happy civilians are liberated, IS deprived of resources, they only have sectarian and or antisemite ranting.

Pity and pityful.

jason sixx

Happy the zionist pigs took syrias oil and land? You really are an israhelli psyops


There is no liberation, it is just political deals and people changing the flags they are waving. They are going to get whacked if they don´t stop the nonsense. Remember what I exchanged with you about what was going on in the sandbox? hmmm? And what could happen in places like Mayadin, which all came about? hmmmm? This one is coming too and it is written in screaming red, capital letters. Stay tuned.


– We should all rejoice that the US’s proxy number 2 ruined a city by bombing and shelling and replaced the US’s proxy number 1 which was destroying it before.

– We should be all happy that the US’s proxy number 2 will put the “liberated” civilians in concentration camps, deprived of the basic needs as it did before.

– We should be all laughing that the US’s proxy number 2 will force all children to learn Kurdish and PKK cult ideology or else, proving that the proxy number 2 is anti-sectarian. Totally different with what proxy number 1 was doing, forcing children to memorize the cult ideology of Wahhabism.

Yes, it’s a call for happiness, in NEWSPEAK.

Serious Dude

The foreign policy of the US is murderous. However, that doesn’t mean that every third world dictator is good.


No, but president Assad is the best hope the Syrians got and they know it and appreciate him. I’d appreciate too if your reply is somehow related to the topic at hand.

Serious Dude

Assad is the best hope for Syrians except for half a million dead and millions of refugees.


And of course it’s his fault that Saudis, the US and their partners-in-crime unleashed foreign mercenary terrorists on Syrians.

It’s strange that Syrians are returning to their homes, in parts that Syrian government liberated and secured, to be “oppressed” by Assad.

Serious Dude

Again, it is the other’s fault! Everything else is responsible but Assad, right? They are returning to their homes because they are the only property they have, not because they are Assad fans.


It is other’s fault in that case, not Assad’s. They feel secure enough to return. If you have any objections I suggest you take it to them.

A few moments ago you were complaining about the Stupid Americans for leave Kurds and the British for leaving you, signaling their fault, and now you accuse me of blaming the horrors in Syria on it’s instigators and not Assad.

Double standards much?

Serious Dude

Assad only cares about himself, just like Stalin. The cause of the civil war is Sunni-Shia sectarian fight. However, the Anglo-Americans are just exploiting the situation. Where are the double standards?


No it is not and it’s a plain LIE. There was no sectarian problem in Syria. Syrian government was and is a secular one. There’s no sectarian problem in Iran too. It’s a thin justification for the war against Syria. The terror groups sponsored by the Saudi, US and their allies’ governments who have sectarian mentality, not the ones who defend Syria.

I DARE you to show me an example of sectarian rift in Syria before this war.

Serious Dude

If Syria is a secular government then why are 70,000 Shia militants fighting for Assad? Assad has abandoned Arab socialism after 2011. All sectarian rifts are AFTER 2011. SDF also defends Syria and helped you get Aleppo back. How about this?


It’s a clear sign right there for you. Shi’as, Sunnis, Christians and followers of other religions fight for Syria. A sectarian government cannot and will not have the poeple of other sects in it’s fighting force.

You want to twist the truth, go ahead. Just don’t expect any somehow informed person to believe it.

PS. Where did you get this number, 70,000? I’d like to see the source.

Serious Dude

Assad government tries to utilize every part of his country just to stay in power. Now many Arab tribes pledge allegiance to Assad in order to be saved from ISIS. I have read the number in many sources and even dutchnational says that number.


As I said, I’d like to see the source to that number, if you please.

Serious Dude

I can’t find the number in the moment. Is that important?


Not important personally but I like to see sources and proofs following any claims, either by myself or anybody I discuss something with. And I mean source, not an article which speculates without any kind of document. If you have it, I’d appreciate. If you do not have it, just say so and we’ll leave it there.

Serious Dude

How about that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQOA2IJjqiU


Doesn’t work, it doesn’t talk about the 60,000. A dozen demonstrators in an American city, what do you want to prove?

Now this one is what I call a demonstration of support. Damascus, Syrians in support of Hezbollah and the Lebanese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEt0ldu0PQ4

Serious Dude

Speaking about Assyrians, this was a video created by an Assyrian pro-Zionist. Look at another video that has Wafa Sultan talking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLOicfZ_bAI


She expresses her own opinion. The full video would be more interesting, where the other guy they interview with destroys her by reminding her how hollow are her words, about the clash of civilizations, about the name-callings and accusing others of backwardness when she is calling ALL Muslims as backwards and claims they have no aim but to destroy any civilization and her misquotes from the Qur’an.

The funny thing is, you choose to see ONE person saying the things you like and ignoring thousands which say the things you don’t like.

That’s a logic I can’t compete with.

Serious Dude

It is not her opinion. It is the truth. The golden age of Islam is long gone. Most Muslims nowadays are fanatics and almost all those that hate Israel and Kurdistan are sectarians. And the guy that you are hoping to destroy her is probably a Wahhabi. I am here to hear about the voices “I don’t like” because the whole globe supports Israel except for Wahhabis, neonazis, hardcore communists and conspiracy theorists.


Apparently the line between the truth and opinion is a skewed one for you.

She never showed anything to prove her right and worst, edited out the answers of the other guy in that piece of video. It seems you are the only fanatic here who has no problem of accusing a group of 1.2 billion to all kinds of things, again with no kind of proof.

FYI, 2001 was named “the year of the dialogue of civilizations” by UN, on a proposal by then president of Iran, Mohammad Khatami. On the other hand, “the clash of civilizations” is a thesis by S. Huntingtone, clearly a non-Muslim.

My dear boy, you’re not here to hear or learn anything. It seems that you are here to argue with people who left and right show how biased your views are. You are here to accuse Shi’as of sectarianism and extremism, painting Assad as a kind of monster and forget the actions of Wahhabi terrorists and your beloved Zionists. You’re here to brand anybody who has a different view as an extremist, an Assad or Erdogan fanatic, a conspiracy nut, a Nazi or a communist.

A lot of people are against Israel and it’s actions. Their numbers are serious and growing. The panic we see in the US and European government to shut the voices by equating Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism, making laws that hurts the supporters of BDS (against their own constitutions) and relating the storm-victims relief into signing a document to show they do not support it, making the trade difficult for the firms who support BDS is a clear sign who is right. It’s illegal in most western countries to even research an event names “holocaust”. What are they afraid of?

Serious Dude

Yeah, she has her opinion but she is close to truth. It is difficult for you to realize it but it doesn’t matter. I don’t accuse 1.2 billion of people even if many of them have extremist views. Many Muslims come to Europe to do jihad and want to install shariah law. Not to mention that countries run by sharia law are the most corrupt states and have the least freedoms for humans. Iran makes moves to clean up the mess from 1979 but it is still not enough. They hate Europe and they hate Israel, while no one in Europe or in Israel hated Iran before 1979. Is it true? My views are biased because I don’t believe in moral and cultural relativism. Truth is truth and falsehood is falsehood. End of story. And I don’t call them conspiracy nuts, nazis, communists and Assad or Erdogan fanatics. They are. You care more about what I say and not what is happening. The one that is killing thousands of Syrians is Assad and not Israel. Anti-Zionism IS Anti-Semitism just like Anti-Hellenism is a code word for anti-Greek. Everyone has the right to search about the holocaust. But if in Syria someone searches about Assad crimes then you know what is going to happen to him. Bam bam bam.


You seem to be extremely uninformed regarding Iran, Islam and Muslims. You are also extremely biased towards them. You count Wahhabis and their Shari’a laws as Muslims? You need to learn more, much much more. Iranians hating Europeans? Really?

In the video you posted, do you see her telling the truth or saying the things which you enjoy? The least you can do is tell me where in Qur’an the things she claims is written, is that fair?

I care about what you say because I’m talking to you, what kind of fallacy is that?

I never said Israel kills Syrians, but you said Assad does. Assad is not my cousin, but yet again I DARE you to show me the proof that he killed Syrians by the thousands, and I DARE you to show me who ended up bam bam bam after researching Assad’s alleged crimes. It’s a double DARE! Zionism is not equal to Israel. Zionism existed before Israel, They’re two different entities. There are a lot of Zionists which are not Israeli, just like yourself.

You are right, they’re free to research the Holocaust, they just lose their freedom and end up in jail if they do so in most western countries. It’s freedom of speech, not “freedom after speech”.

Serious Dude

She doesn’t say about the Quran but about the Islamic states nowadays. Most of Muslim states are very low in terms of education and freedom of conscience. Is this a lie? The Iranian government hates Europe and US and calls them great Satan while Israel is the little Satan. Many SF commenters say that Israel is responsible. You can find the number of victims in wikipedia, where it is an analytic map. This is what is happening in dictatorships, when you expose the dictator you die. Zionism is Israel. There are many non-Israeli Zionists and even many Arab Zionists and guess why? Because they don’t like terrorism! I don’t agree with jailing Holocaust deniers but why will someone deny the Holocaust? However, most modern Holocaust deniers are nuts.


Shameful. You posted a video which you didn’t watch. Go back and carefully watch it and listen to what she says.

Serious Dude

I have watched it one time. However, I don’t agree with everything that she says. She is an atheist and in my opinion atheism is a plague.


Watch it again and again until you fully understand what she says, and then come back. You say she doesn’t talk about Quran, well she does.

Serious Dude

I remember now. She talks about Quran but she also talks about the lack of freedoms in Muslim countries. After all, I have checked many Assyrian website and they are pretty anti-Islamic. They even call Assyrian Muslims as “traitors”.


Do you understand how did you behave?

Serious Dude



“the whole globe supports Israel except for Wahhabis, neonazis, hardcore communists and conspiracy theorists.”

Now that’s a whopper if I ever heard one.


This is you:


Serious Dude

They hate Jews and Kurds because they are their nemesis.

George King

It is not a matter of hate but a seeking of truth and justice (the refusal to be goy). It really is not more complicated than a speaking out for the down trodden and those robbed of their Treasure, Commons and Inalienable Rights.

George King

You really are so full of it. You say happy civilians are liberated (ethnic cleansing) and resources traded from one bandit to another or rather as we all know one terrorist lackey name to another under the control of Empire by vassals.

When zionist and transnational criminal cabals are deprived of their Treasure, Commons and Inalienable Rights we will see true Justice not something spit forth from the Bet Din, “house of judgement”.

Wahid Algiers

Let them get the oil fields for a moment. It is the same when you give a 2-years old child the key of a car.


Easier to complain about SDF taking some old oil fields than to discuss why SAA is taking such heavy losses at Deir Ezzor City & Mayadeen. For example: ISIS is successfully counterattacking SAA who is not prepared for such resistance. Isis blew up SAA munitions depot at stadium with drones & captured a T-90 in separate actions.


You know you’re shooting yourself in the foot by that comment, don’t you?

SAA’s difficulties and SDF’s freedom of movement are due to the fact that ISIS is resisting SAA while collaborates with SDF.

That being said, if you want to talk about SAA’s heavy losses, I’m sure we can find some others to join the discussion and enjoy your intellect. I’m game.


Here’s a sampling of a truckload of Israel provided weapons on it’s way to the allied terrorists.


Of course we can also find NATO provided weapons and communication gear, bombings of Syrian forces to advance terrorists against the SAA and….

Solomon Krupacek

and iran + russia load with weapons saa. according to jesus russian weapons are superior ;)


Russian weapons are cheaper and more reliable, and are very popular in civil wars in 3rd world countries. Something like over 80 million AK 47 have been sold.


“…iran + russia load with weapons….”

This is true but, Iran and Russia are at the internationally legal invitation of the sovereign state of Syria, while Israel and the ‘coalition’ are illegally (according to International Law) in Syria and actively supporting terrorists.


Good information, thanks.



Solomon Krupacek

so dude, in deir hafer, aleppo countryside, raqqa countryside, last time in maadan isis collaborated with assad? your argues are childish.

kurds took manbij, raqqa, tabqa. so, what is doing saa? saa is not able to take T2 station. be serious and dont attack somebody, that he wrote the naked truth.


SAA liberated all the major populated areas, that’s what they did, or do you think Aleppo has the same value as Manbij or Raqqa?

There’s a difference between: A. Making a deal, to give safe passage to terrorists and their families after they put down their arms, in exchange for liberating an urban area, almost “intact” and civilians saved from horrors of war. and B. Making a deal, so the terrorists (which you claim you’re against fiercely) join you and wear your garbs and banners and colors.

which you don’t or don’t want to see.


Very informative video on Aleppo. It goes into detail about how the Turkish backed mercs stole entire truckloads of heavy industrial equipment during the initial invasion/occupation, and was then taken across the border into turkey. Maybe you’ve already seen it. I discovered it on the Syriana Analysis Youtube channel.



Thank you very much.


ISIS apparently has a dual structure: core ISIS and local allies. Core ISIS being composed of thousands of foreign fighters including over eight thousand Chechens, whose uncles & fathers have been killing Russians for decades. Core ISIS fighters are probably a 100 times more excited to kill Shiite Apostates, Iranians & Russians than they are about being killed by the relentless YPG backed SDF.


Yes they are, thank you!

That’s exactly why they are resisting SAA and collaborating with PKK (SDF, YPG or whatever they call themselves these days), finding they have something in common perhaps.

Again comes forward the indisputable fact of SDF killing ISIS, “relentlessly”.


If you look at civil wars since WW2, the ones involving a peoples army structure show that they are both highly mobilized and highly committed. People’s Armies are designed to be able to continue fighting even after taking higher casualties that would break other armed militias. Which explains thir success against all odds in China, Cuba, Vietnam & Nicaragua etc. They are Relentless.

George King

I noticed you didn’t give credit to the SE Christians in Ukraine, that further exposes your bias and loyalties. So is this all about “Ministry of Truth” to the goy?

Serious Dude

They are collaborating, that’s why they are killing Kurds and are selling Kurdish girls to slavery. Because they are collaborating. Oh and one thing. Israel has bombed the ISIS-held Yarmouk Basin in the previous days.


Perhaps you mean Yezidi and Assyrian girls which Peshmerga promised to protect but fled overnight and left them to be captured by ISIS? The same Yezidis and Assyrians which Peshmerga dis-armed prior to ISIS attack?

Who invited to landgrabber master to bomb Syrian soil?

Serious Dude

And because there was a mistake, that means they are collaborating, right? And now Assad fanatics want to slaughter the Kurds because they don’t bow to Assad majesty.


Wrong. It is not a “mistake” if it’s done deliberately and results to so much death and suffering. The truth is that KRG wanted to ethnically cleanse Sinjar and let ISIS do their dirty work. The last time some Kurdish tribes did it themselves, on behalf of Ottoman Donmehs: The genocide of Christian Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans and Yezidis in Anatolia and even Nineveh flats, then populated the area and now they claim it’s historically their lands.

Nobody wants to slaughter the Kurds. Their leaders’ stupid decisions are more than enough to hold them back.

Serious Dude

You have no proof of the thing that happened in Sinjar except stuff said by the Syriangirlpartisan. Kurdish tribes were misled by Ottoman donmehs but now it is different. It is Kurds that are fighting for freedom and human rights that are being taken away by fanatics of all stripes. I agree that Kurds needs a better leader. A Kurdish Netanyahu would be great for those fanatics.


I do, oh, I do. Don’t you dare to talk on my behalf, got it?

You can talk to the Assyrians themselves. Need a link? https://twitter.com/AXvids

another one: http://www.assyriatv.org/2016/07/kurdish-massacres-assyrians-history/

Yet another one: https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=362_1460868584

You can also simply search for additional proof, other than what I posted, (thanks to an Assyrian friend who introduced me to that Twitter account), IF and it’s a big if, you’re interested in the truth.

Serious Dude

I don’t like Twitter bro. From what I have read, many Assyrians support Israel and I have seen Assyrian people holding Israeli flags in youtube. They have their issues with Kurds but sectarians are far worse, right?


I posted 3 links, only ONE from twitter.

I agree that sectarians are worse, but clearly we have different ideas about who is sectarian? You don’t want to see all the terror groups’ and their backers’ sectarian mindset and instead accuse a secular government and the forces containing all kinds of religions to be sectarian.

Serious Dude

Yeah, I have checked only 1 of the other 2. The problem is that we should leave the past and stay in the now. There is no such thing as Ottoman empire now. The problem are the sectarians. Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, Turkmens and moderate Arabs have a common enemy. Assad is not sectarian, however, there are many sectarians fighting for him. Assad is just stuck at his position and doesn’t want to leave.


There are many sources regarding the betrayal of Assyrians by Kurds. If I remember correctly, a few posts ago you clearly accused Assad of for the sectarian rift in Syria. No?

You still complain about AtaTurkists a century ago and expect people to forget the horrors they had to endure a few years ago? AtaTurkists are no more but a lot of Assyrians are still captives because of that betrayal.

A Persian proverb says: Stick a needle in your own arm before trying to stick a sack needle into mine.

Serious Dude

I accused Assad of using Shia sectarians in order to stay in power. Ataturkists have made much more crimes than Kurds.


No? Participation in the genocide of 1,500,000 people is not significant enough for you? How about having a hand in murdering and enslavement of 5,000?

So again with the double standard. You have the right to complain about the past, but others must forget what happened to them 3 years ago.

Serious Dude

If it is the same then ok. On the other hand, Ataturkists still hate us while Kurds and Assyrians need to cooperate in order to stop the sectarians.


It depends on how entitled you be.

Oh, Assyrians are cooperating all right, with Iraqi federal government which guarantees their safety and freedom, enforced by the army, the police and PMU which also has Assyrian members, against a sectarian and chauvinist mindset which wants them destroyed to occupy their lands.

Serious Dude

Now you are just passing the ball. Assyrians support Iraqi government but not Assad or Hezbollah. Iraqi government is not too bad. It is actually democratic and not anti-Europe. Accusing Kurds of sectarianism and chauvinism is an irony of epic proportions, and this kind of irony is Erdogan’s game.


Sure. All you need to do is asking the non-Kurds who live in areas under Kurdish rule. I guess all their lies about the crimes of Shi’as (even in areas which Shi’a members of PMU didn’t enter) doesn’t clearly show their mindset. You even sent me a link containing such lies yourself. And I never said this is common for all Kurds. I said it about their leaders, who project their misdeeds to others.

Assyrians also support Assad, along with other Christians in Syria. You do find out if you ask.

Serious Dude

I don’t know about non-Kurds but in many Arabic countries, non-Muslims have problems. In Iran it is a bit better but still it is difficult. There are crimes of Shabihas before 2012 when they killed and raped. PMU may be kicked out of Iraq soon, even Erdogan doesn’t want them. As I have said, Kurds need a strong leader like Netanyahu. Not all Assyrians support Assad and many of them support Assad out of necessity because they fear Erdogan and anti-Christian FSA rebels. I have read stories about detained Assyrians from Assad back in 2005.


I know. I asked. I suggest you do the same to have a better view. Those countries which followers of other religions have problems are usually ruled by Wahhabis. It is not the case in Iran, it is not the case in Iraq, it is not the case in Syria. PMU members are IRAQIs. Who wants to kick them out of their own country? They’re not in Turkey, so whatever Erdogan wants from them is not relevant. I’ll wait until they’re kicked out and you prove me wrong.

A leader like Bibi is the worst thing that can happen to any nation. We’ll see the results of his actions when he’s no longer at the helm. I prefer to let the Kurds to choose a leader themselves, it’s none of my business to suggest them who to choose.

It is clear that not all members of a particular group of people support the same thing, but a good number of Assyrians support Assad which is more than enough to prevent us from saying otherwise.

Now as I said, you just argue for the sake of arguing. Something is clearly wrong with my head to continue.

Serious Dude

So you say you only support Iran, Iraq and Syria. Okay. However, Wahhabis have the same anti-Zionist, anti-West, anti-Kurdish stance with Iran. PMU are going to get kicked out of Kurdistan not Iraq. Bibi is hated by many but I believe that he is doing good. Without him and Israel in general, Palestine would be filled with Wahhabis. I have also claimed that Assyrians support Assad out of necessity. Ba’athist ideology is against Assyrianism, Zionism, Phoenicianism and nomadic Bedouin life, just saying. And what’s wrong with arguing as long as there is no trolling? Nothing is wrong with you.


No. Not just Iran, Iraq and Syria. For me it’s not important if they’re Muslim or not, but if they have the right. I supported the Irish, I support Egypt in their fight against ISIS, Myanmar against the terror groups and I support Rohingyan farmers . I support Yemenis in their fight against the Saudi coalition. I support Turkey against PKK but I am against Turkey in many other subjects and I support Greece against the heritage theft of FYROM.

That’s a lie. Wahhabis aren’t anti-Zionist and they’re definitely not Anti-Kurds, evident by their congratulating message to the illegal acts of KRG. A few days ago they sent an envoy to Raqqa. They’re also not anti-west. Their lives and rule are dependent on the west. They are west’s tools.

That’s wishful thinking to hope for PMU being “kicked out” of their own country. Good luck with that!

That’s also easy to claim all kinds of things regarding the Syrian government, but the actual actions of the Syrian government is a better sign to see if they’re really anti-whatever or not, not an article or an “expert” who pulls those claims out of his bottom, again without any kind of proof on the ground. Regarding Assyrians, I suggest you talk to a few before claiming anything. You may be surprised by their views, which are very different with your own. Go ahead, talk to them. They won’t bite.

Arguing to reach into a result is good. Arguing just for the sake of arguing is not that useful. I try to remain objective and back my words (whenever I claim something) with proof and I confirm parts of your words which are right, but enduring the constantly mixing all kinds of things to prove something which doesn’t exist exhausts me.

I believe you made your argument and I wrote what I had to write. You’re not going to do some research regarding the matters you talk about and you’re not going to give me any proof to back them, just the opinions of other people and while insisting it’s the truth. The judge in our argument aren’t you and me, but other members of this board who read them. Will we gain something by continuing like that?

Serious Dude

Why do you support Turkey against PKK? The only thing that I agree with you is Yemen. I am also against the Saudi coalition. Saudi Arabia wants to do away with Wahhabism and approach the West, Russia, Kurds and Israel. This is the only way for them to go far in economics. There are many factions within the PMU, for example the Sadrist faction is against Iran. The Syrian government is based on opportunism and nepotism. Most Assyrians live in diaspora, guess why?


Because of PKK’s terror attacks, obviously. I condemn any terror act from anybody, I’m not selective and don’t have double standards.

Saudi Arabia wants to put Do you haWahhabism aside? Do you have any source for wild claim? I don’t need an opinion, I want a source. I won’t continue with you unless you give me the source for this AND the source for 70000 Shi’as fighting for Assad.

Please come back when you have these proofs and if you could bring yourself to learn something about what you talk , from both pro and against sources and their comparison.

Serious Dude

PKK’s terror attacks, however Turkey is a haven for many jihadi organizations like Ahrar al-Sham. Saudi Arabia’s moves on Qatar, Israel, Russia and US seem that they want to put Wahhabism away in favor of moderate Sunni Islam. Those 70000 Shias that fight are good for Iran.


Source, not opinion. You claim something, you better be able to prove it, otherwise I won’t waste my time anymore.

Serious Dude

I can prove it but you close your eyes to the proof.


Then don’t make excuses. I’ll be waiting.

Serious Dude

I have also said that I disagree with Wafa Sultan’s atheism but you seem to avoid everything you don’t like.


Do that just for the parts which you agree. Do that about the thing you say yourself.

Any more excuses?

Serious Dude

Are you mad at me bro?



Serious Dude

Then I will ask you 2 questions. Does Iran support Rohingya islamists? Did Iran support Bosnians against Serbs?


I answered the first question before. Iran (and Iranians) support Rohingya farmers which are stuck between Wahhabi extremists and Buddhist extremists. The Rohingya Islamic extremists are the same as ISIS.

Iran supported Bosnian Muslims when they were besieged, left as soon as the war ended.

Serious Dude



Now let’s get back to what we were talking and kindly start from where you left: source for 70000 Shi’a helping Assad.

Serious Dude

I can’t find it right now. However, that’s good for Shias.


OK. I preferred if you had it. Maybe next time.

Serious Dude

Anyway, as an Iranian, what’s your views on the Balochis?


They are my countrymen and every bit as Iranian as I am, honest, hard-working and brave. Sistan and Baluchestan province used to be “the granary of Iran”. Unfortunately because of water shortage (dam building in Afghanistan) it became one of the poorest. the Quality of life in that province has declined sharply. I hope the new projects help to change that.

But maybe that’s not what you wanted to hear. Perhaps you wanted to hear my views on groups like Jundollah.

PS. The Sarbaz river in that province is almost the only place in Iran which Iranian Crocodile lives. A majestic beast, named “Gando”.

Serious Dude

I have heard rumors that Balochis are mistreated in Iran and are attempting to act like the Kurds.


According to rumors, everybody in Iran is being mistreated. How about not paying attention to rumors and do a little research?

Funny thing is, Iranian Kurds don’t “act” differently than other Iranians. There are some separatist groups which seek to disintegrate the country. They receive payments from foreign governments, like PJAK and PAK (the latter was the group of Kurds who clashed with Iraqi Army and Police in Kirkuk a few days ago) which are Kurdish and Jundollah which are Baluchis and the absolute worst and the most savage of them all, MEK (MKO). They have very members but they commit terror acts, like bombing the mosques, markets and murdering anybody they can, usually low-level civil servants or civilians, even from the same ethnicity as themselves. Anyway their terror acts are fully documented and because they receive payment from the outside, they’re actually mercenaries doing terror acts on behalf of their paymasters.

But don’t take my word for it, seek for yourself. Here’s a website dedicated to introduce various terror groups active in Iran and their victims. Most of the documents are these groups’ responsibility claims for terror acts, not rumors. http://www.habilian.ir/en/

I strongly suggest you read one documented article from this site per every rumor you hear or read from anti-Iranian sources.

Serious Dude

So you say that you support everyone on the promise that they will not be separatist. Maybe the Iranian government views Israel as a separatist movement created by the Anglo-Americans. The same with Kurds and maybe the same will happen with Assyrians. They want to create a multi-ethnic Shia superstate and they view nationalism as evil and inspired by the West. Khomeini has the label of “bigot” here in Greece and in the West, Personally, I am not anti-Iranian but anti-Khomeini.


No, I didn’t say that. You may read my comment again to find out what I say.

Serious Dude

Yes, you like all these people, on the purpose that they won’t be separatists. Meh.


No, I didn’t say that. FYI, separatism and terrorism are two entirely different matters. You can be a separatist and act peacefully like the Scots, or be a terrorist and murder people like the groups I mentioned.

And if you get bored by my responses to such degree that have no choice but using “meh”, do both of us a favour and don’t reply to me.

Serious Dude

Zionists and Peshmerga are not terrorists. And I am bored because I have to say the same thing again and again.


Do you mix the subjects on purpose? In this one, the subject is separatist groups and their terror acts against Iran, not Zionists or Peshmerga. In another discussion, we were talking about anti-Zionism and anti-whatever.

Then kindly go away if you are so bored.

Serious Dude

Ah the separatist groups. Anyway, Peshmerga is considered a separatist group.


Peshmerga is not related to this discussion. Your question was about the Baluchis and apparently didn’t like my answer, then decided I like people as long as they’re not separatists, which I didn’t say by the way.

Serious Dude

Maybe there is going to be a somewhat of a Baluchi Peshmerga? And then your comrades will accuse them of being the arm of “US-Israel-Saudi imperialism”. That’s my point.


They already are. Apparently the links I send you are too much to read.

Serious Dude

The problem is how Israel are allies with Saudi…


That’s not a problem in THIS discussion. You asked me a question, I answered it. Evidently you didn’t like my answer and even didn’t look at the truckload of documents I sent you to back my words. No problem, I’m used to it.

You got the answer to your question. If you can’t remember what did you ask, kindly review the discussion. Anything else?

Serious Dude

It is not the problem, however, many commenters accuse Israel of being Wahhabi-allied.


They may be right, but it’s not in this discussion so I’m not going to debate over it.

Now that you received the answer to your original question, I’m going to end this discussion.


Correct about that. Felt so bad when i heard.

Shady business…


So what? Isis is getting steam rolled. The Syrian government coalition is bound to take some losses in the process. It’s a war after all.


SAA has never had to fight ISIS in a large city, being used to whipping up on hapless poorly trained FSA in west Syria. ISIS devis are a formidable opponent even after taking losses the past year.


Your statements are stupidity. They’ve almost finished clearing DE and they’re doing it in a small fraction of the time that it took the SDF to clear Raqqa which is the same size, and with almost no damage.

Deir ez-Zor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_ez-Zor Deir ez-Zor is the largest city in eastern Syria and the seventh largest in the country.


You should spend some time catching up on current events instead of just repeating Syrian Government Propaganda. If you would follow the war in detail on twitter, you would know that SAA is currently taking huge losses in Dez & Mayadeen. Tip: don’t rely on one sides version of events, there’s just too much propaganda out there.


What about YOU analyze objectively whatever you think you caught up with !

On US (no point of talking about SDF) you have Countless agreements with ISIS, Satellite intel showing US, SDF, ISIS in the same theater of operations with no sign of standoff left alone an engagement, and without mentioning bombing operations in Thardeh, with direct coordination with US … and plus the recent offensives in Hama using corridors Identifiable only through extensive surveillance only available to few ! Of course SAA is taking losses, but the truth is, it is up against a much much larger enemy than advertised and the stakes surpasses the survival of Syria to include that whole region !

So don’t make yourself a laughing stock by comparing the SAA and SDF, without MSM propaganda, no one here would even be talking about that bunch of crying girlies who think war is cool ! Btw your assessment of SDF reminds me of what we used to hear about the Peshmergha before that Kirkuk rout ; so much for you catching up on the current events and avoiding propaganda !


They can’t win on the battlefield so these losers come on the comment boards and tell lies about their non existent victories.


Thanks for sharing.


Reports are that KRG has announced a ceasefire and that Barzani is expected to step down today or tomorrow.

George King

Nothing short of a drop from the gallows crosspiece will do (a structure, typically of two uprights and a crosspiece, for the hanging of criminals). Is it because of your stupidity that I feel I have to explain the meaning of words to you like a kindergarten student?

I wish SF had a ignore setting for idiots!


The only thing that I see on any credible maps are huge gains for the government. Unvetted tweets from liars like you are meaningless. Isis is the one taking huge losses, not the government. That’s why their positions are being overrun everyday. I support my posts with legitimate proof every day. You don’t provide any. Just compounding lies.


Maps only tell part of the story. For example, SAA Losses are far greater than expected as shown by Leith Fadel’s recent tweet.

But if you had been following my posts on Twitter and Discuus, then you would have known the losses were predictable.


Isis is getting steam rolled by the government with huge losses compared to the government and your lies, evasion and lack of proof don’t change that.


How do you judged the accuracy of a tweet?

George King

I guess we should refer to you as “Twit”.

Note; Definition of twit. 1 : a silly annoying person : fool. 2 : an act of twitting : taunt.


You ought to have noticed that Southfront is quite careful to label the news, propaganda, rumours and lies fairly.

George King

ISIS does not have the intelligence nor capabilities to pull off such acts. The truth will come out on such incidents as these and those involved. After years of foreign aggression across the ME and other parts of the world Empire is just a common old the “Emperor is naked”. No one is being fooled that matters, despite MSM unilateral actions are off setting any real gains by Empire.

Anyone who seeks out all sides and deciphers between truth of difference between actions and words understands this. There must and will be an accounting of war crimes against sovereign states and the destruction of Treasure, Commons and Inalienable Rights across the globe.

The war reparations will make the disastrous WWI (Treaty of Versailles) out come minuscule by comparison but maybe this time it will come from the actors assets, possessions, war profits and stolen treasure. What a glorious celebration by the billions of decent people around the world will be.


The Syrian government coalition has fire control over the oil fields on the east side of the river. That oil isn’t going anywhere except where the government wants it to go.


You’re right ! The actual issue at hand is who got the loudest mouth ? And everyone here knows the answer ! As for those who doubt SAA has Omar, watch the video and look for 2:34 : https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00c659b03f190198cd870501750cd0dd0fd9aa60bdecc2f6e7b0ec3dc6959782.png



Stupid oilfields putting themselves so far away from Damascus..


Very, very bad news for SAA and their followers. Overshadow of victories.

DJ Double D

Shame!, Shame!!, Shame!!!. Right on your nose. How can that happen. Just don’t start singing into my ears about ISIS/Kurds collaboration. They were there right under your nose to smell and eat and you were unable. Fuck the Kurds and Yankees. It is now obvious that the Syrian Kurds don’t learn any lesson from the fate of their brothers in Iraq.


There is a bad taste to these land-grabbing reports ! But I am sure something is in the cooking, just waiting to see what it’ll be ! Al-Abadi didn’t pull that Kirkuk rabbit out of an empty hat ! I can bet the hat is full of more !


The article above is misleading. These new oil fields captured are not separate fields. The Azrak and Jarnof oil fields are part of the Omar oil field. The SDF-Kurds now control about half of the Omar oil field. Please the map attached. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b6a2c7aaff21606cdfa03262670ad9bf5c5828727817ea1885ae7a622ef887d9.jpg …

Bente Petersen

USA paid them off, the ISIS got heaps of what they wanted free passage, room, board, training weapons on arrival in next country USA want them to fight for USA !!!!….


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