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MARCH 2025

US-backed Forces Capture More Points Northeast Of Syria’s Deir Ezzor City – Reports

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US-backed Forces Capture More Points Northeast Of Syria's Deir Ezzor City - Reports

FILE IMAGE: ypgrojava.org

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have reportedly gained more area from ISIS near al-Suwar town located northeast of Syria’s Deir Ezzor city.

According to pro-Kurdish sources, SDF units seized Wasiah, Qibada and the nearby train station expanding their control over the al-Suwar countryside.

With this advance the SDF further expanded its control along the western bank of Khabur River. The SDF needs this if it seeks to further develop momentum in the direction of the Iraqi border from its positions at the Jafra oil field.

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Zainab Ali

sdf news are as unreliable without further validation from legitimate sources

Jens Holm

I dont think so, but true we gould more and better ones.

888mladen .

Like ISIS?


SDF- Saudi Demolition Forces

I mean just look at what they did to Raqqa


Jens Holm

Seemes to be the last and only solution.


Not if Assad can stop them :) He will liberate every inch of Syria from Saudi Demolition Forces (SDF) and foreign funded rebels. And then he’ll rebuild Syria :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/adb025c626f1b330142f12bfc3a80bd9d4e5d97db2f0607efd82a85ec91b0111.jpg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EZDINK0o-Pw


It would have been better had he not destroyed it first.

Then there would not have been the need for rebuilding at all.


Why the Syrian government destroy the city them themselves destroy, Daesh National? It was Western funded mercenaries who did this. Now do you get my point, Daesh National?

Wagner schmit

Homs look nice hahaha nope worse then raqqa


Yeah because of US airstrikes and it’s support for rebels


As I said, stupid, very stupid.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just fact you slag heap get over it.

888mladen .

Mate you belong to kindergarten.


No use : everybody knows Aleppo(and Homs, Idlib region now -2500 strikes last week?) etc etc being barrel bombed by Assad and later on bombed by RuAF. Video proof all over the internet.

Stupid, very stupid of you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Can an idiot like you explain WTF is a barrel bomb or are you just spouting More Shit Mania, seen plenty of ISIS/Rebels shooting Hellfire canisters and using other indiscriminate ordinance into Aleppo or do you even know WTF those are. Where the hell is that proof getting really sick and tired of dumb ass people making erroneous statements, anyone can show you plenty of US/Coalition fighters using indiscriminate bombs who magically miss all the civilians yet we know from airwarz that 9 out of 10 people killed by the US bombing were civilians.

There are reports of the same hospital being destroyed 5 times and in reports they showed the one in govt. controlled area as being rebel controlled, your myth has been busted long ago. Now stop your lying or are you going to repeat your lies knowing full well they are a lie that ventures into the area of slander and libel.

Jens Holm

You totally ignore all rapports done by SyAF as well as Russians.

Those are in stables all over and on maps and in numbers. Even only half was true its many, many times more then hit Raqqa and a little more.

And You have to add rockets from ground to green and grey areas as well as comming in form russian ships. Even magabusters by russians are ignored by You.

Its very hard to understand thats possible at all.

Jens Holm

Not even a single from all the Syria there. They were all in vacation visiting their neighbors. Assad brought locums from Bagdad made by an imported Turkish cook(They didnt eat the cook and actually he was a chef).

martin aguilar

The dutchnaZional strong with his zionist will

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US/Coalition needs to own the damage they caused by their bombing along with the terrorists , please give me a break with your downright stupidity and arrogance.

Jens Holm

You totally ignore all rapports done by SyAF as well as Russians.

Those are in stables all over and on maps and in numbers. Even only half was true its many, many times more then hit Raqqa and a little more.

And You have to add rockets from ground to green and grey areas as well as comming in form russian ships. Even magabusters by russians are ignored by You.

Its very hard to understand thats possible at all..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US was killing 9/10 were civilians , the US and the Coalition are still being investigated by outside sources in these deaths by bombing and this year they believe 7-9000 killed by US bombing so far they killed 45 civilians in Raqqa today there worst yet.

888mladen .

Since when have you started reporting for SyAF and RUAF?

Jens Holm

the Assad methos is candy and ISIS will come out. Cigars ?

I cant see SDF is f´giving Russians, Hesbollas, Irainians and the little Mickey Mouse army having tigers in aqurium just do that.

They are not allowed as well.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sounds like what a weasel piss would say.

Jens Holm

Seemes like Your translater cant go down to You level.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Can translate it myself it’s only one of 15 languages in the family.

Jacek Wolski

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/82d6fad1d8b5249a20ee15a6602c100a314887614e4e809d1e88ed47cc477a8d.jpg I mean just look what they did to Aleppo


That’s what US funded rebels and airstrikes did GTFO with your fake news and propaganda!

Jacek Wolski

That’s what he said

Jens Holm

No ruins in Alleppo is a fact. All is lye. It was firecrackers for all and candy for the cildren by tiny soft landing special made Assad parashutes.

We have Terrabytes of proof, but of course those pics and clips are made by tohers or some CIA studio.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes this was all reported as US/Coalition Airstrikes and Bombing by terrorists you prove our point , thanks for being so stupid as this was talked about being US airstrikes on this once beautiful square. The Syrian Govt has done a fine job in restoring what US bombs and terrorist bombing did.

Jacek Wolski

Stop talking about yourself, all that’s coming out of your vulgar mouth is “me,me,me,me” more re-education for you in your brainwashed nauseating religious schools.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Seems like your trying to be funny with unrelated comment , it is funny never attended a religious school worked as a caretaker when I was younger in a Jewish school maybe Hannakuh rubbed off on me. I was schooled in logic not in theology but could argue a case for it.

Jens Holm

Hahahaha. Only Jesus can wake up deads, where none of the 400.000 are made by Your side only making soft short range strawbarry-bullets

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most were attributed to dead soldiers and Terrorists those are just estimates and not actual numbers.


Maybe IS had something to do with this?

But we can show to you some pictures of eastern Aleppo, Homs and a row of other Assad “liberated” cities in even worse condition.

I do not mind you being a foul mouthed sectarian and ranting ass-adophyle, but do you really have to be stupid too?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Typical potty mouth out of true sectarian genociding dutchnational even supported the deaths of Rwandans , just typical proletariat nonsense.

888mladen .

He is an honorable follower of once famous (Haili Hailo) prince Barnard.


Strictly speaking the SDF does not need to take the Khabur Valley south of Al Suhwar as they can either cross the Khabur River more to the south and go eastwards toward Omar oilfields and the Iraqi border or drive eastwards from Al Suhwar as they crossed that (almost dry) river there already and can drive eastward from there.

But in order not to leave very many of possibilities for IS to counterattack, a drive southward is likely, partially depending on developments west of the river.


The omar oil fields and Iraqi border will only be captured by SAA and NO ONE ELSE! Go to hell, Daesh National!

Jacek Wolski

There is no hell, you live in a land of fairy tales. Nor is there a God num nuts.


Stfu, yankee! Go back to eating McDonalds and being fat!


Imo he eats only salads there.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes ! salads made up of stink weeds !!

Jens Holm

You know its not like that.

Jacek Wolski

Eating sea weed is good for you. Something your invisible God has not spoken to you about. Try praying harder ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Don’t have a fondness for seaweed have an allergy to weeds , have never been bothered to ask why? Learned to except limitations , we all have them keeps us in balance with our surroundings.

Jacek Wolski

Yankee? There is so much you do not know, and you’re way off the mark here. Try again ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Can you Jacek Wolski prove this claim there is no god , then you have done what no other person has done in the world has proven there is no god or hell, let’s here your argument Numbnutz!!


He is doing on that point what a lot of commenters here do all the time :

Confusing personal beliefs/opinions with facts.

Like I always say in a discussion on this : I cannot prove God exists. But neither can you prove he does not exist.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Funny thing science is finding more support for the god exist theory than god doesn’t exist and tries not to discount it anymore.

888mladen .

What are the facts about your DNA?

Jacek Wolski

Can you prove there is a God? Keep reading those books of fiction written my feeble mortal man! ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Try to prove there isn’t one and try to look up an answer given by a brilliant young man in regards to the challenge offered you would be surprised who gave the answer.

888mladen .

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” That’s the sad title you’ve earned for yourself mate.

Jacek Wolski

Little lady, you know so much about nothing at all. That’s the lyconic title you’ve earned for yourself today.

Jacek Wolski

Little lady, you know so much about nothing at all. That’s the lyconic title you’ve earned for yourself today.

Jens Holm

So where is the doors – and latters if its upstairs.

Some here insist in Kurdistan dont exist. More proof of Kurdistan then some gods.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Since you answered it like a child you will receive the answer for a child the door you will need to find they key first in order to find the door, the answer to the second part is why would you need a ladder if it’s upstairs.

Kurdistan was just a dream the Kurds dashed in 1919 when they kidnapped British and Turkish Ambassadors which ended up destroying the Sevres treaty and by their work of evil, God punished them for it so they have no land. So where is your proof to deny it happened that way.

Jacek Wolski

I guess that is why your God is punishing Assad in Syria? Your almighty up in the clouds sure is showing a lot of mercy upon the plebs.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Then why is he punishing the US , seems that his grace is protecting Syria . Why do speak of clouds do you think he is there,why do you think he doesn’t show plebs mercy apparently maybe he only shows them the same kindness.

Jacek Wolski

I curse your God every single day. I spite him to strike me down. If he’s not listening, then he’s daft. If he can’t aim his vengeance and strike me down, then he’s blind. What feeble make belief caricature you speak of?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do you curse God everyday, do you feel better afterwards?Should he strike you down? Have you said something wrong? Why do you want to be struck down? If he is a make believe caricature, then why have you asked for all these things, all the while giving thought of him.

Jacek Wolski

You’re the one that keeps saying there is a God and keeps preaching about God! I got the reaction that I wanted from a stupefied person, yes, I’m talking about you, that believes in fairy tales written by man hundred of years ago that yearned to be in control over the uneducated plebs back in the dark ages. Seems like somethings have not changed.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Fact is you were beaten by logic and not preaching just shows how much of an uneducated pleb you really are. Difference is you inferred it as preaching even showing how even more you are in the dark ages than I am. The dark ages were the age of man’s hubris ,we thought ourselves above all others it’s just the romanticizing of those ages to cover up for our lack of respect for one another.

Thing is we need to progress away from thoughts that put us into the stupor for killing another just for greed as we see today the beasts of the Dark Age as they were called. Here you seem relish and like the old ways of the dark age of killing your fellow man. Seems you are the one has never changed and you prove my point you can’t think in the abstract nor in metaphysical thinking.

Jacek Wolski

Your truth and my truth differ in so many unequivocal ways. Your pain is my pleasure, your sadness in my happiness. Who says what is right and what is wrong? Humanity will NEVER get along and see eye to eye. Those people in control of kingdoms, countries and governments have always unleashed puritanical vengeance on those who do not conform. You seek and find the answer, but as sure as the sun sets and the moon rises it will only bring death. That is the only certainty that walks among us on this earth.

Jacek Wolski

“just shows how much of an uneducated pleb you really are” and aren’t you just a judgemental human being?! You think peace will fall from the sky via white doves descending from transcendent clouds? We can’t even agree on one point, so what chance do you give humanity to live in peace and prosperity? When has there been a time of non-confict in eons gone by? I don’t discriminate, I dispise all humanity, a misanthrope at heart. A good day to you sir ?

Jacek Wolski

Imagine if you lived in a city where everyone still believed in Santa Claus. Not just the children, but grown, educated adults. Imagine that they believed that Santa Claus was real, that he was watching us, making his list, checking it twice, with an army of elves to help him keep track of our actions and deeds. If Santa concluded that we were good, he would reward us. If he believed we were bad, we would be punished. Imagine that these people believed strongly enough in Santa Claus to write to him regularly and ask him for things — not just the children, but all the adults too. But no one had ever really seen him, or his elves, or his reindeer pulling his sleigh across the sky. They just had “faith” that he was there. Imagine that whenever you asked one of them to prove Santa’s existence, they responded with, “Well, you can’t disprove it.” And you knew they were right — no one can ever really prove that Santa Claus DOESN’T exist. Imagine that every time you tried to bring up how juvenile and delusional it is for grown, educated adults to believe in Santa and his elves, you were admonished and told to address their belief in Santa with “respect.” You were told not to use words like “delusional” or “ridiculous” to describe this unwavering belief of grown adults — in Santa Claus. Imagine if a small group of these people were actually ready to kill you if you mocked or questioned the idea of Santa Claus — or even Rudolph. Imagine that this belief was being taught in science classes. Or being used to justify violence, harsh corporal punishments, and war against those who dared to question it — or worse, against those who believed in the Tooth Fairy instead. Imagine seeing all of this happen in your city every day. Imagine your country’s president openly asking for Santa’s blessing after every public speech. Imagine wanting to honestly and openly talk about how mind-blowingly ridiculous it is for a majority of grown adults around you — including many whom you love and otherwise respect — to really, *genuinely* believe in Santa — but holding your tongue for fear of being accused of “bigotry” against Santa Claus believers. Imagine, then, being forced to treat their beliefs with “respect” — and always having to discuss them as if you’re taking them seriously — when deep inside, you despise these beliefs for their sheer, utter wickedness and breathtaking stupidity. Santa frowns upon religious zealots ?


If wishes were fishes, you would have dinner tonight.

As it is, you will starve.

Again and again sectarian fools here cannot distinguish between facts, rationality and sectarian namecalling without rationality.

Pityful and almost disappointing.


Stfu, Daesh National! Assad is legitimate and democratically elected leader of Syria. SDF are a illegal invasion force whose sole purpose is to ethnically cleanse Assyrian people, capture Assyrian lands, destroy churches, throw Assyrian people out of their homes, loot Syrian oil, capture more Syrian land, etc.


Ranting nonsense does not change facts nor does moronic namecalling, which only shows the level of intellect being aplied here.

For a paid troll you behave I should think rather disappointing to your masters.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Talk about the one spouting nonsense with moronic praising of genociders give it a break with these “they are perfect and not the devil incarnate nonsense”. You are obviously a waste of space with you diatribe and false praises. Troll suits you best!!

Jens Holm

far out

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Stop talking about the Kurds that way as sectarian you hurt their feelings then they start to spout racist garbage if you do. The Netherlanders talking about being sectarian they helped aid and provided arms to the rebels who killed a democratically elected leader of Rwanda also leading to the deaths of Hundreds of thousands Rwandans. The Dutch and the Belgium should be facing war crimes for their actions in Rwanda and former Yugoslavia , leopards like these never change their spots.

Jens Holm

You dont decide that AT ALL. BUZZ OFF.

Somebody has to eliminate ISIS there too.

You still dont get it. SDF`s want their part of indepence and and they dont steel oil as Assads but are able in theor minds to share. Wel, actually they has to.

Jens Holm

Im sure they will try all, but has to keep their back clear acording to ISIS.

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