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US-backed Forces Capture Sijan Oil Fields, Nearby Points In Northeastern Syria

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US-backed Forces Capture Sijan Oil Fields, Nearby Points In Northeastern Syria

Illustrative image: Reuters

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), backed up by the US-led coalition, have captured the Sijan oil fields and some nearby points from ISIS in the northeastern part of Syria, near the border with Iraq.

According to pro-SDF sources, the US-backed group has fully secured nearby roads and are now working to pressure ISIS cells operating in the border area further.

Despite having no other active frontlines, the SDF is not hurrying up to put an end to ISIS presence in the border area. Local sources explain this situation with a patrial demoralization of the Kurdish-dominated group with recent defeat of the Kurdish YPG suffered from Turkey in Afrin.

US-backed Forces Capture Sijan Oil Fields, Nearby Points In Northeastern Syria

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The US and British secrete project which is Israel is still very successful and it will destroy both Middle East and Russia. Why, because in this project the US and British intelligence agencies takes intelligence data from all Jews in the world. Jews are in each country in the world whether they are on national register or not.

US and Britain create situation through Israel in which Russia and many other countries easily trap and surrender to US and Britain.

Why Adolf Hitler had become enemy of Jews because of this US and British secret project.

leon mc pilibin

Oil and Gas,,,its always been about making money from invading countries that dont surrender their resources peacefully.Assad refused to allow pipelines to pass through his country,and thats why his country was invaded by isis,israhelli terrorists.

You can call me Al

I am sorry, but for me the pipeline argument has always been a total side issue to destract from the real issues:

1 – The Greater Israel Project. 2. The tremendous O&G fields found around Syria, in Syrian territory (offshore), including the Golan Heights. 3. The control of Water.

and maybe more importantly:


Feudalism Victory

All wars are banker wars? Theres something to that.

Jens Holm

You have sold You head to a football team.

I am almost 100% sure it has been destroyed for years. Furthermore how can they transport the oil out.

And it also a joke some dirty sulphure asphalt oil in Venezuala quality should be worth figting for. Much better to make windmills and install solars for electricity. I dont know about the gas. It could be fine, but You use it Yourself.

Hard for me to see the pipeline thing too. Its would bring incomes for nothing and for a period also create jobs. Is that so bad. Its even normal in Your Region making money doing nothing.

Do You believe in Your comment Yourself and even think we are more stupid then You. Very optimistic – so to speak – we go to school, educate, using our skills working hard and are paid for, what we do, and not family traditions.

leon mc pilibin


Jens Holm

You have sold You head to a football team.

I am almost 100% sure it has been destroyed for years. Furthermore how can they transport the oil out.

And it also a joke some dirty sulphure asphalt oil in Venezuala quality should be worth figting for. Much better to make windmills and install solars for electricity. I dont know about the gas. It could be fine, but You use it Yourself.

Hard for me to see the pipeline thing too. Its would bring incomes for nothing and for a period also create jobs. Is that so bad. Its even normal in Your Region making money doing nothing.

Do You believe in Your comment Yourself and even think we are more stupid then You. Very optimistic – so to speak – we go to school, educate, using our skills working hard and are paide for, not famliy traditions.

Naming any one as FUCK OFF;ZIONIST CREEP just confim, what its all about.


If there is something worth stealing, Uncle Sam will try and steal it, it’s the American way.

“You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.” – Al Capone “Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class” – Al Capone

Jens Holm

But the Syrian oil is not even worth stealing.


But the gas is.

Bill Wilson

Syria doesn’t have much oil (est. 2.5 billion barrels) nor natural gas. 25% of the produced NG was injected into mature oil fields to boost production with the rest being used for industries and power generation.

Jens Holm

Yes, but they use it themselves.

I am with Bill in this. More and better injectied drilling by more advanced methods, can give much more,but still its a very good local source for Syria and some extra in foreign income.

The latest found up in north Jizara can be a single very big one.

New Israel is Muslim

This is a global jewish war on an freedom and free thinking in the world.

And particularly anyone who gets in the way of this:


It could happen in 10 years, it could happen in 100 years.

Jews waited 2000 years for their zionist regime and the final goal is the enslavement of all mankind to jews.

Bill Wilson

The SDF has recaptured 5 oil & gas fields from ISIS while conducting a major assault on Hajin. The SDF will take the remaining 8 fields to the east soon. Iraq has ISIS blocked with several units along the border.

Jens Holm

But they are worth 0 because they are worse then out of order hard destructed as they are. Even if they were ok, they could not even tranporft it out.

So SDFs has not taken any oilfieldsb as You assume. They have taken hard buildings, which has been heavy fortified and defendable.

SDFs from day to day also has no lack of oil. They have good oilfields for population of today and the next many years even they can only produce in low quality.

In the other hand You have the ones taken back by Assads. Some are repaired and do produce. But they are wrong about the many dry holes. They are only dry because You they use ancient equipment and russians are not anvanced for getting up 4-5 times more oil from them.

Bill Wilson

The SDF captured the remaining 8 today with ISIS moving into one close to the Iraq border after it was vacated by the SDF (was a staging base). The SDF had captured all the O&G fields from ISIS east of the Euphrates then left them undefended because they weren’t operational without extensive repairs (such as to pumping stations, collection terminals, electrical supply, control stations, etc.). The Kurds consider those fields as Syrian state owned property so allow Damascus to repair and operate those where it’s safe like in the Northeast fields. They recently allowed Damascus access to the al Omar fields where the Kurds provide the operators protection in exchange for vehicle fuels. Syria always had imported the bulk of their needed finished petroleum products since they only built a few small refineries to process the small amount of decent light sweet crude that a few fields produced. Most of the Syrian oil fields are small and mature low producers that require the use of injected natural gas to force more out. ISIS was forced to bring in outside technicians and oil field workers to run those then destroyed their control rooms and pipelines during their retreats. Much of the equipment and plants were old so probably were due for upgrades anyways. The Russians make good equipment and know all the tricks for getting oil and gas out of the ground.

Feudalism Victory

Maybe theyre thinking reconciliation agreement.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Both SDF Rawdah and Al-Hasakah axis’s have met in the middle, and there’s no more Isis here at all, nothing zilch zero, that’s the latest development according to the syrialiveuamap. Which means this pocket of 5000+ Isis fighters, have suddenly just disappeared into thin air, that’s very convenient, I’m sure none of them will be allowed to join their 1500 besieged brothers at Hajin, now officially the last pocket of Isis in US controlled territory. It’s locked up tighter than a nuns you know what, so how could they possibly join their brothers there, or could they, come to think of it, I’ve heard about a few nuns who’ve became pregnant to priests, I wonder? Either the SDF are about to pull the rug out from under Trumps gangly feet, or Trumps about to step off it and let them roll it up, I’m not sure which, whichever it is it’s still good news.


Is there any evidence of fighting ?

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