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MARCH 2025

US-Backed Forces Clear From ISIS 21Km Of Syrian-Iraqi Border (Video)

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US-Backed Forces Clear From ISIS 21Km Of Syrian-Iraqi Border (Video)

The outskirt of al-Baghuz village, Click to see the full-size image

On May 13, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that its fighters, supported by the US-led coalition, had cleared more than 21km of the Syrian-Iraqi border and had met with the Iraqi Army around the village of al-Baghuz in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

The US-backed force besieged several units of ISIS inside the village of al-Baghuz on May 12 after it had captured many key positions west and northwest of the village.

According to Syrian opposition sources, al-Baghuz is witnessing heavy clashes between SDF fighters and the besieged members of ISIS. The sources also reported that US-led coalition warplanes had carried out several airstrikes on the terrorist group positions inside the village.

The ISIS-linked new agency Amaq didn’t release any report regarding the situation in al-Baghuz village. Usually this means that the ISIS defense is about to collapse.

According to pro-SDF sources, the village is already in the hands of the SDF, but this still has to be confirmed.

Local observers believe that the SDF will soon establish full control of al-Baghuz. After achieving this goal, the US-backed force will likely try to isolate the last stronghold of ISIS in Syria, the town of Hajin, which is located more than 30km north of al-Baghuz.

US-Backed Forces Clear From ISIS 21Km Of Syrian-Iraqi Border (Video)

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Israeli migrants misuse power against Palestinians. The presence of Israeli migrants and US army forces in the Middle East is a big threat to the stability of the Middle East region. Israel and America both are security threat to the Middle East nations.

Israel and America creates new types of terrorists to destabilize the Middle East region.


Rob, you seem to have commented on the wrong article. This is about the US/Kurdish fight against ISIS.


I am not against Kurds but I am against the US, UK and French proxies like Israel, ISIS, SDF, HTS ……..




Shlomaug https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/19/9f/bb199ffc0d64e18d10cf3f098a4cd5f9.jpg

Jens Holm

So You prefare dictatorships with or without Sharia ?


He is copy-pasting same shit on every single article.


Ooo, TWO Breitbart-smucks at work here. How’s the wheater in Te-Aviv, Gefilte-Fisch?


I don’t even know what is that suppose to mean. Go troll someone else.

Jens Holm

Its kind of spoiling.

Jacek Wolski

Make that 3. And the weather in Perth is just fine thanks for asking.

Jens Holm

Fine in Denmark too. I just took out my hand and it did not become wet and we dont need rain for the moment :)

Jens Holm

Testeron facts are correct. Some from Rob is true, but hard to find among the copy paste.

I would even allow me to add, that truth and honesty often has to be found when children and retarded open their mouths. So if You think, they are like that, You should take in their comments too.

Jacek Wolski

Rob is lost in his own wilderness! ?


Itzig, you should go back to that Breitbart-g@rbage. THAT is the pigsty that fits your profile


If you act like this to everyone you’ll never get a girlfriend.


Said the 72 virgin loving Saudi jihadi.


One guy calls me an Israeli troll, another guy calls me a Muslim troll, other guys have called me a Russian troll. Why is this the go to deflection when internet people disagree?!?!

Jens Holm

To sell mirrors :)

Jens Holm

Allah has a hard time dividing the heaven, so the muslims dont kill each other there too.

He has a pilot project too created by Putin sending many to Siberia collecting fire for a hell try. Soon it will be hard to find any tree there.

Jens Holm

Thats how it is. Unfortunatly You make Israel choose somebody like him. I allow me to compare with the other Leaders of the region.

Jews dont like gas as well. Last time it was 5 millions.


Rubbish and you know it Jens.

Jens Holm

Thats how i see it.


You need new glasses then Jens that are not sold by a US company :)


Not Kurdish but PKK terrorists another brand of ISIS.

Who sent ISIS by helicopters to Egypt Sinai Peninsula and to Afghanistan from Syria and Iraq. US and Israeli migrants are a big security threat for the whole world.

Jens Holm

If Assads want to make peace with Israel, they should take at least 500.000 as spendable replacement. After all they were citicens of the unindependent province of Syria by Osmans more then 1000 years.

Israel should have Golan as now. Today its guarded by ancisters to fleed jews of Syria.


The ISIS pocket on the Iraq-Syria border will never survive surrounded as they are, this would be over faster if we could get the many allied factions we’re using to work as a team and/or took a more direct approach and sent our own guys in.


Just give us a break, Bibi’s trumpet. The ISIS will be absorbed by the pro-Usraeli-” freedom-fighters” aka other scvmbags as themselves, on payroll by the Mossad & CIA.

Jens Holm

Jihadist Sharia shoukd join Marxists. Hard to belive for normal people in the rest of the world and even in the region.

Constructed lies and You believe in it too not allowed to think Yourself.

Thats how it is.

SDFs hardly have any affiliated by FSA. We have seen some local ISIS tribers kind of join FSA – thats it.

You have no elementary knowledge of, what sekularisme is not. Jihadist of any kind never will allow equal rigts for women. Men and women to them are 2 species like dogs and cats dont make children with each other.


Nah they are under the U.S. Saudi and Israeli take, just like you jihadi scum.


Damn. USA and the iraqi army are collaborating. Again, a big victory for the chessmaster Putin. XD.


“USA and the Iraqi army are collaborating.”

You meant the USA and their d0gs for the dirty jobs. That’s not collaboration, that a Master-USA and the submitted Iraqi canon-fodder.


The iraqi gov can say “no collaboration with USA” or at least “no collaboartion with SDF”. Well, I knew something wrong was with the iraqi gov.


If you bothered to look at the map, you can see that the Iraqi border is right there. So why should Iraq not be involved to secure their border ??


Should be involved with the legitimate syrian gov not SDF gang.

Jens Holm

Hard to see anything from Damaskus there at all. Hard to see they are or should be rulers of Syria. The people should.

Jens Holm

The desert has no borders. You have 3 big desert areas on paper there, but it is one. Here it seemes they try finally to eliminate most of the “SDF one” by figting and blicking the Iraqian one. make sense.

last weak SAA or Co tryed to reduce the – as I call it – T2, Sukna, Palmyra part and had some succes also because theý seemes tohave cought some important leaders there(to).

So there is progress.

A lot of things are wrong with the Region, but You expect wrong or too much. Bagdads need helpers having many, many problems in north.

One thing is military control, whoch they hardly have. Another one is making some Governess and peace. I only can see, they have to make more parts there runned by the locals even its or was an ISIS territory.

Barzani was stupid too. If Bagdad cant run anything, they have to give more parts to ones, which can. That could have been Kurdistan in a larger version even paid with fair trade for oil.

So stubberness is not only a Bagdad problem.


I have to say, Jens Your English has very much improved. Must be from doing a lot of typing around midnight? :D

Jens Holm

Thanks. When I started half a years ago I had not written any English since High School aprt from crossing yes and no.

I came from debating on danish sites in Danish. I still make very strange things now and then.

English is Your number 1, 2, 3 ?

Pave Way IV

I’m not sure what kind of collaboration people are imagining here. US-proxy SDF advanced until they physically reached Iraqi forces near al-Baghuz. The Iraqi forces were already there because the SDF had left that ISIS corridor on the northeast bank of the Euphrates into Iraq open for all this time. The reaction from the Iraqi Army was probably something like, “It’s about f’king time you God damn land thieves finally showed up to close your ISIS freeway into Iraq.”

The ISIS extermination joint operation center in Baghdad is made up of Syria (the legitimate one), Iraq, Iran and Russia. Note the absence of any CJTF-OIR, CENTCOM or SDF presence. That’s no accident – it was created way on purpose. The Iraqi Army and PMUs hardly ‘cooperate’ with the SDF in any way (aside from not shooting them on sight). They merely tolerate the SDF… for now.


Collaborating against ISIS. Or to put it more simply, the Iraqi army wants to get rid of ISIS with or without the USA, and USA being like “we want to be involved”. What do you want them to say? “No if you get involved we won’t fight isis”?

Iraqi army has done a lot of wrong in the past and been USA pawn and some parts probably still are. This isn’t one of those times.


Yes. They say “USA go home, we will fight ISIS alone”.


ISIS was a pretext for the USA to stick their nose back into IRAK.. where the Israeli-friend BARZANI -the-Kurd has his OIL-FIELDS and from where he sells ISRAEL cheap OIL thru Turkey (!!!!!). The small people fight there and kill each-other… and the Big-Animals… business as usual. Remember how the Russkis bombed the stolen OIL that went to TURKEY?. That was for ISRAEL, Erdogan’s SON “supervises” the looting..

…….Now Putin’s entourage became damn’ quiet about Erdogan’s stinky business around there :))….

Jens Holm

Let me remind You how much Bagdad lost by that kind of regime and stubberness.

Your Turkish line version is not true. They cant sell much by that thin pipeline and transport by trucks. If you look at the map, they cant transport to harbours and like that.

Sending oil by barrels down Eufrat and Tigris, zip-files by improved internet or blimps by local dirty warm air.

Nothing to do with Israel at all. Iran as well as iraq need oil transportation like the Oil for food by Saddam to the meditarian Sea Latakia something.


They do not have the strength. Rest assured, the Iraqis will kick them out entirely. soon. Get rid of the terrorists, with or without them. and then get rid of them.

Jens Holm

Most likely. Too many mad people there. One bad version could be that Bagdads think they can eliminate their Kurdistan. The I think USA might come back.

Jens Holm

They are not all. They also say it to neutralice the critics by Iran.

If Bagdads didnt get help, they would not be there at all and ISIS had most of the country.

Thats how You are. All are in the middle. You choose that and insist in making contrasts making wars and destruction.

Of course westerns are in that too having different politics too. Fx EU trade with Iran of importance and hope trade will make a least some trust and calming down the fanatics in Qam. USA have no trade.

Jens Holm

Very strange You dont see USA and allies were called in again and still are there even not as needed, because Bagdads has improved a lot by that.

You have exact the same picture. Putins are the same too as well as Saudis.


During two months, nor Assad nor Putin tried to recover these lands. Thus, the iraqi army is collaborating with SDF. That is pathetic.


Bibi was in Moscow on the 9th of May.. A day later Russia announced that won’t deliver S-300 to Syria. I start to believe that Putin went to Syria only to have something to TRADE in exchange for his “come-back” to the G-8, Crimea recognized , etc.. The Iranian have a foretaste of how Russia will help them against the USraeli aggression.

Jens Holm

Yes, too many forget the big pattern. Russians also make money by selling arms. If “americans” dont get the oil and pipelines for oil and gas – someone else do.

That cant be reduced to Iraqians dont like kurds or that. They are small pieces too.

Jens Holm

No, its not.

Classing examples are well known.


When America invaded Iraq, since that date the Iraqi brave nation fighting against US army and their proxies. The Iraqi government is under US control/slave. It is a common sense metter that how the PKK /Peshmerga /ISIS terrorists have occupied Iraqi land.

The Iraqi whole land occupied by US army. America have held Iraqi nation hostage since 2003.


This part of Syria was negociated long time agon between USA and Russia, in fact, all the yellow part.


When we say “make a join operation with Iraq and recover lands”, people say that is garbage. Then, USA do it but not the so-called “chessmaster”. When we say defend SAA soldiers and Hezbollah and Iranians fighters, Putin does nothing. Try to bomb SDF fighters, you will see.

That is pathetic. Everything I said happened. So, now, who the fuck is the last to laught ????

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You do know that the Iraqis invited the SAA, the US and the SDF, to participate in a joint operation last year that was aimed at eradicating Isis from all the border regions of both countries. The US and the SDF both refused to assist, but the SAA and Iraqi forces did cooperate in a joint operation that was for the most part very successful. The Iraqis have now secured the whole of their border with Syria and want the SDF and the US to do the same.


Mr. Putin should decide that he want to ally with the Muslim world which include 52 Muslim states covering the regions of Asia, Africa and Europe or he want to ally with Israeli migrants that have migrated from Europe mostly Briton and have invaded Palestine and now kidnapping and butchering small kids from the streets and burning their tents by drones and is a constant severe threat to the Middle East region. The Muslim world needs a trusted friend to support them and rescue them from US, UK, France and Israeli migrants. ————————————————————-


Ach der Opposition kann man nicht glauben


Nur Trump und Bibi Netahyahu ;)….


Jens Holm

Thats how it is. Jews pr raising their children are very invasive and have good contacts to many others apart fromwomen here and there.

Muslims just learn to obey and copy.

“but-but-but” We already has sold our dirty sulphur asphalt oil to the russians.

And Yahue: Take Your Syrian palestinians back, and we will arm them too. We like how Your handle Your country, if it is a country.

500.000 isnt enough. We have 2,8 millions of them. Smile, next time You probatly will win the handicap Olympic too.


Just great picture.


USA will give the iraqi some “ISIS commanders” and the iraqi army will come and say “Look at, we manage to capture ISIS commanders”. XD. OMG. I will never have believed it if it didn’t happen.


“ISIS-commanders” ? … Their jerry-emptier in the best case. The ISIS-commanders are brought back to Tel-Aviv to report to their Mossad-chiefs :)) ISIS means Israel’s State in Syria

Promitheas Apollonious

I assume the pay is good to make a fool of your self with your every post. Tell me how it is the life of a moron, you seem to have turn the trade, into an art.

Jens Holm

Often Grafitti is no art.

Jens Holm

Iraq is very complicated, but things are never like that.


Sure.. “clear of ISIS” by incorporating them into their mercenary-troops


I support Russia and the SAA! but let me lay out this theory and tell me what u think!

What if iran was also able to infiltrate ISIS militants in this area! Remember the PMU is iranian backed and fully shiite! What if iran were to input “isis” members that were really Iranian’s! Then this could help kill SDF and Americans in this area right?

What if Iran also input some spies or govt friendly Arabs within the SDF which is 90% kurds! This could fuck shit up too right?

They can easily reach this area from Iraq which is fully liberated! Just cross the border and ure in ISIS territory or SDF territory!

This can be done with money or spies!

But if u think this is a good idea and u HOPE this has occurred, then isnt this the same as the USA using mercs within ISIS? Its the same shit but in reverse! Maybe that is why the US needs to clear this area now!


So US deserves a little credit is actually fighting terrorism here?

Jens Holm

No, You just discovered it.


A picture & the 1,000 words…


Alexis Goldwasser

Blue on blue! Lol

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“the last stronghold of ISIS in Syria, the town of Hajin”. It may be the last major town they hold but there’s several hundred kms of open country to the north they occupy that’s going to be an even bigger problem.

That Guy

I can’t wait for the day where all ISIS and FSA are finished, just to start a new fight with the SDF.


By controlling the border with Iraq the US is preventing Iraqi troops from engaging ISIS in Syria and the US is de facto protecting the ISIS pocket on the Eastern bank that will allow raids and harassing fire toward the SAA and allies on the West bank.

Jens Holm

How many troops should come in. There are 200 km free space between Al Tanf and Abu Kamal.

If they are 60 cm each and shoulder by shoulder its 333.333 soldiers at the time stepping in.

Besides that the Bagdad Goverment has denied any entry of Syria but let Iran and Hesbollah help.


Syria did and I would think, still does. have an agreement with Iraq on the border areas to enter Iraq when conducting anti terrorist operations.

If my memory serves me correctly, it was 5 km wide.


According for what one can see in this videos and what we know about SDF-ISIS, the title of this news must be: “ISIS has made the transference of 12 Km of Syrian-Iraqi border to SDF (USA-puppets) forces.”

On this video, It looks like SDF when to a party on the desert.

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