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US-Backed Forces Evacuate More Civilians From ISIS Pocket In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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At the late hours of December 1, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that they had evacuated dozens of families from the ISIS-held pocket in the Middle Euphrates River Valley in what they described as “a special operation.”

“In a special operation, our forces managed to liberate dozens of families, mostly children and women, who were used by Daesh [ISIS] Terrorists as human shields,” the SDF media center said in an official press release.

According to the SDF, the civilians were moved to a “safe area” where they received medical treatment and humanitarian aid. The US-backed group has established several refugee camps east of the Euphrates Valley since the beginning of this year.

US-Backed Forces Evacuate More Civilians From ISIS Pocket In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, source: sdf-press.com

US-Backed Forces Evacuate More Civilians From ISIS Pocket In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, source: sdf-press.com

US-Backed Forces Evacuate More Civilians From ISIS Pocket In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, source: sdf-press.com

On November 30, the SDF evacuated dozens of civilians from the ISIS-held towns in the Euphrates Valley in a similar operation.

The evacuation of these civilians is likely a part of the SDF preparations to launch a new attack against the remaining ISIS fighters in the Euphrates Valley. The terrorist group fighters are using the populated areas in the region, such as the town of Hajin, as rear bases for their operations.

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It is interesting to notice that SDF (USA-kurds puppets) advanced about 30,000 km^2 in just one week when SAA was at the border of Euphrates river. However, now SDF (USA-kurds puppets) has been for two months without be able to advance even 5 km^2. Interesting, isn’t it ?

Jens Holm

Intyeresting ? I dont know what it is.


mmmm. Is this a rescue of ISIS families or just window dressing by the Zio Deep State US Military Corporation ?

You can call me Al

Beat me to it again. It states ““In a special operation, our forces managed to liberate dozens of families, mostly children and women, who were used by Daesh [ISIS] Terrorists as human shields,” the SDF media center said in an official press release.”…………. in the language used by the US scum – it is so obvious.


Subtlety was never a US attribute Al :)

Even when they try.

Jens Holm

Thats right.

Jens Holm

Actually they have done several well organised rescue operations like that.

And You might see it as propaganda, but they are alive. It was better, they were dead or what, so You could blame the being ISIS as well as SDFs killed them. Do You – scum.

Jens Holm

We all feel Your mmmm well.

Its not only to rescue them, but to make space for taking the area. I amsure those civilians or not are shields too.

We see the blames again and again for killing civilians – or whatever SDFs do.


The US military do not really have a good track record when it comes to avoiding civilian casualties in the 21st century Jens.

In fact they never did have. Many thousands of French civilians were ‘liberated’ by death at the hands of the Americans.

“Bombing in World War 2 claimed between 50,000 and 60,000 French civilian lives. Almost all died at the hands of the Allies, not the Germans. ”


Jens Holm

I know. Its a kind of double standards. But I also during many years have seen USA as state as well as many private NGOs has helped many, many people.

So Americans killed the French jews too.

Pave Way IV

CENTCOM: “ALL RIGHT… Everybody get on the truck for the Rukban Death Camp. No talking, and no pushing! Anyone staying behind will be buried alive when we demolish Haijin with the 155s – just like we did to Raqqa. It’s your choice. We’re not forcing anybody.”

R Trojson

Every life is precious. Saving one old woman and her children is easy to make fun of during this endless war where 500,000 Syrians have already died. It is still important to save life whenever possible even though it would be more expedient, faster, cheaper to as the Pope back in 1209 said “kill them all and let God sort them out”.

Life is valued in the US as opposed to Syria where life appears cheap.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More likely they’re from villages outside the disputed pocket and not from the pocket itself. The Arab and Christian SDF can’t protect themselves in this area, dozens already captured and killed, how can they launch any sort of an offensive? When the Kurds come off strike, this pocket of Isis will disappear in less than 3 days, until they come off strike, this pocket will be left to fester.

R Trojson

You are absolutely right about the Kurds making quick work of this ISIS pocket. I am less optimistic than you about the Kurds returning to fight ISIS there when their land, women and children are being attacked in the north. They need every Kurdish fighter to take their land in the north back from the Turks and terrorists.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They have at least 60,000 Kurdish SDF, maybe another 20,000 in other Kurdish militias, a few thousand Christians and Arabs and they’re pitted against 1500 Isis in Hajin and 20,000 Turkish proxies in Aleppo [20,000 still in Idlib], so it’s something like nearly 90,000 against 21,500 if the Turks do invade. Look at the maps, there’s no fighting between the Kurds and the Turks proxies, just skirmishes and hit and run attacks. If the Kurds wanted to wipe out Isis they could, they just don’t want to right now, they’re waiting to see what Trump offers them. It’s not the US allowing Isis to fester as the insane LGBTQI media tries to tell you, it’s the Kurds themselves. The US and Trump are 2 totally separate entities now, the deeps state and Obama loved Isis and and wanted to stay in Syria, Trump hates Isis and wants to get out of Syria [and leave the Kurds in French hands]. Did you know that more than 30 Kurdish politicians from 2 separate political parties switched back to the pro US side, from the pro Assad camp about 2 weeks ago, negotiations are under way now and must be going well for the Kurds, before this, it was going the other way, pro US Kurds were switching to Assad’s side in droves. Cheers.

R Trojson

All good points. I expect Kurds to do what is in their best interest. Those poor devils have been victims of genocide, ethnic cleansing, you name it for hundreds of years. About time they get some say in their own survival. They appeared to get along with Assad before the war started, too bad Assad refuses to treat them with respect like an ally.

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