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MARCH 2025

US-backed Forces Promise To Fight Turkey If It Attacks YPG-held Afrin

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Following Turkish airstrikes on YPG/YPJ targets in Syria’s Afrin and a statement by Turkish President Erdogan that the Turkish military opeartion in the area is already “underway”, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a statement promising to fight the Turkish Army if it attacks Afrin.


We in the Syrian Democratic Forces are a peaceful  movement focused on defeating Daesh and bringing stability to Syria consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.  We seek a unified Syria, at peace with its neighbours.  We harbour no hostility towards anyone other than Daesh, which, thanks to our heroic fighters, has one foot in the grave.

We are in the midst of operations in eastern Syria to defeat Daesh once and for all.  We have lost a number of martyrs even in the last 24 hours in these battles against Daesh.  These operations are in the decisive phase and we are prepared to complete the.

The sudden and unjustified threats of offensive operations from Turkey into Afrin, Syria, threatens to breathe new life into Daesh.  These threats are wholly unjustified as we are determined to preserve the sovereign borders of Syria, and would not allow any hostile acts to launch against Turkey from Syrian soil, including from Afrin.  Allegations that we have launched attacks across the border are false and a pretext for Turkey to bring its military forces and its extremist opposition groups onto Syrian soil.  This would be an act of aggression against us, our people, and Syria.

If attacked, we will have no choice but to defend ourselves and our people, but we state in front of the world that we harbor no hostile intent towards Turkey and would only take measures in our own defence in the event of hostile operations against our people.

We call on Turkey to halt its unjustified threats and we call on the international community to ensure that all attention is paid to Daesh, which is not yet defeated, and to forging a lasting political solution in Syria to end the suffering of the Syrian people once and for all.

We, as Syrians, do not seek or need a new front after so many years of conflict and war.  It is time, after the defeat of Daesh, to focus on political reconciliation and rebuilding our country.

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Alan Foo

Great before Turkey’s attack SDF never used this kind of language as being part of Syria rather than separate part as desired by US.

Kurds know US is handicapped to attack Turkey and cannot control Turkey anymore. Looks like they are on their own .

Graeme Rymill

“before Turkey’s attack SDF never used this kind of language as being part of Syria”

Really? How about this in September 2017:

“Let me be perfectly clear: Our aim is to establish a federal system in Syria, to remain part of Syria.” [Mazlum Kobane – the chief commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces]



Note the word ‘FEDERAL STATE’

Don’t think Assad wants that.


Assad already spoke about this. He said that if they want a federation; this decision is upto Syrian people. A refarandum can be made.

I doubt Syrian people will vote Yes for a federal state. We all saw what happened in Iraq. Kurdistan Regional Goverment is a hub for foreign powers. US and its allies constantly visit KRG and ignore Baghdad.

Graeme Rymill

That’s up to Assad. A federal system works well in some countries. Switzerland is the classic example of a federal system.

Solomon Krupacek

already the name is confederation helvetica. not federation ;)

Graeme Rymill

According to Wikipedia no matter what they call it it is in fact a federation:

“while the country is still officially called the Swiss Confederation (Confoederatio Helvetica, Confédération suisse) this is also now a misnomer since the Swiss cantons lost their sovereign status in 1848”


Travis Kelso

the US is a Federal State, you guys don’t even know what this means.

Solomon Krupacek

but not in the spirit of modern western federal states. own army, no syrian army, no syrian policemen, no tax paying. practically independent state.

Tudor Miron

Tell it to Erdogan now :) Any more preconditions? Go on :)

Solomon Krupacek

free yakutsk! free kamchatka!

Tudor Miron

You keep failing to say from what they should be free. I again suggest you go there and lead freedom movement to its inevitable victory ;)


Syria is a federal system of government , the Kurds , ( really the US) wants to create an independent state , “Kurdistan”. There will only be one Syrian government , and the US will not rule it .

Weldon Cheek

Exactly,that is different to what the government are wanting ,plus they are in bed with a foriegn syate so just like fsa/hts etc.


Right. I am compelled to say they asked for their fate – disloyalty to Syria and selling their souls to the devil based on wanting to establish their own corridor. Rather than being used by the US, they should have consulted with the rightful sovereign government of Syria – but nooo – they opted to be traitors against their own country whose name they now cry out.


Then hand over the entirity of the territory you control over to Damascus, the legitimate goverment. This wall of text means NOTHING till they do what i said.

And this promise of fighting Turkey… Yeah, do that and give an excuse to Turkey to extend the operation into east of Euphrates lol.

Travis Kelso

Then they will fight, they have no other choice.


Don’t call the international community, call the Syrian government. Merge your armies and stop siding with the foreign powers that wants to split Syria.

Expo Marker

How will the SDF even get there? They will have to go through SAA territory, and I doubt Damascus will allow them to do so.


they can go thru the ephrates shiet area or through turkey…

Graeme Rymill

There have been unconfirmed reports of the SAA already allowing SDF passage to Afrin:



Since when has a so called wannabe federal state are building their own army doing their own diplomacy inviting illegal foreign armed forces harrasing government workera etc

Weldon Cheek

Thats how they go about killing all the kurds without firing a shot!! Let the turks do it for them!


Sdf has access to Afrin , just as SAA has access to their own enclaves in Hasakana.


This communique has all the hallmarks if being written by a US Military lawyer. It is lifeless.


That was so much moderate and so peace-loving it hurt my brain to read it. -.- Such a weak statement considering that Turkey wants to massacre them and impale them on pikes and leave them to die and rot for days. xD


They would not allow SAA , into Afrin to protect , Are we to weep for traitors .


Indeed, traitors they are.

Ryan Glantz



Is there much difference between kurds and is? They both are at the end the same. They are surported for the same purpose by the same group of people.

Tudor Miron

There’s some hope that Kurds may be smarter and realyze what’s best for them – surrender governing to their home state – Syria and it’s government.

Ryan Glantz

Let’s be honest, Kurds have a better track record in the human rights area.

The Latin Mass

Kurds want to encircle Syria with their allies Israhell to the sorth and the Kurds to the North. Kurds are with the terrorists – the jews. Let Turkey clean-up the terrorist Kurds and Assad clean-up the rest of the terrorists. This was prompted by the US wanting to build a maginot line to defend the terrorist Kurds. Before the jewnited states builds a maginot line, Turkey wants to destroy the Kurdish terrorists.

Tudor Miron

Really? Say it to Armenians.


Exactly, I already gave an answer without seeing your excellent answer, Tudor. What the Kurds did to the Amenians was so awful and much worse than all that ISIS did.


Are you kurds.. lol.. Talking about Armenians..? kah3..


Who carried out the awful genocide of the Amenian Christians? And that genocide was much worse. Count how many Christians the Kurds butchered compared to ISIS.

Ryan Glantz

I’ve always thought that was the Turk’s doing.

Solomon Krupacek

turks were the brain, kurds the hand.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Really tell that to the Arabs they have murdered and stole their lands and keep them locked up in camps. They refused the deal that would have removed the US from Syria and it’s co conspirators to sacrifice Kurds and minorities in Afrin. This deal meant the SAA establishing forces on the Northern Borders with Turkey accepting President Assad they conceded to, but the deal breaker was turning over the Deir Ez Zoir oilfields as the US wouldn’t allow it anyways and Tabqa dam would have reverted to Syria by virtue of US leaving. See they are about causing more bloodshed as their Sunni want is to do and very little about human rights.


Really ?, We need to remember their collaboration with the Turkeys in the Armenian genocide. So, forget about records.

Solomon Krupacek

you are bloody animals, too. such promitive nation does not deserve own country.


You dream, USA knows very well how to choose corrupt people as leaders of organization that USA want to control.


Thank you, Sir.


not smart, but desperate.. for if they are smart enough.. they could have foresee the current situation..! They’re too illicit that makes them stupid..!

The Latin Mass

Kurds and ISIS are both backed by the jewnited states and Israhell.


Who the hell even cares about ISIS anymore? It’s dead.

Ryan Glantz

Just changed uniform. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/781b9cc852ab3132018d360b22ceef15df3efe3b66eb8fb505c5d2814d18d69d.jpg

Graeme Rymill

How will Syria respond is the big question:

“Syrian Foreign Ministry has warned Turkey against taking hostile action in Afrin, saying that Damascus will consider it an act of aggression and undermine the country’s sovereignty.” https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-syria-threatens-hostile-action-towards-turkey-attack-afrin/

“ ‘Syria’s air defense has regained full strength and is ready to confront any Turkish air assault,’ Dr. Miqdad stated.” https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-fm-syrias-air-defense-regained-full-strength-ready-destroy-turkish-warplanes/

Is Syria bluffing?

Ryan Glantz

Turks are simply digging themselves into a hole with their offensive strategies.

Harry Smith

Turks has no other option. Thanks to stupidity of Washington elites.

Graeme Rymill

How is Washington to blame?


Washington , is to blame by remaining on Syrian soil after ISIS is defeated , and the “Border Force” , is simply the creation of a partitioned Syria , “Kurdistan” or as the Rand Corporation called it “Sunnistan” . This new nation will be built by the partition of four nations , Syria , Turkey , Iraq and Iran . It will be stillborn .

Harry Smith

SDF border security forces. Stupid move.

Graeme Rymill

Erdogan has been planning this for months if not longer…surely you can see the border security forces is just an excuse… and if it didn’t happen another excuse would have been found.

Large troop movements and the logistics needed to support them don’t just happen in a few days.

Solomon Krupacek

yanks alaso planned for months. and turkey has intelligence services.

Harry Smith

The border security forces is not an excuse, but last drop. Just imagine China or Russia training some anti-USA militants in Mexica and supplying them guns and ammo. Would you start the anti-militants operation? Yes, for sure! Is Turkey operation a long time planned? Of course! There are many players like Russia or Iran and Turkey hardly consulted with them couple months before.

Ryan Glantz



I am not sure. This looks very well planned by USA-Turkey, that is my impression.

Harry Smith

If this operation was planned by USA, then what gains USA will get in case of success of the operation?

Weldon Cheek

Christ,no one sees it!!! The u.s. wanted to carve up syria into seperate states within a state,that is now happening.

Harry Smith

It will happen if SDF will organize state-like forces to secure the borders and will establish civil governance on the territory they control. USA already said they want to stay in Syria to overthrow Al Assad. If SDF will succeed in establishing pro-USA quasi-state this will start another bloody civil war not only in Syria, but in Iraq and Turkey too. Because pro-USA Kurds will get the acces to the petrol incomes and would buy and distribute weapons to their people in Turkey and Iraq. And will fight against Assad in Syria. Turkey is now paying for it’s blindness. Never be allies with the servants of devil which western elites are. Indeed Von Bismarck was right when he said that it is bad to be enemy of Anglo-Saxons but it is much more worse to be their friend.


Good point, and excellent question. I’m watching for their (Syria’s) response, too. Also Iran, Russia and Turkey met last week before this aggression started. I would like to know what was said at the meeting?


Yes.. he enjoying his popcorns smilingly while waiting for the outcomes..! As long as I’m concerned he did not do anything when TAF bombed it.. they had a deal I guess..! I’m enjoying it too..!

Tudor Miron

I will repeat here what I posted in another article: “Kurds will realize that US are abandoning them just as they did in Iraq. Than they will realize that what they do – Syrian land grabbing puts them in illegal position and here’s Turkey to show them that independent Kurdistan is not welcome. Than (may be) they realize that only hope is returning within Syrian legal space – than Kurds gain completely legitimate support from Syrian state and its allies (Russia and Iran). It’s a bit too late now but there will be no legal reason for Erdogan to attack Afrin and SDF (their turn comes after Afrin) if they fully restore Assad’s government authority in Syrian lands that they illegally occupy now. Erdogan personality is a risky bit here. He really will be hard to remove from Syria but I still think that that will be easier than removing US.”

There are already signs of better understanding within Kurd’s ranks: “We seek a unified Syria, at peace with its neighbours.”, “We, as Syrians, do not seek or need a new front after so many years of conflict and war. It is time, after the defeat of Daesh, to focus on political reconciliation and rebuilding our country.”(c)

Ryan Glantz

The only reason Independent Kurdistan is not welcome is because this is the ethnic divide – https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/284fa1386bc338418888d18175cde982a31bd153ba837290cd262af2651ac938.jpg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Arab nationalism is what has happened to these current countries on the list for attack, they broke the imperialist condition of Sectarian division and why they want to reintroduce it. Look at the Gulf states not under attack they all have one thing in common Sectarian divide and Monarchies.

Solomon Krupacek

your map is correct. showes, thet kurs in syria are in outnumber only in very few parts of syria. they must retorn id 3 valleys, where is their lebensraum.


Yeah.. about this map.. what can one expect.. they’re nomads gypsies just like Bedouins.. they’re stateless.. they only roaming around.. Lol..

Solomon Krupacek

you, ruskie commmie point better on kremlin. your killer chief microputin betrayed syria, abandoned assad. he allowed to enter american and turkish soldiers the syrian soil.

the historical lecture is: if russia is your enemy or neutral, there is no harm for you. BUT if is allied, you are in trouble.


I am really desagree. Russia force saved Syria to be destroyed by terrorists (Israel-USA-NATO, Saudis, Qatar, Jordan, and Turkey). However, it is difficult to understand why they (with SAA) allowed SDF(US-puppets) to occupy the north part of Euphrates river and Omar oil field. It is difficult to undertand to declare a victory that it is not clear at all yet. It is difficult to understand whey most of thee strong Russia force left Syria when it was totally obvious what is happening right now.


“…betrayed syria, abandoned assad. he allowed to enter american and turkish soldiers the syrian soil” Thank you. Why does it seems that many can’t see what you (and I) see. Call it as it is.



“‘E’s gorn!” Sultan attacks Kurdish proxy forces.


That ‘statement’ sounds exactly like something the US State Department would write, it hits every one of their propaganda sound clip talking points.


I agree a 100%.


it has to be that waffle waiteress wrote it while vacation in binomo..

The Latin Mass

The Kurds sided with the jewnited states, Israhell and the rest of the zionists. They are a disgrace to the Muslim world and traitors. Erdogan is showing that the divide and conquer game of the jew will not work. Kurds are fighting on the wrong side. Assad is supported by Russia, so Turkey won’t attack Syria. This is about attacking the traitor Kurds, while Assad attacks the traitor foreign mercenary terrorists backed by Hell Aviv and Washington.


Rather you’re Conservative or Liberal. It doesn’t matter. The US’s bad choices has led to the world turning against it. Soon we will lose our Superpower Status and it will be handed over to a country that will treat it with responsibility and care.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes well stop been politically correct then and move your ass defending yourselves, before is too l;ate and the best defense in this case is attacking them before they own the ground, or none teach you this?


The sad part with the Kurds is that they have been made to fight a fight that is not even theirs. They are fighting another man’s war while they have forgotten their own war.

Daesh never was a mega threat towards the Kurds as the Turks are. You eventually get what you deserve forgetting your own issues


Btw this letter is soooo 2014-ish. The world has moved on and the Daesh card has expired by it’s date by far. This letter proves the definition of being out of fashion

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The legal mind that wrote this came over in 2013 and never really left, this is the best they can do.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This false statement of bogus platitudes of Syria unity and Syrian soil are so empty and devoid of thought and a total disconnect with reality. The Kurds refused a deal based on Syrian unity putting SAA troops on the Northern Border while they accepted Bashar Al Assad with the return of Syrian government in the region.This was the deal breaker the return of the Deir Ez Zoir Oilfields of which they refused and further added the US wouldn’t allow it anyways. Now you see how truly they are nothing but land thieves and murderers hiding behind a cloak of false righteousness. They are own self serving and hope their Tyrant overlord will come to their aide , that’s where they are mistaken as they can be easily replaced by a rebranding of ISIS/Al Qaeda as the NSA. Wish I wasn’t wrong in this but this is the objective and this will be remembered as a sad day of Folly in Kurdish history coming to an end.


Powerful discourse. Thanks for not biting your tongue.

Moussa Saab

I think I know what Turkey is onto..

Maybe they are attacking Afrin to provoke a response from the SDF or even better for Turkey the PKK from within Turkey. When this happens Turkey will be able to show the world (mainly the U.S/U.N) that SDF and PKK are synonymous and that Turkey should resume its operations to Rojava and to eliminate the Kurdish threat once and for all.


Up till now there have been bombings, shellings, probing attacks.

Only civillians have been killed. All the probing attacks up till now have been repelled.

SDF might consider going to counterattack around al Bab. Close to the SAA FSA/TSK lines.


¿ Really ? I am really want to see this. ¿ Two invaders and friends fighting each other ? How must we call this act of the theatre ?

Philip Nash

If the SDF attacks Turkey, then the US will have to attack the SDF under the NATO treaty principle of an attack on one is an attack on all.


That’s NATO’s infamous Article 5… I am not a lawyer (lol) but apparently there is a weasel clause – helping the NATO member being attacked is optional – occurs at the discretion of the individual NATO members. It’s looking like the US wants Syria partitioned more than they want Turkey in NATO – that or they have compete confidence they can bitch slap/bribe Turkey backing into the NATO fold after Syria is partitioned.

Solomon Krupacek

if the attacked coumtry ask for help, it is obligatory to help.


I checked Wikipedia – could not spot where this is stipulated… Trump cast doubt on Article 5 recently i.e. the US might not have your back if attacked after all… Article 5 was only invoked once – by the US after 9/11… point me to your source plz.


Hide Behind

US promises? Who we kidding? You could handle a pit viper and hope it did not strike you, and be in less danger than shaking an American military or politicos hand.


It is hard to guess what is going on behind the scenes. On the one hand Turkey may be demanding something in return for allowing the rebels being beaten in Idlib. In the Syrian context that may not make much sense. But not so long ago those rebels were supported by the Turkish government and very likely a big segment of the Turkish population has some sympathy for them. So scoring a win elsewhere may from Erdogan’s point of view be attractive.

On the other hand the Kurds of Afrin and Aleppo city have traditionally been the punching bags used by the Turks, the SAA and the Russians. It is the only way to teach the Kurds a lesson without getting entangled with the US army. The border security force has been cancelled but they may want more concessions from the Kurds. After all there is a chance that the US may still try to implement these plans – just naming the force differently.

Weldon Cheek

.must already be plenty of deas in afrin area already,kurdish cowards, talk a good foght like they did other week when they all ran away in iraq! Their already seeing how much U.S.A cares about them!!!


Yeah.. just like how they ran away and leave the Izadi women children & elderly to mouled by isis.. those cowards ran away took all weapon and leave nothing for the men to defend their loves one.. they died being killed and slaughtered by isis..! And now they barking for help from world community.. these gypsies are bastard & ungrateful.. the pariah of the ME..

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