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MARCH 2025

US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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On December 20, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that its fighters repelled an attack by ISIS on their positions in the villages of Hamam and Jaras Sharqi on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside. ISIS fighters had exploited a sand storm that hit the region to launch their attack, according to the SDF.

During the clashes in Hamam and Jaras Sharqi, the SDF lost three of its fighters and killed eleven members of ISIS.

ISIS also attacked a checkpoint of the SDF in the town of al-Shheell north of Hamam and Jaras Sharqi, according to Syrian oppositions sources. The sources said that seven civilians and a fighter of the SDF were killed in the attack, a Humvee armored vehicle was destroyed.

US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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In a related development, the SDF announced that 242 new fighters finished their training in the SDF camps, and that these new fighters will join the fight against ISIS in Deir Ezzor soon. According to the SDF, the new fighters are a part of a new border security force. This force wil be tasked with securing the SDF-held parts of the Syrian-Iraqi border once ISIS is defeated.

US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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US-backed Forces Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions In Deir Ezzor (Photos)

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Seriously can anyone intelligent enough explain to me what has SAA gained from ISIS being replaced by SDF and The US.

It’s like one enemy out and then a bigger enemy comes in. They have all the economy of Syria in their hands and sellng the oil right now on the cheap. They even created an admin to govern north syria with.

They repeated several times we are not going anywhere. It seems like they have settled down..

Assad and his Iranians guards are just bound to play second fiddle in this war despite all the sacrifices


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Well, someone has to govern any area. As Assad turned the north and north east over to anyone who wanted it in 2012, people there defended themselves against attacking sectarian islamist arabs. That they won, after end 2014 with help from US and a bit from Russia and in alliance between kurds, syriacs and arab tribal groups, against Jihadists, IS etc does not make them traitors. It also does not make them eager to hand over THEIR liberated lands to an absentee kleptocracy.


I don’t think it’s a replacement.

The goal has all along been to defeat terrorists and Kurds are not considered terrorists.

Kurds are to fight terrorists in their areas and SAA will fight in others. There was an understanding .not to fight each other and hence till now they have not clashed.

So after defeat of ISIS, then goal is the unification of Syria. How they settle and what areas will be decided in Sochi bearing in mind Turkey would not allow an Iraq Kurdistan type.

Of course if the Kurds want to force Federal states or keep their areas with US bases, war between them is a certainty

Peter Jennings

This is just theatre. The SDF are the next cia darlings being trained to keep the conflict going or to split Syria more or less in half.

Wasn’t this group one of the original ‘Syrian’ trouble makers who threw the burned bodies of Syrian postal workers from the roofs of their offices during ‘protests’? Was this the group who would bring weapons to peaceful protests and start firing them at police? Was this the group who murdered unarmed Syrian policemen as they went to and from work?

The only people who believe in this shower of shit are deluded america and nato.


No, those were Qatari, KSA and Turkish funded jihadists.

In fact, YPG only occupied areas AFTER SAA abandoned the north east and north in 2012, leaving kurds to the tender mercies of Al Qaeda, AAS and other jihadi groups, often working together until they were defeated by YPG in the north and IS in arab tribal areas. after which IS turned full on YPG

Peter Jennings

You are correct. however i will point out that a proportion of the FSA who organised those early attacks across Syria ultimately defected to the SDF.

Tarciso Ribeiro

How long those guys take to clear the east part of eupharates?or it just a theatre ?


Maybe as long as the 90k Iranian proxies need to clear the west part of the Euphrates?

Tarciso Ribeiro

LOL,ISIS kurds will take forever,or as long as their master tell them to.


Anha reports another batch of Euphrates Shield fighters defecting with their families to Manbij Military Council and joining SDF there.

This all boils down to a rapid increase in SDF forces in Manbij and a steady decline in the number of Turkish mercenaries in the Azaz colony. Likely SDF will monitor those defecting to SDF closely, at least until they are certain of the sincerity of those defecting.

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