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MARCH 2025

US-backed Forces Respond To Attack By “Unidentified Force” From Western Bank Of Euphrates

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US-backed Forces Respond To Attack By "Unidentified Force" From Western Bank Of Euphrates

SOURCE: sdf-press.com

On May 11, the US-led coalition announced in an official statement that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had returned fire at an unidentified force that shelled one of its positions in Deir Ezzor governorate. The coalition added the SDF had destroyed an artillery piece of the attackers.

According to Syrian opposition activists, the artillery piece that was destroyed by the SDF was stationed on the western bank of the Euphrates river, which is under the control of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

“We and our partners have repeatedly emphasized our non-negotiable right to self-defense,” said Major General Felix Gedney, deputy commander for strategy and support for the US-led coalition said in the statement.

The US-led coalition said that it discussed the incident with the Russian military via established ground and air deconfliction lines and stressed that the fire exchange didn’t result in any casualties on either side.

Hours after the incident, Syrian oppositions sources reported that clashes had erupted between the SDF and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the village of al-Salihiyah on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. This could mean that the SAA was the force that had shelled the SDF position earlier.

Recently, Deir Ezzor governorate has witnessed several clashes between the SDF and the SAA. On April 29, the SAA launched an attack on the SDF in the governorate. However, the US-Russian deconfliction line de-escalated the situation and imposed a ceasefire back then.

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leon mc pilibin

Fuck the traitorous Kurds,their day of reckoning will come sooner rather than later.


You can add, the traitors Sunnis, the traitors Russians and the traitors Turks. A lot of traitors.

Cyric London

Good point. Traitors all around.


What have the Russians done to betray the Syrians? As for Sunnis, many are at the highest levels of the Syrian government, military and business community. The Turks? Well, there I agree, but thankfully, the Russians have them on some sort of leash, even if the Turks did create havoc in Syria and are still a serious problem there.

Bill Wilson

Don’t forget the wealthy Syrian elites who’ve been making money off all sides during this war and really don’t want it to end since they’ve been making a killing.

Martin Houston

Proof please.


Useless to talk about what doesn’t exist.


In the beginning of the war, I said to not give USA any lands and use the right to defend to keep Syria sovereignty because USA will use this “right” to occupy lands. But, some so-called “experts” or “chessplayers” were saying to trust Putin. XD.

John Whitehot

they should trust you instead lol.


Better trust me. For now, I’m right on rather everything. XD. Or, trust someone who say to give half of your country to the ennemy and negociate with all your ennemies in the region. XD.

John Whitehot

i wouldn’t entrust you with taking the garbage out lmao.


Of course, clean your garbage by your own. XD.


Putin has been a godsend for the Syrians. This war will not end until all of Syria is recaptured and the country is again intact. The Chinese are poised to rebuild the country when that happens.

Elisabeth Jenders

Germany? Just gave a lot of money to the militants, and indoctrinating through all media how bad Assad and Putin are.


You are absolutely right, but don’t think that Germany won’t try to seek Syrian contracts after the country is at peace and use its connections with Iran to do it. It is better positioned to try because its NATO role is less visible than that of the U.S., U.K, or France.


People don’t tell you but it’s your duty to choose your doctor or your dentist, …. If you see that your doctor or dentist is not good or is a liar or steal you, change him.

Most people lie and most people steal, that’s what I learnt from life.


You obviously live in a bad neighbourhood, located in a country of lying, thieving shysters…..lol


I learnt it from what I saw in so-called trusted people like doctors, politicians, lawyers, …. and when I talk with people online because I don’t talk with liars in real life.

I noticed that so-called trusted people can’t be trusted in reality unless you choose the right ones.

I noticed also that those who cost more for society are politicians, insurances, bankers, functionnaries, teachers and the fucking notaries. They cost way more than people with no jobs.


I also noticed that third world people live in third world countries because they are third world people. The people make the country not the opposite. So, the third world people like to complain even if when you show them what they do and how they act, they don’t want to look and start saying that you are racist or whatever. Racism and antisetimistism the good excuses for the bad people.

Shylo Duffy


Elisabeth Jenders

True, but consider that many of these third world countries had been colonized and exploited by first world countries. Their wealth was stolen, their cultures and structures often destroyed, their pride shattered. I have often asked myself what these third world countries would look like if first world countries had just left them alone, or at best lent a helping hand without wanting to rule and exploit.


I know many, many people that don’t.


You hear that SAA… Great! There are Many Unindentified Black Ops going on From the Western Bank of the Euphrates… no one knows who they are anyway… seems like a perfect Strategy to Sting them a little here & There….it must have Been “The-Freedom-For-Syria-Liberation-Front”…or the “Kick-The-U.S.-Out-Of-Syria-Militia” All Moderate Peaceloving Folks that Need to be Armed in Removing F-UK-US Terrorists From Syrian Grounds….

Shylo Duffy

My exact thought as well.


IMHO, the U.S. military is the enforcement arm of those companies (including Genie Energy, in which the Rothschilds hold a valuable interest), that seek ownership of the oil fields in Eastern Syria (and eventually those that it does not already control in Iraq, and maybe one day, even Iran). The Kurds, like ISIS before them are to the U.S. easily replaceable proxies, nothing less, nothing more. The goal is to atomize and paralyze the Middle East and to make Israel the sole regional hegemon, and further the interests of the Rothschilds and their American cabal.


Rothschild & Friends Love the Gold from the Banks in Foreign Nations too

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/01bbca9016708e49eb794782dc39e5626f77c14c388439e56d58865a156b3ba7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4dc3fc702ef2a5928fe1d908d24b040122c355ee34caec802d47a899f4acd12f.jpg

They are doing those Heists every time they Loot a Country…. the Biggest Bankrobbers in the Whole Wide World…


USA is like politicians, religious personalities, insurances, banks, doctors, dentists, teachers or the fucking useless and theives notaries. People trust them because of what they think they are not on what they actually are.

Humans like slavery.


It is not only the USA I’m talking about, it is the Biggest Criminal Network in the World.. and these Criminals have to pay for their Crimes…. Death by Hangin’ or Firing Squad.. for High Treason… too bad our justice System is hijacked by these Criminal Psychopaths at the moment

Daniel Castro

For me they would go like Catilina, death by starvation.

Tom Tom

That’s satanic globalist elite criminal psychopaths, to you, mister.


Yeah those are the same ones…



Tony B.

Oh, drop the bullshit. Get your nose back in joint.

You can call me Al

I posted a similar comment yesterday on RI I think and no-one got it.

Tom Tom

got what?


The Biggest Assholes, too.

Tom Tom

Is that the gold that the U.S. stole from Libya’s central bank?


Nope this was the Iraqi Gold… but not all of it though in total it was something like 350.000 Kilo


Ariel Cohen

This is state-sanctioned international THEFT. ..


Invade and pillage, that’s how the US survives.

Val Shadowhawk

Yup. Just ask any indigenous person.



Is this you my Brother?

Val Shadowhawk

WWI General and Veteran, Smedley Butler wrote a Brief titled: “War is a Racket”. All of his experiences laid it out.

Elisabeth Jenders

https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html https://archive.org/details/WarIsARacket


Val Shadowhawk



On May 11, the pro Trump militants argue that the pro Trump illegal militants SDF had returned fire at an unidentified force may be allians that shelled one of its positions in Deir Ezzor governorate. The pro Trump militants SDF had destroyed an artillery piece of the attackers.


The SAA is making unstoppable progress in Southern Damascus.

The Israeli attack was not directed against Iranian positions as alleged by the Israeli and Western media, but instead against Syria to test its missile defense system. Even though the IAF threw everything into it, the defense system held up well, and furthermore, the Syrians responded with an attack on the Golan Heights. This was a first after many years, but was also restrained and limited to the Golan as opposed to territory within recognized Israeli borders to avoid initiating a pretext for another war.

I think the Israelis should have gotten the message from this that the Syrians can defend themselves and could at some point destroy everything Israel is building in the Golan (as well as Israel’s offshore wells, which are so important to its economic health).

As for the East, it has been reported that then Kurds who have replaced ISIS as the U.S. military’s proxy force policing the oil fields are now negotiating with the SAR, and if an agreement can be worked out, it will only be a matter of time before the U.S. will be under extreme pressure to leave.

Bottom line- Russian diplomacy and military strategy has been brilliant.


To be honest Americans and Israelis both are despicable because they both are migrants. I hate them both more than a pig. They are worst thieves in the world because they steal lands of other nations by force. I don’t know under which law these two morons keeping nuclear and biochemical weapons. Actually of the world majority of leaders are transgenders and gays. That is why they keep diplomatic relations with America and Israel.

Tom Tom

you hate ’em both more than a pig? What did a pig ever do to you?

Tony B.

Any “pro Trump gang” would simply be the same old neo cons, many of them not even U.S. citizens. Israelis and other Jews.

Tom Tom

pro-Trump or pro-Obomber, either way its bombs away.






Just do your due diligence and read the reports.


Yup, that’s your hat Yankee scumbag.

Tony B.

THe cabal is Rothschild, et al. Americans are just cannon fodder.


I don’t disagree.


Well by the picture above the cannon fodder enjoyed what it’s doing. Until shit hits the fan at least.

Vincent Van Zyl

US-BACKED FORCES RESPOND TO ATTACK BY “UNIDENTIFIED FORCE” FROM WESTERN BANK OF EUPHRATES. The US are backing them, because they saw the words “western bank” and got excited

Bill Wilson

You obviously don’t know jack about Syria’s oil reserves and field conditions. The good light sweet crude is in the NE in fields being operated by Assad’s government and shipped to refineries by Homs for refining. The fields around Deir Azzor contain a low grade very heavy (50% asphalt) and sour (6% sulfur) crude that requires expensive EOR (injection of natural gas) to get that crap out of the ground. That stuff is a PITA to refine into quality finished products so was exported at a discounted price to Western European refineries. They’re in no hurry to buy any again plus those fields are no longer in production due to battle damage and lack of skilled technicians. Syria has an estimate 2.5 bl barrels in reserve with the bulk of that being that crappy crude. Nobody in their right mind wants that crap except for the wealthy regional businessmen who made their money off those fields (well services, supplies, etc.) who have been sponsoring the local militias which were fool enough to attack the SDF and Coalition Forces in attempts to take control of the fields. Those fool adventures weren’t approved by Assad’s government nor Russia which is why the results have been ignored by them.

Tom Tom

Ultimately the Israeli’s plan on taking all of Syria up to the Euphrates.


True many of the fields produce Souedieh, or ‘crap’, as you refer to it, and much of Syria’s oil extraction infrastructure is seriously deteriorated or battle damaged and needs to be fully revamped and upgraded, and, according to Al-Furat some years ago, 65% of its extraction was possible through water injection, and in the case of souedieh, expensive EOR, but are you telling me that all of the Al-Furat fields captured by ISIS and later handed over to the YPG produce crap? What about al-Omar and al-Taim?


The oil production is not top grade, but the gas production is large, in the Omar fields, CONOCO.


Thanks for adding that.


Okay, the crude is crappy. So in what universe has that got anything to do with actual land rights? Do we need to brush up on what rights actually are?

Tom Tom

Absolutely, and through the mechanism of the CIA going into Iraq after Saddam was gone and paying off the Sunni tribes to not bomb anymore, AND to get their own country in western Iraq and eastern Syria, with Raqqa as their capital. ISIS was created with secret leadership of Saddam’s old Sunni Baathist military. This would serve to form the same bulwark against the Iranians for the Saudi’s and Israel. The Raqqa thing might not work out for them, but they’re stuck on the east side of the Euphrates pretty good. It would take a major war to get them out, which is coming (Ezekiel 38-39 war).

Val Shadowhawk

All you say is very correct.


I would guess that the culprit is the same local forces as last time. But frankly, who knows. There are enough mini wars just beneath the surface that it is often hard to tell who’s side a given militia is on.

Pave Way IV

“We and our partners have repeatedly emphasized our non-negotiable right to self-defense,” said Major General Felix Gedney…”

The (((CENTCOM))) cries out in pain as it strikes you.

Shylo Duffy

The US has no shame!

Elisabeth Jenders

When you have a powerful military, plenty of chuzpah, are a UN veto power, have Wall Street behind you, you need no shame.

Promitheas Apollonious

wall street it is a branch of city of london, in case you did not make the connection yet.

Elisabeth Jenders

Very true – thanks! And the Vatican, …

Promitheas Apollonious

The vatican is part of it, but has its own agenda. Kind of MAFIA groups, belonging to the same organization, but with a mind of their own how things must be done. hence the reason globalization fails to be established because at the critical moments for them, they start fighting between them who is in control something is good for us.

It has allowed us to fight them back when they was very much in control of the globe, both financially as well economically. And now they are screwed up and they know it and they are very scared unless Russia and China sell out the world, west is in its death throws.


Even if Russian Elitists & Chinese Elitists Sell out to the World… Humanity still will be the Other 99%… the Big Question is who’s Side will they be on?

Promitheas Apollonious

99% of the rest of the humanity are nothing but tax slaves whop will follow the system and what they fear with no questions asked or any resistance trying to survive. You see it happening right now so what it be different when the last hope of them to be saved is turn against them?

Humans are not what they used to be any more. Most of them are clones.


Yeah you are right…Genetically-Modified-Pea-Brains & Netflix-Zombies….well then there will be not much left for me then to Saddle me Horse & call me buddy Sancho Panza to fight sum Giants….


They shouldn’t even be there. Uninvited encroachers.


I also forget to talk about theses fucking mainstream jurnalists and so called experts you see everyday in TV or radio. Of course, it was so obvious that I idn’t talk about them. Of course, these people are way way more harmful for a society than unemployed and hobos.

Christian Gains

WHAT A G-d DAMNED Mess!!! I’m totally NOT agreeing to our being in there!!! BIG! HUGE MISTAKE!

Shylo Duffy

The nerve Of course the SAA is going to attack, the US acts as though no one dare attack them while there in Syria attacking them..I cant stand the bullies the US fighters have become they are worse or perhaps 5he exact same as the head choppers, I bet they taught them even worse 2ays to kill a person.How do they go home and cuddle their children knowing what they are doing to someone’ else’s kid.Grrrr Ive just had it with those Americans. I don’t blame the people I blame the sick bastards tat start every war.

Tony B.

Then learn something and blame the true CAUSE. The Rothschild cabal in the City of London that runs ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WITH ITS DEBT PRETENDING TO BE MONEY CRIMINAL SCAM. As long as you continue to attack SYMPTOM countries, you give the CAUSE a free pass playing there divide and conquer game.

Rodney Loder

At this stage the Anti-west coalition is more interested in creating an environment of customary events to allow the true realism of a war with Iran to make its way through the jingoism of Christian propoganda and register on the western home front market.

Kurds are likely to become the Palestinians of the Islamic world, so if there were mass migration to their SDF occupations that would go down well for both sides and free up a lot of wasted resources, the propoganda will be as bad as it can get whether some of it is true or not.

Toto Pinocci

Russia is just a weak third world country.. Putin, a coward is finally willing to surrender to the west!

You can call me Al

and you are a total tosser.


Yes he is a total tosser. Thankfully these days – there appears to be less of them on the internet.

Winnie Eldrup



International politics isn’t a pro-wrestling match, ok champ?


but yanks are able to do what they want. because they are not weak, third world country. :P

Tom Tom

they soon will be.


But should they behave like the Nazis – that we were trained to vilify?


Israel is a refugee camp for perverts. Harvey Weinstein will replace Netanyahu as Chief pervert of the knesset.

Tom Tom

“This could mean that the SAA was the force that had shelled the SDF position earlier.”

Of course. Time to move across the Euphrates in force.

Richard Crawford

Rothschilds?? A lot of puerile antisemitism going on, here. Are ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ part of the US National Curriculum now, or is it just ‘Mein Kampf’ and ‘Der Untergang des Abendlandes’?

I guess proper politico/social analysis is beyond the hayseeds who dominate the American media these days. KISS

Promitheas Apollonious

you have lost many books obviously. Try catching up.

Millavi MV

Actually, the Oded Yinon Plan (aka PNAC) is the foreign policy of the US. Then, We have Genie Energy company: https://me.me/i/since-the-outbreak-of-the-conflict-in-syria-israel-has-21438205


Drive them out, cut supply lines, launch cruise missiles into there until they surrender, Do it all in one night, it is possible for a leader who is determined. When dealing with the beast once you start, you must be overwhelming and do not stop until the enemy surrenders. Sorry General, you have no right to defend yourself on foreign soil that you invaded. You are the enemy General.. What size body bag do you take ? We can take up a collection for you and all the losers with you on the EAST of the Euphrates.


I’m guessing that this is the tip of the ice berg. And that the SDF is getting hit on regular basis by local loyalist and Syrian government coalition elements operating behind enemy lines in preparation for clearing the area east of the river once the clearing operations west of the river are further along.


S usual, non evidence at all of what they are talking about. Maybe they had a dream.

Millavi MV

Trump connection with the Rothschilds:


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