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US-backed Forces Seize Al-Suwar Town In Syria’s Deir Ezzor Province (Map)

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The Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have captured  al-Suwar town from ISIS in the province of Deir Ezzor.

Al-Suwar is an important crossroad town located northeast of Deir Ezzor city and north of the ISIS strong point of al-Busayrah. Controlling Al-Suwar, the SDF will be able to secure the northern flank of the SDF assault force that would advance towards the border with Iraq.

US-backed Forces Seize Al-Suwar Town In Syria's Deir Ezzor Province (Map)

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Behold a Pale Horse

Slant drilling will take care of this little problem.


Before the Kurds launched their own offensive and everybody was still in a euphoric mood after the relief of Deir Ezzor, I said that the SAA better cross the Euphrates ASAP and gun for town, and then the Iraqi border. Before the Kurds got their shit together in Raqqa and do it instead. Guess I was not pessimistic enough.

martin aguilar

Kurds have 0 possibility of a state. Siria-turkey-Iraq-Iran-Russia are against it. Only US-ISIS-Zionists want partition . The first are clearly winning the war. Its just a question of time.

You can call me Al

Have you seen both he Turks and the Iranians training at the so called Kurdish state border …. A fiver says that they reject independence.

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And so , what to make of Kurdistan independence moves in Iraq?

You can call me Al

The Omar fiield that the SAA captured with assistance of course, drawfs all the other fields put together.

Just sit back and watch and keep the faith. Consolidation and eliminating pockets of resistance are needed now AND THEN WATCH.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SDF still haven’t got their shit together and all they do is shoot videos at ISIS locations while the CIA mercs masquerading as US troops escort them. Why do you think a lot of that equipment is for. The US soldiers were sent to Raqqa since they refused to aid the Kurds, just a bunch of PMCs hired by CIA is all you see.

Bruce MacKinnon

They have gone to Suwar because that is where a bridge over the Kebar/Khabur river is. I’m am pretty sure they want to cross and get to the Omar oil fields which contain the majority of Syria’s oil. This would be US tactic, to fund the breakaway Rojava project they have in mind (Really, Israel has in mind) . Is it a matter of finders keepers or will SAA have to fight for it. Revenue from here will be vital for reconstruction of 12.5 million people towns, vs 2 million in Kurd area. Confrontation is likely coming. SAA has not prioritised this field. Stalled further up the river.


Mostly agreed with some add ons :

There are several bridges over the Khabur, which is a rather small river. To the south of Suhwar there are at least 4 of them. I do not know whether some or all have been destroyed.

Suhwar is a central town in the region and taking it means the will take, in time, the whole northern countryside, an importand agricultural region.

Northern Syria has some 4 to 5 million inhabitants, inclusing arabs and IDP’s of which somewhere between 2.5 to up tp 3 million are kurds (incl 600k+ kurdish refugees out of Aleppo city).

Your opinion on SDF is yours. I have mine.


One of these days, maybe sooner rather than later. The Syrian government coalition is going to drive straight through SDF held territory and the SDF isn’t going to be able to stop them. They’re obviously flying over it every day. What then Mr. expert, a US air strike or a stand down as the Syrian government reasserts sovereignty over Kurdish held areas?

And in that case, who are you going to say is the aggressor if hostilities occur, the Syrian government on Syrian land, or the Kurdish secessionists trying to partition Syria as part of the Jew world order regime change attempt?


Told you before.

I will not respond to sectarian rantings. Go have your rantings to someone of a like mind.

As for the Syrian government : they just stated discussion of autonomy within Syria to be feasable. As this is what SDF wants, the basis for an agreement seems to be there.


More Jew lies. The SDF wants regime change, secession and partition. If you have proof to the contrary then provide a link for it. They’ve been menacing and threatening the Syrian government for some time now.


Whatever. Have your phantasy as you like.


Truth isn’t fantasy. You just can’t back up your lies with facts ziotroll.

martin aguilar

Great truth Richard, the Dutch zio terrorist can´t shut up although every single day SAA is gaining Syrian land. I´m just smiling and waiting for final victory of Siria-Russia -iran. And US-ISIS-SDF-israel will be completely defeated. Long live Assad and Putin, heroes of Humanity.!


The Kurds will be negotiated with just like all of the other Jew world regime change elements making similar statements and engaging in similar seditious activity. They’l be contained and disarmed on an as needed basis. By force if necessary. How they are treated will be determined by how they behave.


“the Constitution of Syria and the Constitution of Rojava are legally incompatible with respect to legislative and executive authority”


That’s because the Kurds are engaged in sedition and the “Rojova Constitution” is an attempt at partition by people involved in treason.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The only one being sectarian is you and distorting the actual comment you need some help with your behavior and senile rantings. They said limited to the region they live in and Qamishilo is an Assyrian and Arab city, as they will correct the problems and try all those who are violating the rights afforded under the Syrian constitution.

Heard the Organized Predatory Criminal Witch-hunters is coming to an end of it’s mandate in Mid November and no extension is forth coming.


In the long run it is good that ISIS simply turned the oil and gas wells over to the Kurds without setting them on fire, like during the Gulf war in Kuwait. Now, when the SAA takes them back from the Kurds they will not likely set them on fire before retreating, creating a regional environmental disaster. Such an act would bring World wide condemnation.


I will just remind you , because I do like the Kurdish , that the town of Suhwar , the Khabur valley , and the oil fields , is Syrian territory , and is not for the taking . Kurdish peoples have been granted a large degree of autonomy , they do themselves , and the Syrian nation no favor by following the American agenda , it is only designed to prolong the war .


Syrian kurds are Syrians. The SDF is comprised of Syrian nationals.

They just will not accept the Assadist dictatorship anymore, wanting a secular, democratic, multi ethnic Syria.

The tale about Syrian kurds having a large degree of autonomy is a fable, a lie rather. Show me where the large degree of autonomy has been written down. Assads even took the passports and nationality of now 500k kurdish Syrianss


Yes we all know that you’re a Jew world order regime change supporter.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The number was 20,000 since the Kurdish govt is not a national govt they are not allowed to issue passports that was in the 60’s. Besides they had their passports legitimately done by the Syrian govt, not some wannabe Pasha.

Why do you always distort the facts and since when is a municipality authorizing intl. passports that will be recognized. Doesn’t happen anywhere in the world that accepts it or has to accept it.

Solomon Krupacek

IF RuAF is has balls, destroys the bridge. I am sure, they are castrated.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most are blown up and that one can be blown up before they cross, think ISIS is not liking the deal are some and it will be blown to secure that side.

Murray Smith

The knot was always going to pull tight. Do I see Uncle packing up his rent-a-force and going home? Nope Do I see the Syrian govt surrendering territory? Nope.


Very bad news for SAA. They have been blocked going to northeast, and for sure USA troops (so called kurds) will take over oil fields in Omar. So, a divide Syria country looks in the future. SAA troops had three weeks to cross the river and stop SDF, but they did nothing about it. So, the great victory in Deir Ezzor has becoome a great desappointment.

Manuel Flores Escobar

SAA troops are crossing Eufrates every hour to send there all military troops/equipment from west part in order to take petrol fields and cut SDF to advance along east Eufrates river!

martin aguilar

Gustavo hermano, lo tuyo no es la geo-politica. SAA avanza cada dia sin parar. Los Kurdos van a tener que retirarse y dejar las tierras a sus dueños: los sirios. Hablamos a fin de año ?

Solomon Krupacek


Graeme Rymill

Omar oil field’s oil producing capabilities may be overstated:


The natural gas is the money maker , not the oil .

Graeme Rymill

Omar oil field’s oil producing capabilities may be overstated: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b2f3d80ccc2f4417b507ea0eba6022b61bbdd061259c6130f4a4c6bb6f2b47cf.jpg


Enough to build a new nation (Kurdistan).

You can call me Al

I worked there for 4/5 weeks and was evacuated the day before the first Iraqi war. I designed and installed the water injection system.

The technology on the field is old; and in my mind obsolete:

I am not quite sure I understand your post as:

“The field was discovered in 1987. Originally the field produced at a peak of some 80,000 barrels per day (bpd) but production declined rapidly due to the lack of any pressure support. From 1991 onwards water injection was used at the site and between 1994-7 a plateau production level of 60-70,000 bpd was reached. As of 2008 the production rate had declined to 20,000 bpd.

Just remember that the field has not been fully maintained for 6 years. It’ll all come good.

George King

Ignored is the blockade being put in force on all borders of Kurdish territories including a blockade of any air flights to or from Iran which I suspect will be spread to all countries surrounding it. No oil exports and no exit or entry, it is starting to look more like Palestine than the Grand divide and conquer of Empire. In poker this is called a “Dead Man’s Hand”.

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Horse puckey, zkurdistan Syria already has a central govrrnment with z5 distinct sic “Republics: They have every ministry a country needs, with largest being Ministry of trade that has sent ministers to Israel and Several Euro nations asking for developers Read Euro papers it is no FN secret except in USoil trade journals are good starting point.

George King

Kurdistan has forfeited any role in the central goverment by its actions and collaborations with the very same destructive forces that brought death and destruction to the Syrian people. As in Iran, Iraq and soon Syria all airports and borders will be controlled by their respective nation states not any territories claiming independence.

So forget about any independent trade and collaboration with Israel or other demonic criminals from the outside having any say, “We will never allow another Israel in the middle east” has been written and declared. Read more than a few headlines today and tomorrow for verification of this. Russia announced today this will not stand…….

DJ Double D

What are the options for Russia at this point? Maybe ‘Air Drop’. But will there be any guarantee of survival? Maybe cut that pincer yellow stripe. It may even be that all those yellow color in fact hasn’t been captured by the Kurds. Something has to be done buddy. Just scratching heads doesn’t help at this point.

Solomon Krupacek

air drop never made and also will not make.

You can call me Al

Go Russia, send a few of your missiles.

Solomon Krupacek

they will send in e-mail.

Solomon Krupacek

sorry, but i must say: amnericans show, hos should make the winning strategy russians show, how to lose the future :(

it is enough to compare the BIG? BIG? BIG words of putin in okctober 2 years ago and the reality. i will never forget and forgive him, he invated yanks in syria for common fighting against isis. he allowed to build up of yank military bases in syria.

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Syria proper is, or will be, in piss poor finamcial straights in future UNLESS they retake those Kurd held oil fields. RUSSIA and Iran could really not Gove a damn as even loss let’s them stay in s Syrian bigger state. If those oil fields are so damn financialy piss poor then why and heck was Haliburton? ROTHCHILD AND MURDOCH GOING TO PUT PIPELINE TO MED SEA UNTIL SYRIA REFUSED? AND remember just what UAE Sheikedom Haliburton HQ are now located within.

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We armchair tactitions think we have it all figured out, but the winds of war are constantly shifting

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ALl financial dealings of both Iraq Kurdistan go through US largest embassy in Bhagdad, no need build new one in Syria that will do the same.


SDF (kurds, USA-puppets) will cross Nahr al Khabur river and going east to get oil fields in Oma, and SAA will not be able to do anything about this since SAA has lost weeks ago the oportunity to stop SDF. Now, the are blocked without a chance to move to this area. At least they (Russia-Syria) make something very extraordinary, if they want to.

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