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MARCH 2025

US-backed Kurdish Armed Groups Open Fire At Arab Protesters In Syria’s Al-Haskah Province

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US-backed Kurdish Armed Groups Open Fire At Arab Protesters In Syria's Al-Haskah Province

Protests in Ash-Shaddadi

Members of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have opened fire at Arab protesters in the area of Ash-Shaddadi in the Syrian province of al-Hasakah, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency reported on November 20 citing local sources.

According to the report, the protests started three days ago but the situation escalated on November 19 when several mortar shells launched by the YPG-led force hit civilian houses. The shells were fired during drills at the nearby shooting range.

According to reports from other sources, 3 civilians were injured as a resulf of this incident. This situation caused a new round of protests against the local Kurdish-controlled administration.

The YPG is the core of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and is actively receiving political and military support from the US. Currently, the YPG and its political wing known as the Democratic Union Party (PYD) control a large part of northeastern Syria, including a large Arab-populated area.

The YPG/PYD policy in the captured area causes tensions with the local population on the constant basis.

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Gregory Casey

The time is fast approaching when SAA together with Russians Hezbollah & Iranians will move to liberate North Eastern Syria from the YPG and SDF. Turkey will then find itself on the horns of a dilemna ……. assist in the military ops against the YPG and find itself fighting in alliance with Syrian State Forces? or retreat and look both foolish and lacking the courage of their oft-stated convictions.

You can call me Al

personally I doubt that the SDF will put up a fight against the SAA, if anything they may work together to clear the Yankers out. My view only and my hope.

Promitheas Apollonious

why you doubt?


Experience in Iraq. Peshmerga got whipped real quick, and half of them quit and stopped fighting when PMU and Military took back contested territory and border positions. Whole situation was over in a matter of 2 days.

When the Kurds fight a force that is far more powerful than they are and are given the choice to stop and be spared, many of them will stop. A few will keep fighting and get crushed.

Although I don’t think they’ll kick the Yanks out. The Yanks will do to them what they did to them in Iraq aswell. “We got you this far, you run that last mile yourself, prove you can do it.” That’s what the USA did to them in Iraq, and I imagine a similar situation will happen in Syria. Who knows though.

You can call me Al

Well, if I was them, I would be tired of war and increasingly worried about what happens next, after the war. If they go against the SAA, they will take casualties now, but after the war, day by say, their population will be reduced. Remember they have families and homes in Syria.

The Kurds in Iraq suffered when they started getting gobby wanting more, in Syria they will suffer economically and physically on a daily basis.

I think they went OTT in the above article and there will be revenge through the ages because of that, it is the Muslim way.

PS Sorry, I am very tired, but I hope you get my drift.

Gregory Casey

I hope you are correct but in the context of what has been happening with ethnic and cultural clearances and the attempts by Kurds to close down Assyrian Churches and Schools in areas across NE Syria I won’t be holding my breath ……. unfortunately.

You can call me Al

Dont you find it strange that these are the first days the Kurds have acted like this ?, it is almost as if they have some ISIS freaks in their ranks.

Gregory Casey

I don’t disagree!

Gregory Casey

My hope also Al!!


There’s the need of a political solution, any with a constitutional approach. As a lesson from history, agitation by language achieved nothing but misery.

Ya from Mosul ?

My heroes and the heroes of these and past days are our people with true belief. These days they are best participants in the war against crusader invaders. I am proud, proud of these people – the Islamic state of Iraq and the Iraqi people who stepped on the right side – to protect own people from invaders. https://youtu.be/DpriQrjT7tc?t=241

Vince Dhimos

I think you had better check with the Syrian people to see if they agree with you on this.

Morningstar ☝

They are traitors, they refused to support Saddams attack on Israel, they warned Israel instead. Now they deserve all of that.


Bro Saddam paid Israel compensation after attacking them so he doesn’t get removed from power. Biggest pussy move ever.

Why the fuck am I talking to a Daesh scum anyways? Fuck you. We whipped you and made you eat dirt.

Tommy Jensen

What about Assad? He visited Paris more than any other country, snitching Iraq to Israel and helped CIA by torturing US prisoners from Iraq in Damascus prisons. Then got backstabbed by them all for his favours.


You cannot even begin to compare Assad and Saddam. It’s not even close. I am not of those who thinks Assad is an angel or anything, but I tell you for sure he was nowhere remotely near as monstrous in his treatment of Syrians (most like him, and most say Syria was really good and safe prior to the whole 2011 thing) nor was he directly involved in any dumbass wars of aggression against other people nor was he burying people alive or using chemical weapons on them like Saddam was. If you’re saying Assad isn’t like a legit member of the resistance, especially before this whole debacle in Syria happened, you are correct. He was like Oman, or even Russia. A country that’s kinda sorta fence sitting, that sees Israel and the USA as too powerful, and wants to be their friend (“our western partners” and all that garbage Russians always say) but still look out for their interests before the US’ interests, and that didn’t like Saddam and was willing to help USA to get rid of him. But not directly fucking with everyone like Saudi, Qatar, Turks and UAE and Jordan. And I bet he wasn’t 100% pro the Palestinian situation either, and would have been okay with soothing ties with Israel if it gave back Golan Heights. Essentially, they looking out for their interests without outright opposing USA and Israel. Something Syria and Russia did a lot, especially before 2015. But after the war things changed.

Again, before this war, Assad was not part of the resistance (Iran, Hezbollah). But now it seems Syria has changed course. Even Russia is more provocative towards Israel and USA now.

Vince Dhimos

The sensible solution would be to grant the Kurds in northern Syria some degree of autonomy. There would have to be, however, strict protection of the Arabs in Kurdistan because the Kurds don’t get along with them too well. If you combined all the Kurdish regions in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran (the Kurdish dialects are Iranian, BTW), you would have a sizeable country and they need some sort of autonomy everywhere if the problem is to be solved.


That’s not a good solution Vince, that’s a recipe for future problems. Iraq is a clear example. Instead of demanding autonomy, it’s better to get involved in the political structure and be active like everybody else.

Kurds in Syria enjoyed autonomy, much more than any other group but their leaders proved they’re not worthy. They turned against the country which accepted them and gave them shelter after they were forced to leave Turkey, the land in which they used to live (because of their own actions, no country on earth is kindly towards the people who choose armed confrontation with it’s government. How they spread in that land is another matter which also brings painful memory for Armenians, Shi’as and Christians).

Why should they be treated differently? That’s the root cause of problem: A group of people expect everybody else’s respect, while not respecting in return and cooperate with the sworn enemies of the country. There’s nothing that blocks Kurds from participating in the power structure in these 4 countries (I acknowledging the situation in Turkey, a direct result of PKK attacks but still, many villages, towns and cities in eastern Turkey are being managed by Kurd elected officials), many Kurds do it but the problem is a small group of them who refuse to do that and threaten the ones who are doing it. It’s not a good idea to create a country by stealing land from others. 70 years of turmoil in ME is a living proof of that.

Promitheas Apollonious

Very true what you saying.

Vince Dhimos

Yes, it sounds like the voice of experience, Garga. Perhaps they just can’t be given more autonomy. If there is any hope at all, it will come from the Russians, who are master negotiators.


I wonder what country he is talking about with “stealing land from others” and “70 years of turmoil”??? Must be some country in Near East created around 1948. Hmmm.


Syria had given them a good deal, but they betrayed Syria because of American promises of wealth and power. Now they will get nothing.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s not a very fair assessment of the Kurdish plight in Syria. All Kurdish citizens of Syria have limited rights compared to other citizens. Kurdish language isn’t allowed to be spoken outside their homes anywhere in Syria, in some areas of Al-Hasakah it’s actually a criminal offence to speak Kurdish. There’s also a decree to inhibit the Kurds naming their children with Kurdish names, there isn’t an official law but Kurds find it hard to gain employment and receive government services if they don’t have an Arab name. About 80% of the Kurds in Syria are citizens but about 20% are not. About 250,000+ arrived from Turkey [after civil strife] about 85 years ago and up until the 1960’s, 3 or 4 generations later and now numbering about 4 to 500,000, they were included as Syrian citizens just like the native Syrian Kurds. In the 1970’s another group of Kurds moved into Syria without permission causing the Syrian government to over react and not only refuse them entry and citizenship, but also remove the citizenship rights for a further 12,000 Kurds who had been living there for generations. The Kurds tried to help the new immigrants by hiding their true identities from the Syrian government which incurred a huge [and understandable] backlash from the government, which they’ve been paying for ever since. Hence the original reason Syrians used say they’re untrustworthy, and that was before the civil war. Sometime before the civil war in Syria started [early 2000’s] some Kurds had their citizenship rights returned, but I think it’s still over 300,000 Kurds who don’t have Syrian citizenship now in Syria. Only 75,000 of them were illegal immigrants and don’t deserve citizenship, the rest have been living in Syria all their lives and so were their parents and their parents parents, I could even add another parent for some of them. Kurds are second class citizens in Turkey too, and Iraq, and Iran and everywhere else you look. But that’s too be expected when all of a sudden after WW2 the victorious allied countries divide the Persian Empire up into different countries and tell them all to go their separate ways, the Kurds had one big area they lived in turned into many, all of a sudden they were Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian kurds, not just Kurds anymore. They did the same thing to the poor Palestinians, they more took half their country and gave it to the Jews of Europe and Russia, and they still have a bad habit of dividing up or taking over other people’s countries even now, as we’ve just seen in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The Kurds aren’t good or bad, they’re just like everybody else, motivated by self interests.


You can’t just move to a country without being invited. From what you have said, the Kurds in Syria are treated much like illegal immigrants in the US UK and Australia. You can’t expect Syria to support millions of refugees.

“after WW2 the victorious allied countries divide the Persian Empire up into different countries” That is simply not true.

So maybe the rest of your claims are also lies?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Only 75,000 Kurds moved into Syria illegally back in the 70’s, the rest [250,000] were allowed in when the Turks were killing them 90 odd years ago, but the vast majority have always lived in Syria. Most of the Kurds living in Syria/Turkey/Iraq were all a part of the Persian Empire until the Ottomans took over the territory a few hundred years ago. They were all then made Turkish Kurds for a while, at least until the British beat the Turks and made half of them Iraqi and Syrian Kurds. Sorry I didn’t mean divide Iran into 2 different countries altogether, I meant when the Russians took over the north of Iran and the British had control of the south and wanted to divide the country much like the Russians and the US did to Germany after WW2, which was considered to be 2 different countries for 40 odd years. Wiki info — A series of border incidents in the 1830s again brought Persia and the Ottoman Empire to the brink of war. Britain and Russia offered to mediate, and a second Treaty of Erzurum was signed on 31 May 1847.[5] This treaty divided the disputed region between the two parties and provided for a boundary commission to delimit the entire border. The boundary commission’s work encountered several political setbacks but finally completed its task in 1914. — Referring to the Turkic Azerbaijan conflict. So they were meddling with Iran’s borders since before WW1. More wiki info — The Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran, also known as the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Persia, was the joint invasion of Iran in 1941 during the Second World War by the British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union. The invasion lasted from 25 August to 17 September 1941 and was codenamed Operation Countenance. Its purpose was to secure Iranian oil fields and ensure Allied supply lines (see the Persian Corridor) for the USSR, fighting against Axis forces on the Eastern Front. Though Iran was neutral, the Allies considered Reza Shah to be friendly to Germany, deposed him during the subsequent occupation and replaced him with his young son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.[2].


I know that sometimes I get harsh, but it’s not one of them. Most of the [historical] information you provided is wrong, you might want to take a second look at what you wrote and give me a confirmation, then I can answer.

And thank you for the polite reply while you disagree. It’s rare and I appreciate it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’ll have to let me know specifically what you believe I’ve erred about, I said a lot.


Kurds have had numerous opportunities to make war with the SAA, instead they prefer to take it up the arse from their Queer sugar daddi Yanki scum. Eventually, all you can do with these rats is put them 6 foot under.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s what’s happening right now, over 50 Kurdish delegations to Assad during the last 5 or 6 months requesting exactly that outcome in exchange for their renewed loyalty to the Syrian government, they’ve also offered to fight alongside the SAA against the Turks, and much much more, check Kurdish news sources, they say it openly and don’t hide what they’re saying. THEY WANT TO BOOT OUT TRUMP AND REJOIN ASSAD, THEN FIGHT THE TURKS AND TAKE BACK THEIR HOMELANDS, that’s what you read when you check Kurdish news outlets. There is a sensible solution to the problem and it’s taking place right now, but most of the people are missing it.

Mustafa Mehmet

Ypg news ?. takviri bastard news dream on time will come

Vince Dhimos

Thanks for tha encouraging info. Can you give us a link to a good Kurdish site?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No worries, http://www.kurdistan24.net/en/newslist https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/kurds https://www.iraqinews.com/tag/kurdistan/

Vince Dhimos

Thanks. Saved.

Vince Dhimos

I noticed that one of the pro-Kurdish sites ran a piece on how the Kurds showed their appreciation for McCain. They said he was their most loyal friends. I now understand why a lot of readers do not support the Kurds.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Kurds will reconcile with Assad and give back all US controlled territory they hold, and it’s only because Trump wants them too, he’s just getting the best deal he can for them before he leaves Syria, what he’s doing right now is making it real easy for Assad and the Kurds to reconcile. Here are just some articles that help explain the situation if your interested. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/07/backed-syrian-kurds-agree-roadmap-assad-government-180728082610203.html https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/syrias-kurds-return-al-assads-fold https://www.ft.com/content/3012a3c2-9fb4-11e8-85da-eeb7a9ce36e4 http://www.rudaw.net/english/analysis/10092018 -Not all the Kurds want to reconcile with Assad as the article tells us, but the vast majority do, as well as most of their leadership. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/any-agreement-between-syrian-govt-kurds-will-be-historic-turning-point-kurdish-leader/ https://southfront.org/kurdish-forces-will-support-syrian-military-attack-in-idlib-if-it-helps-them-retake-afrin/ https://www.mintpressnews.com/syria-peace-process/247652/ https://www.mideastcenter.org/research-blog/assad-tests-negotiations-with-kurds-in-eastern-syria

Gregory Casey

I hope what you say is correct!!


They had that, but they want more, they are like the Israelis, they always want more.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yeah right

Promitheas Apollonious

zionist dogs is to be expected of them. Time for the SAA to protect their population from the ones who occupy their land.

Zionism = EVIL

Kurds are a small despised Zionist and US puppets minority in a 99.99% Arab region. The Kurds are already hated in Turkey, barely tolerated in Iran and despised in Iraq and will face wipe out if they continue to act as agents of US and Zionism.


Of course, there will be conflicting accounts revolving around the definitions of the words “protest” and “open fire,” but it would not surprise me if some local did use excessive force. Back to business as usual in Syrian politics…


If these reports are true, then soon there will be a ‘kurdish spring’

Jens Holm

So all that for some too fiendly fire and accident.

Even so I see the same babling nonsense about anything else. How many was killed = 0.

You have it as deserved. No wonders the 12 mio have no homes, because You are the thieves of any peace there.

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